#the way people take themselves SO SERIOUSLY
sanflawoah · 14 hours
The really funny thing is that people actually take Yellow brow animation story seriously even though the freaking title of the music is "Nonsense", because it's literally NONSENSE
Bitch you rigged the whole thing, what do you mean We're Evil?! Sick thing
Y'know we have way better Mythical Turtles over here in Vietnam
Yellowbrow was like those people in the cheap ass video contents about CEO pretending to be Poor but actually not to prove a point, but in reality, there were just people who literally have nothing to do so they go around pretending to be something they're not just to "make a point" and it's not even valid, to be fair, I feel that that's really unproductive and unprofessional, I mean how would you feel if some rich people who go around faking their own identity?
Award winning scammer and manipulator FR.
He deliberately picked a poor village as his target. Immediately scratched his skin to show them that his flesh and bone are made of gold and precious gems, his first attempt at sparking evil in people. But even then, the people's first reaction were simply curiosity, not violence.
Gave the people medicine but never taught them how to brew one themselves, made the old people became young and beautiful again setting shady beauty expectation, rebuilt houses but never taught them how to fix them on their own, brought fish to the village but destroyed their boats in the process. He purposely made them entirely dependent on HIM. Even then, still the humans showed him kindness and gratitude by building a temple for him, gave him offerings, and even established a system of order so that everyone received a fair amount of riches from his flesh.
His whole thing is about preserving ignorance and preventing growth, and eventually never reaching enlightenment. Kind of like how a government would deliberately stunt education access to the people so that the people would remain in poverty, dependent on the government, and blind to the corrupt system.
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cyberclouddream · 3 days
Mercury Signs in the 12th House
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Based on signs for Mercury in the twelfth house. Mostly represents behaviors that are unrealized by the native because they’re subconscious or unaware they’re used to mask insecurities.
Aries get lost or debilitated by their tendency to make their desires super-cede.
- frequently rush to interrupt other people or share their own thoughts, like cutting off others mid-sentence, talking over others, or steering conversations back towards themselves, often out of a un acknowledged fear of being ignored
- they may repress their frustrations or anger in a way that leads to passive-aggression later on, like smiling and nodding in a disagreement but later making sarcastic remarks that confuse others about their true feelings
- may ghost friends or colleagues instead of addressing issues directly, like choosing to avoid someone entirely rather than have a difficult conversation
- since their mind races between different thoughts rapidly, they can go into tangents in conversations quickly and often in a way that may seem ignorant or confusing to others
- frequently zone out in conversations or meetings because they fantasize about their own aspirations or desires, which can lead to others feeling like they’re talking to a wall
- good at generating ideas enthusiastically but not following through with them or leaving them half-finished that make the point of them questionable
- often choose to observe rather than participate in conversations, convincing themselves that others wouldn’t be interested in what they have to say
- can procrastinate to the point of paralysis out of fear of making the wrong choices out of the attempts
- their versions of events can change every time they tell it, leaving others confused or doubtful about their credibility
- can secretly measure their success compared to others in a way that leads to envy and make them act distant instead of support, often without realizing what they’re actually doing
- they can bottle up their anger so much that it can lead to explosive reactions over seemingly minor inconveniences, since they avoided confrontation
- often defy things just for the hell of it, whether it’s by challenging authority figured or established norms because of their drive for self-expression and individuality
- often rely heavily in jokes or sarcasm to deflect serious conversations, which can make it hard for others to take them seriously
- often jump into relationships or friendships without considering compatibility
- may make calls, texts, or proclamations in the heat of the moment rather than reflecting in the bigger picture of why things occurred
Taurus can get debilitated by their desire to stick to what makes them feel safe at the moment.
- may not realize how much they argue just to prove that they’re right, often digging their heels further when facing disagreement
- often overanalyze details and replay them in their head, which not only paralyzes them but drives others insane because of their stubbornness and nitpicking
- may act like they didn’t hear something or change the subject when it comes to tough conversations, making others wonder why they didn’t just address how the feel when they finally exploded
- can take forever to respond and when they do it can feel half-hearted to others, making them feel neglected though they’re just struggling to deal with emotional discomfort
- secretly hoard thoughts and opinions about people or situations
- romanticize the past in way that make them unable to appreciate the present or make new memories
- can prefer solitude over interacting with others, fearing judgment; may focus on predictable preferences in interactions
- may have a slow and deliberate way of speaking, often pausing to weigh the potential impact of their words, which may be seen as thoughtfulness at times when it’s overthinking; awkward silence
- seems to have a firm tone or repeats phrases often when they discuss their beliefs or values
- prone to avoid eye contact and use closed body language when it comes to confrontation or anything that makes them feel overwhelmed mentally
- often steer focus on their pride in their possessions or material stability without realizing how often
- frequently gloss over subjects that are characterized by negative affirmations, like avoiding talking about uncomfortable perceptions or resorting to toxic positivity
- often use hesitant language to seek validation from others, like saying “i think” or “maybe”
Gemini can be illusioned by their need to see how they’re connected to everything.
- often end up rambling and not getting to the point because they struggle to articulate their thoughts clearly
- tend to dissect every word and interactions, worrying about whats said and how it was received; may rehearse conversations in their head which can drain their energy and leave no room for the unexpected
- may start multiple projects or conversations but leave them unfinished because something more enticing has their attention
- can switch from being highly engaged to completely disengaged in unexpected ways
- they like intellectual sparring so much that it can lead to mind games and other manipulative behaviors
- they tend to zone in conversations that lead to isolation or detachment in connections
- they constantly shift their views in order to defend their vulnerabilities, avoiding forming solid opinions to prevent conflict or commitment
- use humor as deflection from facing or processing their true feelings, like cracking jokes or using sarcasm in emotional discussions
- tend to be obsessed with communicating and learning, but rarely invest dedicated time to truly digest or apply anything they learn
- can get overwhelmed when there’s too many conversations happening at once, or when they obsessively overanalyze comments by trying to find hidden meanings, which can lead to unnecessary drama or conflict
- they might try to overcompensate for feelings of isolation by trying to engage in every social opportunity, which can leave them drained and realize that they don’t connect with anyone meaningfully
- may rely on using social media to communicate their emotions indirectly, which can further distance in real-life relationships
- tend to speak faster than they think, since their speech outpaces their thought process
- get impatient with people who take too long to grasp concepts or respond in conversation
- tend to blurt out secrets that they meant to keep private
- get uncomfortable with silence, whether it’s in conversation or in their own head
Cancers get lost in their biased perceptions rather than what’s actually going on.
- often resort to subtle hints or nonverbal cues to convey their feelings, like saying cryptically that they they’re “just fine” or “just tired” but expect others to read between the lines
- tend to whisper or speak in soft tones, which can make others ask them to repeat themselves often
- may out of the blue come to emotional realizations, like the truth about why something happened
- may do things like talk about their day and veer off into how it connects to their childhood
- may take criticism as someone doesn’t understand them, their struggles, or their efforts
- often talk about past experiences or memories in a way that makes their current life appear dull or unsatisfying
- even when asked to give objective advice their answers are tainted by emotional biases or personal fears
- may holding back sharing intuitive information or advice because they don’t know how to explain where it comes from
- tend to internalize the emotions others, like mentally replaying the suffering of others as if it’s there own problem to solve
- tend to resort to fantasizing about past memories, future worries, or a future where they feel more emotionally satisfied
- may pretend to be agreeable or lack rebuttals to avoid being criticized for speaking up, like “protective lies”
- can resort to emotional manipulation, like guilt-tripping instead of addressing issues directly; like saying “i guess some people don’t care enough to ask me how my day was”
- may delay making decisions for long periods of time because they have trouble separating what they feel from what makes rational say
- can hold onto the past in a way like avoiding making new friends because someone hurt them long ago and they subconsciously expect the same behavior
- can be unintentionally passive-aggressive through silence, like not responding to texts or giving one-worded responses
- tend to focus on the worst-case scenarios when it comes to whether they should commit to a person or activity
- tend to give overly cautious or vague advice, like “well, i think you should just follow your heart”
- may have emotional outbursts only at home
- tend to distrust evidence, like trusting how they perceive someone’s behavior than the truth
Leos get lost or debilitated for the constant need for validating the worth of the projections of their ego.
- can retreat into alternative identities or personas, like adopting a fictional identity or idealized version of themselves, even online
- often vanish from their social circles or withdraw without explanation, hoping their presence will be missed or noticed
- can prioritize getting recognized or praised for the idea of them being great rather than trusting their own significance
- often assume what they believe about themselves or what they deserve is more significant than the hard truth of their intentions, since they fear not being seen as perfect
- may speak to impress others with the idea of their specialness but this may not align with how they actually perceive their own self-esteem
- often offer guidance or mentor others in secret, feeling more comfortable influencing others in the background
- gravitate towards speaking or thinking about what’s connected to what they’re proud or not so proud of about themselves
- may heavily rely on music or art to express what they can’t put into words
- may talk in a way that seems like they’re playing victim or blaming external factors more often than not without realizing it
- take negative forms of affirmations from circumstances or people too personally, tying it to their sense of worth or perception, maybe without fully realizing how deep or subconscious these tendencies are
- may have secret mental competitions with others, which can reaffirm negative feelings when they feel like they “lose”
- often hold back expressing their ideas or feelings because they fear being misunderstood or not appreciated by others
- may convince themselves that they just move carefully and don’t care about what others think when deep down they do crave validation and fear rejection or judgment
- may get lost in imagining what they can accomplish or being admired so vividly that they lose touch with actually taking practical steps, so when come back to reality it can be a harsh reminder
- can keep hidden talents, accomplishments, or specialness hidden, waiting for the “right moment” to reveal it but get upset when others don’t realize their potential
Virgos can get lost or debilitated by their constant need to perfect what they can’t always control, or need to.
- often express their emotions or thoughts through complex analogies or metaphors, trying to craft comparisons that help comprehend their inner world
- use dry or self-deprecating humor to mask their feelings
- likes to use nature or introspective activities to retreat or refresh themselves
- may write or organize their thoughts, feelings, or experiences in a way that seems like a manual for themselves
- ask a lot of questions to full understand and convey what they want to say accurately, though it can seem like they’re overanalyzing to others
- tend to say things like “i think” or “maybe” very often because they second-guess themselves before speaking, and may say things like “i’m not an expert but”
- tend to use words that make them feel more competent but may alienate others who don’t share the same knowledge
- often steer conversations towards introspection which can lead be thoughtful but make lengthy replies that seem like overthinking
- when they write or speak they tend to mentally or literally edit words as they go, like correcting themselves frequently or rephrasing their thoughts
- tend to steer conversations to be more structured or focused on a certain agenda or topic, especially when subjects or ideas start branching off
- they find casual conversations challenging because they prefer discussing about topics they’re passionate or knowledgeable about, which can make socializing feel awkward
- often hold back how they think or feel until they feel confident in their understanding or articulation
- instead of asking about someone’s feelings or opinions directly they may ask hypothetical questions, mostly to invite deeper discussions without putting pressure on others
- likes to role play conversations or scenarios to process their feelings or gain perspective about meanings in interactions or situations
- retreats into intellectual discussions or research that convince then that they’re being productive while they could just be avoiding emotional engagement
- may unfairly compare themselves to others based on distorted perceptions rather than realistically assessing their own strengths
- prefer solving their problems on their own rather than seeking help from friends or family
- may have unusual ways of keeping themselves grounded, like self-soothing sensory or mental rituals
- often turn to obscure or esoteric texts because they believe that the answers can help with their inner turmoil
- may do a lot of extensive research or studying but keep their findings private instead of sharing with others
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Went on Instagram for a grand total of five minutes and was immediately pulled in to one of the literal dumbest arguments I have ever experienced and reminded myself why I left that hellscape for this one.
Are there brain-meltingly stupid discussions happening here, too? Of course. But at least we’re fucking funny about it.
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bixels · 3 months
I'm not getting into The Giving Tree discourse...
#personal#delete later#idk i just saw a post of the “alternate ending” comic on my dash and everyone praising it as an improvement and “fixing” the original#which i kinda resent#while tulli and i was taking my nephew to a book store we walked around the kids section and found the giving tree and we read through it#and i was so stricken by how profoundly sad it is. it's not a happy story#in the end both versions tell the exact same lesson. but one flat out tells you and the other makes you sit with a pit in your stomach#and work to find the answer#i dunno it's kids literature but kids literature is important. i don't wanna discredit anyone's bad memories with the book but also i think#sometimes it's ok to make kids a bit sad and upset with fiction.#tweet that goes “what if romeo and juliet didn't kill themselves and explained to the audience that family feuds are bad”#idk you can't seriously read the original book as an adult and say it's glorifying self-martyrdom#when the final drawing of the book is of an old tired man sitting on arotting stump with his hat fallen to the ground#again i don't wanna invalidate people's feelings if they enjoy the alt version i think it's really nice too. but the original has its#purpose too. imagine if at the end of the lorax they show that the boy did it and replanted the world happy ending#wait they did that in the movie shit#i dunno i just love somber children's literature. tulli and i are talking about moomin right now and how the series ends with the moomin#family just leaving. and nobody gets to say goodbye to them. their friends have to find ways to live with the emptiness they've left behin
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omegalomania · 1 year
fall out boy is like listen nothing we do matters and life is a painful climb that never really gets better so maybe you should put on a chicken suit and cluck cluck on live tv with your best friends about it because we might as well have some fun while we're here and i respect that so hard and i am being one hundred percent serious
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chirpsythismorning · 4 months
The way fans on the st sub are almost all in agreement Nancy ending up with neither Jon nor Steve wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, and how they can even come up with a sleuth of reasons as to why, honestly pretty valid and fair reasons, but then are absolutely gobsmacked when fans merely speculate something along those lines for El is, quite something.
#el hopper#byler#platonic elmike#stranger things#this is coming from someone who ADORED mileven in s1-2#I literally skipped all of s2 in my rewatch before s3 aired bc I just wanted to see their reunion#then s3 happened#and I was confused at#A LOT of ppl are#and anyone coming to voice that confusion is ran off Reddit like they’re committing a crime#like would it hurt y’all to have some of the same common sense you have for el like you do with Nancy#??#I am more jancy leaning but also I just feel like it’s certain stancy ain’t happening#but I’m also not totally against Nancy wanting to be on her own for a while#maybe they’d imply jancy Will find their way back to each other#maybe they’re teamed up in s5 and wait until the very end to cement that certainty for each other#but I would not hate their stories if Nancy and Jon decided to live their own lives#FOR THEMSELVES#Nancy doing what she wants and loves#Jonathan doing what he wants instead of just doing stuff that helps people around him#and I’m not going to even get into the reasons why el and mike would benefit from living for themselves outside of their relationship#the attachment to the ship is stronger than any sort of attachment to the character#and when the things keeping them together are not strong to begin with…#that attachment is doomed and hard to watch and enjoy like idgi at all#also; all the pro-ronance comments on there getting like 30+ likes??#go ronance I guess??!??#idk if it’s because they think byler actually has a serious possibility while ronance has less build up#so they can sort of play with that idea without actually having to take it seriously…#at least ronance has a positive audience on there#a win is a win I guess 😭🫡
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puppyeared · 9 months
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#maybe im being pessimistic abt this. im not saying u should wear a mask every waking moment of your life god knows i cant#but also. hell no i dont trust u if anything i distrust u ppl even more after how things played out for the past 3 years#like there are situations where it might be inevitable catching covid. most of my family members are nurses and in constant contact#but there are also a ton of ways to make that risk low as possible like masking and wearing a face shield and having sanitizer#for me its not enough to just say oh we're in a small group and we're all vaccinated#motherfucker your kid is sick from preschool EVERY TIME WE VISIT. of course ill be wearing a mask she gave me covid last year#also no the fuck it isnt seasonal the cases go up because lack of caution makes the virus spread and mutate especially around times when#ppl gather. add that with virus transmission in cold weather and its a matter of different factors increasing the risk of spread#im also tired of ppl not understanding that i wont be their responsibility if i do get sick. maybe they can help me recover#but at the end of the day the risk of death and long term health is all on me. i cant change that#the govt barely gives me accommodations what makes u think theyll do anything for every individual case of long covid or worse#im so tired. im so tired#i dont even know if its possible to want this to be over anymore i just wish we didnt have to deal with this in the first place#ALSO COUGH INTO YOUR SLEEVE SERIOUSLY HOW IS THIS SO HARD TO REMEMBER#oh its just a cold/dry throat its not like i have covid or anything. no!! its basic hygiene!!! how is this so hard to understand!!!!!!!!!!#and no this isnt abt whether people have the means to protect themselves this is me bitching abt my relatives not taking me seriously#vent#my art#myart#doodles#covid 19
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dykedvonte · 3 months
I dislike takes that Danse would be just as conservative in modernized aus when it's clearly shown his staunch views of things come from his time in the Brotherhood and his deep-rooted desire to belong to something with a greater purpose.
Not to mention lines that show much more open-mindedness that get overlooked for his harsher sentiments when you first meet him. Like the oppurtunity to be a part of something is why Danse fell so far into Brotherhood dogma and it doesn't negate the offense things he does but I feel like it's just lazy to be like "hmmm he'd def be racist" just so it aligns to his BoS beliefs.
#like i genuinely think he would like not fall into the military if he was in modern times because of all the other things he could do#he clearly has a passion for tech and mods and likely would find himself more useful as like a mechanic like at most hes one of those range#types or something but I feel like people equate his seriousness and him being a military man to closemindedness when its like having to ge#a new view point like we really dont know what he believed in before the BoS if he believed in anything at all outside of selling scrap to#survive before basically having an army recruiter have him join one of the scariest factions like why is the BoS so fucking violent???#like the BoS operates in such a way cause there is no civilian population like everyone is something or training to be so they arent really#fighting for anything but themselves at this point which is just a feedback loop of gaining more power and is not equatable to real#military people due to the fact most of the recruits are really born and bred to be soliders while say irl you have a family and country to#fight for and return to outside the military which is def grounding as Danse wouldn't be in the army 24/7 like in canon#idk its odd to me when a character that is has fantastic racism ergo the trope of bigotry to fake races people try to translate it to real#life especially when those races have not equivalent like tell me what is the irl equal to a fucking ghoul or super mutant like????#racism is not like a funny headcanon like making him a defrosting prude or by the book is whatever but he would not be a bigot just like a#narc or some shit hed tell on me for loitering but I know hed tear apart each voting party and likely the military for being self serving#and like knows all about it and it makes him sound like a politics nut but its more annoyance like I have such strong feelings about#characters who would be marginially better if they were not victums to the military like yes I believe we can fix Danse he just needs to#be around not war/the military for like a week and see people be happy existing like he doesnt know how to do that but this is a weird take#ive seen mostly from white fans that makes me super uncomfy like ur weird#anyway still fuck the brotherhood everyone is so rude like damn i know its the east coast but can we get a little hospitality fuck you#maccready was right brotherhood of squeal more like it dont worry porky we'll get you out (danse is porky btw)#fallout#fallout 4#fo4#paladin danse
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5bi5 · 9 months
Wish we could have seen a Kendra-Faith discussion on their philosophies toward slaying because like yes they're opposites in some ways but they've also both fully accepted their slayerhood as a core part of their identities in a way that takes Buffy a long time
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flecks-of-stardust · 9 months
wholeheartedly and with as much gentleness as possible, i truly think there needs to be more discussion about downpour in the community as it is now. for a variety of reasons.
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natjennie · 1 year
ookay fine yes maybe I saw a yonderland out of context video and watched the first episode what about it.
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tethered-heartstrings · 11 months
Id just like to say that I love all your reblogs of yourself coz I don't know if I missed them or if I forgot those posts existed but everytime I'm like "wow, what a banger" and then I look and it's you who's rereblogging your own posts and I'm just like .....AS THEY SHOULD! THANK YOU!
genuinely read this and it made my day tysm on so many levels <33
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punkkboyyluvrr · 3 months
modern slasher movies need to take themselves way less seriously and i am Not Fucking Joking
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rainbow-crane · 2 months
so my sister is getting me to watch Cobra Kai while I'm visiting home, right
and look. She warned me about the love square. The old man rivalry. All that good stuff. What she did not warn me of, or rather, was not equipped to warn me of(she's never played DR), was the fact that Mondo Owada is a main fucking character
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blazinghotpluraltakes · 17 hours
People need to understand that criticizing anti-endos is often religiously intolerant or ableist and excludes people of certain beliefs or opinions from spaces where they can share isn't the same "i hate anti-endos!! I want anti-endos to be isolated!"
And saying that this is a problem that also affects people in real life (whether through religious intolerance, forced medicalization, etc.) is not comparing it to forms of systematic oppression.
(anti endo I'm not just referring to those who call themselves that, but rather anyone who believes that any form of plurality NEEDS TO BE medicalized and traumatic).
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Y’all will be your own undoing the fact none of you have not even the slightest bit of doubt is rather worrying. what happens if neither is endgame and let’s say Mike is killed off? You can’t say that won’t happen either because you don’t know the same way you can’t say byler is endgame because you don’t know hell even milevens can’t say they’re ship is endgame because they don’t know. Ego is ruining both sides and neither side is correct and shouldn’t proclaim to be.
I'm sorry anon, but I'm not all bylers. While there are a great deal of bylers like myself who have less doubts these days, there are plenty that have mostly doubts. PLENTY. Arguably the vast majority. And for good reason, ie. history.
To be completely honest anon, I don't think you're worried about bylers and their lack of doubts. I think their lack of doubt scares you bc it's caused you to go from confident to having doubts yourself. Why else would you be here on anon all condescending otherwise?
Personally, I'm not even here bc I want to believe byler's endgame. And no offense to those that have went through it, because the whole point of queer-baiting is to basically mock queer fans and lead them on with no intention of following through, but I have never been queer-baited before.
I did however, like many milkvans, go into Stranger Things loving Mike and El under the assumption they were peak romance. I literally skipped all of s2 during my first rewatch to get to their reunion! But genuinely, do we think the show is supposed to be watched that way?? Hell no.
If you're having to skip all of s2, most of s3, most of s4 in rewatches, bc Mike and El are separated, fighting, or broken up, what does that tell you?
If you're having resentments for characters like Max and Lucas and Will and Hopper bc the story has made points to have those characters interfere with your confidence in Mike and El romantically, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're probably watching the show wrong. To be clear, if you have resentment for ANY of the main characters, you are missing something!!!
And that was my problem back then when I subscribed to these assumptions, because I WANTED to believe Mike and El were the pinnacle of romance, despite the signs incoming that went against it. And what that meant is I had to hold resentments for all the characters, including Mike and El themselves and even the Duffer Brothers for ruining what I WANTED to believe.
After s3, me, my friends, family and quite honestly anyone I spoke to about the show, said that it went downhill since the previous two seasons. And I do think a big part of the reason why, is because of the Mike and El conflict conflating everything. It felt regressive. And s4 repeating that exact storyline????
It took me a while to even consider byler as an idea. It's not like I latch onto every non-canon mlm ship and just ship for nothing (very few bylers do this, no matter how much anti's need to convince themselves this is the case as an excuse to be homophobic).
I am a hopeless romantic. Doesn't matter if it's queer or straight, I only ship stuff that I feel confident is endgame bc why would I put myself through scenes of something that doesn't feel right to me, merely bc I want to believe it and despite everything pointing against it??
Full serious, IF I was confident in milkvan endgame as a possibility, I would probably just convince myself to like them and provide evidence supporting it, bc I would honestly rather be right? Who tf wants to be wrong?
The problem was it didn't matter if I was initially convinced Mike and El were the pinnacle of romance (I was a child okay, give me a break...). Once I let go of that assumption because of all the doubts I had of them piling up, and took off my heteronormative goggles, I went woah... Holy shit. This show is actually fucking epic. Doubts gone. And the rest is history.
So, what happens if neither is endgame and Mike's killed off? I guess I would be confused, especially because the Duffer's specifically mentioned not being able to kill off Mike in a podcast last year. They gave their reasoning as to why, being that they take deaths on their show very seriously, needing 1+ seasons for them to show the characters mourning the loss. And so ending the show on that exact note, would be kind of a spoiler since they brought it up specifically? Therefore kind of redundant?
I guess, sue me for thinking the Duffers care about the show and put a lot of meaning into it. All of my analysis and theories are based on that assumption. No one's going to change how I think about that, so trust me, not worth getting worked up over it, anon.
If your evidence is all based on the assumption that the Duffers are not that good of writers, that almost everything on the show is coincidental and there's no deeper meaning beyond surface level, why are you even watching it in the first place? You do you I guess, but I just don't know why you wouldn't want to watch something that is more worth your time?
People being confident in their theories wont hurt you. If it bothers you so much, maybe find a way to be confident with your theories after looking at all the evidence from both sides. All sides. Any sides. If you still come up completely indifferent, then don't work yourself up by going on anon and making it other peoples' problem.
If it turns out everything meant nothing, and I was wrong about everything or most of what I interpreted, I will be okay! Because the show went from being about what I wanted to believe, to just what I genuinely believed.
Would I be disappointed? Sure. But lets hope I'm right bc in my scenario the show is epic and everything means something... not sure why anyone would root for the alt...
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