#you can literally just see the sheer delight and elation miles is feeling at being there with him
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miles + looking at alex during photoshoots
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sfthearts · 6 years
Serendipity (part 3)
WHEW this part... I was literally nervous writing it (not bad nervous just excited nervous) because I knew how I wanted it to turn out but didn’t know if I could get it across, and I think I did?
I finished this during my own personal Crackhead Hours™️ so if there’s mistakes or something doesn’t make sense just... lmk and I’ll fix it or explain lol
Also, italics indicate a flashback :)
Mmm I think that’s all, enjoy! I really like this one 😌
Word count: 1744
“Y/N COME ON HURRY UUUUPPPPP!! I want to get to the bar early so we can drink before everyone gets there!!!” Aspen yells to you through your apartment. She was waiting on your couch while you finished getting ready.
“You can’t rush perfection, my dear best friend.” You say back in a neutral tone. You hear her groan and you can almost see her throw her head back dramatically. You’ve had this exact discussion probably 500 times throughout your friendship, and she never does quite understand how much time and work it takes to put your face together. Aspen is more of a simple girl, some concealer and mascara, maybe a brow gel and she’s out the door. You, however, take a bit longer until you’re satisfied.
A short while later, you’ve completed your look and are ready and heading out the door. Tonight, you chose a simple black dress, not too short but not too long, that hugged your curves exactly how you like. Your hair was down and lightly curled, and you had on some cute black heels. Aspen had her blonde hair straightened, and wore black fake leather pants and a cropped vintage band tee, paired with some high top vans.
You call the Uber to pick you up and chat in the meantime.
“So, do you think you’re going to see your boooyfriend tonight?” Aspen asks with a teasing tone in her voice.
“I doubt it, what even are the chances of that happening? There’s so many bars in this city, and who knows if he even likes bars?” You ramble. Aspen stops you by putting her hand over your mouth. You lick her palm in response.
“EW you filthy RAT!” She screeches as she wipes your spit off on her pant leg.
You smile, pleased with your work. She begins to tell you to stay positive and that you never know what may happen, when the Uber pulls up. You hop in after Aspen and make small talk with your driver until the car arrives at your destination. It was only a short drive, about 5 miles. You and Aspen thank the man and both of you get out quickly, smoothing your dress down once you’re outside the bar.
You hear music playing from inside, and see a small group outside smoking on some benches. You lead Aspen inside and immediately walk up to the bar, ordering drinks for each of you. A lemon drop martini for you, and a vodka cranberry for your best friend. Clinking your glasses together, you each take a sip, tongues and throats adjusting to your first sip of alcohol that evening. You find a large table near the back, as requested by your mutual friend Katie for her birthday celebration.
Craning your neck, you scope out the scene of the bar, looking at each person and making up little stories about them in your mind. The guy across the bar in a flannel shirt is talking to a girl with big fake blonde hair, they look like an odd match, but are talking too closely to not be here together. The door opens, interrupting your thoughts. You turn toward it to see if your friends had arrived and, holy shit.
“Y/n, are you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost” Aspen says, voice laced with concern.
“Aspen, that’s the guy!” You say, now more delighted than shocked. Finally, you have the chance to talk to him!
“Shut the fuck up!! I LOVE BEING RIGHT!” Aspen exclaims, reminding you of your previous conversation.
“Shut up not now, what do I do?!” You ask her
“Well, maybe just go up to him? He looks like he’s here alone for now. Here, finish your drink quick and go up and get another” Aspen says, lifting your drink up to your mouth. You slam what’s left of it and head up to the bar where mystery guy is standing, waiting to order a drink. Maybe it was the liquid courage from the drink you’d just slammed, but it felt like the time had come to introduce yourself to this hot, familiar, mystery man.
(Brendon’s POV)
“Hey can I get the house IPA please?” You ask the bartender. He nods and hands you a bottle from the fridge below the bar.
“You wanna open a tab or pay now?” He asks, and you tell him to keep it open, handing him your card. He nods and turns back around to the other patrons.
You were about to walk the other way, when a hand taps you on the shoulder. You whip around to see who it was, and your heart almost leaps out of your chest when you see her.
Immediately, you smile. Something about her presence makes you absolutely giddy, and for some reason you don’t even care to ask why.
“Hey, you’re the girl from the party!” You say, admittedly much more excited than you intended to sound. Though, if broad grin is any indication, she must be on the same page.
“And you’re the boy from the party” she says back smoothly. “Ok. I have a question for you.”
“I may have an answer for you” you respond curiously.
“Why do you look SO FAMILIAR?” She exclaims. Clearly she’s has a drink or two already, but you don’t mind. It’s cute that she really doesn’t give a fuck right now.
“I, ah, I was actually wondering the same thing about you.” You admit, placing a hand at the back of your neck. This wasn’t the answer she was looking for, apparently, because her face turned to one of pure confusion and frustration.
“Let’s start by introducing ourselves, hi I’m Brendon” you say, sticking your hand out for her to shake. It looks like something’s just clicked in her mind as she looks at your hand and back at you.
“B..Brendon?” You say, bewilderment in your voice. He nods slowly and raises his brows in response, clearly confused.
Immediately when he said his name, it all hit you at once. The thick raven hair, the squinty eyes when he smiled, the scar in his eyebrow, it was unmistakable. You almost have tears in your eyes as you smile at the boy, as memories buried deep in the past resurface now.
“Bear?” Is all you can say, you watch as his face goes from confused to shocked to elated all in a second. He says nothing but takes you in his arms and squeezes tight. You wrap yours around his torso, face buried in his chest.
“My Honey, oh my god I missed you so much!” He says into your hair.
Finally, you each pull away from the hug, still beyond amazed at the sheer coincidence, or maybe fate, that you’ve somehow crossed paths again all these years later.
“Come on, let’s go outside and talk” he says, grabbing your hand and leading you back outside and onto a vacant bench.
“Y/N dear it’s time to come inside and wash up for dinner. We’re going over to the neighbors for dinner, they want to welcome us to the neighborhood! They have a little boy around your age, he’s already 6 but you’ll be in kindergarten together!” Your mom tells you from your new front porch. You were very busy having a great time drawing with chalk on the driveway.
“But I don’t WANT to meet him mommy, boys are smelly” you say, wrinkling your nose up at the thought of going to meet some dumb boy.
“Well that’s too bad sweetie, we’re leaving in a few minutes. Come on, wash up.” She replies, holding the door open for you.
A few minutes later, yourself and your parents stood at the neighbors front door, mom tells you their names are the Urie’s. Their name sounded kind of silly. You laugh a little when you remember it again.
The mom answers the door and shakes your parents’ hands, and bends down to your height. She introduces herself as Grace, and asks your name. Suddenly a bit shy, you hide behind your dads leg, and whisper your name to her. She smiles warmly and says your name is beautiful for a beautiful girl like you.
She leads the three of you inside and introduces you to the dad, and as your mom had promised, a boy peeks his head around the corner. He smiles brightly and runs to meet you.
“HI! I’m Brendon! What’s your name?” He almost yells, and you quietly respond with your name.
“That’s a cool name! I’ve never heard that name before. Do you want to come see my room? I have lots of fun toys!” The boy says excitedly, you’re pretty sure he didn’t even take a breath. You’re nervous, but for some reason you decide to nod your head. He immediately takes your hand and brings you up the stairs to his bedroom to show you all his cool toys.
That day was the first of hundreds the two of you would spend together over the next 5 years, and start the beginning of a wonderful friendship. Over the course of the time you spent together, Brendon had become the most caring and protective best friend you could ever ask for. His mom would always tease you two, telling you he was the Bear to your Honey, always protecting what was his. You’d both roll your eyes, but the nicknames stuck. He would call you Honey and you called him Bear.
The summer after 5th grade, everything changed. Your dad got a job in Florida, meaning you had to move away. You and Brendon were both absolutely devastated, spending many of your remaining summer afternoons crying with each other on his bed, or yours.
Weeks, months and years flew by. You never really thought of your old best friend anymore, as you’d grown and made new ones over the course of life. Sometimes your mind wandered back to him, but those times were so few and far between. He hardly looked the same now, he gained a lot of muscle and became a lot more handsome than the last time you’d seen him, more than 10 years before. His face looked older now, but sitting so close you could see now that indeed, this was your Brendon. Looking at him now, sitting on this bench next you you, it just didn’t feel real.
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