norasmontgomerys · 3 years
newfound family
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a look into carrie’s new life in the coven.
author’s note: i’m so obsessed with this concept so i wanted to write another smaller thing about it. i hope you all enjoy!
- For the first few months, Carrie is distrustful of everyone around her. She’s afraid that it’s going to end up like the last time, since she’s at a new school with lots of people she doesn’t know. 
- Cordelia understands and allows her to have her space, but she does try to come into her room every so often to try to get Carrie to come out and interact with the other girls because she worries.
- Carrie shares a room with Misty, who is enthusiastic to have a roommate, and she’s eager to show her all of her favorite things.
- Carrie becomes a little overwhelmed with it all, and when Misty sees that she’s  becoming anxious she helps calm her down and promises to slow down when it comes to helping her get adjusted.
- One day after three months, Carrie joins the others for breakfast. She takes a seat in between Zoe and Queenie. since that was the only open seat that was closest to Cordelia.
- Cordelia is relieved when Carrie joins them in the dining room, and she has all of the other girls introduce themselves to her.
- Zoe introduces herself first, followed by Queenie, and finally Madison.
- Zoe takes Carrie on her first full tour of Miss Robichaux’s, and she tries to make her feel as welcome as possible.
- When Carrie shakes her head no to Zoe asking her if she has any questions after the tour, she doesn't press for any questions and they walk back to the Academy in a comfortable silence.
- Carrie appreciates Zoe’s kindness but is still afraid to talk to her.
- Before going to bed her first night, Cordelia comes into her room and asks if she wants to talk about the night of the Black Prom.
- Carrie says no, and Cordelia understands and doesn’t force her to tell her if she’s not ready.
- It’s at this point where Carrie starts to realize that Cordelia isn’t like her mother and she starts to trust her a little more.
- Carrie still wakes up early in the mornings to pray. It’s muscle memory.
- All of the other witches, even Cordelia, are still asleep when she creeps down the stairs to find a place to pray.
- When Cordelia wakes up an hour later and sees Carrie praying at the table in the living room, she kneels down beside her and joins her.
- Carrie looks up, confused, but allows Cordelia to join her.
- A few more months pass and the only witch Carrie trusts fully is Cordelia.
- Knowing this, Cordelia tells Zoe to take Carrie to the grocery store as a “bonding exercise” to try and get Carrie to become more trusting of someone other than her.
- It’s not like Cordelia isn’t glad that Carrie trusts her, because she does, she just feels bad when she sees all of the other girls laughing and having fun together while Carrie is sitting alone by herself.
- Carrie and Zoe don’t talk during the drive to the store. Music plays softly from the radio.
- “Oh, i love this song!” Zoe says.
- Carrie has never heard the song before. She listens quietly and smiles a little as Zoe turns up the radio and sings along.
- They get to the store and there’s a mishap where they end up getting separated and Carrie ends up anxiously looking for Zoe.
- She bumps into an older woman who starts to yell at her and tells her she should be paying attention to where she's going.
- Carrie panics and begins quietly apologizing while on the verge of tears.
- Zoe hears the woman yelling and rushes over to where Carrie is huddling in the aisle.
- “Hey! That’s my little sister you’re yelling at!”
- Zoe immediately wraps an arm around Carrie and makes sure she’s okay before she turns to the woman.
- “Why are you being such a bitch?” She says.
- The woman says Carrie wasn’t paying attention and bumped into her. Zoe asks Carrie who says she was just looking for her.
- Zoe pays for the groceries and takes Carrie home.
- She tells Cordelia what happened and Cordelia immediately goes to see if Carrie is okay.
- She finds Carrie crying quietly in her bed and she sits beside her and gently rubs her shoulder and whispers that she's okay.
- Carrie doesn’t move until Cordelia pulls her into a hug and kisses the top of her head to help her calm down.
- They stay like that until Carrie is calm again.
- Even though it ended badly, Carrie still trusts Zoe more than she did before.
- One day she sees Zoe reading a book in the swing on the front porch and she asks what it is.
- This leads to Zoe to allow Carrie to borrow her books to read them since the only book she has read outside of the Bible was her school textbooks.
- Carrie also manages to start to trust Misty.
- Misty takes Carrie out to the greenhouse and starts telling her all about the plants and what they do and how they work in magic.
- She also introduces Carrie to Fleetwood Mac, which was the first new type of music Carrie has heard other than the music that played in the car with Zoe.
- She gets used to the other witches in the coven too, and she quickly becomes friends with Queenie.
- When Coco and Mallory arrive she immediately becomes close with Mallory, but Coco takes more time.
- Carrie ends up having a better family with the coven than she ever did with her mother.
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norasmontgomerys · 3 years
you’d come back to me
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for a little bit of context, i had been writing a multi chapter work for my ao3 that was a slasher meets ahs crossover, that i have since abandoned. this was originally going to be one of the chapters, but i reworked it to be a one shot.
for further context, carrie was taken in by cordelia following the events of carrie. she’s a witch in this work, so that’s why they had gotten involved. also there is a brief mention of laurie strode and doris gardner, who were going to play small parts in the whole work later on, but like i said, it has since been abandoned. cordelia was attacked and killed by freddy krueger, so that's why she was dead and has scars on her chest.
i hope that clears everything up! i hope you enjoy!
word count: 2010
warnings: none ??? unless you consider spoilers 
author’s note: i edited this because it was lacking in detail and it didn’t really flow correctly. it was really bothering me, so i made some changes. i hope you still enjoy!
Carrie was hidden in one of the cupboards in Ms. Venable’s office. She had been following the redhead around that day, as some sort of personal assistant, but eventually Ms. Venable informed her that Ms. Mead and Michael Langdon would be meeting her in her office that afternoon. Something about the redhead had seemed different, she seemed more nervous than Carrie had ever seen. She had suggested that Carrie hid in the cupboard just as a safety precaution, and Carrie obeyed, because the only person who scared Carrie more than Ms. Venable was Michael Langdon. Her breathing hitched at the sound of footsteps as they entered the office, and she prayed that no one could hear her quick, panicked breaths. She could hear Ms. Venable moving around outside of the cupboard, and Carrie hoped that the redhead was a good enough liar so that she wouldn’t be discovered.
The door of Ms. Venable’s office creaked shut as the footsteps stopped. She could hear Venable inhale deeply before greeting Mead and Langdon. Their conversation was muffled,  but Carrie tried her hardest to listen to what was being said without making a sound.
The minutes that passed were painfully long. Carrie’s legs began to ache from being locked up for so long. She desperately wanted to jump out of the cupboard and interrupt the meeting by sprinting toward the door, but she knew that if Langdon didn’t kill her on sight, Ms. Venable would harshly punish her for it later.
Carrie tried to ignore the aches that were building in her body as she waited to hear the sounds of receding footsteps, but instead all she heard was Venable command Mead to turn on Langdon and shoot him. Instead of hearing a gunshot, Carrie heard Langdon override Venable’s command with his own. A moment of silence passed between the three outside the cupboard, then a gunshot. Carrie clamped a hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming out loud. She heard a gasp and a thud.
“You really think you could turn against me?” Langdon sneered.
Silence followed his question as he clicked his tongue.
“It’s disappointing that we couldn’t have been partners, Ms. Venable,” he said. “Come on, Mead. We have work to do.”
Carrie resisted the urge to fling open the doors of the cupboard until the click of Langdon’s shoes on the concrete of the Outpost’s floor faded into the distance. She climbed out and was met by the sight of Venable on the floor, bleeding out from a gunshot wound to the chest. Carrie ran over to her, kneeling down beside her.
Venable looked up at her with a vulnerability that Carrie had never seen before.
“Little one?” She asked, reaching out to grasp at Carrie’s hand.
The term took Carrie by surprise. She had only heard Venable use it as an intimidation tactic, to remind the other guests of Outpost Three that to her, they were little, they were insignificant. She never thought she would hear it used as a term of endearment.
Carrie took Venable’s larger, bloodied hand into her own. “I’m here, Ms. Venable.” She murmured.
The redhead’s breathing became more and more shallow until it eventually stopped. She had died right beside Carrie, who was weirdly glad that the redhead didn’t die alone. She hoped that maybe, for once in her life, Venable had felt like she finally had someone on her side.
It was odd, Carrie thought. She didn’t quite understand why she had followed Venable around Outpost Three like a lost puppy. She supposed that maybe it was just some deep rooted need to have an authority figure to order her around from her mother, and since she had lost Cordelia, she had no one. Venable was nothing like Cordelia, however. Venable was cold and bitter and lacked any of the kindness that had radiated off of Cordelia. She was intimidating and she knew it, using it to inflict fear in the guests at the Outpost. Cordelia had welcomed Carrie to the coven with open arms, even after she had killed everyone in her town the night of the Black Prom. Cordelia had made her feel safe while Venable had instilled a sort of fear in Carrie that she had not felt since living with her mother in Chamberlain.
Venable had originally questioned Carrie’s constant need to be around her at first, snapping annoyed comments at the girl, but after she insistently followed her around, allowed Carrie to stay and used her as an assistant to run errands for her while she worked.
There had been brief moments in their short time together where Carrie had seen the walls that Venable had built up start to crumble. She had noticed that when she looked at the redhead long enough, she saw Venable’s icy exterior start to crack, revealing a more human side to the tyrant. The fact that the woman had a heart in that chest of hers always took Carrie by surprise. After she had seen that flicker of humanity in Venable’s dark eyes, she had asked some of the other survivors why she was the way she was. Some suggested that she had always been that way, cold and evil, while others said that years and years of bullying due to her spine was what made her hard.
Carrie supposed that she and Venable weren’t that different. She decided to believe that Venable wasn’t always cruel, that she had turned that way from years of pain. She wondered if she would’ve turned out that way if Cordelia hadn’t found her in time.
She couldn’t control the tears that ran down her face as she continued to hold Venable’s now limp hand. Every person that Carrie seemed to care for died. Tommy, Cordelia, the witches of Cordelia’s coven, now Venable.  She wondered if Laurie and Doris were still alive and living in an Outpost somewhere on the East Coast. She hoped that they were still alive somewhere.
“Carrie?” A voice pulled Carrie away from the sight of Venable’s body in front of her. She looked over her shoulder, and shock hit her as she took in who was standing in the doorway.
Cordelia stood in the doorway, tears shining in her dark eyes. She looked tired, but she was alive. She was standing there, breathing, watching Carrie cry. The girl ran to her Supreme, wrapping her arms around her. Cordelia took her into her arms, holding her close. They were on the floor together now, just holding each in their arms. The scent of Cordelia’s floral perfume was intoxicating, and it choked Carrie, but she didn’t care. Cordelia had come back to her. She felt safe in her Supreme’s arms.
She could feel Cordelia shift under her. She panicked at the loss of contact, afraid that she was going to lose the Supreme again. However, the older witch tilted Carrie’s chin up so the girl was looking at her. Carrie could see the scars on her chest from where she had been attacked in her sleep. Carrie’s heart ached at the sight but focused her eyes on Cordelia’s face instead. Tears were running down the Supreme’s cheeks as she chuckled as Carrie smiled up at her.
“Hi sweetheart, I’m back.” She murmured.
Carrie sniffled. “You’re really back?”
The Supreme chuckled and nodded. She pulled Carrie back into her arms.
“I am,” she pressed a kiss onto the top of Carrie’s head.
“How sweet,” Langdon’s voice interrupted. Cordelia rose to her feet and moved Carrie so she was hidden behind her.
Langdon raised his hands. “I’m not here to ruin your little reunion,” he sneered. “I just wanted to say that you should thank me, since I was the one who brought your precious Supreme back.”
Cordelia grabbed Carrie’s hand and made her way out of Venable’s office. Carrie glanced over her shoulder one last time, seeing Venable’s body on the floor. She almost made Cordelia stop, go back, bring the other woman back from the dead, but she knew that Cordelia would tell her that Venable was on the side of the enemy, and that there was nothing they could do now. She forced her feet to move with Cordelia’s, focusing on the feeling of the Supreme’s hand in hers rather than the feeling of dread that made her heart ache. They made their way to the music room, where the other witches were waiting. Zoe noticed Carrie first, and the slender brunette rushed forward to take Carrie into her arms.
The scent of Zoe’s sweet floral perfume overloaded Carrie’s senses like Cordelia’s did, and it made her realize how much she had missed the older witch. Zoe had been kind to her from the start, and she was glad to have her first friend back.
Misty followed, sweeping Carrie into her strong arms. Carrie had missed Misty the most, other than Cordelia. The Cajun smiled down at her with a sloppy grin that was a mix of tears and joy.
“Hey kiddo, I’ve missed you!” She drawled.
Queenie and Coco gave her a friendly wave and Mallory smiled at her warmly. Madison nodded in acknowledgement but didn’t say anything. With them was an older witch that Carrie had never seen before. She was flamboyantly dressed and had a mane of frizzy, red hair that cascaded down her shoulders. She seemed familiar in a way that Carrie couldn’t quite place. She assumed that she had seen her in a picture somewhere.
“I brought your friends back so it would be a fair fight,” Langdon said with a smirk.
“Don’t acknowledge her,” Cordelia hissed, holding Carrie close to her.
Langdon rolled his eyes and began to pace the length of the room. Cordelia watched, her hands clenched at her sides. She was preparing herself for a fight.
“Why so tense, Cordelia?” Langdon asked.
Cordelia palmed the fabric of her skirt. “Just thinking of all of the ways I want to kill you.”
Langdon stopped pacing. He turned to Cordelia in surprise.
“You still think you can beat me?”
“You know what I’m capable of,” Cordelia said, pushing a sickly sweet smile onto her face. “And how willing I am to do whatever it takes to keep my girls safe.”
Langdon laughed humorlessly. He approached Cordelia until they were nearly nose to nose. Cordelia didn’t flinch as the Antichrist leaned close.
“Good luck.”
He pulled away and turned on his heel, leaving the group of witches alone. The sound of his shoes clicking on the hard floor of the Outpost seemed to mock the witches as they watched him disappear into the dark.
The witches devised a plan to stop Langdon, involving Mallory going back in time to kill him before he was powerful enough to cause the Apocalypse. Once the plan was set, Cordelia got Mallory situated in a tub of steaming water. Carrie watched Cordelia murmur Mallory’s instructions into the younger Supreme’s ear while Zoe and Misty set up black candles around them. Once the candles were lit, Cordelia leaned back on her heels and began the incantation. Carrie watched as the water turned black and Cordelia then thrusted Mallory’s head under the water. Cordelia then rose to her feet and made her way out of the music room, with Myrtle on her heels. Carrie was close behind, wanting to make sure she could help in their effort in any way possible. 
Cordelia now stood across from Langdon. The air around them was tense as Carrie stood beside Myrtle, anxiously awaiting what would happen. Cordelia summoned the knife from Langdon’s belt to her hand with her magic before plunging it into her chest, surprising Langdon with her sacrifice. Carrie and Myrtle screamed in unison. Carrie ran forward as Cordelia fell backwards, and everything went white.
Carrie woke up a moment later in her bedroom at Miss Robichaux’s Academy, not remembering a single thing about the Apocalypse. Mallory had done it. She had gone back in time and killed Michael before he could fully rise to power and cause the Apocalypse.
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