#also FUCK the peacock feathers that shit was HELL
xiphoid-processing · 1 year
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The Descent of the Nelyar
this took me almost ridiculously long bc i lost inspo halfway thru lmao anyways
Name stuff under cut!
Early, middle, and late Quenya = EQ, MQ, LQ. Primitive elvish = PE. early, middle, late Sindarin = ES(Gnomish), MS(Noldorin), LS. anything with a ? is unknown or debatable
Enel [PE] - Three (Masc.)
Enelyē [PE] - Three (Fem.)
Turuksrawā [PE] - Strong-body
Kalþexē [PE] - Bright-Eyed
Airomālō [PE] - Friend of the Ocean
Ayphel [PE] - Sea Foam
Phānagorē [PE] - Clouded Mind
Kalnauthē [PE] - Bright Imagination
Nē̆nsak [PE] - Water-Drawn
Uklā [PE] - Gloomy
Wanwakhīnā [PE] - Lost Child
Esteler [PE] - Person of Hope
Walamai [PE] - Well Fortuned
Khūer [PE] - Cursed One
Túramo [PE-MQ] - Great One
Rilyalitsë [PE-MQ] - Glittering Sand
Tanoquetië [EQ-LQ] - Word Smith
Laureóma [EQ-LQ] - Golden-Voiced
Melian [?ES-LS?] - Dear Gift?
Elwë [?PE-LQ?] - Star?
Singollo [EQ-LQ] - Grey-cloak/Greymantle
Olwë [?MQ-LQ?] - Dreamer?/Becomer?
Alhonda [EQ-LQ] - Fair-Heart
Maiwehlón [EQ-LQ] - Gull-sounding
Mélamo [EQ-LQ] - Loving One
Elmo [?EQ-LQ?] - Star-person?
Elentir [EQ-LQ] - Star-Gazer
Lindaiwë [EQ-LQ] - Song-Bird
Filwalepë [EQ-LQ] - Thin Fingered
Lúthien [MS-LS] - Daughter of Flowers (also Wanderer or Enchantress in earlier versions)
Falasto [EQ-LQ] - Foam, Surge
Henkalino (Hencalino) [EQ-LQ] - Bright-Eyed
Éllindo [EQ-LQ] - Star-Singer (a play off Elulindo, a stated theoretical son of Olwë)
Luinpempë [EQ-LQ] - Blue-lip
Eärwen [EQ-LQ] - Sea-Maiden
Alquahéri [EQ-LQ] - Swan-Lady
Galadhon [MS-LS] - Tree
Malengôf [ES-MS] - Yellow Fruit
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dangopango00 · 4 months
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Random Om demon hcs + OM Demons x gn reader
Pt. 1 (Lucifer, Mammon, Levi) | Pt. 2 (4567) | Pt. 3 (Royal Trio) Coming soon
CW: suggestive but not much, just “slut” used in regard to clothing and vague suggestion of leviathan with two. 👍
A/N: ive had om since like fuck idk since that first genie event or sth WHATEVER the point is its been a MINUTE and i only JUST watched the anime 😭😭😭 theyre so sweet and silly i cant take witttttt i need to write for them i love them all so muxygehwhwhshshwbwb I swearrr om is one of the only otome where i can gaf about more than 2 or 3 characters
Also u should read them. All; I throw in general hcs too
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Lucifer: The Peacock
- I think his wings should have eyes in them like its such a missed opportunity for a reference to his animal counterpart (peacock), a reference to biblical angels and a reference to the fact that he always somehow knows what everyone’s up to and what their ulterior motives are. Ik he has a few on his outfit but it just doesn’t give that otherworldly creature dread feeling you should get when looking at a demon (Not to go on a tangent but when I see a hot demon character I want to be afraid of them but then go “wait why is this hot”)
- Also while he technically has 4 wings, I think that when he flares out his wings they should expand in such a way that makes it appear like he has more
- I imagine his wings stretch out and look bigger whenever he feels proud of and satisfied with himself— esp when he’s around you; its cute tbh but he also does it when hes super pissed; are you gonna take that chance? 🤔
- Imagine if the little diamond on his forehead was a closed eye and every now and again it opens especially when he feels as if his pride is threatened or when he’s generally angry. Personally I think that would be sick af
- I KNOW THE MARKINGS ARE JUST LIKE BIRTHMARKS BUT IMAGINE THEY FEEL DIFFERENT FROM THE NORMAL SKIN like Lucifer’s markings could be feathers covering his jaw and below (see: Howl Pendragon bird form, kinda) and they feel like real feathers too
- I think we all agree that whenever he feels protective of you he’d wrap his wings around you and shield you from anyone’s view but his own
- Keeps a feather on you (probably gives it to you as a gift) so he can keep an eye on you at all times (This is not a pun; imo he can see through the eyes on his wings when he closes his main eyes and opens his third)
- Pact mark spans from the nape of your neck to about 1/3 your spine (pretty big but not humongous) and is in the shape of a peacock feather but when his powers/benefits are used the barbs of the feather move in a way similar to fire and the eye in the center opens (it kinda tickles and/or sends a chill down your spine)
- Pact mark allows him to locate you in pretty much any place without an uber powerful magic barrier or like interference (Which I think would make sense considering he always knows what’s up + he DID say making a pact with him entails you are his and he is yours [since you can summon him wnv I think and command him to do stuff])
- Something he already does but I just noticed lines up with peacocks is tilting his head when he’s sick of everyone’s shit
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Mammon: The Corvid
- I think his wings are nicely placed but I would make them curl/angle upwards more to more resemble bird wings (Ik Lucifer is the bird wing guy but hes a bird too 😞😞) kinda like this
- I think that while the bones are exposed on his wings, on the back of the wings there should be patches of feathers showing he lost them in his fall from grace aaaa 😫😫😫
- I know the demons have either wings or tails but like. Entertain this thought: Mammon with cute lil tail feathers 😭😭 mammon with a bird tail would just fit so well im sorry
- He subconsciously lowers/bows his head while talking to people he respects and admires (like you and Lucifer) like laying his head down on his arm or desk or sth
- Collects stuff that looks interesting— stuff he thinks he can probably use or fix up and sell. Pretty much proven but I feel I should emphasize how bad it gets, like he needs to clean his room at least weekly or his room will be full of junk 😭 (he js like me fr)
- Great at impressions; I THINK this was included in the story at one point (?) but idk so I will mention it here. Give him a voice and he can mimic it pretty well (Brothers would def use this to their advantage for silly little schemes if mammon weren’t charging an arm and a leg for his services gn)
- Will engage in anything he finds interesting and stimulating; the reason he sucks ass in school isn’t really because hes dumb but he has a hard time focusing on shit that isnt stimulating (that’s kinda how it is for most people but like especially for him, he indulges heavily into freedom/temptation; usually won’t do anything he doesn’t want to)
- Blinged OUT. More rings, a gold necklace thing (those thick round ones), more ear piercings and i like the drawing someone did with his fangs being gold however ntm as the absence of such things also shows his balance between his heavenly virtue and deadly sin (Charity vs Greed) and how despite his sin he really can be a modest guy
- Markings should cover his face and be little portals that let him summon grabby hands and sometimes he gets you stuff and sends it through the portal on your body (your pact mark)
- Speaking of pact marks, I think his is on your heart or right above and is like a dripping fingerprint that turns into a full blown hand print (maybe even the monkey’s paw?) when his powers/benefits are being used; Its hard to describe the feeling but when his hand goes through it feels like you’re gagged right then and there and its a little bit hard to breathe when you first made the pact because its a little uncomfortable but as you got used to the sensation and nurtured your magic ability, your breathing went back to normal
- I promised myself I wasn’t gonna get into outfits too much because they’re. Um anyway all I’ll say is he should have some slutty bellbottoms in his demon form idgaf
A/N: im so sorry mammon fans for the neglect i didnt know what to really put since crows are just like. Silly feathery black blobs
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Leviathan: The Serpent
- He should have poisonous spines on his tail that lie dormant but flare up whenever he feels strong emotion (embarrassment, anger, jealousy etc) and in relation to that he should have a few scales visible on his neck but more should appear leading up his face to his eye when he feels these strong emotions like his skin hardens and turns to scales (almost like how our veins bulge when we humans get very angry) it would be cool af ngl and kinda fits how his voice changes when hes annoyed (I SWEAR it gets all deep and like gravelly ig)
- ALSO i mentioned in another post but his eyes should become super snake-like (pupils slimming down) when he gets angry/envious but adding onto that, his pupils should dilate like a cat when he feels a positive emotion like excitement (though I think his pupils would dilate when looking at you lovingly, if you flustered him his pupils would constrict, not because its negative, but because he doesn’t know how to handle it)
- Grows much taller in his demon form imo since sea serpents are big as hell (he doesn’t become a giant or anything but he does grow like a foot or so which. He might as well be a giant bc hes alr pretty tall) Honestly I think all demons grow in their demon forms but he just grows an exceptional amount compared to any other demon
- Two…. Nvm iykyk fr a certified hood classic and i dont see enough of it in fics 😒
- Often accidentally sticks out his tongue while angry and bites his tongue and it just ruins the mood as well as any fear anyone had of him bye. Hes so goofy i just love him
- Long ahh tongue; snake reminiscent
- The back of his slut zip jacket should be vaguely shaped like fins + would it be wrong to say he should have slutty bellbottoms too? Can’t I dream? 💭 not as wide as Mammon’s though he’s not doing it like him fr
- Wraps his tail around you as if trying to shield you from public view with his spines whenever he gets jealous or protective
- I think it would be cool if the design on his jacket was a fishbone or if his tail was a bit translucent and showed bones inside (Ik tails don’t have bones generally but bear with me here) as a reference to how the Leviathan became a meal after being defeated
- Subconsciously moves slowly and methodically like the way he leans his head in slowly as you talk is very snake of him
- Big yawn (can open his mouth really wide)
- Pact mark is on the side of your neck, a bit closer to the front though and is shaped like a scale initially but grows into a very large patch of black scales with a purple underside, covering everything in the area almost like a bad rash when you use his powers/benefits
- Activation feels as if you’re being suffocated slowly, like water is slowly entering your lungs as the “rash” spreads at first but, again, as you get used to it this sensation wears off but a feeling that won’t ever wear off when activating the pact mark is the feeling that Levi is there looming by your side through the mark but just out of view whenever you try to see him; it’s a little maddening
- Can find you with sth similar to echolocation and it’s especially effective in water; can also spread the scales further with enough willpower and/or jealousy, basically creating a shield for your body
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crmsnmth · 7 months
So, since I'm never satisfied, and it's been quite some time since I did this, here's
Version 5
(I apologize for the length. I kind of just got caught up writing it.)
Introductions Are stupid
Hey. How goes it? Here's a little bit about me, and why I do what I do. We all in? If not, too bad. It's time to move.
I'm a 36 with no pronouns. Just call me whatever you want, I don't give a damn. Pansexual, if you must know my private business. I live in a small town of 2000 people right in the center of the drunken state of Wisconsin. It is not even close to as fun as that sounds, and it doesn't sound all that fun to begin with. It's a place where alcoholism is worn like a goddamn badge of honor. Try being sober when getting alcohol poisoning makes you a legend, and wearing DUI's like peacock feathers. I've lived in many other places though, jumping around the Midwest as if it were playground hopscotch. I guess it's true what some people say though, and we always end up right back at home. I keep coming back here at least.
I work two jobs, both in the same field. For one, I am the kitchen manager/Head Whatever for a Bar/restaurant/bowling alley. I told you, it's a small town. And I also work as a plain old line cook at another bar/restaurant/event center. I've been working the kitchen life since I was sixteen and started working at a Rocky Rococo's Pizza. That sucked and this sucks too. I'm not a fancy chef, and I didn't go to school for shit, but I've been in this industry a long time, and I still love the basics of my job. It's one of the few things that I can actually say I'm good at and take a lot of pride in what I do for work.
I spend most of my time listening to music (it's always playing around me). I listen to all music, and I'm not just saying that. I actually do. You can go through my main playlist and you'll find everything from Slayer to Britney Spears to Alan Jackson to The Casualties to Katy Perry etc… My favorite band of all time is the Descendents (I'm just a square going nowhere). But standing tall in second place is Amigo The Devil (As long as I wake up, I'm already stronger than dead) and Frank Turner (If you're all about the destination, then take a fucking flight) rounding out my top 3. Honorable Mention goes out to Lana Del Rey, Blitzkis, Murderdolls, Poor Man's Poison, Pat "the Bunny"(And all of his projects) and I'm going to stop now or this will just turn into bands I like. I am always on the lookout for new songs to memorize, so tell me the songs that mean the most to you. I seriously want to know.
I am a massive film fan. Mostly old horror, but I love the weirdest movies out there. Art films? Hell yes. Although, I'm still a sucker for the classic 80's slasher, or the 30's Universal horror. I've seen every Friday the 13th (official films, including the remake) enough times that I can quote almost every line from each film (those damn enchiladas). My favorite movie of all time, and I say this without any irony at all, is a little indie number called "The Room." I fucking love Tommy Wiseau's The Room. It is the greatest peice of cinema this world has ever seen. If you have not seen this fucking beautiful trainwreck, please rectify that. Like now. Stop reading this and find a way to watch it. Watch it. Go on, get. Come back to me when you've learned some film culture ettiquette.
I'm mentally screwed and quite medicated. I have come to peace with this fact. I've been as stable as I can get for a good four years now. So that's neat.
I am a raging cynic. I'm not sure if it's by choice or by enviroment. Either way, it's easier this way.
I'm a political nihilist. The system has failed, will continue to fail, and always will fail. It's inevitable and it doesn't matter who you put in charge. It will always fail. So please, shove your political opinions up your ass. I don't care.
I am a recovering addict, long-term. 8 Years. I am sober a little over two.
I started writing young. As soon as I could basically. Stashed somewhere in a box of my dad's thing is a few pieces of paper with a short little story in it. It's awful, but it's the earliest fossil of my work. Writing became a form of therapy and how to cope with my parent's divorce, my extreme depression in my teens, my anger and even lonliness. Words were comfort. Words are easy. Words are what I have to really express myself and I couldn't be happier that I've found other writers who aren't in it for fame or glory, but just for the simple fact that they love to write. I write more than any sane and healthy person should right, but I'm far from sane and I'm far from healthy. I write this much because if I don't, my head will explode into a shower of blood, brain and skull. Take that as a metaphor if you want, but I'm telling you the truth.
I do not write for anyone's actual approval. Not even my own really. I do this because it's the only addiction I have that isn't actively trying to kill me, and is actually trying to better me as a person and get in touch with unresolved feelings and places that will never have closure. Plus, the idea of my skull exploding sounds ok, but I can't leave behind that mess for anyone else to clean up.
I will always love constructive criticism. But please, for the love of all the love in the world, don't just tell me I suck. I get that. It's a massive part of my whole act. Please, give me a reason why I suck, what I'm doing wrong in your eyes. Help me to better this craft I play with. Seriously, I love it. But if you can't give me a reason, maybe it's best you keep that food-hole shut, and stop trying to be a dick, dick.
So what do I write? What do I put here on my tiny molecule of the internet? Bad poetry, and way too much of that. You'll find random crappy drops of stores or fiction (September Sky is still being worked on, I didn't forget about it). You'll find song lyrics for songs never written, scripts for films never shot, speeches given to people who aren't alive anymore, letters that never get sent. I try to write something at least once a day, but If I get on a roll, I'll post up to 15 or 20 new posts a day. Call it obsession if you want. I guess by definition, you wouldn't be wrong.
So since, I write some much, what topics to a tap dance to the grave with? I'm pretty predictable. So this stuff:
The Girl with the Ocean Blue Eyes*, Kid*, The Broken Mirror Girl*, My Junkie Angel*, My April Fool's Riddle*, The Cynic's Best Friend*, love, lost lovers, hopelessness, isolation, drug addiction, alcoholism, depression, forgotten acquaintances, mental illnesses, rage, hate, rejection, joy, insignificant moments, slices of life, laughter, beauty, self and self-reflection, self-hate, art, other writers, panic, infatuations, obsession, therapy, group homes, rehab, jail, grace, nature, loss, hope, fear, grief, anguish, philosophy, anarchism, nihilism, religion, god, the devil, ugliness, politics, serial killers, cults, suicide, death, destruction, chaos, music, validation, closure, memory, enemies, friends, rock bottom, sex, violence, rock and roll, sin, self-exploration, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, pain, self-destruction much more. I'm a firm believer that tragedy equals beauty, and take the tragic parts of my life, the shit that really bothers me, to this day, and I write it out. Maybe someone will see those words and realize they aren't alone. Wow, that's not very cynical of me, is it? Ok, fuck those people. Is that better?
Consider this little spot your trigger warning. Seriously, if just read the paragraph above you and think I play it all that safe, your definitely in the wrong place. I will talk of horrible things. They will bring horrible feelings. They could set you off. I'm stating it once, here and now, under a blanket term. Read what you want, but read with caution.
I make music as well as the writing gig. I don't bust out music as much as I do words, but I still have fun doing what I do, and if you'd like to tell me how much I suck at it, please do exactly that. At either of these chosen sites (Reverb has everything. I'm too cheap to pay for Soundcloud's stuff):
Look, if I came off has Nr. Doom, the misery poet archetype, the aged out punk rocker, the reclusive loner, I'm really…I was about to lie and say I wasn't those things, but that's is what I am. I am also a lover of art, a lover of food, a lover of love, an artist, a weirdo, a very scared individual, paranoid, insecure about everything, socially awkward kid who never grew out of black Misfits t-shirts and chain wallets. I am not an animal. I'm a goddamn human being.
Oh, because I get asked about them or why I just seem to ignore them. I am the goddamn king of typos. Missing letters, misspelled words, horrible grammar, broken sentences, sometimes even missing words. I'm really good at them, and I'm almost positive there is always something I could go back and fix. But I'm not gonna do that. I don't want to. If you can get the meaning of what I'm saying, the message is more important to me than the medium. I type way faster than my skill, and my brain works way to fucking fast for my hands to keep up, so it becomes a race to get words on page. And then my fingers tap dance and trip over themselves. I knew I should've sprung for lessons.
There. There's bare bones about me and what I'm about and where I stand. If there is anything else you'd want to know for some godforsaken reason, go ahead and message me. I may not be real good at it, I do enjoy having fifteen second conversations. I always finish early.
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
Shenanigans part 9
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New to the story? Start with Chapter 1!
Part 9:
Bakugou Katsuki and the case of the Number One.
Warnings: Swear words, fighting, sexual tension, 16+ for safety as always.
“Come on, you waste of space, show me what you got!”
Uhm… so… you kinda made a big mistake today and made your boss a tiny bit angry, or to be more exact, absolutely furious.
You ended up in the massive training area and he definitely looks like he’s ready to spill your blood today and end your hero career for good.
How did you end up in this situation?
Let’s go back in time and see.
Bakugou is acting really weird today.
You would think the “weird” is a new normal in this office and it certainly is, but this is a different kind of weird.
Bakugou’s unruly blonde locks are even more puffed up today; his whole attire is messy, like he’s having his second rebel phase.
He is also wearing an eyeliner even though this is his paperwork day so he’s not even in his hero costume, and to be absolutely honest… he looks smoking hot.
Okay, this is definitely not appropriate, but hell, you are not blind. If the guy wouldn’t have the personality of a psychopath, he would be able to get into everyone’s panties in a matter of seconds.
There is no way anyone would be able to say no to him if he would smile sometimes. Also, those pecs? Mate, you want them to squish your face so much, it hurts.
Why does it hurt?
“What the fuck are you staring at?!”
Oh, Bakugou is pinching your face and pulling the skin so hard it’s about to rip.
“Your stupid punk face?” You answer honestly; well, half-honestly, as you definitely will not share your thirsty thoughts with your boss. You are sure the conversation would end up with your dismissal. “Didn’t know Green Day has a concert in Japan today. Can I come?” You try to smirk at him while your skin goes back to its original place with a loud snap. With a small whine you stroke your red left side with an offended gaze.
“We have another guest today.” He rolls his eyes, clearly unimpressed by your Green Day joke.
“If this is your way to impress, puffing yourself up might work with peacocks, but it doesn’t have the same effect on humans. You are also missing an important feature; the elegant, colorful feathers.”
“The fuck are you talking about, you Fuckstick?! I look like this every day!” The blonde screams, his face hot and red from embarrassment.
“That isn’t how you talk to a lady, my friend.” A new person emerges from thin air, in jeans from head to toe. Literally. You can’t hide your excitement, when your eyes lock with the ‘stranger’.
“Jeanieboo! Long time no see!” You attack the new visitor with a hug right away.
“Y/N, what a pleasure to see you again!” Best Jeanist mumbles into your hair, smiling proudly. “You both were a pain in the bottom to work with, never listening to my advice, or to be exact, never listening - end of the sentence, but I appreciated our time together anyway.” He smiles, his arms still snaked around your shoulders protectively.
“Okay, how the fuck do you know each other?!” Hisses the blonde, clearly unimpressed by the sudden plot twist; he can’t believe the two people he ‘hates’ the most are actually buddies. How fucking annoying.
“I trained Y/N in her country when she was a teen. She was more vicious than you, Bakugou. I didn’t think it’s possible for someone to be more aggressive than you are but she definitely gave a run for your money, child.” He reminiscences and you can’t help but smile thinking about your old self; you were an actual proper menace when you were young, talking back to everyone and ‘exploding shit’ whenever you were in a bad mood.
“Yeah, I will never forget the quirk nulling bracelet you gave me for my 17th birthday. I still don’t appreciate that, by the way.” You murmur, offended. It wasn’t fucking funny. It really wasn’t.
“Well, you tried to burn the agency down because they were out of coffee.” Jeanist furrows his brows, clearly not amused.
“Oh my god, I want to see that.” Bakugou makes an ugly laugh and you can’t help but pout. You really did not want this fucker to know about that embarrassing story. You will never hear the end of it.
“But…” Jeanist continues. “You are your country’s number one hero for a reason. You grew up well.” He smiles, and while you’re about to get lost in all the lovely memories you had with your favorite hero, a tiny explosion crackles from the palms of the blonde, which takes you back to the present again.
“You’ ok, bruh?” You take a look at the furious looking Dynamight. He looks… kinda red. Weird.
“One?!” He whispers, and shit you not, his whispering is the scariest shit you’ve ever heard in your life. You didn’t think a whisper can sound so threatening, but here you are, ready to fight for your life if it’s needed. “You motherfucking useless piece of shit, you, Number One?! What kind of sick joke is that?!” Dynamight screams like the lunatic he is, you sigh, Best Jeanist stares.
The time stops for a second for all of you.
For Bakugou, it stops because of the sudden jealousy in his heart. He feels attacked, because how the fuck is he not the number one yet if everyone else is only an extra? How is the biggest extra in the world number one if he can barely keep his second place? Bakugou’s whole world just shattered. He feels like someone put a stick into his virgin hole and showed it in him so deep it came out of his throat.
For Best Jeanist, the time stops thanks to the sudden tension in the room; he worked with so many people during his hero career, but he never felt so scared for his life. He’s aware that if these two decide to kill each other right now right here, the whole agency will go down with them.
For you… well… you forgot to mention this really important detail to Dynamight for the sake of your safety, so now you’re not just a nuisance but a threat to his number 2 ranking, and fucking liar. Great.
“First of all, this is why I didn’t tell you. Because you are a pathetic little jealous piece of shit who thinks the whole world revolves around his pretty fucking face and no one can be fucking better that he is!”
Maybe that was a bit too honest. Oops.
“Wow, jealous? I ain’t jealous of your sorry ass! I’m just sorry for your country as it’s full of pathetic fucking hero wannabes, if you are their best.”
This is it. You thought you can’t hate this guy more than you already do, but here you are, mentally disemboweling the fucker and trying really hard not to explode his whole fucking agency on him. Where is that bracelet when you need it?!
“I will fucking murder you, Dynamight.” You sneer, taking a step forward.
“You wanna fight, motherfucker?” He answers right away, also taking a step towards you. Best Jeanist is still frozen in place, probably writing his will in his head, just in case.
“You know what, you bleached haired fuckhead, I want to fight.”
“You and me, training room, now!” He screams and pulls you with him by your arms. “Also, my hair is natural, so fuck you.”
Oh fuck. Oh fuckidy fuckie fuck fuck.
You didn’t think this through. Yes, you are the Number One hero in your country and you also have the coolest fucking quirk on Earth, so beating Dynamight’s ass doesn’t sound impossible.
The main problem is the fact that your boss will definitely never look into your eyes again if you do, but he will also hold a grudge against you if you let him win. So long story short, you are fucked, so honestly, it doesn’t even make sense to stress about this right now, as your fate was decided for you the moment Best Jeanist opened his mouth.
“Is this really necessary?” Kirishima tries his best to save the day and has been constantly trying for the last hour, but his words vanished in the air like a cheeky, scentless fart in the wind.
“Come at me, Number One!” Dynamight calls, half naked, and damn, if you die today, at least the view is nice.
Just why.
Having the nerd and his lapdog in the office is one thing, but Best Jeanist?
Mr. Katsuki has all the respect for the guy as a hero, but his sense of style? Hell no. Like… fuck that shit.
Mr. Katsuki decides to go all out today, out of spite; messy hair, rebellious clothing and all those shenanigans. He’s still traumatized since Best Jeanist made his hair flat and ugly that last time during UA. He will never forget looking in the mirror and seeing a bad Monoma cosplay looking back at him. It was terrible.
There is another reason Mr. Katsuki is going all out today, but don’t tell him that we know this; Mr. Katsuki secretly plans to show off to the Menace to let her know what she’s missing out on by being a dick.
No, he doesn’t want to woo the Menace; he just wants to show her that he can be sexy like that. That’s it. No other reason. He definitely does NOT have any kind of feelings towards that fuckstick except for annoyance. No way.
It’s true that he has been a little bit concerned when the Menace disappeared into thin air, but it was more about not wanting to do a shit load of paperwork after the death of a staff member than about being concerned about the actual person.
You don’t believe him?
Fuck you, then.
The plan was working. The menace did her best to bully Bakugou for his rebellious look, but he didn’t miss the way she eye fucked him for a few seconds before opening her mouth.
Mr. Dynamight also liked to hear all the embarrassing stories about the Menace’s childhood after getting over the fact that they had the same mentor back in their school days.
But then… things went south. Really quickly.
“Come at me, Number One!” Dynamight yells, ready to kick the Number One’s ass back to her bloody useless country.
Bakugou is not stupid, he was well aware that the Menace wasn’t just a side kick back in her country. The villain who ended her career was an extremely powerful one. No side kick stood a chance against him, yet the menace fought him for hours before the terrible accident; but Katsuki didn’t even think about the possibility of her being in the top 10 and being the Number 1 hero was even further on his possibility list.
Mr. Katsuki will never admit this even though it’s really obvious, but he’s still not over the fact that he’ll never get to the number 1 spot in Japan until Deku dies and as Deku and Bakugou are friends; he can deny it but it’s true; and he would never want his friend to die in a battle just to be able to fill his desired spot. Being number 2 is really frustrating for Mr. Katsuki. He was nothing but number one his whole life until his twenties, yet here he is, stuck in a certain spot and he was just told that his useless, annoying piece of shit of a secretary is better than him. He’s not gonna have that. Not without a fight at least.
“Bring it on, sparky boy.” The menace grins in her boring ass sports bra and shorts combo. Mr. Katsuki can only hope her hero costume has more creativity to it than this… not like he cares. He definitely doesn’t care, thank you very much. He would rather die than google her hero name, especially after these news.
“Oh, you will regret saying that.” Mr. Katsuki’s hands sparkle, ready to start this game; he jumps closer, his palms ready to explode in the menace’s face, but she dodges gracefully, moving to the other side of the room in a flash; teleportation quirk or just increased speed? Hell if he knows. In only a few milliseconds, he can see a shadow right in front of him, which indicates that she used the same quirk to attack him from behind; Dynamight moves away with the help of his quirk, but he isn’t quick enough to not get hit in the head with an explosion, but weirdly enough, it doesn’t hurt. It also smells like cotton candy.
When Mr. Katsuki looks back, he’s met with a laughing idiot, folded in half; she’s actually crying from laughter. Mr. Katsuki is furious.
“Oh my god, that was amazing.” The menace screams while she makes tiny, magenta colored explosions with her hands. Mr. Katsuki sees red. The explosions leave a baby pink smoke behind, and the cotton candy smell gets stronger.
Dynamight just got absolutely humiliated and he’s not having it. No fucking way.
“I hope your joke was funny enough for you to die for it.” The blonde grits his teeth and goes all out, and for the next two minutes no one can tell what’s happening on the battle field; there isn’t anything but fog and dust particles, loud bangs and battle screams.
Suddenly, it goes silent. As the fog disappears and the view gets clear; and Mr. Katsuki’s grin can be seen from far away as he pushes the Menace to the floor, keeping her pinned down by her hands and legs.
“Number One my ass.” Dynamight grumbles, panting on top of her; usually he would feel really uncomfortable being so close to someone as he is now, but in the middle of a fight, Katsuki doesn’t care about personal space. He won. That’s all that matters.
“You cheated.” The menace pants and her breath tickles Bakugou’s lips in a really uncomfortable way. His heart rate goes even higher, making him a bit dizzy; is she using another quirk? It wouldn’t be a surprise, she used at least 10 different ones during the fight, making her moves unpredictable. Katsuki might have her pinned to the floor now, but it wasn’t the easiest fight of his life. He’s not happy to admit it, but most of the heroes wouldn’t even be able to touch her. If the menace would change sides they would be utterly fucked. It’s not only about her strength, it’s about her intelligence as well; her movements are perfectly calculated and she’s quick and efficient.
The menace is… extremely dangerous.
“The fuck are you yapping about?” The blonde murmurs, his almost whisper resonating in the dead-silent training room; no one dares to make a noise in the building.
“It’s really hard to concentrate when you’re shirtless, you know.” The menace whispers, her eyes looking up and down his torso then straight to his face. “You’re really fucking beautiful, Dynamight.” She smiles and fuck if that didn’t go straight to his d………
He lost himself in his thoughts for only a second but that was enough for the menace to change the outcome of the fight; while he was busy with his internal monologue, the menace freed herself from his grasp and kicked the blonde right in the crotch, where it hurts the most.
The menace is on top of him in only a second and something, probably another quirk, makes him unable to move completely. Fuck.
“You know fights aren’t just about the strength of your quirk, but about the strength of your brain, baby.” The menace whispers into his ears in the most erotic way possible, her fingers scratching his scalp pleasantly as she rakes his hair back with her fingers.
“You cheated and lied. What a shitty way to win.” The blonde mumbles but his voice is shaky from… embarrassment? Want? Is this what Kirishima was talking about? Is this the feeling he lacked until now? Is this his sexual awakening? Is he Menace-sexual? Why is he not mad about losing? Is it because of the way he lost? Is it out of respect? Is it because it was worth it for the fluttering feeling in his chest? Was the menace always this pretty? Why can’t he look away? It might be another quirk. It needs to be. There is no way he’s…
“I never lied. I do think you are beautiful.” The menace answers with a straight face but her cheeks get rosy when she finishes the sentence; she fists a big bunch of his hair on the front, and Bakugou realizes it doesn’t hurt the way it should; it’s painful and pleasant at the same time. He’s definitely done for, isn’t he? “Don’t underestimate me ever again, Bakugou Katsuki.” She murmurs, and fuck, hearing his first name from the Menace’s mouth is thrilling as fuck.
Honestly, what’s happening to him?!
He doesn’t have time to think about that for too long as his head gets smacked into the floor and everything goes black.
“I feel like I just found a really good porn to watch, but it started buffering right when the action was about to happen.” Someone mumbles next to Kirishima but he’s too busy having an internal meltdown to tell his underling off for speaking inappropriately.
“So… how long…?” Best Jeanist tries to ask a question but Kirishima honestly can’t answer right now; he stands up and runs to the battlefield. His best friend is unconscious for the fuck’s sake, he can’t be bothered about this sexual tension right now. He needs 5 to 7 days to get a hold of his thoughts about this new revelation anyway.
You’ve done it.
You flirted with your boss just to win then you lost yourself in the middle of it when you realized how easy it was to do so. Bakugou was right. You wanted to cheat, you wanted to lie, but right after you said those words out loud you realized they were true.
Your mind is an absolute mess right now.
“Was this really necessary?!” Red Riot arrives at the scene and pushes you out of the way to take his best friend into his arms, probably to take him to the emergency room.
“You know one of us had to be unconscious to win otherwise we won’t back down until we pass out from exhaustion.” You sigh, out of breath and out of words. This was probably the best fight of your life. Bakugou is an amazing partner. You might call him names all the time but he’s intelligent and strong, he can keep up with you in a way no one ever could when fighting. This fight with him reminded you of his other self; the one who’s clever and emotional, the one you kinda fell in love with in only 24 hours. Your mind is a mess, your heart is beating out of your rib cage, and shit, you really need some time alone to get yourself together.
“You know that’s not what I meant.” Oh, so that was supposed to be a scolding for… for what? For flirting? For cheating?
You can’t have this conversation right now. Everything is a mess, the world is black and white, the only thing in color is the unconscious blonde in Kirishima’s arms.
You are definitely not ready to look into those eyes after all of this.
Fuck, you can’t wait to go home and hide under your bed for the rest of the day.
…Next Chapter!
Waaah this was such a pain to write, sorry for being away for so long! Send me a comment with your thoughts, things are getting heated, eyy! I really wanna fangirl about this plot, help me out, will ya? 😂
I hope you like where this story is going, I can’t wait to dig deeper into it!
Kirishima is the best, isn’t he? 😭 such a protective little brother, I love him so much.
Also, don’t forget that there is a taglist for this story so if you wanna be added, just let me know!
Reblogs are appreciated 💜
Taglist: @ibkg @chuugarettes @lilmaimai
@nonomesupposedto @sozainturpal @luleck @notplutos
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toournextadventure · 2 years
Alright alright I have a new ask for you!
How many Birdy Behaviours does bird!reader actually delight in?
There's so many cute and weird things that I could consider.
Cute things:
- Do their feathers puff up if they're angry or startled? If they're cold? If so, do they have little downy feathers that would be visible when they do? How soft and floofy would they look?
- Will their wings cover people they're in bed with? Like a little tent?
(I think it'd be adorable if everytime they wake up, their wings shake uncontrollably before folding back into themselves. Like how birds will do if they get snow or rain on their feathers. That instinctually, reader is protecting wednesday from the weather, even when in their dorm. Adorable)
- Do they molt? Groom themselves? When they shower, do the wings need extra care? Do they need help molting? Someone else to groom the hard-to-reach parts of their wings?
- Speaking of water, do the wings absorb water or deflect them like water fowl? Do they do a cute little shimmy when they're trying to get water off their wings?
Weird bird behaviours:
- Do they ever.. Go birdy? If they're very hungry and see a litte creacher, like a bug or mouse, would they crunch down? Eat raw meat? Are there certain things they need in their diet that normies don't?
- Okay, Google the sound that a peacock makes when it fans it's feathers. Can they.. can they make that sound? I'm terrified and intrigued.
- do they have feathers in other parts of their body? On their back between their wings, in their hair?
- Do they whistle at 5am?
- animals like crows will gift their human friends little trinkets, I know birb reader does this, but to what extent? Will they change what they gift people based on their excitement? Like If Enid loves little gems and Wednesday appreciates bones more? Will they steal things from one person and gift it to another?
Anyway not all of these are necessary to answer but idk theyve just been living in my head rent free so i had to get it all out.
Istg i should just make fanfics of your fanfics at this point
Oh no, you opened Pandora's Box, I AM answering all of these. And also, if you did, I would swear fealty to you 🧎
Cute things:
They absolutely do puff up, especially when angry, it's part of what makes her so frustrated. It's hard to look intimidating when you've got a bunch of fluff on your back. Wednesday always teases her for the fluffy downy feathers, which makes her even more mad, which makes Wednesday even more amused
YES they cover people they're cuddling with. Like, once she starts sleeping with Wednesday, they practically turn into fluffy blankets. And they shake during dreams, nightmares, and when waking up. Wednesday nearly threatens to cut them off once after the feathers tickled her nose and she couldn't stop sneezing for 15mins
They absolutely molt, it's awful. Usually Reader just complains the whole time until someone finally offers to help (it used to be Enid until she bugs Wednesday enough). She can get 95% of it on her own but every now and then there's a spot she just can't reach
They absorb water and it's hell. They feel soggy and heavy and take forever to dry, and Wednesday is lucky she's so cute because all that walking in the rain is absolutely miserable. The shimmy itself is not cute though, it's more like when a dog tries to shake water off. Erratic, violent, ceaseless shaking until it's dry and then she's stuck, once again, with fluffy, unruly feathers
Weird behaviours:
Yes, but more in terms of "oh shit are those seeds?? Is that fruit??? oh fuck yes" Like, she manages to control herself around meat, but she will chase and terrorise little creachers if they pass by her at the right time. More than once, Wednesday watched her grab a rabbit, fly with it, and let it plummet back to the ground. Or she just flatout curb stomp a snake if she feels threatened. Reader is an absolute menace to the local ecosystem
Thankfully no peacock feather sounds, the most anyone can hear is just a gentle ruffle and maybe a little hum in th eprocess
No other feathers, but that doesn't stop the chaos because she drops those feathers everywhere
She will basically whistle/call out at the most random hours of the day, much like a rooster. Though not quite as loud, it's almost like she can't help it. In the middle of class? A small whistle. Half-asleep? Another one. In the middle of a test? It's a good thing the school is full of Outcasts because what do you know, Reader is whistling
Damn right, she 100% caters her trinket gifts. She starts off with just whatever she can find, but she narrows it down until she knows The Gift. Enid usually gets anything shiny, whether it's a gem or earring or anything else. Wednesday gets rocks and pieces of bones. More than once theyve gotten something that Reader stole literally from the other side of the room, so it's not even really a gift, but it's the thought that counts (Reader also tries to woo Wednesday with rock piles, much like a penguin)
She picks at her feathers when she's extremely stressed or overwhelmed. It's a small part of why she keeps them in the harness when she's anxious, it keeps her from the bad habit
She BITES FINGERS. More than once Enid has pointed at her and she just... chomped and it's not even a hard bite but it leaves everyone like "what the genuine fuck???"
An absolute weirdo with the weather. It snows? She plays in it like it's the best thing ever, much like crows. It's sunny? Catch this bitch outside with wings outstretched fully catchin those rays
Always 100% down to fight her own reflection. She's got a human brain, she knows it's her own reflection, but that small birdy part still sees the reflection and is like "gasp, an enemy, square up." It's the sole reason there's no mirrors in Reader's room. Probably the only time Wednesday actually, audibly laughed was when Reader unexpectedly passed a mirror and instantly started a fight. Thankfully it wasn't an expensive one
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⚰︎ DIABOLIK LOVERS SKiT Dolce Tokuten Drama CD: “Trick or Treat(ment)” ⚰︎
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Japanese Title: トリック・オア・トリート(メント)
CV: Takehiro Kou, Kaji Yuki, & Takashi Kondō (briefly ft. the other Sakamaki's too)
Audio Available: N/A
Author Note: This is another Halloween Drama CD especially for the spooky season, except this one is a little more fun rather than spooky. Like always with these group dramas, there is no audio available. But, I hope you enjoy it all the same!! I'd love to hear feedback/thoughts on this, since it's been a while since I focused solely on Drama CDs!
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― The scene begins in the Sakamaki manor. ―
Subaru: Where’d the hell that girl go?
Heh, you hidin’ on me? Fine, I’ll play ball, just this once… Tonight’s all about spooks, so what’s a little hide and seek?
Kanato: Cut it out. You’re being awfully noisy.
Subaru: Hah?
Kanato: Don’t act like you didn’t hear me, please. I hate repeating myself… Even Teddy says you are making a ruckus.
Subaru: Whatever… Don’t blame me for it. I wouldn’t be havin’ to make a sound if that woman would hurry up and show herself.
…Oi, reckon you have any idea where she wound up?
Kanato: That annoying person? It seems she decided to shut herself in her room.
Subaru: Just in here? I should’ve known.
― He tries the door. ―
Fuck… The hell did you go locking the door on me for!? Not like there’s anythin’ to barge in on, you know!
― Footsteps approach. ―
Ryuuto: Have you considered she might be avoiding the likes of you for a change?
Subaru: Haah!? Ryuuto…?
Looks like Halloween came early...
Ryuuto: Mutter under your breath all you’d like. You’re simply putting your immaturity on full display, like a peacock showing off its feathers.
If she is avoiding you… Well, I – for one – think it is about time some sense was knocked into her. You can be nothing but a bad influence on her.
Subaru: Bastard… You’re one to talk!
Kanato: Who was it that let you in to our house, Ryuuto? I thought this place was off limits to your side of the family?
Ryuuto: I let myself in.
Besides, you must be mistaken if you think a verbal warning is enough to scare me off. Pitch a sign outside in protest, next time, fufu.
Kanato: …Hehe, maybe you’re right, Teddy. Maybe pitching his head on a spike, instead, would make a better solution.
Subaru: It’d make for a much better Halloween decoration, that’s for sure.
― Subaru and Kanato laugh amongst themselves. ―
Ryuuto: Har. Har. How very funny.
Anyhow, please clear off, won’t you? I am here for that person, alone, and would rather not have my evening ruined by the “Sakamaki babies”*.
  *The Japanese here would ideally be “―逆巻のねんね”; Not only is Ryuuto calling them childish and immature, but he is also using baby-talk whilst doing so to be condescending lol.
Kanato: What did you call me!? A “baby”…!?
Subaru: You say that shit again, and this place’ll soon be a real haunted house!!
Ryuuto: Oh dear, what a foul mood you are both in all of a sudden. It would appear you babies are teething*, too. Fufufu.
  *Again, Ryuuto is being condescending as they’re younger than him, about to throw a tantrum, and – as all the Diaboys like to bare their teeth/threaten to bite when angry – teething is a play on them being “babies” as well as Vampires lol.
Subaru: You piece of…!
― Suddenly the door opens, with you rushing out to stop the fight! ―
Ryuuto: “Stop”? Fufu, you think I am frightened by―― Gaah!?
Subaru: Th-The fuck!? Gh-Ghost!?
Kanato: Waah!?
― You question what’s wrong. ―
Ryuuto: …!? It’s just you!?
― You apologise. ―
Subaru: “Thought you were a ghost”? F-Fuck off, I wasn’t spooked…
Ryuuto: You can’t expect us to not be startled, when you come walking out unannounced covered in something so strange.
Kanato: E-Eh? You mean…
It’s just that person, under that… that ectoplasm?
― You laugh and explain. ―
“A face mask” is what all that slime on your face is? How is putting something that looks so disgusting all over your face relaxing?
Ryuuto: They aren’t uncommon when it comes to skincare; Women tend to love the moisture and glow they give the face, after all.
Aren’t you supposed to have cucumbers to go along with this too?
Kanato: Like those over there you mean? Like a spa treatment…
Subaru: Pah… Since when did you care about “skincare”, anyway?
Ryuuto: Don’t sound so revolted, Subaru. I’m sure you could learn a thing or two about taking care of yourself from this woman.
Subaru: What’s that supposed to mean!?
― You ask them to calm down. ―
Kanato: …Sniff, sniff. Smells of… honey?
― You explain it’s a homemade face mask. ―
Kanato: It’s “homemade”? From fresh ingredient we had lying around in the kitchen?
Hey, is this really just an excuse to make yourself into a ready-to-eat meal for me? Hehe, you smell too good to not eat.
Subaru: Honey? You mean…
― Kanato licks your face. ―
Kanato: Mm… and strawberries.
Ryuuto: What do you think you’re doing? Don’t be so inconsiderate.
― You thank Ryuuto. ―
You think I was telling him off for your sake? Fufu, not at all… It’s simply disgusting to see what belongs to you be eaten up by someone else.
Subaru: Guess you’re not gonna like this then?
― Subaru also licks your face. ―
…You weren’t kiddin’, huh? It’s really strawberry, and all that stuff.
― You insist they stop! ―
Ryuuto: Exactly, face masks aren’t for eating.
Subaru: Maybe not. But, she is.
Kanato: I wouldn’t mind another taste, please.
Ryuuto: Tut.
You there, they’re going to make their stomachs sore, if you keep enticing them like this. Then this “Halloween” you have been so eager for will be ruined.
― You come up with an idea. ―
…You want us to try these face masks too?
Subaru: You mean… smearin’ this crap all over our faces?
Kanato: Are you saying our skin needs some kind of treatment? Mine is as soft as ever, you know!
…Although, with how sweet this stuff is smelling…
Ryuuto: I don’t know about you two, but I suppose it might make for quite the relaxing evening, if we were to give it a go, as well...
Fufu. Cucumber-eyes and all.
Subaru: I thought the point of all this was to make her look ridiculous.
Kanato: If we participate, does this mean we can eat it, when we’re done?
― You suppose so. ―
Then, I’ll have to give it a go as well. Heheh…
Please do mine first, before these other two. And be very generous with how much you put on.
Ryuuto: Remind me, you made this yourself? Well, it would be careless to not give it a good go, wouldn’t it?
Perhaps I ought to entrust my painting palette to you more often; You seem to mix rather pleasant colours.
Subaru: …Huh? What are you lookin’ at me for?
…Tsk, if everyone is doing it, i-it’d be a waste to not use to all up, I guess? Only ‘cause you went to the effort of makin’ so much!
Fine… Count me in.
― Timeskip. ―
Ryuuto: Haa… This has turned out to be rather relaxing, after all. With the lights off like this, the moonlight on my skin feels extra rejuvenating.
Subaru: Feels like I’ve shoved my face into mud… It’s caked all over…
Kanato: Mm… Please top mine up. It’s dribbling right into my mouth; I have no choice but to lick it off.
― You tell them to be careful. ―
Ryuuto: I’m not going to spill any onto your bedsheets, whilst sat here, don’t fret.
Although, I cannot speak for all of us…
― You top them up with cucumber eyes now. ―
Kanato: Why are you laughing all of a sudden?
Ryuuto: Why, indeed? It was your idea for the cucumber-eyes, Pet. Don’t tell me you are going to make us regret letting you pamper us?
Subaru: …Oi.
I wonder if you could do this sorta stuff with blood, you know? Wouldn’t that be just as refreshin’?
Kanato: Are you suggesting we should try that next time?
Subaru: Somethin’ like that, heh.
Ryuuto: Say, when the time comes… You will wash this off our face too, won’t you? After all, we’re in your care, tonight.
Kanato: Yes, return the favour; Lick mine off my face.
Make sure you end at my lips, though. That way, I’ll be able to finish my treatment with a final taste of the mask, hehe.
― You refuse. ―
Subaru: Hah? “No”? You’re gonna make us wash it off ourselves?
You’re really a pain in the ass sometimes, just c’mere instead――
― Subaru grabs hold of you. ―
Quit screamin’.
Fuck stumblin’ my way to the bathroom to wash it off, using you as a washcloth’ll work just fine.
― There is a struggle. ―
Ryuuto: Good grief, you’re going to make a complete mess, Subaru!!
Kanato: Who said you can use what belongs to me like that, anyway!?
― There is more of a struggle as they all get tangled in the bedsheets. ―
Ryuuto: Hand her over, at once! If she isn’t the one to fetch a damp towel for us, then who else will be…!?
― You shout for help. ―
Laito: Nfu. Did I hear a cry for “help” from my Bitch-cha――
― One by one, the other Sakamaki’s appear. ―
Reiji: What on earth is happening h――!?
Ayato: W-Woah, what the hell!?
Shuu: …Heh.
Look at that. Looks like the ghosts of this “haunted house” have come out to play this Halloween, after all…
Ayato: Whaddya mean “ghosts”!?
― You, Ryuuto, Kanato, and Subaru fall off the bed, with the bedsheets. ―
Subaru: Aargh...!!
Laito: D-Did you hear that?
Reiji: W-Wha…!? This… This can’t be…
Shuu: Hahah…
― Shuu slowly walks away. ―
Reiji: Shuu, come back!
You… Ahem, whatever this is, y-you should learn to deal with these things yourself once in a while, as the eldest, you know…!
― Reiji quickly disappears. ―
Ayato: Y-Yo, Four-Eyes! Wait up!
― Ayato, then Laito, rush after Reiji. ―
Laito: Ayato…!? Hey...!
Ryuuto: Tsk...
Who pulled down this sheet with us!?
Kanato: M-My mask!
― They finally break apart… covered in a mess of face mask. ―
Subaru: Fuck, I’m covered in it!
― You complain. ―
Kanato: “C-Covered your bed in it”!? You’re lucky you didn’t cover Teddy in it!
Ryuuto: It’s all over my clothes, and through my hair…
Subaru: I think I got some in my eye…
― You are also covered head to toe in it from the struggle. ―
Ryuuto: Tut… Seeing as you are also completely covered in it, I’ll let you take a bath with me.
Subaru: Get lost, you have your own bathroom back at your place! I’m calling shots for scrubbin’ clean first, with her.
Kanato: It was your fault for the mess in the first place! It’s only fair her and I get to wash off first!!
― You get upset. ―
Ryuuto: Forget about laundry for now, Pet.
If you want a clean body first and foremost, secure that spot alongside you in the bath for me!
Kanato: N-No, me!!
Subaru: F-Fuck… Just, someone, go already!
This stuff’s really sticky…
ーー THE END ーー
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glass-warehouse · 2 years
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oh god i did it. i'm gonna need a shirt that reads; i'm an artist! ask me about my hand! and then on the back, SPOILERS: it hurts.
anyway here is my MC just before it all goes to shit. something something peacock feathers symbolising pride something something the height of pride before a fall—you get me?
BONUS!!!: here is a shitpost i drew as a real insight into how i felt for about 35% of the process.
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You don't have to read this if you don't want to. This is my rant and criticism space, it's really more for me. Thanks 7 years of conditioned behavior.
I considered this piece abandoned a few months ago. Just as I was starting the first pass of shading I saw a massive error. I'm pretty vigilant with my layers, keeping copies in case I need to go back and fix something, but I thought I was all done and dusted. Ready for the next stage. So I had no backups. At this point I'm too far in to easily fix it without making a huge mess and it was a massive motivation killer. I couldn't stop thinking about it and I didn't want to continue, so I left it.
Months later I came back, the work I hadn't finished was perfectly fine, I thought it looked good. I decided that I was going to finish the piece even if it killed me even with the mistakes. It happens to all of us. And man I am so happy I continued.
I could've kept going on it to be honest, but I had to put a stop somewhere. There are problems, things I wish I had or hadn't done, but for what it is I'm damn pleased with myself. So I'd say it was a success :)
The last 45 minutes were spent on the background (look too close and I'll kill you). There wasn't even going to be one before then. Glad I stuck out the extra time even though I was fucking exhausted and ready to have my hand completely crushed by a large object.
Around 75% of the way done I notice that my auto-saves are causing my laptop to freeze. I know hefty files can do this but it's only a full body drawing, not what I'd consider hefty. Well it turns out that past me thought so highly of this piece, before it was even a sketch, to have it be in 4K RESOLUTION. That shit is crisp as hell, drink in all that clear detail, so long as Tumblr doesn't nuke it from orbit. (Future me here to say that yep, it got nuked. Guess I'll be the only one who gets to see it in high def, just what I wanted lmao 😒)
It sucks even more because I'm noticing the lack of clarity on another piece I'm doing, but I 1. don't need 4K quality and 2. my laptop can't take that level of a beating every time CSP auto-saves. Yeah I could turn off auto-saves but that feels like just asking for trouble.
Also yeah, I'm doing one for Hebe. It won't be as detailed as this piece because, unfortunately, that ability is on cooldown. Doesn't mean I won't try my hardest regardless, I just fear what might happen to me if I try that again too soon. I don't want another 3 month long shutdown. (As I write this I'm literally at the same point in her piece as I was with this one just before I gave up, lol)
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The Thing That Should Not Be || Mark and Adramelech || Self Para
Adramelech mused to himself as he stared across his domain, stroking his chin with a shit-eating grin painted across his lips. Things were moving along just as he knew they should, the antichrist was now maturing nicely as needed, other signs had come to fruition that showed a turning more towards a win for Hell. And it would have continued even with Moloch and his 'grand plans', but the demon was just too cocky and wouldn't respect Adramelech's power. This pissed the archdemon off so greatly that the only way to move forward was to remove the king of hell from their throne- indefinitely. It was a plan that Lucifer would approve, he knew.
But to do this and ensure the demon wouldn't be able to come back, especially with the demon tied to Death, Adramelech had to move the king to a place where his power wouldn't work. This also meant killing a god. This was too easy, and moved Armageddon forward as was needed. And now, with the god of the dead out of the way and Moloch trapped in Pluto's domain, it was time to keep watch of the fallen--- and continue to make sure they stayed fallen.
Standing from his throne, Adramelech's wings spread out behind himself, shimmering brightly in the nothingness of the void. Like a sheet blowing gently behind himself, his peacock-like feathers flowed with each step the archdemon made.
Within an instant, Adramelech was taking his next steps on the roof of Never Blessed, time nearly paused as he paced curiously near the figure brooding at the edge. Taking a few minutes like this, Adramelech stopped and chuckled to himself at this vision of the Harbringer.
Time continued, and Mark's remaining feathers bristled at the presence of the Archdemon. He didn't need to see him, he didn't need to hear him. The power alone was enough to let Mark know what danger loomed only feet from him.
“You know... you never did thank me.”
A smokey cool breeze whispered through the silence that falled after that statement. Mark had nothing to say to Adramelech, and ultimately he wanted to be alone to his thoughts.
Adramelech stood there, allowing the silence to continue as he stared at the Harbringer with no real emotion in the moment. His wings gently moved in the breeze and he kept his cool.
Still, the Harbringer stayed quiet as he looked over the grounds, hugging himself just a little tighter at the mention of his name.
A soft sigh escaped the Archdemons nose, he didn't like being ignored even if this wasn't being ignored. “You're free, Mark. Go... I don't know... go fly across the country. Go see what's left of Canada. Maybe go get margaritas in Mexico. Fuck-- join a cartel. You're not bound to the asylum anymore.”
Mark closed his eyes softly. And silence continued.
Adramelech watched him another moment before stepping closer, slowly, “It's over. You failed your mission and your stupid fucking Wrath King is fucking dead and gone forever. Mark, just fucking leave. There's no reason for you to even be here anymore. Aren't you /bored/?!”
“Shut up,” the harbringer barely whispered as his wings creaked lightly.
Cupping his hand to his ear, Adramelech asked crassly, “Excuse me? What was that?”
He didn't say anything but his powers heightened around himself as he stood still.
Smirking to himself, Mark stopped just behind the Harbringer. He could feel the radiation of the decay pouring off the Harbringer, but it barely effected him at the moment. “I don't get it.” The Archdemon began pacing slowly back and forth as he spoke, “Jasper, right? No one's seen the prick. He's not here, not in Hell....doubt the fucker is with Dad... I don't even think he actually exists anymore.” He looked thoughtful as he tried to think out loud about this, “That's not even your mission anymore. In fact, I don't think you /have/ a mission. Too much has changed, Mark. It's changed so much that by default you and your harbringers just... fucking failed!”
Mark stayed silent still, eyes closed but his powers became faint with every word.
“And failing, “Adramelech said with amusement as he turned to face the harbringer once more, “means you're ticket to Dad has been revoked. That's right.... Mark.... you're talking to the only one who can confirm what you already know is true. Here I am, Adramelech, the Watcher of The Fallen, to lead you to Heaven where you should go. But... there's no redemption here for you.” His voice became solemn, almost mockingly, “Mark... It's over. You have failed completely. Dad has turned his back on you and the others, “he started to chuckle, “and here you are, still acting like you have a purpose.”
Mark eyes remained closed as he seemed to hold himself limply now, a quiet tear rolled down his cheeks. Adramelech was right, he was truly fallen and redemption was only a memory now. And Moloch was gone. This should have been a blessing, but something inside felt empty without the Godking.
The archdemon watched Mark with a slight grin, knowing the harbringer was broken and beyond redemption. He got so much pleasure seeing such a strong instrument of Heaven cut from grace, knowing this was a huge loss to the other team. “Mark...” he said softly, “What's on your mind, huh? Talk to me....”
Mark hated this, he hated demons, he hated Adramelech and he hated Moloch. Everything was ruined and it all started with Moloch. If it wasn't for the Wrath King, Mark would still be able to be redeemed. But now, that all was lost. Adramelech wasn't lying about this, he physically couldn't, and Mark understood this. And it made Mark hate Adramelech even more.
Mark's breath shook quietly as he managed to slowly stand and open his eyes, turning to face the Archdemon with disdain in his cold expression.
Adramelech eyed him over slowly, his eyes stopping on the harbringer's face and meeting Mark's gaze. The archdemon gave a pout, mockingly, as he continued, “Come on. Let it out.”
The archdemon's head snapped to the side suddenly as Mark landed a heavy blow to Adramelech's face.
And the archdemon didn't move for a moment, a little shocked but also thinking he should have seen that coming. Slowly, Adramelech's hand went to his own lips, wiping fresh blood from the wound. “....Wow....” he looked back at the harbringer, “I was trying to help you, you didn't need to be a dick--”
Another punch, Adamelech's head snapping to the other side, lip busted and fresh blood dotting along the ground. But he wasn't exactly phased. In fact, he was amused by all of this. Chuckling, he managed to turn back to look to Mark, “Even without your goddamned self-proclaimed 'godking', you still manage to act like an idiotic child throwing a fucking temper tantrum.” He quickly extended his hand, a blast of Hell's power blasting Mark at point blank range, throwing Mark off the building with a dull thud from below. Adramelech wiped the remaining blood from his lip on the back of his hand before strolling over to the edge of the roof. Looking down, he could see the harbringer lying motionless, wings spread and twisted feathers blowing lightly like falling leaves from a tree. The structure of Mark's wings were much more apparent now, like that of a bat or dragon, skeletal and dark. Adramelech glared down at the motionless figure below, feeling good overall about what he just witnessed.
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Bnha Mafia AU Scenario: You need a new bra
[Summary: Busty reader! the last of your bra hooks break while lifting boxes at work! Leaving you in a bit of pickle, so, you text your friend telling her to go your house get you another bra... At least you though you thought it was your friend...]
"Goddamn lazy sons..." You huffed bending down getting another box of the floor, Naoki your male co-worker was supposed to be doing this but he decided texting on his phone and flirting with Mei from accounting was productive then doing his job! you huffed lifting a box full of text-book up when you felt your bra loosen..*Crap, one of the hooks must've snapped...oh, well I still got two more." then you felt your bra start to slip off did you realize your mistake...
This was the bra from last week! the one that had a broken hook after playing with your cat, you felt the second one snap this when you were putting on your jacket this morning...  Your face was on fire as you awkwardly looked around making sure you were the only person in the storeroom before unbuttoning your blouse and and taking off your broken bra to examine it to see if may the hook didn't break, maybe it just bent and you could fix it! Nope, it was definitely broken... How embarrassing you huffed grabbing your phone and texting your friend telling her it was an emergency!
{My bra broke, I need you get me another at my house! and please hurry my supervisors gonna be here any minute! I'm in Storeroom 13} 
[seen a 12:45 ✔✔]
Twenty minutes later...
"Y/n I got your text open the door"
You blinked bemused that didn't sound like your friend it sounded like... 
Shigaraki Position: the big boss: You open the door to see Tomura standing outside in the hall, You stared at the mob boss incredulously, before registering what he said *he saw my text...*, You looked down at you phone and saw his name on top of the screen...Your face felt like it was on fire as Shigaraki cleared his throat, you looked at him and saw he was blushing as he held out a bag from a very every expensive lingerie brand which looked at bemused did he buy her a new bra... "Y-you Didn't have get m-" He cut you off "Just take it!" You blinked and took the bag from the white haired mob boss, who waited outside thinking about the embarrassing situation at the lingerie store... 
He got that text and went to ask Kurogiri to bring the car around as he was going to attend to your wishes, until Dabi got a look at his phone and snorted. "Well, no shit it broke, she's not even wearing the right size!" the hit man noticed his boss eying him suspiciously. "And how exactly would you know that?" the scarred man just smirked knowing Shigaraki doesn't have a lot experiences with women.
"Boss I'm hit-man, it's my job to analyze people right down to what brand of socks they wear, You think I wouldn't notice a chick with {y/cup} size boobs in a {not y/cup} bra? it pretty obvious, especially when she does that little squirmy shrug thing with her shoulders."  
Shigaraki seemed to take this to heart as he didn’t like the thought of you being uncomfortable, So he had Kurogiri to take him to a lingerie store instead of your home, needles to say the staff were all on edge when the notorious head of the Shigaraki group came waltzing into their shop, looking around nervously at the various styles and varieties of underwear and sexy sleepwear.
One of the sales ladies finally mustered up the balls to approached and asked if he needed help. Shigaraki explained the situation and the lady put on a tight smile and helped him with obvious reluctance, before setting on a sky blue bra, but then Shigaraki paused when he saw a couple of other sleep sets he figured you'd like and one that he liked that was made to look like a game controller bought those too. 
He heard the door open and saw you walk out, Tomura cheeks were pink when he noticed that your chest looked like it had gotten perkier, that extra padding really was worth it, he'll have to have Kurogiri send those ladies at the Lingerie store a card or something... "D-does it fit alright?" He stammered scratching his neck while looking a you nervous about your reaction. "Yeah, actually it fits nice..." You said surprised that you're boyfriend got your size right. 
"That good! that's nice!...um I have to go I see you after work" he said kissing you on the cheek and walking out the back door, just as your worried boss rounded the corner asking why the head of Shigaraki was here? and where had he gone, yeah forgot to mention your company in under the Shigaraki's protection, but that was long before you and Tomura were a thing.
Needless to say when you got home that evening you were very surprised to find at least four more bags of Lingerie waiting for you on your coffee table, your face felt like a furnace as you read a note from Tomura detailing his high hopes that you'll be wearing at least one of them, and what he plans to do with you when he comes over to play later!~ 
Dabi Position Hitman/Enforcer: There stood Dabi dried blood on his jacket (at least you think it was dry, the jacket too black to tell.) with a pervy grin on his face as he held up a bag from a lingerie store... your eye twitched and went close the door in his face when he wedged his foot in the door to stop you. "Easy there Fairy~ I'm just answering your distress signal!" he said teasingly causing you look at him oddly.
"What are you on about?" He put his hand in mock hurt. "Oh that text wasn't for little ol'me?" Again you looked him like he'd grown six heads, before looking down at your phone and saw that, yes. You had texted Dabi instead of Abbi, oops... "Actually that text was meant for Abbi. " the hit-man took then shrugged. "Well then I guess I'll be goin.." You grabbed his arm. "h-Hold up!, hold up lets not be hasty now!" he looked back at you with a smirk as he handed you the bag.
Dabi waited outside the door when he heard you muffled "What the fuck?" then you angerly yelling at him. "Get in here right now!" the hitman resisted the urge to burst of laughing at your face, as you held up a cupless bra for him to see. "If you seriously think I’m gonna wear this I'm cutting your dick of right now!" you hissed as Dabi feigned innocence. "What. what wrong with it?" He eyes watched you reach for a shelf where they store the extra blades for the Paper-guillotine, and he put his hands up.
"Okay, okay I’m just kiddin' with ya!" he took the bag from you and pulled out a dark purple bra with teal polka dots the inside of the cup was also teal, you hummed before putting it on and were pleasantly surprised that it fit you! "That feel better than that [not y/cup] size rag you've been wearing?"  You gawked at him bemused "Wait...I was wearing the wrong size? How did you notice?" Dabi said you squirming your shoulders and walking around like the hunch back of Notre-Dame was a dead giveaway.
You hummed putting your shirt back and Dabi with this little smirk on his face seeing the improvement that bra. "Looks like Patty and Selma are safe and snug in their new home.~" he purred watching them puff up when you crossed your arms. "I still don't get why you named them after the aunts from The Simpsons." You say as you watch him check his phone. "Because!" He kissed you on the cheek before going to the window. "...They're always smokin~" he winked before hopping out the window and running into the foggy afternoon, just as you boss cam in asking if you were done with inventory? And where the hell was your male co-worker?! that night Dabi was pleasantly surprised to find you trying on the cupless bra; checking yourself out in the mirror let's just say the Hitman was definitely buying you more underwear if he gets to come home that every night!~
Hawks position smuggler/police informant: You were confused seeing your boyfriend standing in the hall "Hey Dove." he greeted smiling coyly and holding a sparkly bag from a Lingerie store, you looked at him oddly. "Uh...Hi?" you looked to see if your friend was hiding behind him, nope just his wings... "Why are you here?" you asked. "I got your text, see?" he took his phone and showed you his phone, your face felt warm as you saw your text staring you in the face.
You must've mistaken Keigo for Kaiko "Oh... That wasn't for you. " You hummed embarrassed Keigo didn't seemed to mind as he held out the bag to you causing you heat up realizing he bought you underwear... Which you were reluctant to take. Now it's not that you didn't trust Keigo it's just his track record buying you clothes isn't very good... but then you looked at your options and sighed taking the bag from the blond; not seeing the sneaky smirk Keigo was trying to hide.
 before he heard you go "what the hell?" he snorted and walked in the storeroom to see you holding up this, ugly neon yellow mesh bra littered with green sequins in the shape of peacock feathers that covered your nips, You looked at the bra then him at almost scared. "Dude..." You murmured in disbelief that he actually expected you to wear this! he burst out laughing you pouted and started hitting him. "Ow...ow, haha! Okay!...heh, Okay!" He snorted as he checked the bag he gave you and under all the cray paper he pulled out this red bra with little gold stars on it, it looked cute but you were skeptical as you put it on. 
"Holy crap, it fits...."You looked at him suspiciously as you were putting your shirt back on. "Who helped you?" You asked watching at he stiffened up "I don't know what you talking about..." he smiled coyly as you crossed your arms and cocked a brow, before watching Keigo's smile drop, your brows furrowed as you watched one of Keigo's feather's shot out through a gap in the door and you heard a yelp!
You both went outside in the hall to find your co-worker Naoki pinned to the wall by Keigo's feather his cell phone laying at his feet, the blond's eyes narrowed as he picked it up and looked through it, Keigo growled when he found photos of you changing on it. He looked at Naoki in disgust before crushing the phone much to your co-worker protest and hawks pocketed the memory card, then turned to Naoki. "I'd keep my mouth shut about this if I were you bub.”
Keigo hissed as brought another razor sharp feather up to nervous man's face and pressed it against his cheek. "Or else you'll learn the meaning of “”Snitches get stiches””... Ya get me?" Naoki nodded and Keigo put him down and watched him run, The blond then turned to you with a cheeky smile. "Wanna go the lunch?" You agreed and hastily left with your birdbrained boyfriend.  
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
You’re my Treasure (Mammon X MC) Pt10
The Blue Lotus petals (series)
As a fan of Beauty X Beast pairing, Showing your “true self” to Lover or (Monster Love) Tropes. I figure to make a (More Demonic Forms AU/head canon) story for each brothers. Heads up each brother’s Story is long as fuck. So, I’ll be posting them as parts and finishing one brother before moving on to the rest of them.
(spoiler for lesson 1-60)
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6 Pt7 Pt8 Pt9
Warning: Swearing, Demonic nature.
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With no other option he uses his wing to grab Mammon’s attention it works and use other talon to pinned down his wing freeing Lucifer’s arm. And quickly reach in grabbing the book out of his coat and start reading it then his eyes turning more demonic with each word and starting to feel his body shifting to his demonic form.
“Do you how long we have to keep walking for Satan?” Belphie is whining with walking they been doing, as he, Levi, Beel with unconscious Asmo being carried by Beel following Satan who is following the spell he cast onto Lucifer. Leading them deeper in the woods.
“This spell only helps me by making an invisible rope around Lucifer’s ankle not how long we have to walk.” Satan answers Belphie’s question.
Suddenly Beel start sniffing around as if he caught a scent of something, and start running towards it.
“BEEL!!” Levi screams to stop call Beel back causing the other two to look back.
“Beel come back!” Belphie and Levi chase after Beel, leaving Satan to facepalm and start following the spell without them.
“They got Beel with them, they’ll be fine and I should be fine. Right?”
“Beel don’t ran of like that you’ll get lost and you’re carrying Asmo~” Belphie cuts himself off when he saw what Beel tracking.
“Y/N!!!” Belphie runs towards and tackling you, causing you to drop the food you been gathering.
You blink the shock out of you “Belphie you’re here! You found us” your start to get teary eye and sobbing as you return the hug and tighten it to make sure that this isn’t a dream.
Levi and Beel rush over to you two, Levi immediately wraps his arms and tails around you squeezing into almost bone crushing embrace, while crying of a storm and sobbing. You try to say something but your being crushes by two of most powerful demons right now.
“Levi let go your crushing them!”
“And you aren’t!” the two-demons let go, for you to gasp for air, then Beel walks over. With a smile of happiness and relief. Since you saw that his hands were full, you gave a bear and nuzzle into chest.
“We’re so happy we found you”
“I miss you guys too” as you hug Beel, and you felt a hand pat your head making you to look up to see who it was. It was a tired Asmo with a sleepy smile at you.
“How did you guys find these woods?” you let go from the hug and asks around.
“We followed Mammon~”
“Shit!” you cut off Beel “You mean his already back! I need to go back to the cave. His going to flip if he can’t find me” you quickly grab the fruits from the ground and quickly head back to the cave with the demons following from behind.
“Is that Satan!” you see him at the mouth of the cave looking inside from the side. Ran beside him “Satan~” he quickly covers mouth and shushing you.
“If Mammon hears you, he wouldn’t stand a chance against Lucifer” you grab his hand and took it off from your mouth.
“What do you mean?” but he could answer you Mammon shrike inside and unfamiliar one mixes in with his. “Mammon!” mutter and quickly run inside, ignoring Satan’s call.
The others finally made it to the cave next to Satan.
“What’s happening?” Belphie asks and Satan click his tongue and turn to look at Belphie.
“Lucifer is in there, fighting Mammon”
“What!! And you’re just standing out here while Lucifer and Mammon are killing each other inside the cave”
“Well, I haven’t gone in yet all I know is that my spell broke 10 mins away from here, luckily I could hear Mammon’s shirking and I believe to be Lucifer’s so I just follow that sound then I end up here”
“We have to do something! Maybe~”
“Levi, those are two of the most powerful demons in there who are in their demonic form right now. If you want to get yourself killed, be my guest” but before Satan gesture to go in jokingly, Levi rushes inside. “Levi!?! I didn’t mean literary…... FUCK looks like we’re going in”
“You know…… that we can stay here and~”
“y/n is in there…” not even a second past, Belphie runs in, with Beel and Asmo who is being carried by him is far behind. Satan let a long sigh being to walk in the cave where trouble is bound to happen.
“You Son of…… do you have any idea how long we been looking for you and y/n~” Mammon shrikes at Lucifer who gets angrier by each pasting minute and slowly losing his calm and collected demeanor.
“I can do this all-night Mammon; you did this to yourself now chance back or ELSE!!” Lucifer is practically yelling at Mammon like he was still himself a month ago.
But all Mammon did was throw rocks and bones at Lucifer. Who even with a broken arm and his mind getting more feral by the hour is manage to dodge everything that Mammon is throwing at him? With a cocky smile like his enjoying this.
“What going on?” Levi is asking you, but you’re just standing with mouth and eyes widen open in disbelief to what you’re witnessing below you. You couldn’t answer him.
Belphie, Beel and Asmo got there and they are stunned by what’s happening. But once Satan got there, he’s was the how finally did something. Yelling and calling out the two brothers fighting down there.
“The FUCK!?! Are you two doing! You two can’t even stop arguing even you’re like THIS!!”
The two demonic being whip their head towards the mouth of the cave.
“SHUT YOUR MOUTH! SATAN” Lucifer yell while Mammon shrike aggressively and immaturely. But then he saw you standing there, all of the sudden his whole demeanor change into happy and excited, like a puppy seeing his owner back from work. With his tail wagging and eyes widened with joy.
He quickly run towards you, scaling the wall like it was nothing using his talons to climb. Once he got to you, he quickly grabs you pulling you away from his brothers. Keep you close to his chest with one winged arm and quickly scaled back down and dashes pass a confuse Lucifer heads toward the nest.
He jumps and flop on the nest on his back while hugging you tight. He nuzzles his forehead on face while mixture of cooing and purring in happy and joy comes off from him. “I sorry I left; I was getting some food…… we’re you worried that you did see once you got back?” he dramatically nodded with his eyes close. “Owww, I sorry I made you worried” you kiss the side of his face, causing him to purr like crazy and start playfully preening you. Making you giggle and laugh; you wrap your arms around his neck hugging him and he did the same thing with winged arms covering your entire body with only your head pop out and his tail slam up and down making noise with coins in the nest.
While you two were reuniting, the others flew down into the cavern, and walk toward Lucifer who is watching all of this unfolded.
“Why the hell happen to you, you look like you didn’t finish~”
“The spell!” Lucifer cuts off Satan with grouchy tone “when Mammon and I struggling, I grab the book out of my coat and start read the spell and my body start to change, but then Mammon knock the book off my hand causing the spell to stop and this happen” Lucifer show his taloned arm to his brothers slowly turning it to show how it changed.
Lucifer is still in his demon form more so, more demonic with his wings gotten bigger, both arms and legs are now black talons like an eagle with more humanoid with black feather sprouting out at where the talons ended. And one of his eyes turn demonic with the sclera ink black and the iris fairly glowing crimson red and a tail with seven peacock feathers at the tip of it.
“Well…… at least your still you Lucifer” Asmo finally got off from Beel’s back and cheerful comments at Lucifer’s predicament. “You still have some control and Hey! You still have your handsome face” he giggles, earning him a deadpan stare from not just Lucifer but also Satan and Belphie.
“Looks like their asleep” Beel points at the two of you sleeping in nest, with you laying on your stomach on top of Mammon with your head resting on crooks of his neck as he sleeping on his back with one winged arm blanketing your body.
“I think they have the right idea” Belphie comment letting out a yawn “we can deal with this tomorrow, we been at it for hours, we need to sleep.” For once all of them agree and nodded at Belphie who sleepy smiled.
All of them start setting up where they are to sleep. Levi and Asmo lay next to each other with their back facing towards each other near by the nest. Belphie found a pile of old fabrics and flop himself on top of it and immediately fall asleep, Beel lean back on the pile and start falling asleep.
Once all of his younger brothers are asleep all expect one, Lucifer walks over to the wall where the mouth of the cavern is, and lean back and slide down in exhaustion right next to Satan, who is still awake.
“Lucifer for once get some sleep” he let out a dry laugh at his brother blunt way of caring before dozing off to sleep, and Satan followed suit.
The sound of coins being step on quietly filled the cavern, as someone pick up the old book on the ground and return back to sleep.
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Internet Friends
For Maribat March day 4 theme internet friends
Master List
It was peaceful for once in the manor. Dick, Tim, Damian, Steph, Cass, and Babs were all in the living room doing their own thing. However peace cannot last forever and the silent atmosphere was interrupted by one Timothy Drake-Wayne. 
“Guys come check this out!” He exclaimed, his phone facing the others in the room. They all gathered around the phone, some more annoyed than others. On screen was a video and Tim hit play. 
It showed a girl with dark hair, blue eyes, and pale skin motioning for someone off screen to come over. There was music going on in the background and the girl was obviously getting impatient. The figure came on screen and they were all shocked to see it was Jason. Then at the top of the screen the words ‘Doing this trend with my overprotective best friend’ appeared and now they were very confused. Jason had never mentioned this girl before.
The music stopped and the girl repeated the lyrics “Look at my ass, look at my thighs” as she turned around. But before she could turn around Jason picked her up and carried her off screen before the video ended. 
“What was that?” Dick asked after a few seconds of silence. 
“It’s a trend on tik tok that girls usually do with their boyfriends, but in this case Jason and this girl are just best friends.” Steph answered. 
“How does Jason even know this girl?” Dick pointed out, asking the question that was on all of their minds. Unfortunately, no one, not even Tim, knew the answer. 
Cass then spoke up, “Watch more.” She grabbed Tim’s phone and played another video, however this time it was Jason holding the camera. He came over to the strange girl who looked to be baking something. She looked up at him weirdly, asking something that couldn’t be heard because of the audio playing, luckily they could read lips. 
‘What are you doing?’ She asked
Jason responded with ‘Just listen.’ 
She turned her attention to the camera as the lyrics “That’s my best friend, that’s my best friend” played. Jason was moving to the beat and that seemed to convince the girl to also move to the beat. The song continued with more lyrics playing “She’s not my girlfriend, she’s my best friend”. Then suddenly the lyrics “I just fuck her her from time to time” played and the girl whipped out her spoon and started whacking him on the head with it. She was screaming ‘LIES’ just before the video cut out. 
This led to them going on a spree of watching their tik toks. Apparently this was their shared account and both of them had separate accounts they planned to look at later. An hour had passed of them just watching their tik toks before they stumbled upon an intriguing one. The caption was ‘You guys asked for it, so I’ll explain. This is going to be my side of the story.’
It showed Margot, as they had found out her name was, sitting on her bed recording herself painting her nails a blood red as she talked. 
“Ok so you guys have been asking for this for a while so here it is. How I met Jason part one. And Jason will also be doing his side of the story, just so you’re aware, watch that after this. But this also takes place after the whole ‘Hawkmoth and Lila Incident’ so if you haven’t watched that storytime on my personal account, you should probably go do that.” 
One look at each other and they knew they were gonna look at the story afterwards. It was getting too good to leave now.
“So a long time ago I had a venting account on Instagram. Now I had many venting accounts, all with different usernames, including Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, all that good stuff but Instagram is where I met Jason. I posted something about how death could never stop me because I had died by the hands of an akuma before but ladybug’s cure brought me back to life. But then later on in the post I said something about how if this one boy, you all know who he is, couldn’t take a hint then I would rather let death take me than bother living in this mortal realm. Jason ended up seeing the post since we were following each other at the time and DMed me. Now he said and I quote ‘Yo, my username at the time, if you need me to come and beat this guys ass I would be more than happy too. I would gladly let death claim me as well without your shit posts to relate to.’” 
She had tried to make her voice sound deeper and had stopped painting her nails so she could do air quotes. “Looking back on it now, that is such a Jason thing to say, but at the time I was pretty confused and mildly concerned. And time’s up, part two will be posted right now.” 
“Wait, what the heck is an akuma and ladybug’s cure and why did she die from it!?!?!” Dick shouted once the video ended. 
“Dick you don’t know what she’s talking about?” Babs asked in disbelief. 
“Tt, Grayson, and I thought you were one of the smart ones in this family.” Damian scoffed. 
“Does everyone here, but me, know what she's talking about?” Dick questioned, getting yes and nods from everyone in the room.
“Okay Dick,” Tim began, “This is gonna be pretty unbelievable and complicated so I’ll try to explain it as best I can in a short amount of time so we can finish her side of the story before dinner. So while I’m explaining don’t interrupt me.” 
He waited for Dick to nod his head before continuing. “There are jewelry called miraculous that house mini gods that grant powers to whoever has the jewelry. Each miraculous houses a different god thus a different power. Miraculous themselves, including the gods bound to them, are neutral so they can be used for good or evil depending on who wields them. 
Hawkmoth and Mayura used the butterfly and peacock miraculouses for evil purposes and were basically emotional terrorists to the people of Paris. Hawkmoth was able to send out a butterfly with magic to a person feeling negative emotions and manipulate them to do his bidding. These butterflies and villains created by the butterflies were called akumas. If you were or became an akuma you were akumatized. Mayura was able to send out a feather with magic that also used negative emotions to create a monster that aided the akuma. The feathers were called amuks and the monsters were called sentimonsters. 
That was when the heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir also came along and fought Hawkmoth. Ladybug had the ladybug miraculous which granted her the power of lucky charm and miraculous ladybug. Lucky charm gave her an item needed to defeat the akuma and miraculous ladybug reversed all the damage a fight caused. She also had the task of purifying the akuma, turning it back into a butterfly. Chat Noir had the black cat miraculous which granted the power of cataclysm, which made it so he could destroy anything he touched. The 2 worked as a team for around a year before they brought in other temporary heroes who are not that important. Eventually all their temp heroes’ identities were outed and they could no longer use them so they were back to square one. 
However many people noticed that Chat Noir was not taking his job as seriously, he began sitting out battles, flirting with ladybug while there was an akuma, and even getting civilians killed, relying too heavily on ladybug’s cure. We’re not exactly sure what happened, we assumed she snapped because one akuma attack Chat Noir was not there. Instead, there was a whole new team of miraculous wielders including Murder Hornet wielder of the bee miraculous who had the power venom which let her temporarily paralize her opponent, Red Illusion wielder of the fox miraculous who had the power mirage which let him create illusions, Peridot Protector wielder of the turtle miraculous who had the power shelter which allowed him to create indestructible shields, Medusa wielder of the snake miraculous who had the power second chance which allowed her to reset the time line as many times as needed to win the battle, Mustang wielder of the horse miraculous who had the power voyage which let him create portals, and a new black cat holder, Midnight. 
The team took 6 months to defeat Hawkmoth and Mayura, who turned out to be Gabriel Agreste and Natalie Sancour. The Justice League tried to recruit them but they all wanted to live normal lives. Ladybug still checks in every 3-6 months to reassure everyone she still has all the miraculous. I don’t blame them, especially Ladybug, for wanting a normal life. This whole thing started when they were around 13 and ended when they were around 17.”
Tim then clicked on part two of her story, not even waiting for Dick to recover from the huge information dump. 
It was the exact same place she was at in part one, and she was still painting her nails the same shade of blood red. “Okay guys part two of how Jason and I met. If you didn’t watch part one go watch then return to this one. So picking up where we left off I Dmed him back and we ended up having a very long conversation about murder, people not understanding the word no, and spineless cowards. This went on for quite a while of us just messaging each other and eventually we gave each other our emails and then phone numbers. I gave him my phone number just before I moved out of Paris. After like 6 months of texting we planned to meet up at some park in New York that was near the apartment I lived at at the time. Now in hindsight that was a very dumb move on my part so to all the kids watching don’t go meeting up with strangers you meet on the internet. Do as I say not as I did. I almost regretted my decision to meet up with him because he is intimidating as hell! He’s like over 6 foot tall, with muscles the size of my head! I honestly thought that I had put myself in a very bad situation but thankfully he was just as nice in real life like he was over text. We ended up hanging out a lot more and long story short we’re best friends!” 
It was at this point that she looked directly into the camera with a glare that could rival Batman’s, stating, “Literally just best friends to all the people who think shipping us is okay!” And just like that, it was gone, “Anyways see you guys next video, bye!” 
And with that the video ended and the Wayne children, minus Jason obviously, were left wondering how they missed the fact Jason had a female best friend. One where they declared their friendship on the internet nonetheless!
“Well that was certainly something.” Steph commented. 
“Yeah, who knew Jason could have a non hero friend that we didn’t know about.” Tim joked. 
“So are we gonna watch Jason’s part?” Dick asked. 
“I don’t think we have time for that, but we can watch it after dinner.” Tim suggested, “Alfred is probably on his way to get us right now.”
“Tt, what do we do now?” Damian questioned. 
It was then that Cass stole Tim’s phone and started to play a new tik tok. And it showed Margot trying to teach Jason how to do the WAP dance. They were never letting him hear the end of this.
I am literally so sorry for that huge information dump with the miraculous. I did not expect to get that carried away while writing and by the time I realized it, it was too late and I had to post. Honestly because of how much I wrote I will probably use the miraculous holders names in a future fic, cause I’m lazy. :P Also if you wanna guess their identities feel free to! Anyways tomorrows prompt fic thing will be like a prequel for this one, it’s basically why Marinette now goes by Margot and why she lived/lives in New York. The prompt “Betrayal" will be connected to this as well. :)  Also sorry this was posted so late, I had things to do, that I still need to do...I hate procrastination
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selenityshiroiml · 3 years
So...I’ve seen somewhere that, at some point, Chat Noir will not be a part of the show for a bit. And I started to think of a scenario where it would work, but I’m not a massive fic writer and all my ideas are building up into a huge plot but with no major desire to write it. So...massive post-Gabriel/Hawkmoth story idea under the cut
So, I had the idea that the miraculous crew (all reunited for the big event) would find out Gabriel was Hawkmoth and quickly work to take him out. And, yeah, Chat Noir was a bit off during the take down but at least they all stopped Gabriel and got him and Nathalie arrested and they got back the Peacock Miraculous (but the Butterfly got knocked off and is still missing because Butterfly User Lila).
And the crew are all ‘oh shit...what about poor Adrien (who none of us know personally of course) he wasn’t here at the mansion when we ruined his life so we should all split up and go look for him’
(Nino finds him crying on his doorstep)
But then the next day Adrien kind of closes off and goes off radar for a bit because comatose Emilie was found and he’s now splitting time between the hospital and trying to make sure Agreste Fashion doesn’t tank and take all it’s innocent employees with it and a hotel because he is not going back to that mansion. And all his friends are giving him space because they love him and know he’s gone through a lot with his dad and psudo-stepmom being magical terrorists. And maybe they also don’t want to push because they also feel a little guilty for slapping the cuffs on.
In the meantime Chat Noir and Ladybug are still looking for the missing Butterfly but Chat is still off and he asks Ladybug if he can take some time for personal reasons. And Ladybug is all ‘what??? is something wrong?’ and he tells her that a family member is has been ill for a long time and they might need to be transferred for specialist medical treatment. But he’s being sufficiently vague enough that Ladybug assumes he’s been taking care of a family member with cancer or something and ‘OMG how long has he been struggling, was this happening before Hawkmoth??? Did he put off telling her or asking to take time off because he was worried about leaving her alone to deal with the akumas and everything???’
So she’s all ‘of course you can take some time you are my friend and partner and I care about you and I know you’ll be back as soon as you can and I hope everything goes well in your real life’
But what’s really happening is that the Guardian Temple has been in contact with Adrien and are all ‘we can help heal your mother...come to Tibet’ and Adrien is all ‘well...I can’t take the Black Cat Miraculous to Tibet with me because Ladybug might need it to protect her’ so he sends Plagg off with the ring and tells him to take it back to the Guardian (he isn’t truly renouncing it, he’s just being a selfless moron).
Of course, Marinette gets home from school and finds Plagg hissing and spitting at all the Kwami in her room and she realises Plagg is there with the ring and they are both so angry and upset at Chat Noir because ‘how fucking dare he’ and she refuses to put the ring away and no way in HELL is anyone else wearing it. She puts it on a cord around her neck and keeps it under her shirt at all times.
And then a few days later Adrien (who has slowly started messaging his friends back and thanking them for their support) shows up at school to say goodbye for a bit because he’s taking his mother to a specialist in China and everyone is all sad face but hopes everything goes well. (and obviously no one thinks twice about the fact that Adrien is leaving Paris not long after Chat Noir stopped appearing) And Tikki is shoving cheese scones into Plagg’s mouth whilst they hide in Marinette’s bag because she’s afraid he’s gonna shout out for his kitten before he drives off.
But then he’s gone and Marinette misses Chat Noir like anything and she misses Adrien and Alya is all ‘sooooo...can we borrow the ring?’ and Marinette and Plagg are both ‘OVER MY DEAD BODY’.
And then at some point a weird Miraculous user turns up with another strange user acting as a Mandarin-French interpreter and they ask Ladybug for the Peacock to heal Emilie Agreste. And she is all ‘wt actual fuck???’ and is all ‘let me think about it’ because Plagg is hidden in her hair whispering ‘you can trust them...especially the young one’ and she says to come back the next night and she’ll give her answer.
So she does the only thing she can think of to get answers as to why the Peacock might help Emilie. She sneaks into jail and asks Gabriel. And Gabriel, who has had time to think about his defeat and add 2 and 2 together to make 4 has realised that she is Marinette (he’s also worked out that Chat Noir is his son but he’s keeping quiet) and is open with her about how Emilie fell into a coma because of the Peacock and that, yes, it might be used to help her recover but he has no idea how. He also asks pointed questions about Sentimonsters and how she treated the Ladybug Sentimonster as a living being because maybe there might be a repercussion you aren’t willing to be responsible for.
Ladybug agrees to give the Peacock Miraculous to the Guardian Temple representatives on the promise that it is returned to her via Adrien and Emilie Agreste when they return, safe and well, to Paris.
In the meantime the Adrien-less plot ticks away with new Akuma victims showing up (showing that some asshole really DOES have the butterfly) but the motives seem to be less ‘bring me their miraculous’ and more ‘fuck everyone in Paris because i’m angry and upset because no one believes in me or gives me the attention i want’ because fucking Lila.
And at one point Nino, Alya and Marinette go and check out apartments on behalf of Adrien who has shortlisted places from China but wants his friends to check them out physically for him because he trusts them (and they are all ‘oh shit...this is an apartment but it’s like three times the size of all our places combined why is our friend so rich...) because I think that would be cute.
Until one day the news breaks out that Nathalie has disappeared in jail and all that is left is a feather, mostly white but with tints of blue at the edges. Marinette is all ‘shit...that’s an amok thing’ and manages to convince the police to give Ladybug the feather. She purifies the feather and on the otherside of the planet Emilie Agreste wakes up.
(Because Nathalie was a sentimonster that critically ill Emilie made and was filled with her desire to look after her husband and son and the reason why Gabriel didn’t try to destroy Nathalie to help Emilie is because by the time he realised what Nathalie was she was already a real person in his eyes, like the Ladybug Sentimonster, and also she was a part of Emilie and he didn’t want to risk destroying her if it wouldn’t help because she was all he had of his wife and he’s actually sad that Nathalie might be gone, even if it means Emilie wakes)
And then Adrien comes home and Emilie is still weak but hey at least she is there and she pays attention to her son which is more than Gabriel ever did (and it’s kind of weird that she seems to know things that only Nathalie knew...it’s like she saw her son grow up as if watching a movie).
And then Adrien sneaks up on Ladybug whilst she’s out and about (because he knows all her normal patrol spots) in order to return the Peacock. And Ladybug has spent the last while swearing to Plagg that when Chat comes back she is going to say fuck it to the hidden identities because she is going to shove the ring back on his damned finger herself and never let him take it off again. So Plagg has no qualms about zooming out of Ladybug’s hair and smooshing straight into Adrien’s face screaming ‘IF YOU EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN I WILL COUGH UP A CAMEMBERT FLAVOURED HAIRBALL DIRECTLY INTO YOUR MOUTH YOU RAT BASTARD’
And that isn’t how Marinette or Adrien expected the reveal to go but whatever.
(alternatively they could hold out on the reveal and just have a cute Ladrien scene of Adrien thanking Ladybug for helping his mother heal whilst she is all awkwardly all ‘sorry I got your father arrested’ and then when Marinette gets home Plagg is all ‘wow...will you look at the time, I think Chat Noir might be mysteriously ready for me to take my ring back to him’ and then he flies off and two days later Ladybug finds Chat Noir on top of the Montparnasse Tower and she tackle hugs him off the side of the building and they have to quickly stop each other from falling to their deaths via yoyo and staff and they end up tangled together whilst ugly crying because they missed each other SOOOOOO MUCH)
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
I would love to hear more about Renji and Iba's shithead disaster friendship back in their 11th days. If this is too general a request then I would like the floral bathrobe origin story!
LOLOLOL YOU ASKED FOR IT. I am continually hitting new rock bottoms with my short fiction, but here is another one: Iba POV fiction, ft. Iba’s Mom. I should have known @alopexplasma would be to blame for this one.
If you are not familiar with Iba’s mom, I suggest you read this Classic Post. I like to make a lot of jokes in my fanfic about how Iba and Renji used to be roommates in Squad 11 and that Iba has a matching bathrobe to Renji’s pink one that he wore to visit Rukia in jail. You know. This one:
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PG for Squad 11 language or whatever rating is appropriate for f-bombs and allusions to male anatomy
| ao3 | ff.net |
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“The cotton is really light and airy, it is perfect for summer. And I’m supporting a woman-owned business, you see.”
Iba Tetsuzaemon tried to get comfortable in one of the new wicker chairs his mother had put in her living room. They looked like nests built by birds with head trauma. Every time he figured out how to sit in one of her weird chairs, she would replace it with some sort of new form of rear end torture. “You look like you’re in your pajamas, Ma,” he informed her.
“It’s loungewear, Tetsuzaemon,” she corrected him. “As comfortable as pajamas, yet appropriate for wearing around one’s own home.” She posed again, showing off the ridiculous, peacock-feather patterned yukata she was wearing. It was very purple.
“Looks like pajamas,” Iba muttered.
“I think it’s very flattering, Mrs. I,” Abarai announced from his stool over at the breakfast bar, his cheek crammed with Chikane’s latest culinary experiment, pumpkin quinoa balls or some shit like that. A lot of guys from the Rukon would eat stuff indiscriminately, but Iba had never seen anyone do so quite as enthusiastically as Abarai.
“Thank you, Renji,” Chikane replied lovingly.
Someone who didn’t know better might ask Iba why he habitually dragged his obnoxious roommate back to his ancestral home, where his mother fawned over the kid and constantly compared the two of them. The fact was, every minute Chikane spent fussing over Abarai was time that she wasn’t criticizing Iba, a very favorable exchange, in Iba’s opinion.
Also, Abarai seemed to have sort of a mom-thing. Not that kind of mom-thing. Iba definitely wouldn’t have brought him home if he suspected Abarai had that kind of a mom-thing. No, Renji had never had a mom, not even a surrogate mom like a lot of people from the Rukon, and he was sort of fascinated with them. Abarai could be a huge dick and a shithead and he had the worst taste in clothes Iba had ever seen and he talked all the fucking time anymore, but underlying all that was a sort of loneliness. He seemed to genuinely enjoy hanging out with Iba’s weirdo mother, so Iba let him come along. Why the hell not?
“Tsumori is trying to branch out into men’s fashion, as well,” Chikane mentioned casually.
“That’s great, Ma,” Iba responded automatically.
“I bought you one,” Chikane went on.
“Dammit, Ma!” Iba exclaimed. There was a loud snort from over by the breakfast bar.
“You’re going to love it, Tetsuzaemon. You work too hard, and it will increase the quality of your rest time.”
“I’m not gonna wear it, Ma.”
“It’s your loss, Tetsuzaemon. I am supporting my friend’s business either way. I think you would get a lot of benefit from it, though, and you could recommend it to all the other boys at your division.”
“No,” Iba replied.
“She was also a little unsure about sizing, so she sent me home with a few options, she could really use some feedback on fit--”
“I am not trying on any fucking loungewear, Ma!”
A rolled up chapbook featuring poetry about female body parts smacked painfully into his hand.
“Ow! Ma!”
“Don’t use that Squad 11 language in my house!”
There was a wheezing from the breakfast bar.
Chikane was pulling yards of fabric out of a cardboard box. “This one is large… this one is large, extra tall…”
“Cripes, Ma, no man is gonna wear that pink monstrosity,” Iba gestured at the yukata in her hands.
“A real man brings masculinity to whatever he wears,” Chikane mused. “I know you have no appreciation of the female gaze, Tetsuzaemon, but many women would find this very attractive on a man.”
“Is that the extra tall?” Abarai asked.
“Dammit, Abarai,” Iba muttered.
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“See, I told you it was comfortable!” Abarai insisted as he poured Iba a cup of sake. “Gets some nice airflow, y’know.”
It was hot as fuck out and Iba was pissed, honestly, at how light and airy this stupid fucking kimono was. Abarai had acquired a bottle of decent sake somewhere and was lounging around the room in that pink monstrosity drinking it. He kept declaring himself a “man of leisure” and making increasingly less vague allusions to how well-ventilated his package was. Iba knew the asshole wasn’t going to shut up or share until he put on his own yukata, which was identical, aside from having blue flowers instead of pink ones. There was a pleasant breeze coming in through the window, and the sake was really quite nice. Also, he was absolutely right about the airflow.
Iba hated it when Abarai was right.
“You should tie your yukatas looser,” Iba grunted. “You look like someone’s maiden aunt with it tightened up around your neck up like that.”
“You think?” Abarai asked, experimenting with his collar.
“You got all that ink on your pecs, you ought to show it off,” Iba shrugged.
“It’s not done yet, you don’t think it looks weird?”
“I mean, of course it looks weird. If you didn’t want to look weird, you shouldn’t have gotten your chest tattooed.”
A few scuffling noises and far off shouts wafted in on the breeze from the open window.
“Shit, what’s going on now?” Iba groaned.
Abarai got up and stuck his head out the window. “Ah, fuck, Big Maki and Really Big Maki are at it again. Looks like a big group of people are just getting back from the bar, this is gonna go south quick. You should probably do something, Mr. Fourth Seat, sir.”
“Fuck,” Iba declared, storming outside, his sake glass still in his hand. There was a crowd of smelly drunks gathering in the yard, but they scrambled out of the way as he shouldered through, letting his reiatsu roil off him menacingly. “What the hell do you chucklefucks think you’re doing?” he roared. That was usually sufficient to get everyone cowering.
Unfortunately, the Makis seemed to be loaded up tonight.
“This asshole has it comin’, Fourth Seat!” Really Big Maki howled. “He was talking shit about my old gang!”
Fuuuuuuuuck. A lot of guys in Eleven came from the Rukon, and the ones who came from gangs were the worst. Iba hated breaking up this shit, first off, because it was dumb, and secondly, because he couldn’t keep track of everyone’s stupid mascots or whatever. Who the hell cared? They were in the Eleventh now, the only gang that mattered.
“I just said,” Big Maki bit off, “that the Vultures are a pretty tough organization… for a bunch of pansy-asses from the East.” Shit, the most tired argument of them all, whose district was best (or possibly worse), but it never failed to get certain guys riled up.
“Do not start this shit,” Iba yelled, pointing at Big Maki around his sake cup. “You wanna brawl, you can sign up for a training field, there is no brawling in the yard and there is no brawling past ten at night!”
“Oi, Fourth Seat, you gonna let him off after sayin’ that about good ol’ East Rukongai?”
“Ah, what does he know? Iba’s a fancy lad from the Seireitei.”
Iba whipped around. “Which o’ you drunkos said that? I will knock your teeth out!”
There were more grumblings from around him, and Iba realized he was in very real danger of having to put down his drink. Suddenly, there was another drop in the humidity as another wave of choking reiatsu rolled into the yard, nearly as big as his own.
“East Rukongai is a fucking pit, just like North Rukongai and West Rukongai and South Rukongai,” a familiar voice bellowed. “Go to bed, you drunken fuckos or after Iba knocks your teeth out, I’ll fuckin’ feed ‘em to you.” Abarai had wandered into the yard, six feet, two inches of lean, corded muscle, draped in a light and airy pink and white yukata.
The mass of belligerent, intoxicated brutes glanced nervously at each other. Back-talking the Fourth Seat was dangerous enough, but the Fourth and the Sixth Seats together were absolutely no joke. Furthermore, Sixth Seat Abarai bore the unfortunate distinction of having the highest numbered hometown in the Squad, after only the captain and the vice-captain. Whatever Iba lacked in street cred, Abarai made up for it and then some.
“Are you guys wearing matching bathrobes?” someone suddenly broke the tense silence.
“Yes?” Abarai shrugged expansively, as though he were absolutely perplexed by the question. As though it were perfectly normal for two high-ranking bros to coordinate their evening wardrobe.
“Why are you all still here?” roared Iba. “I am gonna start swinging on a five-count, and if Abarai and I get any blood on our matching fucking bathrobes, we are going to be pissed.”
Drunks scattered into the night.
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“Heard you two broke up a fight last night,” Yumichika hummed as they sat, hunched over the cracked Formica table in the Officer’s Lounge, doing paperwork.
“What of it?” Iba grunted.
“Can you possibly explain the matching bathrobes thing?” Yumichika smirked, raising an eyebrow. “Or is it just more Iba-Abarai performance art? I hear it was strangely intimidating.”
“They’re good bathrobes,” Abarai offered. “Iba can get you one.”
“Abarai,” Yumichika scolded. “Do you think I lack for bathrobes? Have I never shown you my bathrobe collection?”
Iba pushed his sunglasses up onto his forehead and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hand.
“I find a lot of yukata to be too tight in the shoulders, but these are nice and roomy. Yukata for the man who lifts. What do you think, Iba?”
“Yeah, I ‘spose that’s a good point.”
“I have a perfect figure, unlike you walking sides of beef,” Yumichika sniffed. “I have never had that problem.”
Ikkaku sat up from the saggy couch in the corner where he had been trying to take a nap. “Did you say they have extra room in the shoulders? Babe, we could have matching--”
“Hrmmm,” Yumichika made an half-irritated, half-intrigued growling noise.
Iba slipped his sunglasses back over his nose. “Well, lemme know if you’re interested. It would really support my mom’s friend’s small business.”
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365days365movies · 4 years
March 14, 2021: The Holy Mountain (1973) (Part One)
Happy Pi Day! What’s on the menu?
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...Oh dear Christ. Looks like it’s a cloud pie, because this one’s gonna be OVER my head. And yes, I realize that it’s Pi Day after the irrational number, not the food. Which is ALSO fitting because I’m sure we’ve got a fuckton of irrationality coming my way, and I am...not ready? Yeah, yeah, I’m not ready.
But OK. Who actually made this movie? Alejandro Jodorowsky? Oh.
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OH. This...I should’ve put this in goddamn Experimental June, huh? Well, shit. I ean, it fits in with the patter of films I’ve been watching recently. You know, Greek mythology, Japanese folklore, then a surrealist film released by a notable director? And Jodorowsky is notable...in film circles, anyway. He’s not exactly a household name, but he is very well-known regardless.
Alejandro Jodorowsky is a Chilean-French man best known for his Mexican films. So, yeah, already interesting there. His Wikipedia article describes him as such, right off the BAT.
Since 1948, Jodorowsky has worked as a novelist, screenwriter, a poet, a playwright, an essayist, a film and theater director and producer, an actor, a film editor, a comics writer, a musician and composer, a philosopher, a puppeteer, a mime, a lay psychologist, a draughtsman, a painter, a sculptor, and a spiritual guru.
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Dude had a movie made ABOUT HIM TRYING TO MAKE A MOVIE. That would be Jodorowsky’s Dune, a documentary film about Jodorowsky’s attempt to make an adaptation of the book Dune, well before the actual first film came out. And people LOVED that film. The film about a filmmaker making a film...I am frightened.
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And I’m not going to spoil it for you, but in looking for the GIFs of this movie...guys, I am FUCKED. I’m a boring-ass man, in that I’ve never so much as smoked a cigarette, and I have the feeling that I’m gonna feel high watching this movie. I am NOT ready. But OK, with that, let’s just get into it, huh? Let’s get this trip over with. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Recap (1/2)
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Two women are staring at me. And so is a dude dressed all in black with a crazy hat, as chanting goes on in the background in a white room with black crosses on the walls, and we’re JUST JUMPING RIGHT THE FUCK IN, HUH?
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The title comes up, dude just rips their clothes off, and YES THERE IS A GIF OF IT ON TUMBLR ALREADY, and I’m probably gonna flagged for that, BUT WHATEVER
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Well, actually, as the credits play, backed by a sound which I can only assume is the creaking of the opening gates of hell, there are a number of objects and artifacts, with peacock feathers seeming to be a common theme. And then...a man with the tarot card The Fool next to him pisses himself in the desert as flies cover his face, a cougar standing over him and roars, a bullfrog looks at some tarot cards, and a legless and handless man with the Five of Swords card strapped to his back comes to wake him up with the aid of several naked children, who tie him to a fake cross and throw stones at him.
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Somehow...I underestimated this movie. I DIDN’T THINK IT’D BE THIS CRAZY THIS QUICKLY. Well, after...THAT, the two men share a cigarette and hug as the Swords guy licks his forehead, and they walk into the city. There, we see some grizzly ass shit. There’s a truck carrying the bodies of killed native people, a firing squad shoots some kids who...bleed black, and a fuck-ton of sheep who’ve been skinned and fake-crucified are marched down the street as a bunch of rich people watch on. Also, another firing squad shoots at some kids, and birds fly out of them.
I think the people watching are tourists, and this...might be fake? One of the fake soldiers takes one of the tourists aside, and just...starts fuckin’ ‘er. In front of her husband, as people take pictures of the whole thing. I...I am more confused than I have EVER been.
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By the way, I don’t know ANY names for this yet, so I’ll add them...whenever I figure it out. Our pair apparently entertain these tourists, and make money doing so. They work with a circus called “The Great Toad and Chameleon Circus”, who perform a pantomime of the conquest of Mexico, using...costumed toads and horned lizard. And it’s...I mean, it’s definitely bad for those animals, but it’s also kind of adorable?
The horned lizards represent the Aztec, while the toads represent the Spanish. And, uh...yeah, it’s literally exactly what I said. The Spanish toads go after the Aztec horned toads, and overwhelm the fake Tenochtitlan with their sheer numbers. What’s weird about that? WHAT IS SO WEIRD ABOUT THAT TO YOU?
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There’s also a lot of...what I’m assuming to be fake blood, but with this movie, I worry. The whole dead sheep thing has me concerned AND THEN THEY BLOW UP THE SET AND KILL THEM ALL WHAT THE FUCK MAN? How did this film escape animal cruelty shit?
And then...look, you’re gonna have to get used to weird-ass shit happening here, OK? And for the record, I’m desperately trying to weave some symbolism out of things here. Like, this is clearly a criticism of tourism and wealthy cultures taking advantage of the disadvantages. It also seems to be anti-religious, although...I’m not sure if I can articulate that one yet. Still, this part of the film seems to be about the disadvantaged native people being used as essentially objects by the rich foreigners. I mean, they just used the Spanish Conquest of Mexico, for God’s sakes. It’s a new form of conquest, but modernized.
Right? OK, OK, maybe I can do this after all. What’s next? 
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A bunch of overweight dudes dressed up as Roman soldiers, alongside a guy dressed as a nun, are selling crosses and Catholic materials to the tourists, while the Fool and Swords pretend to be Jesus Christ for them. This eventually leads to them goading the Fool into a drunken stupor, then making a plaster mold of him before leaving him on a pile of potatoes. Eventually, he wakes up and screams, surrounded by hundreds of casts of him painted as Jesus Christ, as the Roman soldiers and the nun dude sleep.
Angered at his own commercialization, Fool whips the nun and soldiers, and destroys all of the Jesus statues. Meanwhile, a group of women - of different races and ages - and a chimpanzee stare at a gilded statue of Jesus in a church.
Sure. Why not? WHY NOT?
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 Also, they’re prostitutes, and one of them is, like, a child. Fuck. Said child is approached by an elderly man, who giver her his fake eye, than proceeds to kiss her hand...A LOT. OK, I know there’s something to be gleaned from that. Said prostitutes meet the Fool, who’s carrying the Jesus cast. Most of the laugh at him, except for the one carrying the chimpanzee, which I’m assuming is a Mary Magdalene reference.
She follows him, and the other prostitutes follow her, but they all stop when they come across a group of civilians dancing with soldiers. The Fool walks through this crows alone, and ends up in a dilapidated church, where he finds an owl and a priest, who’s sleeping with another Jesus statue. Angry that the Fool’s brought in his own statue, he kicks him out. The Fool then eats the face of his statue, then takes it back to the children from earlier, ties a bunch of balloons to it, and lets it fly above the city, the kids, and the prostitutes.
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I, uh...I don’t know. I DO NOT KNOW.
From there, the Fool goes into town, there a red tower stands in the square. Maui’s hook descends from the top, and the Fool climbs onto it. The hook takes him up, as “Mary Magdalene” watches on. And it goes up VERY HIGH, by the way. GODDAMN. He gets into a hole at the top of the tower, where he finds a white shroud, which he bursts through, only to find...
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I’m so tired. I am SO TIRED, you guys. Our guy heads down the rainbow toward the camel, the naked woman, and the man surrounded by two goats, who I think is the guy from the beginning. He’s wearing the same hat, anyway.
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He slowly and measuredly moves off his throne, as the music in the background intensifies, and as the camel is fidgeting, seemingly ALSO trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. The man gets into a brief fight with the Fool, but stops him by touching his chakras. With the help of the woman, he slices open a tumor on the back of the Fool’s neck, and extracts an octopus from it. Yeah. YEAH. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS MOVIE
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They take the man to a pool, complete with baby hippo (what, do you not have your hippo in your personal pool, like a goddamn loser?), and the man gets cleaned, VERY thoroughly. Yeah, we see it.
In another room, with a pelican in it this time, the man has the Fool defecate in a jar, and also puts him in a container, where he sweats a lot. The guy collects his sweat in a hear-shaped jar, and continues his chemical reaction with the dude’s feces. It’s at this point where I think it’s appropriate to give the name of the man in the tower: The Alchemist (Alejandro Jodorowsky). Yeah. It’s the director. Take THAT, Hitchcock.
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After literally turning his shit into gold, the Alchemist says that the Fool can do the same to himself, as he is shit. Yeah, he says that. And then, the two meet in a room of mirrors, where the Alchemist is now wearing a black outfit, and the Fool is wearing a matching brown one. They break a stone, in which we are told that each stone has a soul.
And then...tarot.
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Yeah, that seems to be a theme, huh? According to the Alchemist, Tarot will teach the Fool to create a soul. I get the feeling that it’s meant to be within himself, but...I don’t know. Also, the tarot cars that we see are definitely supposed to represent previous scenes in the film, some of which we’ve already seen. However...they’re still pretty goddamn weird.
He gives him a few items, then brings in an ox and a turkey vulture. Goddamn, dude owns a zoo, huh? He uses the two to speak on the cyclical nature of life and death, and how organisms depend upon each other. This leads to yet another room, with a peacock in it this time, where he notes that the fish never seeks the fisherman, meaning that the master seeks a disciple.
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In this final room, there are statues of people who are like him, and who will be needed for the coming journey, whatever that may be. They are industrialists and politicians, and each represents a planet...and maybe something else. They are, in order:
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Fon (Juan Ferrara): Our Venus, and a bedding and clothing business magnate. He has many wives, who begin as workers in his factory, then are promoted to his “secretaries. He also has a fuckton of children as a result. His father began the factory, and is deaf, dumb, and blind. He makes all decisions by consulting his wife’s corpse’s vagina. Yup. Dear Lord. The company’s also made masks that have the texture, warmth, and smell of living human beings, allowing anybody to change their face to something more desirable. They also beautify corpses, and animates them after death. Fuck.
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Isla (Adriana Page): Our Mars, Isla is first seen in a coffin-like bed, sleeping with the two bald women from earlier. After putting on her Prince suit, she wakes up her captive population of male secretaries, and her flock of black swans, and goes to her day job: manufacture and sale of weapons. We’re talking nuclear, biological, and fictional. They experiment with drugs that have various effects, and demonstrates them on many people, and make such unique things as psychadelic guns and grenades, and themed weapons for the religious crowds.
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Klen (Burt Kleiner): Klen’s our Jupiter, and his house is huge, his wife is cold and unloving, and his chaffeur feeds him coke in the back of his black limo. He has a mistress that he fucks in the back of the limo, on the way to his art factory, where they produce a “new line” of art every season, using girls’ asses, and various other parts of bodies. He LITERALLY objectifies people. He also created a “love machine”, which is literally a robot box with a robot vagina that you fuck with a giant blue artificial penis. It is a...weird but interesting scene.
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Sel (Valerie Jodorowsky): Sel’s a clown, who represents Saturn, and performs for children. Which makes sense, seeing that she’s a clown. She has a toy factory as well, where she sheds her harlequinesque vestments for a far harsher, stricter persona. Her toy factory is for war toys, and all of the staff and workers are elderly. Using a computer, they use their resources specifically to corrupt the minds of children to feed their political agendas, conditioning them to hate whichever enemy the government will face in the future, literally sowing prejudice and racism into their minds in preparation for a future war. Eerie.
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Berg (Nicky Nichols): Uranus next! And Uranus is...EXTREMELY weird. Like, you know how you shouldn’t kink-shame people? That does not apply to Berg, both because he probably SHOULD be kink-shamed, and also because I don’t think it’s possible for him to feel shame? This entire section begins...real weird. Berg and his wife (Lupita Peruyero) are a very eclectic and unusual couple, but they aren’t as bad as the rest...I think? I mean, she’s literally knitting a sweater for their giant pet snake, and it’s kind of adorable. And then...we discover that Berg is a financial adviser to the president of a very wealthy country. He recommends that, in order to save the economy of the country, they kill 4 million people. THe president then activates the country’s gas chambers, gas schools, gas universities, gas libraries, gas museums, gas dance halls, and gas whore houses. Not a joke, that is actually what he says. And that’s...kind of hilarious? That segment ends with a picnic, and Berg says he hates his wife while surrounded by many very beefy bois. OK. My favorite so far, and that’s not even an exaggeration.
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Axon (Richard Rutowsky): Besides having a HELL of a name, Axon’s the Neptune of this Solar System. He’s a chief of police. Which involves...a naked man chained to a table as many people chant and play drums. And then, Axon comes in with a GIGANT GUN, while bedecked in clothes made and worn by the forbidden love child of Mad Max and Roman soldiers. The ceremony is actually a castration, and it’s Axon’s 1000th castration. Axon commands many eunuchs, all of whom are trained to believe in him. It’s very...cultish. And that’s made worse when a group of protestors are attacked by Axon’s police force. They execute them, with the murder represented by interesting symbolism. Like, instead of blood and guts, it’s fruit and birds, and...also the thing above, which is funny only out of context. It’s also eerie.
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Finally, Lut (Luis Lomeli): Lut is an architect, and our Pluto. In his house, there is a bevy of children dressed up as mice, who are playing hide-and-seek with him. Lut built a multi-family complex, but begrudges that they lost money in doing so. And so, to save money, he decides on a new concept for homes: basically just a box that people sleep in. Nothing else. He presents this at a party, where he unveils the house, which is essentially a coffin. He uses a sex show and women to sell it to the overindulgent rich. There’s also a well-sculpted ice penis involved, which must have been an interesting job to get for the guy who made that. Anyway, yeah, he’s trying to turn homes into coffins.
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Jesus. That’s a good place to stop now, I think. See you in Part Two, goddamn.
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dafukdidiwatch · 3 years
Chapter 9 and 10 End
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Got to go, running late on things. Will do recap later
TL;DR: I’m screaming, parent issues are are abundant as abusive and manipulation, and I have a new ship going on.
Edit: Ok I am back and I have new theories on everything going on because Fuck I’m down the rabbit hole here. Where or where do I fucking begin.
Really this session just hammers down the different type of abuse that poor Lucy is going through. It’s even color coded and everything. Blue being cold, isolation, physical and emotional neglect from Thierry. Vs the Red of warm, attentiive, possessive and emotional manipulation that is Fidelia.
I don’t doubt that Fidelia cares for Lucy. But it obviously is really twisted if like only one day in Fidelia is already trying to run Lucy’s life how she thinks it should be. Honestly Seiji nailed it when he pointed out the outfit change was more for Fidelia’s taste instead of Lucys’s.
And this chapter is nothing more than family secrets revealed to Sylas isn’t it? Like, how far do you have to break the boy he’s already hurt enough. His dad literally hating his eldest and lawful child, hates his mother, 100% willing to have an affair and have more children and being told flat to his face he is nothing but a tool. It hurt to learn he was there just as a ploy for Fidelia to keep Lucy to herself, but I loved how he still cared for his half siblings. He wasn’t angry at Emilia’s existence, but how Fidelia had seemed to cast her to the wolves that is their father. He wanted to learn more about Lucy as a person, as his sibling, and was happy that it sounded like they wanted to connect too. But of course he couldn’t because Fidelia made sure to try and nuke that chance before it could bloom. Leaving them both just as lonely as ever.
Ugh it sucks so much because Lucy left from one form of isolation abuse to another!
And a minor note, Peony is probably another bastard child of Fidelia and Dubois. Her and Emilia are probably twins than Dubois didn’t want to take care of both of them so he found a way to ditch one into the streets. I mean, it’s the fucking nose people! The timeline merges and fit to one complicated mess that wouldn’t have happened if two people didn’t decide to bone down.
God I want to know what January will think of this, hearing that the anomaly they were supposed to hunt down is now Fidelia’s pet favorite. Actually, now that Lucy is here, will Fidelia even care for January as much? Or will she still try since this is her way of manipulating the council.
Rin is apparently living her best life as a wolf monster of not giving a fuck and about to do some dirty backdoor dealings with Fidelia. That is Not going to bode well.
And finally, Seiji. Wow did that Bastard Man manage to change my perception of him. You bastard, how dare you make me like you. Fucking Twerp. But god, he is trying to get it through to Sylas that he should go after someone who Likes Him. Which, puts Sylas first as part of his feelings, but also can be flipped on to himself because if Sylas is straight, then Seiji should go after someone who likes him. And that hurts.
And then when he talked to Lucy, like first time ever talked to Lucy, it was cute. It was dramatic. It felt like a normal conversation where they aren’t putting on airs with each other and just trying to figure shit out. And it was, really cute. He has this fucking “devil-may-care” rogue persona that he defaults to when he feels cornered, hence the kiss to piss people off. But, having that be your first form of romantic interest after being in isolation for 5 years, I can see why Lucy may be smitten.
Of Course....it sucks that Seiji only managed to put 2 and 2 together on Lucy and Cylas AFTER he dipped. But he got there eventually. The disaster bastard man.
I think I have a thing where I can only approve of ships if I see some in-canon connection/plausibility first. And it wasn’t a pair I would see dating. But I honestly hope there could be some feelings that sprout between the two. Some emotional development that doesn’t center around emotional abuse since Seiji knows what’s up with Fidelia and calls her out on that.
And since this post couldn’t possibly get any longer: underneath are my theories and just what is up with Morgan and Thierry.
This is what happens when I get caught up on comics, I have IDEAS.
Let’s start off somewhere simple here: Timeline.
Fidelia and Dubois have affair. Multiple times. And it resulted in Morgan. Something Something happened and they pushed Morgan into hiding so it has no connection to them. I’m also thinking that because of how Morgan has no connection to them, since Fidelia lost touch with her kid, she made sure/blackmail the Dubois to raise their next kid as his own to make sure they are taken care of. Hence Emilia’s life.
Anyway Morgan was sick, went to the care of Joe Rothart and Dr. Malliet, where a sudden Husk attack killed Morgan and Dr. Malliet 5 years ago. Where Thierry took them to be raised as “Lucien” under his care.
Thierry “gave up everything” for the kid, meaning he thought it was in his best interest to take Morgan.
The reason Joe has a soft spot for Husks is probably because Dr. Malliet was his significant other/partner. Tobi asked if they “broke up” so it implies they were dating. See here I was thinking that Morgan was like, Joe’s brother or something, way older at the very least. But Morgan was the sickly kid, the patient, and Malliet was the other Husk Expert trying to help.
Basically what I’m saying is that Thierry and Joe were lovers. Thierry Rothart is really Dr. Thierry Malliet. While trying to help Morgan, he used his own magic to maybe siphoned the illness away or something and ended up turning into a Husk himself. So when he squirreled away with Morgan (Lucy) he took the last name of Rothart as a momento of their past relationship/ what could have been and as a way of hiding himself.
Also, Ivy isn’t his cat.
We fucking saw what happened with Captain Yiff of the Wolf Brigard. She turned into wolf mode like Jade did. However!!! Thierry became the bird man of Alcatraz and sprouted feathers. AND! Husks are people who literally reabsorb their magic familiars back into themselves. Meaning that Thierry can’t have absorbed his Peacock Bird familiar AND have Ivy the CAT be his active familiar.
The only way I can think this was any way possible to have a “have your cake and eat it too” moment is because of Su. Su never had magic to begin with, and how she’s a Goat Husk, implying if she did have access to magic her familiar would be a goat. The same could have happened to Lucy.
It was stated that for a Husk the magic comes from the eyes, and eyes are the windows of the soul. Trying to heal Morgan resulted in draining the magic from their eye and that magic latched itself into Thierry, turning him into a peacock man.
....why he wants to have his house be a shrine of peacocks of what he did instead of his own fucking cat, I will never know.
Regardless, I’m thinking that after Thierry did manage to cure Morgan, since he took their eye (again, part of the soul) it probably resulted in memory loss too. I’m thinking that the eyepatch is just covering a hole or dark powers because if Lucy has like one-eye in husk mode that would be really stupid.
It also better explains Ivy helping out Thierry’s Husk mode. Familiars are conduits of magic that allows the Mages/Magicians to safely use their magic without overloading. That’s why when the magic is reabsorbed into the person the magic is out of control and fluctuates on emotion. The animals are safeguards. So Ivy, as Thierry’s familiar, is able to drain away the magic in his emotional states. But that also backfires because draining away magic that wasn’t necessarily his means it was also draining away his memory, hence his behavior issues with Lucy.
Which can also explain Lucy’s own “magic draining powers” is because they is out of balance. They aren’t like  non-magic people where they aren’t able to access their magic. They aren’t like regular magicians where an animal familiar is there to help manage magic. And they aren’t like Husks where all the magic is fully absorbed into their body. Because they don’t have access to their original magic source (Thanks Thierry) their body is trying to balance itself out by siphoning the magic of others. Fill in the gap as it were. Which only works if they are in close physical contact with a magic source. But because it isn’t their original magic, it doesn’t last long. That’s why even though Ana was drained completely of magic, Lucy is unable to use it anymore, or at the very least can’t access it as easily.
The only other thing I could think of is how the hell does Fidelia connect with Thierry. Because Ivy was scared shitless of her or the thought of her. She probably threatened them both as Dr. Malliet to do “whatever it takes” to cure Morgan, and we all know how possessive she is with her children.
Long story short, Dr. Thierry Malliet did some experimental treatment which resulted in his husk form and Morgan’s cure/memory loss/magic issues. To protect themselves from being hunted, he fake their deaths and hid away as a recluse and raising Morgan as Lucy so the city’s magic leaders won’t hunt them down.
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I rewatch Miraculous—Mr. Pigeon
Behold!!! The episode that almost made me stop watching Miraculous.
No for real i think i got up and left the room first time around, this episode was so ridiculous.
• “You only have one day to work on your fashion piece.” Only a day? That seems kinda unrealistic when you take into account designing, gathering materials, whether or not you need to go out and buy any materials, the amount of time it takes to actually put all that together...
•WHOA Gabriel’s actually smiling in that pic Mrs. Bustier shows. Er, smiling-ish
•Pure cinnamon roll child seems proud this peppermint frappucino dickhead is his father (Gabriel ur hair looks like whipped topping and that tie doesnt help). BE GRATEFUL FOR SUCH A CARIBG CHILD YOU PRICK!!!
•Maaaaaariii chill the fuck out your overactive imagination and severe anxiety are getting the better of you.
•AHEM Gabriel has a purple bowtie in Mari’s imagination instead of that ridiculous peppermint scarf he uses to hide Nooroo’s broach???
•Adrien: appears out of nowhere
Marintette: jerks and flops away like a fish on dry land
Me: lol bye Marinette
• Adriens beuatiful face when Mari is talking to him (before she blunders and stumbles with her words) is beautiful
•Mari’s beautiful face when Adrien is telling her “you’re so talented Marinette!” and the subtle tremor in her eyes as they widen with her smile...☺️😊😘i love my beautiful, anxious mess of a daughter
•Mari: Follows Adrien with her eyes like an owl. LMAO.
•Chloe does not deserve Sabrina 😒
•Whereas Gabriel resembles a peppermint frap, Hawk Moth/Papillion appears to be the result of what might happen if Batman and the riddler had a baby
•Ramier, bruh, there is like. Zero. Fucking. Reason to be that upset over not being allowed to feed pigeons. For real. Go feed them on some rooftop somewhere if you must. No reason to let Hawk Daddy akumatize you over it...
...You know what? We’re not calling Gabriel “daddy.”
EVER. Again.
•Also Hawk-shitface, pigeon dude is your worst idea and you keep coming back to him. Seriously at least put some effort into your champions’ outfits. Youre a fashion designer for petes sake!
• wow this show really loves its skin-tight body suits, huh? Even when they look ridiculous.
•Sabrina how the hell much did you have to pay for a cellphone that lets you zoom in on a fucking sketch from dozens of feet away and score yourself a crystal-clear image???
•Sabrina: “We’re soooo awesome!”
Chloe: “We?”
Chloe does NOT deserve Sabrina.
•Arent real bird feathers full of germs and bacteria that cause diseases? And Marinette “im immune to bird flu” Dupain-Cheng just plucked that shit up off the ground and put it on her hat of all things. I dont know whether to be fisgusted or impressed.
•Chat “paint me like one of your French girls” Noir for the win everybody
• “Im allergic to feathers.” I came across a theory on tumblr once (cant find the OP) that this coulda been caused by Emilie wearing the damaged Peacock broach when she was pregnant with him. If thats true i would be pleased😏
•Allow me to channel Chloe for this comment: LB, CN, that disguise is about as convincing as Mr. Pigeon and Bubbler’s get ups are appealing. In other words, NO.
•Chat Noir moonwalking with a hat on—booiii got some moves. 👌👌👌👌
• “You’re the cat dont you eat [pigeons] for breakfast?!” No LB, Kitty Boi is a domestic kitty otherwise he’d present to you little dead things like my cat used to do before we stopped letting him go out. This is an awful joke but SPARE THE BIRDS, theyre just like Ramier—being controlled by a monster.
• “On the count of three my beloved pigeons will commence fire.” As disgusting as pigeon poop is i think they’ll live. Cant you come up with a better evil plan? Threatening to break the glass floor at their feet by having the pigeons stomp on the cage would be more effective. I’m not trying to help the villain, kaay? I just prefer my villains to use their head. Honestly Team Rocket is more intimidating than Pigeon Dude.
•is it just me or is kitty boi especially adorable in this episode??? 😻😻😻
• flock of pigeons put a dent ten times the size of kitty boi’s head in the door
Okay thats actually kinda terrifying. What woulda happened if that attack hit a normal person wearing no magical armor??? They’d be pecked to bits...
• CN: “I gotta get outta here before my secret identity is revealed!”
LB: “Yeah you wouldnt wanna let the cat out of the bag!”
CN: “...Haha very funny.” 😾
Dont dish out what you cant take, handsome boy.
•LB’s look of amusement as CN starts running in place for fear of detransforming in front of others is hillarious
•kitty boi if this hotel takes tips you should really give Jean-whatshisname one. That was the speediest, life-saving room service ever.
•isnt this just Chloe’s room??? Theres a ladybug pillow on the bed and everything. Why did the mayor send CN to Chloe’s room???
• “i cant wait my dear pigeon.” Hmm reminds of later on when Hawk Moth calls Nats “My dear Mayura.” Bruh if you INTO Ramier just ask for his phone number like a normal person, quit akumatizing him and eat a damn snickers
•LB: Time for a sneak attack! Oh no, my sneak attack failed cuz my partner couldnt help but sneeze with all these FEATHERS around.
HELLO, he just told you he was allergic to feathers???
•ugh them censoring out the punches with flashy screenshots is so LAAAME show me the VIOLENCE.
• “Cat Noir! Grab [the bird call!]” AGAIN he’s ALLERGIC TO FEATHERS. Just tie that yoyo to something to keep Pigeon dude in the air and smash it yourself.
• Gabriel is that teacher from Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide who was never physically present in class and was only ever seen through a tablet or some nonsense
•Chloe getting busted my Marinette in front of the principal, Gabriel and Adrien is a great example of how PLAGIARISM DOESNT PAY are you listening art thieves lurking on tumblr, instagram and elsewhere???
•ahem Gabriel that sympathetic look you give a weeping Chloe is very out of character
• “youre the winner Marinette.” Not gonna check out Kim and Max’s hat? You could at least look at it, doesnt seem very impartial to pick Mari without looking at ALL the hats
Girl they are BOTH allergic to feathers. How many blonde teenage boys walk around with a feather allergy? Quantum Masking or no Quantum Masking, c’mon you should be at least considering the idea theyre the same person from that knowledge alone.
Annnd thats all for now. This episode is more of a vent-inducing hate sink than enjoyable, save for the gushing waterfall of cute kitty boi moments it provides. I may do Stormy Weather later today to make up for it.
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