#yo twig.gy tagged you out of my head now /lh
randaccidents · 7 months
ANYWAYS after seeing @twig-gy in my head (hello here is your tag :P) it is clearly time for me to rant about my belief system for Heart and Mind's dynamic.
So, anyone considered the framework of Predator/Prey? Specifically, Predator Heart and Prey Mind?
Think about it. Predators are visceral yet instinctive. The need to Hunt is as natural as feeling an emotion. It is something that is needed to survive. Its Impulse, predators dont necessarily have to think about the act of hunting after all. And predators are violent and aggressive, comes with the territory.
Points at Heart. He is Emotion, he is a natural consequence of living that every being will have even without what humans call sentience. He is something that is needed to survive, and he is violent and aggressive. He attacks Mind physically. Also the gun, the symbol of a hunter. (personal interpretation he also literally hunts Mind during the Juno Incident because I am mean like that and Heart deserves some stalking as a treat)
What about Prey? I am literally stealing some stuff off Watership Down osmosis but. Prey has to be Smart and Sneaking and Cunning to escape from a Predator. Even prey animals that are predators of other animals need to be smart enough to recognise when something is too dangerous to fight. They need to know how to escape, where to escape to, how to fight for the smallest window of opportunity to run, to observe and note what is around them. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
Points at Mind. He is Logic, he is thinking and planning your way through life. He observes and he mentally records things down. He knows how to argue his way in and out of situations to benefit himself. He outmaneuvers Heart and attacks verbally. He transmutes the pain to kinetic energy and keeps going. He keeps them alive.
Predator and Prey, two aspects of the natural world. Without predators, prey animals would overfeed and kill an ecosystem. Without prey, predators would starve and die out.
Heart and Mind. They hate each other. They need each other. There can be no Thought without Emotion, there can be no Emotion without Thought. Feelings still claw at me Logic will rot in me.
(also just. in more canon cccc terms ignoring my interpretation for a second. shouldnt Mind fear Heart pulling out another gun at him? he needs to be observant and fast and cunning or the next gun will be so fast he wont see it coming)
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