#you are in another galaxy of coolness and uniqueness and those are strong qualities
feedingonthegoore · 2 years
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rogue-hammer · 4 years
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ELDAR PART 2: #5 EXODITES You know that army everyone says their going to do, and then you never see anyone doing it? You know that concept that seems kind of bizarre and niche, but is always kind of fun when you think about it? Lets cut the bull, do you know about the Exodites? Yeah you know the ones I mean. The Eldar who where smart enough from the get go to realize that shit was gonna hit that fan. And by hit we mean, the shit was a dirty nuclear bomb, and the fan was spinning at Mach 10, and no one within a 1 million light year radius of it was going to not get shit on them? The Eldar that if they had a proper army dex, would probably be Toughness 4, Strength 5 and could break an Aspect warrior over their knee? Well fear not, because the Chaos Druid is here to tell you how it may be possible to have these “Salt of the Earth” Style Eldar as a force. -First off, the lore. The Exodites as we all know, where those Eldar who, at the time before the fall realized what was going to happen, and after trying to tell the rest of their race that the liberal agenda was a bad idea, went fuck it and took off for the distant Eastern fringe of the galaxy. Abandoning much of what their race had achieved, these highly attuned seer like Eldar went and settled many a wild and dangerous world. You could say they where Mountain Men of their race. Minus the Buckskins. When establishing a concept for your army, it should be important to note these sorts of things, and mayhap research our own real world history, looking for those who left behind more advanced surroundings to wander the wilds and tame or become a part of their new surroundings. Besides, whats not to like when coming up with a how did your army tame mutha fuck’n dinosaurs for an army concept than to read about people who did much the same thing? 
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-How to represent it? This is the big hurdle to Exodites. GW never did give these backwoods space elves a codex of their own (sometimes I wonder if they where meant to be a mirror to wood elves from WHF) and so you have to be able to work a little bit of magic to bring them to the table. There are two ways of doing this: 1: Use a community created and tested Codex. This one is pretty simple. There are loads of communities on the net who enjoy making non-official but professional quality dexs that never existed, or that did and got left behind. This can be a good place to start if your unsure what exact kinds of units and characters you want to try and represent on the table. 2: Do a “Counts as army.” While this may seem a bit less interesting than going out in search of a quality fan made dex, believe it or not, counts as armies and models are some of the funnest challenges in the hobby. After all, who says you have to stick to one area? When it comes to a race as wide spread as the eldar, you can use all kinds of lists to represent your Exodites. From IA books, to the various inner factions and old codexes, you have a wealth of pre-made stats and rosters for your army, and it may even inspire you to create a Home Brew Dex of your own for use with friends and fellow Exodite fans, it can even be a group project!
-Modeling. Ah yes the next big hurdle in your quest to make this awesome idea come to life. But lucky for us, in this day and age of vast miniatures Renaissance, your never short on companies who produce all sorts of models for use in creating your own flavor of Exodites. Even the GW ranges can be put together via the various universes and factions to give rise to a unique and conversion heavy Exodite host. It’s these kind of armies that GW once upon a time used to really try and get their community interested in. Your own imagination is the only limit when making a fully converted army, and since everyone likes Dinosaurs, dragons, and laser guns, well, who isn;t going to have plenty of models ripe for bits fodder and base construction? 
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-So then next, whats your theme? After all, Exodites can be as various as their craftworld kin. They don’t all have to be from the same sort of planet, or even have the same sort of unit arrangement. Think first to yourself, what wild and possibly feral world has my army tamed and guards as their own? Are they Jungle style folk, Eldar survivalists of the deepest jungle worlds know to the galaxy who could give catachans are run for their money? Taming giant lizard like creatures and avian like Dinosaurs for use in war, while using mainly Stealth and Guerrilla style tactics against invaders, blending seamlessly into the Jungle foliage to strike while using the elements of their home world to wear down an enemy, Maybe they are a desert folk. Having traversed the sands of a barren wasteland planet in the style of Dune. (Dune….Eldar. Ok I may have to do this now) and have grown hardy and strong from the unforgiving conditions. Training and using burrowing and dangerous desert creatures such as serpentine lizards, Scorpion and draconic scalies of fire and ash to their use. Able to blend in and traverse the known ways of the sands to out maneuver and flank their foes foolish enough to come after them (and now I also want to watch Lawrence of Arabia). An alpine people would also not be a far stretch. After all we have seen plenty of Jungle Exodite concepts. So what about their Highlands dwelling kin? Eldar who live off the rock and timber of a giant temperate and sub arctic worlds. Strong of limb and able to survive the cold and wild temperaments of their chosen homes. Going into battle atop heavy plated and massive dino/prehistoric mammal like hybrids, battering their foes aside by ferocity and strength much like our own history���s hardy people of the mountains regions. Truly when creating an Exodite army, any hardy and primal like folk of our own world can serve as an excellent source for theme and character.
-And that leads us to story. Yet another thing that can have infinite possibilities based off your own imagination. Are your Exodites of the first migrations away from their Stellar Empire? The ancient and proud ones who fled the fall of their doomed race and have since held onto life and world for thousands upon thousands of years? Are you a young and newly aspiring tribe of Exodite travelers, having only just now in recent years and light of galactic events decided it best to leave the constraining confines of a Craftword and forge a new and hard destiny for yourself? Are you a sanctuary to Outcasts and those who have been forced or chosen to leave their homes in the Craftworld or even the Dark City. Do you dream of rising once again to dominance, or have you accepted the humble life of survivors and exiles. Are your Exodites proud warrior like people, given over to tribal customs of battle, honor and glory in combat? Or have you attempted to become a peaceful and conservative folk, only drawing a blade when pressed by outside forces. Do you count many of the ancient seers among your ranks, or do the physically strongest and most warlike lead you? Have you shunned all forms of technology or do you harbor much of your ancient relics and tech for use to give you an edge over your environment and enemies? Again, the sky is literally the limit with the number of ways you can forge your own unique brand of Exodites. That is, at the end of the day the fun of non-official, but canonical armies. #6 CORSAIRS Everyone’s thinking it I’m just say’n it. Pirates! Ah yes, corsairs. Eldar Corsairs no less. A throw back to the original concept of these ancient Space Elves from the Rogue Trader era, where the Eldar, much like Orks, and even Chaos were cast in a more “Raider, Pirate, Freebooter” light than as giant interstellar empires of their own. And if I may be frank, my favorite style of all Eldar. Corsairs are in a league of their own when it comes to lore and the table top. If Craftworld Eldar are the Boomer parents, and the Dark Eldar are the teen goth phase kids, while the Exodites are the redneck uncle you visit during summer vacation, then the corsairs are that cool older sibling who always seems to have a few rings in his ear, rocks out to old style metal music and owns some sort of sup’d up car you love riding in. Over the years the Corsairs have had many attempts at army lists and most have fallen by the way side with each passing edition. So what is a pirate to do? Break out your Space Rum and lets find out. 
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-Find your inner Outcast. This is the best place to start. Of all the Eldar sub factions, Corsairs are considered the Outcast. Too liberal minded and self serving for the Craftworlds, not into back stabbing, court intrigue and BDSM which counts the Dark Eldar out, and still too fucking full of themselves to go and play salt of the earth farmer with the Exodites. In all things the Corsair is the embodiment of the classic pirate trope. Those who live outside law and country. Content to ply the stars and do as they wish, when they wish, and save their own skin above all else. This type of “Sandbox” mindset can be used to create an eldar force with limitless background, style and character possibilities.
-What sort of pirate be ye? That’s your next question. Being Self sufficient and serving, Corsairs fit just about any niche you can think of when it comes to reaver like style. This also means they can be found just about anywhere, with just about anyone. Are your Corsairs a club for eldar only? Or have they allied to other even more unscrupulous characters? Corsairs can be found raiding alongside the likes of Rogue Traders, other alien species, and even among chaos warbands and Ork freebootas! And the reasons are just as varied. Are your pirates proud Corsair Princes/Princess’, plying the stars on an ambitious mission of their own? Are they fallen from grace renegades who have or will fall in with any dirty crowd? Are they the ruler of a pirate kingdom all their own, or do they sail the stars in a single infamous vessel like pirate stories of old, ravaging and stealing as they desire? Are they survivors of a larger group of CW Eldar, hiding amongst Exodites and teaching them the old ways of your people while trying to accumulate enough power and followers to rebuild what was lost? The options are almost limitless when forging a narrative for your Corsair warband.
-What is your goal? In the end, many a Corsair is an individualistic character. Shunning the Narrow dogmatic path of the Craftworlds, and refusing to become a corrupted sadist like the Drukari, they live a life of self fulfillment and ambition. So what motivates your band of pirates? Do they seek a sporting challenge as arrogant reavers of the stars? Are they after the ancient glory of their Race’s past when they ruled over the galaxy? Maybe perhaps they are altruistic, and ally themselves with whoever they foresee being a benefit to the galactic order of things. Fame and fortune? Women and wine? A warrior code dedicated to Khaine, or another esoteric group of reavers worshiping the many faded or forgotten gods of the past? Nefarious allegiance to chaos, or maybe a darker order of things. Maybe perhaps just indulging your own hedonistic desires without care to share them with others. Again, a corsair can have many a goal, which makes for all sorts of unique concepts regarding your army.
-Models models models. Ah yes, models, and what to use for your physical army on the table? Fortunately we live in a time where not only is there quite an expansive range of Eldar style models, both official and third party, but there are other factions with models that can be used to further augment your Corsair warband. The options are many. Maybe you use a combination of CW and Dark eldar models to achieve a rough reaver/noble look.  You can also dip into the Human side of models, utilizing Necromunda and RT faction models to give your eldar a much more grounded and space faring/gang like look. Even fantasy Elven ranges can be used to boost a more primal look to your Eldar, or perhaps Out of the way factions like Mechanicus and Warcry warbands can be augmented with Eldar models to produce some very unique Tech mash ups or tribal like appearances. Not to mention older far more grim looking GW models from Ebay can be used to add a spice of old to your model ranges. However you choose to do it, make sure your models are cut apart from straight up CW or Dark Eldar style figures. After all, your above that kind of crap. 
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-Now we come to the final question, how do we play this army? As I mentioned before, there are older Corsair lists under official publishing one can use, as well as no doubt a bevy of fan made content. Like the Exodites, the Corsairs can easily be used as a counts as force, with even more options as you can pull from a number of different books in order to create homebrew allies and piratical alliances with your army. Once you have down how to create a list, its time to ask, how will yours be a unique pirate band? The cornerstone of any crew of pirates is Speed. After all, no need to hang around and risk your own neck am I right? This luckily is the Eldar’s forte, and can be done in numerous ways without too much overlap. On one hand, taking advantage of Eldar Air power is an awesome idea for Corsairs. Not only have they used in pass incarnations many of the powerful aircraft of the Eldar race, including the feared Void Dragon, other smaller editions have been made of time such as the handy Wasp, and fast moving Jump pack corsairs. Building off this concept, corsairs can utilise the various armies of the Eldar to kick into high gear. Between the DE and CW books, there is a wealth of fast moving raider vessels, teleporting and deep striking units, as well as high initiative and deadly close combat infantry. Depending on your list and homebrew rules, you may even have options to add other races in for flavor, such as Ork Meatshields…..I mean Ork allies that are very useful and cared about. Human RTs that can use various codex designs to function as an extra bulwark of strength and toughness and even Chaos elements if your feeling like you need the warp on your side. Maybe your corsairs favor Jetbike and light attack craft tactics and are made up almost completely of such units, along with jump infantry to help support your already fearsome maneuverability. There’s even ways to create an Eldar Corsair force that deploys almost exclusively from Deepstrike, entering the table at any point, ready to strike the enemy’s weak spot or run circles around their more cumbersome units. Always remember the enemy can;t hit back if they never see you coming, or are too slow to catch you!
It can be said, if the Exodites are a Modeling enthusiast’s dream, then the Corsairs are Narrative army creator’s playground. Enjoy Pillaging the stars fellow pirates! I can only hope this lengthy entry has given some of you new perspective or even just revivied old ideas on how to create and Eldar army of unique or simply enjoyable design. Sometimes I do feel as if Eldar are bottlenecked into repetative lists and story styles that leave little to customize, and rarely seem to fire the imagination. So really, these Pointy Eared ones arn’t just simple ELVES IN SPACE. There is little limit to what one can make of so many different aspects of this once great and powerful race.
As Always, Happy Hobbying!
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ehyeh-joshua · 5 years
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Apart from demonstrating why I have no pictures for the various races in Far Earth, my drawing capabilities are terrible, what these are meant to represent are some of the races.
The first is a Nemosian; notably, a young adult, given it is still bipedal, as they grow they have to drop to quadrupedal motion. Obviously, it’s a dragon, but they are also the most technologically advanced race, very far into “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” type potential. All the crazy sci-fi stuff - Dyson Spheres, Ringworlds, artificial planets, craft-worlds, going fast enough to traverse between galaxies, constructing stable artificial elements, artificial wormholes, all those elements that cross fanatasy with sci-fi - they get to do. And why not? Give the sentient dragons the space-tech; if “magical” super-powerful Dragons are great, then “magical” super-powerful Dragons in Space is even better.
Next to it is the Compharian, the smallest organic sentient/sapient race in Far Earth, and my own personal favourite. (it was easier to fit it in the space below) They are an artificially designed species, designed by the Precursors (Nemosian heretics, basically) as slavelings, but ultimately were freed to choose their own path. (one of the core principles in Far Earth is Mewtwo’s quote; "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." The Compharians are by no means the only example, but they are the main exploration of free will, to choose to be more than what they were created to be)
Next to that is a Terminator. Well, to be more accurate, it is a thought-for-thought translation rather than a name. Sentient/sapient weapon-systems built by the Nemosians to fight the Precursors in the first (of three) galaxy-wide wars, but unlike the Nemosians who were believed to be all destroyed, some Terminators survived, and they tried to carry on the will, and instructions to, their creators; “guide the younger races”. Insurrection, a Terminator, is pretty much the closest to a protagonist the Far Earth series as a whole has.
Then a Human, which all the others are scaled relative to. Humans don’t really feature much in Far Earth - in the Legends Era (set on Pre-Flood Earth) they are the Elves of the setting, of both High and Dark varieties (High Humans worshipping God, Dark Humans worshipping satan/the Precursors, who create the Nephilim by genetic engineering of Dark Humans ultimately leading to the Flood) while in later eras, they are involved for Fallen Star even if that book is mainly about Insurrection’s time on mid-late 20th century Earth, and they are involved briefly in the Modern-Era from 2055 to 2239, at which time all Humans are recalled back to Earth by Messengers because for complicated mathematical reasons I don’t have time to go into, 2239 is the year Jesus returns to set up the Messianic Kingdom. A few Off-Worlders do stay in the wider galaxy, but only very few; by 2431, the end of Terminorum III, which is the last novel chronologically, there is only one human left outside Earth; a Scot called Duncan, who is Insurrection’s chief engineer. Effectively, the Human situation is we go to the stars, and we find the galaxy is already very developed; nearly all the good planets got colonised hundreds of years ago, so we make do with what we can get. It isn’t a grim-dark future, but it also isn’t an easy one.
Then, the Lycanryth, which is fairly obviously a Werewolf-shaped thing. (and definitely not a werewolf; that implies transformation, whereas the Lycanryth are their own thing) Although, now that I am looking it up, apparently traditionally Lycans are not quite the same thing as werewolves... To go alongside them, but are not depicted here, there’s also the Estwari, which is the same sort of thing - bipedal, human -sized - but for cats instead of dogs, and the Cygnar, which are the same principle but for Penguins. (the link between them is the TY toys, which me and my brother played games with, and those are the source material, even if I am revising it a lot now)
Next is a SAAR unit (Situationally Autonomous Adaptive Research) in a tripodal configuration. Take the logical conclusion of the Exocomp from Star Trek TNG “The Quality Of Life” and add several centuries of independent development. I find them one of the more interesting concepts to write - every SAAR unit is unique, as they adapt themselves to suit the situations they face, a bit like a Swiss-Army Knife but sentient, with the ability to form wireless networks, known as a matrix to each other. Like telepathy. On their homeworld, they share “the” Matrix, where all SAAR are connected. With the SAAR, the main theme is exploring what is the boundary between synthetic life and biological life, and because unlike Terminators they can die naturally, what happens to them after death? Another area of curiosity they have is the SAAR have integrated into themselves the behaviour of marrying “male” and “female” units, in what is probably the only viable usage of designer babies and genuinely artificial gender roles. (as the two SAAR units design their “children” before the “female” builds them) They make fascinating thinking material, and the best part is they are the only evolved lifeform in Far Earth; the Terminators and Compharians, the other artificially created races, were both designed at their present existence, and all the other younger races were created on Day 6 on Earth, then sent out with the Nemosians (created on Day 5; they are Tannim after all)  to their respective worlds.
After that is one of the most original races, the Ralitian, specifically the female - what the SAAR and Ralitians have in common is they are both kind of twists on the standard. Apart from these two, all the races capable of reproduction (the Terminators can’t, they have to be built) rely on male and female marriage relationships, with varying importance on the role of community in child development. The Ralitians however, have reproduction still being based on male/female interaction, but it is entirely separate from relationships; females only meet males to have the eggs fertilised, then the tadpoles leave the mother’s body and the mother goes back to her duties, while the tadpoles mature into the orange humanoid/pterosaur adult females, or, extremely rarely, once in a generation rare, the immense and extremely well guarded males, who barely number 1 per planet in the Khanumate.
Next is the Meko’Nass - imagine a giant sloth,with very, very thick hair to support living on a planet slightly warmer than Hoth, with very strong views in support of Egalitarianism and Democracy. (as working together made them able to build their civilisation in the endless ice and equatorial tundra that defines their world)
After that the Autanden. Minotaur-based in appearance, with some of the strongest scientific capabilities of the younger races; developers of the original state of the SAAR Matrix (the unit depicted above is a member of the fourth iteration) and developers of the younger race’s faster than light technology, but ecological collapse of their world forced them to abandon the fledgling pre-sentient/sapient SAAR to the tests they had set up to try to stave off collapse, and when those efforts failed, the Autanden turned on themselves in a planet wide civil war fighting over what little remained.
Finally, is the only ocean planet-dwelling sentient/sapient in Far Earth. Great white shark with the arms and legs of a therapod. (rule of cool more than anything else; at least there is justifiable reasoning to make the Nemosians) When I played SPORE - I stopped because EA’s terms of use say they control the IP of whatever you make, and while that has no chance of standing up in a court of law, good luck going against EA’s lawyers - I had the idea for a land-shark, and the Charcharans are what that grew into.
I have got another twenty races defined to some extent, but ten is enough for a teaser.
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
30 Best Tech Gifts For Electronics Lovers
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/30-best-tech-gifts-for-electronics-lovers/
30 Best Tech Gifts For Electronics Lovers
30 Best Tech Gifts For Electronics Lovers Harini Natarajan Hyderabd040-395603080 November 25, 2019
Technology is ever-changing. And when it comes to buying gifts for the tech lovers in your life, you are spoilt for choice. How do you select the best one? Fortunately, it is no longer a daunting task. Whether you are looking for tech gifts or want to gift something unique to your loved ones, we have researched and compiled a list of the best tech gifts that are on everyone’s wishlist. This list includes everything from low tech add-ons to the latest in technology. Scroll down to get started!
30 Best Tech Gifts
1. TP-Link Deco Whole Home Mesh Wi-Fi System
TP-Link Deco M5 system provides seamless Wi-Fi connectivity through a single network. Say goodbye to multiple networks and passwords of Wi-Fi extenders. Your personal information and the device are protected by an antivirus powered by Trend Micro. The antivirus provides real-time threat control, parental control, and active content filtering. The soft white color and sleek look of the unit complements your room wisely. This gadget comes with two years warranty and free technical support.
Key Features
Covers house area up to 5500 sq.ft.
Connects 100+ devices
Prioritizes devices automatically for faster streaming
Fits houses of any size and shape
Easy setup
Comprehensive Antivirus by Trend Micro
Easy management
Works with Alexa
Buy here!
2. iFox iF012 Bluetooth Shower Speaker
For all those music lovers who can’t stop listening to their favorite music even under the shower, iFox iF012 Bluetooth Shower Speaker is an ideal gift. It is small, waterproof, versatile, and produces great sound anywhere you take it. Its battery lasts up to 10 hours after full-on continuous use and can be recharged with 3 hours. The Bluetooth range is up to 30 feet and connects to the Bluetooth device in a fraction of seconds. This small portable gadget is lightweight and easy to carry.
Key Features
Built to last
Easy connect with your devices
Fully submersible
Strong suction cup for a firm hold on any surface
Long battery life of up to 10 hours
100% money-back guarantee for 1 year
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3. Yootech Wireless Charger
If you have misplaced or broken your original wireless charger, the Yootech Wireless Charger is a suitable replacement for charging your smartphone. It is compatible with most of the latest iPhone and Samsung Galaxy models and provides the option of charging at three different modes. This gadget provides gush protection, an intelligent temperature control cooler, and prevents short circuits. Make sure that the charger’s back is not attached to any coin, iron, or metal while charging the phone.
Key Features
Smartphone case friendly
Qi Certified – safe for charging
Compatible with iPhone 8 Plus and above and Samsung Note 10 and above
3 charging modes of 5W, 7.5W, and 10W
Protection from surge, temperature rise, and short circuit
Sleep-friendly charging ensures no lighting while your phone is being charged
18 months money-back or replacement warranty
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4. Apple Airpods with Charging Case
Apple airpods need no introduction. These are small, lightweight, attractive, and easy to connect wireless headphones for your Apple products.  The charging case provides faster charging while the pods are in the case. The pods give you high-quality voice and audio. You can talk uninterruptedly using multiple charges from the charging case.
Key Features
Connects automatically
Switches on automatically
Easy setup for all Apple devices
Quick Siri access
Double-tap to skip forward or play
Faster wireless connection
Quick charging in the case
Rich and high-quality sound
Switches seamlessly between devices
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5. COWIN E7 Active Noise Cancelling Headphones
COWIN E7 Active Noise Cancelling Bluetooth Headphones are ideal for music lovers who enjoy music on the go with freedom.  It mutes the surrounding noise and gives a rich quality deep bass sound to make sure your music stays pure. This device works for 30 hours with one time full charge. This durable, high-quality device gives you 18 months warranty with 24×7 customer service.
Key Features
Active noise-canceling technology
Supersoft protein earpads
Bluetooth and NFC connectivity
Long playtime of 30 hours
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6. iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit
iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit is ideal for fixing your computer and smartphones at home. The kit includes carefully chosen tools to pick and fix tiny parts of smartphones and the bigger ones of a computer. This tool kit includes a magnetic pad, a metal spudger, 64-bit driver kit, a tool roll, jimmy, an anti-static wrist strap, a halberd spudger, small suction cups, a spudger, 3x iFixit opening tool, a blunt ESD tweezer, iFixit opening picks x6, angles ESD tweezer, and a nylon twist reversed tweezer.
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Highest quality materials and methods in designing and manufacturing of all tools.
Includes a 64-bit driver kit
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7. Edifier R1280T Powered Bookshelf Speakers
The R1280T bookshelf speakers offer uncompromising sound quality and are affordable and versatile. They have a retro look with a modern sense of audio quality. The classic wooden finish complements your house décor perfectly. The volume, bass, and treble control panel is located at the side of the main speakers.
Key Features
Delivers robust, rich bass notes
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8. Philips Sonicare Essence Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush
Bored of using a normal toothbrush? Introducing the Philips Sonicare Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush. This toothbrush features patented sonic technology with soft contoured bristles and an angled neck to gently remove plaque even in hard-to-reach areas. The brushing time recommended for the sonic toothbrush is for two minutes.
Key Features
Removes up to two times more plaque than a manual toothbrush
Sonic technology cleans with up to 31,000 brush strokes per minute
Angled neck and contoured bristles for comfortable brushing
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Remains charged for up to two weeks
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9. FOCUSPOWER F10 Mini Bluetooth Earbud
FOCUSPOWER F10 Mini Bluetooth Earbud is an ergonomically designed gadget that fits into your ears properly. It is compatible with iPhone and Android devices and comes along with S/M/L ear tips. It comes with 18 months warranty and has a battery life of 3.5 hours.
Key features
Stays in your ear securely
Fits in both the ears
Feels light and natural
Connects via Bluetooth
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10. VANKYO LEISURE 3 Mini Projector
VANKYO LEISURE 3 Mini Projector is small and lightweight and provides a high-resolution picture. You can enjoy different display sizes, varying from 32” to 170”. It is versatile in terms of connectivity. Simply connect using TV sticks, VGA, HDMI, USB, and AV as well. It is the ideal companion for you and your family for home entertainment.
Key Features
60% brighter than other projectors
High resolution picture (1920×1080)
Ideal for watching TV series, playing videos, and photo sharing
Easily connect with your PS4, PS3, Xbox and Smartphones
Minimum fan noise due to innovative cooling technology
Screen size from 32” to 170”
Project from 4.9 ft to 16.4 ft away
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11. BAGSMART Electronic Organizer
BAGSMART Electronic Organizer is ideal for your friends and family members who love to travel. This heavy-duty, water repellent, and durable case will protect your electronic accessories like chargers, cables, phones, SD cards, and USB from dust, scratches, and accidental drops. No more worries about your entangled headphones or charger cables.
Key Features
Easily fits into any handbag or backpack
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12. Polaroid ZIP Wireless Mobile Photo Mini Printer
Polaroid ZIP Wireless Mini Printer is easy and quick. Just connect your smartphone or tab through Wi-Fi and see your selfies, social media photos, and portraits transform into the physical form instantly. No need to worry about depleting ink, cartridges, toners, and ribbons! The sticky peel paper prints are colorful, lifelike, bold, water-resistant, smudge-proof, and tear-resistant and dry quickly, so you can touch them instantly.
Key Features
Transforms a digital image to print instantly
Stunning vibrant colors
Built to last prints
Free app for iPhones and Android phones
Easy photo editing through app – No computer required
Easy to carry for travel, adventure outings, or DIY projects
Buy here!
13. OontZ Angle 3 (3rd Gen) Bluetooth Portable Speaker
The shopping wishlist of music lovers never ends because the love for music is endless. Here comes another portable and versatile speaker that can be connected wirelessly with Bluetooth compatible devices. OontZ Angle 3 is the best speaker for those who love to carry their music with them everywhere. It is small but gives loud and crystal clear sound with rich bass.
Key Features
100 ft wireless range
Unique design
High-quality clear sound
Surprisingly loud for indoors and outdoors
Compatible with your laptops, computers, tablets, iPhones, Android phones, and Echo dot
Splashproof and showerproof
Long battery life of up to 14 hrs
Buy here!
14. Revlon 1875W Compact & Lightweight Hair Dryer
Revlon 1875W is compact, lightweight, and quickly dries and styles your hair. It comes with two speed and heat settings to suit your hair styling needs. It features a removable cap to ensure easy maintenance and cleaning. The cool shot setting blows cold air instantly to set your hairstyle. It also comes with a hanging ring that aids easy storage and anti-slip bumpers to ensure a firm grip.
Key Features
Lightweight and compact
Perfect for travel
2 settings for heat and speed
Cool Shot button to set the look instantly
Available in 3 colors
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15. Oculus Quest All-in-one VR Gaming Headset
Oculus Quest All-in-one VR Gaming Headset is simple to set up with the Oculus Smartphone app. This headset comes equipped with next-level original games like Vader Immortal. Its touch controllers recreate your hands and their gestures. Just play while sitting or standing in big as well as small spaces.
Key Features
Comes with original Vader Immortal game
Easy setup thanks to Oculus mobile app
Insight tracking reflects movements in virtual reality
Oculus Touch Controller recreates your gestures to experience each game in real
Adapts as per your environment
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16. Lintelek Fitness Tracker
This gadget is the perfect gift for fitness freaks. Lintelek fitness tracker monitors your sleep and heart rate. It tracks the distance, steps, and calories accurately. The inbuilt “veryfitpro” app gives social media, text, and incoming call notifications. It is lightweight and fits snugly onto your wrist. The 0.86 inch screen, long battery life, and cable-free charging are additional features.
Key Features:
Slim design
Sleep and heart rate monitor
Steps and calorie counter
Perfect for kids, women, and men
Buy here!
17. iClever Bluetooth Keyboard
iClever Bluetooth keyboard is foldable, connects wirelessly, and can be carried in your pocket. It features an aluminum alloy carrying pouch and is the perfect attachment for laptops and smartphones. This keyboard is convenient to carry anywhere as it is foldable and lightweight. It comes with a built-in Bluetooth module that connects to a device up to 10 meters. It comes with a rechargeable lithium battery with sleep mode and auto power-off function.
Key Features
Wireless, durable, and lightweight
Inbuilt Bluetooth
Durable aluminum alloy texture
Tri foldable
Connects any device
Reliable and user-friendly
Buy here!
18. Ember Temperature Control Smart Mug
If you are a coffee lover and could not have that coffee in time, the Ember Smart Mug is here to your rescue. It has a temperature control feature that maintains the temperature of 10 ounces of any hot drink for up to 1 hour. The temperature can be controlled through your smartphone via an app.  It is easily washable, waterproof, and fully submersible.
Key Features
Temperature range from 120°F – 145°F
Temperature control with your smartphone
Capacity of 414 ml (US only) or 295 ml
Single charge gives 1 hr of battery life
Safe to wash, waterproof, and fully submersible
1-year warranty
Buy here!
19. Gosund Mini Wifi Outlet
Gosund Mini Wifi Outlet is a smart plug that works with Google Home, Alexa, and IFTTT. It does not require any network hub. It gives you the flexibility to control your home electronics remotely through your smartphone (Android 4.4 and above and iOS 8 and above). You can set timers for your appliances on/off and even share them with your family members. Installation through app is a child’s play and does not require any expertise.
Key Features
Compatible with Google Assistant, Alexa, and IFTTT
Control your home appliances from anywhere in the world
Easier and smarter life through timer for every appliance
Reduces electricity bill
ETL certified
12 months limited warranty
Buy here!
20. ICEWATER 3-in-1 Smart Stainless Steel Water Bottle
This stainless steel bottle will glow to remind you to drink every hour. Additionally, you can enjoy music with its Bluetooth speaker and create a party ambiance with its dancing lights. The stainless steel body ensures no harmful effects, unlike plastic bottles. Hot and cold water can be stored for long hours – up to 12 and 24 hours, respectively.  This is a nice and handy birthday gift for your best friends, co-workers, and parents.
Key Features
Glows hourly to remind you to drink
Vacuum insulated double-wall stainless steel body
100 % BPA free
Stores hot water for 12 hours/ cold water for 24 hours
Water-resistant Bluetooth speaker
Buy here!
21. Bose Frames – Audio Sunglasses With Open Ear Headphones
All you fashion freaks and music lovers, here is the perfect gadget for you. This is a multipurpose device fulfilling the requirement of style, music, and phone. These audio glasses come with built-in Bose speakers. They provide alluring sound while others near you can hear nothing. The glasses come with an integrated microphone and also feature round lenses that block up to 99 percent of UV rays.
Key Features
Protects with UV rays
Built-in Bose speakers
Perfect fit with multiple color choice
Immersive sound
Connects your phone via Bluetooth
Buy here!
22. Esky Wireless RF Item Locator
Esky wireless item locator helps you find your lost items, including keys, remotes, pets, etc. It comes with one transmitter and four receivers. Simply attach the receivers to any product and press the color-coded button on the remote to locate your lost items. The beep sound will lead you to the lost item. The remote is well equipped for night visibility.  The wireless connection is strong enough to penetrate through walls, and it also locates your lost items up to 30 meters.
Key Features
Pets and other items can be tracked easily
Locate up to four items at one time
Provides 30 meters coverage area
Frequency penetrates the wall and thick items
Buy here!
23. LiangCuber Giiker I3S 3×3 Super Smart Speed Cube
This is a Rubik’s cube with a twist. The Giiker speed cube is a puzzle with a sync application. It is an ideal gift for time solvers who love challenging the world while learning. It comes with a tutorial to help beginners and masters. An app connects the cube with your smartphone.
Key Features
Bright color and easy grip
Great fun for all age groups
Built-in tutorial
Connects to your mobile app
Buy here!
24. Fizzics FZ403 DraftPour Beer Dispenser
Fizzics FZ403 DraftPour Beer Dispenser is made for beer lovers. It converts any bottle or can beer into nitro-styled draft beer. The newest model, FZ403, is patented technology from Fizzics. It includes features like Micro Foam technology and USB power and accommodates all cans and bottle sizes and pours 25% faster than earlier models. The Micro Foam technology facilitates uniform-sized bubbles and enhances the taste and aroma of the beer.
Key Features
Enhances the taste of any bottle or can beer
Accommodates all sizes of cans and bottles
Converts any type of beer to a more aromatic and flavored beer
Long-lasting construction that is easy to clean and look new for
Easily powered through USB, wall adapter, or 2 AA batteries
Buy here!
25. TORCHSTAR Plant Grow LED Light Kit
TORCHSTAR Plant Grow LED Light Kit is an ideal gift for nature lovers. The kit comes with a timer function and works on 24 V. It is ideal for indoor harvesting and plant enthusiasts. You can grow any plant like sweetgrass, leafy vegetables, succulents, and mint. The soothing light makes the presence of the plant more pronounced and enhances the decoration of your room.
Key Features
Flexibility to grow any kind of plant
Stylish decoration for your office or room
Smart Timer lets light on for 16 hours and off for 8 hours
Saves electricity
Grows plants naturally
Convenient to install
Buy here!
26. Dyson Air Multiplier AM06 Table Fan
Dyson Air Multiplier AM06 Table Fan employs a patented Air Multiplier Technology that creates a chilling stream of airflow without spinning blades. This fan is safe for pets and children. The Dyson fan is powerful and features a sleep timer that can program the fan to switch off after intervals of 15 minutes to 9 hours. The airflow can be set to any of the 10 preset settings.
Key Features
Patented technology
Safe for pets and children
Quiet yet powerful
Easy to clean
Sleep timer
Ergonomically designed remote control
Choice of 10 preset settings
Buy here!
27. Food Scale
Eating the right foods is important to achieve your health goals. Whether you are looking to lose weight or gain muscles, the nutritional information provided by the Greater Goods Nourish Digital Kitchen Scale will help you cook meals that supplement your progress. The precision sensors ensure accurate nutritional information. The scale is loaded with nutritional facts of 2000 foods, and you can custom add more if required. This is durable and easy to clean.
Key Features
Accurate to 0.1 oz/1 g
Pre-fed nutritional data for up to 2000 foods
Hygienic touch panel and easy to maintain
Durable tempered glass top
2 years warranty
Buy here!
28. OliveTech Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser Humidifier
OliveTech Aromatherapy Diffuser is a 7-in-1 gadget.  It works as a humidifier or diffuser with a capacity of 1.5 liters. It has seven color-changing features with 360-degree nozzle rotation. It is an automatic shutdown quiet machine with an ultrasonic cold mist diffuser.
Key Features
Perfect for medium-sized offices, bedrooms, and bathrooms
Relieves stress
7 color-changing LED lights
Works quietly
Cover unwanted smells
Buy here!
29. HUGOAI Dimmable Bedside Lamp
HUGOAI dimmable smart table lamp is a must-buy for every house. It makes light adjustments variable from 3% to 100% for different moods and needs. This techie gift can be connected to your home Wi-Fi and controlled from your iOS or Android phone. It also works with Google Home and Alexa. You can choose from 16 million colors to create your own room ambiance.
Key Features
Vibrant colors and shades of white
Smartly control using your Wi-Fi, Alexa, Google Home
Versatile lighting from 3% to 100%
100% safe
Flicker-free LED light
Buy here!
30. Olafus Outdoor Bluetooth Speakers
These speakers have 25 W output power and offer synchronized lighting with your music. Each pack comes with two speakers that become the left and right channels when paired. Both the speakers are controlled through a single Bluetooth connection and can also be connected through a 3.5mm aux cable. It transforms into a decorative garden lantern with 8 color-changing LED lights and 5 timer settings.
Key Features
Wireless or wired speakers
10 hours of continuous seamless music
8 color-changing LED lights
Bluetooth connectivity
Buy here!
That was our round-up of the 30 best tech gifts. Whether you are shopping for a gadget freak or a technophobe, there’s something for everyone on this list. Take your pick and watch your loved ones’ faces light up. Happy shopping!
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Harini Natarajan
Harini has over 12 years of experience in content writing and editing for online media. She specializes in the areas of business, health and wellness, and lifestyle and is proficient in Medical Sciences (Biology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, and Biochemistry). As the Chief Editor, Harini ensures that her team delivers interesting, engaging, and authentic content. Her background in Biomedical Engineering helps her decode and interpret the finer nuances of scientific research for her team. Harini is a certified bibliophile and a closet poet. She also loves dancing and traveling to offbeat destinations.
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/best-tech-gifts/
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rustybntly563 · 6 years
Huawei P20 Pro review
The Good The Huawei P20 Pro’s three cameras snap astounding shots in low light. Its coolest shading will knock some people’s socks off.
The Bad It needs remote charging, and there’s no earphone jack or expandable stockpiling. The auto camera settings don’t generally deliver the best outcomes.
The Bottom Line The Huawei P20 Pro’s weighty low-light mode and staggering sundown shading plan make it a genuine contender to Galaxy, iPhone and Pixel telephones. Tragically, you can’t get it in the US.
The Huawei Honor 10 is a quick Android telephone with an indent. Look at our audit.
I like things that emerge. It’s the reason I’ve generally been a fanatic of giraffes on an open plain and dependably in a general sense doubted those creepy crawlies that mask themselves as dead clears out.
It’s additionally why I like Huawei’s new best end telephone, the P20 Pro. It emerges for two reasons: its eminently odd glowing pink and blue “sundown” shading (you can likewise get it in pink gold, strong blue or dark), and the way that it has a sum of three cameras on the back.
Those focal points consolidate to take eminent open air shots in the daytime, however during the evening they take the best low-light pictures I’ve ever observed from a telephone, particularly when you’re utilizing Night Mode. (That is after I expel Huawei’s auto-enhancement programming, which can oversaturate shots.)
Huawei P20 and P20 Pro expect to one-up Samsung
Low-light photographs are far better than the shiny new Galaxy S9 ($719 at Sam’s Club) and S9 Plus from Samsung. Their 12-megapixel double gap focal points can take brilliant shots in low-light, yet frequently deliver hazy shots if there’s even the littlest measure of development from your subject or your shaking hands. The P20 Pro wins here on the grounds that it makes reliably itemized pictures that don’t obscure if your hands marginally shake as you hold the telephone. Photographs will even now obscure if an auto passes or a photobomber jumps into the casing, yet that is only the idea of the monster.
Inside the Huawei P20 Pro’s hallucinogenic nightfall shell is a metric ton of best tech. The processor can’t get the Galaxy S9 for speed, however it will unhesitatingly control through any of your every day obligations. The OLED screen – finish with “discretionary” score at the best – makes all that you do on your telephone pop, and the 4,000-mAh battery sets up a serious battle to keep it running all through. The telephone is water safe, as well, and breezed through CNET’s two water-dunk tests.
huawei-p20-master legend promotion 5
To put it plainly, the Huawei P20 Pro ticks all the cases of a leader telephone and does as such with a look that separates it from the majority. At £799 in the UK and AU$1,099 in Australia, it’s a long way from shabby, yet it’s the primary premium Huawei telephone that is justified regardless of your cash. (UK value believers to about $1,140, however observe beneath for a note on accessibility.)
It’s an extreme battle between the P20 Pro and the Galaxy S9 Plus ($839 at Sam’s Club). The S9 Plus’ prevalent execution, higher screen determination and earphone jack improve it the inside and out telephone to go for (the P20 Pro gives you a dongle to put in its USB-C charger port on the off chance that you need to tune in on wired earphones). In any case, the P20 Pro’s attractive shading plan and wonderful night photography abilities are luring. So if that plan and three-camera setup address you, you won’t miss all that much by picking the P20 Pro – in the event that it offers where you live.
  The P20 Pro isn’t accessible in the US and that is not prone to change at any point in the near future. The US government restricted the offer of Huawei organizing gear in 2012 over worries that Huawei would keep an eye on the US through its items, particularly its systems administration equipment. In February, the leaders of the FBI, CIA and NSA every single communicated worry over the organization’s telephones too.
And keeping in mind that transporters and retailers have separated themselves from the Huawei mark lately, a few gadgets stay accessible at Amazon and somewhere else. No other nation has prohibited the producer, despite the fact that Australia blocked Huawei from dealing with its national broadband system (however the telephone is accessible Down Under).
Huawei has battled back by pointing out it has associations with significant transporters, enterprises and buyers in excess of 170 nations. “We have earned the trust of our accomplices over the worldwide esteem chain,” said a representative. Both the Huawei P20 Pro and P20 are as of now at a bargain in Europe and Asia, and will be accessible in Australia soon.
So shouldn’t something be said about the general Huawei P20? It’s a totally extraordinary telephone.
It’s littler and has two back cameras rather than three – at the end of the day, there’s no zooming focal point. The P20’s highlights are ventured down no matter how you look at it. It utilizes an alternate camera sensor and screen innovation, has a littler battery with less RAM and it’s more helpless to water harm.
All things considered, the P20 is additionally somewhat less expensive at £599, which believers to about $850 or AU$1,100. It will be less demanding for some, individuals to utilize one-gave. Despite everything it comes in that wonderful blue-pink shading, and includes another angle shade, called champagne gold. Look to the finish of the audit for the full specs correlation.
P20 Pro plan takes the enjoyment back to telephones
I adore the P20 Pro’s team tone sundown shading plan. To the extent I’m concerned, it’s the main shading worth getting. The manner in which the blue mixes into the pink is incredible, relatively like the shades of oil on water. It requires me back to an investment when telephones didn’t consider themselves so important and set out to appear to be unique – 2004’s hot pink Motorola Razr, for instance. It resembles that one person in the workplace who turned up wearing a splash-color shirt and flip lemon, while every other person touched base in dark matching suits.
OnePlus prodded a comparable shading plan on Twitter with the dispatch of the OnePlus 5 ($729 at Amazon.com). It was called “unicorn” and it was the fans’ best vote when OnePlus requested that which shading make straightaway. Yet, OnePlus never proceeded with it. The OnePlus 5 in the long run wound up accessible in dark, white, red and gold, regardless of my various messages asking – no, requesting – that wonderful unicorn telephone be put into generation. Indeed, OnePlus’ misfortune is likely Huawei’s pick up.
huawei-p20-star saint promotion 7
It’s not only the hues I like, it’s the reflected back, the bending glass that feels stunning to hold. Its reassuringly strong feel helps me to remember the iPhone X ($1,000 at Cricket Wireless). It’s water safe as well (IP67), so you needn’t stress over taking photographs in the rain.
The drawback is that the P20 Pro’s support is a unique mark magnet, regardless of which show you pick. Those cool hues will rapidly be secured by a messy layer of oil.
There’s additionally no remote charging. That is baffling since the glass back would take into consideration it, dissimilar to the past model’s metal packaging. You additionally won’t discover an earphone jack, so be set up to utilize either the included connector dongle or do the change to remote earphones.
The P20 Pro’s three cameras aren’t a trick
Other than the bonkers hues, it’s the three cameras on the back that make the Huawei P20 Pro really energizing. They’re organized vertically down the left half of the telephone’s back. You have a surprising 40-megapixel sensor (this is your principle shading camera) and a 20-megapixel sensor that shoots just in high contrast, however adds detail to shots. There’s likewise a 8-megapixel zooming focal point that causes you zoom in close.
  That 40-megapixel camera is an over the top number of pixels for a telephone, however the thought isn’t to utilize them at the same time. The default determination is just 10 megapixels, however the Huawei P20 Pro uses the information caught by the two focal points to make pictures that are sharp, very much uncovered and have adjusted hues. In the event that you recollect the Nokia 808 PureView’s 41-megapixel camera from 2012, you sort of get the thought.
  The hypothesis is that you’ll get more point by point, adjusted picture quality from a higher-res camera. What’s more, in my own testing I’ve been inspired with the P20 Pro’s shots. Open air pictures are brilliant and stick sharp, with a decent adjust of introduction amongst features and shadows.
The programmed mode utilizes AI to rapidly and precisely perceive a scene keeping in mind the end goal to upgrade settings. It can distinguish a remain of trees as “greenery”, for instance. However, I regularly discovered I didn’t care for the “advancements” the telephone makes as a matter of course.
p20-genius auto-case
On the left, a shot utilizing the standard auto mode. On the right, the oversaturated result from the AI scene identification.
The P20 Pro’s programmed mode for the most part just helped the picture’s immersion to the point where hues looked unnatural and pompous. A scene that the telephone perceived as greenery would help the greens, while a “blue sky” scene would intensely oversaturate the blues. I routinely found that dropping the auto scene location brought about more normal looking shots that I could change all the more inconspicuously in Snapseed, should I wish.
How about we return to the 8-megapixel zooming focal point. Utilizing it gives you three times (3x) optical zoom (the greatest optical zoom accessible on a telephone), or a five times (5x) zoom, which consolidates both optical and computerized trimming. At 3x zoom, pictures stay sharp and at 5x, you just lose a tad bit of that detail. On the off chance that you need to snap a photo of an exquisite swan in the recreation center yet need to remain securely out of pecking range, the 5x zoom will do the trap.
0 notes
zaluxis-blog · 7 years
How Different Are Cell Phone Covers From Model To Model?
The handyhülle samsung galaxy s7 very best and simplest way to protect your Apple iPhone that is brand new, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G is to use cases. There are lots of quality iPhone instances are outside in the marketplace with variety of colors and styles since iPhone was released. People who purchase an iPhone will wish to safeguard his device with a few of the cases that are favorite to assure that their favorite gadget is safe and will have the ability to serve them for a long time to come iphone 7 hülle silikon durchsichtig .
OtterBox Defender Case iPhone 3G
OtterBox brings a new OtterBox defender situation for 3G . This is case is pretty much similar with the Defender. It's a polycarbonate hard shell which wraps round the iPhone to protect screen. The shell's silicon skin is designed to absorb the impacts. OtterBox gives three layers of protection. This case is covered with the ring switch of all the new iPhone. There is another cover on the top to protect the headphone jack.
There is flap on the base for the port. Two areas on the back are available for the emblem and for the camera. The holster from OtterBox zaluxis.de/shop/ has got the slip in/out variety. This new OtterBox Defender looks better than its preceding one. The cost is just $49.99.
CaseCrown iPhone 3G/3GS tender Wikipedia Here Polycarbonate slim Blend Case
Your iPhone will be protected by this CaseCrown Slim suit case . The price is only $12. It's designed especially for the 3G/ 3GS. It is available in 3 colours, black, red and blue.
Aircraft Aluminum Metal Case
Aircraft Metal case is padded with neoprene interior and encloses the iPhone. This case is available in five different colors, revolting magenta, puke thoughtful silver, sky blue that is sickly and plain old. The purchase price of the Aircraft situation is $39.95.
Speck techStyle
Speck TechStyle is a leather iPhone case. This circumstance is stitched with a plaid interior. Very good excellent leather is used to design this circumstance. Zaluxis samsung galaxy s8 hülle Speck TechStyle allows the complete access to all controls. This case can be found in black, brown and pink colours. The cost is just $20.
Scosche Full Cover Clear Case
Scosche Clear case is designed with rubber corners. This rubber corner helps to safeguard the corners of your iPhone from following effects of falling down. iphone 7 hülle silikon It is a easy, practical and pleasant iPhone case which keeps the appearance of iPhone intact. The purchase price of Scosche Cover situation is only $24.99.
DLO Jam Jacket in Pink
DLO Jam Jacket instance is offered in colours. This is a clasp , soft that is capable silicon case. When it is still in the circumstance blog here you may control your iPhone. This DLO case has a built-in cable management program. This case's purchase price is just $25.
Speck Black Gel Skin Holster
Speck provides your display protection. It's an option for removing the belt clip in the case. This looks like little clunky but it's more effective than any other iPhone cases. This iPhone case's price is $17.
There are many different online retailers that are selling different iPhone cases. If you are not certain which case is for you or where to buy, check out the listing of the best iPhone cases [http://cooliphoneaccessories.com] with this cool blog for some help.
There are certainly iPhone instances on the market, but a lot of those enclosures that are iPhone are similar appearing. Make it hard to pick 1 situation. An you want to pick on a iPhone case that is unique out there.
Among forms of cases you may find for your infant and you ought to see some case that turn your iPhone into something very unique. And to find this iPhone case you will have to look at each one of these cases in detail.
Among the better case makes for these bags comprise the names of Belkin, Contour also and Designs Power Support whose IPhone cases will cost you. Other makes worth considering if you're searching for a iPhone case comprises NLU Products that has its BodyGuardz that's a comprehensive enclosure for the body of the iPhone that will prevent it from being scratched.
There are a number of things you need to bear in mind prior to making your choice on which to buy, when searching among iPhone instances. One of those matters are that iPhone instances have in common Here is Social Profile these instances can improve on the appearance of the iPhone through some tactical managing of the plastic which is employed inside them and that they do not take the appeal of your iPhone off.
Perhaps, in my opinion are of those Belkin Acrylic Case type to your iPhone. This company has invested considerable time and effort in controlling the skill necessary to design an excellent iPhone situation and these instances will outline the camera, buttons, ports and also the switches very closely and it gives the consumer just the ideal access to every iPhone part. It also possess and the instance may also be applied as a stand for viewing videos on your iPhone.
But of course everything have a side. And there are some problems that may detract from its allure that is elevated when it has to do with the Belkin Acrylic Case to your iPhone and this includes having a higher open face which may put your iPhone. There is also a notable absence of display film and I would also like to have a full-face that detracts from this otherwise excellent iPhone case.
At this time you might want to look in Contour Design cases with their collection that is another excellent illustration of iPhone cases. These are in its theory and the iPhone tote is surely a lot different when it comes to its execution. Among the differences you can consist of also and plastic vinyl on your iPhone's face. You will surely enjoy the solidity of this case. There are a couple of side grips so that it becomes simpler to choose your iPhone wherever you move, on this case that were sculpted. This makes it another great choice for the next iPhone situation buy.
When you have purchased the latest iPhone, you want to acquire a case for it. The best time will be when you buy your iPhone, but you should be cautious to not have ripped off for cases that are iPhone as stores overcharge. Without instances you're running a higher risk of damaging your iPhone, and potentially having to pay bills to get it repaired. The iPhone's building is great, and the aluminium is very strong, but the glass panels on both sides of the phone are very vulnerable to scratches and breakages. To put into perspective how much repairs may cost, for a replacement screen you are currently currently looking at paying over 200 dollars.
Cases don't need to cost the entire world!
An case is a relatively insignificant investment in contrast to cost of buying a brand new iPhone. What I see is that people don't realise how easy it's to break there iPhone, they appear to forget just that the glass covers are brittle, and how delicate and intricate the inside of an iPhone is. Simple things like leaving your telephone could be studying over 200 dollars of damage.
9/10 times it will although I am not stating that a case will always save your phone. A misconception is that an iPhone situation is expensive, from auction websites you are able to purchase a case to get a little as a dollar. Is a leather sleeve, or even a very simple case. Has zaluxis to be cushioning and Have the ability to absorb some of the shock, should it drops. If you are a clumsy person, who drops the iPhone quite a good deal, I might suggest that you purchase and iPhone case which is somewhat more substantial and made from top quality materials.
Get a screen handyhülle samsung galaxy s duos protector
Screen Protectors to your iPhone will also be a really good idea as they will protect your iPhone display. The iPhone display can be scratched by simple things like coins in your pocket or your keys. Scratches will make it harder to utilize your iPhone and also make it much harder to sell if you want to market it when you update. I really do recommend you to purchase a case as they will really pay their way. I will leave you that I hope will urge you to get an case- 1 in 3 iPhones that are bought will not be usable as a result of breakage following two decades. Will yours be one of them?
IPhone instances are the ideal way. A variety of these cases have been published following iPhone's development in colors and different styles. IPhone-cases keeps LCD screen free of dust, dirt, and scratches. This prevents from smudges and fingerprints. It holds your iPhone securely set up, and lifts for quick accessibility.
Some iPhone-cases are provided with hard plastic to reinforce to the edges, sides and back to extend the life of the iPhone. All the openings in the shield protector are cut to permit access. These instances advanced cling for stay-put adhesion and provide traction for improved responsiveness. A list of iPhone situation types to provide information is recorded below:
Flip lid: huawei p10 hülle silikon
Flip lid case offers protection to the screen of your iPhone. Flip lid provides access to port by flipping the lid or cover.
Sleek skin case:
Sleek skin instance permits to keeps this iPhone's slender factor. It's made of a durable dust free silicone rubber that will keep protected your iPhone from bumps and scrapes. This case offers an open face design which will give you complete access to all of features and the functions. The rear of the case has a "tire tread" layout for a no slip grip. Sleek skin case comes in eye catching colors.
Rhinestones iPhone case:
This item is perfect method to protect and customize your iPhone. It gives your phone a look that is dazzling and head-turning. The situation is covered with rhinestones which protect your iPhone and tear. Sparkling embedded rhinestones make your mobile more lavish which can help prevent from scratches and chips. This fitting case that is ideal makes your mobile look like it's an invisible shield. Many rhinestones are applied to create designs such as.
Bling bling iPhone instance:
This case makes it look glamorous and alters the appearance of your phone. Bling bling case is favorable priced and its own trendy cover is designed to match your iPhone. Diamond crystal bling rhinestones add value iphone cases 7 and glow to your phone. Each piece of crystals is hand crafted by experienced craftsman to inspire, nurture, and celebrate layouts that are new that are amazing. Each hand made instance will ship within 7-10 days.
Top pouch case:
It is the perfect alternative for protection of your interior that is soft. Pouch instance is a real leather case, designed for a contoured fit for your 4, 3gs, 3g, iPod touch 2g, or iPod touch. Top pouch case will shield from scrapes and dings. It has a magnetic flap and sturdy leather belt clip for simple access. It is also supplied to keep your iPhone secure. Top pouch case is available in saddle brandy, cocoa brandy, brandy that is red, black and cream brandy colors.
Blackberry Swarovski case:
Blackberry Swarovski case is a phone case. This makes your iPhone distinctive and different web . The situation always catches people's attention for your unique option.
0 notes
touristguidebuzz · 7 years
Disney’s New Star Wars Hotel Sounds Like Next-Level Immersion
Walt Disney Parks & Resorts announced it is building a new Star Wars-themed hotel in Orlando that will feature multi-day immersive experiences. A rendering is shown here. Disney/Lucasfilm
Skift Take: Disney wowed everyone with this announcement. Now fans of the theme park company and Star Wars wait for the execution — and the price tag.
— Hannah Sampson
The Walt Disney Company has made a blockbuster business out of building fantasy-rich kingdoms and lands around the world that draw millions of visitors a year.
For its next act, the entertainment giant is looking to turn a patch of its Orlando resort into a new kind of luxury-meets-immersion hotel meant to feel more like a galaxy far, far away.
In an announcement last month at the fan event D23 Expo, Walt Disney Parks & Resorts Chairman Bob Chapek announced that the company is planning a “revolutionary vacation experience” for Walt Disney World: a luxury resort that immerses guests in the universe of Star Wars.
“It’s unlike anything that exists today,” he said.
Chapek said visitors will have a “dedicated multi-day adventure” complete with “starship transportation,” characters, costumes, storylines, windows that show a view into space, and status as “an active citizen of the galaxy.”
“It is 100 percent immersive and the story will touch every single minute of your stay with us,” he said. “It culminates in a unique journey for every person who visits.”
Not surprisingly, the announcement prompted fans — and many writers — to swoon. HuffPost ran a story with this headline: “Wait, This ‘Immersive’ ‘Star Wars’-Themed Hotel Looks Awesome.”
And TechCrunch could barely contain itself, writing: “AHHHHHHH. Disney just announced something that’s potentially so damned cool that I hardly need complete sentences here: Immersive. Star Wars. Hotel.”
Robert Niles, founder and editor of Theme Park Insider, said that while the company had a lot of announcements at the event last month, few of them were groundbreaking. The Star Wars hotel stood out.
“This is why I think so many people are really excited and intrigued by this concept,” he said. “It truly is something different for Disney.”
A rendering of the immersive Star Wars-themed hotel planned for Walt Disney World in Florida shows views of space and BB-8. Disney/Lucasfilm
Early Survey Gave a Sneak Peek
Hints of the plan emerged in April after Disney guests were surveyed on their interest in a similar concept, though it’s unclear how many of the details included in the survey will end up in the final product.
According to WDW News Today, the questions described a “continuous, story-driven entertainment experience” over the course of a two-night stay.
Guests would be able to choose if they wanted to watch or participate in a story, and would have themed activities to participate in. Meals, entertainment, admission to a new Star Wars-themed land at Disney Hollywood Studios, and the service of a robotic droid butler would all be included at a price of $900-$1,000 per guest, the story said. (A Disney spokeswoman told Skift the company has not released pricing on the experience yet.)
Chapek referenced that research when he made his announcement last month.
“You may have heard that we recently did a survey about an entirely new way to live your very own Star Wars adventure,” he said. “So today, I am thrilled to confirm that we are working on our most experiential concept ever.”
Disney has made huge moves with the intellectual property — IP in industry parlance — of Lucasfilm, which the company bought in 2012 for more than $4 billion. In addition to making more Star Wars movies, Disney is building 14-acre themed additions called Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at parks in Orlando and Anaheim, California. Those lands open in 2019.
Dennis Speigel, president of International Theme Park Services, has been pondering the project since he first started hearing rumors several months ago.
“Hotels now are such an important part of theme park operations because it’s what keeps people on property,” he said. “More importantly, what’s happening is with this hotel, it’s the first truly totally immersed theme hotel. And they couldn’t have picked a better IP to do this with and test the hotel concept.”
Still Unknown
Disney has released few details about the hotel project, including when it will break ground or open. Also unclear: where at Walt Disney World it will be located; how much it will cost to build; what the price will be for guests; how big it will be; what “immersion” means in this context; or what kind of technology will be involved.
Asked if guests will be able to choose specific storylines to engage with or have the freedom to wander and interact without much structure, a spokeswoman said: “There will be many ways to engage.”
Niles is anticipating that Disney will start out slow.
“My inclination would be to guess conservative on this, that they’re not going to turn it into some kind of massive multi-player role-playing game,” he said. “But it’s going to be a really-well-decorated experience where it will be easy for your imagination to create a role in it, as opposed to Disney creating a role for you.”
He expects the company to gauge reaction and see what works, and “what doesn’t work, even more importantly” — and then maybe add more specific roles as a way to charge more.
Disney Cruise Line, which provides a virtual porthole on cabins inside ships to give a real-time view of the outdoors, could provide a blueprint for the hotel experience. The four-ship cruise line has given the company experience with entertaining people in a confined space for several days — and Niles expects that to come in handy.
“I think Disney’s going to apply a lot they’ve learned from cruise line,” he said. “I think that’s kind of the origin of the DNA … isolating people in a specific place, virtual windows. They’ve got a lot of information to start with, but they’re taking it to another level.”
A Kinder, Gentler Westworld?
While Disney didn’t make the comparison, just about everyone else has brought up parallels to the HBO show Westworld, about a kind of theme park full of lifelike robots that allows costumed visitors to interact and pursue their own storylines without any prohibitions.
That drama includes intrigue, double-crossing, murder, and sex — off-limits for Disney, of course. But those more adult themes aside, the comparison seems somewhat apt.
“I think it’s an adaptation of the Westword concept done in the Disney best sense, where it’s entertaining and family fun,” Speigel said. He expects to see robots, live actors, and animations as part of the experience at the Star Wars hotel.
“You’re going to have aliens checking you in,” he said. “All the people who work there are going to be in costume, makeup, you’re going to see storm troopers marching through the lobby, you’re going to see Jabba the Hutt, laser sword fights.”
The anticipated use of robots fits into the industry trend toward automation, Niles said. Some hotels — including one at Universal Orlando — use robots to make deliveries to rooms, while cruise lines have employed robots to do tasks including giving directions to passengers and bartending.
“Here, it’s themed!” Niles said. “It’s almost like they have to do it….They have an opportunity here to kind of beta test, if you will, automating a lot of the process, which ultimately can save you on labor costs once you recoup the capital cost of developing this system.”
In other words: These are the droids you’re looking for.
Scott A. Lukas, a cultural anthropologist who has written books on themed and immersive spaces and an amusement industry consultant, said he was reminded of Westworld, historical reenactments, and live-action role playing when he heard about the project.
Even with a family-friendly approach, Lukas wonders how guests might react to an intense level of engagement.
“Is it going to be kind of creepy if you experience it at its full level?” he wondered.
He said the challenge would be finding the right guests: Travelers who crave intensive interaction with a Star Wars theme and can drop a significant amount of money.
“I just don’t know if people want this level of interactivity,” he said. “On the one hand this is amazing and will be a new potential to explore something other than screens and glasses at home. On the other hand…even if they work out the low-level-user guest, I still wonder if everybody will be into this level of commitment.”
But Randy Garfield, who spent nearly 30 years at Universal and Disney before he retired as president of the Walt Disney Travel Company in 2014, said he doesn’t worry about whether there’s enough demand for a product like the Star Wars hotel.
“Disney has rarely, if ever, misjudged consumer interest in products,” he said.
He said it’s too early to talk about the best way to market the experience, but the audience seems huge.
“It won’t be difficult to market this product at all,” he said. “This is a sales and marketing dream really — not only with a huge database of past guests, but people who go to Comic-Con, and people who are Star Wars fans.”
Beyond Basic Immersion
Plenty of hotels, of course, have immersive qualities thanks to strong themes — from the gondolas and gelato in the Venetian in Las Vegas to the animal-filled vistas at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge to the toy-themed Legoland Hotel. Theme parks also create worlds for visitors to immerse themselves in for hours, such as the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal parks and Pandora — The World of Avatar at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, but that level of engagement typically doesn’t follow guests to their hotel rooms.
Lukas said the Star Wars project sounds more like “total immersion,” where the “guest is taken into another world, story, or place through the use of as many senses as possible.”
“The level of immersion and storytelling, I can’t think of anything in the past that has had this,” he said.
Garfield said he wasn’t surprised by the announcement given the company’s history of innovation and drive to integrate intellectual property into various parts of the business.
“They’re always going to try to raise the bar,” he said. “To me, seeing Bob Chapek talk about how it’s going to be an immersive experience with guests being costumed … I think that’s just another element of enhancing guest engagement and making them part of the story.”
Niles, of Theme Park Insider, expects the whole industry to be watching carefully and learning.
“Something you live with for a day or two, that’s something different, not just for Disney, for the industry,” he said. “It’s not something that’s ever been done on any type of substantial scale before. I think a lot of people are really excited to see what Disney ends up doing for this and what kind of model it creates for the rest of the industry. Fans have been clamoring for Universal to do something like this with Harry Potter forever. There’s a ton of IP out there that would lend itself to that kind of treatment.”
Renderings released so far of the immersive Star Wars hotel show space-like surroundings, droids mixed in with guests, and even — if you look closely — a pair of Mickey Mouse ears. Disney/Lucasfilm
                  Your Move, Universal
Several industry observers said they expect Universal to answer with some kind of a hotel themed after the Harry Potter franchise created by J.K. Rowling, given the company’s success with the Wizarding World in multiple theme parks.
“If I had to bet, I’d bet that’s under way in design right now,” said Speigel, of International Theme Park Services.
A spokesman for Universal said only: “We don’t comment on speculation and rumors.”
Garfield said Universal has shown it is committed to “immersive experiences that surprise and delight the guests” just like Disney is. While he praised the additions being made by both Disney and Universal, he pointed out that Universal has more constraints on the hotel side. The Comcast-owned theme park operator has significantly less land to work with, and Loews Hotels operates Universal’s on-site hotels in Orlando while Disney runs its own hotels.
“Anything [Universal] wants to do to expand into a different area is going to require the commitment and participation of a partner,” Garfield said. “The folks at Universal are smart and they know what they can deliver. And if they believe that having a Harry Potter-type hotel makes sense to them, then certainly that will be a priority.”
  Whatever comes next, Speigel said he thinks Disney’s Star Wars concept will be a launching point for hospitality.
“It’s the first step in the evolution of what we’re going to see as themed hotels, not only in theme parks but in the hotel industry in general,” he said.
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