#its not really for revenge its so that he can convince himself that he can eventually be a normal person who has normal desires
grimalkinmessor · 1 year
So, rereading Diner, and it seems like afo got married before Yoichi found second, so it sorta seems like karma? Or revenge? I just want to know what was going through his head lol
Okay, so the story of the beginning of AFO and Inko's relationship is this: he mistook her for Yoichi. Deadass.
Inko was in her late teens, and she was running around playing vigilante because spiteful heroism runs in the Midoriya family. She fucked up one of AFO's men and when he investigated, all he saw was a green-eyed vigilante running around in a hoodie and leggings. This is Yoichi behavior. He assumes that Yoichi has re-taken up physical heroism alongside political activism. So of course he starts monologuing, pinning Inko to a wall and getting in her personal space and the sexual tension this man radiates is astronomical, okay? You can't blame Inko for being attracted to a man who looks deep into your eyes and says shit like "I would know you anywhere, even in darkness. I would recognize your beauty a thousand years from now.", okay? That said, when he kisses her, she punches him, which only makes him more certain that this is Yoichi, even though it's,,,,not lmao.
Three weeks of this go by, and by then Inko is reluctantly smitten for this man she believes is a misunderstood villain and not literal demonic Quirk whore All For One. When she reveals herself to him, he is SO fucking embarrassed. He cannot save this. If Yoichi finds out he's dead in so many different ways, you don't understand, he can't rationalize this. His men have seen him flirting with Inko, other vigilantes have seen him flirting with Inko, UGHs have seen him flirting with Inko—Yoichi is going to find out someway, somehow. So, obviously, All For One pretends that he meant to do this all along, and the very next time Yoichi makes a move that pisses him off, he shows up in public with Inko on his arm. He makes it out like he only did it to make Yoichi jealous, but in reality he was scrambling to save face.
And because Inko does make Yoichi jealous (he adores her don't get me wrong, he would just prefer her far, far away from Takashi for multiple reasons) AFO keeps her around. She looks plenty like Yoichi, and she acts a little bit like him, so AFO eventually wifes her up and they (accidentally) have Izuku together. He cares for her, and he likes her, but he's always gonna be Yoichi's main man, you know? If Yoichi ever called him in the middle of the night, AFO would be out of his marriage bed in a heartbeat.
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shower-phantom-ideas · 11 months
Bruh emotional support ghost kid? Well thats what they are calling him
Suicide cases in gothem are about to fucking plummet boiz cause this one weird blue eyes, black haired boy is now heading to your location.
How does he know where to be? Having a bad day and are all alone? No the fuck your not cause don’t turn around now but theres some shiny blue eyes coming at you from that dark ally. Oh shit hes here to drop some information about you and your lost loved ones that he should know. Oh god the closure. How could you have been afraid on this sweet, creepy, boy who just helped you find your way.
Meanwhile Danny is chillin in Gothem cause the GIW hate it there (none of they equipment actually functions in Gothem so it’s either super haunted or actually not haunted at all). Then all of a sudden he gets approached by a random ghost begging for his help because their sweet baby girl is about to do something horrible. Oops now all the ghosts are following their most loved ones around just to make sure they are there to rush to Danny for help when all else fails. Now hes getting to fulfil his protection obsession double time because one hes helping protect people from themselves and two hes protecting everyone in Gothem by stopping people from becoming villains for revenge. Plus he gets to see first hand how hes making a difference because all those people he saved are sending him some good vibes from all across Gothem.
Thank god he followed Jazz around so much to slightly absorb some of her phycology knowledge over the years. Plus it was actually pretty interesting so she gave him her old text books. Shes also helping him deal with the rare events where he can’t save someone. Just a moment too late or he stops them but they later succeeded in the hospital. Neither are his fault. Now only if he could convince his core of that.
Anyway why Gothem you ask? Amity Park would have been just as good tbh but imagine Batmans face when he finally gets to be face to face with the emotional support ghost boy. Why is he here? Bruce is fine. Batman is fine. Hes not gonna do anything crazy. It’s just a hard time of year. Around their death always gives him grief. But hes an adult and can manage it.
“You know they are so proud of you.” The boy states. As if it’s clear as day, even though it’s Gothem and never a clear day. Batman blinks at him, stunned for a moment. “What?” This boy can’t possibly know that. No one will ever know that, Bruce can only hope. “They see their home, full of such life. That big house that felt so empty, so cold, to them as well for years. Then you filled it with Family and Love like they had always wanted for you. They are so proud of what you have turned it into. Somewhere full of life and warmth.” A small smile graces his face as finally “you have made your parents so proud” and its all he can do to contain himself. Emotions are running high and sue him because he really did need to hear that ok. The boy suddenly looks to Bruces right with a confused face “aren’t all basements like that though?” Before Bruce can even get a word in hes gone. Just vanished before his eyes.
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whollyjoly · 17 days
i just want to take a second for the absolute legend, james earl jones, who passed away today.
the voice of darth vader himself.
you defined my childhood (and, honestly, most of my adult life) in a way that cant be put into the words. the terror and fear and power you put behind vader made him such an incredible villain, but also the pain and the loss and the love for his family you voiced made him feel so real and so human, even behind the mask. it's so amazing how voice actors are able to bring such expression, emotion, and life to a character. ESPECIALLY one that solely exists in a mask! there's no facial expression, no visible emotion that we can see. all we have is some basic movements and a voice - and your voice, sir, was what made vader into one of the most iconic characters in all of film and tv history. how you were able to show such power and anger and certainty and resignation and grief and finally, relief? when all you see is a mask? its just...mind blowing.
and your love for the character was so tangible!! voicing vader in countless projects until 2016!!! almost 40 years of such an incredible legacy!!
my favorite star wars movie of the skywalker saga is return of the jedi. in it are my favorite scenes in all of star wars - luke and vader on endor, and then the throne room scene with luke facing off against darth vader and the emperor.
we see vader as such a force for evil across most of the original trilogy. hell, even in the stuff that came out later that you voiced (revenge of the sith, rebels, rogue one) - vader is fucking terrifying.
but there's such an amazing shift in vader when we see him interact with luke for the first time since the reveal of their relationship. luke is trying to convince vader to turn, to leave with him and disobey the emperor. there is such a....weight, for lack of a better term, that you give vader's responses that stole my breath away from the moment i first heard it. you managed to take this villain, this boogeyman of the star wars universe clad in black armor and machinery, and made him feel so incredibly, beautifully human.
and when i heard vader say the line "it's too late for me, son" to luke's pleading, it changed everything for me. the amount of grief held in those words, the pain that you could feel. in that moment, vader changed from a monster of nightmare into something so tragic. it was amazing. it was heartbreaking. it was beautiful.
and i think that was the moment i think i truly fell in love with star wars. and it was because of you.
(and that's not even to mention some of the other incredible lines that made vader such an incredible character!! i think of how young you made him sound in revenge of the sith - that "where is padme?" fucking haunts me. and yes there are so many classic and amazing vader "NOOOs", but the one that really gets me is the one when he decides to save luke, to find the light again, to choose his destiny. the way you portrayed that conflict and resolve with a simple two-letter word? amazing.)
anyways, just....thank you. thank you for your gift, for your talent, for your legacy. you will, quite literally, never be forgotten.
may the force be with you, james earl jones. always.
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Can we all stop with the "Aziraphale is wrong, Crowley is right" mentality please? The whole season was spent of saying "nothing is just black and white, everything is in shades of grey" and yet a lot of people are still falling for the black and white thing. BOTH were right and BOTH were wrong. Let's unfold this, shall we?
Starting with the elephant in the room, yes, Aziraphale was wrong for thinking he can change Heaven. We, as an audience, saw just how awful Heave can be, when Aziraphale didn't for the most part. He doesn't know why Gabriel is fired and he never learned how Heaven treated "him" after he averted Armageddon. He doesn't know all of that, but we do, so it's not fair to blame him for it. Him believing that he Crowley wants to be an angel again is simply due to the lack of communication between them. Both in season 1 and 2, Crowley mentioned multiple times that him falling was not fair because he never did anything more than just ask questions, unlike other demons who were all against Heaven. So Aziraphale assuming that that means he would like another shot at being an angel is completely reasonable.
Now, Aziraphale was also right for taking the job. Considering the events of season 2, it was very clear that Heaven wouldn't simply let Aziraphale and Crowley exist in peace after everything. Yes, they had 4 years of peace, but for immortal beings, that's more like 4 hours. Aziraphale wants to make sure that he and Crowley CAN exist without the constant fear of revenge or punishment. After all, we were just introduced to the Book of Life and there's nothing stopping Heaven from erasing one or both of them from existence forever. Aziraphale doesn't want to be with Crowley if that means living in constant fear, because that's not really a living, is it? He needs to do something about it. Even if Crowley doesn't see it that way, Aziraphale has to do something to keep them both safe, if not the entire Earth. So his choice of going to Heaven may not be "good", but it sure is the most logical.
As for Crowley... poor Crowley. He doesn't get it. In season 1, he came to Aziraphale and had to work to convince him to stop Armageddon from happening. And the moment he thinks that it can't be stopped, he decides to run away. And that idea stuck. Up until that moment back in season 1, Crowley didn't even entertain the idea of leaving Earth. But from that point onward, it's the only thing he thinks about. He brings it up every chance he gets. You could even argue that being a coward is one of the reasons he became a demon in the first place (sorry not sorry). But running away isn't an option. Running may save him from the problems going on on Earth, but no matter where he goes, he can't get away from Heaven and Hell. They can always pull him back, they can do worse things from afar. But Crowley doesn't see it. He tells Aziraphale "You can't leave this bookshop." as if that's not what he was planning to do since episode 1. Crowley loves the Earth. Even more so than Aziraphale. He plays dress up every chance he gets, he drinks poison for fun, he cares about the health of ducks and is clearly indulging himself in alcohol much more than Aziraphale does in food (speaking of, he was also the first one to consume human food and drinks and the reason Aziraphale does so in the first place). He's the one who convinced Aziraphale to stop the destruction of Earth in the first place. But Crowley is also very stubborn.
At the same time, Crowley knows better than anyone how Heaven and Hell work and how that can never be changed. He saw first hand how Heaven treats its own angels (I'm including Gabriel in this) and realises it's all a trap. He can tell. He fears for Aziraphale's life, and even for his if he were to accept it. Crowley tries to warn him more than anything. But just knowing everything is a scam is not enough.
The only way for Aziraphale and Crowley to be able to just be together is for them to make sure they can. And the only way to do that is by going in the belly of the beast.
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slavonicrhapsody · 1 month
honestly i think the most that can be assumed from hornsent wearing the caterpillar mask is that hes okay with the jarring process, since it has such heavy connections to bonny village+the gaols, plus i think itd make an interesting parallel to marika where you have these two traumatized characters who lost everything to horrific acts of violence whod them go on to condone OTHER horrific acts of violence just because it happened to The Other Guy (hornsent losing his family to the crusade, being okay with jarring shamans cuz its an important ritual of his people and he desperately struggles to retain any last connection he can to them; marika losing her family to jarring, sending messmer to crusade against the hornsent without caring about his methods just so shed have her vengeance)
theres even something to be drawn about marika from how hornsents quest ends ("if miquellas redemption would quell the desire for revenge i feel, then i dont think i want him to redeem anything after all" <-poorly summarized dialogue lmao) wherein, combined with the shaman village lore, we can draw the parallel that marika didnt *want* her thirst for vengeance slaked, because much like how killing messmer didnt bring back any of hornsents people, becoming a god was equally disatisfying for marika. in much the same way marika tramples over corpses to become a god, hornsent metaphorically walks over messmers corpse to try and take his place as crusader, this time against the people of the erdtree.
it also paints messmer in a REALLY interesting light. hornsent is so consumed by revenge he doesnt focus on anything else beyond a nostalgic reminiscence. miquellas goal, as told to him, is to give the hornsent a chance at peace and to rebuild, and hornsent would rather sacrifice that to feed his own flames of vengeance. similarly we can assume marika never told messmer the location of bonny village or the gaols because theyre untouched by the crusade, despite definitely knowing where they are, and the gaols indicate that even after bonny village stopped sending jars, they remained in use by utilizing prisoners (potentially even prisoners of war+deserting soldiers) for at least SOME time before we find them. indicating that also, to marika, it was the death that was important. the fear, and the killing, and the slaughter. messmer by contrast sets up a clinic for the jarred shamans, is capable of being convinced against crusading and burning certain areas such as salza arguing in favor of sparing rauh, and has a library dedicated to the people hes genociding that stores information about their culture and anatomy (judging by the models he has hanging in the storeroom).
messmer, who places himself symbolically between the hornsent and marika to spare her the shame of being the face of the crusade, committing atrocities out of sympathy and love for his mother, vs hornsent who desires to commit atrocities out of an overwhelming need for revenge, vs marika who DID commit atrocities for revenge and desired them to never stop even if it meant losing the things she cared about (despite initially showering messmer with blessings and affection and special physiks, eventually she stopped saying anything at all about the war without grace or honor, and only miquellas prying reveals it all again, including the son she loved and left behind)
like UGHHHH i LOVEEE when characters have foils and you can use the patchwork of lore to help fill in the blanks about everyone theyre connected to
oh Hornsent and Marika are ABSOLUTELY meant to be parallels… both are on revenge quests where their goal is to keep killing and killing until every single person related to their enemy is dead. Marika has Messmer burn the Hornsent cities to the ground in vengeance for her murdered village, but most of these people were civilians, farmers… familes and their children who had probably never even seen a jar — their only crime was to be part of the same society.
Hornsent, though he despises Marika and Messmer for burning his family to death, does exactly the same thing that she did: he vows to kill Marika and ALL her kin, and he goes after us even if we helped him simply because we are one of Marika’s chosen. It doesn’t matter that we gave him scorpion stew and that I’m sure deep down he wants to like us, we were always marked for death in his eyes just because of who we are.
This is exactly the purpose of the caterpillar mask… feeling any guilt or regret about his actions would get in the way of Hornsent’s sworn mission. Hornsent having this mask implies that he had some knowledge of what the potentates did and sought out their attire for their violent rituals as a touchstone for his own violent quest. A lot of people act as if the jarring process was something the entire hornsent population explicitly believed in and supported, and it’s true that the practice is basically built into the society’s entire prison system, but the ritual slaughter and jar worship are implied to be esoteric practices carried out only by specific groups of people… I highly doubt this is a practice that every Hornsent knows of intimately and enthusiastically supports. And we know some did explicitly oppose the jar rituals; the greater potentate who wrote the cookbooks we find was disgusted by the practices of his village. So Hornsent finding and wearing the potentate mask is like him knowingly embracing the darkest, most violent parts of his society in order to use them against their enemies.
Messmer’s position in this story really is interesting because with Hornsent’s quest, he’s set up to be like his “final boss,” the guy who cruelly slaughtered his people and called them savages. But when we actually get to Messmer, he’s so much more subdued then we’d have thought, like an apathetic shell of his former self… he doesn’t even verbally acknowledge Hornsent’s presence, like he means nothing to him. The war against the Hornsent was never Messmer’s war, it was Marika’s. Messmer carried out this violence in vengeance for his mother and her village, but when Marika stops speaking to him altogether, the war starts to feel more and more like pointless violence, like he’s just going through the motions.
I won’t go so far as to say that Messmer had much sympathy for the Hornsent he was murdering; the specimen storehouse was more of a project said to be created by his fire knights who were uncomfortable about letting an entire society’s knowledge go up in flames (but chose to burn it anyway). but he absolutely has a different attitude than his mother… he feels more like her tool… used up and discarded
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and lol no worries
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wenamedthedogkylo · 1 year
I already said this in my other post but this really deserves to stand on its own and honestly I'm crying over it so it has to get written down somewhere, but when Bor'Dor took a pull from Ashton's pipe, the smoke turned into an image of him shooting a Fire Bolt at the janky, creepy, lovingly set up dummy that the Hells had made for him. The target that his own targets made out of admiration for him, out of affection, out of genuinely wanting to see him grow his potential.
Ashton's pipe showed that the greatest, most heroic moment of Bor'Dor's life was casting Fire Bolt at that target, and getting to celebrate it with the rest of the Hells. It was feeling accepted for the first time in his life. Feeling respected. Feeling like he belonged, like he and his magic belonged and weren't some horrible, dangerous thing that they would fear him for or would have a temple come and cart him away for.
These people—who he somehow either followed across an ocean or luckily ran into—who he specifically stayed with because he intended to kill them for sabotaging the Ruby Vanguard's plans. For killing "his friends" in Marquet.
These people were the ones he finally felt accepted by. Not the Ruby Vanguard.
He gave Ashton the first piece of mental relief and relaxation they'd felt in years, maybe ever. He gave them jerky, and made them fruit leather, and caught a little fish and had Prism Enlarge it to make sure they could eat. Was he telling himself it was just to ingratiate himself to them, to get closer so the knife would be easier to twist? When did ingratiating himself become "I wanted you to like me"? Did he have to keep convincing himself it was all part of the plan, that he didn't really like them, that he didn't want to keep them alive but he had to to get his revenge, that he could let them die at any moment and this wasn't just him getting attached because how could he get attached to people he meant to kill?
Did Bor'Dor realize, in the moment that he decided to try killing them in that cave, that the Vanguard had only ever seen him as a weapon? That his "friends" who'd died in Marquet (he'd watched Ashton throw some of their bodies out of the Hole just days ago) wouldn't have sought revenge for his death the same way, because he was nothing more than a tool for one man's schemes? Did he realize he had more in common with Orym who'd lost all his loved ones to Ludinus and Otohan and the Vanguard—with Laudna and her myriad of terrifying, beautiful magical gifts and her desire to do good with them—than he'd ever had in common with anyone in the Vanguard?
Is that part of why he just tried to run?
It didn't have to be this way!
Bor'Dor healed most of the group right after fighting the Taker. He knew that his Vitriolic Sphere probably wouldn't kill all of them, that they had health potions and could recover. He just needed to get away. Get away so that they couldn't come after him, and he didn't have to see how he'd hurt the only people who'd welcomed him into their hearts in years, and he could tell himself that maybe they did die and he'd fulfilled his mission, and could tell himself too that maybe they didn't die and he hadn't actually killed his only real friends in the world.
I saw you! In Marquet! You murdered my friends!
Was he really still angry at the Hells for killing Ruby Vanguard members? Or was he trying desperately to fight back against how much they cared about him? How much they had genuinely reached out and taken him in? How much it was going to hurt him to hurt them? Was he trying to cling to his original purpose, so that he could ignore how much it hurt to kill the first people who'd seen his magic and said "you're amazing" and meant it? Who'd said "can I try something", "what else can you do", "it's nice to know I'm not alone, because you're in the same boat as me"?
And when he gave up... when he didn't try to fight back... when he begged for the end because there was no point anymore...
The Vanguard wasn't enough to stay alive for. And he'd just betrayed the only people who'd ever completely accepted him. There was no point anymore. No point in fighting. No point in living. He was done. He'd had enough.
Bor'Dor Dog'Son deserves his peace. I'm glad he got it.
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Oh yeah, and here we are. Vi's poster is finally out and we can put them all together. Jinx is actually in all of the posters, but as I said, they did a lot better than I expected.
Initially I thought it would be a consistent story according to the release of the posters, but the more I look at them, the more I am convinced that each poster is a separate story of a character in its own time period.
I'll return to the first poster with Vi and Jinx, but I won’t consider the second general poster in detail yet – for me it is really just a general promo with a small symbolic hint. And personal posters are really more interesting.
Actually, he was the first. With the release of the trailer, I understand why the poster did not show anything else from his image, except for decoration and a close–up of his face - because now we know that there is also a pink cross and other attributes of Jinx painted on his clothes. This is definitely a different costume, but it is already obvious that at some point Ekko (either himself or his gang) will cooperate with Jinx. Whether this will be a temporary truce, whether this will be the final forgiveness of everything that happened between them in the past is an open question (I am more inclined to a temporary truce).
Oh yes, that hard look and angry face that contrasts so much with the innocently charming face from the first season. I assume that Jinx's rocket will take her mother's life – it's too obvious and there are too many hints about it. This means that Jinx becomes a kind of Vendetta for Caitlyn, and the matter of her capture (and elimination, I assume) becomes, among other things, her personal business. It is noteworthy that Caitlyn's poster is the only one on which there is no pink color – neither Vi's pink hair nor Jinx's pink eyes. The whole poster is cold and icy blue. I can assume that at some point Caitlyn will remain completely alone in her mission to capture Jinx, and Vi will either not be with her, or for some reason she will be on Jinx's side (especially since on the general poster the girls were separated by a green stripe, which is associated with Ekko. Isn't this the moment from the trailer where Ekko is acting in concert with Vi?). In any case, Caitlyn's poster looks very cold and aloof. And only in red strokes, like blood or a spider's web, threads pass, which Caitlyn used back in the first season, when she drew up her own scheme of evidence of what was happening in the Undercity. The "Red web" is a great metaphor for Caitlyn's condition this season. Red is the color of Noxus, and Ambessa will definitely have a very strong influence, even pressure, on Caitlyn in matters of martial law. The web of Ambessa's decisions, the council's decisions, the confrontation between the two cities, the relationship with Vi and personal revenge against Jinx, in which Caitlyn is obviously entangled, will really change her beyond recognition and I am very interested to see it.
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In the first season, Caitlyn looks at her "red web", trying to figure out what is happening in the Underground City. This season, she literally got herself tangled in this web.
Jinx and Vi
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Yes, I'll look at them together because I can't separate their posters from each other. In my head, they fit perfectly and intertwine together, like two pieces of one whole. I like the way they are arranged "jack", like a playing card. And both sisters dominate each other's posters. In Jinx's poster, Vi's dominant hands are at the top of the image and are literally on Jinx's neck in an aggressive and suffocating gesture, while Jinx herself is literally upside down and is at the bottom. On Vi's poster, Jinx's hands are already at the top of the image and, obviously, they also bring pain to her sister, only in a different way. Although Vi herself occupies most of her poster, Jinx really dominates – a light gesture that closes her eyes, but literally puts Vi in a very vulnerable, painful and desperate position. Jinx's eyes are open and looking with a certain mixture of fear and malice, whereas Vi's eyes are completely closed – does she not see the real picture of what is happening? Doesn't want to admit the obvious? Or does she just not know what to do next? (It is noteworthy that Vi does not look directly into the frame on any of the posters where she appeared. None at all. The eyes are either averted or closed).
These are definitely different time periods – on Jinx's poster she still has her own finger, whereas on Vi's poster she has already lost her finger. So according to the chronology, the events from Jinx's poster will be earlier than the events from Vi's poster.
Speaking of Jinx's finger.
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Yes, it is mechanical, but it is much more interesting what is painted on it and what color it is painted. A pink smiling face. I like the theory that it's Caitlyn who's going to shoot Jinx's finger off, and I tend to stick to that theory. Because if so, the symbolism turns out to be very beautiful. This smiley face, by the way, breaks the color scheme of the manicure.
Blue? No, dear. Pink again. Because it's Jinx now.
As a result, all of Jinx's "pink fingers" cover her eye. The same eye that often stood out somehow in many of Jinx's images. Now it is "Jinx" that completely covers the view of Vi for at least one eye for sure.
I don't remember if there will be more posters coming out or if the poster with Vi was the last one, but in any case, the stories they are trying to tell are quite interesting.
(I remind you that this is a leak-free zone. Please, if you have watched the leaks, no need to spoiler in the comments or in reblogs).
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transmascanakin · 2 months
Varmibros AU explained.!
(aka the au where Chris Varmitech is a detective whos hired by Martin to solve the case of his missing brother)
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The whole thing begins with the Varmitech family, who have been villains for generations and generations. The family is cultishly obsessed with villainy and anyone who doesnt follow the tradition is pushed out of the family, who will later seek revenge on the outcast, and this is how the kidnapping of Chris happened. Generations ago the Kratt family were also Varmitechs, until someone broke out of the cycle, broke contact with the family, changed their name and lived a normal life which of course angered the Varmitechs to no end. The responsibilty of taking revenge on the Kratts fell on Zachs mom, Ivette Varmitech, who decided to take the family's youngest son and raise him as their own to set their bloodline back on the track of villiany.
(i am honestly not a huge fan of this part of the plot idk the kratts and varmitechs being related is so weird but I dont really have a better reason for why theyd take Chris so! This remains for now)
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From the Kratts point of view Chris just goes missing mysteriously and no search party or investigator can turn him up. His case goes cold too fast and it really strains their small family. Martin, who was really close with his little brother is forced to grow up alone, being left with the lingering feeling of emptiness (wow thats really deep. !!)
Meanwhile Chris is hidden from public eye until around his teen years, with the excuse of his unstable mental state (which is actually kinda true cause like. Taking a 3 year from his family is traumatic even if you brainwash him into thinking those memories arent real) and at around the age of 17 he starts to join Zach on smaller villain missions but these are just some easier robberies. Hes actually fairly good at stealing and being stealthy but when Zach invented some more serious stuff and began using animals to power his inventions it disgusted him, and he grew even more distant with Zach, and also started putting less effort into anything he had to do as a villain, especially after he had to take a more aggressive role, fighting off and distracting anyone who tries to stop Zach (this is when he starts using the Zach-bot looking costume that hides his identity. The vest also gives him 2 robotic arms) and this is how he gets to know the tortuga crew, who are extremely similar to their canon versions, with the absence of Chris of course. (The crew knows Zach has a brother but dont know that hes behind the mask of his right hand-man who they nicknamed the crawler)
Anyways, unlike Zach, Chris' main focus is not the villain business. He became a detective, as this is like the only thing his parents let him do that he actually loves. But one day, he gets a strange call. Martin Kratt, one of his brother's biggest enemies, a man that he himself had to face many times in his villain disguise, wants Chris to take on the case of his missing brother. Hes immediately suspicious, thinking its just a coverup and Martin actually wants to get some information about Zach or something, but after meeting up with Martin he realises hes very serious about wanting to hire him to do the investigation. He looks at the unsolved case of Chris Kratt, a 3 year old who went missing without barely any trace almost 20 years ago, and despite knowing that he probably wont be able to turn up anything new for Martin, whos convinced that against all odds his brother is still alive, Chris decides to take the case.
Martin is quick to help Chris in the investigation, and he is surprised to discover that the detective is the opposite of Zach in a lot of ways. Unlike his brother, Chris seems to love animals and has a respectable knowledge about them, and just like Martin, he also has his experience with complicated familial relationships, and the two of them grow close while digging themselves deep into the investigation. (And yeah maybe Chris reminds him of his brother, maybe he just wants to protect Chris from his dubious brother and parents, or maybe he feels connected to him in a way he cant name)
Meanwhile Chris faces the internal struggle of wanting to stay friends with Martin, but also knowing that hes secretly the villain who Martin has to fight every now and then, and he feels extremely guilty for decieving him, but hes too scared to tell him because of his major abandonment issues, but he also cant stop being a villain due to the pressure his family puts on him. So now he has to miraculously solve the case of Martins brother, while he actively tries to keep his identity a secret, and tries to avoid Zach, whos always happy to remind him that no matter how morally superior Chris feels hes still lying to the tortuga crew and that he better stop this little game of his before their parents find out, or before the crew discover his identity...
(If anyone has any questions for the au feel free to drop them in my ask box .!!)
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love-toxin · 2 months
oh my god ur eric draven piece….. him finishing his revenge spree and still continuing to live afterwards is just insane. like grappling with the fact that he’s Still here and stuck with the grief and emptiness even after he’s killed everyone who hurt him and shelly…… im sick. im ILL!!! resenting becoming human again bc its torture…. he needs to be comforted and by god i’ll do it (LMAO)
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ugh!! i love it!!!! the absolute horror of putting all your rage into a single act of self-sacrificing vengeance only to realize there's no going home in the end....just have to sit with what you've done and realize you don't belong anywhere anymore. everybody you love and hate are dead, and the few people of the former that aren't you can't have anything to do with because being near them will only hurt them worse. knowing you're probably a monster and you'll never find love or comfort again, but even worse, you don't know if you even deserve that much in the first place.
so when you come along and you try to get close to him, he shies away. flees if he has to. hides. you remind him too much of the life he loved before his death and it's too painful knowing he'll never have that again. he forgot there were sweet people and kind people and people who love indiscriminately and because you're one of them, he finds himself inexplicably drawn to you despite telling himself it can never go any further. he has to hold back. you deserve someone alive and...happy. you don't need his burdens weighing you down, you've got a whole life to live and people to meet and lovers to spend your life with.
but because he's drawn to you, he finds purpose. people in this city love to prey on the vulnerable, the weak, and the fragile, they would even eat each other alive if it came down to it. and the thought of you ever being in pain, in trouble, of you being accosted on your way to work or grabbed on your way home--oh, it boils his icy blood. he would rather rip his own limbs off than ever see you taken advantage of by some filthy scum off the street.
so even though he hates it--hates being alive, hates having to live with his regrets and suffer his pain--he seeks his purpose through more destruction. remorseless life-taking. nobody who hurts you or tries to hurt you is innocent, so they all deserve to be taken out with the trash in the worst ways possible. the man who drugged your drink is dragged out the back door of the bar. the guy who bugged your car has his own blown up while he's in it. the creeps who jiggle your doorknob at night hoping it's unlocked? they'll never find all the pieces of those ones.
because you're deserving of so much more than a life of feeling scared and being alone. Eric tells himself that if you ever find a partner that can protect you he'll stop following you around, but he knows deep down that's not really gonna happen. he'll follow you to the grave. besides, you have so much love to give and he can't deny that he deeply enjoys how badly you want to get close to him, to know the man that is always in your peripheral but can't quite work up the nerve to say hello. even though he's convinced it can never be, he can't help wondering whenever he stops and stares at you from across the street in the rain, watching you through the window as you work....could you be the reason he's still here?
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the-suns-a-tube · 11 months
How much of Jonny's backstory I think is true:
This is what Jonny has to say about his backstory:
"Seriously? Fine. I was born a few hundred years ago on New Texas. Don’t bother looking for it, I made it up. I think. It’s the story, though, and that’s what matters. Standard ne’erdowell youth: cards, whiskey, women and murder. I’m told I had a good heart, but the Doc dealt with that after the whole patricide thing."
What I think is true:
-Jonny Grew up on a Texas like planet
-Jonny killed his father
-There was a casino in the story involved somewhere
What I think is untrue:
-Any of the dialogue. Jonny definitely rewrote everything to have better flow, be more dramatic, and make himself sound cooler.
-That Jonny's Father forgave him. I think Jonny had retold what he wants to have happened. Bonus Points for trans jonny, If he is trans I dont think his father accepted him as his son. The "I forgive you, Son." would be jonny's imagining of what happened.
I don't think jonny even remembers what really happened, and what bits are real and what bits he made up. Its been so long of him telling his rewritten story, what really happened has been lost to him, not entirely on accident either.
What I'm not sure about:
One Eyed Jack. He could have been a real person, or he could have been a symbolic character Jonny made up to represent multiple people. Or he could be taking the place of Carmilla in the story, and maybe it was Carmilla who convinced him to kill his dad. The One Eye symbolism is there.
Again, Jonny doesn't seem to even remember. "New Texas. Don't bother looking for it, I made it up. I think" and "I'm told I had a good heart."
and the
"Standard ne’erdowell youth: cards, whiskey, women and murder."
Cards ✅
Whiskey ✅
Murder ✅
Women (?)
There aren't really any women in his youth that we know of. Carmilla only came in later, so the only thing we have is his Mother who I think was a Tailor (am i remembering that right? idk where I saw that) and Himself, if you have the afab jonny hc. But the women thing sorta implies that he was having relations with women, so perhaps that was another thing that his father disagreed with? Im totally speculating here, but if his dad found out that he, being afab, had been going out with women, he perhaps did not react well to that, either hurting jonny, hurting jonny's partner, or separating them. Perhaps Jonny Killed his dad in self defense or in revenge?
Ok Ok im going to formulate a narrative of what I personally think happened:
-Jonny was born afab on a backwater planet possibly named New Texas
-He grew up with his emotional abstinence mother and either physically or emotionally abusive father
-Started hanging out at the local casino, where he can present as male. Hangs around with the prostitutes and working women, maybe even gets a job bartending or something.
-falls in love with one of the working women
-His dad finds out about the sapphic looking relationship/presenting male stuff and freaks out, going after the woman for corrupting the "Nice Christian Girl" he wanted his daughter to be.
-His Father does something about it, and arranges for the woman to be sent away, killed, or married off.
-Jonny goes to the casino looking for her, only to have One Eyed jack tell him what happened in a not so subtle ploy to get Jonny to get rid of his dad for him.
-Jonny is unsure, but goes after his dad, getting into a fight that ends with Billy dead and Jonny sobbing on the floor
-Carmilla finds Jonny, offers to take him with her. With his partner gone, Jonny has nothing left, and agrees. But he wants to have one last farewell to the casino.
-Either carmilla tips him off or he figures it out himself, but One Eyed Jack helped orchestrate the killing or sending away of the Working Woman in his employ,
-Jonny realizes Jack never wanted to help him, he just wanted someone to do his killing for him.
-Jonny burns down the casino and leaves with Carmilla.
I think him being motivated by a lost lover makes a lot of sense with the whole "used to have a good heart" thing. Jonny is very romantic in his storytelling, even when the couple always tragically dies. I think he chose to write her out of his past because it was too painful for him, and he didn't want a reminder that he used to have a heart. He has blocked it out, and now genuinely doesn't remember anything other than how he wrote the song.
What do yall think?
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ferrstappen · 1 year
august l Lando Norris imagine
a/n: Hello! How are you? Did you see the Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello kissing video? I'm shocked. Anywayssss, this is the second installment of The Collection, a complete different note from the long live piece, but I hope you like it <3 feedback and likes and all those things are greatly appreciated <3
hope you enjoy it! <3
warnings: kinda sad, allusion to sex (like if you squint), couple of swear words.
words: 2k
summary: Every single one of her friends warned her that he was fresh out of a relationship. His friends whispered that he had been so in love just a couple of weeks ago and now he was holding hands with someone else. But she didn’t care. 
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i) Your back beneath the sun, wishin’ I could write myself on it. 
You knew his face from somewhere. 
The pub was dimly lit, the humid London weather somehow making its way inside the semi crowded room, but you could still make out his curly hair and slim figure, holding a beer while smiled at something one of his friends said. 
It wasn’t hard to tell he wasn’t giving them a full smile; his eyes didn’t crinkle all the way and his smile didn’t reach his clear eyes. 
You didn’t know him, but you could tell that much. 
And it wasn’t like you were trying to make eye contact with him, almost manifesting that the curly haired stranger would notice you. And you now that when his eyes crossed with yours, the smile reached his eyes. 
His friends didn’t notice, neither did yours, but you weren’t able to keep it cool anymore, quietly making your way outside with the pretense of needed some air and wanting to light a cigarette. 
“How can you smoke with this weather?” You heard his voice for the first time. Calm and soft, almost quiet. 
“Nervousness can do that to a person, you now?” 
“Why are you nervous?” He believed to know the answer, but still asked you.
“Good looking strangers tend to have that effect on me.”
That was the beginning of the end. 
He told you his name was Lando, that he was spending a couple of days in London before returning to his home in Monte-Carlo. You were so entranced that asked your girlfriends to change tables so they could mingle with Lando’s friends. 
They were static, knowing you weren’t one to openly flirt or wanting too much contact, gladly accepting to change tables and getting to know the interesting group of strangers. 
During the third bottle of champagne, Lando made the invitation to you and your friends to join them in Monaco. It took a bit of convincing from their part, but ended up agreeing to being picked up at 5 PM the next day to catch their private flight. 
He said goodbye with a small hug and kiss on the cheek. He didn’t linger, he didn’t take it slow, everything was quick, but you never noticed because you were already hooked.
While your friends squealed on the uber ride back home, not really understanding what the fuck had happened on their casual night out, Lando’s friends were giving him weary looks, trying to understand where this was coming from, because they had dragged him out, because he still was checking his ex girlfriend���s Instagram.
And he knew what he was doing. 
It wasn’t revenge on his ex, it was his heart trying to feel something again.
Something that wasn’t the constant ache of having lost the girl with whom he thought would spend years and years together. 
He needed to erase the pictures of him and his ex holding his niece in front of the Christmas tree.
The cute post-it she left on his refrigerator for when he got home after a triple header. 
And he was sure the warmth of another person would calm the pain, even if it wasn’t much, he’d take whatever was given to him. 
And that’s how he ended up with you in his yacht, surrounded by his friends and yours. 
You were wearing denim shorts and a black bikini top; simple, forgettable; exactly what he was looking for.
So he placed his arm around your bare waist, not applying to much pressure, but allowing himself to enjoy the goosebumps on your skin when he caressed the exposed flesh, the small smile you gave him after he offered to get you a drink, and the gasp when he left a chaste kiss on your lips. 
You noticed the stares of his friends and how your friends became a little more protective, not letting loose on the luxury yacht, keeping an eye on you and Lando. One of them even turned down an offer from a Lebanese businessman. 
Talk about friendship.
You noticed the looks he got when you went out to discover a bit of Monte-Carlo, people subtly pointing their phones as he tried to not show his face and cover yours. The only thing you wished for in that moment was for Lando to take your hand and guide you through the coast.
Yes, it was ridiculous. It wasn’t like your mind didn’t remind you that two days ago he was a stranger, but that didn’t stop your heart from wanting to leave a mark so people could see he wasn’t alone, he wasn’t paying attention to them, he was with you for the time being. 
ii) and I can see us twisted in bedsheets, august sipped away like a bottle of wine, ‘cause you were never mine.
The Monaco sun was hitting your back, Lando groaning next to you as the grip on your waist tightened and tried to hide his face on your neck, earning a chuckle. 
If anyone saw this from the outside, everything happening between Lando and you was straight out of a fairytale; student meets good looking Formula 1 driver, willing to fly her anywhere just to see her.
Maybe all those goods were the reason you were willing to ignore how sometimes he didn’t return the FaceTime calls, but he had a busy schedule, it wasn’t worrying, and you didn’t want to appear like a controlling girl. 
You knew your friends tried to send subtle warnings, telling you to not open up too much, to be careful with your feelings, to get to know him better. You understood, this was your first serious relationship.
Right, it wasn’t a relationship just yet. 
But even if both your friends saw this through tinted glasses, Lando and you knew about the late nights giggling while trying to find the ticklish spots of each other.
The cute laughter he would give you as you tried to not crash on the wall while driving the simulator. 
The soft sighs he’d release when you started threading your fingers through his curls, trying to make him forget a stressful meeting. 
The lilies delivered to your apartment when his schedule didn’t allow him to see you for a couple of weeks. 
The kisses on your naked skin, knowing how to handle your body better than yourself.
The grateful kisses on your forehead after he tasted a new recipe you saw on Pinterest, only using ingredients approved by his trainer.
They didn’t see that. 
But it all went away so quickly. 
Suddenly, august was coming to an end. You didn’t even notice, too drunk while discovering Lando, how his body and mind worked.
How the relationship would evolve, when would you accompany him to one of his races, would you move to Monte-Carlo eventually?
All the questions in your head clouded your judgement, made you ignore the clear signs that Lando maybe wasn’t so into it. But he was tired, he was in the middle of the season. 
He was fresh out of a breakup…
But he wouldn’t make a move on you just to forget his ex girlfriend, right? Everything you’ve been living during the last months was real. You knew everything was real, he was overwhelmed, that’s all. 
But there was a breaking point, even in your hazy vision. 
His calls mostly went to voicemail, but he always texted he was busy. 
He didn’t invite you to his home as usual, but he was racing.
He didn’t invite you to the paddock, but you weren’t official yet.
You knew in your head this wasn’t right, that he was feeding you just enough to keep you hooked, the bare minimum.
You knew you deserved so much more than that, even if he the prospect of him was exciting, and your heart beat a bit faster every time you saw him.
You were bracing for the fall. 
iii) So much for summer love and saying “us”, cause you weren’t mine to lose.
You didn’t want to go through the self-destructive phase when two days went by and he didn’t contact you, but you weren’t making up excuses anymore. 
Suddenly, googling his name seemed like the sane idea, inevitably searching for news and photos of him and his ex. 
She was gorgeous, worthy of someone like him. They walked hand in hand so carelessly she wore his merch so proudly, she showed up in the paddock so freely.
That’s when she realized it was never going to be her, Lando never meant for her to be more than a summer thing, to not feel her absence.
He was waiting for the right time to go back to her, he’d hit the ground running as soon as a sign was given to him.
But it didn’t make any sense. Maybe it was the disappointment and heartbreak speaking, but you knew with a certainty that what happened during the last couple of months was real. 
You didn’t imagine his hard grip on your hip while he took over the DJ table.
You didn’t imagine the soft caresses of his hand on your thigh while he was driving you to an afternoon date. 
Your head knew you didn’t make up the loving eyes he dedicated you as you tried to hit the high notes of a song while making the bed. 
But he hadn’t reached out in two days, it was pretty self-explanatory. He didn’t really care about nurturing this growing seed between the two of you.
Lando didn’t want you. 
It didn’t matter how real everything was to you. How your heart was slowly breaking as tears pooled in your eyes, because you’d never be able to convince yourself that this was meaningless, at least not to you. 
Are you okay? I haven’t heard from you
Listen, I know whatever’s going on between us is new and we never labeled it, but I totally understand if it’s over or whatever
Just talk to me so I can move on and ofc I still wanna be your friend
Was this message too serious?
If you want to ofc lol
Anyway hope ur okay pls don’t ghost me
Pathetic, honestly. But what else can you do when your head is telling you to let go at the same time you heart is begging to keep holding on?
iv) To live for the hope of it all, cancel plans just in case you’d call. 
Lando knew this was wrong. Shit, ghosting someone was the lowest of lows, but he wasn’t brave enough to tell you he couldn’t keep up with this, because he’d never be able to give you what you wanted.
He didn’t want to bring you to the paddock and be captured with you as his new girlfriend, because it was never meant to be your place.
But he didn’t know how to put into words what he needed to say to you. 
He wasn’t that big of a person. He wasn’t that good of a man. 
The tear in his heart was still there, but he couldn’t deny that you palliated his fractured heart, somehow mending the pieces back together. 
He couldn’t deny the peace he felt every time you run your hands through his hair. 
The grin that appeared after you softly kissed him right when his eyes opened in the morning. 
The steady beats of his heart when he knew you were waiting for him to show him the newest recipe you tried. 
And Lando he was being unfair, that he wasn’t supposed to open WhatsApp and search your name, knowing your profile picture was taken by him, and he somehow managed to capture your beauty, inside and out. 
He took a deep breath before typing. 
are you free?
sorry I’ve been missing lately
He was disappointed in himself, because Lando knew you were going to do everything to see him.
He was despicable, his actions were mean.
But Lando still smiled when he noticed you had responded, lightheartedly asking him how he was doing. 
Hope was still creeping on your veins, ignoring the fear of falling and breaking for Lando. 
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 — 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐚
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), “instant loss” trope, oral sex ( m!receiving ), facefucking, it gets a lil sloppy, enemies to fuckbuddies ??, light degradation, but also some praise, all characters featured are 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ requested by anonymous. my first time writing for genshin, do not bully me or i’ll cum. do not repost or translate. please reblog && leave feedback. thanks for reading < 3
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“No more.” you mumble, and collapse on the floor at his feet. why did it have to be him? why did your initiation have to be a battle when your wits were much sharper than your daggers? why must you face him?
Tartaglia had been a menace for as long as you’d been a prospect, every meeting he simply glared at you, and you at him. he hated how, in his own words, ‘fox-like’ you were. “A sly vixen who can hardly wield the blades she uses like mere accessories,” he’d said once, and you’d hurled one at him ( and missed ), which only allowed his point to be proven as he sank back in his seat and quirked a brow, “see? Miles off. It’s as I said. She wouldn’t be able to hold her own in a true battle.”
you couldn’t argue with that, either, but it was his arrogance that really bothered you. he was such an asshole.
which is why you were shocked when, upon being welcomed into the Harbingers, Pierro had suggested you face Childe in battle. after all, he’d been the only member that had vehemently denied your right to be there. “If you bested him,” Pierro explained to you in secret when you rejected the opportunity, “he would be so shameful, there’s a chance he would fall to his knees and sob.” even if he’d only said such a thing in order to convince you to go through with it, it’d worked. the possibility that you could break the egotistical Childe, and you could do it with your fellow Fatui’s blessings was too sweet a revenge upon him to relinquish. so you’d agreed to fight him.
a terrible idea, really.
Childe, who could’ve ended the spar in the blink of an eye, had decided instead to draw it out. truly exploit your lack of skill with a weapon and highlight all the wrong moves you made. he’d allowed you to tire yourself out with swings and jabs that would never reach their true destination, until you were crumbling and panting in front of him, your knees dug into the dirt.
he scoffs and swaggers towards you, glancing at the daggers in your hands, “Surrendering already, are we?”
“Childe,” you grumble, looking up at him with your breath labored. you were squinting, brows knit tight together, “if I take another swing, my arms will surely fall off. I’m done.”
“Aren’t you just pathetic?” he laughs, boiling your blood, and nudges your wrist with his foot as if to see for himself. both daggers slip from your grasp and clatter against the ground. he then uses the tip of his boot to fling one out of your reach, and then the other. “Go ahead and say it, then.”
“I… I surrender.”
his eyes light up, an elated grin etching his lips upwards into a victorious simper as he steps closer, planting his feet on either side of you. one hand rests its palm against the crown of your head at first, and he tilts his head to the side, looking down at you, “And you know what happens when you surrender, don’t you, little vixen?”
you shake your head, but avoid his gaze, attempting to glare holes into his feet, but his gloved digits clamp down, grasping a fistful of your hair at the root to force you to crane your neck and stare up at him. when you do, you’re taken aback to see his body angled the way it was, leaning back with his groin pushed close, the crotch of his trousers sporting a thick, hard tent. “What happens?” you ask, forcing your eyeline over his erection and along the length of his torso. was victory really such a euphoric sensation?
but Childe sinks his teeth into the lower counterpart of his grin, clenching your hair tight, and reveling in the way you droop, helplessly, before him on your knees. “You’re left completely at the mercy of your opponent.” he answers, his free hand flees to his belt and unfastens it, while the other holds your head steady, “And he can do whatever he wants to you.” your eyes fall to his belt, and then the waistband of his bottoms when his hand slides underneath and rubs himself in strong, quick circles. you couldn’t help yourself, you exhaled— the display pooling between your thighs. it didn’t help how sharply he drew in a breath, and how fiercely he stares down at you, gauging your reaction to his performance. “Do you know what I, your victorious opponent, really want to do to you right now?”
you could figure it out easily enough, but you still shook your head, the words refusing to fully register in your poor, empty mind. he was too distracting, and you inched closer to him, the very tip of your soft tongue flicking at the seam of your lips when he pulls his cock out. presenting it to you as if it’s another one of his weapons, he grips hard to its base, tapping the swollen head against your lips. you practically whimper once the raw scent of him tickles your nostrils— his arousal tying your guts into knots.
you know you shouldn’t, but you long to taste him.
he notices the way you melt closer, and he scoffs, impressed. “You don’t?” he teases, rubbing his tip to smear your lips with sticky sweet, musky precum. your couplet parts to pepper the expanse of the broad, pink head in lazy, nearly drunken kisses, your eyelids fluttering as you whine again. “I think you do,” he mutters, tugging your head back by the grip on your tendrils, prying you off of him so he can tease. you pout, and lap at your lips, but stare only at his cock, just out of reach. “I think you want me to fuck that pretty mouth of yours as much as I want to.”
he was toying with you, giving you enough slack to make a fool of yourself by wanting him, and then he’d pull you away. you sigh, soft and wanton, and mutter as if it doesn’t matter to you either way ( an easily saw through lie ), “Do it already, then. What are you waiting for?”
“You to beg me for it.” to this, you glare, open your mouth to speak, but he’s already pulling you close again, running the length of his rigid, veined cock against the part in the seal of your lips. you can tell he likes the way it feels by how hard of a breath he sucks in, and how his eyelids flutter, “Tell me how no one can beat the Almighty Tartaglia, and how desperate you are to have my cock in your throat.”
“You pig.”
“I’m waiting.”
this motherfucker.
you feel a white, hot rage bubbling in your gut, and you start to tell him exactly where he can shove it, but your lips betray your own mind, and you find yourself submitting to him, instead. “No one can beat you,” you purr, your words slurred as he smears his manhood over your lips. your tongue caresses one, pesky vein and you hear him mewl in pleasure.
“Keep going.” he growled, lusty.
“You’re the.. the Almighty Tartaglia. And I need to feel your cock in my throat, please… please let me have it.”
what were you doing?
Childe was pleased, at least, chewing on the lower counterpart of his pout when he pulls on your hair to snatch your attention back to his face, and when he does, the hand on his base abandons its post and seeks out your lips. warm, clothed digits push their way in through the threshold and pry your mouth open, and he juts his hips forward, wanting to replace those fingers with his cock, that was hard and adamant for wanting attention. “Easy peasy, that’s what you are, hm? A hopeless, little loser, falling right into subservience of your superior. I bet you want to make me cum, badly, don’t you? Wanna taste it? Wanna feel it pumping down your throat?”
you want to tell him no, just to see that smug grin of his knocked off his features, but to your dismay, you’re nodding to each of his questions, doe eyes trained on his countenance, fanning your thick lashes as your tongue lazes out to flick at his fingers before suckling on them.
“You’re gonna be a good girl for me?”
another eager nod, and this time, he retrieves his digits from your lips, and your tongue follows, hanging out over your chin. he takes one look at it and grins wider, spanking the muscle with the head of his cock. you squint each time, wanting to reach up and take hold of him at the base, but you don’t. instead, you shove both hands between your thighs, one pressing your palm against the ground to keep you steady, and the other prodding underneath your skirt to rub against your panties.
“Show me,” he practically begged, grabbing the thick trunk and guiding it into your waiting, open mouth. finally. you whine around the girth, hollowing your cheeks to be able to accommodate all he was trying to shove into your cavern at once. but he tasted so delicious, it didn’t matter how rough he was, you’d take it. “Suck me good.”
and you did.
creating a vacuum with your lips sealed as tight around his shaft as you could, you slurp and bob your head, dragging your flattened tongue against his bulging veins and gurgling satisfied moans, sending heated vibrations through him, and Childe dropped his head back, a humiliatingly depraved moan erupting from his parted lips. the weight of his hand on your head pushed it down, and you could hear a faint, “Yes.” and it was whiny and hungry all at once. the quiet vocalization of his pleasure spurs your fingers to wrench your panties to one side, rubbing your now exposed and swelling clit.
“More,” he demands, bucking his hips into your rhythm, forcing the thick tip to the back of your throat. you gag at first, glancing up at him with tears forming in your eyes, but only for a moment before you adjust to the ferocity of his pumping, and you bat the tears away. “You can take it.” he’s smirking down at you, red cheeked and panting with his eyelids heavy. he gazed at you as if he’s drunk off the pleasure, chest heaving, and presses his cock into your mouth until he bulges out one of your cheeks, stretching it to surprising proportions. “Fuck, that mouth’s so warm, I want to just— live in it…”
your middle finger pushes into your clenching hole, and you whimper; your lower belly is all knotted up, and it’s all you can do to ride your own palm, pumping your finger knuckle deep as you take every inch of him into your mouth and suck until your eyes want to cross.
Childe groans, pulling at your tender roots, his free hand fondling his own balls. if he would just let you take control, you thought, you’d give them plenty of attention, too. but he wasn’t about to give that power over to you. besides, he much preferred the fervent thrusting where his thick tip wormed its way into your throat with each bottom out. “So messy,” he purrs, but he’s wearing a cheshire grin, “I love it.” you could feel what he meant. not only were you soaking your hand and the ground beneath you in your slick, but you were drooling from both corners of your mouth, spit and precum cocktailing and dribbling down on to your chest. your available hand reaches up to rest against his abdomen, but not to stop him. “Gonna make you drool like this all the time, now.” he snickers, “Now that I know you love it, too.”
the best you could muster was a cluck and a nod, reaching your own climax before he does. you couldn’t believe it— you’d never cum from sucking cock before. but there was something about Childe, and you hated that he was the exception. your moans turn into helpless, muffled squealing, and you start to quiver, your eyes rolling back as pleasure takes hold of you.
your display certainly wracks Tartaglia, because he grunts and his hips stutter, hands shaking as he holds on to you, “Mm… Fuck, gonna cum—“ but that was truly all the warning you were given before he’s pounding into you, balls swinging heavy to slap against your chin, and each, full thrust pumps another splatter of his release down your throat.
what you can’t swallow, you push to the front of your mouth and it oozes out from the corners of your sore lips around him, twitching and softening. only when he’s completely spent, does he pull out, leaving you spitting and sputtering.
you breathe, ragged, looking up at him with stray tears on your face, but not for long because he squats down, eye level to you, and grabs your chin, pulling you in for a sloppy kiss. just tasting himself on your mouth elicits a happy moan, which you swallow, both hands fleeing to grip his collar so he could pull you to stand with him, but your legs were too weak, and you melt against him. somehow, his body was still tight and strong, and he can support how wobbly you are. one of his knees press between your thighs to tease your sensitive cunt, and you whine into his mouth, squirming against it.
“I think I love the taste of my cock on your pretty, swollen lips,” Childe purrs when he finally breaks the kiss, nipping at your chin with his teeth, “but I’m much more excited to find out exactly how sweet your cunt is.”
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i can fix him your honour *smacks him with the oc-ification hammer*
anyway. enjoy the babygirl-ification of aaron lycan. more stuff below the cut.
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i love the idea of aaron. like, some guy whos hellbent on revenge learning to live and love outside of it?? and he finds not only love but a new home in someone else searching for the same thing after they've both lost so much??? UGH ITS SO GOOD. and then jesson fucking. fumbled it. SO BAD. im still mad abt it almost like. ten yrs later (how tf is diaries this old i swear it was still airing like last yr). so uh. ive tried to go in n fix him. i swear. but in the process a Lot of his backstory n stuff has been overhauled and im sorry to all the canon aaron truthers but the way that jesson handled his arc n stuff was God Awful and i hate it. so uh. yeah.
aaron shows up in ashes, ashes way earlier than he does in canon diaries - hes following the high priest's trail, and when he catches wind of him travelling to phoenix drop to officiate a wedding and track down his supposedly dead brother, he follows the rumours and shows up right after alexis is cursed. he forms a sort of truce with aph (although garroth is hesitant to trust him, given that he wants to murder his younger brother n garroth still believes that zane can be saved) and fucks off again until they meet up again when aph n co are snooping around pikoro trying to find lord luke so that she can sign a trade deal with him - aaron's (rightfully) convinced that zane has something to do with luke's disappearance, and once all that tomfoolery is settled, he decides to return to phoenix drop with aphmau, believing that the impending war will offer the best opportunity for him to finally kill zane.
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as we all know, though, this... really doesn't go to plan. they get trapped in irene's cathedral - which is more of a labyrinth with religious imagery plastered everywhere - and it isn't aaron who lands the killing blow on his mortal enemy, but rather garroth, who gets possessed by esmund's relic. then, when they manage to escape thanks to zoey, ten years have passed and the cathedra of irene (the religious organisation that zane was in charge of as high priest) has all but collapsed. up until this point, all aaron has really been living for is destroying the cathedra, and with his job already done for him by the passage of time, he's now sort of... lost, is the best way i can really describe it. he decides to stick around in phoenix drop - although he doesn't really want to admit it, the people are nice, he's become friends with garroth and katelyn, and it's a safe place for him to stay while he figures out his next moves. it also doesn't help that aph keeps roping him into her adventures (although he secretly enjoys having something to do).
it's through these new connections that he learns to start opening up about his past; how he was raised as the heir to the lordship of a hunting town up north named falconclaw, how the cathedra ordered its destruction and the murder of all its people due to them allegedly being descended from shad, the destroyer, how he came back from a hunting trip to find all his family and friends dead, how the grief manifested in a long-dormant magick that causes anything he lays eyes on to disintegrate, only to be controlled by an enchanted blindfold given to him by a passing elf who took pity on him. over time, he learns to control his magick, leading to him starting to leave his blindfold off - a sort of symbol of his willingness to trust in others, and to trust himself around others. most of this is me wanting his fuckass bandanna to have some sort of meaning behind it outside of "uwu edgy man with edgy outfit" but uh yeah. idk.
anyway, after a while he decides to stick around permanently right before the gang heads to gal'ruk to track down carin valkrum, an ex-juror who went missing decades prior, who katelyn is convinced knows of the whereabouts of the keeper's relic.
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which means an outfit change. i tried to make his second winter outfit noticeably lighter than his first one, but still incorporating his trademark reds and browns. there isn't too much else to say abt this outfit? i dont think?? like there isnt a ton of lore stuff tied up in it except "oh hes going to a cold place lol". uhh i guess i could mention that he has a fucked up knee from a hunting accident when he was younger, hence the wrapped up knee?? idk. also he has a lil brooch w a falcon claw on it as a sort of homage to falconclaw. and his fucked up eyes r a reference to his eyes being fucked up in mys. yeah. idk.
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uhh casual outfit. i like to think that he asked laurance for help w finding something to wear that wasnt super casual for more formal events (like the monthly potluck dinners that phoenix drop holds for everyone to celebrate the new moon) bc garroth is fucking useless when it comes to clothes n katelyn isnt that much better so laurance, having grown up in meteli surrounded by pirates, threw a billowy white button down at him n told him to go ham. i think laurance also lowkey influences aaron to get the falcon tattoo at some point - i dont think he loses the brooch, but since its so obviously a reference to his birthplace in ru'aun and could potentially get him and the rest of the gang hurt or even killed once they decide to travel to tu'la, he decides to get the kārearea tattooed over his heart as an homage to his family. anyway, it's in tu'la where he learns that he isn't the only survivor of falconclaw as he had previously thought: the werewolf pack that he'd grown up alongside (blaze, dottie, maria, rylan, and daniel) are still alive and well, as is melissa, although she's been cursed w what will later become known as the "ultima" curse due to her striking a deal with the demon warlock in an attempt to restore falconclaw. anyway, it's pretty emotional, esp since both sides have long thought the other to be suuuper dead. the scars on aaron's forearm are from when he n blaze got into a tussle as kids.
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and finally, his destroyer form! after katelyn finally kills ivy n recovers shad's relic, there's a lot of debate as to what to do with it; some folks think its best to find it a host, others want to try and destroy it, and others want to simply lock it away in a pocket dimensino or something to keep it safe. eventually, aaron decides that, in order to protect the family he's created and the family he's rediscovered, it's probably best for him to take on the mantle of the destroyer of the second war of the magi, especially once it's revealed that the aaron of the first war (shad) cleaved his soul in two once he began to get corrupted by the influence of the void - the half that was corrupted would become the shadow lord, whereas the uncorrupted half would go onto reincarnate like the other souls of the divine warriors (excluding irene). i'm still fiddling around w how the second war of the magi ends, but my thinking as of right now is that the first war ended with irene burning away her first physical form to seal the shadow lord in the nether, the second war (mcd) ending w the restoration n reunification of shads soul n the divine warriors sealing away most magicks as a temporary stopgap against the spread of the void, and the third war (mys) being the war in which the void is finally defeated.
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and finally some headshots. i personally headcanon aaron as being autistic as fuck n being the kind of autistic where he isn't super expressive (sorta like garroth), although a little less stern. speaking of, i really wanted him n garroth to be sort of foils for each other: namely, where aaron was raised to only ever see lordship as a privilege, garroth was raised in an environment that led him to believe that lordship was only ever a burden. anyway, they're best mates n i will die on this hill. yeah i know that in the first war esmund n shad didnt like each other that much (as an understatement) but something something healing the wrongs of the past with each reincarnation cycle something something they're best friends now and you can't stop me. also he and aph do end up together but it takes sooo fucking long, like those two are the most awkward motherfuckers this side of ru'aun and it takes longer for them to confess than it does for garroth and laurance to confess and thats Saying Something. like. c'mon. it was stupidly out of character for this wet noodle of a man to hook up w aph in the middle of s2. tell me that u don't know how to write ur characters without telling me that u don't know how to write ur characters n all that jazz.
anyway. gumboot rambles once again. its 2am at the time of posting this n i need to go sleep so uh. yeah. dante or travis is up next mostly bc aph has like thirteen outfit changes before s3 n im dreading drawing them all so yeah.
feel free to ask any questions or anything!! :D
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goldenharmony · 10 months
Ruby and Akane: Parallels
In chapter 77, Ruby reveals her dark secret to Akane, similar to how Aqua revealed his dark secret in chapter 52. In both situations, Akane enables their obsessions, thinking that she is doing them a favor when she shouldn't be encouraging them.
In Ruby's case, Akane is unaware that Gorou would be nearing his 50s if he was still alive, which makes me wonder how she would've reacted if she knew the truth.
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In my opinion, she would've still encouraged Ruby. Akane's already cool with murdering for Aqua's sake so I don't think ethics is a high priority for her.
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Unhealthy Obsessions ≠ Genuine Love
The way Ruby feels about Gorou is how Akane feels about Aqua, being obsessed to an unhealthy and obsessive degree to the person they think they might be in love with. Their unhealthy feelings are targeted towards the same soul but different incarnations. Akane's yandere tendencies flare up whenever the situation involves Aqua.
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And while Ruby also wanted revenge for Ai's murder, the main trigger for her to fall into darkness was seeing Gorou's corpse.
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Gorou/Aqua - Providing the Will to Live
When describing Gorou, Ruby focuses on how he gave her the will to live, saving her from having self-destructive/suicidal thoughts during her lowest moments.
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This is further supported by how Ruby was having suicidal thoughts in chapters 115 & 121 but the realization that Gorou = Aqua had saved her.
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How does Akane understand? Because she went through the same experience in LoveNow. When she was at her limit and about to kill herself, Aqua saved her and worked with the other LoveNow members to save her image.
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Thanks to Aqua, she got the strength to return to LoveNow and move forward. That moment had a significant impact on her, similar to how Ruby describes Gorou's impact on her.
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Returning to Original Location
Ruby and Akane return to the places where their relationships began, reaffirming their feelings. Its a callback but could be seen as them trying to hold onto those relationships when they should just let go.
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Delusional Era
Both Akane and Ruby go through a period where they think they will get what they want. Aqua and Akane started dating but Aqua only loves Kana. Akane knows this but she's convinced that as Aqua continuous to lie to himself about loving her, those lies will become the truth - which they never did.
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She also believed that the 2 of them had an equal relationship, and that she was saving Aqua - both immediately proven false in the subsequent chapter.
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For Ruby, she thinks that now that she has reunited with Gorou, they will get married, not realizing that:
A) Gorou never promised marriage. He said he'd think about it which was letting Sarina down easy because she was a dying child at the time.
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b) She no longer sees Aqua as just himself, but is projecting Gorou onto him considering she keeps emphasizing "Sensei" unlike Aqua with Sarina-Ruby.
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c) Ruby in a stable and healthy mindset thinks incest is gross lol
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Plus Ruby's sus manga panels being over-the-top hammers down the point that she is being really delusional right now.
In the end, the 2 girls are really similar to where I'm sure that Akane would've still encouraged Ruby to pursue Gorou even after knowing he was way too old for her because she can relate to Ruby's feelings, believing that he couldn't be bad for Ruby if she believes he is a good person.
Meanwhile Kana's reaction if Ruby confided in her instead:
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And if Mem-Cho tried to argue about the age gap, Ruby would probably say that its basically the same as Mem-Cho hanging out with the rest of them - killing Mem-Cho in an instant:
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bonefall · 8 months
what do you of "the man who sold the world" for fallenleaf? friend is getting me into nirvana and i cant do anything without thinking of the Beasts
Hmm... honestly? I think it fits other characters much better!
Man Who Sold The World always reads to me as like... a dangerous character, could be a demon, could be an evil parent, could be a more literal villain in some kind of story, who has unambiguously gotten its ass kicked and banished. In its defeat, it realizes that it can turn it around; by trying to convince one of their Victims to join them.
And succeeding.
(and it's why Nirvana's version is my favorite, Cobain's voice is just the right amount of hoarse that makes me feel like the Victim Character has lost a lot of sleep over it. Vulnerable and open to the offer of the Villain, possibly on the brink of desperation in their own life. It has that sort of angsty-young-adult madness that makes choosing bad decisions sooo much easier. Bowie's and Ure's versions are also fantastic, but imo they're a lot more dreamlike, like the victim is being more entranced than convinced!)
The song isn't about breaking out of that cycle. It's about "laughing and shaking his hand," returning home almost unaware of any change. But over many years, in tiny little ways that add up into even bigger ones, slowly the Victim becomes another man who sold the world.
They doesn't even realize when they died alone along their quest, just that it must have been long, long ago.
Some of that fits Fallenleaf, but it's not quite the same vibe. She killed Ashfur in revenge. She sought out Sol and took his deal for power, and tried to kill her own brother. She subjugated an entire Ancient Lake society-- and the only thing she can really blame Sol for is how it got bored of her and kicked her out of her own body.
Those were things she did. And they're things she lives with. Trickery was less a part of it than she might have wanted to believe at some point in her long, guilty life.
NATURALLY I'm inspired by Cheecat's really great animation they made with Brambleclaw and Tigerstar, and I think it fits Tigerstar to a T, but who I always think of is Hawkfrost.
Especially in BB, where RiverClan raised him to lean into his legacy. Not Clanborn, from a young age he had to work twice as hard, prove that he and his sister were "worth" keeping around, told that they were only protected by that diluted Tigerkin blood that trickles through their veins and that Tigerstar was an ideal to live up to...
Only the thinnest veneers of, "Be what he was, without his flaws" to hold him back from fully adopting everything his father ever stood for. A father he never met, who hurt his mother, who killed and traumatized countless clanmates.
And then Hawkfrost sees him. The song kicks in. "I thought you died alone, a long long time ago."
"Not me. I never lost control." It means that those "flaws," they weren't so bad. "You're face to face with the man who sold the world" and I can teach you the value of that.
He leaves that exchange feeling warm. "I laughed and shook his hand." He goes through the destruction of the forest (looking for form), the great journey (and land), and eventually finds himself in all the conflicts of TNP. No one knows at what point he stopped being the noble young warrior who stood up for Reedpaw against his tormenters, or when wanting to protect his sister became abuse and belittling.
But at some point, he died alone, long before his heart stopped beating on that stake.
He ends up in the Dark Forest with his father, preparing for the change that's coming in OotS, but not by the end of the song. At the end of the song his father has successfully dragged him down to his level, singing the same tune, trying to pretend that his dad getting him pointlessly shish-kebabed for a petty personal dispute wasn't a critical L to the chest.
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the-deadrobin · 8 months
Jason Todd Headcannons
I will probably add more later, because I surely forgot a few.
Half of these don't make sense, but they're fun.
Jason is a huge Literature nerd and an even bigger Jane Austen fan. He's also a huge romance lover. But he likes the wholesome cutesy shit. (I also think he just loves poems) But even so, he likes Shakespeare especially the tragedies like Macbeth.
He is the only Bat Alfred allows in the kitchen. Jason used to learn to cook from/help cook with Alfred back in his Robin days. Thus he is a surprisingly good cook, second only to Alfred.
Jason smoked when he was an Alley kid before being Robin and he still smokes as Red Hood. He also smokes on rooftops while Bruce has his Galas and the press are all over it.
This one is kinda funny but I love the idea of the Wayne family being like the Kardashians of Gotham (just much more useful) and Dick and Jason are absolute heartthrobs. (I'm so going to elaborate on this with detail in another post)
The Bat-fam don't know about the all-blades, or the all-caste. Because the situation just never called for it.
Anesthesia or sedatives either don't work on him, or wear off him much faster than normal. Same with alcohol.
Being a Gothamite, a Bat, and trained with the League Of Assassins, I imagine Jason has trained himself to have immunity to poisons and toxins (mostly but not all) (I believe its called Microdosing)
Jason has that good old white tuft of hair. Whether from head trauma or the Lazarus remains a mystery.
Jason is dramatic as hell. And extremely petty too. Spite drives this man. He does everything he can (no matter how small or big it might be) to spite Bruce.
Most of his younger siblings don't prank him unless they're looking for all out war, in which him, Dick and Steph form an alliance and go batshit insane (pun not intended)
Leading me to my next point: Jason is very competitive.
He's also a horrible role model because whenever any of the siblings fight (namely Tim and Damian) he just makes shit worse and watches the chaos he helped create.
Jason is big on revenge. He has a list is all I'm saying.
Jason probably has claustrophobia (what with being stuck in a damn coffin and all that)
I think that all of the bat siblings (except Dick, because he has the Big Bro power) has a blackmail list on everyone in the house. But no one can seem to find blackmail for Jason just because Jason is so damn good at covering up what he does that even if it was obvious he did something, there'd be no evidence of it.
Which leads to the fact that I think Jason is an extremely good liar. And he uses that to make his lies really weird and borderline crazy but people still believe him because he's just so convincing. Like, whenever he lies to Bruce, Bruce just believes it. And the other batkids are in the corner like: what??? It wasn't even a convincing lie!! But then they find out about an instance Jason has pulled this shit on them and realise how believable it actually is. (And that was only when he was caught) but Jason never does this to Alfred, because no matter what Alfred can always catch his lies.
Jason regularly has tea time with Alfred. They talk about books, food, Jason's schemes to fuck with his family and Alfred secretly gives him ideas. But everyone else in the family aside from Bruce and Jason always think Alfred is this innocent old man.
Also one of my favourites is that Jason jokes about his death. A lot. Everytime he sees an opportunity he takes it. Bruce and Dick (and to some degree Tim) are so uncomfortable everytime he does it, but Steph and Damian find it the funniest thing ever. Duke has absolutely no clue why Jason keeps making these jokes about dying, because no one told the poor guy. Cass is as clueless as Duke and Babs is always caught so off guard by it. Alfred is always mortified but he doesn't show it because he knows its Jason's coping mechanism.
I wholeheartedly believe that Jason drops off the face of the Earth occasionally. He just goes completely off-grid, no one (except sometimes Roy or Steph) know how to contact him or where he went. Not a single bat can find him when he does this. And that half the time he's doing this, he's just going to the Fields Of All to hang out with Ducra and some monks, or having mother son bonding time with Talia. Then the other half he's either having a nuch needed vacation in the beach, or going on a extremely dark and broody conquest to solve a large case and ultimately failing into its rabbithole and never attempting to get out. (He hates to admit it, but it's a lot like Bruce sometimes)
When Jason is out as Jason Wayne he totally wears makeup. Either just foundation to cover up his scars, or when he's feeling it maybe some black eyeliner and eyeshadow for Galas. So almost nobody recognises him as Jason Wayne while he's in normal civvies and he can wander Gotham freely. (Unlike Dick, who has to style his hair differently, wear a cap, change his wardrobe and still gets paparazzis)
Jason regularly quotes book and poems and the only person who has a chance of understanding him is Alfred.
This whole tumblr post.
Jason died before the Internet became as huge as it is now. So, Jason is the least technologically advanced in the family. He's the equivalent of a grandfather. Barely can use a computer without yelling for someone. Goes into Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss mode upon realising the stupidity of the scenario. It drives Tim and Babs insane. More of that here.
Everyone knows he loves Wonder Woman. He has Wonder Woman clothes, a bottle, a figurine, comics, etc. Once, he got a small tattoo of her logo under his ear mainly to spite Bruce. (Because he has accepted that, that's half his life purpose at this point).
But secretly, under the Wonder Woman jackets and tucked in between the pages of the comics are Green Arrow shirts and bookmarks. Only because he knows Bruce notices these small things and it gnaws away at him because Jason has never touched Batman merch since his ressurection. Roy does the same thing but with Batman merch.
Jason and Damian met in the League Of Assassins and were pretty close before going to Gotham for entirely different reasons. No one in the family knows about this and always wonder why they can communicate so well without using a word. (They did that a lot while sneaking around Nanda Parbat so Ra's wouldn't notice).
Jason and Steph are absolute besties. They're a chaos duo who love tormenting Bruce and are practically bff soulmates. But it's strictly platonic.
He's the kind of guy who would unironically recite a monologue from Macbeth without a hit him, just to motivate his goons.
This post
Also this post
Also, also, this post (I'm sorry, its just these posts are on point)
This one too-
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