#yokai watch 4 pura pura
kaialone · 5 years
Yokai Watch 4 ++ Translation
This will contain major story spoilers for Yo-kai Watch 4, specifically part of its main story and the recent ++ (Pura Pura) update, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of certain new additions to the lore of Enma's family.
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For a bit of context, this translation will cover optional dialogue that can be seen after befriending Shien.
Shien has a chance of being befriended when you beat him during the Busters Mission "日の影に眠り魔王" ("The Demon King Sleeping in the Shadow of the Sun".)
During the scene in which Shien is befriended, it's explained that the reason why he can exist seperately from Enma is that this Shien is actually the "evil heart" of the original Shien, while Enma was born from the "good heart".
After you've befriended Shien, you can find Enma in the new area Hell's Kitchen, located in the Yōmakai (Yo-kai World) of the past.
The dialogue I've translated occurs if you talk to him.
Bolded is the original Japanese
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
You can find a video showing this dialogue in the source link of this post.
Also, it should go without saying, but this might also be a bit harder to understand if you're not already familiar with the previously established Enma lore, from works such as Yo-kai Watch 1 and 3.
Talking to Enma at Hell's Kitchen:
Enma: あっ 妖怪探偵団じゃないか。 ん? なんでこんなトコにいるのかって? Oh hey, it's the Yōkai Detective Team. Hm? What am I doing here, you ask?
Enma: オレもお前たちがバスターズを始めたっていう 釜ゆで地獄ってのを 見てみたくなってな。 I wanted to look around Hell's Kitchen too, just like you got the Busters to do. (1)
Enma: …ははっ 本当は 礼を言いにきたのさ。 『もうひとつの心』を開放してくれた お前たちに。 ...Haha, I actually came to thank you guys. For freeing the "other heart".
Enma: そしてお前たちには 伝えておきたいんだ。 オレたち 閻魔の一族についてな…。 And there's something I want to tell you. About us, the Enma clan...
Enma: まずは オレと 『紫炎』の真実について話そうか。 ちょっとばかり長くなるが 聞いてもらえるか? First I gotta tell you the truth about me and "Shien". This might be a bit long, but will you listen?
Dialogue Option: 『紫炎』について 話を聞きたい! I want to know about "Shien"!
Enma: 紫炎は… お前たちも知っての通り かつて この時代で敗れ 空亡に取り込まれた。 As you already know... Shien was once defeated in this era, and consumed by Soranaki.
Enma: 実は そのときに… 紫炎の心は『2つ』に分かれたんだ。 And actually, at that moment... Shien's heart was split into two.
Enma: そのひとつ… 紫炎の『良き心』は イツキと融合し 夜叉エンマとなり… 王としての本当の強さを知った。 One of those... Shien's "good heart", fused with Itsuki and became Yasha Enma... now knowing the true strength of a king.
Enma: そう お前たち妖怪探偵団のおかげでな。 その後 オレはこうして 生まれ変わることができた。 Yes, that was thanks to your Yōkai Detective Team. After that, I was reincarnated like this.
Enma: そして オレは閻魔大王の孫として育てられた。 煌めく炎を宿す者… 『煌炎』という名を与えられて。 And I was raised as the Great King Enma's grandson. I was given the name "Kōen"... one who harbours a sparkling flame. (2)
Enma: 一方 もうひとつの… 紫炎の『悪しき心』は 別の生まれ変わりの輪に 取り込まれたんだ。 Meanwhile, the other one... Shien's "evil heart", got taken into a seperate cycle of reincarnation.
Enma: だが 紫炎の存在は 『影歴史』という禁呪で 永らく封じられ その魂も眠りつづけていた。 But Shien's existence was sealed away for a long time, by a hex called "Shadow History", so this soul has been sleeping, too. (3)
Enma: その 眠りし紫炎の魂がよみがえり 地獄をさまよい… こうして お前たちが救ってくれたのさ。 That sleeping soul of Shien was revived, and wandered through hell... And then it was saved by you guys.
Enma: とはいえ… まさか紫炎の『悪しき心』すら 『ともだち』にするなんてな。 Though... I can't believe you actually became "friends" with Shien's "evil heart".
Enma: フッ… さすがは オレやカイラが見込んだ 伝説のウォッチ使いってワケだ。 Heh... That sorta thing is why me and Kaira put our trust in you legendary Watch users.
Translation Notes:
The Busters are known as the Blasters in the English localizations.
The name 煌炎/Kōen is made of the kanji  煌, meaning “sparkling”, and 炎, meaning “flame”. So its meaning is more obvious in Japanese.
For the purpose of this translation, I translated “Shadow History” literally, but since it’s a proper name, one could arguably leave it untranslated, if one so chooses. For the reference, its Japanese name is read as 影歴史/Kagerekishi.
Talking to Enma again:
Enma: 妖怪探偵団のおかげで 紫炎の魂は救われた。 お前たちには 伝えておかなきゃいけないことがある。 Thanks to your Yōkai Detective Team, Shien's soul was saved. There is something I need to tell you.
Enma: 紫炎と オレたち閻魔の一族についての真実…。 長くなるかもしれないが 聞いてもらえるか? The truth about Shien and us, the Enma clan... This could be long, but will you listen anyway?
Dialogue Option: 『影歴史』って いったい何…? What exactly does "Shadow History" mean...?
Enma: 閻魔一族 ミカド族には いくつかの秘術がある。 『影歴史』とは その秘術のひとつだ。 The Enma clan, so, the Mikado Tribe, knows several secret arts. "Shadow History" is one of those.
Enma: 『影歴史』の術は 唱えられた者の存在を 妖怪たちの あらゆる歴史と記憶から消し去る禁呪…。 The art of "Shadow History" is a hex which erases the existence of the one it's used on from all history and memory of the yōkai.
Enma: いわば 歴史の『シャドウサイド』に封じ込めて 「なかったことにする」っていう とんでもない術さ。 I guess you could say that it seals away the "shadowside" of history, and "makes it so it never happened". It's one heck of a technique.
Enma: ミカド族でありながら 大罪を犯した紫炎は… この『影歴史』で 一度存在を消されていたんだ。 While he is of the Mikado Tribe, Shien commited a grave sin... So his existence was once erased by "Shadow History".
Enma: 実は この秘術によって オレやぬらりさえも 紫炎の存在を 完全に忘れちまってたのさ。 Actually, because of that secret art, even me and Nurari had completely forgotten about Shien's existence. (1)
Enma: だが… あの空亡が 歴史を改変しようと企み お前たちがそれを止め… 歴史はさらに変わった。 But... when Soranaki tried to alter history, and was stopped by you guys... history changed again.
Enma: つまり お前たちの活躍で『影歴史』は回避され 紫炎が 歴史から消されることもなくなったんだ。 Basically, thanks to your efforts, the "Shadow History" was avoided, and the fact that Shien got erased from history was also undone.
Enma: こうして 紫炎についての記憶が戻ったあと オレはその『もうひとつの心』を さがしつづけた。 So, after my memories about Shien returned, I kept looking for the "other heart".
Enma: そして… お前たちのおかげで オレたち『閻魔の子』は 再び巡り会うことができた。 And then... thanks to you guys, we "Children of Enma" were able to meet once more.
Enma: またしても お前たちに救われたよ。 …ありがとな。 You saved us again. ...Thanks.
Translation Note:
Nurarihyon, whom Enma calls by the nickname “Nurari”, is simply called Zazel in the English localizations.
Talking to Enma one more time:
Enma: 妖怪探偵団のおかげで 紫炎の魂は救われた。 お前たちには 伝えておかなきゃいけないことがある。 Thanks to your Yōkai Detective Team, Shien's soul was saved. There is something I need to tell you.
Enma: 紫炎と オレたち閻魔の一族についての真実…。 長くなるかもしれないが 聞いてもらえるか? The truth about Shien and us, the Enma clan... This could be long, but will you listen anyway?
Dialogue Option: 『閻魔の子』の 秘密が知りたい… I want to know the secret about the "Children of Enma"...
Enma: ミカド族の血を引く者… 『閻魔の子』たちは ちょっと 複雑な事情をかかえてることが多くてな。 There's lots of sorta complicated things about the "Children of Enma"... descendants of the Mikado Tribe.
Enma: ほら オレも じいちゃんの実の孫じゃないだろ? お前たちと 一部の妖怪のみが知ってる話だけどな。 See, I'm not even really Grandpa's grandson, right? Though only you guys and a few yōkai know about that.
Enma: そして オレが閻魔の後継者とされ 数十年経った頃… オレの他に 閻魔の血を継ぐ子が生まれてな。 And some decades later, during the time when I was the Enma successor, another child who carries the blood of Enma was born.
Enma: だが… オレの弟ともいえる そいつの魂には… 紫炎の『もうひとつの心』が宿っていたんだ。 I suppose you could call him my little brother... But his soul... it harbored Shien's "other heart".
Enma: そいつは 紫炎の『悪しき心』が目覚めぬよう 妖魔の力を封じされ 人間界へと送られた。 To make sure he doesn't awaken Shien's "evil heart", his demonic power was sealed, and he was sent to the human world. (1)
Enma: そして 人間として生きることになったんだ。 『影歴史』で 紫炎の存在は 忘れ去られたけどな…。 And so he ended up living as a human. Though of course, he forgot Shien's existence because of "Shadow History".
Enma: だが その『影歴史』 の力で作られた閻魔帳によって 怪事件が起き そいつ自身も消されてしまった。 But, there was this strange incident where his own existence was also erased, by the Enma Book created with the power of "Shadow History". (2)
Enma: その事件は ケータの協力で解決して そいつも 助けることができたんだが… That incident was resolved with Kēta's help, and we were able to save him too, but... (3)
Enma: 実は そのときに 紫炎の『悪しき心』も 眠りから目覚め 解き放たれてしまったんだ。 At the same time, Shien's "evil heart" also woke up from its sleep and was unleashed.
Enma: しかし お前たちのおかげで その『悪しき心』とすら 『ともだち』になることができた。 But thanks to you, even that "evil heart" could become a "friend".
Enma: 今の紫炎なら そいつに戻ってもいいかもしれないな。 その名には 紫炎の名が刻まれていたのだから。 The way Shien is now, it would probably be fine to go back to him, too. Shien's name is engraved into his name, you know.
Enma: 閻魔の一族 ミカド族の象徴たる太陽… その影に眠りし魔王…… The symbol of the Enma clan, the Mikado Tribe, is the sun... A demon king slumbers in its shadow...
Enma: 日影 真生と。 So, Hikage Mao. (4, 5)
Translation Notes:
What I translated as demonic power is called 妖魔の力/yōma no chikara in Japanese. Literally, it means “yōma power”, with “yōma” being a word somewhat synonymous to the word “yōkai”, but is also sometimes translated as “demon” or the like.
This is referring to the Enma Note quests from Yo-kai Watch 3. Also, the word Enma Book here is 閻魔帳/Enmachō, which refers to the book that Enma is depicted with in actual Japanese mythology.
Kēta is know as Nate in the English localizations.
The play on words with Hikage Mao here is more obvious in Japanese. 日/hi can mean “sun”, while 影/kage means “shadow”, and the given name 真生/Mao sounds similar to 魔王/Maō, meaning “demon king”.
The character Hikage Mao is known as Lucas Schiffer in the English localizations.
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