ggukkiedae · 3 years
❝ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖❞
⇢ yoonmi and jungkook rush off to the hospital (as explained in this notice)
⇢ set august 10, 2021
⇢ conversations written in italics are spoken in english. feedback is highly appreciated!
⇢ @sunflower-0180 (i can tag you now! 🥰)@seaoffangirling @yourwonderbelle @1-800-enhypenbibi @kamiiyou
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Yoonmi shifted in her seat as Jungkook tugged at the knots in her hair. He had been brushing it out for the past ten minutes just so he could braid it, but it seemed like the tangles were never-ending.
“Would you sit still?”
“Not with you pulling my hair like that,” she huffed and took the brush from him. “This is why I told you I’d do it.”
She could see Jungkook roll his eyes at her through the mirror before he moved to sit on the desk facing her. They weren’t too busy that afternoon, so they had decided to just chill in the company and maybe work on choreography together just for fun. But Yoonmi’s hair was proving to be a difficulty.
“How does all of this not get in the way on stage?” He fluffed her hair a little. “You can barely hold back this thick mess with tiny bands and little clips.”
“It’s called skill.” The two maknaes laughed at that.
More so than usual, the two have been spending their time together. Mostly it was Yoonmi dragging Jungkook along with her online shopping. A new hobby, yes. One that she picked up from her eldest brother. Of course, being someone who supports her brother’s business, she had been browsing through the brands he was partners with.
While the promotions for Butter and Permission to Dance were enjoyable, and the interviews were progressively becoming less about her being a girl in a boy group, she found herself getting bored too frequently. It didn’t help that they didn’t get to promote on music shows. She would have at least gotten to see her friends more often, but she was stuck with the back and forth between the dorms and the company.
That’s why she found browsing through the categories in her brother’s business quite amusing. Well, that and convincing the other members to let her do their make up.
“Get over here,” Jungkook pulled her to stand in front of him. “You know what? We’re gonna put you in a ponytail instead. I want to show you this thing I saw on tiktok.”
She snorted. “If it’s Heartbreak Anniversary, you should know that I taught that to Ni-ki a few months ago.”
“Dammit.” He pulled over a ribbon she had brought with her and made sure to tie it at the base of her ponytail. “Well then let’s just do the one of the TXT kids. The Anti-Romantic one.”
“You and Hannah unnie have been sending each other too many tiktoks,” she laughed as her phone rang. Jungkook just smacked the side of her head, to which she retaliated with smacking his leg and picking up her phone.
“Hello?” Her voice was laced with laughter as she picked up.
“Yoonmi-ah,” a familiar voice filled her ears. It was Yoonsung. As happy as she was to hear him call, he sounded worried. “Don’t panic, okay?”
“What do you mean don’t panic? What’s wrong?”
Jungkook turned to look at her in curiosity. She put her phone on speaker and faced him fully.
“I need you to look after Yoonseol for a bit,” her brother told her. “Can you come over?”
“Sure,” she nodded as Jungkook started packing their stuff up in a rush. However, the urgency in her brother’s voice made her nervous. “What’s going on?”
“Eunsol,” his hesitation made both Jungkook and Yoonmi freeze in worry for the pregnant woman, “she’s in the delivery room right now. It looks like your nephew decided to come two weeks early.”
Her jaw dropped as she met eyes with Jungkook. A quiet communication between them occured as Jungkook picked up both their stuff and dug his keys out of his bag. She turned to her phone and followed her best friend as they raced from the practice room to the parking lot.
“We’ll be right there. Are you in Ansan as planned?”
“Yeah. Thank god her doctor was available.”
“We’ll be right there, don’t worry.”
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They arrived at the hospital much quicker than they expected. The two left Jungkook’s car and raced towards the receptionist, making sure to try and adjust the masks on their faces so they wouldn’t be too noticeable.
“Excuse me,” Jungkook began, “what room is Kim Yoonsung and Han Eunseol in?”
The receptionist raised an eyebrow at them. “I can only give that information to family.”
“I’m their sister,” Yoonmi took out her card. “My legal name is Bang Yoonmi, you can check Eunseol unnie’s records. I’m listed as an emergency contact under Yoonsung oppa.”
The receptionist turned to his computer and began searching through files. Yoonmi’s hands went up to tug at the ends of her hair. He was taking too long. She turned to Jungkook, who merely pressed his lips into a tight line and lightly pulled her hand away from her hair.
“Ah,” the receptionist’s sudden sound of acknowledgement caught their attention, “there you are. Okay, go ahead. Room 613 in the East wing.”
“Thank you!”
The two quickly took off towards the building and got into the elevator. It was then when she had a realization. She snorted, calling Jungkook’s attention. Upon his curious look, she spoke.
“Room 613. Seems like a good omen, huh?”
“That, or your sister’s doctor has a good sense of humor.”
Once the elevator doors opened, the two raced down the hall and straight to the room. She knocked on the door, weight shifting from left to right as she waited for it to open. Which it did, revealing her niece.
“Yoonseol!” Yoonmi pulled the five-year-old into a hug. “Were you here all alone? Where’s your mom and dad?”
She didn’t notice the nurse coming out of the room and Jungkook asking her about Eunseol.
“I’m okay, unnie,” the little girl smiled. “Nurse Lee kept me company. I think daddy’s fetching Hanseollie. Nurse Lee says he’s gonna be ready to play with soon!”
Yoonmi sighed at the sound of no bad news. She briefly thanked the nurse who was walking away and ushered the little girl inside. Yoonseol went straight back to the bed to watch whatever was playing on the laptop open there.
A sigh escaped past her lips as she slumped onto the couch of the room. Her body felt lighter yet heavier at the same time. Was it okay for her nephew to be born this early? Or was two weeks okay? Did something happen to him? Or to Eunseol?
A hand on her knee brought her out of her thoughts. Once she looked up, she saw Jungkook giving her a pointed look. Another sigh left her mouth as she let herself fall onto his side and rest her head on his shoulder.
“Stop worrying so much,” he spoke to her in hushed whispers, “and breathe. I asked the nurse what was going on. Apparently Hanseol and Eunseol noona are both healthy. Hanseol is just a little excited.”
“It’s hard not to worry when unnie’s due date was supposed to be on the 27th.” She closed her eyes tightly. “I was planning to be there with her and Yoonsung oppa.”
“Noona will be fine, she has hyung by her side,” the elder squeezed her knee. “She’ll be fine. Now why don’t you go on over and watch whatever cartoon it is Seollie is watching. You need the distraction. I’m going to go get us food, all right?”
With that, she felt him push her up and over to the bed. Yoonseol clapped excitedly to see her settle on the bed as well. She watched quietly as Jungkook bent down a little and ruffled Yoonseol’s hair.
“You hungry, Seollie?” he asked her. “Want any specific food?”
“You got it,” Jungkook chuckled and pinched the little girl’s cheek. He turned to Yoonmi and thumped her head, to which she frowned at. “You, get a hold of yourself. I’ll be back in a bit.”
She rolled her eyes as her best friend walked out of the room. But a smile made its way onto her face. Her nephew, her godson in particular, was about to be born. She couldn’t wait.
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The sound of the door opening woke her up.
Yoonmi sleepily rubbed at her eyes as she slowly pulled her arm from under Yoonseol’s head. A hand lightly caressed her hair, grabbing her attention. Looking to her left, her brother stood there. A gentle smile rested on his face as he waited for her to fully wake up.
“Oppa,” she mumbled.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” A warm and welcoming feeling filled her as she felt Yoonsung lightly kiss the top of her head. “Someone wants to meet you. Come with me, let’s let these two sleep first.”
She looked at her brother then at Yoonseol sleeping next to her and Jungkook sleeping by the bed, head next to Yoonseol’s hand. He must have fallen asleep as well while exchanging stories with the little girl.
Yoonsung’s quiet hum caught her attention once again. He gestured for her to follow him out the door, which she did. The walk was quiet, partially because Yoonsung was still basking in the fact he had another kid and Yoonmi still not quite getting a grasp of herself. She didn’t even notice as he brought her into a small room with one large glass window going from one side of the wall to the other.
A small gasp escaped her as she looked through the glass. Babies. Multiple babies were all lying there, freshly bathed, swaddled, and (most importantly) newly born. Her eyes followed the line of babies along the far end of the room on the other side of the glass until they were drawn to one specific crib.
The crib was the only one pushed close to the glass. It was relatively small, decorated in blue stickers on the outside and blue cushions on the inside. The baby that laid in it looked healthy and somewhat big. It had familiar features on its face, lips that already held the smile she was all too familiar with, and a nose she loved to poke as she grew up. Then her eyes were drawn to the name tag.
Kim Hanseol.
Her hand made its way to cover her mouth in shock as she processed what she saw.
“Yoonmi,” Yoonsung placed a hand on her shoulder, “meet your godson. Hanseol.”
She walked closer to the glass, lightly resting her fingertips on it as if the baby boy could feel her touch. This was different from when Yoonseol was born. This time around, Yoonmi wasn’t distracted, and there was no struggle. This time, it was her godchild as well.
“He really is your godson,” her older brother chuckled as he lightly stroked her shoulder with his thumb. “I was ten at the time, and I watched them panic. It was two months before your due date, but you were in a rush to see the world.”
He moved closer to her and draped an arm around her shoulders. Her eyes wouldn’t stray away from the baby, though, even as Yoonsung considered speaking to her.
“You were so small. I could’ve fit you into a shoe box. I was scared because I didn’t know if you’d be able to handle the world we were a part of. The way I was raised. But you were a strong little thing. Aced your classes, joined multiple extracurriculars, found your niche. Yoonseol is on her way to becoming like you, and I hope little Hanseol will, as well.”
Something dripped down her face. A tear. She didn’t even notice. It was so sudden, but so many things washed over her. The reassurance that her godson was safe, the excitement to see him growing up, the warmth of her brother.
“We’ve got a new life to bring into ours,” she smiled while wrapping her arms around Yoonsung’s waist and resting her head on his chest. “Seollie’s gonna love him.”
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