#yk when you devote your life to catch your childhood friend
qualek · 2 years
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phoenix wright, ace detective chronic sleep-deprived coffee addict
the partner of Detective Tyrell Badd himself
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darknessisafriend · 4 years
Finally I found you again
@sonrisa-yk​ Hiiii💖 can I request a fic? About the Abbé de Coulmier, maybe? I don't know how it works, but I'd like to know if its possible a oc insert: my oc is called Lucille Chagall, is two years older than the Abbé, she's his childhood best friend. Like, they have a romantic and sexual tension tho -////-. If possible, can you make it nsfw? If not, it's okay :) i will love it anyways
I love you and your content, dear💖💖 have a good day!
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Hey darling, I hope you will enjoy it and that it will make you happy <3 
The Abbe couldn’t stop smiling today, and all his employees kept wondering why, not that he wasn’t easily joyful but today, he literally seemed excited and head in the clouds. And how could he not be? A few weeks ago, he had received a letter from his childhood friend, Lucille Chagall, she had heard about his position as the Director of Charenton and contacted him, after so many years apart and without news, it was a great opportunity to catch up. And after exchanging many letters, she had announced him she would visit him, and it was finally today.
He wondered what she looked like now, a grown-up woman who made him blush as a child already and made him wish for a kiss. Except now things were different, he was a priest, and perhaps she was even engaged or married.
“Abbe, a carriage is arriving.” Informed him Valcours and his heart skipped a beat, here’s what will answer to his questions. Unconsciously he smoothed his cassock and made sure his hair were nicely combed. And he waited on top of the front stairs, ignoring the whispers of a few of his maids who tried to imagine why the Abbe was so joyful and wanted to be so perfect, and of course the rumors could only grow when a young woman stepped out of the carriage, wearing a white dress with a light blue band on the bottom part and a shawl around her shoulders. He swallowed down, how much she had grown, she was even more beautiful than he remembered.
“Lucille.” He said, just loud enough for her to hear him, and her eyes landed on him, she could have almost not recognized him. She remembered a little boy who was so joyful and often messing around, and now she had in front of her a handsome man, wrapped in that straight cassock which reflected the so many responsibilities on his shoulders, duties to himself, God and those around him.
“Francois? Oh sorry, Abbe de Coulmier.” She apologized, blushing, she had to get used to that title. He chuckled, approaching her.
“Come on Lucille, we have known each other for years, you can still call me by my name.” he spoke kindly, she noticed how calm and thoughtful he had become, and that added even more charm to the man. “I hope your trip to come here wasn’t too bad.”
“Alright, go for Francois then! And yes, the trip was okay, I only live two hours away and this part of the countryside is beautiful.” She answered, her cheeks pink, that voice combined with this beauty, he was the most handsome man she ever encountered.
He guided her inside the Asylum, showing her the work he did there, art classes, a theatre, his little Heaven of peace. Art therapy for the patients, gentleness and benevolence were the key words here. Lucille was slowly understanding the boy she appreciated so much hadn’t disappeared, he was still so joyful, even playful with his patients, he hadn’t changed so much after all, he had become a wonderful man and her feelings for him which had never disappeared were now growing. What a shame he was a priest with chastity vows, she was a young woman fully in the age to marry.
“Have you never missed anything since you entered Monastery?” she couldn’t help but ask, after all at 10 years old, he might not have understood all the sacrifices he would have to make. He smiled, turning to her.
“Gluttony.” He whispered mischievously, making her giggle, it’s true that he had a little tummy and full cheeks as a kid, now he was thinner.
“Just gluttony? Have you never fallen in love? Wished to marry or have children?” she asked, curious, even if he lied, she would see it. As for her, she wished to find her future husband and he could have been perfect. He tilted his head to the side, curious as to why she asked that particular question.
“Oh well…I am still human, and any man one day or another imagined himself as a husband and father. But my love for our Lord was stronger.” At least when he made that choice. Lucille noticed he hadn’t answered the question about falling in love, a meticulous man like him must have purposely ignored it, which lead her to think…was he currently in love?
“Abbe are we still having lesson tonight?” asked a young and beautiful maid who passed by, slightly younger than him, he looked at her tenderly and smiled.
“Of course, Madeleine, I would hate to miss it.” He replied, making her blush. Okay, there was definitely something. But Lucille, shook her head, what was she thinking? Suddenly so keen on knowing the relationship of the maid and the priest and feeling almost jealous of their sweet interaction. The maid smiled at him again and then at Lucille before leaving them.
“Would you like to drink a tisane?” he suddenly offered to his childhood friend, to be honest he hadn’t seen her in such a long time and he had waited so excitedly for her visit that he was a bit shy now, he couldn’t explain why, it was as if he wanted to please her.
“Yes, with pleasure.” She nodded, secretly hoping that they would find themselves alone in a room, to face completely the real Francois and hoped to know more about his romantic life if there was one. The priest guided her to the kitchens and luckily no maids or cooks were there at this time of the afternoon. Francois motioned for her to sit down while he prepared the tisane. Lucille sat and observed him, the way he held himself, he was elegant, delicate and yet…she felt there was more to it, as if inside he held some raw passion, or perhaps that cassock was turning her on more than she dare to admit. She was so deep into her thoughts that she didn’t notice the Abbe who felt her gaze on him and turned his head to look at her and quickly looking back;  he blushed, her gaze on him was the most destabilizing, worse than Madeleine’s eyes on him. His heart was…fluttering? God what was wrong with him!?
“And you Lucille? Are you married?” he asked, not without interest, he shouldn’t, but his curiosity got the best of him. She opened her mouth, slightly taken aback.
“Huh no, not even engaged…I am afraid I didn’t find the right man…yet.”
“Oh…that’s unfortunate.” He replied but somehow, he felt some sort of relief, as a child he always threw a tantrum when he saw boys around her, probably a remnant of those old times. “Is it…because you rejected noble life? Or you are looking for a marriage of love?” he was observant.
“A bit of both.” She chuckled “The truth is, I always had a certain man in mind, not the most accessible one, and I can’t let go…even less now.” She looked at him, she had missed him, and each second that passed and the urge to hug him, touch him, was getting stronger. Even more as he approached her with the teapot and cups, sitting down next to her and turning to face her, their knees almost touching. The Abbe briefly passed his fingers between his neck and collar, as if he felt too hot, he shouldn’t sit so close, and yet he wanted to be closer, caress her skin, perhaps even kiss her...he didn’t know what was wrong with him but those were  dangerous thoughts.
“Who…who is he?” he asked, trying to hide his jealousy the best he could. She looked at him in the eyes, why such an intrusive question? How could she tell it was him without saying his name?
“Well, he is a gentleman, intelligent, altruistic, sophisticated, devoted, respectful of woman, children and the weak…” she described enigmatic, but with a lovely smile.
“Sounds like the perfect man.” He said ironically, what kind of man was so perfect?
“Well he is not devoid of flaws but to me he is perfect.
“Oh and what are those flaws?” he asked, eager to know this man.
“Possessiveness and gluttony.” You chuckled softly, nostalgic, he could be really adorable, even in those. And hearing those two words he frowned, two flaws he had. She was in love with a man who seemed to resemble him a lot, and he felt jealousy growing in his chest, forgetting for an instant his situation, why not him?
“Who is he? Would you give me his name please?”
“Oh Francois I can’t…” she looked away, embarrassed, she was probably getting herself in a situation where he would push her away.
“Why? Don’t you trust me Lucille? I take confessions, it is part of my duty, whoever this man is, I won’t judge you.” He insisted. She shook her head, he didn’t even recognize himself in the description, was he actually dumb or had she been stupid in hoping he would react. She got up, ashamed and intending to go away but before she could leave, the priest caught her hand, calling her name, his skin against hers was burning.
“You want a confession Francois? This man I’m describing it’s you.” She let out with frustration, at those words, he let go of her hand, his eyes wide and mouth open.
“Before seeing you again I thought it was just the remnants of childhood feelings but it’s not. From the moment I saw you, when you greeted me on the stairs of this place…I wanted more and-..!” before she could finish he was crashing his lips on hers, pressing her against the wall. Lucile moaned against his mouth, so that was what she felt earlier…raw passion.
“Oh Lucille…”  he breathed full of desire, his eyes rolling in the back of his head as she buried her fingers in his hair, it was clear he was touch starved. And it made her understand that she was the first and only woman to touch him. She giggled as she felt his tongue caressing her lips, the chaste priest might not be so innocent and probably had other night readings than the Bible. Her hands left his hair to explore his body, her fingers brushing over his neck, feeling his chest through his cassock and then…
“N-no…not yet Lucille, please.” He whimpered, a moan dying in his throat as he was taking her hand away from his crotch; no matter how much he wanted this, right now he couldn’t. And if they were to make love, he would take it slowly, in a bedroom, in bed, he was romantic after all and wanted their first to be right.  
“Oh, I’m so sorry Francois!” she apologized, covering her face with her hands, she was all red in shame, perhaps she had been too blunt in her touch. He didn’t speak but soon she felt his hands on hers, gently taking them away from her face.
“Don’t be ashamed Luci…I…have a lot of desire for you too. And if you would allow me…” he stuttered hallway between shyness and strong desire.
“Yes Francois?” she encouraged him, hopeful, he seemed to want something but didn’t dare to say it.
“I…would like to taste more of you.” He let out, briefly looking down as his face went red but not as much as hers. Still, she nodded, full of desire for him and letting him guide her to sit down. Was this really going to happen?
She looked at him breathless as he knelt in front of her, his hands sliding underneath her dress, caressing her ankles. He exhaled, beautiful ankles, and such a soft skin, he wanted to see…so he lifted her dress up to her knees and my what a beautiful pair of legs, he couldn’t resist but put his mouth on her skin, placing slow, languishing kisses, his head soon disappearing underneath her dress.
Lucille bit her lower lip feeling his mouth closer to her womanhood, his finger delicately slipping off her underwear; she felt his hot breath over her sensitive skin.
“Oh Lucille…your smell…intoxicating.” He murmured, his voice hoarse with desire as he inhaled her scent, he was attracted like a bee to a flower, and he wanted to taste her precious honey. He parted her legs even more and started with a simple and yet lingering kiss, hearing take a deep breath in anticipation.
“Francois…please.” She couldn’t help but plead him, she had been craving love, his love. She gasped as she felt something wet and warm slide between her folds, his tongue, he was tasting her, and the room started to fill with soft and languishing moans at first. His tongue exploring each patch of skin, eating her out as he was famished and in a way he was; he had been deprived of the pleasures of the flesh for too long.
“Oh G…don’t stop! Like that, yes...!” she kept moaning louder and louder, failing at her attempts to be quiet, and he was restless, not stopping his licks, sucking her soft spot, putting into practice all the little things the Marquis’ stories had taught him. When she finally came, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever witnessed, feeling pure pleasure radiate off her, her face full of ecstasy and he couldn’t wait to see it again, it was already too addictive to not do it again.
He came back up and captured her lips for a passionate kiss, having the pleasure again the feel her fingers in his hair “Stay a little more…please.” Not leave for years again, he wouldn’t survive it.
“Ask me to stay forever by your side and I will stay.” She replied romantically, even, if they would have to remain discreet for now, at least they had found each other again and that’s all they needed.
Abbe’s sinners: @lyoongx​ @weirdflecksbutok​ @skaravile​ @niniita-ah @stardancerluv​ @sgtsavoytruffle​ @charlie-sisters @ohcarlesmycarles​ @valentina15 @bring-your-holy-water  @beautifulyoungprospect​​ @stellargirlie​​ @fly-like-a-phoenix​​ @we-were-electrocute​​ @sophiefleck​​ @the-queen-of-things​​ @winterjasmine007​​ @jokerflecker​ @yukis-writing​ @rajacero @morrisonmercuryphoenix @the-joaq-is-extra​
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