#yoshiko u poor gay child
athyrabunlord · 7 years
Yoshiko and Mari 50
“Why does anyone have to be naked?” [Prompt List]
A/N: I looked at the two chars and then at the prompt and laughed for a solid 10 seconds. Anyway, I tried to not make it crack. Tried.Words: 867italics = Mari’s Engrish
“So? How are you feeling?”
Yoshiko sprawls across the couch, which by the way has the softest cushions ever. It’s as if she’s sinking into marshmallow of utter goodness and, to think, she just had a bunch of actual marshmallow dipped in rich chocolate too! It must be a fallen angel’s instinctual attraction to such heavenly attributes.
No, Yohane, you must not be tempted, stay strong!
She tries to get up, but her body is still on strike and she flops back down onto the couch with a half-hearted sigh.
“You really live like this everyday, Mari?”
She peers up at the older girl, who grins down at her playfully. “Of course~ Well, I did tweak a teensy bit to make this the most fantastic experience ever but yes, this is a slice of my life!”
Yoshiko chuckles feebly, unable to comprehend just how wealthy her fellow Aqours member is. After the first ever visit to the amazing Hotel Ohara, Yoshiko had asked if she could come again. The enigmatic blonde happily set aside a Sunday so her ‘precious angelic kouhai’ could experience how she lives her life for one whole day.
So far, everything feels like something from the movies - a milk bath in the morning; a fancy breakfast buffet; a tour around the Hotel’s various 5-star facilities; an incredible spa treatment that almost made the fallen angel ascend to Nirvana; a quick trip to the Diving Shop to greet (read: harass) Kanan (which Yoshiko finds to be unnecessary) that ends with Kanan peeling Mari off of her chest; a mouthwatering lunch service at the penthouse with the perfect view of the sea; a phone call to chat with (read: harass) Dia (again Yoshiko finds this quite unnecessary) that ends abruptly with Dia shouting; and now, a luxurious afternoon tea in Mari’s own private suite.
Yoshiko feels so very spoiled.
“Okay, come on, let’s stick to the schedule~” Mari claps her hands and beckons for the younger girl to follow. “It’s time for a shower!”
“Huh?” Yoshiko says intelligently, having rolled off the couch and crawled a few paces before she manages to get up.
“I always take a shower in the afternoon~ Tada! I’ve even prepared the strawberry-scented lotion in case you don’t like my lemon one.” Mari spreads her arms wide at the sparkly-clean chamber that has various nozzles coming from different directions.
Yoshiko gapes behind the proud girl. Honestly, the whole place is overkill for something as simple as a shower. It looks like a combination of a (very, very fancy) car wash and full-body scan equipment (that has aesthetic decorations of course).
“You… really take a shower like this? Everyday?” Yoshiko has to rub her eyes to ensure she isn’t imagining things.
“Well, I use a different one but I’d come here whenever I feel like it!” Grinning, Mari turns to Yoshiko and begins to pull off the latter’s clothes.
“Yeeeek!!! What do you think you’re doing?!” Yoshiko hugs herself and hastily scrambles out of reach.
Mari tilts her head. “Undressing you duh?” She then proceeds to strip herself.
“Hey hey hey! Stop, stop it now!”
Mari gives her an exasperated look, as if she is the weird one. “What’s wrong? We’re taking a shower, aren’t we? Hurry up, take off your clothes already. Chop chop.”
“Why does anyone have to get naked?!”
Mari blinks. “You take a shower with your clothes on?”
“NO! But you, this-”
“Hmm, it’s kinda cold today… see my goosebumps?”
Yoshiko lets out a string of incoherent whatever, covering her eyes just as Mari takes a step towards her to show her arm, clad in only her undies.
“Stop! Halt! Stay where you are- eck, stop trying to pull off my dress- aaahhh you’re too close!”
With her hands occupied in wrestling for the control of her clothes, nothing blocks her gaze from wandering all over the older girl’s voluptuous body. Uh-huh, nice curves all around, smooth skin, and very endowed-
Screeching again, Yoshiko clenches her eyes shut and is distinctly aware of hot blood rushing to her face.
“Why are you so bothered by this?” Mari’s voice is sweet, and just a bit smug. “We’ve seen each other countless times in the changing room-”
“That was different! We change clothes, not strip naked!” Shit, she’s losing strength. Any minute, the dress would slip away from her grasp and Mari would easily pull it over her head…
“Well, we’re getting naked for a reason. Like I said, people don’t shower with their clothes on, do they?”
“I know that! But people don’t shower together either!”
“Why not? The more the merrier~”
“Argh, you’re impossible!”
“Seriously, what’s the big deal? What’s wrong with us simply taking a shower in our birthday suits?”
“Because I’m goddamn gay that’s why!!!”
With her ears boiling, Yoshiko shrieks out her bottled frustration at the abrasive blonde. Her words echo in the spacious chamber, and the ensuing silence unnerves her enough that she dares to open her eyes.
“What a coincidence,” Mari’s smile now has a sultry curve to it, her purring voice sending a rather pleasant tingle down Yoshiko’s spine. “So am I.”
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