#yoichi gets back with kenzou bc he loves him
grimalkinmessor · 1 year
So, rereading Diner, and it seems like afo got married before Yoichi found second, so it sorta seems like karma? Or revenge? I just want to know what was going through his head lol
Okay, so the story of the beginning of AFO and Inko's relationship is this: he mistook her for Yoichi. Deadass.
Inko was in her late teens, and she was running around playing vigilante because spiteful heroism runs in the Midoriya family. She fucked up one of AFO's men and when he investigated, all he saw was a green-eyed vigilante running around in a hoodie and leggings. This is Yoichi behavior. He assumes that Yoichi has re-taken up physical heroism alongside political activism. So of course he starts monologuing, pinning Inko to a wall and getting in her personal space and the sexual tension this man radiates is astronomical, okay? You can't blame Inko for being attracted to a man who looks deep into your eyes and says shit like "I would know you anywhere, even in darkness. I would recognize your beauty a thousand years from now.", okay? That said, when he kisses her, she punches him, which only makes him more certain that this is Yoichi, even though it's,,,,not lmao.
Three weeks of this go by, and by then Inko is reluctantly smitten for this man she believes is a misunderstood villain and not literal demonic Quirk whore All For One. When she reveals herself to him, he is SO fucking embarrassed. He cannot save this. If Yoichi finds out he's dead in so many different ways, you don't understand, he can't rationalize this. His men have seen him flirting with Inko, other vigilantes have seen him flirting with Inko, UGHs have seen him flirting with Inko—Yoichi is going to find out someway, somehow. So, obviously, All For One pretends that he meant to do this all along, and the very next time Yoichi makes a move that pisses him off, he shows up in public with Inko on his arm. He makes it out like he only did it to make Yoichi jealous, but in reality he was scrambling to save face.
And because Inko does make Yoichi jealous (he adores her don't get me wrong, he would just prefer her far, far away from Takashi for multiple reasons) AFO keeps her around. She looks plenty like Yoichi, and she acts a little bit like him, so AFO eventually wifes her up and they (accidentally) have Izuku together. He cares for her, and he likes her, but he's always gonna be Yoichi's main man, you know? If Yoichi ever called him in the middle of the night, AFO would be out of his marriage bed in a heartbeat.
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