#you came here not as a detective but as a friend…you’ve bested me sherly
hopelessly-aro · 1 year
local fiction enjoyer ugly cries over the power of friendship. in other news: bears shit in the woods and the pope is a catholic
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tachikoma-x · 5 months
I thought Viz’s official English version rendering “Sherly” as “Sherlock” was bad enough, but hey it turns out it’s even worse - they kind of messed up the whole sentence??
Viz: “Tonight, you didn’t come here as a detective… you came as a friend. But … I’ve already lost. Sherlock. ”
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'But... I’ve already lost.' alters the intended meaning of this sentence (僕の負けだ) considerably. It is vague as heck and can be interpreted a number of different ways (like, was he talking about the moriarty plan??). It obscures the fact that William was conceding defeat to Sherlock in this game of two. He was not saddened or disheartened. It’s a moment of both intense joy and sorrow, perhaps in equal measure, as William finally saw crystal clear Who Sherlock is—a friend who had sought his own friendship all along—and the lengths Sherlock was willing to go to for that friendship.
(It’s my current working theory that the translator read the next sentence where William was talking about how the boards/scaffolding won’t support that much weight for longer and that fate will likely show no mercy, and decided that that sentence was simply a reflection of William feeling disheartened by the situation…)
Both the anime and fan translations are excellent:
Anime: “You came here not as a detective, but as a friend, didn’t you? You’ve bested me. … Sherly.”
Fan: “So you came here not as a “detective” … But rather as a “friend”, … It’s my loss. Sherly…”
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And while we are on this subject, Viz also messed up the translation for the first time Sherlock called William “Liam.”
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Also, that night at 221 B, Sherlock used “Professor William James Moriarty” but the translation simply said “William James Moriarty.”
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These choices are perplexing. I’d like to think these are errors, because it’s even worse if these are deliberate imo.
But at the end of the day, these translators are probably overworked and underpaid. Because MTP only comes out 4 times a year, by the time they get the latest volume, they’d probably already forgotten what the last volume was about. That, and working against a tight deadline, would make mulling over word choices and ensuring consistency throughout the series difficult. So this is still not a knock on individual translators, but Viz should do better.
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sigmoon · 7 months
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„If only we could be reborn into a different world, then this next time, I would hope to be true friends with you.“
„Why would you go so far to save me?“ „Isn’t that evident? Because you are my dear friend.“
„Living may hold nothing but bitterness for you, but the world that you are changing is going to be a world worth living in. So..live!“
„You came here not as a detective, but as a friend, didn’t you?“
„You’ve bested me, Sherly.“
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pastelbatfandoms · 4 years
...Like one of your French girls
A/N: A side story for My OC Renee West Wells and Sherloque Wells from The Flash. Takes place during season 5. A little back story since I haven’t written that part yet. Thanks to Nora,Renee finds out her long lost love Eobard Thawne aka Reverse Flash is alive in the future but locked up and goes to see him,Eobard manipulates her to his side again,along with Nora,they keep it a secret until Sherloque (who Renee is currently dating) uses his Detective skills and is not too happy with what he finds out,leaving things with Renee up in the air....
Warnings: Smut because it’s a Wells and I can’t help it ♥ Also Sherloque will not stop trying to persuade me to write about him. Slow burn a bit of Cat & Mouse. 
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Renee should have known Sherloque would find out,he was a Detective after all. What she hadn’t planned on was him saying something in front of Barry,Iris and the rest of Team Flash. Who,known for being a bit judgemental,didn’t take it well. 
If Renee was honest with herself she could understand why Sherloque had made that descion,he felt hurt and betrayed and wanted Renee to feel some of that as well. While Renee hadn’t at first,ultimately leading to Obsidian Storm taking over and joining up with her niece XS,as well as Weather Witch,Bug Eyed Bandit and Rag Doll as The Young Rogues. Eventually after what happened with Nora and Eobard leaving once again,Renee saw the error of her ways and re joined Team Flash.
It was their that Sherloque told them he was leaving back to his Earth,he didn’t look at Renee when he said it but Renee looked at him.Upset but not surprised,if her lover had treated her the way she had treated Sherloque,she would leave too. 
But she wasn’t going to let him leave without at least explaining herself or letting him know that she had cared or does really care for him. 
Biting her lip,Renee works up the nerve then finally clears her throat to get Sherloque’s attention. Sherloque squints up at her in question,as Renee makes a gesture with her head for them to talk in private. Sherloque at first appears to not want too,then eyeing her up and down,excuses himself and follows Renee out of the room. 
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Once in the lounge part of Star Labs,Sherloque turns,his hands in his pockets as he regards Renee. “So what iz it you want to talk about?” He asks cooly. 
Renee drops her guard then,hating how distant Sherloque is with her now. “Sherloque I...I am so sorry.” She looks up at him,hoping he can read the sincerity behind her eyes. 
As a so called master detective,Sherloque obviously can but chooses to ignore it,as he looks away with a tsk. “ Iz that all?’ The Frenchman asks. 
“No...” Renee lets out a breath in exasperation,not at him but herself and the situation she had put them in. “Of course not. Look I know you’re mad and hurt and probably hate me,I would too if I were you. But I didn’t mean to hurt you,not intentionally,I do care about you. Honestly I wasn’t expecting to see you again after our one night encounter,then after I left Earth 2,left Harry,I was just lost and you were there but then I started to have feelings for you and then Eobard showed back up and mixed those all up,which I should hate him for but...” The words came spilling out,one after another,unable to contain them or even make sense of them,just wanting Sherloque to know everything she felt in that moment. “I’m sorry you don’t need someone like me,I mean technically you’ve already dealt with me 6 times,why make it a 7th? In fact this was probably a bad idea,I should go.” Seeming to change her mind Renee starts to walk away,when Sherloque,who had been quiet the entire time,grabbed her by the wrist to stop her. “Renee halte’. “
 Pulling her towards him,Renee didn’t have time to react before Sherloque’s lips were on hers,kissing her as if he never wanted to let go. When he did,it was to say. “ I forgive you,you `are not something I have to,how you say,deal with. You are ‘Mon indispensable to me. Mon amour.” 
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Renee gazed up at him,studying Sherloque almost like he did with everyone else,but there was no apprehension on Sherloque’s face only sincerity and love.Renee smiled then, “You’re special to me too Sherloque.” 
Sherloque kissed her again,this time slower,as Renee murmured breathlessly between kisses. “Don’t leave Sherloque,I need you,please.” 
“Non. I won’t. Mon avenir “ Sherloque promised,placing his forehead close to Renee’s as they held one another.  
The Following Day... Sherloque POV
Sherloque had been looking for Renee everywhere, at Star Labs,they had just made up and now she had disappeared without a trace. “Where have you gone Ma Tigresse...” Sherloque wondered,muttering the pet name he had for her. Sherloque knew she hadn’t actually left,it was a game she liked,playing hard to get...Sherloque will admit being a Detective he enjoyed it as well,But he was still perplexed as to where Renee had hid off too. So perplexed he even asked Cisco. 
Cisco looked up from the computers and shook his head frowning. “No sorry Sherli I haven’t seen her.”
Sherloque frowned back at the hated nickname but chose to ignore it for the moment.
Cisco stood up then. “I could help you look for her.” 
Sherloque hesitated,making a warding off gesture,shaking his head. “Non,that iz not ne’ssacary.” 
But Cisco insisted following Sherloque,who was heading down to the lounge. 
Sherloque looked back,”Yet you are’ coming anywayz.” He muttered under his breath. 
Once they had reached the lounge and opened the door,Sherloque’s eyes immediately fell onto Renee. Ah there she was. ((Here she iz indeed...)) Sherloque thought,trailing his eyes up and down taking in her,very naked,form as she lay across the couches. Then he noticed Cisco catching up with him and immediately rushed into the room,closing the door so only Sherloque’s face was shown as he shouted. “Ah I found Renee!”
Cisco stopped. “Is she okay?” He asked.
“She iz fine!” Sherloque reassured him trying not to appear nervous. “Very fine indeed...” He murmured,glancing back again at her. Then snapping out of it turned back to Cisco. “I can take it from here.” 
Cisco frowned,”If you’re sure...” Probably thinking Sherloque was just being weird and secretive again.
Sherloque shook his head waving Cisco off. “Oui,very sure!” Sherloque insisted. Waiting until Cisco had left to fully close the door behind him. 
Closing his eyes and Letting out a breath in relief that Cisco hadn’t caught his best friend,and Ex,laying naked in the lounge,all for Sherloque,he forgot for a moment that HIS girlfriend was indeed laying naked waiting for him. Until she spoke up. 
“Sherloque...paint me like one of your french girls...” Renee said softly,quoting that very famous scene from Titanic. 
But Sherloque knew it wasn’t just a euphemism. As he opened his eyes and let out under his breath. “ Oh Tu es toute simplement ravissante’”  Sherloque did paint in his free time and knew Renee was curious about body painting.
“ One moment mon amour.” Putting up a finger,Sherloque looked around then spotted his paints he kept stashed in the lounge,letting out a pleased “Ah!” upon finding it. Once he had retrieved his body paints,Sherloque turned back to Renee,with a wicked grin. “Let uz begin.” 
Renee’s POV
Renee had been waiting for almost half an hour,wondering when Sherloque was going to find her. And was relieved when he finally did,glancing at his hungry look now as he held the paints,his eyes roaming over her body,she was glad she had waited. 
Renee suppressed a shiver,not out of being cold,as Sherloque advanced towards her. 
Then he stopped,setting his paints down as he removed his long coat and rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt,slowly because he knew Renee was watching. And she was. 
Renee watched every gesture and nuance her boyfriend made,admiring his toned arms but also his ability to size her up as much as she was sizing him up,seeming to appear cool yet interested all the same time,damn did the French go to school for Seduction 101? or was it because he was also a Detective and knew by her eyes,everything Renee was wanting in that moment. 
Renee surmised it was both. She followed Sherloque with her eyes as he knelt in front of her. “Sit up Tigresse.” Sherloque instructed her with a nod of his head. Renee did as she was told gazing up at Sherloque’s intense expression,who was frowning in concentration already in artist mode,Renee openly shivered this time as Sherloque started painting her chest,brushing alongside her nipple. 
“A little excited My pet?” Sherloque smirked already knowing the answer. 
Renee cleared her throat,looking away. “No,I’m fine.” She lied. 
Sherloque gave a disbelieving sound but continued. “Relaxe’...” He told her. “Close your eyez.”
Renee did,feeling instead of seeing every stroke he made with the brush against her skin,swirling it around her nipples and down her stomach. Talk about four play...
In what seemed like forever,but wasn’t nearly long enough,Sherloque told her to open her eyes,she did looking down and seeing awash of colors in blue,black and streaks of yellow over the front of her body. It took her a moment to realize he had painted a Thunderstorm. 
“Sherloque it’s beautiful...” Renee whispered. 
Sherloque gave a small smile but he wasn’t done yet,as he ran a hand up Renee’s legs. “Open.” 
Renee did,slowly at first until she felt Sherloque’s hands grip her thighs,telling her without words,to open wider. Renee’s eyes closed once again as she felt Sherloque’s paint brush glide up her leg closer to more while intimate parts as he gently pushed her thighs open. 
Stopping to admire the view appreciatively. “Perfection...” He murmured under his breath. As he started to paint her inner thighs,then letting out a “Mmmm” of feigned annoyance,rubbed at the spot he had just painted. “Looks like I missed a spot. Don’t worry Mon Cheri I clean it.” 
Renee opened her eyes long enough to look down into Sherloque’s own,dark with lust as he trailed kisses up her thighs,every touch was slow and sensual,making Renee moan and drop her head back once Sherloque’s mouth went where she really needed it to go. 
Slowly,languidly he licked up her,seeming to devour every taste and savor every moan that came from her lips,as she came with a shudder. 
Sherloque let up then,raising to meet her as she said breathlessly,eyes closed. “Make me forget Sherloque.” 
“Forget what Mi Amour?” Sherloque asked,though he knew for the most part what she meant. 
Renee’s eyes opened then,dark with lust,as she stared into Sherloque’s own lust filled eyes. “Everything.” She murmured. 
Sherloque’s lips were on hers then,kissing her passionately,she wrapped her arms around Sherloque as he picked her up and carried her to his makeshift bed. 
Once on the bed Sherloque positioned himself above her,giving her a long kiss as he slowly stroked her,Renee was more then ready when Sherloque thrust inside her with a low moan. 
The feeling of his cock inside her,made Renee want to come right then as they held each other close. “Eager are we Mon cher?” Sherloque asked in a teasing manner. But stopped moving when he felt Renee clench around him. Sherloque tskd,putting a finger to Renee’s lips. “Non My pet don’t cum yet,I want it to last.” Sherloque whispered seductively into her ear.
At his command Renee willed the feeling to pass,opening her mouth to suck on Sherloque’s finger as he slowly moved inside her again. 
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He cupped her face then,kissing her slowly as they made love,then gripped her breast to lick her nipple,she shuddered and then those two words low in her ear. “Cum for me Ma Tigresse’” as he slowly fucked her into submission, “Ah yes My love that’s it.” Renee felt every inch as him as she came with a low cry “Sherloque!” and felt him cum inside right along with her. 
Afterwards they lay in each others arms,reveling in the after glow. When suddenly they hear a door open,Renee sits up grateful the blanket is covering them. Then her eyes widen as she realizes who was standing there. Harrison Wells,her husband. 
“Harry I...” Renee’s words die on her lips,at a loss. True they were estranged but she had never told him about Sherloque. 
Harry seems to be at a loss for words as well as he simply stares at them both then turns and walks out. 
Renee gets up quickly dressing. “I’m sorry Sherloque,I didn’t know Harry was going to be here. I need to go.” Renee says hastily. 
“Of course I understandz.” Sherloque answers with a gesture. “Go.” As Renee quickly walks out the door. 
“Harry wait!” Renee yelled,Once she had caught up with Harry in the hall of the cortex. Harry turns around but still says nothing. Thinking he is angry or in shock,Renee tries to apologize. “Harry I’m sorry I know we were apart but I should have told you about Sherloque.” 
“No need. I already knew.” Harry finally spoke,but his voice was different some how,raspier. 
“How?” Renee asked frowning but then her expression turned to one of realization as she studied him. “You’re not Harry...”
Harrison,or who she thought was,let out a dark chuckle and smirked. “No I’m not.” 
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“Eobard...” Renee whispered. Not sure how to feel seeing him standing there once again looking like Harrison Wells.
“ I know you have a thing for this detective,he is a Wells after all...” Eobard Thawne said,leaning closer into her. “But just remember YOU belong to ME.” Eobard whispered in her ear then eyes flashing red,he zips away. 
Leaving Renee shaken,not sure if that was a promise or a threat and if she really wanted to find out....
To be continued...
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Safety in a Dark Trenchcoat (Sherlock Holmes)
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Pairing: Sherlock/Reader Words: 1280+ Warning(s): Abuse, abuse mention, depression A/N: sorry this took 5 ever. i hope you enjoy! Also sorry my writing sucks here orx Request: sorry if this seems dark you dont have to write it! can you do a sherlock x reader where she is abused by her boyfriend? her, sherlock and john were best friends before he started keeping her away/locked in her flat except for work or shopping until she finally calls sherlock, wanting him to help but her boyfriend catches her. end it with some fluff pls!
   You sat in your prison. You stared out the window, watching the children and the bystanders walk by. Your fingers sprawled against the glass, yearning to be out there with them. Your eyes water at the sight of your bruised wrist that Dan left from a few nights before from one of his drunken fits. You move away from the window and wander about absent mindedly, thinking of your best friends Sherlock Holmes and Doctor John Watson.You missed them dearly but Dan had told you to stay away, told you that they don't need you. You had believed him at first but now, after being confined to Dan's apartment except for your job, you wanted to run back to 221B Baker Street.
   You came to a stop in your wandering at the thought of the boys, do they even want to see you again? You left them and ignored them with no given reason. Dan even convinced you to transfer your job across the city away from them both. Your trembling hands covered your eyes as tears trickled down your cheeks. You missed them so much, especially the youngest Holmes. You were at your breaking point of all this abuse, you've finally cracked. You wanted out and you wanted to leave Dan and this hell of an apartment behind.
   With heavy caution, you grab the phone line, your tremoring fingers made it hard to dial the phone number you remember by heart. You waited for the dial tone to pass, practically praying for Sherlock to pick up his phone, knowing Dan would be home from the pub anytime soon.
   "John can you hand me my phone?" Sherlock asked while he sat in his chair crossed legged. John rolled his eyes but complied. He placed the device in his hand and Sherlock answered it almost immediately, thinking it was Lestrade. Before he could open his mouth to speak, the oh so familiar voice of the woman he grew to love.
   "Sh-Sherlock?" Your voice trembled quietly through the phone, instantly raising concern in him.  "Are y-you there?"
   "Hello, (Y/N)." Johns head snapped over to the dark haired man, dropping whatever he was doing to listen in. "I'm here, what's wrong?"
   "I'm sorry for l-leaving you and John." He could here you try to muffle your sobs. "I''m so sorry."
   "What's happening?" Sherlock urged on for you to continue with a genuine voice full of concern. "Are you in danger?"
   "Yes." His grip on his phone tightened. He concentrated on any noise he may hear in the background to indicate the danger.
   "(Y/N) please tell me what's wrong."
   "It's... It's Dan." He heard you suck in a shaky breath, trying to calm yourself. "He um... he hits me, keeps me in his apartment." His heart felt like was going to be ripped from his chest. Now he had his answers why you left, why you avoided him. It was all your boyfriends fault. That scum he had an underlying feeling that he was a no good drunk with anger issues.
   "(Y/N)-" He was cut off by a door slamming open on your side of the call.
   "He's home!" You whispered harshly, fear and panic was evident in your voice.
   "Sherlock-!" The line went dead. The detectives phone slipped from his long pale fingers, crashing onto the floor. In a flash he was at the door throwing his coat and scarf, a look John's never seen on the tall man was on his face.
   "Come along, John. I need someone to restrain me from committing a murder."
   "I TOLD YOU NEVER TO SPEAK WITH THAT PHONEY!" Dan yelled at you as you coward in the corner of the living area, cupping your freshly bruised cheek as the tears burst from your eyes like water from a dam. Your boyfriend was hovering over you, is face beet red from his drunken state and anger, hand raised.  
   "I-I-I'm so-sorry!" You blubbered.  
   "Sorry doesn't fix this! You disobeyed me!" He walked away from you, making you even more frightful. Suddenly a vase crashed above your head, glass shards of all sizes rained on your body. You shrieked as more things were crashing above you, your arms cover your head to protect you from the glass.  
   "P-Please-!" Another crash above your head. Dan stomped back over to your cowering form, his rough hands grip your forearms, dragging you up to your feet. You could smell the disgusting stench of alcohol on his breath. His iron grip was probably going to bruise the next day.
   "What did you tell him?"
   "N-Nothing! I swear!"
   "DON'T LIE TO ME!" He knocked you upside the head, letting you crash to the floor. Dazed and confused you tried to stand up but you only managed to roll onto your back which offered no help to yourself. Dan straddled your hips, his face made you terrified to your core; you had never seen him so mad before.  
   "Dan! Stop!" You cried, trying to knock him off you as best you could but it was no use, one of his free gripped your wrists down to the floor.  
   "You told him didn’t you?" He growled. "You fuckin' told him!" You couldn’t  beg him, he struck you in the face. Blood spurted from your nose all over your face, he kept yelling things that didn't make sense at all. He got off you and gave you a few kicks to where ever he could on your body, even one that cut open your lip.
   "Please-" you were cut off with a bang at the door. You felt your spirit rise, hoping it was Sherlock and John. "Sh-Sherlock!"
   "(Y/N)!" His muffled voice brought a smile to your face. Before Dan could move, the door came down with a loud slam.
   Sherlock, at the sight before him, felt pure rage. He watched you momentarily try to sit up as your boyfriend stood over you. His reasoning left the vicinity as he stalked towards Dan. In a swift movement, Sherlock's hands gripped the piece of scum and hurled him onto the floor. Calculating the worst spots to kick him, Sherlock was dead-set on causing this man as much as he caused you. He punched and kicked the ass to almost unconsciousness.
   As much as John wanted this man beaten, he pulled Sherlock away. The dark curly haired man looked at him with bewilderment, trying to break away from the former army doctor.
   "Go to (Y/N), help her." John grunted, snapping the detective from his rage path. He gave a curt nod as John let him go, kneeling down to you. You managed get yourself sitting upwards but you were beginning to feel lightheaded.  
   "Sherly, you-you came."
   "There, there." Sherlock spoke, trying to be as comforting as he could possibly be. He pulled off his signature coat and wrapped it around you, pulling you into his chest.  His warmth and smell gave you comfort.
   You both stayed like until Lestrade and the police showed up. Sherlock wouldn't let anyone touch you as you stayed wrapped up in his coat, it took a lot of convincing to allow the paramedics to take care of you. He felt the urge to keep you close and protect you with his being, despite him not being a people person, you  were his exception.
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