#yknow the same way youll pretend you didnt see that particularly annoying aunt who keeps commenting about how fat you've gotten
code-dy · 2 years
Wait wait wait
Hold up- Thorin went to a meeting with the other Dwarf Leaders, including Dain Ironfoot Lord of the iron hills, prior to going to Bag-End in Hobbiton. Last I checked, The Iron hills is on the same side of the Misty Mountains just after Erebor.
Why didn't the company just hitched a ride with Dain on the way there? I get the whole "this quest is your own" thing but come on! Dain would likely have a big retinue to keep him safe during the way there. Heck, what's a few days detour to Hobbiton to pick up a stray hobbit? Did Dain really trust Thorin enough to know the way?
Hang on, did Dain's company even encounter orcs on the way? How about the stone giants? Goblins? BEORN??? Did they just get lucky to be a few days away before that? "Oh boy, good thing we got over the misty mountains before this week-long deluge! Just imagine if we got stuck there, huh!" *cut to Thorin's company screaming and being danger*
Hang that, they would walk the same path across Mirkwood right??? What about the spiders??? Or Thranduil??? Or did they use a different path??
I have questions, Lord Dain! And I need answers!!
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