#yorkshire ripper
duchessofostergotlands · 11 months
Almost finished The Long Shadow about the Yorkshire Ripper murders. Really good. It does a great job of focusing on the women rather than the murderer and the appalling culture of misogyny running through every part of the police investigation
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thecrimecrypt · 2 years
Crimes That Shook Britain (Yorkshire)
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The Crossbow Cannibal Between June 2009 and May 2010, Stephen Griffiths murdered three sex workers in Bradford, West Yorkshire.
His final attack was captured on CCTV and led to his arrest. He shot his last victim - Suzanne Blamires - with a crossbow as she tried to escape his flat, before stabbing her in the head with a knife.
In custody, he boasted to officers of West Yorkshire Police, ‘I’ve killed loads,’ and also claimed to have eaten body parts of his victims. It’s thought his other known victims - Shelley Armitage and Susan Rushworth - also suffered this fate. Griffiths, who called himself the Crossbow Cannibal, was jailed for life and will die in prison.
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The Murder of Jo Cox Jo Cox, 41, was MP for Batley and Spen, West Yorkshire - the constituency where she was born - and was married with two small children, aged 5 and 3.
On 16 June 2016, she was killed outside the library where she was to hold a constituency meeting. She was shot in the head and chest with a sawn-off hunting rifle and stabbed 15 times. Jo’s killer Thomas Mair - a far-right extremist - was convicted of murder on 23 November 2016 and was given a whole-life term.
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The Yorkshire Ripper Known as the Yorkshire Ripper, serial killer Peter Sutcliffe, from Bingley, in Bradford, West Yorkshire, was serving 20 consecutive life sentences after he was found guilty of 13 murders and seven attempted murders in 1981.
Over five years, he attacked women across West Yorkshire and Manchester, picking victims he believed to be prostitutes, though not all were.
Once arrested, he attempted to plead guilty to manslaughter, claiming diminished responsibility and saying God told him to kill prostitutes. Sutcliffe served most of his sentence in Broadmoor Hospital, a high-security psychiatric facility, but was judged sane enough to be moved to HMP Frankland in 2016.
Sutcliffe died at University Hospital of North Durham aged 74 on 13 November 2020, having been sent there with COVID-19. He had a number of underlying health problems including, obesity and diabetes. He reportedly refused treatment.
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The Kidnapping of Shannon Matthews In February 2009, Karen Matthews, from Dewsbury, called the police when her daughter Shannon, 9, didn’t come home from school. What followed was the biggest investigation by West Yorkshire Police since the hunt for the Yorkshire Ripper.
Every newspaper in the country reported on the case, with one offering a £50,000 reward for information leading to Shannon’s safe return.
Three weeks after she’d gone missing, Shannon was found alive at a flat less than a mile from her home. The flat belonged to Michael Donovan - the uncle of Karen’s boyfriend - Donovan was arrested and, soon after, so was Karen Matthews.
In November 2008, both denied charges of kidnapping, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice. Leeds Crown Court heard Karen had engineered Shannon’s kidnap with Donovan to claim the reward. Shannon had been drugged, tethered, and hidden inside a divan bed during her captivity.
Matthews and Donovan were found guilty of all charges and jailed for eight years. Both have now served their sentences.
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The Fox Killings Arthur Hutchinson, also known as The Fox, was wanted by police for rape. Then, on 23 October 1983, he broke into the Sheffield home of Basil and April Laitner.
Also there were their children Richard, 26, and Nicola, 18. Hutchinson killed Richard, Basil, and April, then raped Nicola at knife point before fleeing. He’d already spent five years in prison for attempting to murder his brother-in-law.
After a 39-day manhunt, The Fox was captured and serving life. He will never be released.
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The Murder of Sharon Beshenivsky Sharon Beshenivsky had been an officer with West Yorkshire Police for nine months in November 2005. On the day she was killed, the mum of five and her colleague went to an emergency call at Bradford travel agency.
There, they were fired on by armed robbers and Sharon was fatally wounded, her colleague seriously injured. Three men were convicted of her murder and got life. Three others were also jailed in connection to the killing.
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anneliesengland · 3 days
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Old lady in the crowd looks so sweet
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fraugoethe · 27 days
Die Suche nach dem Yorkshire Ripper
Unser Buch der seltsamen Dinge von Jennie Godfrey Yorkshire, 1979. Miv und Sharon sind beste Freundinnen. Sie leben in Yorkshire, wo sich seit einiger Zeit ein Mörder herumtreibt. Als Mivs Vater andeutet, die Familie wolle in den sicheren Süden umziehen, muss Miv handeln. Sie beschließt, gemeinsam mit Sharon den Yorkshire Ripper zu überführen. Sie beobachten nun Menschen aus ihrem Umfeld, die…
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jenmedsbookreviews · 5 months
The List of Suspicious Things by Jennie Godfrey
Today I'm sharing my thoughts on The List of Suspicious Things by Jennie Godfrey, a book I expect to see on many top reads lists this year. @jennie.godfrey @penguinukbooks #books #bookreview #thelistofsuspisciousthings #bookstagram
Okay. I’ll admit it. I was sucked in by the hype. I’d seen The List of Suspicious Things by Jennie Godfrey over my feeds for weeks so decided to buy myself a copy. Intrigued by the glowing testimonies I’d seen (although I didn’t read any reviews in advance of reading), I decided to shift it up my reading list and am very glad I did. Here’s what it’s all about: Source: Owned CopyRelease Date: 15…
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useless-englandfacts · 6 months
- My grandmother, to Peter Sutcliffe (the Yorkshire Ripper), Circa 1972
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branmer · 2 years
again i must ask how anyone can watch/read/listen to any true crime media and still come away pro-cop, pro-prosecution
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alpha-mag-media · 1 year
How I exposed ‘serial killer expert’ who claimed to have met murderers Manson, Ted Bundy and Yorkshire Ripper as a fraud | In Trend Today
How I exposed ‘serial killer expert’ who claimed to have met murderers Manson, Ted Bundy and Yorkshire Ripper as a fraud Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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ur-mag · 1 year
How I exposed ‘serial killer expert’ who claimed to have met murderers Manson, Ted Bundy and Yorkshire Ripper as a fraud | In Trend Today
How I exposed ‘serial killer expert’ who claimed to have met murderers Manson, Ted Bundy and Yorkshire Ripper as a fraud Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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ly7k1nchan · 22 days
Stephen Griffiths
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(Request by @malibumalice )
Stephen Griffiths, also known as The Crossbow Cannibal and Ven Pariah as an online alias, committed 3 acts of murder, 1 attempted murder, and 1 hostage. He claims to have killed more than just 3, but that has yet to be proven over the past 15–14 years since the murders. Griffiths victims names: Susan Rushworth, Shelley Armitage, and Suzanne Blamires, all known as female prostitutes. He committed the murders in Bradford, United Kingdom.
Griffiths personality was misanthropic. In an interview, Griffiths would go on to say he was "misanthropic and didn't have much time for the human race." Griffiths was also a shy student who studied criminology and was an eccentric, self-styled demon and a misogynist. 
Griffiths would post on his myspace and say things like he was a self-proclaimed "misanthrope who brought hate into heaven." And would post photos of himself then saying things such as "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides." That would be quoting the Bible, Ezekiel 25:17, and would go on to post, "Humanity is not merely a biological condition; it is also a state of mind. On that basis, I am a pseudohuman being at best. A demon at worst."
I will say he was another case of a copycat killer. He looked up to the Yorkshire Ripper, which is not surprising since his murders were extremely similar to the Yorkshire Ripper's killings. Not to mention the Yorkshire Ripper was also committing murders in Bradford, United Kingdom. He also looked up to the Moors Murderers, the Acid Bath Murderer, and Jack the Ripper, but not as much as he did the Yorkshire Ripper.
He seemed to seek fame off of his murders, recording them and bringing attention to them. He clearly craved the attention of being known. I think he didn't want to be forgotten; he wanted to be known as a serial killer and also be looked up to by others who would go on to kill, but that's just my opinion. 
I will say I do not have much to go on for his case since I wasn't given a certain topic to focus on. It would be appreciated if you could request a topic for me to focus on as I write due to the fact that I like to do deep dives into the topics that people crave to know about more. I apologize for the late reply to the request; I really do. I am 14, and I find it hard to find free time to write, but please do note that I am trying my hardest.
It's 16:46 p.m. when I finish my writing, and I'm extremely disappointed in the lack of information. I am truly sorry if you want me to rewrite about Stephen Griffiths; please do tell. I'm going to fix up a few things and go ahead and post this.
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Are You Sure?! - Episode 2 Observations
10/10 ☆
I can't believe I've actually procrastinated so much that it's the evening before the third episode of AYS and I still haven't written a thing about the second! And it was also the one I liked best. But when I thought about it, what to pick from it, I found it difficult because almost all their activities and moments are worthy of discussion. But at the same time, I'm not really in the mood here to dissect everything. I've seen so many good posts in the last week that I feel like I don't have anything else to say that hasn't been analyzed from every angle.
I've also started to focus more on the crime shows (the Yorkshire Ripper is now playing on my tv) because I really need to channel my attention somewhere else for the next three weeks. Which also means I can't promise whatsoever that I'll be doing a more lengthy writing about the upcoming episodes. I'm not saying no completely, but from my position right now it's not looking that much fun, but I'll keep an open mind.
Right, let me just write about whatever comes to mind and apologies for this lazy attempt.
A friend asked about the favorite moments so far and I instantly thought of the second evening Jimin and Jungkook spent at that house. Actually, it started before during their trip to the store when they decided that pasta's on the menu that night. Jungkook losing focus because of twinkies, Jimin being just a tiny bit exasperated but also clearly used to all of that.
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He might have been wondering about, but that was when Jungkook became laser focused on cooking the most authentic carbonara for Jimin so he gets a gold star. No, actually let's say he gets 10 out of 10 Baby Star Candies for it.
Back at the house, it is among the few moments in the show in which the staff/camera people managed the "incredible" task of not showing up in the frame, but also making the presence of the camera somehow even more visible than in other situations because of this specific context. I'll explain. (I find the BH staff extremely incompetent from a skill perspective and I do admit that what I might choose to interpret as formal choices might as well be nothing. But I'm working with images here and what is ultimately presented).
During their stay at the house, there was this illusion created that they indeed might be alone there in the kitchen, cooking together and then having drinks. And despite knowing that they had go pros and cameras positioned around the house, there was a third element there. One that in some shots, it created this illusion of complete intimacy, as if there was this move from variety content in the form of reality tv style, to something that suddently almost looked like a film sequence. A couple and their routine.
It was also the part that made me feel like a voyeur for the first time, which is something that I've encountered before with Jikook. This time, it was due to a very particular shot and framing.
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We as an audience, are positioned intently to look at them through the window. We're allowed to take a peak at what's happening inside that kitchen. We are made to feel part of the environment when we see the shots from inside the house, from the cameras set up to catch multiple angles and the cameras used by jikook themselves. They are making their audience part of it.
But then, for a few seconds, we are pulled back, literally outside looking in. Is this just a way to have a diversity in the shots used at editing? Most likely. But editing always tells a story, whether there's intent or not. It can tell the story the editor/director wants, but it can also tell a story that the viewer ends up picking upon and analyze.
I see that shot as a reminder of my position as an outsider to their story. A reminder that by standing outside, looking in, we are missing so many things that are out of frame. A reminder that perhaps we should not act as the all-knowing fans, as if we have a crystal ball. Or more than that, to judge and micro-analyze every gesture and every word in order to deconstruct something, more often than not in order to dispute even the level of friendship/closeness.
We have always seen a relationship between these two people through mediated sources. That involve editing. That also involves omissions and white lies even in unedited livestreams. That situation should make us think more and to actually understand that there's an actual, more complex life shared there. We see glimpses of it, from gestures, tones, touches and they paint a particular picture, but that shouldn't turn into a way in which we have to look for more proof either in order to confirm suspicions or what has become more clear lately, proof to disprove everything there is to them.
And isn't that a waste of energy? When we could witness such a lovely evening that perhaps only cemented even more that caring for one another has so many forms. And that being vocal about the appreciation for another is so important to be verbalized. It shows people that they are loved (I think Jimin said it to Jungkook many years ago during a game they had when Jungkook had to prank Jimin by complimenting him. Jungkook now doesn't need excuses anymore).
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popstart · 7 months
Total drama g4 cast as dog breeds
Axel: Rottweiler
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Bowie: Bohemian Shepherd
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Caleb: Estrela Mountain Dog
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Chase: Nederlandse Kooikerhondje
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Damien: Gordon Setter
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Emma: Coton De Tulear
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Julia: Yorkshire Terrier
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Millie: Irish Water Spaniel
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Mk: Affenpinscher
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Nichelle: Field Spaniel
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Priya: Cairn terrier
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Raj: Portuguese Water Dog
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Wayne: Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
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Ripper: Cardigan Welsh Corgi
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Scary Girl: Russian Toy Terrier
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Zee: Segugio Italiano
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liver-f4ilure · 2 months
Recipes by Vivi: Sutcliffe Scones
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WELCOME! This one was requested by @malibumalice ! And it’s inspired by: The Yorkshire ripper (AKA. Peter Sutcliffe)
2 cups flour (I use all purpose)
2 1/2 TSP Baking Powder
1 1/4 TSP Cinnamon
1/2 TSP Salt
1/2 Cup FROZEN unsalted butter
1/2 Cup heavy cream
1 egg
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 TSP Vanilla Extract
1 cup of peeled and chopped up Granny Smith apple
1/2 cup salted caramel (I use store bought but homemade works too!)
1. In a large bowl mix the flour, cinnamon, salt and baking powder together. Using a grater, grate the frozen butter into the mixture and combine using two forks or your hands until it’s combined into crumbs. Put aside in the refrigerator.
2. In a small bowl whisk together the egg, brown sugar, heavy cream and vanilla until combined. Pour the wet mixture onto the crumbs and add in the apples. Mix that together until everything is well mixed.
3. Move the dough onto a floured counter and roll it into a dough. The doughs gonna be sticky if it’s too sticky you can add more flour and if it’s too dry add a little more heavy cream.
4. Press the dough ball into a disc (7inch roughly) and slice it like a pizza into how ever many scones you’d like. (I do 6) brush the slices with more heavy cream (if you’d like add course sugar. I add a lil more cinnamon)
5. Refrigerate the scones on a parchment paper lined baking sheet for 15 minutes and preheat your oven to 400°F
6. Make sure the scones are evenly spaced apart and bake 23-25 minutes. Let the scones cool before drizzling it with caramel
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ex-fucking-cuse me.
i know peter "the yorkshire ripper" sutcliffe was born on the 2nd but woah
im not a serial killer i swear guys
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wearingaberetinparis · 8 months
Seven Sentences
Thank you for tagging me @kay-elle-cee! I'm giving you seven sentences of my January Jily Challenge fic Down Comes The Night, which I might finish in February, seeing as January is ending too soon? (Aaaaah!) Down Comes The Night
As the Wizarding World grows ever darker, the threat of Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters looming, James Potter – Gryffindor at heart – and Lily Evans – Ravenclaw of mind – are appointed Head Boy and Girl.
A frown appeared on her forehead as she scanned the front page of the newspaper her father had left lying on the kitchen table: In light of the “Yorkshire Ripper” murders, police encourage women in the Manchester area to stay out of public spaces after dark. She pursed her lips at the realization that whichever world she found herself in these days, it appeared that death was a constant. Only that morning, had she read an opinion column in The Daily Prophet which had questioned whether Muggleborns should still be welcome at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry now that Death Eater attacks were growing ever more frequent and violent. “The question arises,” the Minister of Magic himself had been quoted, “whether the Wizarding World still has a place for those who were not born into magical families. The International Statute of Secrecy was once created to safeguard the wizarding community in 1692, yet one should consider if the safety of those that enter from outside it can still be guaranteed a near three centuries onwards.” It made her consider if she would ever belong. It made her wonder if she was perhaps doomed never to.
Tagging @mppmaraudergirl, @petalsinwoodvale, @practicecourts, @athenasparrow, @annabtg if you feel like it!
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workingclasshistory · 2 years
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On this day, 22 November 1980, Leeds Women Against Violence Against Women held a demonstration to protest police inaction around the Yorkshire Ripper murders and the proposed curfew for women. Around 500 protesters marched through Leeds where they blocked traffic, attempted to storm a TV and radio station, smashed windows at the university, fought police and journalists, and attacked a cinema which was showing a film involving Ripper-style killings of women. The women also argued that any curfew for women's safety should not be on women, but on men. * We only post highlights on here, for all our anniversaries follow us on Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@workingclasshistory https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/2141541619364310/?type=3
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