#you are literally arguing to the point of rabidness with a stranger through a screen
Went on Instagram for a grand total of five minutes and was immediately pulled in to one of the literal dumbest arguments I have ever experienced and reminded myself why I left that hellscape for this one.
Are there brain-meltingly stupid discussions happening here, too? Of course. But at least we’re fucking funny about it.
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kalinara · 7 years
So I've now made it through season 4 of the Walking Dead (and the first few episodes of season 5) with @copperfire, and I have lots of scattered observations and opinion.
The "can we come back from this" is a pretty heavy theme throughout the season.  Terminus says no.  But I think Team Family says yes.  Or yes with one major exception.
Characters like Michonne, Daryl, Glenn and Maggie would indicate that yes, they can.  Michonne is a breath of fresh air in season 4.  She's so warm and open.  She talks honestly about her losses with Carl (the Carl-Michonne dynamic is a thing of beauty).  She just seems so happy at the prison.  And then when she meets up with Rick and Carl again, she settles in so comfortably that it feels like she was never not there.
Tangentially: I will never understand anyone who says Richonne "came out of nowhere".  Because Michonne and Rick were pretty much acting like a couple from day one.  That razor was a fucking courtship gift.
It was also fun to see Daryl learning to interact with ugh, people.  Though I have learned from his excursion with Beth that he should never be trusted to make any kind of actual decision, because it will apparently end in booze and arson.  Those two needed a fucking adult.
And Glenn and Maggie are still the highlight.  I also liked Tara a lot, though I resented the Governor getting two whole episodes, when I really just wanted to see our Prison folk get a chance to be happy before the Governor destroyed everything.
I might have shouted at the screen when the tank smashed Rick's farm.  I'm not proud of that.
And then there's Carol who pretty much embodies the "can we come back from this" question.  She broke pretty hard somewhere along the way, to the point where she's willing to murder innocent people to protect the group as a whole.  But she did come back from that, earning Tyreese's forgiveness and being able to be the cavalry to save the group at the end.
I don't really know how I feel about Rick exiling her to begin with.  I remember seeing someone call it hypocritical, because other members of the team had done worse.  But honestly, I'm not sure who had done worse at that point.  There's a difference between not helping someone (i.e. the hitchhiker in season 3) and murdering two people in cold blood.
I don't feel like exiling Carol was the right option, because I think she needed help, but I also think there was no way she could have gotten that help at the prison.  I think maybe it was the best option Rick had at the time though.  At that time, Carol was so far gone that she didn't even seem to see a problem with what she'd done.  And that's pretty scary.
I think maybe that's the point of Lizzie, the girl who thought the zombies were humans and killed her sister to prove it.  Lizzie wasn't evil, just sick, but there wasn't any way to help her when she couldn't even comprehend what she'd done wrong.  But thankfully Carol wasn't as far gone as Lizzie, and it was clear that by Season 4B at least, Carol did come to regret her choice and came back from it.
Carl's arc in season 4 hits the theme too.  When he shot that kid in season 3, he also seemed like he was pretty far gone.  His justifications were sad and kind of terrifying.  
But it's interesting how, after the whole Claimer incident, Carl says that he finally understands what his father was trying to do.  But that he worries he's a monster.  It's a sad little monologue, but in a way it's kind of uplifting too.  Because while Carl, like many others, seriously needs a counselor or therapist who can help him deal with this shit, he's now in a position where he can recognize and fight his darker impulses.
Carl, by the end of season 4/beginning of season 5, is a boy who will run to save a stranger calling for help.  And that's wonderful to see.  Whatever else you can say about Rick in season 4, he succeeded there.
Of course then there's Rick's own arc which is something else entirely.  It was a little alarming to see farmer Rick at the start of the season.  And honestly, I'm not sure that I think that he seemed in a much better place mentally than he was when he was actively hallucinating.  He seemed more based in reality at least, but the blithe farming in front of the zombies, burying the gun, needing to be talked into TAKING his gun when he goes outside...  Those were all pretty disturbing signs that all is not well.
He does however seem much happier when he's not in charge.  And I said this in my last post, but I really don't agree with the interpretations of Rick's character as a "natural leader" or someone who "has to be in charge."
I think early season 4 shows us the opposite.  Rick is someone who genuinely hates to lead.  He doesn't even unconsciously take the lead during the plague disaster like most former leader types.  It's only when he's put back into a position of authority, when they want him to look into Karen and David's death, that he ends up in a position to have to make a command decision again.  And he seems utterly miserable.
I also have a deep resentment for anyone who claims that Rick was "taking a break" during this time.  Because:
a)  Dude wasn't just loafing on his ass, he was trying to un-murderer his son!  That's a pretty fucking big job.
b)  Dude was growing food!  Food is important.  Humans can't live off squirrel and deer and expired canned goods forever.  They need actual vegetables!
c)  Dude had a fucking psychotic break.  He STILL looks like he's a stiff wind away from utter collapse.  (And somehow that bandage from when he fought Tyreese just makes him look even MORE fragile.)  Let him rest!
I realize c isn't really a counter argument, but fuck you.  If it were a break, he would have earned it.
But of course, Rick’s general equilibrium ended with the season finale, which caused a lot of very inappropriate laughter from me.  Just the juxtaposition of the entire Claimer confrontation, and the flashback where Hershel's like "what are you teaching your boy?!"
Apparently, Hershel, it's to bite people's throats out.  Oh god, that was the single greatest moment on the show for me.  That whole mess of a scene, the throat biting, the completely shocked and horrified stares, poor Carl's little FACE when it happened.  I haven't been this delighted with a tv show for so long.  HE BIT HIS THROAT OUT.
It is a fascinating turning point in Rick's character evolution though, because I honestly feel like Rick, after this point, isn't even HUMAN anymore.
He's not evil.  He's certainly not fucking Shane.  (That comparison annoys the shit out of me.  When he tries to rape someone or murders one of Team Family, then we can talk.)  But it seems pretty clear that Rick has broke from any idea of "going back".  His entire focus is on his family, on the group, their safety, their well-being.  He will do anything he has to to be sure of that.  (Shane might have talked big about this, but somehow we never saw him actually make any sacrifice or take on any personal inconvenience to make sure it happened.  I suppose, the closest direct comparison, is that Rick has now become the being that Shane CLAIMED he was.)
I joked about Rick being a feral cat in one of my tags in an earlier post, but I genuinely think that's where we are now.  I could practically SEE a tail lashing when Rick and Abraham were arguing over the bus.  He practically SNIFFED Father Gabriel when they met him.  I am honestly wondering if the stage direction for Andrew Lincoln in these episodes is "you are literally a cat."  Because he's selling it.  You know that sound an angry cat makes, that mmmrrr sort of growl that gets higher pitched as it goes?  I hear that every time Rick talks now.
At least he doesn't seem fragile anymore.  Feral and slightly rabid, sure, but not fragile.  Don’t fuck with his kittens.
I think that it's not a coincidence that Rick's own fall comes about after biting someone's throat out, and then we meet the Terminus residents who are so fanatic about "not going back" that they've transformed themselves into the ultimate predators.  On their own, the Terminus residents are a pretty cartoonish set of villains (though it was very satisfying to see Rick and Carol destroy them), but I think they're more intended as a set piece for Rick's season 5 arc.  The others came back, can he?  Can Rick find his humanity again?  Does he want to?
Poor Rick, he did succeed in saving his son's humanity in the end, but only at the cost of his own.  Still, I feel like that's a choice he would have happily made.  
But apparently Morgan is/will be back!  And he seems saner!  So maybe he can help Rick too!
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