#yk compared to the other stories i had for the noldor and vanyar these guys are relatively chill
xiphoid-processing · 1 year
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The Descent of the Nelyar
this took me almost ridiculously long bc i lost inspo halfway thru lmao anyways
Name stuff under cut!
Early, middle, and late Quenya = EQ, MQ, LQ. Primitive elvish = PE. early, middle, late Sindarin = ES(Gnomish), MS(Noldorin), LS. anything with a ? is unknown or debatable
Enel [PE] - Three (Masc.)
Enelyē [PE] - Three (Fem.)
Turuksrawā [PE] - Strong-body
Kalþexē [PE] - Bright-Eyed
Airomālō [PE] - Friend of the Ocean
Ayphel [PE] - Sea Foam
Phānagorē [PE] - Clouded Mind
Kalnauthē [PE] - Bright Imagination
Nē̆nsak [PE] - Water-Drawn
Uklā [PE] - Gloomy
Wanwakhīnā [PE] - Lost Child
Esteler [PE] - Person of Hope
Walamai [PE] - Well Fortuned
Khūer [PE] - Cursed One
Túramo [PE-MQ] - Great One
Rilyalitsë [PE-MQ] - Glittering Sand
Tanoquetië [EQ-LQ] - Word Smith
Laureóma [EQ-LQ] - Golden-Voiced
Melian [?ES-LS?] - Dear Gift?
Elwë [?PE-LQ?] - Star?
Singollo [EQ-LQ] - Grey-cloak/Greymantle
Olwë [?MQ-LQ?] - Dreamer?/Becomer?
Alhonda [EQ-LQ] - Fair-Heart
Maiwehlón [EQ-LQ] - Gull-sounding
Mélamo [EQ-LQ] - Loving One
Elmo [?EQ-LQ?] - Star-person?
Elentir [EQ-LQ] - Star-Gazer
Lindaiwë [EQ-LQ] - Song-Bird
Filwalepë [EQ-LQ] - Thin Fingered
Lúthien [MS-LS] - Daughter of Flowers (also Wanderer or Enchantress in earlier versions)
Falasto [EQ-LQ] - Foam, Surge
Henkalino (Hencalino) [EQ-LQ] - Bright-Eyed
Éllindo [EQ-LQ] - Star-Singer (a play off Elulindo, a stated theoretical son of Olwë)
Luinpempë [EQ-LQ] - Blue-lip
Eärwen [EQ-LQ] - Sea-Maiden
Alquahéri [EQ-LQ] - Swan-Lady
Galadhon [MS-LS] - Tree
Malengôf [ES-MS] - Yellow Fruit
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