@ymtnikaido​ liked for a starter
Ah, sorry for stopping you all of a sudden. Und uh... for yelling at you, of course.
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I thought you were somebody else.
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ascarletflame · 3 years
The Troupe Master is trolling around Big Dipper today, bored. You’d think that would mean he would choose to do something productive, but apparently not today. And unfortunately for Yamato, he catches the moth’s interest for the moment: a coworker he’s yet to properly introduce himself to!
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“Ahh, my friend. Last night was lamentable... Roomba-kun truly crushed your poor Musashi in more ways than one. I extend my condolences to you. But worry not, for today is another day! And on this day you meet me, Troupe Master Grimm! Tell me your name, coworker!”
He slides over ever so casually.
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naturalharmony · 3 years
@mit-soo-kee + @ymtnikaido // event starter ! ( cliffhangers--don’t you hate ‘em? )
Perhaps it wasn’t the smartest idea to jump right into all of this and select a task from the terminal offered first thing in the morning. And, perhaps, it wasn’t the smartest idea to proceed to wake Mitsuki and Yamato up as well by insistently calling them until they answered, just to drag them out to where the terminal said a good spot for this task would be.
But, well, sometimes the decisions that lead to the most fun ended up being the decisions that weren’t the smartest to make. Still - this was a safe task, permitted the terminal had given the correct information, so surely nothing could go wrong.
“Alright, we’re here!”
Nagi turned on his heels after stopping by the edge of Savior’s Respite’s cliffside, facing the two people he had dragged along with him. Team bonding, he had insisted. Without the rest of IDOLiSH7 around, it was certainly a team bonding exercise lacking most of it’s team...but as the three of them - as Pythagoras Trio - they could use this activity the same as they used going out for ramen or spending time with one another while everyone else was busy.
“This is an easy task! I made sure to pick one we would not have to worry about too much.” The blond knew he could handle a more difficult task, after all. His combat skills were honed to perfection, and his reflexes were sharp, but Mitsuki and Yamato...? They didn’t have that. 
“We just have to jump down to the space below! Easy, right?” 
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Maybe it would be easy, were it not for the fact this was an incredibly tall cliffside. 
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notyourforte · 3 years
Spending days inside the house, only really leaving to steal or buy more paint or fuel, Bass didn’t really bother talking to anyone more than he had to. He didn’t want to. Not even to Mitsuki, despite listing him as ‘okay’ in his books. 
Though he was lonely, he kept choosing to isolate himself. 
Time would pile up the graffiti about his room and it’s general vicinity. It was a stark contrast to the rest of the house, that was mostly in tact (or however Mitsuki preferred it)--it was the closer you got to Bass’ room that it started to show damage. 
Though on ‘his’ side of the outside of the house, his name would be there in bold graffiti--and in much smaller letters, so would Mitsuki’s. 
And so now there’s some stranger knocking on a barely in-tact front door. He peered from the upper floor’s open window before he trots downstairs. 
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Opening the door just enough to show himself, bright red eyes stare, unblinking. 
“What do you want?” 
The sound of a spray paint can being shaken isn’t muffled much from the door. It seems getting spray painted is a possible threat...
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isolaradiale · 3 years
Hello hello! With no prior reservation, I'd like to apply as Yamato Nikaido from IDOLiSH7! You can find his app by clicking the 4th icon on his blog (looks like a little link symbol), which will lead to the navigation. Otherwise, it's simply at /application
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Yamato!
You’ll be staying in CONDO 459!
You will retain your... Roomba. :)
Enjoy your stay!
– ⋆ betelgeuse.
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bigdippertalent · 3 years
Stage Name: Yamato Nikaido (uhh I can work on a stage name soon) Full Name: Yamato Nikaido Age: 22 Talents: singing, acting, dancing Prior Experience/History: Well, I’m the leader of an idol group, and I’ve acted in several dramas and movies. Stage acting is new to me, but I adapt well to knew work environments. Why You Wish to Join Big Dipper Talent: Seems like I’m going to be here for the long run, so I should get a job sooner rather than later, right? And I do genuinely love what I do. It won’t be the same as performing with my group, but hey, this should be fun, right? Maybe I can rope Nagi into it with me. 
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“Oho, color me impressed by how much experience you have! We’re more than happy to have an idol with such a hearty repertoire among our midst. Welcome to Big Dipper Talent, Yamato! Your friend is welcome to apply as well— we do allow for collaborative efforts… and as there are plenty local talents also teamed up with us, we’d be more than happy to accommodate for group efforts!”
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amaikus · 3 years
@ymtnikaido​ // starter.
Ramuda finds himself looking at the bright candies in front of him, his mouth split wide in a mischievous grin. He tilts his head to the side and looks up to the other man in the candy shop, someone else who may or may not be a connoisseur of the finer things in life -- such as, say, the overly large gumball that sits just out of reach.
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“Mm, hey, mister ~ You gotta go me a real quick favor, okay?”
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rvnthiscity · 3 years
chamomile, holly, rose
from the botanical asks! [ currently accepting! ]
Chamomile: what is your muse likely to take away from a painful experience? are they one to be haunted by adversity, or to use what they’ve gone through to become stronger?
It really depends for Ichi-- he might take a good lesson or a bad one from a painful experience, it really depends on how much he thinks was his fault. If he feels like what he did was his fault, where the pain he felt was of his own doing, he’ll likely take a lesson of self-blame from it. He’d lost someone, so, so important in the past, and he felt it was something he did to cause their split. He took the idea that he wasn’t meant to rely on others like he did, that the only ones he could lean on were himself and his brothers, however little he does. But, when he was faced with the realities of his life early on, and witnessed things unspeakable that led to him taking his brothers and going on their own? He’s taken a message of resilience as a result.
He’s haunted by some things, certainly. The world has been less than kind to him. But overarchingly, he uses it to grow stronger. Some things, some wounds, however, can’t simply be healed with perseverance and time.
Holly:  how strong is your muse’s sense of intuition? are they aware of it? do they ever fear that it is only paranoia?
Ichiro’s intuition is pretty good. He was a street cat for a while, and can relatively navigate different situations with ease. There’s been a few times where his gut has failed him, but for the most part, he takes his intuition and his internal planning into account when tackling most issues. I don’t think he thinks of it as paranoia-- probably just street smarts.
Rose:  how much does your muse value other people? do they wish to have many friends,   lovers, and/or associates? are they an easy person to love?
Ichi is such a loyal person. If he decides he cares about you, he will go to the ends of the earth for you. It’s his nature to care about others and help them-- it’s definitely an understatement to say he only values those he cares about. He’ll do whatever he can to show someone how much he values them.
He also values quality over quantity, ultimately: He’d rather have a few close friends, a few lovers, a few trusted associates, as opposed to large numbers of them. As stated before, he’s incredibly loyal, so the few people he’d let into his closest circle would likely be there for life, as long as they want to stick around him.
Boy howdy! Ichiro is a sweetheart. It’s rare to find someone who doesn’t like him. But does that mean he thinks he’s easy to love? Not in the slightest! He has a tendency to put his brothers above himself, and to keep most people at arm’s length. He doesn’t have the time to be his own person. He has to take care of his little bros. So, ultimately, that leaves little room for anyone that’s not his immediate family. Kinda hard to be with someone like that, he thinks.
Has that ever stopped him? Never. He’s loved before. He just feels like he could never be loved back.
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middlebrxther · 3 years
...Oh, fucking great.
First his brothers went missing, now he was in some weird ass town with a weird ass hole and weird ass people. Could this day get any worse?!
Jiro muttered curses to himself under his breath as he kicked dirt around, not happy about this situation. He was supposed to be looking for his brothers, not... not get stuck in some weirdo dimension! How was he supposed to find them now, when he wasn’t even in Ikebukuro anymore?!
Don’t cry, Jiro. Ichiro always said that crying never got anything done. 
So instead, he walked.
He couldn’t help his eyes at least being glassy as he stormed about the place, trying to find some lead as to where he was. He was so busy angsting that he didn’t notice he was walking straight towards a stranger until he bumped head-first into them.
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“Hey, jackass, watch where you’re goin’!” he barked, completely ignoring the fact that it was his own fault he ran into this new face. “Can’t you see I’m walkin’ here?!”
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kujoutengu · 3 years
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“Roomba-kun has woken up and chose violence.”
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lovelysincerity · 3 years
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“Rei-chan has finally arrived~!” Were the first words out of his mouth as he set foot into his shared apartment. He wasted no time in letting Mara-chan, his maractus out of his pokeball before looking around to see which room was his.
As he looked around, he spotted someone else near the kitchen.
“Hello~! You must be my roomie~!”
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isolaradiale · 3 years
Hello, I'm reapplying Yamato Nikaido from IDOLiSH7, he was housed in condo 459!
Welcome back to scenic Isola Radiale, Yamato!
You will be housed in TOWNHOUSE 228.
You will retain everything you had previously!
PLEASE NOTE: Because you were removed in an activity check, you have one week to make two in-character posts or else you will be considered inactive once more.
– ⋆ arcturus.
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mit-soo-kee · 3 years
WICKED STEPSISTERS - Does your muse have siblings? How do they get along? Mitsuki has one younger sibling, Iori Izumi. They get along well! Mitsuki adores his brother and genuinely wants the best for him, and he thinks Iori does the same for him. He can’t help but feel inferior, though. Iori has always been good at everything, and Mitsuki feels like he’s completely overshadowed by his younger brother. He tries not to resent him- he knows it’s not Iori’s fault. He just wishes he could love himself as much as he loves Iori. HADES - Does your muse have a hot or cool temper?  Hot. Very hot. He’ll often get annoyed, have an outburst, and then cool off quickly. For important things though, such as a friend having his head in his ass and refusing to TALK ABOUT HIS PROBLEMS, he’ll get angry and frustrated and stubborn. He’s willing to listen to reason and compromise in most any argument, but only if the other person is, too. 
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