farginen · 2 years
⭐ @yinseal liked for a starter.
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“ sorry for coming to see you at this time,  i know it's late... ”
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“ i just ⸺ i didn't know who else to go to. ”
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a-zif · 1 year
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@yinseal / starter call
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“ your hair! ”   there's an audible gasp immediately after followed by hands covering her mouth apologetically.   “ohmygod. i'm so sorry, your hair is really pretty. ”
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fullmtal · 2 years
Carefully, like a gentle rain on dry Earth
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You've been left beaten down and by someone you really trusted and loved, so now love doesn't come easy for you. You want it to. You want to love and be loved, but you're not sure you remember how. So you need someone else to take the lead. They have to be gentle and sweet and patient. They have to watch out for you, and make sure you're doing okay, because most days you feel a little fragile, if not totally shattered. But someone will come along who will put those pieces back together again.
tagged by: @pessimistics thank you hart, oof our boys got the same. tagging: @farginen @alchadex @kingsleyer @hongdiwang  @yinseal @zelotae @akashicmuses @lunaferrous​ @sheyearns​ @nulltune​ @nigromante​ @toshapeshift​ @gamenu​ @desuetmort @redemptioninterlude @ofinvidia + honestly everyone who wants to is tagged!
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hakune-a · 3 years
@yinseal:  😳 for ed :gun:
[ text  /  sakura,  6:14pm ] hey, Sakura [ text  /  sakura,  6:14pm ] I got your number from Winry [ text  /  sakura,  6:15pm ] and I would just like to CLARIFY [ text  /  sakura,  6:16pm ] that I DIDN’T KNOW YOU TOLD WINRY YOU “NEEDED THE APARTMENT,” OKAY [ text  /  sakura,  6:16pm ] and I DEFINITELY didn’t know that GREED WAS GOING TO BE THERE [ text  /  sakura,  6:18pm ] I just wanted to surprise her [ text  /  sakura,  6:18pm ] :(
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dolcetters · 3 years
@yinseal​ asked: "i always wondered if i'd be good at swords, since i'm good at surgery. it seems i'm  sharp  enough"  :) 
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▐│∶x∶; —                                 he’d visibly perked up at her expressed interest… only to find out this was yet another shitty pun. dolcetto blinks once--the joke taking a second or so longer to register due to the jolt of excitement--before he lets out a loud snort. 
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             ❛ i hate you, ❜
he says ( trying to hide the snicker trailing on his tone ).
             ❛ i hate you so fucking much. ❜
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unermuedliich · 3 years
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@yinseal​ :  " how far would you go to protect the ones you love? " / for riza!
DRAMATIC PROMPTS // accepting.
It’s not a question that takes the young woman by surprise, per se. 
Riza’s brown eyes found Sakura’s face for a brief second, blinking, one, two times. She kept a calm expression,  hardly betraying her train of thought. ( Perhaps Sakura asking her caught her slightly by surprise, but if anything, Riza was aware that the one inquiring likely had thought about this enough, as well. )
On the contrary, this, this was something she had meditated upon times prior, it was such a pivotal aspect of her work, her own beliefs. She had concluded long ago that she would keep picking up a weapon, keep facing danger head-on if it meant to shield, guard those who mattered. 
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“ All the way. ” She replied, almost within the beat of her heart, but it’s the sincerest answer to the question.  “ You shouldn’t ever shy away from doing what needs to be done in order to protect those important to you. No matter how dire the situation may seem. To me, protecting their lives will always hold the highest priority. There is next to none I wouldn’t do in order to ensure their safety.”
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pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for yinseal : so @yinseal is easily one of the most lovely and kind people i’ve had the blessing to meet in the RPC. kim is not only a delight to talk to OOC and a delightful presence on the dash, but she’s hilarious, dangerously observant  (she will attack your muse directly in the heart and smile innocently afterward), and her writing for sakura is just: simply divine. talk about emotionally driven, attentive, and so beautifully worded. we gobble up her  writing like the finest cuisine. thank you so much for sharing your writing and love with us, kim. you are certified: neat dude.
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shiryonsheli · 4 years
👀 + what is al's relationship / view of his dad? is he more forgiving towards hohenheim? does he understand ed's anger towards him?
@yinseal | honesty meme
Alphonse shifts.
To tell the truth, the topic makes him a little uncomfortable, but not in the sense that he doesn’t want to talk about it--just the opposite, actually. He not only wants to talk to and about his father, but thinks Ed should, as well, not that suggesting as much could every end anything but poorly. 
“When Dad went away,” he starts quietly, “we were too young to understand why, and Mom didn’t give us a reason in the first place. I missed him a lot and, heheh, I definitely cried about it a lot, but I never got angry quite like Ed did. We were both hurting, but it was different for him.” Alphonse quiets. “I think he blames Dad for mom dying or...Or at least leaving us alone.” 
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“Of course we had the Rockbells! We weren’t totally alone! But it was always a little...Our dad was out there alive somewhere and not with us so it seems like we shouldn’t have had to rely on the Rockbells, you know?” There’s a cadence to Al’s voice, a dash of unintentional bitterness to his words he himself is unaware that he’s harboring. 
“Anyway, that is to say I get it. But when I think about that time before Mom died, I remember her missing him, but she was never mad at him. She never had anything bad to say about him. She’d just tell us he loved us or changed the topic...and sometimes she’d tell us stories about when the two of them were younger, although if I’m honest, it’s all a little hazy now.”
Alphonse pauses. There’s more he wants to say, but it’s not relevant to the question.
“I guess I’m not really mad at him,” he sounds convincing, “but I do miss him a lot. I’d like to see him again...I still love him!”
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forsakenflora · 4 years
@yinseal​:  but at least he shows strong fatherhood material  :) @dolcetters​: M   O M M M
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....stares at obliviously ...... eh?
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cavaliiere-a · 4 years
abatina and aloe!
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abatina :   is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time   (   due to becoming more educated on the topic ,   certain experiences  ,   etc .   ) ,   or that they   would   change their mind about under certain circumstances ?  
Actually -- the Havoc General Store. Growing up, he didn’t necessarily mind helping out with the store, aiding his parents & grandparents from time to time. At one point, he even sold fresh eggs at a little stand outside the store & they were quite popular amongst the townsfolk. However, growing older, he wasn’t ready to succumb to that slower lifestyle, the quiet ‘ find a partner & settle down, take over the store ‘ ideology that his father, in particular, tried to push on him. 
Though he gets homesick on occasion, he’s happier with the more active military lifestyle despite the tension & stress that comes with certain tasks. 
After the incident with Lust, he left to go home with his mother & he began to help out more with the store, even converting it ( his parents have no knowledge of his shady business dealings ) to aid them during the Promised Day. It was then that he began to rethink the idea of settling down & taking over the shop once his parents are willing to let it go. 
aloe :   how does your muse handle grief ?
Not  well,  he doesn’t have many coping mechanisms when it comes to grief. Typically he falls back onto his smoking habits, taking even more breaks than he usually would, or he is very irritable & agitated with himself & those around him.      @yinseal : // ♞
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farginen · 2 years
settles herself at riza's desk. gets comfy. places hands neatly before her on the table. "pegging. your thoughts?"
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“ i think, ”   riza begins carefully, but her response is as earnest as it can be. somehow, she doesn't even question her friend.   “ pegging is cute. ”
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movedfistsbled · 4 years
@yinseal​                                                                                             liked.     💚
sleep    eluded    him    like    the    plague    .                                     too  often  did  he  dream  of  neji  ,       visage  so           crudely    apathetic          ,  lee  would  have  prefered  to  be  yelled  at  .      words  of  hatred  were  easier  to  endure  than  his  rival’s        silence        .         quite  the  opposite  when  he  dreamed  of  his  beloved  master  .      defeaning  noise  of  chakra  bellowing  ,  gai’s  screams  ;  determination  mixed  with        agony    far    beyond    his    understanding        .             more  often  than  not  lee  woke  with  the        taste    of    ash        in  his  mouth  .
so  rock  lee  wanders  konoha’s  streets  ,    busy    even  during  nighttime  .            it  did  not  occur  to  him  that  he  passed  the  hospital  for  the  fifth  time  already  ,  onxy  eyes  not  daring  to  lift  .                                     he    could    see    gai’s    room    from    here                                      with  a  quickened  pace  konoha’s  youth  passed  the  next  corner  ,  not  even  caring  to  where  the  side  street  would  lead  him  .        as  long  as  it  was         away         .                              it’s     unlike     you     to     not     visit     gai                                           a  much  too  familiar  voice  tore  lee  from  near  catatonic  state  ,         &&         from  the  corner  of  his  eyes  leaf’s  shinobi  swore  he  saw  neji  .           leaning  against  the  nearest  tree  in  his  usual        cool        ,        aggravatingly    casual        manner  .         it  took  lee  a  few  seconds  to  realize  it  was    sakura    instead  .                                                                            ❛            y          you    here    ,    sakura    -    san    ??                      what    a    coincidence    .            ❜
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karakura · 4 years
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@yinseal.   ❛ Conventionality is not morality. ❜ for byakuya!
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      ❛      𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝗮𝘀 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗲𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗶𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝘂𝘁𝗵.      ❜      silence reigned in the aftermath of the weight his words carried,   the timbre of spoken syllables unmoving.   slate grey hues hid the same tale within,   cold contemplation born out of respect for the other's view.   standing beneath the summer sun,   the warmth did not reflect in the speech of kuchiki byakuya   ——   it was cool as haruno sakura relayed her opinion in blind faith.   leaves rustled gently in the passing breeze,   an ocean of green that offered more comfort than all that his own stare encompassed.   so it was,   an unwanted stalemate,   utterly fruitless in both of their demands.
      ❛      i see.      ❜      to remain ever stagnant,   𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗸𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝘀𝗼 𝘄𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗱   ——   the familiarity of her current surroundings should have been defined as conventional.   those above him wished differently,   spellbound by the intrigue of her knowledge   &   skill.   however,   it was not in his personal interest to sway lingering thoughts otherwise   ;   he had only been the bearer of news,   unwilling to influence a mere task with muddled beliefs.   the mortal wished not to give up such privileges.   yet,   a simple answer pierced with negation would have sufficed in the eyes of the noble,   insouciance clear.   lips parted once more.
      ❛      do you consider this removed from conventionality   ?      ❜
jane eyre book starters.      /      accepting.
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toscrve · 4 years
is there even another steve rogers? is there anyone who could master talent prose skill? your steve and everything you write is legends only
*  @yinseal ;  beep beep how’s my portrayal?
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   ma’am ? do you take joy in making me cry ? but also, PLEASE...... remember you write so well and especially because you have written characters that have completely opposing personalities, & you breathe life into them with so much ease.... so please.... check urself :/
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hakune-a · 3 years
@yinseal:  "you'd think cooking would be close enough to chemistry," she says / mournfully, kneading at the dough that was once so hopeful of being pie. it's crumbling, adamant in its refusal to be shaped, as unlike winry's as day and night. "maybe we can feed it to the cows?"
“you have no idea how much you sounded like ed just now,” winry retorts back, shooting a soft, almost apologetic smile as if she’s already regretful of the comparison made. her love of cooking stretches way back to a time when she was more innocent  /  determined to keep her promises. like with each of her other passions, baking was something she poured her heart into so that she could put a smile on the faces of the people she cared about. “it’ll turn out a lot better once you make it a couple of times.” and for someone as smart as sakura, she’ll bet it won’t take much longer, “you should’ve been here when the elrics first came back,” a fond smile tugs at the corner of her mouth as she recalls the memory, “al wanted apple pie for a week straight.”
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dolcetters · 3 years
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@yinseal​ back at it again at krispy kreme: "hey dol."  she's got him this time;  nearly appears before him in a puff of smoke,  smile wide and innocent.   "why was the skeleton fired from his job?"   the art of the pause   -   she takes her moment,   before leaning in conspiratorially.   "his boss said he was a lazy bones!"
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▐│∶x∶; —                            ❛ --ahhhh, ah-ah. ❜
he chuckles, drumming his fingers on the island’s counter. thought she snuck up on him while he was still waking up--not even halfway through the morning brew, eh? clever. real clever. 
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             ❛ c’mon, sakura, i saw that one comin’ a mile                away. not bad, though. not bad. poor guy.                must’ve been a complete numbskull to slack                around like that. ❜
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