#you can tell i worked on the hair and then literally nothiing else.
scribz-ag24 · 1 year
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some brovege bc the height difference would be funny
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sunsetinmyvein · 4 years
I Know That I’ll Lose - Chapter Fourteen - Yeah, It’s You
It had been a few months since they’d agreed to give things between them a proper shot. It was almost debatable that the band were more excited about this development than Matty was. George especially, now that he was finally able to stop sitting through longing stares, angsty conversations and awkward flirting. Now at least it was just the awkward flirting. But so far, it was going very well for the two of them. Y/N/N started the new merch gig after having a couple of weeks at home to get her things together. She met back up with the band in London before being briefed on her new role and then setting out on her first working tour. As expected, it was a steep learning curve that was very fast paced. It was hard for them to train her in advance since almost everything had to be taught while on the job. Given how busy Matty frequently was, Jamie helped her out where he could with keeping the books in order and getting in contact with venues about staffing before they arrived. But she performed well under pressure, and this was no exception. She took to the role like a duck to water. Her friendships with the band only got stronger now that she was playing an active role in their operations. They already enjoyed having her around, and now she was proving herself to be an invaluable member of their tight knit team. Matty frequently found himself feeling rather proud of how quickly she’d adapted to the new lifestyle. Living on the road wasn’t easy, but it was a lot easier when they got to do it together.
 Notes on a Conditional Form dropped all of two hours ago and so far, the reaction had been mostly positive. A few people seemed to find the contrasting sounds throughout the album hard to deal with, and a few didn’t enjoy the amount of ambience, but Matty told himself that if they weren’t on board with that, then they probably shouldn’t be 1975 fans anyway. After immense amounts of hard work and many a few date pushbacks, it was finally out there in the public. They had decided to throw a small release party at George’s flat, inviting close friends, family, the usual 1975 crew and a few select people from the industry to celebrate. Once it was confirmed that the tracks had gone online without a hitch – and they’d listened to the album front to back – the party truly kicked off. Now that they knew the fans enjoyed it, the weight was lifted off the band’s shoulders. They could finally unwind a bit. Matty was already a few drinks in, his usual party attitude coming out in full swing tonight to rejoice at seeing his project come to fruition. He’d convinced the band to take shots whenever they heard their favourite track on the album. It turned out he had many favourites. Y/N/N was finding it nice to finally see him take a break. He’d been overworking himself for the last couple of months between being on tour and the album release coming up, but now, back at home, surrounded by his friends and family, he seemed relaxed at last. She was knocked out of her trance of staring at Matty mingling around the party by Ross calling her name, noticing her empty cup and suggesting that she go to the bar to get both herself and him a refill. Taking his cup with a nod, she headed towards the pop-up bar in the kitchen.
  “Can I get you a drink?” The bartender asked with a smile, leaning against the bar as she approached.
She took a seat, “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind a vodka and-” She started rattling off the order she had prepared in her head.
He let out a short laugh, interrupting her train of thought. “No, I mean like… somewhere else.” He paused as he waited for her to pick up the hint that he was dropping. “The two of us.” He continued.
Oh. Oh. The sudden offer caught her off guard, but she quickly regained composure, “Ah, thanks but no thanks.” She said with a polite smile.
“I’m sure I could show you a good time.” He pressed.
“I’m not.” She shot back. He frowned at that. “And I think that Matty might have a few things to say about that.”
“Who?” He scoffed, still trying to play it cool. She gestured to the promotional poster hanging on the wall behind the bar.
“Uh, second from the left, the one with the curly hair.” She watched as the bartender’s face visibly paled while he studied the poster. A few nonsensical syllables tumbled out of his mouth before he excused himself from the bar and walking back inside looking very flustered. She chuckled under her breath.
  She saw out of the corner of her eye as her boyfriend leaned against the counter next to where she was sitting at the bar. He took a drag on his cigarette before turning to her.
“What was that about?” Matty asked casually.
“I think you’ll have to watch yourself, Matty. I’ve got an admirer.” She warned him, gesturing in the direction that the guy had rushed off to.
“Oh, really?” He mused as he took a sip from his drink, his gaze following hers. “What makes you so sure?” He added as he looked back to her.
“He tried to seduce me.” She confirmed with a nod.
“The nerve.” He gasped. “Did he succeed?” He asked, the humour evident in his eyes.
“Oh, for sure.” She deadpanned. “It’s all set up and ready to go. We’re meeting at midnight.” She answered.
“Well… Can’t fault his taste.” Matty shrugged before leaning down to kiss her briefly. “C’mon, grab a drink and let’s go find the guys.” He grinned.
  “Where’s my drink?” Ross frowned as the two of them walked back over to the little spot in George’s backyard that the band had claimed as theirs. She handed him one of the two bottles of beer she had grabbed instead.
“The bar wasn’t open.” She lied, hearing Matty laugh quietly beside her. The five of them continued bullshitting for a while, yapping on about the reviews coming in online and the people who passed them by throughout the party. After a little while Matty found his glass to be oddly empty.
“You should go get me another drink.” The lead singer stated seriously, holding his empty glass out to his girlfriend. There was a bit of a drunken slur to his words but she knew from experience that he was still quite a few drinks away from being wasted.
“You’re not the boss of me.” She frowned. He leaned against her, humming in contemplation.
“Last time I checked, I thought I kind of was?” He pointed out with a loud laugh.
She opened and closed her mouth a few times, trying to think of a comeback to that, only to come up empty. He was right, he pretty much was her boss. “Shut up.” Was the best she could muster in the end, earning a smug grin from him. “Also, if I go back over to the bar that handsome gentleman might just steal me away from you.” She reminded him. He nodded in agreement at that.
“That’s true.” He resigned with a sigh. “Then I’m gonna go get another drink.” Y/N/N watched as he stood up from the couch and started making his way to the bar. Only to look on helplessly as a beer bottle flew across the living area and collided with the side of Matty’s head instead of the bin it was intended for.
  George and Y/N/N had both seen the incident that seemed to go unnoticed by the rest of the party and jumped up instantly to help him. The bottle shattered as it hit the floor next to him, which caught the attention of a few other people. Matty spewed a loud string of curses as his hand instantly flew to the area of impact, cradling it as he kept walking to the bar.
“Bloody hell. Are you okay?” George asked urgently as he rushed over.
“Matty, sit down.” She urged, pulling on his arm to get him to sit back down on the couch.
“It’s fine, guys.” He said as he shrugged them both off. “I’ll just get my drink and be back in a minute.”
“You just copped a bottle to the head, mate.” The drummer said, feeling the need to restate it as if the matter hadn’t figuratively (and literally) sunk through his skull yet. “You shouldn’t be drinking more right now.”
“Really, it’s not a big deal.” He huffed as he continued on his way to the kitchen.
“Matt-” George tried to reason with him, but he only kept walking. He figured he could leave him in Y/N/N’s trusty hands as she followed after him.
“Will you stop for a second?” She asked, the concern evident in her tone.
He spun around to face her, “I’m fine.” He spat back angrily as he scratched at the side of his head. As he lowered his hand, the two of them both saw the blood on his fingers. He wiped it away quickly on his jeans. “It’s not as bad as it looks-” He argued as he tried to move away again.
“Can you please just listen to me?” She begged as she caught his arm, trying her best to stop him.
“It’s really nothi-”
She grabbed the tie around his neck, yanking it down so that he was eye level with her. His eyebrows shot up in surprise at her force. This was potentially quite serious and she was done being polite about it. “Matty.” She said through gritted teeth. “Bathroom. Now.”
“Yes. Sorry.” He mumbled, still wide-eyed and concerned as he let her lead him towards the nearest bathroom.
  She pulled him down the corridor through to the guest bathroom. As she pushed him inside, she locked the door behind them to give her enough time to properly examine how bad his wound was. “You, here.” She ordered as she jumped up to sit on the vanity to be taller than him, instructing him to stand in front of her under the light. Carefully, she moved his hair aside to try and find where the impact was. As she parted his hair around the injury he hissed loudly in pain.
“Be careful.” He grumbled.
“Didn’t you literally just say ‘it’s not that bad’?” She mocked, seeing how deep the cut was. It didn’t appear to be too serious, but it was hard to tell with how thick his hair was. The wound was still bleeding enough for it to be concerning. “You might need stitches.” She added.
“Don’t want stitches.” He debated.
“It’s not about if you want them-”
“Don’t you always talk about how much you love my hair? They’d have to shave it to give me stitches.” He retaliated. She didn’t reply, making him laugh lightly. He winced as the vibration of it hurt his head a bit. After some slight shuffling around on the counter, she pulled her phone out of her pocket.
“Look here.” She said as she gestured to the torch on her phone. He did as she told him, looking into the bright light. She was no doctor, but she had enough common sense and past experience to know that they shine a light in your eyes to check that your pupils dilate correctly, and if they don’t, you’ve likely got a concussion. His seemed to be responding fine. That was good, at least.
  He looked up at her through his mess of hair pulled into his eyes as she worked away at cleaning his injury. It tugged on his heart strings a bit. This girl truly cared about him, and had done since they’d met. She worried about his personal space the day after they’d met at the café, she worried about him after that shitty interview he’d had, she worried about him when he got sick on tour, when he wasn’t in a good mood, when he was overworked, when he got a bottle thrown at his head. He’d done very little until recently to earn her attention and concern, and yet she’d given it to him anyway. Even when he was a complete dickhead she still pulled through for him. Fucking hell. What had he done to end up with someone like that in his life? His heart swelled as he remembered the last time that she’d been in London with him, when she had agreed to take the job and - for whatever reason that he still wasn’t quite sure of - to date him.  
“Hey,” He called, trying to grab her attention. She mumbled a noise of response. “I love you.” He said bluntly. He stayed quiet, patiently holding out for a reply, but she just kept examining his scalp. “Aren’t you gonna say it back?” He asked eventually.
She let out a deep sigh, pushing his hair back out of his eyes. “For fuck’s sake. Of course, I love you, Matty.” She huffed as she moved back to meet his gaze. Despite the instantly overwhelming feeling of joy, he waited for her to continue. “What I don’t love is you being stubborn about things like having a head wound.” She said with a pointed look. “But I’ve been steadily falling harder for you since you conned me into seeing you again after that first show.” She chuckled, leaning her forehead against his.
  “I wouldn’t say I conned you.” He argued with a grin. “More… allowed you the opportunity you were clearly dying for.” He rephrased. She shook her head but couldn’t help the goofy smile and blush that found its way onto her features.
“Sure, if that’s how you wanna remember it.” She shrugged, moving her hands to his shoulders. She was satisfied for now that he was probably going to be fine.
“Well, I knew I was falling for you when you got up and jumped around on stage with me that first day.” He said with a cocky tone to his voice.
She gave a loud laugh at that. “No, you damn well didn’t.”
“How do you know?” He scoffed.
“I do talk to the rest of the band. You know that, right?” She asked. He nodded, laughing slightly. “And it’s not a competition, anyway.”
“Everything’s a competition, love. You know that.” He said lowly, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer to the edge of the counter.
  He brought a hand up to her cheek as he pulled her lips down to meet his. It seemed that no matter how many times she kissed Matty, it still hit her just as hard as the first time she had. Or perhaps even harder given that her brain was slightly foggy the first time. Every time their lips met it pushed her nervous system into overdrive. She brought a hand up to his hair, forgetting that he had a gash on the side of his head and accidentally pulling the hair near it. He hissed in pain for a second, getting a muffled ‘sorry’ in response as she moved her hand. But he used her distraction as an excuse to deepen the kiss and edge her closer along the counter to him. The thing was that Matty was right, everything was always a competition with him. And she had learned that this particular competition involved who was going to back out first. Theoretically, the competition didn’t really have a loser per se, but she knew all too well where this was going. People would probably come looking for them soon to check in on how he was doing.
  She pulled away from him slightly, feeling like the temperature in this room had increased a few degrees in the last couple of minutes. “Are you just trying to get in my pants?” She accused him with a frown.
“Depends, is it working?” He challenged, moving in to kiss her again.
“I’m not fucking you in a stranger’s bathroom.” She said as she moved away.
“It’s George’s bathroom.” He shot back.
“That’s not what you’re meant to take away from that.” She laughed.
“But it is what I’m taking away from that.” He argued, raising his eyebrows with a suggestive grin. She rolled her eyes.
“Later.” She smiled, hopping down from the counter and stepping around him.
“Is that a promise?” He asked mischievously as he followed her out of the bathroom.
  As the party started winding down, things began getting quieter in the house. The guests made their way home, bottles were tidied up, the music was switched off. Eventually the five usual crew found themselves sitting in George’s lounge room watching a movie to close out the evening. It was nice to round out such a momentous occasion with something so simple. The drinks had stopped now, the chatting between them had become pretty infrequent, the friends happy to sit in the comfort of the TV. It wasn’t until Matty’s eyes started slipping shut that the conversation picked up again. “You’re not allowed to fall asleep.” Y/N/N said as she nudged his shoulder.
“But it’s three in the morning.” Matty groaned.
“You might have a concussion; you need to stay awake for at least a bit longer.” Adam reminded him.
“My head hurts.” He complained loudly, rolling over to press his face into the couch.
“Because you have a concussion” Ross chimed in.
“No, it’s because the music in this movie is awful.” He huffed, jabbing an accusatory finger towards the screen. “Who scored this shit?”
“I’m fairly certain it’s because you copped a bottle to the head, Matt.” George said with a laugh.
  “I could score something way better than this.” Matty continued, opting to ignore everyone’s concern and continue on his own tangent. That piqued everyone’s interest.
“Yeah!” He shouted as he sat up, suddenly motivated. “I could write for an Oscar winning movie by… 40.” He declared, before quickly changing his mind. “No! 35.” He amended.
“There is no way you can do that.” Ross said with a sigh, shaking his head. “You’re already 31.”
“Not in between all your other shit you take on.” George added.
“I absolutely can.” He argued defiantly.
“Matty, that’s a bit ridiculous.”
“I could score a movie, and it’ll win awards for its soundtrack.” He said with a scoff, sweeping his arms in a grand motion to emphasise his point.
“Bet you can’t.” She said simply with a shrug. Those words shot through him like a bolt of electricity. The challenge felt like his brain had just kicked up a gear. But when he looked across the couch at her, the look in her eyes told him she knew exactly what she was doing.  
“Just fucking watch me.”
  Last Chapter
A/N - Annnnnd that’s it! I hope you guys enjoyed reading it half as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you so, so much for the support each week - it has made my day each and every time. It’s a shame that this story had to end… but… when one door closes, another opens, right? So as much as my Matty fic has reached it’s end, my good friend Red__Moon’s is just beginning! I’ve had the absolute pleasure of a sneak preview of a few of these chapters and phwoa… if you thought mine was any good? You are gonna be in for a wild ride, my friend. It’s another slowburn, so you’ve got another good few weeks of Matty-based-reading ahead! Thanks again for your endless kind words. 
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pandaisalwaysinlove · 7 years
Shy Chris   Chris Evans x reader
Summary: as Chris’s girlfriend you watch TV, while he’s on filming again. You miss him so much you even  put on tabloid programme just to see him. And you get quite funny surprise.
(Y/N) = your name
(Y/H/C) = your hair colour
Warnings : fluff,  WAFF, 
Genre: fanfiction, reader x
Rating: 16+
A/N: It’s pretty shit, but hey.. we’re not expecting a Pullitzer prize are we? 
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You sat on your coach eating popcorn, drinking soda. Looking out of the window wasn’t wery pleasant. It was dark, rainy, foggy and windy evening in Boston. You didn’t like Boston at all. You didn’t like this piedaterre Chris bought. You lived there just because of Chris. If it would depend on you, your house would be in New Orleans or Miami. Sun, music, beaches..
You were kinda nervous, when you lived together in house where was his whole family. It was like on high school. Watch out, mommy goes! You liked his family, they were funny, kind and everything. But hey, some privacy would be nice. With his sister’s kids all over the place, with his mum behind your back while making out with him (not literally) you felt like Chris was still in his teens. He was grown working man and still live at his mom’s! 
You gave him the impuls to move on. Still, when he was home, most of the time you spent with his family afterall. But had your own home. On the other hand, when he was away and you lived at his parent’s house, you never felt alone. Now in your own appartement, only Dodger gave you some comfort when Chris was away. And that happened a lot. You went on tour/filmming with him quite often, but sometimes it just wasn’t possible. Like now. 
You missed him. His laugh. His smile. His unbelieveably  nonselence talks, his fantastic pancakes, his rages on football matches. And you got jealous time to time. He wasn’t all yours. And never will be. With those fans, girls ready to sleep with him, with videos, interviews, movies, he also belonged to them. 
Dodger pushed his head under your arm and whined.
“I know....” phone by your right arm just shined. 
“Look at that! Mister Busyman remebered us!” picking your phone you tried to hold your excitement. 
“Hey babe!” his voice was happy “How are you two doin’?”
“Well hello sir! We almost forgott your name..”
 “Yeah I know, I’m sorry..”
“You didn’t speak out about yourself for quite a while.. y’know..”
He sighed and apologized  “What’cha doin’?”
“I took Doodger out and now it rains like hell so.. just chillin’... I wanted to put on TV... what is doing on down there?” you heard some noise
“Oh that’s just Scar..say hello.. HI (Y/N)! We’re taking Chris out, Honololu should be seen at night, will you let him go?” before you could answer to her, Chris resounded again “Just give me that, Scar..(Y/N)? I’m not going anywhere..”
“Why? Honololu must be nice.” all of suden you felt like crying. While you wiped the tear of your cheek he answered “I’m not in the mood. I want to talk to you. I miss you...” you smiled softly 
“Chris! We’re going without you! Yeah okay, just go, will you? Finnaly.” he swithced on the camera before you could respond. He looked fine. A bit tanned, he got thinner again. In his “I’m not Chirs Pratt” t-shirt he was sitting in bed and staring at you “Honey what’s wrong?” you tried to hold it in but the tears were just coming out.
“Nothi..nothing. It’s just really tough here right now. Mell’s got the flu and I had to take two of here schift and I’m really tired.. also my mom is again in te hospital and Dodger today chewed my pumps...” you laughed and he smiled as well “What a bad boy!...” he looked at you with love and you knew he wanted to hug you “I miss you (Y/N)..” 
“I miss you too..” 
“I miss your neck.” he smiled the way he smiled at you when you were naked. Your heart beated harder and quicker. 
“I miss your booty..”
“I miss your fingers, big boy..” you winked and he laughed “Yeah..I’m keeping in touch with you, though.” 
“How’s that?” 
“I think of you every morning.” 
Your whole talk  lasted for three hours, you tried some phone sex and when Dodger started to bark, you had to take him out. Chris needed to go to sleep anyway. After quick walk around the park you sat on the sofa again. What now?
Putting on the TV you grabbed the popcorn. Somehow you ended up at the tabloid programme. He was there! With the whole pack of them. Scar, Robert, Chris, Jeremy..
“So, we’re rally glad you came..”  said  dressed up ewswoman. She underdressed him with her eyes, you saw that. Chris looked calm and you supposed it was just few days old interview.
They all nodded and thanked for inviting them.
“Chris.” started the woman and both of Chirs looked up at her “You have to specificate this one.” said Robert with laughter. 
“Okay.. Chris Evans..you just started filming another Marvel movie... you ended directing you own movie, you said you want to try to write a book.. Chris you’re a very busy man..” she chuckled. That bitch had neckline like a hooker. Scar and Jeremy shared a look and then whispered something. 
“That’s true.” give it to her, boy.
“So it must be difficult to find someone to share that with you, isn’t it?” 
He laughed and you held your breath “Not really... with relationships it is always hard and difficult no matter the work..”
“But you do have a girlfriend?” oh god, she was so greas! You wanted to punch her smile off her face.
“I do..we are very happy.”
“Can you tell us here who she is?” on the screen behind them appeared a photo of you two strolling with Dodger. Chris akwardly laughed but Robert was quicker “Her name’s (Y/N), this boy would never tell y’a.” 
“He is extremely shy.. I’m just pointing it out..” took the word Hemsworth and pated Chris’s shoulder. 
“He thinks (Y/N) will be stolen..” joined Scar
“That’s why he locks her photos in his phone..” 
“So noone could see it.” added Jeremy and continued “One time he forgott he password..” they all started to laugh, Chris  facepalming laghed “C’mon guys...we’re on TV!”  
“And he couldn’t get to those photos..”
“So you’ve met her?” asked interviewer Robert. He  pouted out fakely “Well I had to ask three times before he told me that I can visit them next month, but yes...”
“So is it true he is extremely overprotecting over her?” 
“He is extremely evrything when it comes to (Y/N)!” 
“Could we talk about something else guys?” said desperately Chris and laughed “LIke weather in Nebraska? Guys really...” 
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donutcryforme · 7 years
Thanks for tagging me @dovelyhelps​ !
1ST RULE: tag 9 muns you would like to know better (oh god I think I might have had EXACTLY 9 but then a few people I know were already tagged so let’s go with: @wastedsxns @justalostindie @snugcryptid @brxknbxnes @choglwa @nejesse @deconstrux & @deusexportum )
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses (on sleepy days)
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined (lol)
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people one-on-one because meeting a horde all at once is Overwhelming
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me 
I enjoy physical challenges (lol)
I enjoy mental challenges (to some extent)
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (swag)
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well-enough (this is so subjective? i don’t know. i sang for awhile in school but i wouldn’t try out for American Idol or anything)
I can play an instrument (i played the oboe in the fourth grade. and i can play ode to joy on the piano lmao but das it)
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (i have no idea. i haven’t been forced to do push-ups since high school)
I’m a fast runner (lol)
I can draw well-enough (again this is so subjective. i dont know??? like i draw for a living, but is it good lmao)
I have a good memory (LOL)
I’m good  ATROCIOUS at doing math in my head (LOL AGAIN)
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute (i probably tried when i was like 7 in somebody’s pool but i haven’t had the desire to really commit and do it again so who knows??)
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch (i have no idea. writing fight scenes is...interesting)
I enjoy playing sports (...lol.)
I’m (was) on a sports team at my school or somewhere else (tennis is the least painful of the sports, besides badminton)
I’m (was) in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week (new goal now that i’m not working 60 hours a week!)
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months (i would literally rather do any other form of exercise i love myself) 
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
FANDOMS ARE MY #1 PASSION (i’m so bad at getting into fandoms. i love nothiing)
I do or have done martial arts (I did judo in the 3rd grade does that count for anything)
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol (lol)
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting (stranger things. i am Ashamed)
I have been at an overnight event (like on Saturday! 10:30PM to 4:30PM the next day woOoHoOo!!!)
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (thankfully not for myself. but also...not thankfully)
I have beaten a video game in one day (games are like 40+ hours these days how in the world)
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts (fall out boy AND panic! at the disco IN THE SAME VENUE AT THE SAME TIME LIKE HOW DID THE STARS ALIGN)
I’m in a relationship
I have had a crush on a celebrity
I have had a crush on someone I knew  (isnt that the norm lol)
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them (bitch takin charge)
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year (close but no cigar)
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school (only about 5 hours away lol)
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live (it’s august that would be horrible)
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs (hey remember when people still bought CDs lmao)
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce (but no one can beat mine 8) )
I have dyed my hair (if streaks count)
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life (but there is always the Quarter Life Crisis)
I speak at least 2 languages (one and a half, really)
I have made a new friend in the past year
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