#yokai watch 3 ver. 3.0
kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch 3 ver. 3.0 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for a sidequest of Yokai Watch 3 (ver. 3.0) and also some rather major spoilers for the main story of the game, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the entire “The Half-fish Man of Mimisippo River” sidequest.
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I enjoyed this quest a lot, personally, but it’s kinda like the conclusion to something with build-up that I never translated ^^; I dunno, just be aware of that if you’re gonna read this.
I’ll go through this scene by scene. (There will be links to watch the scenes on youtube, too.)
Bolded is original japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at japanese than I reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I´m a beginner when it comes to japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Accepting the Request:
Logan: やあ ケータ! Hey, Nate!
Nate: ニコラスにローガン! こんなところで なにしてるの? Nicholas and Logan! What are you doing here?
Logan: このミミシッポリバーで ボートに乗って 釣りにいこうって 計画を立ててるんだ! We want to ride a boat on Mimisippo River to go fishing! (1)
Nicholas: でも こわいウワサがあってさ… ちょっと 困ってるんだー。 But there are some scary rumors... It's a bit of a problem.
Nate: こわいウワサ…? Scary rumors...?
Nicholas: それがさ… ミミシッポリバーには 出るらしいんだ…。 Yes, about that... Something’s said to appear at Mimisippo River...
Nate: 出るって もしかして… By that, do you mean...
Logan: そう! 半魚人がね! Yes! The half-fish man! (2)
Nate: は… 半魚人!? Ha... half-fish man!?
Logan: いやぁ〜 でもこれじゃフィシングに 行けないね… 困ったなぁ〜。 Man, with this we can't go fishing, though... What a drag.
Whisper: 半魚人といえばUMA! ミステリーですよ これは! This half-fish man has to be a cryptid! This is a Mystery! (3)
Whisper: おともだちも 困ってるみたいですし くわしく お話を聞いてみては? Your friends seem be having a problem, too. Why don't you listen carefully to what they got to say?
Mission Description: セントピーナッツバターグを流れる 大きな川 ミミシッポリーバでは 「恐怖の半魚人」の 目撃情報が 多数 報告されているらしい…。 It seems there are a lot of reports of a "Fearful Half-fish Man" being sighted in the large Mimisippo River that flows through St. Peanutsburg.
Nate: えっと… 半魚人が出るって ほんとなの? Umm... So does this half-fish man really show up around here?
Logan: そうさ… 魚のヒレと水かきをもった 全身うろこまみれの人間がね…! Yeah... It's a human with fish fins, webbing, and it's whole body is covered in scales...!
Nicholas: きっと見つかったら最後… 川底に ひきずりこまれて 半魚人にされるんだ…! If you happen to find it... you'll probably get dragged to the bottom of the river and turned into a half-fish man, too!
Logan: HAHAHA! こわいっていうか おもしろい話さよね! HAHAHA! It's a scary, or rather, interesting story! 
Logan: ボクは逆に気になるんだけどさ ニコラスがビビって行きたがらないんだ! But unlike me, Nicholas is scared and doesn't want to go!
Nicholas: ビ… ビビってるわけじゃないけど… なんかちょっと危険がなーって。 I... I'm not scared, but... It's just kinda a little dangerous.
Nicholas: 目撃情報だって けっこうあるしさ…。 There a quite a few sighting reports, after all...
Nate: …よし わかった! じゃあオレが正体をたしかめてくるよ! ...Alright, got it! I will go and figure out what it really is, then!
Nicholas: えっ… 本当ー!? お前 意外と勇気あるなー…。 Ah... Really!? You're suprisingly brave...
Logan: じゃあケータ よろしく! おもしろい報告 待ってるよ! We're counting on you then, Nate! We'll be waiting for your interesting report!
Whisper: そうと決まれば その川の近くで ミステリーの手がかりをさがしましょう! Now that that's decided, let's search for clues related to this Mystery near the river!
Nate: うん! Yeah!
Mimisippo River is of course meant to invoke Mississippi River. In japanese, Mimisippo is spelled as ミミシッポ/Mimishippo, which could translate to “ears and tail”, but I don’t know if that’s intentional or not.
What I translated as Half-fish Man is 半魚人/Hangyojin, which literally means “half fish human”. It’s often translated as “merman”, but they’re more commonly portrayed as bidedal human-like creatures with lots of fish-like features, like fins and scales and so forth.
In japanese, Whisper calls the half-fish man a UMA, which stands for “Unidentified Mysterious Animal”, and is a popular term for cryptids in Japan.
Asking a Sailor about it:
Nate: あの… 半魚人の目撃情報とか 聞いたりしてませんか? Excuse me... Have you heard about sightings of a half-fish man or the like?
Sailor: はっはっは! ああ… 実は あるんだ! Hahaha! Yeah... there really has been some!
Sailor: お客さんで 何人か 見たって人がいるんだ。 There's people among our customers who saw someone.
Sailor: しかも その半魚人は ムキムキマッチョらしいな! What's more, appearently this half-fish man is a ripped muscleman!
Nate: ム… ムキムキマッチョ!? R... Ripped muscleman!?
Sailor: ああ! このオレのようにだ! Yeah! Just like me!
Sailor: 筋肉というものは すばらしい…! そう 筋肉があれば なんでもできる! Muscles are really something else...! Yes, with muscles, you can do anything!
Sailor: 少年よ! 筋肉について もっと知識を深めたくはないかい!? My boy! Don't you want to expand your knowledge about muscles!?
Whisper: ちょっと! 熱く語りだしちゃいましたよ! Hang on! He's started to ramble about muscles!
Nate: あ… ありがとう お兄さん…! 筋肉は えっと… 大丈夫です! T... Thanks, mister...! Muscles are, umm... okay!
Asking Jungle Hunter Shopkeeper about it:
Nate: あのー もしかして… 半魚人を見たこととかありませんか? Excuse me, have you ever... seen a half-fish man?
Shopkeeper: 半魚人…? Half-fish man...?
Shopkeeper: ああ! そういえば夕方ごろに… Ah! Now that you mention it, during the evening...
Shopkeeper: ものすごい いきおいで 川を泳ぐ何かを見たな…! ...I saw something swimming in the river with amazing force...!
Shopkeeper: あれは半魚人にちがいないよ! That must have been the half-fish man!
Whisper: ふむふむ… 夕方ごろですか。 これは手がかりになりそうですね! Hmmm... The evening, huh? This could be a clue!
Nate: う���! ありがとうございます! Yeah! Thank you very much!
Asking William about it:
Nate: あのさ! 半魚人のこととか聞いたことない? Hey! Have you heard about the half-fish man?
William: ああ そのウワサか。 もちろんボクも 聞いたことがあるよ。 Oh, that rumor. Of course I've heard about it, too.
William: どうやら 島にある あの大きな屋敷地くでよく見られるらしい。 Appearently it’s often seen near that mansion on the island.
Nate: えっ…!? 島にある大きな屋敷って… Huh...!? Mansion on the island, that's...
Whisper: ええ… マックくんのお屋敷でしょうね。 あの島に上陸したのでしょうか…。 Yes... That is Mac's residence. So it went ashore on that island...
William: 半魚人を見にいくのかい? くれぐれも無茶はするなよ。 Are you going to see the half-fish man? Don't be so reckless.
Nate: う うん… 気をつけるよ…! ありがとう! Y-yeah... I'll be careful...! Thanks!
Reviewing the Information so far:
Nate: えーっと… Ummm...
Nate: どうやら 半魚人は 夕方ごろに泳ぐ姿が目撃されてて… Appearently the half-fish man was seen swimming during the evening...
Nate: ヘーゼルタイン邸に上陸する …ってことらしいね。 It goes on land nearby Hazeltine Mansion ...or so it seems. (1)
Whisper: ムキムキマッチョの半魚人… 見つかると危険かもしてません。 A ripped muscleman half-fish man... It'd be dangerous if we found it.
Whisper: 待ち伏せして こっそり確認するのが いいかもしれませんね! We'll have to lie in ambush, and then secretly check it out!
Nate: よし… じゃあ 夕方ごろに ヘーゼルタイン低に行ってみよう! Right... Well then, let's go to Hazeltine Mansion during the evening!
What I chose to write as Hazeltine here is spelled ヘーゼルタイン/Hēzerutain in japanese. I don’t know if it’s written out in english anywhere in the game, but I figured “Hazeltine” is a likely candidate.
Waiting for the Half-fish Man:
Nate: よし… ここで半魚人を待ち伏しよう! Alright... Let's wait for the half-fish man here!
Nate: 半魚人… なかなか出てこないね…。 That half-fish man... Looks like it's not gonna show itself that easily...
Whisper: ケータくん しずかに…! あ… あれを…!! Hush, Nate...! T... that is...!!
???: プハァー! 今日のトレーニングも最高だったぜ! Phew! Today's training is pretty great, too!
Whisper: あ… あの方は…!! T... That man is...!!
Nate: 妖怪ヒーローの ザ・シャーク…!? The Shark, the Yōkai Hero...!?
The Shark: …あ? ...Ah?
The Shark: なんだ お前らか! 何してんだ こんなとこで? Oh hey, it's you guys! What are you doing here?
Whisper: それは こっちのセリフですよ! アナタこそ ここで何を? That's what we were gonna ask you! What are you doing here?
The Shark: あー… Ahh...
The Shark: ここはオレ様にとって思い出の場所でな。 今でも特訓に使ってんだよ。 This place holds memories for me. Even now, I still use it for special training.
The Shark: 最近はゴゴゴGF事件のせいで なかなか特訓できなかったが… I couldn't really train much recently 'cause of that GoGoGo Godfather incident, but...
The Shark: お前らのおかげで解決したからな。 こうして特訓を再開したってワケだ! That got taken care of, thanks to you. Now I can continue with my special training!
Nate: へー そうなんだ! Oh, I see!
The Shark: で お前らはどうしたんだ? オレ様に なんか用か? So, what are you guys up to? You want something from me?
Nate: えっと… この川で半魚人が出るって ウワサがあって 待ち伏せしてたんだ! Umm... There's a rumor that a half-fish man appears in this river, so we where lying in ambush!
Whisper: そう… そしたら あなたが! Yes... and turns out, it's you!
Nate: そっか… シャークのことを 見た人が 半魚人だと思ったんだ! Oh, right... people that saw Shark must've thought he was a half-fish man!
The Shark: そうか オレ様のことが 見えちまった人間もいるのか…。 Right, there's some humans who can see me, too, aren’t they...
The Shark: 特訓場所を変えることにするぜ。 あー 人気のないところっていうと… I'm gonna change my training spot. Ahh, a spot without any people...
Nate: あ それならモクノームの森は? あそこなら だれも近寄らないかも! Ah, in that case, how about Mokunome Forest? Because there's probably no one who even goes near there! (1)
The Shark: おう じゃあそこにすっかな。 Ohh, that place will do, then. (2)
The Shark: おどろかせて悪かったな。 あばよ! Sorry for startling people. So long! (3)
Nate: まさか 半魚人の正体が シャークだったとはね! Who would've thought that the half-fish man was really Shark!
Whisper: まぁ たしかサメは魚ですけど… サカナちがいでしたね! Well, it's true that sharks are fish, but... They're a different kind of fish!
(Mystery solved cutscene)
Whisper: さて ザ・シャークは 特訓場所を変えると言っていましたし… Now then, The Shark said that he would change his training spot...
Whisper: これでニコラスくんたちも 安心して釣りに出かけられますね! So now, Nicholas and Logan can go fishing without needing to worry, too!
Nate: うん 教えてあげなきゃ! Yeah, I gotta tell them!
What I chose to write as Mokunome here is spelled モクノーム/Mokunōmu in japanese. I’m not exactly sure what the name is based on, so this spelling is really more a guess of mine, and I haven’t been able to find in-game text spelling the name in english.
I translated that line a bit loosely, unsure if I got right.
Because of how the japanese language works, it’s unclear if The Shark here is saying “Sorry for startling people”, as in the humans that saw him and all, or “Sorry for startling you”, as in Nate and co. just now. I think the former is more likely, but I’m not sure.
Talking to Logan and Nicholas again:
Nate: ねぇ ふたりとも! 半魚人のことなら もう心配ないよ! Hey, you two! You don't have to worry about the half-fish man anymore!
Logan: えっ!? 半魚人 いなくなったのかい!? Huh!? The half-fish man is gone!?
Nate: えっと… その なんていうか… Umm... How do I put this...
Whisper: 実は妖怪だった! …なんて言えませんし テキトーに ごまかしときましょう…! 'It was actually a yōkai!'...Since you can't just say that, you'll have to just kinda make something up...!
Nate: う… うん… なんか どこかに行っちゃったみたい! Y... Yeah... Looks like it just went somewhere else!
Logan: うーん そりゃあ… なんだが ちょっと残念だね! Hmm, that's... kind of a shame!
Logan: でもこれで 安心してボートで フィッシングできるよね ニコラス! But now we can safely go fishing with the boat, Nicholas!
Nicholas: よーし それじゃさっそく明日の朝… ボートを出してフィッシングだー! Alright, then let's go out with the boat and fish... first thing in the morning!
Nicholas: ケータ 明日ここに来なよー! たくさん釣れたら分けてやるからさー! Nate, come back tomorrow! If we catch a lot, we'll share!
Nate: うん わかった! Alright, got it!
Next Day:
Nate: ニコラス! ローガン! 魚は いっぱい釣れた? Nicholas! Logan! Did you catch a lot of fish?
Nate: ケータ! ひどいじゃないか! Nate! That was low of you!
Whisper: ギクッ… みしかして テキトーに言ったのがバレちゃいました…? *Gulp*... Perhaps they found out you just kinda made something up...?
Nate: ええっと… もういないはずだけど なんで…? Ummm... It should be gone, so why...?
Nicholas: だってオイラたち この目で見たんだ…!! But we saw it with our own eyes...!!
Nate: …ええっ!? ...What!?
Logan: ボクたち あの屋敷の近くに 朝早く釣りに行ったんだ… それで… Earlier this morning, we went fishing near that mansion... and then...
Logan: 見ちゃったんだよ!! 半魚人を…!! We saw it!! The half-fish man...!!
Nate: え… でも……。 Ah... but...
Whisper: ザ・シャークは 特訓場所を変えると たしかに 言ってましたね…。 The Shark most certainly said he was going to change his training spot...
Nate: うん…。 Yeah...
Whisper: しかし ザ・シャークといえば… But then again...
Whisper: 妖怪プロレス界でも ヒール役… つまり悪役としても有名…。 In the Yōkai Professional Wrestling scene, The Shark is a famous heel... in order words, a bad guy...
Whisper: まさか 人間のこわがる顔見たさに 再びあの川に現れたとか…!? You don't suppose he appeared in the river once more, to see the frightened faces of humans...!? 
Nate: えええー!? Whaaat!?
Nate: と… とにかく もう一回 シャークに会いにいこう! A... Anyway, let's go meet with Shark one more time!
Whisper: モクノームの森ですね…! 行ってみましょう! Mokunome Forest...! Let's go there!
Talking to The Shark again:
Whisper: ちょっと! ザ・シャークさん! あなた どういうおつもりなんです!? Hey now! Mr. The Shark! Just what is the meaning of this!? (1)
The Shark: …ああ? ...Huh?
Nate: 実は ヘーゼルタイン定近くの川で また半魚人を見たって人がいてさ…。 You see, there's people who've seen a half-fish man in the river around Hazeltine Mansion again...
The Shark: あ!? オレ様はあれからずっと ここで特訓中だよ! What!? I've been doing nothing but my special training here since then!
Nate: じゃあ 川で目撃された半魚人って… So, the half-fish man that they saw in the river...
Whisper: も もしかして ホンモノってことでうぃす!? M-Maybe it was the real thing!?
The Shark: チッ… 半魚人だかなんだが しらねーが… Kch... I don't care about half-fish men or whatever, but...
The Shark: ソイツのせいで オレ様が うたがわれたってのか? Because of this guy, I'm being suspected?
The Shark: チッ…!! オレ様も その半魚人とやらに会わせろ! Kch...!! I'd like to give this half-fish man a proper talking to! (2)
Whisper: と… とにかく! A... Anyway!
Whisper: 今度は 再び目撃されたという明け方に ヘーゼルタイン邸で待ち伏せしましょう! This time, let's ambush it around Hazeltine Mansion during the time the others said they saw it again, which was near dawn! (3)
Nate: そうだね…! You're right...!
Here Whisper uses the suffix さん/-san when referring to The Shark. I just want to point out while I translated it as “Mr.” here, the two aren’t exactly the same thing.
I translated this line a bit loosely, but that’s the basic idea.
I can’t help but feel like I made this line more convuluted than it needed to be.
Waiting for the Half-fish Man again:
Nate: よし… ここで待とう! Alright... Let's wait here!
Whisper: ホンモノの半魚人… ゴクリ…。 The real half-fish man... *gulp*...
The Shark: おい! あれじゃねぇか? Hey! Is that it?
Jaws: ふう……。 仕事のあとのひと泳ぎは 気持ちいいな。 Phew... Going for a quick swim after work sure feels nice.
Nate: あのー… ジョーズさん… ですよね? Umm... That's Mr. Jaws... right?
Whisper: 半魚人の正体は ザ・シャークと ジョーズ… 2人のことだったんですね…。 So the half-fish man was actually those two... The Shark and Jaws...
Jaws: おや? きみたちは…… Oh? You're...
Whisper: もー! あなたともあろうお方が こんなとこで なに水浴びやってんです!? Geez! Why would someone like you, of all people, be bathing in a place like this!?
Jaws: それは… いや そんなことより… That's... No, It's not like that...
Jaws: お前… You...
The Shark: フン…… これでミステリーは解決だな。 Hmph... Guess the Mystery is solved with this.
The Shark: オレ様は帰るぜ。 I'm leaving.
Jaws: ……。 ...
Nate: あれ…? なんかフンイキ悪くない? Huh...? Did the atmosphere suddenly turn bad?
Whisper: ええ… ザ・シャークもジョーズさんも どこかおかしな様子でしたね…。 Yes... Something seems off about The Shark and Mr. Jaws...
Whisper: でも まずはジョーズさんに ここに来た理由を聞いてみましょう! But, let's ask Mr. Jaws why he came here, first of all!
Talking to Jaws:
Nate: あの ジョーズさん… どうして ここで泳いでたんですか? Excuse me, Mr. Jaws... Why where you swimming here?
Jaws: ここは 私にとっては 思い出の場所でね…。 This place holds memories for me...
Nate: あれ…? それ… シャークも同じようなこと言って… Huh...? That's... exactly what Shark said, too...
???: ちょっとちょっと チミたち〜! こまるんだよねぇ〜。 Hey now, dearies! This is gonna be a problem. (1)
Kaīgyo: オレたちのバリナワに 勝手に入られちゃあさ〜。 Cause see, you just waltzed right into our toryterri. (2)
Whisper: バリナワ…? まさか縄張りのことでうぃす? Toryterri...? Do you mean territory, whis?
Whisper: …ていうか 魚ばっかり出てきて 混乱するんで 帰ってくれません? ...And also, confusingly, a whole bunch of fish suddenly appared, so how about we leave?
Kaīgyo: おやおやおや〜? My, my, my, what's this?
Kaīgyo: 誰かと思えば… ヨップルのシャチョーさんじゃないすか〜! Look at who we have here... If it isn't the CEO of Yopple!
Kaīgyo: そういえばシャチョさん 最近 復帰してチョーシ乗ってないですかねぇ…? By the way, Mr. CEO, aren't you getting a little carried away since your comeback...?
Tunatic: えらいさんだが 何だかしらねーけどよ… You're some big shot, but you don't know anything...
Tunatic: 人のバリナワに 勝手に入られちゃあなぁ〜!! You don't just walk into other people's toryterris all willy-nilly!!
Blowkade: 痛い目みてもらおう! You're in for some pain!
The Shark: おい なにやってんだオマエら!! Hey, what the heck are you doing!?
The Shark: 大丈夫かよオヤジ!? You alright, dad!? (3)
Nate: オヤジ!? Dad!?
Jaws: ポ… ポール!! もどってきたのか!?? P... Paul!! You came back!??
Whisper: ポール!? まさか ザ・シャークの本名です!? Paul!? No way, is that The Shark's real name!?
Whisper: もしかして… ジョーズさんとザ・シャークって…… Could it be that... Mr. Jaws and The Shark are...
Nate: 親子だったの…!? Parent and child...!?
The Shark: チツ… 何が親子だ…。 Kch... Who're you calling parent and child...
Whisper: あ… あまり仲が よろしくないんでしょうか…? A... are they not really getting along...?
Nate: え? でも それじゃあ… どうして助けにきたの…? Huh? But then... why did you come to the rescue...?
The Shark: う… うるせぇ!! 話はあとだ! コイツらを何とかするぞ!! S... Shut up!! We'll talk later! We gotta take care of these guys!!
He didn’t literally call them “dearies” here, just a sorta strange sounding word for “you”, but I translated it more loosely to get the feeling across better. I’m gonna go into more detail about the way this guy talks in the next point.
Okay so, this guy Kaīgyo here basically supposed to invoke the image of a sorta sleazy, smug producer guy, from what I can tell. And in japanese there is this thing where guys like that got their own special way of talking and referring to things, which often involves switching around or reversing syllables of words. Essentially, from what I gather, this entire yōkai is based on the idea that he talks like that, among other things, and people have trouble understanding him because of it. Of course this kind of “word reversing” doesn’t translate well at all into english, but that’s pretty much what he does here with the word “territory”, for example.
The Shark here refers to Jaws as オヤジ/Oyaji, which is a sorta informal, masculine way to refer to one’s father. I like to translate it as “(my) old man”, but that wouldn’t have worked here with Nate’s reaction and all.
After the Battle:
The Shark: チッ… 気をつけろよなオヤジ! Kch... Be more careful, dad!
The Shark: 夜の川は タチ悪いサカナが わいてきやがるんだからよ! At night, some nasty fishes appear in the river!
Jaws: あ… ああ… サカナには気をつけよう…。 R... Right... I'll be careful about fishes...
Whisper: (アナタたちもサカナですけど…!) (But you're both fish, too...!)
The Shark: …ったく! なんでこんな場所に来てんだよ! ...Seriously! Why did you even come here!?
Jaws: それは…… That's because...
Jaws: 私とお前の 思い出の場所だからだ…! This place holds memories for me and you...!
Jaws: ここに来れば いつかお前と 2人っきりで会えると思っていた。 I thought if I came here, the two of us might be able to meet someday.
The Shark: チッ… 会って今更どうすんだよ……。 Kch... We've met, so now what...
Jaws: …ポール これを見てくれ。 ...Look at this, Paul.
The Shark: コイツは……! This is...!
Jaws: そう… ケータたちの協力で 空をも飛べるようになったYシャークだ。 Yes... The Y-Shark who has become able to fly, thanks to Nate and the others.
Jaws: この 「空飛ぶヒコーキ」に乗って 空を飛んでみないか? Wouldn’t you like to fly on this "flying airplane"?
The Shark: …!! ...!!
(flashback start)
The Shark: ねぇダディ! ボク ヒコーキに乗りたい! Hey, daddy! I wanna ride an airplane! (1)
The Shark: ダディの会社って ヒコーキつくらないの? Can your company make an airplane, daddy?
Jaws: ハッハッハ。 それはちょっと専門外だなぁ〜。 Hahaha. That is slightly outside of our specialty.
Jaws: でもな ポール。 この会社がもっともっと大きくなれば… But you see, Paul. If this company gets even bigger...
Jaws: 空飛ぶヒコーキくらい 作れるようになるさ! We might be able to make a flying airplane!
The Shark: ほんと!? じゃあヒコーキができたら乗せてくれる!? Really!? So, when the airplane's done, can I ride it!?
Jaws: ああ もちろんだ! Yes, of course!
(flashback end)
The Shark: な… なんで… そんな昔のこと覚えてんだよ…。 W... Why... do you remember that old story...?
Jaws: 全部…… おぼえているさ。 I remember... everything.
The Shark: ダ… ダディー……。 D... Daddy...
Jaws: なあ… ポール。 Say... Paul.
Jaws: ……乗ってみるか? ...Do you want to try riding it?
The Shark: でもさ… よりにもよって 空を飛ぶのが… But you know... Of all things, flying in the sky is kinda...
The Shark: サカナかよ…! Fishy...! (2)
Jaws: ハハハ 夢があっていいだろう? Hahaha, it's good to dream, isn't it?
Whisper: (えっ いや だから…! アナタたちもサカナですからね…!) (Ah, no, I'm telling you...! You're both fish, too...!)
Jaws: さて… 空の散歩でも楽しみながら ちょっと話をしようか… Now then... While we enjoy a little stroll in the sky... Shall we talk for a bit...?
Jaws: 今まで 話せなかったことを… ゆっくり話そう…。 Let's talk in depth... about all the things we couldn't talk about until now...
The Shark: うん……! Yeah...!
Nate: よかった… 仲直りできたんだね…! Thank goodness... They made up...!
Whisper: ええ…! これで ぜんぶ解決ですね! Yes...! That takes care of everything!
Nate: うん…! めでたしめでたし…! Yeah...! All's well that ends well...!
Text: こうして『空飛ぶヒコーキ』に乗りこみ… And thus, riding on a "flying airplane"...
Text: 父と子は朝まで語らった…。 ...father and son talked with one another until the morning...
The Shark literally uses the english word “Daddy” here.
I’m pretty sure The Shark makes a fish pun here, but as a result I’m not entirely sure if I got the actual meaning of the line right.
Next Morning:
Nate: ジョーズさんたち… あれから どうしてるかなぁ〜。 Him and Mr. Jaws... I wonder what they've been doing since then.
Whisper: 親子水入らず 仲良くやってるんじゃないですか! They're probably getting along well, all by themselves!
Nicholas: あ! ケータ! ねぇねぇ聞いてよ!! Ah! Nate! Hey, you gotta hear this!!
Nate: どうしたの? What is it?
Nicholas: それが… あの川でまた とんでもない���ノが目撃されたらしいんだ! About that... Something incredible was sighted by this river again!
Nate: とんでもないモノ…? 半魚人は もういないはずだけど…。 Something incredible...? The half-fish man should be gone, though...
Logan: もう半魚人どころの騒ぎじゃないよ!! No one's talking about the half-fish man anymore!!
Whisper: あ… それって… まさか…… Ah... that's... don't tell me...
Nicholas: そうだよ…!! だってまさか あの川に…! That's right...! Because, you won't believe it, by this river, there's...!
Logan: そう… あんな大きな…! Yes... that gigantic...!
Logan: 「空飛ぶサメ」がいるなんてさー!!! "Flying Shark"!!!
Whisper: あああー!!! やっぱりーーー!! Ahhhh!!! I knew it!!
Nate: あはは…… YシャークAirのことだよね…。 Ahaha... They're probably talking about Y-Shark Air...
Logan: …ってことだかさ! 今度は空飛ぶサメのこと調べてきてよ! ...So anyway! This time you gotta look into the flying shark!
Nate: え… ええー… S... Sure...
Whisper: サカナばっかり… もう うんざりでうぃす…!! So many fishes... I'm fed up with this, whis...!!
Mission End Description: 半魚人の正体、ジョーズ親子ついに和解へ…。 The  Half-fish Man's true identity, father and son of the Jaws family, have finally found reconciliation...
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kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch 3 ver. 3.0 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for a sidequest of Yokai Watch 3 (ver. 3.0), so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the entire “The Lonely King” sidequest.
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This is a quest where depending on wether you have Sushi, Temoura, or Sukiyaki, you will face God of the Sun Enma, God of Time and Space Enma, or God of Darkness Enma respectively. (Though you can still befriend all three in all versions.)
In this post I will translate the Sukiyaki version, because from what I hear people consider that the definite version of the game and all, but of course your mileage may vary.
Note though that these three God Enma’s do have slight differences in their dialouge, so I have made a seperate post that focuses on those, which you can check out here.
I’ll go through this scene by scene. (There will be links to watch the scenes on youtube, too.)
Bolded is original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese than I reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I´m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Accepting the Request:
Sergeant Burly: おお! いいところに来てくれた! Oh! You've come at a great time!
Nate: どうかしたの? What's wrong?
Sergeant Burly: ちょっと お前たちに たのみたいことがあってな。 There's a little something I want you to do.
Mac: オレたちに たのみたいこと? もしかして冒険の話か!? Something you want us to do? Could it be something about an adventure!?
Sergeant Burly: ああ… まぁそんなとこだ。 お前たち 「神の山」は知ってるな? Yeah... well, something like that. Do you guys know about the "Mountain of Gods"?
Nate: えーっと… 「神の山」って どこだっけ? Umm... Where is this "Mountain of Gods"?
Sergeant Burly: このヌー大陸で 一番高い山だ。 最近まがまがしい妖気を感じてな…。 It's the highest mountain of the Continent Nu. Recently I've been feeling some ominous yōki... (1)
Sergeant Burly: このヌー大陸に 何らかの異変がおきている…… An unusual phenomenon is happening on the Continent Nu... (2)
Sergeant Burly: …気がするんだ! ... I got a feeling like that!
USApyon: だいぶフワッとしてないダニ!? Should we be taking this lightly, dani!? (3)
Inaho: い… 異変……! なんてドキドキするワード…!! An... an unusual phenomenon...! What exciting words...!!
Sergeant Burly: そこでだ… お前たちに 「神の山」を調査してきてほしい! So... I want you to go and investigate the "Mountain of Gods"!
Sergeant Burly: 危険かもしれないが… どうだ? やってくれるか? It might be dangerous, though... So how about it? Are you gonna do it?
Mission Page: ブリー隊長からの緊急司令発動! ヌー大陸にそびえる「神の山」に 最近 異変がおきているという。 「神の山」の異変を調査しょう! An urgent command from Sergeant Burly! He said an unusual phenomenon has occured at the "Mountain of Gods" that rises above the Continent Nu. Investigate the unusual phenomenon at the "Mountain of Gods"!
Nate: うん! わかった! 神の山に行って調査してくるよ! Yeah! Got it! We'll go to the Mountain of Gods and investigate!
Mac: オレも行くぜ ケータ! I'm going too, Nate!
Inaho: もちろん ワタシもお供しますよー! ケータさんっ!! I'm coming too, of course! Nate!! (4)
Sergeant Burly: ビクトリアーン!! Victory On!
Sergeant Burly: ケータは たのもしい仲間を持ってるな! You got some reliable companions there, Nate!
Whisper: それでは さっそく 「神の山」にむかいましょう! With that, let's go to the "Mountain of Gods" immediately!
“Yōki“ is a term used in the Japanese versions of the Yokai Watch games. It is made up of these Kanji: 妖/Yō (the same Yō as in Yōkai, which can mean “mysterious” or “bewitching”, among other things), and 気/Ki, which is the Japanese word for the concept of Qi. It’s not a term exclusive to this franchise, but in Yokai Watch it seems to basically refer to a yōkai’s Ki, to put it simple
The world I translated as unusual phenomenon is 異変/Ihen, which can also mean something like an accident, natural disasters, or strange incidents.
Unsure if I got the meaning of that line right.
In Japanese, Inaho uses the suffix さん/-san when referring to Nate. Which is pretty normal for kids that aren’t really close friends to do.
At the Mountain of Gods:
Nate: 神の山って このあたりだよね。 The Mountain of Gods is around here.
Nate: ………。 ...
Nate: …あれ? とくに何もなさそう? Huh? But there doesn't seem to be anything going on?
Whisper: な 何を言いますか…!! W-What are you saying...!?
Jibanyan: に… 人間には 「これ」が 感じられないニャン…!? H... humans can't feel "this", nyan...!?
USApyon: このまがまがしい妖気は いったい何なんダニ…!? What in the world is this ominous yōki, dani...!?
???: ククク… 「ここ」が… そうなのか? Kukuku... "This place here" is... Is that so? (1)
???: フン… フフフフフ… Heh... Huhuhuhuhu...
God of Darkness Enma: 我がの名はエンマ… 「暗黒神エンマ」だ……! My name is Enma... "God of Darkness Enma"...!
Whisper: エ エンマ!? まさか エンマ大王でうぃすか!!? E-Enma!? No way, the Great King Enma, whis!!?
Jibanyan: そういえば よく見たらそっくりだニャン…! Now that he mentions it, if you look closely, he looks like him, nyan...!
Nate: でも いつものエンマ大王とちがう…? But, he’s different from how the Great King Enma normally is...?
God of Darkness Enma: ククク… 「神」に対して無礼な連中だ… Kukuku... It's people that are disrespectful to "god"... (2)
God of Darkness Enma: しかも 妖怪でありながら 人間どもと なれ合うとはな……。 And on top of that, even though they're yōkai, they're conspiring with humans...
God of Darkness Enma: …だが ちょうどいい。 ...But, that's just fine.
God of Darkness Enma: この地に住まう者の力… 試させてもらおうか! Let me test... the power of those who live in this land!
Since these lines are rather brief and have little context, I’m unsure if I got them right.
Since in Japanese there is no true plural nor articles, "god” here could anything like god, a god, gods, the gods.
After the Battle:
Nate: ハァ… ハァ… なんとか… 倒せたね……。 *pant*... *pant*... We defeated him... somehow...
God of Darkness Enma: ククククク……。 Kukukukuku...
Nate: あ あれ…!? 倒したはずじゃ……!! H-huh...!? You should've been defeated...!! (1)
God of Darkness Enma: ククク…… 「こんなものか」とでも思ったか? Kukuku... Did you think "such a thing"?
God of Darkness Enma: オレには死などない…… それが暗黒神の力だ…! I do not die... Such is the power of the God of Darkness...!
Nate: 暗黒神… やっぱりオレたちの 知ってるエンマじゃない…!? God of Darkness... So you really aren't the Enma that we know...!?
God of Darkness Enma: オレは闇の力を手に入れ…… 「神」となった! I have obtained the power of darkness... And become a "god"!
God of Darkness Enma: そして ついに次元の狭間に隠された 「幻の大陸」に たどりついたのだ! And finally I reached the“Phantom Continent” that's hidden in the Dimensional Gap! (2)
Whisper: 次元の狭間…? な なんのことです…!? Dimensional Gap...? What is that...!?
God of Darkness Enma: ククククク……。 お前たち知る必要はない。 Kukukukuku... You don't need to know.
God of Darkness Enma: この大陸… 神であるオレが支配する…!! I who has become a god... will rule this continent...!!
Jibanyan: や やばいニャン!! こういうときは どうするニャン!? T-this is bad, nyan!! What do we do in such a case, nyan!?
Nate: ええっ!! こ こういうときは勇気をだして… What!? I-In a case like this, we gotta be brave and...
Inaho: 撤退っすよ…!!!!! Retreat...!!!!!
God of Darkness Enma: そう… 支配するのだ…… オレひとるの力で……。 Yes... I will rule... Through my power alone...
Mac: あいつ…… 本当 もしかして……。 This guy... Could it be that he actually...
The verb used here that I translated as defeat is 倒す/taosu, which does mean to defeat, but it can also mean to fell, or to kill. From what I understand, its frequently used as a euphenism for “to kill” in media for younger audiences to avoid stronger words? But I am not 100% sure on that. Either way, this why Enma goes on to say “I do not die” in the next line.
What I translated as Dimensional Gap is 次元の狭間/Jigen no Hazama, with 次元/Jigen meaning dimension(s), and  狭間/Hazama meaning something like an interval, a gap, a clearance, or even a valley/ravine.
Consulting Sergeant Burly Again:
Sergeant Burly: なにぃ!? エンマ大王様に そっくりなヤツがあらわれただと!? What!? A guy who looks like the Great King Enma showed up!?
Nate: そうなんだ…! でも たぶん別人…だと思う! That's right...! But, it's probably a different person... I think!
Mac: すっげー強くてよ… 倒しても復活するんだぜ…!? He's crazy strong... Even when he got defeated, he just resurrected...!?
Inaho: あと…… 次元の狭間とか なんとか…! After that... He mentioned a dimensional gap or something...!
???: それって…… So then...
Debami: もちかちたら…… 別の世界から きたのかもなのよっ! Perhaps... he came from another world! (1)
Sergeant Burly: 別の世界だと!!? A different world!!?
Debami: そのヌー大陸はね… みんながいた世界だけぢゃなくて… See, this Continent Nu... is a mysterious place that is not only...
Debami: 他の世界ともつながってる 不思議な場所なの。 ...connected to the world where we all came from, but other worlds, too. (2)
Whisper: 他の世界って… つまり… Other worlds, you say... so, in other words...
Whisper: パラレルワールドとつながってる …ってことです!? It's connected to Parallel Worlds... that's what you're saying!?
Debami: そういうことになゆわね…。 Yes, basically...
Inaho: じゃあもしや… 「暗黒神エンマ」は 他の世界から来た別の「エンマ」…!? Then, maybe... "God of Darkness Enma" is another "Enma" who came from a different world...!?
Sergeant Burly: これはもう… オレたちだけで 片付けられる問題じゃなさそうだな! This has become... a problem that we can't deal with on our own!
Sergeant Burly: とにかくエンマ大王様に報告だ!! Anyway, let's report this to the Great King Enma!!
Nate: それなら オレたちがエンマ大王に伝えにいくよ! In that case, we will go and tell the Great King Enma about it!
Sergeant Burly: よし… それじゃあ お前たちに任せてぞ! Alright... I will leave it to you guys, then!
Whisper: ケータくん! エンマ大王のところへ急ぎましょう…! Nate! Let's hurry to the Great King Enma...!
Note, in Japanese Debami speaks with something like a lisp (?), replacing Sa/Shi/Su/Se/So sounds with Cha/Chi/Chu/Che/Cho, among other things, from what I can tell? I wasn’t sure if there was a good way to adapt this, so I decided to just not.
What I translated as “where we all came from”, could technically also be “where you all came from”, but I think Debami came from the same world as Nate and Co., so I went with the former.
Talking to the Great King Enma:
Nate: エンマ大王! 大変なんだ…! Great King Enma! There's trouble...!
Nurarihyon: …なんだ騒々しい。 ...Why are you being so noisy?
Whisper: ヌー大陸が大変なんです…!! There's trouble at the Continent Nu...!!
Great King Enma: …ヌー大陸? ...Continent Nu?
Nurarihyon: バスターズ協会に調査依頼していた 大陸のことかと。 They are talking about the continent that we asked the Busters Association to investigate.
Great King Enma: ああ… で そのヌー大陸がどうした? Ohh... So, what happened with this Continent Nu?
Nate: ヌ��大陸に エンマ大王そっくりの 「暗黒神エンマ」が現れたんだ…! A "God of Darkness Enma" that looks like you appeared on the Continent Nu...!
Great King Enma: 暗黒神エンマ… だと…? God of Darkness Enma... you say...?
Nate: うん… それがたぶん… 別世界から来た 「エンマ大王」で…。 Yeah... he might be... A "Great King Enma" that came from a different world...
Nurarihyon: なに…!? What...!?
Jibanyan: ソイツがヌー大陸を支配するとか なんとか 言ってるんニャン…! That guy was saying he was gonna rule the Continent Nu or something, nyan...!
Nate: 倒しても復活して… オレたちじゃ どうにもできそうにないんだ…。 Even when you defeat him, he reurrects... I don't think there's anything we can do...
Great King Enma: フッ 別世界のオレか…… 面白いじゃねぇか。 Heh, another world's me, huh.... Isn't that interesting.
Great King Enma: だが 急に出てきて 「支配」なんざ 聞き捨てならねぇな。 But I can't just let him get away with suddenly appearing and "ruling" or something.
Nurarihyon: 暗黒神… 何やら胸騒ぎがしますね。 God of Darkness... Somehow this makes me feel uneasy.
Great King Enma: ……よし。 このオレ自らヤツを止めてやる。 ...Alright. I will personally stop that guy.
Nurarihyon: お供します 大王様。 I will accompany you, Your Majesty.
Great King Enma: ケータ 先に行っててくれ。 すぐに追いかける。 You go ahead, Nate. We will catch up soon.
Whisper: では 私たちは バスターズキャンプに戻りましょう! So then, let's return to the Busters Camp!
Back at Busters Camp:
Inaho: おおっ! エンマ大王のご到着っすよー!! Ohhh! The Great King Enma has arrived!!
Mac: シシシッ! オマエがエンマか〜! Shishishi! So you're Enma, huh! (1)
Mac: みんなが言ってた通り あの暗黒神とかいうヤツにそっくりだな! You do look like that God of Darkness guy, just like everyone was saying!
Nurarihyon: ぬ…!? 大王様に向かって なんと無礼な!! Nu...!? What a rude way to adress His Majesty!!
Great King Enma: アッハッハ! おもしろい人間だ! Ahaha! These humans are interesting!
Nurarihyon: …!? ...!?
Inaho: そのツンツンなヘアスタイルとか 和風な服とか… 最高っす!! That spikey hair, and those Japanese style clothes... it's the best!!
Mac: シシシ! たしかにイケてるぜ! オレも そういう感じにするかな! Shishishi! He's definitely cool! I wonder if I give off that kinda feeling, too! (2)
Great King Enma: アッハッハッハ! キモのすわった連中だな! Ahahaha! These guys got guts!
Nurarihyon: だ… 大王様…! そのようなことを言っている場合では…! Y... Your Majesty...! This is no time to be saying such things...!
Great King Enma: ああ… そうだったな。 Yeah... that's right.
Great King Enma: それで… 別世界のオレってのは いったい どこにいるんだ? So... where exactly is this other world's me?
Whisper: ヌー大陸の一番高い山… 「神の山」です! At the highest mountain of the Continent Nu... The "Mountain of Gods"!
Great King Enma: ほう 神の山か…。 Ah, Mountain of Gods, huh...
Great King Enma: ケータ 案内をたのむ! Lead the way,  Nate!
Nate: うん…!! Yeah...!!
In case it isn’t clear, “Shishishi” is the way Mac laughs/giggles. It’s a kinda cheeky, mischievous giggle, usually with a big, toothy grin on the person’s face, too.
The word I translated as cool is イケてる/Iketeru, which can also mean something like handsome or fashionable.
Facing God of Darkness Enma again:
Great King Enma: よお…… お前が別世界のオレか? Yo... So you're another world's me?
God of Darkness Enma: ククク…… この世界のエンマ大王か…。 Kukuku... This world's Enma, I see...
God of Darkness Enma: まさか オレ自身がジャマしに現れるとはな。 To think that I would appear to get in my own way.
Great King Enma: その力… まさかお前…… 禁忌をおかしたってのか? This power... No way, did you... violate the taboo?
God of Darkness Enma: ククク… だったら どうと言うのだ。 Kukuku... So what if I did? (1)
God of Darkness Enma: 暗黒神となった今… この大陸を 支配するなど たやすいことだ……。 Now that I have become the God of Darkness... it will be easy to rule over this continent...
Great King Enma: …やるしかねぇみてーだな。 ...Looks like you're not gonna give me a choice.
God of Darkness Enma: その姿で… 神にかなうと思っているのか? In this form... Do you think you'll be a match for a god?
Great King Enma: フンッ! やってみないと わからねぇぜ? Hmph! I won't know until I try, yeah?
God of Darkness Enma: ならば 思い知らせてやろう…。 In that case, I will let you know...
I’m unsure if I got this bit right.
After the Battle:
Great King Enma: くそ… まだ復活しやがんのか…! Damn... So you revived again...!
God of Darkness Enma: クックック… 「閻魔大王」ならば オレにも対抗できると思ったのか? Kukuku... Did you think you could stand up to me because you're "The Great King Enma"? (1)
God of Darkness Enma: なんの力も得ていない閻魔大王など 所詮はその程度…。 A Great King Enma that dpesn’t have an ounce of power, can only do so much after all... (2)
God of Darkness Enma: この世界はオレが支配する。 「閻魔大王」は オレ一人で充分だ…!! I will rule this world. I alone will suffice as "Great King Enma"...!!
Nurarihyon: 大王様…!!! Your Majesty...!!!
Great King Enma: ぬらり…? Nurari...?
God of Darkness Enma: ほう? 部下の命を盾にし 生きながらえたか…。 Oh? So you survived, shielded by your subordinate's life...
God of Darkness Enma: クックック… 安心しろ。 すぐに同じ場所に送ってやるさ。 Kukuku... Don't worry. I will send you to the same place soon.
God of Darkness Enma: 次の一撃は避けられまい! You won't avoid the next blow!
Great King Enma: ……けん…な。 ...Cut... th...
God of Darkness Enma: ん? Hm?
Awakened Enma: ふざけんじゃねぇーーーーっ!!! Cut the crap!!! 
God of Darkness Enma: なっ… これは…!? Wha... This is...!?
Awakened Enma: これ以上 だれかを殺されてたまるか…! テメェはここで ブッ倒す!! Like I'll let you kill anyone else...! I'll beat you senseless!! (3)
God of Darkness Enma: …怒りによって神へと 「覚醒」したか。 だが それでもオレには敵うまい。 ... So you "awakened" as a god, through your anger. But, even so, you're no match for me.
God of Darkness Enma: 今度こそ息の根を止めてやろう! This time I will end you! (4)
Awakened Enma: うぉぉぉぉおおおお!! WAAAAAAAH!!
Note that it seems whenever Great King Enma is written completely in kanji, as 閻魔大王/Enma Daiō, it used to refer to the Great King Enma as title/concept, while when Enma is written in katakana, as エンマ大王/Enma Daiō, it’s referring to the current, young Great King Enma. And in these lines Great King Enma is written completely in kanji.
Unsure if I got that line right.
What I translated as “beat you sensless” is ブッ倒す/buttaosu, which like 倒す/taosu from earlier can also be used to refer to killing someone.
What he says literally translates to “This time, I’ll stop your breathing”, which is an idiom used to refer to killing someone.
After the next Battle:
God of Darkness Enma: まさか… これほどとはな…。 No way... So much...
Mac: やめろ!!! Stop!!!
Nate: マック!? Mac!?
Mac: もういいだろ! コイツは戦えねーよ! That's enough! He can't fight anymore!
Awakened Enma: だが ヤツはぬらりを殺した! そこをどけ!! But he killed Nurari! Out of my way!!
Mac: どくもんか!!! I'm not moving!!!
Awakened Enma: ならば お前ごと……! Then, you too will...!
Mac: エンマは 不思議に思わなかったのかよ!? Don't you think it's strange, Enma!?
Awakened Enma: …何の話だ? ...What is?
Mac: コイツは 別の世界のエンマなんだろ。 This guy is another world's Enma.
Mac: じゃあ なんでコイツには ケータや ぬらりみたいな… So then, why doesn't this guy have any...
Mac: 「仲間」がいないのなって…。 ..."companions" like Nate or Nurari...
Mac: なあ… ずっとひとりで戦ってきたんだろ? 何があったのか話してくれよ。 Say... have you always been fighting alone? Tell us what happened.
God of Darkness Enma: く…… 人間ごときが… オレに 情けをかけるな…! Kch... typical human... Do not take pity on me...!
God of Darkness Enma: お前らに… わかるはずがない…! 本当の孤独など…!! You... can't understand...! Things like true loneliness...!!
Mac: 言ってくんなきゃ わかるかどうかも わかんねーだろ!! You're not gonna know if we'd understand or not unless you say it!!
Mac: 言えよ。 聞いててやるから。 Say it. We'll listen.
God of Darkness Enma: …オレの世界の妖魔界は 妖怪たちの争いによって滅びた。 ...The Yōmakai of my world were destroyed through disputes between yōkai. (1)
God of Darkness Enma: 闇の力で支配することでしか 争いは止まらなかった…。 Through ruling using the power of darkness alone, I couldn't end the disputes...
Whisper: あなたさまの世界では… ぬらりひょんさまは…? In your world... Is Master Nurarihyon...? (2)
God of Darkness Enma: 側近なんて いなかったさ。 お前らのように 物好きな人間もな…。 I didn't have something like an aide. Nor were there curious humans like you... (3)
Inaho: だれにも頼れずに戦っていくうちに… 力に飲まれてしまったんですね…。 Looks like you got overwhelmed by power... while fighting without being able to rely on anyone...
God of Darkness Enma: フッ… オレにも 心を通わせる 「しもべ」がいればな…。 Hmph... If only I had "servants" to connect with, too... (4)
Awakened Enma: しもべ…? ちがうぜ。 こいつらは… Servants...? That's not it. These guys are...
Awakened Enma: 「ともだち」だ。 "Friends".
God of Darkness Enma: ともだち…… そうか… こんなコトバもあったな…。 Friends... that's right... that word also exists...
Mac: なあ 別の世界のエンマ! オレとトモダチになろうぜ! Hey, other world's Enma! Become friends with me!
Mac: ケータや イナホだっているし! And Nate and Inaho, too!
God of Darkness Enma: フン… そんな情けはいらん。 Hmph... I don't need such pity.
God of Darkness Enma: だが… 「ともだち」か…。 But... "Friends", huh...
God of Darkness Enma: さがしてみるか…。 もう一度… はじめからな…。 I'll try to find that, I suppose... Start over... once more...
Awakened Enma: …行くのか? ...You 're leaving?
God of Darkness Enma: クックック… 他にやることができたのでな。 もう ここに用はない。 Kukuku... There are things I can do elsewhere. There's nothing to do here anymore.
Mac: そっか… がんばれよ! I see... Good luck!
Like I mentioned before, there is no true plural in Japanese. I translated Yōmakai as being plural here because according to Inumaro, the Yōkai World consists of multiple ones.
In Japanese, Whisper uses the respectful suffix さま/-sama when referring to Nurarihyon.
The word I translated as curious is 物好きな/monozukina, which can also refer to someone being eccentric or having peculiar interests.
“Connect” in this case refers to connecting emotionally, reaching out to someone, relating to someone. Literally translated the Japanese here means “communicate one’s feelings/heart”.
Back at the Camp:
Inaho: いやぁ… これで無事に解決ですね…! Ahh... With that, we safely took care of this...!
Nate: でも… ぬらりひょんは……。 But... Nurarihyon is...
Great King Enma: …今こうして生きているのは アイツのおかげだ。 ...I'm alive right now thanks to him.
Great King Enma: お前のことは一生忘れねぇぜ… ぬらり……。 I'll never forget you, as long as I live... Nurari...
Whisper: …って ええええええ!!!!! ぬらりひょん様ぁぁ〜〜!?? ...say whaaaaaaat!!!!! Master Nurarihyon!??
Nurarihyon: はっはっは!! この私が そう簡単に消滅するとでも…!? Hahaha! Did you think I would perish that easily...!?
Great King Enma: ぬらり てめぇ…… 生きてるなら早く言えよ…!! Nurari, you... Tell me sooner if you're alive...!!
Nurarihyon: フフッ… しかし 「私の死」によって 大王様は 覚醒なされた…! Heheh... However, through "my death", you were able to awaken, Your Majesty...!
Great King Enma: そ… それはそうだが……。 T... that's true, but...
Inaho: そうそう〜! 「ぬらりのことかー!」とか言ってね!! Yeah, yeah! You were all like "Are you talking about Nurari!" or something! (1)
Great King Enma: 言ってねぇよ!! I didn't say that!!
Nurarihyon: さあ 見せていただきたい! 「私の死」によって手に入れた覚醒を!! Now, please show it to me! The awakening you have obtained through "my death"!!
Great King Enma: それなんだが… 実は…… あの時は怒りで覚醒したものの… About that... actually... Even though I awakened through my anger back then...
Great King Enma: 一時的なモンだったみたいだな… あれから覚醒できねーんだ。 Looks like it was just a temporary thing... I haven't been able to awaken since then.
Nurarihyon: ううっ… なんと おいたわしい! これも日々の鍛錬が足りぬ証…! Oh... How pitiful! This too, is proof that you do not do enough daily training...!
Great King Enma: んなこと言われてもなぁ…。 You just say that, but...
Fubuki-chan: じゃあ ぬらり様が死んじゃえば また覚醒できるんじゃない? Well, doesn't that mean if Master Nurari were to die, you could awaken again?
Nurarihyon: ぬっ!!? Nu!!?
Debami: みんな大変なのよ! ヌー大陸に 新ちい遺跡が出てきたの! Big trouble, everyone! New ruins appeared on Continent Nu!
Nate: 遺跡…? Ruins...?
Sergeant Burly: まさか またヌー大陸に 異変が起きてるのか…!? No way, did another unusual phenomenon occur on Continent Nu...!?
???: 遺跡などではない!! It's not ruins or anything like that!!
God of Darkness Enma: フハハハハハハハハ! 久し振りだな! Fuhahahahahahahaha! Long time no see!
God of Darkness Enma: あれから数多の次元を超え… そして集めてきた…!! I have transcended many dimensions since... And there, I gathered them...!!
God of Darkness Enma: 優秀なしもべたち…… いや 「ともだち」をな!! My outstanding servants... No, "friends"!!
God of Darkness Enma: オレの「ともだち」は 貴様らの何倍も強いぞ!! My "friends" are many times stronger than you lot!!
God of Darkness Enma: 我が 「エンマ宮殿」で貴様らの挑戦を待つ! フハハハハハ!!! We will be waiting for your challenge at our "Enma Palace"! Fuhahahahaha!!!
Mac: シシシ! フッキレたってカンジだな! Shishishi! Looks like he got better! (2)
Great King Enma: ああ おもしれぇ!! Yeah, interesting!!
Great King Enma: もうひとりのオレ! 待ってるよ…! Other me! Just you wait...!
Great King Enma: その挑戦 受けて立つぜ!! I accept your challenge!!
This a reference to the Dragonball series, where the villain Freeza some time after having killed Son Goku’s best friend Kuririn, gloats that he will kill Goku like he killed “that earthling”, causing Goku to explode with anger, yelling “Are you talking about Kuririn?!”. Among Japanese fans of the series, this scene has become a meme of a similar popularity as “It’s over 9000!” has among American fans, but it’s slowly getting more well-known among non-Japanese fans as well.
I’m a bit unsure if I got that line right. What I translated as “Got better” is フッキレた/Fukkireta, which can refer to get over something, to let go of one’s troubles, and the like, from what I can tell.
After this, the quest is over, and a new Dungeon is unlocked for Busters T Mode, where you can fight him again, plus the other two Enmas from the other versions, and some other guys.
Next, as a bonus, I’ll translate what God of Darkness Enma says when you meet him there.
Facing God of Darkness Enma at his Palace:
God of Darkness Enma: クックック… なかなかやるようだな。 Kukuku... You're pretty good.
God of Darkness Enma: だが まだまだだ…。 そんなものではないだろう? But, it's not enough yet... Don't you think so?
God of Darkness Enma: 何度でも挑戦し もっと 「お前」を見せてみろ。 You can challenge me any number of times, let me see more of "you".
God of Darkness Enma: もし オレが満足できることがあれば… その時は オレの力を貸してやろう。 If you do manage to satisfy me... Once that time comes, I will lend you my power.
Befriending God of Darkness Enma:
God of Darkness Enma: クックック… やるな。 Kukuku... Well done.
God of Darkness Enma: よかろう。 オレの力を貸してやろうではないか。 Very well. Let me lend my power to you.
God of Darkness Enma: オレをダンジョンに連れて行くと 様々なイイコトがあるらしいぞ。 It seems there will be various good things, when you take me to a dungeon.
God of Darkness Enma: ああ それから… Ah, and...
God of Darkness Enma: オレと オレの「ともだち」に 再び挑戦したくなったら いつでも来い。 Feel free to come whenever you want to challenge me and my "friends" again.
God of Darkness Enma: まあ お前にやれるものなど もう何もないがな。 Well, there is probably no one left who can take you on.
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kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch 3 ver. 3.0 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for a sidequest of Yokai Watch 3 (ver. 3.0), and also spoilers parts of Chapter 5, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the entire “The Ghost Club and the Tears of Ryūgū” sidequest.
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3.0 added a lot of new quests I want to translate eventually, this here happened to be the first I got around to. I will do others too, don’t worry.
I’ll go through these scene by scene. (There will be links to watch the scenes on youtube, too.)
Bolded is original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese than I reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I´m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Accepting the Request:
Mission description: 探偵社に 手紙が届いています。 「不思議な探偵さん 私たちの 心霊研究部に 入りませんか?」 なんともあやしい勧誘ですね…。 A letter arrived at the Detective Agency. "Will you join our Ghost Club, Mystery Detective?" A very suspicious invitation...
Whapir: そうそう… 探偵社に こんなお手紙が届いてますよ。 Oh right... This letter arrived at the Detective Agency.
USApyon: なになに…? 不思議な探偵さん 「心霊研究部」に 入りませんか? …ダニ? What's it say...? Join our "Ghost Club", Mystery Detective? ...dani?
USApyon: 探偵依頼かと思ったら ただの勧誘ダニか…。 I thought it'd be a detective request, but it's just an invitation, dani...
Inaho: ……お お おもしろそぉ〜!! ...T-t-this is so exciting!!
Inaho: だって 「心霊研究」だよ!? ワタシたちに うってつけじゃん!! I mean, the "Ghost Club"!? Isn't it just perfect for us!!?
Inaho: いつも隣に 「心霊」っぽいのいるし! I always got a "spirit" right next to me! (1)
USApyon: ダニ!? ミーは「心霊」じゃないダニよ!? Dani!? I am not a "spirit", dani!?
Inaho: 細かいことは いいから! ねぇハッくん! どこに行けばいいの!? That's just a minor detail, it's fine! So, Whapy! Where do we need to go!? (2)
Whapir: 依頼人は そよ風ヒルズにある ご自宅の前で お待ちのようですね。 Seems like the client is waiting in front of their home in Breezy Hills.
Inaho: オッケー! んじゃ行くよ USAピョン! Okay! So, let's go USApyon!
USApyon: やれやれダニ… Good grief, dani...
The word Inaho uses to describe USApyon here is 心霊/Shinrei which can be translated as ghost or spirit, but it seems that it’s also used to describe things like “psychic/spiritual” things. The Ghost Club of Zoey and Lina is called 心霊研究部/Shinreikenkyūbu in Japanese, which roughly translates to something like “Psychic/Spiritual (things) Research Department”, and this this why Inaho makes the comparison here.
In Japanese, Inaho refers to Whapir with the nickname ハッくん/Hakkun which is derived from her Japanese name ハク/Haku, presumably combined with the suffix くん/kun. “Whapy” feels like a good way to translate that.
Talking to Lina and Zoey:
Lina: フフフ…… 待っていたわ未空さん…。 Huhuhu... We've been waiting for you, Misora... (1)
Zoey: クックック…… それじゃあ 移動しょうかね…。 Kukuku... Well then, let's move...
Lina: ええ 行きましょう…。 Yes, let's go...
Lina: あらためて 未空さん… ようこそ 「心霊研究部」へ…。 Once again, Welcome to the "Ghost Club", Misora...
Zoey: クックック…… 来ると思ってたよ。 アンタには 同じニオイを感じるしね…。 Kukuku... I figured you'd come. You've got the same aura as us... (2)
Inaho: ぐっふっふ…… どうやらワタシは「導かれた」ようね…。 Guhuhu... Seems like I have been "guided" here...
Lina: フフフ… 入部ってことで いいのね? Huhuhu... Will you join us?
Inaho: もちっすよ!! Of course!!
Inaho: …で? で? まずは どんなことやるんすか!? ...So? So? What do we do first!?
Zoey: クックック… 未空さんが加わった 心霊研究部 初のミッションは…… Kukuku... The Ghost Club's first mission after Misora joined is...
Lina: …「竜宮伝説」よ。 ... "The Ryūgū Legend". (3)
Inaho: 竜宮伝説ぅぅ!? うひゃーー おもしろそぉ!! Ryūgū Legend!? Eeeee, how exciting!!
Lina: フフフ… これは 私たちの とある「ともだち」に聞いた話なのだけど… Huhuhu... This is something we heard from a certain "friend" of ours...
Lina: その竜宮伝説のひとつが 「ナギサキ」に あるらしいの。 Seems like something from the Ryūgū Legends is at "San Fantastico".
Inaho: 「ナギサキ」…? えっと どこだっけ…? "San Fantastico"...? Umm, where is that...?
Lina: ここから電車で行ける港町よ。 It's a port town we can go to by train.
Zoey: 最近まで工事をしていたから 調査を見送っていてね…。 They were doing construction until recently, so we had to put investigations on hold...
Inaho: で… そのナギサキって町に どんな竜宮伝説があるんすか!? So... which Ryūgū Legend is in that San Fantastico!?
Lina: 出るらしいのよ… 「亡霊」がね… It seems that there is... a "ghost"... (4)
USApyon: 亡霊ダニィィィ!?? A ghost, daniii!??
Inaho: うひゃーーー!! いいねぇ いいねぇ! Eeeee!! Nice, nice!
Zoey: クックック… それじゃあ決まりだね。 Kukuku... It's decided, then.
Lina: そうね… 私たちは準備があるから… Right... We have already prepared, so...
Lina: ナギサキ 現地集合にしましょう。 駅前で待っているわ。 Let's meet up in San Fantastico. We'll be waiting at the station.
Zoey and Lina refer to Inaho by her last name, also adding the suffix さん/san, which is a normal thing to do with people you’re aquainted, but not very close friends with, in Japanese.
More literally translated, she says something like “I feel the same smell from you”, however “smell” is sometimes used like in this case, where it refers more to the general vibe you get from a person, like an “aura”.
Ryūgū Legends likely refers to the various legend surrounding  Ryūgūjo, the legendary castle of Ryūjin , a dragon ocean deity.
The word I translated as “ghost” here is 亡霊/Bōrei, which refers to ghosts and similar apparitions, very similar to 幽霊/Yūrei.
Talking to Lina and Zoey in San Fantastico:
Inaho: グッフッフ… 待たせましたな…。 Guhuhu... Sorry to keep you waiting...
Lina: フフフ… これで3人そろったね…。 Huhuhu... That makes three of us...
Zoey: クックック… ミッションスタートってわけだね…! Kukuku... The mission starts now...!
Inaho: ちょっとさみしげな港町… いかにもって感じで コーフンしますな…! A slightly dreary port town... I'm absolutely getting excited...!
Zoey: それじゃあ まずは情報収集しないとね… 町の人に聞いてみるかい? Well then, first we need to gather information... Why don't we ask the town people?
Lina: ええ こういう昔話は お年寄りがくわしいものよ。 Yes, older people might know details about this old story.
Inaho: よーし じゃあ… おじいさんか おばあさんに聞いてみよう! Alright, then... Let's ask an old guy or an old lady!
Asking an Old Lady:
Inaho: おばあさん! この町に出る 「亡霊」って知ってる? Ma'am! Do you know about the "ghost" in this town? (1)
Old Shopkeeper Lady: 「亡霊」……? もしや あれのことかねぇ…。 "Ghost"...? I wonder, do you mean "that"...
Inaho: えっ なになに!? Huh, what!?
Old Shopkeeper Lady: 町のはずれに ふか〜い洞窟があるんだけどねぇ… Outside the town there is a deep cave, you see...
Old Shopkeeper Lady: その奥から 聞こえてくるんだよ…。 「亡霊が泣く声」 …かね。 At the end of it, you can hear it... the "Weeping of the Ghost"...yeah.
Inaho: 「亡霊」が泣く声!? The weeping of "the Ghost"!?
Lina: フフフ… 竜宮伝説に伝わる 「亡霊」の泣声というわけね…! Huhuhu... it must be the weeping of the "Ghost" from the Ryūgū Legend...!
Zoey: クックック… それじゃあ行こうか その洞窟とやらに…。 Kukuku... Let's go to that cave...
Inaho refers to this woman as おばあさん/Obāsan, which is used to refer to elderly female people.
In the Cave:
Inaho: グフフッ… こんなところに 「いかにも」 な洞窟があるとはね…! Guhuhu... This place here "really" is a cave...! (1)
Zoey: ククク… 古くから伝わる あやしい儀式とかやってそうだねぇ…。 Kukuku... It's like a place where you'd do dangerous rituals from times gone by or something...
Lina: フフフ… これは期待できそうだわ…! Huhuhu... just as I expected...!
Inaho: あららぁ これは…… Oh, that's...
USApyon: よ… 妖怪だらけダニよ!? It... It's full of yōkai!?
Zoey: クックック… そんじゃ もっと奥に行ってみるとしようか…! Kukuku... So, let's see what's further down the cave...!
Lina: そうね… どんどん進みしょう…! 亡霊はきっと奥にいるのよ…! Right... let's keep on going...! The ghost must be further down...!
Inaho: あー… そっか…。 あの2人には見えてないんだ…。 Ah... That's right... Those two can't see them...
USApyon: あ あぶないダニ! イナホ おいかけるダニよ…! I-It's dangerous, dani! Inaho, go after them, dani...!
I feel like I didn’t translate this line well, but can’t think of a better way.
Further into the Cave:
Zoey: シッ…!! Tch...!!
Zoey: なんか… へんな歌声が 聞こえないかい…? Do you... hear some kind of weird singing...?
Lina: よく聞くと 笑い声も聞こえるわ… When you listen closely, you can heard laughing, too...
Inaho: USAピョン… あれ見て……。 USApyon... Look at that...
Croonger: ラ〜ラ〜ラ〜♪ オレの十八番は 海鮮ロック〜♪ Laalaalaa♪ My specialty is Seafood Rock♪
Heheheel: ゲ・キ・ウ・ケー! なんだそれ!! HILARIOUS! What is that!!
Croonger: ラ〜ララ〜ララ〜♪ 歌ったこと〜 ないけど〜♪ Laalalaalalaa♪ Though, I've never sung it before♪
Heheheel: ウハハハハハ! ゲ・キ・ウ・ケー! Wahahahahaha! HILARIOUS!
USApyon: あれは…… 「笑ウツボ」 と 「歌ウナギ」ダニね…。 Those are... "Heheheel" and "Croonger"
Inaho: なんか よくわかんないけど すごい楽しそうだね…。 I don't really understand what's going on, but they seem to be having a lot of fun...
Zoey: ククク… やっぱり この洞窟には 何か秘密があるようだね…! Kukuku... There really seems to be some kind of secret in this cave...!
Lina: ええ もっと奥に進みましょう…!! Yes, let's go down further...!!
Even further into the Cave:
Lina: あれっ なんだが私… おどりたくなってきちゃった…? Huh, somehow I... want to dance now...?
Zoey: おかしいね… 私もだよ…。 Weird... me too...
Zoey: おどりたいなんて 思ったことないのに… 今は おどりたくてしかたない…! Dancing isn't something I thought I'd want... But right now I just want to dance...!
USApyon: イナホ… あいつらのせいじゃないダニか? Inaho... Is it because of those guys there, dani?
Inaho: おわわ〜 超おどってるね…。 Oh wow, they're REALLY dancing...
Mozuku-sensei: いいですか? 先生の振り付けをしっかり見てください。 Alright? Please, take a good look at my choreogaphy.
Wiglin: イェ〜イ! こんなかんじでオッケー? Yay! Is this feeling okay?
Steppa: ちょっとワカメくん 足ふんでます! 気をつけてください! Hey Wiglin, you stepped on my foot! Please be careful!
Rhyth: 先生〜 私のステップを見て〜! 波をイメージしてるのよ! Teacher, look at my steps! They got the impression of waves!
Lina: やっぱり何かあるんだわ…。 先に進みましょう! There really is something here... Let's keep going!
End of the Cave:
Zoey: ずいぶん奥まで来たけど… We've finally come all the way to the end...
Lina: 亡霊が出るってのは このあたりかしら…? I wonder if the ghost appears around here...?
???: ひっく… ひっく……。 *Sob*... *sob*...
Inaho: え… これって… 泣き声? Um... is this... the weeping?
Zoey: ちょ ちょっと! ウワサ通りじゃないかい…!? W-wait a second! Isn't this like in the rumor...!?
Lina: え ええ…! 亡霊よ! 亡霊が泣いているのよ…!! Y-yes...! It's the ghost! The ghost is crying...!!
USApyon: イナホ! 声がしたあたりから 妖気を感じるダニ…! Inaho! I feel yōki coming from the voice...! (1)
Inaho: え〜 亡霊の正体も妖怪っすか〜…。 なんか ちょっとガッカリ…。 Aww, so the ghost is a  yōkai... That's kinda disappointing...
USApyon: ま… まだわからないダニよ! とにかくサーチしてみるダニ…! We... We still don't know for sure, dani! Anway, try searching for it, dani...!
“Yōki“ is a term used in the Japanese versions of the Yokai Watch games. It is made up of these Kanji: 妖/Yō (the same Yō as in Yōkai, which can mean “mysterious” or “bewitching”, among other things), and 気/Ki, which is the Japanese word for the concept of Qi. It’s not a term exclusive to this franchise, but in Yokai Watch it seems to basically refer to a yōkai’s Ki, to put it simple.
Finding the Yōkai:
???: ひっく… ひっく……。 *Sob*... *sob*...
Inaho: ほらぁ〜 やっぱ妖怪じゃん! See, it really is a yōkai!
USApyon: コ… コイツは…!! 妖怪ウラシマニャン… ダニね! This... This guy is...!! The yōkai Urashimanyan... dani!
Inaho: 竜宮伝説に 「ウラシマ」とは… これまた ベタな感じで……。 Like "Urashima" from the Ryūgū Legends... This feels like some cliché again... (1)
USApyon: とにかく… 亡霊じゃなくて よかったダニね! Anyway... I'm glad it was not a ghost!
Urashimanyan: お… お前… 笑ったな……? Did... Did you... laugh...?
Urashimanyan: 地上に残された… 哀れなオレを… 笑ったなぁぁぁぁ…!! I was left behind... I'm pitiful... Don't laugh at meeeeeeeeee...!!
Inaho: えええええええええええ!?? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!??
She’s referring to Urashima Tarō, a fisherman who according to legend was granted access to Ryūgūjō after saving a turtle which turned out to actually be the castle’s princess, Otohime.
After the Battle:
Inaho: ちょ… ちょっとタンマ! おちついて! 話きいたげるから…! J... Just wait a sec! Calm down! Just listen to what we got to say!
Zoey: ねぇ 未空さん… さっきから しゃべってる そのネコってさぁ……。 Hey, Misora... that talking cat just now...
Inaho: えええ!? 2人とも見えてるの!? Huuuhh!? You two can see him!?
Urashimanyan: ここは妖気が強いからね。 …竜宮城にも近いし。 It's because the yōki is strong here. ...Ryūgūjō is closeby, too.
Inaho: 竜宮城!? Ryūgūjō!?
Inaho: どこどこ竜宮城!! ねぇ どうやったら行けるの!? Where is Ryūgūjō!! Tell, how can we go there!?
Urashimanyan: 行けなくなっちゃったんだよ…! 竜宮城に…!!! We can't go to Ryūgūjō...!!!
USApyon: そ…それで ずっと ここで泣いてたんダニ…? S... So you have been crying here because of that, dani...?
Inaho: でも どうして行けなくなったわけ…? But, why can't you go there...?
Urashimanyan: 竜宮城に行くには カメ妖怪が必要なんだ… でも… 行方不明…。 To go to Ryūgūjō you need turtle yōkai... But... They're missing...
Urashimanyan: うわぁーーーーん! もう二度と 竜宮城にいけないんだー! Uwaaaahhhh! I will never be able to get to Ryūgūjō again!
Zoey: な なんだか 気の毒だねぇ…。 I-I feel kinda bad for him...
Lina: そうね… 私たち何か してあげられることとかないかしら…? Right... I wonder if there is something we can do...?
Inaho: そうだよ… ワタシは 心霊研究部員である前に… 名探偵!! That's right...I am a Ghost Club Member second... and a Great Detective first!!
Inaho: ウラニャン!! ワタシたちが助けてあげるよ! Uranyan!! We will help you! (1)
Lina: フフフ… たのもしい。 そうね ぜひ協力してあげたいわ。 Huhuhu... you’re reliable. Right, I want to work together with you.
Lina: これから私たちは… 「心霊探偵部」よ…! From now on we are... "The Ghost Detective Club"...!
Zoey: クックック… でも 手がかりなんてあるのかい? Kukuku... But, do we have any clues?
Lina: そうね… ただのカメならともかく… 「カメ妖怪」だのね…。 Right... It's not normal turtles anyway... It's turtle yōkai...
Inaho: ん〜… カメ妖怪って どっかに いたかなぁ〜…。 Hmm... where could these turtle yōkai be...
Inaho: ん? まてよ? Hm? Wait?
Inaho: やっくんちにいるじゃん!! しかも3匹も…!! There's some with Maddy!! Three of them, even...!! (2)
Inaho: 3匹もいれば どれか当たるっしょ!! Three should do the trick!!
USApyon: まさか… あの実験動物妖怪のことダニ!? No way... Are you talking about those Experimental Animal Yōkai, dani!?
Inaho: そうそう!! Sure am!!
USApyon: アイツらが ここにいたってことダニ? そんな偶然 あるわけないダニ…? You think those came from here, dani? That would be quite the coincidence, dani...
Inaho: まぁまぁ とりあえず行ってみよう! やっくんのとこに!! Well, let's just go there for now! To Maddy's place!!
Lina: フフフ… 心当たりがあるようね…。 それじゃ よろしくお願いするわ。 Huhuhu... Seems like you know something... Well then, please do so.
This isn’t a typo, she really calls him Uranyan for short, it seems.
In Japanese, Inaho starts referring to Dr. Maddiman as やっくん/Yakkun after their second meeting. It’s a nickname which seems to be a contraction of his Japanese name やぶれかぶれ院長/Yaburekabure-inchō, with the suffix くん/kun added. “Maddy” feels like a good way to translate this.
Going to Dr. Maddiman's place:
Inaho: やぁやぁ!やっくん! 元気にしてたかね! Hey there! Maddy! How are you doing?
Dr. Maddiman: な… なんだね! いつでも急だね キミたちは…! Wha... What is it? You guys always show up so suddenly...!
Inaho: 突然なんだけどさ〜… ちょっとカメたち貸してくんない? This is sudden, but... Can we borrow the turtles for a bit?
Dr. Maddiman: な なんだと!! 私の家族は モノじゃないんだぞ!! W-What!!? They're my family, not objects!!
USApyon: と とにかく…! 事情を説明させてほしいダニ! A-anway...! Let me explain the circumstances, dani...!
Dr. Maddiman: そ そういうことなら仕方ないな…。 だが ひとつ条件がある…! I-If that's the case, it can't be helped... However, only under one condition...!
Dr. Maddiman: 保護者として… わ… 私もついていく! As a guardian... I... I'll go with you, too!
USApyon: ダニ!? Dani!?
Inaho: まぁ いいけどさ〜… 暴れないでよ? Well, that’s alright, but... Don't be rowdy, okay?
Dr. Maddiman: わかった! Got it!
Returning to Urashimanyan:
Inaho: ウラニャン! 一応カメをつれてきてみたんだけど…。 Uranyan! We brought you some turtles for now, but...
Urashimanyan: お前たち! どこに行ってたんだよ! You guys! Where did you go?
Inaho: えっ…!? まさかのビンゴっすか!?? Huh...!? Was that really a Bingo!?? (1)
Dr. Maddiman: こ… この町は… お前たちの故郷だったのか!? T... This town... is where you guys came from!?
Inaho: ねぇねぇ ウラニャン! どうやったら 竜宮城に行けるの? Hey, so, Uranyan! How do we get to Ryūgūjō now?
Urashimanyan: ああ それはね… 助けるのさ… カメを!! Ah yes, for that... We have to save... the turtles!!
Urashimanyan: イジメられているカメを助ける! …っていう劇をすればいいんだ! We need to save turtles that are being bullied! ... Well, just pretending is okay, too!
Inaho: 劇ぃぃーー!?? ハイハイ やるやるー!! Pretend!?? Yes, yes, I'll do it, I'll do it!!
Inaho: USAピョン! ワタシたちが イジメっこ役ね! USApyon! We will play the bullies!
USApyon: なんでイジメっこ役を選ぶダニ!? Why did you pick the bully role, dani!?
Urashimanyan: よーっし! やっぱり助ける役は このボクが…… Alright! So, then I guess the one to save them will be...
Dr. Maddiman: 私だ… 私がやる!! わ… 私にやらせてくれ…!! I... I'll do it!! L... Let me do it...!!
Urashimanyan: わ… わかった わかった…! 今回は キミにゆずるから! I... I got it, I got it...! This time you can do it!
Inaho: それじゃ はじめるよ! やっくん!! Now, let's begin! Maddy!
Dr. Maddiman: あ… ああ…!! Y... Yeah...!!
From what I can tell Inaho at least sometimes uses “bingo” when she gets something right. So in this case, she’s suprised they really did get the exact correct turtles.
Turtle Rescue:
USApyon: ダニ? こ〜んなとこに ジャマなカメどもがいるダニねぇ〜。 Dani? There's some turtles in our way there, dani. (1)
Inaho: おらおら カメども〜 トロトロあるいてんじゃねぇよ〜。 Hey, you turtles. Don't just loiter about like that.
USApyon: メッタメッタにしてやるダニ! We're gonna get you good, dani!
Dr. Maddiman: そこまでだー!! Stop right there!!
USApyon: ああん? だれだテメー! Huuhh? Who are you supposed to be!?
Dr. Maddiman: わ… 私の名は うらしまたろう院長! カメたちを いじめるんじゃない! I... I am Dr. Urashima Tarō! Don't bully the turtles! (2)
USApyon: …なんか かなり やばそうなやつが来ちまったダニ。 ...This guy that showed up kinda seems pretty dangerous, dani.
Inaho: ちっ… ここは一旦ひきあげるぜ。 覚えてるよ カメ野郎ども! Kch... Let's scram for now. Remember this, you turtle bastards!
Lina: ねぇ これって…… So, this...
Zoey: こ… こんなんで 竜宮城に 行けるはず… T... This is supposed to get us to Ryūgūjō...
Text Box: カメ救助センサー反応! カメ妖怪の救助を確認! Turtle Rescue Sensor Response! Turtle Yōkai Rescue Confirmation!
Urashimanyan: やったー! 成功だよ! 竜宮エレベーターだ! Hooray! Success! It's the Ryūgū-Elevator!
USApyon: り…  竜宮城って こんなシステムなんダニィィ!? Ry... Ryūgūjō has a system like that, dani!?
Dr. Maddiman: す すばらしい演技だったぞ お前たち! さすがは 私の家族だ…! W-Wonderful performance, you guys! As expected from my family...!
Dr. Maddiman: そう… お前たちは私の だいじな家族だ……。 That’s right... You guys are my beloved family...
Zoey: ククク… この先が竜宮城だなんて… 信じられないね… でも……。 Kukuku...  Ryūgūjō is beyond this... I can't really believe it... but...
Lina: 本当に竜宮城だとしたら…… どうしましょ… ドキドキしちゃう…。 If Ryūgūjō is there... What should we do... my heart is pounding...
Inaho: よっしゃー! それじゃ竜宮城へ レッツゴー!! Alright! Let's go to Ryūgūjō!!
Inaho and USApyon talk with more over the top “delinquent” accents here.
This is another reference to Urashima Tarō, of course.
In Ryūgūjō:
Inaho: 竜宮城にとうちゃーーー…… We've reached Ryūgūjō....
Inaho: あれっ……。 Oh...
Zoey: これ… なんていうか… 思ってより…… This is... kind of...
Lina: …せまいわね。 ...smaller than expected.
Dr. Maddiman: お お前たち… やっぱり……。 Y- You guys... are really...
Urashimanyan: 乙姫ちゃん…!! Otohime...!! (1)
Inaho: ちょ… 待ってよウラニャン! Hey... Wait, Uranyan!
Uranyan refers to Otohime using the suffix ちゃん/chan.
Talking to Otohime:
Otohime: あら ウラシマちゃん…! おひさしぶりですね…! Oh my, Urashima...! It has been so long...! (1)
Urashimanyan: 乙姫ちゃん〜 会いたかったよ〜!! I missed you, Otohime!!
Lina: あなたが乙姫様…! じゃあやっぱり ここが竜宮城…? You are Otohime...! Then this really is Ryūgūjō...? (2)
Otohime: ええ 私が乙姫です。 Yes, I am Otohime.
Otohime: もっとも… 今は実家を出て 一人暮らし中ですので… Altough... I left home and now I'm living on my own...
Otohime: ここは 「一人暮らし用」の竜宮城… 竜宮ハイツなのですけどね…! This is a Ryūgūjō for "Living on your own"... it is Ryūgū Heights...!
Inaho: 竜宮ハイツ!?? なにそれ なんかカワイイ…!! Ryūgū Heights!?? That sounds kinda cute...!!
Lina: フフフ… それに ここは海の中…! ちょっと小さくても 本物の竜宮城よね…! Huhuhu... And this is also within the ocean...! It's a bit small, but it's a genuine Ryūgūjō...!
Zoey: クックック… 夢でも見てるみたいだね…! Kukuku... It's like from a dream...!
Otohime: あらあら あなたたち… 今まで どこにいたのですか? Oh dear, you... Where have you been until now?
Dr. Maddiman: や… やっぱり お前らは ここから来たんだな……。 Y... You guys really came from here after all...
Dr. Maddiman: そ それじゃあ カメたちを よろしくたのむ……! T-then, please, take good care of the turtles...!
Otohime: ええ… たしかに この子たちは竜宮城の使い……。 Yes... It's true that these little ones are familiars of Ryūgūjō...
Otohime: ですが…… この子たちにとって 竜宮城に残るが一番なのでしょうか…? However... Would it really be the best for them to stay at Ryūgūjō...?
Dr. Maddiman: ど どういうことだ……! W- What do you mean...?
Otohime: この子たちは そう言っているのです…。 The little ones said so...
Otohime: 「パパ」 といっしょに暮らしたい……と。 They said... they want to live together with "Papa".
Dr. Maddiman: パ パパ……? だ だ だれのことだ…? P-Papa...? W-Who are they talking about...?
Inaho: え〜 そんなの 決まってるよねぇ〜? Huh, Isn’t it obvious~?
Lina: フフフ…… まるで家族みたいだったものね…。 Huhuhu... They do look just like a family...
Otohime: ええ あなたのことですよ。 Yes, they are talking about you.
Dr. Maddiman: う… ううっ……! お おまえたちぃ〜…! *Sob*... *Sob Sob*...! Y-You guys...!
USApyon: うう〜 よかったダニ〜…! *sob sob* I'm so glad, dani...!
Otohime: ふふ みんなさん ゆっくりしていってくださいね。 Huhu, everyone, please enjoy yourselves.
Otohime refers to Urashimanyan with ちゃん/chan as well.
Lina refers to Otohime with the suffix 様/sama.
Preparing to leave:
Inaho: ウラニャンの問題も解決できたことだし… 私たちも そろそろ おいとましよっか! We managed to solve Uranyan's problem, too... We should probably get going soon!
Lina: フフフ… ええ… 心霊研究部のミッションは完了ね…。 Huhuhu... Yes... The Ghost Club's mission is complete...
Otohime: みなさん せっかくここまで お越しになったのですから… Since you were able to come this far...
Otohime: 「おみやげ」を 持って帰ってくださいね…! Please take this "souvenir" home with you...!
Inaho: おみやげ!?!? いやほーい もらうもらうー!! Souvenir!?!? Yahoo, gimme, gimme!!
Lina: え… でも… 乙姫様のおみやげって まさか… Yes... but... If it's a souvenir from Otohime, could it be...
Otohime: ええ こっちらの箱です…! Yes, it is inside this box...!
(receive box)
Lina: どこからどう見ても… 玉手箱… よね…。 No matter how you look at it... It's... Tamatebako... (1)
Otohime: ええ 玉手箱です…! Yes, it is Tamatebako...!
Zoey: そ それってやっぱり…… 開けたら大変なことになるアレだよねぇ…? S-so then... it really will be bad if we open that, right...?
Otohime: うふふ… 大丈夫です…! 改良に改良を重ねたので 今は安心ですよ! Uhuhu... It's alright...! I have made improvements to it, so you don't have to worry now!
Tamatebako is the gift that Otohime gave the Urashima Tarō in the legend, but it was actually very dangerous, as it contained his old age that he didn’t gain while being with her, and opening it caused him to rapidly age.
Dr. Maddiman: そ… それじゃあ… 私たちは そろそろ帰るよ…! W... Well then... We should be going home, now...!
Inaho: うんっ ありがとうね! やっくん! それにカメたちも! Yeah, thank you! Maddy! And the turtles, too!
Dr. Maddiman: よ よぉ〜し! お前たち! 今夜は ごちそうにするぞ…!! A-alright! You guys! Tonight I'll make dinner...!! (1)
USApyon: やぶれかぶれ院長 ずいぶん 幸せそうダニね! Dr. Maddiman seems pretty happy, dani!
Inaho: うんっ よかったよかった! いやぁ〜 しかし…… Yeah, I'm glad! Ahh, but...
Inaho: 乙姫からのお礼…… これ… どうしょっか…? Otohime's gift... What... do we do with this...?
Zoey: た… 玉手箱ってねぇ…。 It... It's Tamatebako...
Lina: 改良したとは 言っていたけれど……。 She said she improved it but...
Inaho: さすがコレ開けるのは 勇気がいるっていうかなんていうか…。 As expected, you gotta be brave to open this...
USApyon: なにやってるダニ? 早く開けるダニ! What are you doing, dani? Let's just open it, dani!
Inaho: あ! まさか… Ah! Wait...
Inaho: USAピョン メリケン妖怪だから… 玉手箱のこと しらない!? USApyon is a Merican Yōkai, so... Does he not know about Tamatebako!?
Inaho: う… USAピョン待って…! 玉手箱ってのは……! U... USApyon, wait...! Tamatebako is...!
USApyon: ふぅ… いきなり煙が 出るもんだから びっくりしたよ。 Phew... Smoke suddenly came out of there and startled me.
USApyon: それで… 玉手箱が何だい? Anyway... What was Tamatebako?
Inaho: だれ!?!?? Who's that!?!??
I’m unsure if it’s “I’m making dinner” or “I’m treating you to dinner”.
Mission End Description:
助けたカメに連れられて、竜宮城へ来てみれば、 絵にもかけない美しき家族愛の物語に、涙した。 If you are taken by the turtles you've helped, and come to Ryūgūjō, you will shed tears, over a story of family love, too beautiful to capture on canvas.
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kaialone · 7 years
some Yokai Watch 3 ver. 3.0 spoilers under the cut
Just a few random thoughts related to Maddiman, and stuff we learned in ver. 3.0, that I’ve had in the past few days.
Okay so, months ago I noticed how, in Maddiman’s diary quest of YKW2, the amount of experience you get is 1960
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And of course this could very well just be a random number, but it also kinda feels like a year, you know?
So back then I half-jokingly was like, hey what if the events Maddiman writes about in his diary take place around the 1960s?
Well, fast forward to today, and YKW3 ver 3.0 revealed that Maddiman’s family left him roughly 50 years ago, which really would have made it the 1960s, assuming YKW takes place around the present day.
I mean, it could still be a coincidence, but I’m just amused by this.
As for something (slightly) more meaningful,
I’m slowly making my way through finally playing YKW2, and today I kinda realized something about Nocturne Hospital because of it.
So turns out that the hospital 60 years in the past was already called Kagemura Clinic (talking bout the japanese version here)
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And thanks to YKW3 ver. 3.0 we now know that Kagemura is actually Maddiman’s human family name, so I guess we can assume that 60 years ago, either Maddiman was already the director of the hospital, or it’s like a famiy business thing, or heck maybe both.
It feels kinda weird to think about that when you go 60 years back in time and run around Old Springdale, human!Maddiman is likely somewhere around there, alive and well, for now. Give it 10 years or so.
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kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch 3 Sukiyaki Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for a sidequest of Yokai Watch 3 Sukiyaki (and I think ver. 2.3 in general), so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the entire “The Yōkai Council's Secret Investigation Order” sidequest.
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I know this is not from ver. 3.0, but I’ve been meaning to do this one since Sukiyaki’s release, it’s just that 3.0 got released faster than I expected.
I’ll go through this scene by scene. (There will be links to watch the scenes on youtube, too.)
Bolded is original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese than I reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I´m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
First of all, in order to be able to start this quest, you will need a certain item that you get by scanning in the QR code of Nurarihyon’s medal. However, this item isn’t actually involved with the quest itself.
Item Description: 議長の錫杖 妖怪評議会議長に選ばれた者のみが持つ ことの許された錫杖。 ぬらりひょん専用。 Chairman's Khakkhara A khakkhara that only thoses who were elected chairman are allowed to possess. Only for Nurarihyon to use.
A Khakkhara, called  shakujō in Japanese, is basically a staff used for prayer and as a weapon by Buddhist monks, from what I know.
Accepting the Request:
Nurarihyon: はぁ… まったく。 *Sigh*... Honestly, now.
Whisper: おや? ずいぶんと お悩みのようですねぇ。 Oh? It sounds like you’re quite worried about something.
Nurarihyon: …この街の危機を救った お前たちになら まかせても いいかもしれんな。 ...Maybe I can leave it to you, the ones who saved this city from the crisis.
Nurarihyon: 妖怪評議会としての依頼で 極秘の調査を たのみたい。 At the Yōkai Council's request, I want to conduct an investigation.
Mission Description: 妖怪評議会のぬらりひょん議長。 エンマ大王の側近でもある彼から 直々に極秘の依頼があるようだ。 一体どんな極秘指令なのだろう? Chairman Nurarihyon of the Yōkai Council. It seems that he, who is also the Great King Enma's aide, personally has a top secret request. Just what is this top secret order?
Nate: それで なんの調査をすればいいの? So, what kind of investigation should we do?
Nurarihyon: …その前に 場所を移そう。 だれかに聞かれては こまる内容なのだ。 ...Let us go somewhere else first. ...It would be troublesome if someone overheard it.
Nurarihyon: たしか… おまえたちは 「バスターズハウス」を拠点にしていたな。 If I am not mistaken... You used the Busters House as a base.
Nurarihyon: 私がそこに向かおう。 依頼内容については その後に。 I will head there. There I will tell you about the details of the request.
Nate: うん 分かった! Right, got it!
At the Busters House:
Happierre: 待ってたボーノ! お客さんが 来てるボーノ! I've been waiting, bono! There's a customer, bono! (1)
Nate: もしかして ぬらるひょん? Is it Nurarihyon, by any chance?
Happierre: そうだボーノ! 失礼のないように するんだボーノ。 That's right, bono! Please be respectful, bono.
Nurarihyon: それでは 依頼内容についてだが… これは評議会からの極秘指令だ。 Now, I will tell you the details of the request, but... this is a top secret order from the council.
Whisper: 超・超・超! 重要ってことでうぃすね! So it's a super, super, super important thing, whis!
Nate: …ごくり。 それで オレたちは何をすればいいの? ...*gulp* So, what are we supposed to do?
Nurarihyon: エンマ大王さまを 調べてほしい。 I want you to investigate the Great King Enma.
Nate: ええええ〜!? どういうこと!!? Whaaat!? What do you mean!!?
Nurarihyon: あのお方は ときおり人間界へ... それも お前たちの街へと出かけられる…。 He occasionally goes out to the human world... and to your town, at that...
Nurarihyon: しかも 人間に化けてまでだ。 そう ちょうど…… He even takes on human form. Yes, the form... (2)
Nurarihyon: このような 少年のすがたでな。 ...of a boy just like this.
Whisper: …よ よく覚えてますね。 ...H-He sure remembered that well.
Nurarihyon: わざわざ 人間たちにまぎれて… いったい 何をされているのか…。 Going out of his way to mingle with humans... What in the world is he doing...?
Nurarihyon: そう… たまりにたまった仕事を ほっぽりだして 何のおつもりなのか…。 Right... what is he thinking, leaving behind his piled-up work...
Nurarihyon: だいたい 私が目をはなすと すぐに どこかに行ってしまわれ… He usually immediately goes off to someplace the instant I take my eyes off of him...
Nurarihyon: ……コホン。 というわけだ。 ...Ahem. That is the situation.
Nurarihyon: あのお方が 人間界で何をしているか それを調査してほしい。 I want you to investigate what he is doing in the human world.
Nurarihyon: 私が行くべきなんだが いろいろあってな。 人間界へ同行することはできん…。 I should be going, but I can not do that for multiple reasons. I can not go to the human world with you...
Nurarihyon: ゆえに コレをわたしておく。 何かあれば連絡してくれ。 Therefore, take this. Please contact me if something happens.
Text Box: ぬらりひょんから 謎の 黒いスマートフォンを受け取った!! You got a mysterious black smart phone from Nurarihyon!!
Nate: コレって… スマホ? This is... a smartphone?
Nurarihyon: ただのスマホではない。 私に連絡ができるのは 当然だが… It is not just an ordinary smartphone. Of course you can contact me with it, but...
Nurarihyon: 大王さまの妖気に反応し 居場所を 特定してくれる。 It responds to His Majesty's yōki, and determines his whereabouts. (3)
Nurarihyon: さらに 持ち主の気配を 「ぬらり…」と隠す特性も持っている。 Furthermore, it possesses the characteristic of 'slimily...' hiding the presence of its bearer. (4)
Nate: そんなこともできるの!? It can do that, too!?
Whisper: こんなスゴいスマホ… ヨップルストアでも売ってませんよ! Such an amazing smartphone... They don't even sell that at the Yopple Store!
Nurarihyon: ああ 私ヨップル社に作らせた 特別製のスマートフォン… Yes, a specially constructed smartphone that I had the Yopple company make...
Nurarihyon: ぬらりフォンだ。 The Nurariphone.
Nurarihyon: お前たちの住む街が 夜に変わるころ… 大王さまは 出歩き始めるようだ。 It seems that His Majesty goes out... when night falls in the town you live in.
Nurarihyon: そうしたら ぬらりフォンが反応し 大王さまの居場所を 示してくれるはずだ。 When that happens, the Nurariphone should react and show you His Majesty's location.
Whisper: つまり 日本で夜まで寝たときに ぬらりフォンが反応するってことですね! In other words, once we sleep until night in Japan, the Nurariphone will react!
Nurarihyon: 調査方法はまかせる。 それでは たのんだぞ。 I leave the method of investigating to you. Now then, I am counting on you.
In Japanese Happierre ends most of his sentences with ボーノ/bōno, which is derived from his Japanese name ホノボーノ/Honobōno, which in turn is derived from ほのぼの/honobo, which means something like heartwearming.
The word used to describe Enma taking on human form is 化けて/bakete which is a word often used to refer to the transformations of yōkai and similar creatures from folklore. 
“Yōki“ is a term used in the Japanese versions of the Yokai Watch games. It is made up of these Kanji: 妖/Yō (the same Yō as in Yōkai, which can mean “mysterious” or “bewitching”, among other things), and 気/Ki, which is the Japanese word for the concept of Qi. It’s not a term exclusive to this franchise, but in Yokai Watch it seems to basically refer to a yōkai’s Ki, to put it simple.
Nurarihyon is making a bit of a pun here. He says the phone can hide its bearer’s presence “nurari...”-like, which is of course a reference to his own name, and ぬらり/nurari can basically be translated as something being slimy or slippery.
First Night, Beginning:
Whisper: ケータくん! ぬらりフォンが 反応しているでうぃす! Nate! The Nurariphone is reacting, whis!
Whisper: エンマ大王さまが 人間界に 来ているようでうぃすよ! It seems that the Great King Enma has come to the human world, whis!
Nate: ホント!? どこにいるの? Really!? Where is he?
Whisper: ええっと… レーダーの反応によると… Let's see... according to the radar's reaction...
Whisper: どうやら さくらの湯に いらっしゃるようでうぃす! Appearently he went to the Springdale Hotsprings, whis!
Jibanyan: 大きなお風呂に 入りにきたニャン? Did he come to take a big bath, nyan?
Nate: う〜ん… とりあえず さくらの湯に 行ってみようか! Umm... let's just go to the Springdale Hotsprings for now!
First Night, Finding Enma:
Whisper: ああっ! エンマ大王様えすよ…! それと… となりにいるのは もしや…。 Ahh! It's the Great King Enma...! And... next to him is...
Enma: ひさしぶりだな。 …いつ見ても お前は変わらないな。 It's been a while. ...You just don't change one bit, no matter how often I see you.
Mr. Goodsight: これはこれは… 大きくなられましたなぁ。 Dear me... You sure have grown.
Enma: 最近 調子はどうだ? 人間たちとも 上��くやってるか? How are things lately? Getting along with the humans? (1)
Mr. Goodsight: ああ この街の人間たちは 物を大切にしてくれる人ばかりでな。 Yes, among the humans in this town, there are many people who cerish things.
Mr. Goodsight: 時計の修理よりも おしゃべりをしに 店をおとずれる方が多いくらいじゃ。 There are more people who visit the shop to have a chat than those who want to have their watches repaired.
Enma: ハハッ そうか。 Haha, is that so?
Whisper: まさか おふたりが知り合いだったとは! No way, these two actually know each other!
Nate: 昔からの知り合いみたいだけど… どういう関係なんだろう? It sounds like they're old acquaintances, but... I wonder what their relationship is?
Whisper: う〜ん… サッパリでうぃす…。 Hmm... I haven't the foggiest, whis...
Nate: そういえば… オレたちの姿って 見えてないんだよね? That reminds me... They can't see us, right?
Whisper: うぃす。 こんなに近くにいるのに ちょっと不思議でうぃすねぇ。 Whis. It's a bit strange, since we are so close to them, whis.
Nate: うん ヘンな感じ。 結局 何の用だったんだろうね。 Yeah, feels weird. I wonder just what this was for.
Whisper: むむむ よくわかりませんねぇ…。 Hmmm, I don't really understand...
I think Enma makes a bit of a pun here. In Japanese, the part I translated as “how are things?” is 調子はどうだ/Chōshi wa dōda?, which sounds similar to Timers & More’s Japanese name:  チョーシ堂/ Chōshi-dō, which I think is probably a pun on the phrase to begin with. Adding to that, in Japanese Mr. Goodsight is unnnamed and is only referred to as “Owner of Chōshi-dō”.
Second Night, Beginning:
Whisper: ケータくん! ぬらりフォンが 反応しているでうぃす! Nate! The Nurariphone is reacting, whis!
Whisper: この街に エンマ大王が いらっしゃるみたいです! It looks like the Great King Enma has come to this town!
Nate: よし さがさなきゃ! 場所はどこ…!? Alright, we gotta find him! Where is he...!?
Whisper: ええっと… レーダーの反応によると… Let's see... according to the radar's reaction...
Whisper: …さくら中央シティの路地裏に いるようでうぃす? ...it seems like he's in Downtown Springdale's back alley, whis?
Jibanyan: 路地裏なんかで 何してるニャン? What's he doing in a back alley, nyan?
Whisper: それを調査するのが 私たちの目的でうぃす! It is our objective to find that out, whis!
Nate: よし こっそり行ってみよう! Alright, let's go and see, stealthily!
Second Night, Finding Enma:
Jibanyan: あの人間 きっとエンマ大王だニャン! それに 見たことある人もいるニャンよ? I'm pretty sure that human there is the Great King Enma, nyan! And also, someone we've seen before, nyan?
Ms. Frost: もう… いらっしゃるなら 前もって 言ってくださればいいのに。 Honestly now... I wish you would tell me in advance before you come to visit.
Enma: 顔を見に来ただけだから 気にするな。 店のジャマをするのも悪いしな。 I'm only here to see your face, so don't worry. Getting in the way of your store would be bad. (1)
Enma: 「スナック ゆきおんな」… ずいぶん 人気の店みたいじゃないか。 "Frostia's Place"... Seems like it's a pretty popular place. (2)
Enma: アンタにグチを聞いてもらえば どんなに頭に血がのぼって 熱くなっても… You got this reputation that, no matter how angry people get, how heated they get...
Enma: 不思議と熱が冷ませるって 評判だったぜ。 さすがだな。 When people tell you about their complains, they're mysteriously able to cool down. As expected of you.
Ms. Frost: うふふ… そう言ってもらえるなんて とても光栄ですわ。 Teeheehee... I am deeply honored to hear you say this.
Ms. Frost: 今度 お店にも いらしてくださいな。 おいしいお菓子を 用意しておきますよ。 Please, come into my store next time. I will prepare delicious candy.
Enma: おいおい… ガキ扱いするなよな。 Hey now... Don't treat me like a kid.
Nate: このふたりって 知り合いだったんだ So these two knew each other...
Whisper: ママさん ケータくんには お菓子を売ってくれますけど… Ms. Frost sells candy to Nate, but...
Whisper: エンマ大王さまってば お菓子好きなんですかねぇ〜? Does that mean that the Great King Enma likes candy?
Nate: ええっ? そういう話なのかな…? What? That's what you got from this...? 
Nate: でも 何かしてるワケでもなさそうだし… 遊びに来てるだけなのかも。 But, he doesn't seem to be doing anything... maybe he just came to visit.
Whisper: うぃす… そうかもしれませんねぇ。 Whis... yes, that might be true.
Whisper: それにして あのおふたり… どこで知り合ったんでしょう…? But still, those two... how do they know one another...?
Unsure if I got the second line here completely right.
In Japanese, Ms. Frost’s shop is called スナック ゆきおんな/SNACK Yuki-onna, with Yuki-onna being a type of yōkai and Frostina’s Japanese name. The “snack” part refers to the fact that it’s a so called “snack bar” , or just “snack” for short, a type of Japanese hostess bar. Adding to that, in Japanese Ms. Frost goes unnamed and is only called “Mama-san”, which is what the female mangers of such establishments are called, from what I understand?
Third Night, Beginning:
Whisper: ケータくん! ぬらりフォンが 反応しているでうぃす! Nate! The Nurariphone is reacting, whis!
Whisper: かなり強い反応ですよ! おそらく この近くにエンマ大王が…! It's a pretty strong reaction! Perhaps the Great King Enma is close by...!
Nate: えっ! 近く…!? What! Close by...!?
Whisper: ええっと… レーダーの反応によると… Let's see... according to the radar's reaction...
Whisper: どうやら さくら第一小学校の体育館に いらしゃるようでうぃす! Appearently he went to the gym of Springdale Elementary, whis!
Nate: 学校の体育館? なにしてるんだろう? The school's gym? What is he doing?
Jibanyan: さっそく調査 開始だニャン! Let's begin with the investigation immediately, nyan!
Third Night, Finding Enma:
Nate: エンマ大王 ホントにいた…! あれ? いっしょにいる人って…。 He really is here...! Huh? That person with him...
Mr. Barton: おやおや こんな夜更けに 子どもが出歩くものではないよ。 Oh my, children should not be outside this late at night.
Enma: 何かあれば お前がどーにかするだろ。 If something happens, you'll take care of it.
Mr. Barton: それは… 信頼されていると 思ってもいいのかねぇ。 That is... Should you be thinking that you can trust me? (1)
Enma: 好きにしろ。 Suit yourself.
Enma: しっかし… お前が先生とは… そういう性格には見えねぇけどな。 But... You as a teacher... You really don't seem like that kinda person.
Mr. Barton: それ どういう意味だい? まあ… この立場は何かベンリでね。 What do you mean? Well... there is something convenient about this position.
Mr. Barton: よその町から 礼儀をしらないキツネの子が 人間に化けて やってきらとしても… Even though there is a fox child with no manners, that came from another town, and took on human form...
Mr. Barton: 学校の先生として 自然に 追い払えるからね。 As a school teacher, I can drive him away naturally. (2)
Mr. Barton: それに 意外と面白いものだよ。 みんな元気で いい子たちだしね。 And, it's suprisingly interesting. They're all energetic, good children. (3)
Mr. Barton: キミも学校に通ってみるかい? Would you also like to go to school?
Enma: …エンリョしておく。 ... I'll pass.
Nate: エンマ大王って 理科の先生と 知り合いだったんだ!? The Great King Enma knows my science teacher!? (4)
Whisper: この人も ナゾの多いお方でうぃすね…。 That one is also a very mysterious person, whis...
Nate: うん… いつもの先生と しゃべり方も ちがう気がするし。 Yeah... the way he's talking also feels different than usual.
Nate: ちょっと意外かも…。 I didn't really expect that... 
Whisper: ですが どうやら先生とも 話しているだけのようですねぇ。 Still, it seems that he's only talking with your teacher.
Whisper: 何をしに来たんでしょう…? What did he come here for...?
I’m unsure if I got this line right.
Because of how the Japanese language works, a pronoun isn’t actually used to refer to this fox child he mentions, but I’m pretty confident that he is referring to Kyubi-kun, so I went with “him”. EDIT: Also note that he could be referring to multiple fox children coming to the village too, given the ambigious plural of the Japanese language.
The word I translated as interesting here is is 面白い/omoshiroi, which can also be translated as amusing or funny.
In Japanese, Mr. Barton goes unnamed and is only called “science teacher”.
Fourth Night, Beginning:
Whisper: ケータくん! ぬらりフォンが 反応しているでうぃす! Nate! The Nurariphone is reacting, whis!
Nate: エンマ大王は 今日はだれに 会いに来たんだろう? I wonder who the Great King Enma has come to see today?
Jibanyan: レーダーは どこを指してるニャン? Where is the radar pointing, nyan?
Whisper: ええっと… ひがん山トンネルを 指しているみたいでうぃす。 Let's see... it seems to be pointing to Prayer's Peak Tunnel, whis.
Nate: ひがん山トンネルって… 団々坂の? Prayer's Peak Tunnel... the one in Blossom Heights?
Jibanyan: そんなところ だれがいるニャン? Who would be at that place, nyan?
Whisper: で でもレーダーは そこを指してるんでうぃす! B-But the radar is pointing there, whis!
Whisper: とりあえず 行ってみましょう! For now, let's go there and look!
Fourth Night, Finding Enma:
Enma: 出てこいよ。 今日もついてきてるんだろ? Come out. You're following me again today, aren't you?
Whisper: もしかして バレてるんでうぃす!? Has our cover been blown, whis!?
Enma: やっぱり お前たちだったか。 So it was you guys after all.
Nate: い いつから気づいてたの? W-When did you notice?
Enma: ん? ああ… だれかが尾行してるのは 最初から気づいていたんだがな。 Hm? Ahh... I noticed that someone was following me from the get go.
Enma: なにかの力がジャマして 気配が感じ取れなかったんだ。 Because some kind of power was getting in my way, I didn't sense any presence. (1)
Whisper: きっと ぬらりフォンの力でうぃすね! It must've been the Nurariphone's power, whis!
Enma: だが この場所は少し特殊でな… オレの妖気が強くなるんだ。 But, this place is a bit special... My yōki is stronger here.
Enma: だから 尾行に気づいたんだが… お前たち 何が目的だったんだ? So, I noticed you following me, but... What are you guys up to?
Nate: あ うん! ちょっと 聞きたいことがあって。 Ah, right! I got a quick question for you.
Nate: この街で 何をしてたの…? 街の人たちと合ってたみたいだけど…。 What were you doing in this town...? It looked like you where meeting townspeople, but...
Enma: …アイツらは この街で人間として暮らす 物好きな 「妖怪たち」だ。 ...Those guys are curious 'yōkai' who live in this town as humans. (2)
Nate: ええっ…!? あの人たちって 妖怪だったの!? Huh...!? Those people where yōkai!?
Enma: ああ… アイツらは昔から この街を守ってくれてるんだ。 Yeah... they have been protecting this town for a long time.
Enma: オレたち妖怪と… 人間たちとを つなぐためにな。 In order to connect us yōkai... with humans.
Enma: それは… 部屋に閉じこもって 書類と向き合ってるだけじゃ わからない。 This is... something you can't understand just by staying confined to a room facing paper work.
Enma: 今の世界が どうなってるかも知らずに 妖怪たちを束ねる王なんて… If the king who rules the yōkai were to not know about the current world...
Enma: 閻魔大王の名が 聞いてあきれるだろ? That wouldn't be worthy of the Great King Enma’s name, now would it?
Whisper: ははぁ… 妖怪と人間の関係を知るために ああやって人間界にきていたんですねぇ。 Hahah... So you came to the human world like this in order to learn about the relationship of yōkai and humans.
Enma: それじゃ オレはそろそろ帰るぜ。 Well then, I should be heading home.
Enma: お前たちの 「依頼主」さんも 心配してるだろうしよ。 Your "client" is probably worried, too.
Nate: あ 行っちゃった…。 Ah, he left...
Nate: あっ ぬらりひょんからだ。 Ah- It's from Nurarihyon.
Nurarihyon: すべて聞いていた。 そんなお考えだったとはな… I heard everything. So this is what he was thinking...
Nurarihyon: …話がある。 あらためて バスターズハウスにうかがおう。 ...We need to talk. Let us meet at the Busters House once more.
Nate: わかった! 待ってるね! Got it! Wait for us!
The word I translated as presence, both here and when Nurarihyon first explained the phone, is 気配/Kehai, which can be translated as presence, among other things, but in fiction it notably is sometimes used to refer to people’s presence in the sense of like an aura or ki.
The word I translated as curious is 物好きな/monozukina, which can also refer to someone being eccentric or having peculiar interests.
Back at the Busters House:
Nate: …というワケで けっして 遊びに来てたわけじゃ���いみたい。 ...Because of that, it really doesn't seem like he went there for fun.
Nurarihyon: ご苦労だった。 Thank you for your efforts.
Nurarihyon: 大王さまは 妖怪と人間の未来を だれよりも考えておられる… His Majesty is considering the future of yōkai and humans more than anyone...
Nurarihyon: 今回のことで よくわかった。 Now I understand this.
Nurarihyon: 日々の仕事に追われ 視野がせまくなっていたのは… Being driven by one's daily work, one's horizon narrows... (1)
Nurarihyon: どうやら 私の方だったようだな。 It seems that is what I have been doing.
Nate: ぬらりひょん…。 Nurarihyon...
Nurarihyon: 今度は私も 妖怪と人間のつながりについて 学んでいこうと思う。 Now, I think I will learn about the connections of yōkai and humans, too.
Nurarihyon: お前たちといれば それが 学べるのだろう? I wonder if I could learn about it if I were to stay with you?
Whisper: も もしかして ケータくんの ともだち妖怪に なってくれるんでうぃす? C-Could it be that you're going to become Nate's yōkai friend, whis!?
Nate: えっ!? ほんと!? What!? Really!?
Nurarihyon: ふっ… 今の私には それが必要なようだからな。 Hmph... It currently seems necessary to me.
Nate: やったぁ! ありがとう! Hooray! Thanks!
Nurarihyon: ただし… However...
Nurarihyon: ともだち妖怪になるのは 私に勝てたら の話だ。 I will only become your yōkai friend if you can beat me.
Nate: え… それってまさか… Huh... No way, so then...
Whisper: バトルってことでうぃす〜!? You're gonna battle us, whis!?
Nurarihyon: 見せてみよ! おまえの実力を! Show it to me! Your true power!
The word I translated as horizon is 視野/shiya, which refers to one’s literal field of view, but also to one’s view of the world, mental horizon, etc.
After the Battle:
Nurarihyon: ふっ… さすがだな。 Hmph... As expected.
Whisper: まさか いきなりバトルになるとは 思いませんでしたねぇ…。 I really didn't think this would turn into a battle all of a sudden like that...
Nate: は〜… 強かった。 さすが議長…。 Haah... You're strong. As expected of the chairman...
Nate: でも これで ともだち妖怪に なってくれるんだよね! But, with this, you're my yōkai friend now!
Nurarihyon: ああ。 よろしく頼むぞ わが友よ。 Yes. Well met, friend of mine.
Nurarihyon: さあ 大王さまの愛する 人間たちの生き様… Now, please show me...
Nurarihyon: とくと見せてくれたまえ。 The humans' way of living that His Majesty loves.
Enma: クソッ! つえーなこの人間…! もう1回だ! Damn! This human is tough..! One more time!
Enma: ま でも… Though...
Enma: エンマ大王の仕事なんかサボって 人間と遊ぶ方が ずっと楽しいぜ! It's so much fun to just kinda ditch the Great King Enma work, and play with humans!
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