#you can go be pissy elsewhere and unfollow me
stormblessed95 · 6 months
It's so disrespectful how you still ship yoonpearl even though they've only ever seen each other as friends and one of them saying multiple times he's straight yet you still entertain it.
Saying it's a good and fun ship is not the same thing as shipping them, i get my shipping dues with fictional characters. You'll find me easily obsessed there and i dont need much to decide to ship it then!
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(Art is not mine, I'd love to credit them if anyone knows who the artist is)
Lmao I LOVE yoonpearl's friendship and its so cute. I have never once thought they were pr desired them to be fucking though... soo.... who is shipping who where? 🤣 unclench? And do me the favor and just block me and go.
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aki-chan2014 · 6 years
The Kirigiri Lab Guide to SYOC etiquette.
Chatting with various friends on Discord about the ups and downs of being in the SYOC (submit your own character) fan fiction community, I decided to create this list of basic rules of how to act when it comes to SYOCs. It has rules and explanations that apply to both those who write such fan-fictions and those who submit characters to it, and while it was made in response to the experience of Danganronpa SYOCs (hence post title and some other minor things in the rules), this etiquette can be applied to any SYOC in any fandom
It would be cool if this could circulate as an actual, semi-official guide to SYOC etiquette, so to that end this post will have ‘signatures’ at the bottom of people who support this and agree to follow the rules listed in it. If you want your name included, either reblog the post to ‘sign’ or ask me to add your name to the list that will be at the bottom. And if there are rules you think I could add, let me know and it will be considered.
Anyway, without further ado, here is the Kirigiri Lab Guide to SYOC etiquette:
  Rule 1: Treat others with decency (or, in the words of Sparky, ‘don’t be a c***’) This one essentially underpins all the other rules here, and is probably very self-explanatory, but I think when it comes to SYOC fanfiction, there are a few specific things you should or should not do to be a decent human being to others involved in it (because yes, all of us creators and writers are human beings):
-If the SYOC doesn’t interest you, or you don’t like the premise, then just don’t say anything. There will always be other SYOCs, so there will be something for you, somewhere. No need to get pissy just because this one SYOC does not catch your eye. And no need to make a point of saying you’re not going to submit either. It’s demoralising, and you gain nothing from it.
-Don’t abuse the SYOC writer for not accepting your character, or for giving your character a different fate to whatever one you had envisioned for them. More on the latter in the third rule, but yeah. It’s okay to be upset if your character isn’t accepted, but be polite. If you don’t want to follow a fic that doesn’t have your OC in it, just discreetly unfollow or whatever, don’t make a production of it.
-Do not pester people for reviews. Yes, reviews can make all the difference to morale, and it’s fine to just put a generic ‘hope you enjoyed, please leave feedback’ in an author’s note at the end somewhere. But don’t, for example, make the acceptance of characters contingent on their creators leaving reviews, or constantly pester people by PMs to leave you reviews.
-For the most part, if you have nothing nice to say in a review, say nothing at all. But if you do have some negative criticism, it is okay only if it is constructive, and aimed at the writing and not the writer themselves. If you do have concerns about the writer themselves, PM it instead.  And actually use an account, or if that isn’t possible, find a way to allow the author to respond to you.
Rule 2: Follow the SYOC writer’s rules. Every SYOC will come with its own set of rules for what sort of characters to submit, and how to submit them, and other such things. Lots are similar (no Mary Sues/Gary Stus, no recycled characters-more on that in rule 4-, no repeat talents etc. etc.) Read those rules carefully, and then for crying out loud follow them.
Rule 3: Remember that the SYOC is a two-way process. As a character creator, you have the responsibility to follow the rules the writer has set out and put actual effort into your character. Obviously, do not act like this is a novel you need to properly research and don’t let the process stop being fun to you, but you must put some effort in to make the character a good one.  And as a writer, you have a responsibility to portray the character in the best way that you can, and to do right by them.  Though in the end what that looks like is up to you and how you want the story to go, if you’re not sure about something or you need to change something like their name, clothing etc. etc.-ask the character’s creator!
But of course, creators, if you’re concerned that your character is being portrayed OOC, PM them and voice your concerns politely, but please bear in mind people interpret things differently.  If you’re just annoyed your character was a killer when you thought of them more as a survivor or whatever, keep that to yourself and don’t berate the writer for it. That side of things is the side that’s the responsibility of the writer, not you. Trust that they have put thought into it and decided that this was the best course of action-after all, if they hadn’t liked your character, they’d never have accepted them.
Rule 4: Don’t recycle characters. Okay, so just how strict this rule is definitely a preference that differs from writer to writer, but generally speaking, if you’ve got a character that’s already appearing in one fanfic, DO NOT, for the love of all that is good, send them to another fic! It’s incredibly disrespectful to the writer both of the first fic and the new one, and it also breaks Rule 3.
Naturally, there are exceptions-if you have sent a character before but they weren’t accepted, it’s fine to try them again elsewhere. The same goes if the character was accepted and there is confirmation one way or another that the story is discontinued. But if the character isn’t a rejected one or from a story that is definitely discontinued (no, a hiatus does not count), then DON’T. Seriously, don’t.
Rule 5: Don’t plagiarise. I do not need to explain this one (I hope).
Rule 6: Have fun!!! Seriously, writing SYOCs, creating OCs for other people’s, it’s all great, great fun. So enjoy yourself!
Signed by: TheRoseShadow21 (that’s me), @not-mayurie , Gramps, Sparky, Ducks (YellowTheWriter on ff.net)
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