#you become a gatekeeper yume and now everyones asking you about your man's ex smh smh (/LIGHTHEARTED JOKE)
mihai-florescu · 5 months
mihai can you recommend stories on the godfather and the gatekeeper? I need to understand the toxic old man yaoi more
Also apparently there's a priest? I feel like i'm lagging behind on a lot
The SS arc thats almost over on eng rn (we just have the ss finals left in a few months... which i never found a tl for but im preeetty sure it wraps up all the loose ends) and main story 1.5 (first 3 stories are translated on tumblr, i have linked them here before) deal with gatekeeper/godfather/priest plotlines. I'd say out of ss arc Secret Service deals the most with godfather and introduces us to the existence of priest for the first time iirc. And the apostle...well i will not spoil who that guy is. Hehe>:3c
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