#you can tell somehing about a person depending on what they call him i think
ocular-intercourse · 5 years
A1, C1-3-5, E4, G3-5, M:2, N:1-2, Y:5 for anyone or everyone as you wish 👀✨
Ahhh thank you so much!!! I can’t limit myself to a sentence or two, that took a while 😂
1. whatare your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young?
Finn | Captivating.He’s always been the kind of person that just attracts other people’s attention.His friends flock around him, listen to him above others, adapt to hisinterests.. So far three of his Canadian friends have followed him to live in Americawithout him actively influencing them to do so. Something about him drawspeople in and rarely lets them go again.
Asher | Charming.Nowadays it’s just a tool to manipulate people in the right moments, but Asherhas always had it easy to make others feel at ease and appreciated and make hispresence seem desirable enough to make others want to please him. The moneyprobably does not hurt, but it is also just a mixture of his looks and aninnate ability to read other people and their preferences.
Teddy | Empathy.He was the kind of toddler that would go to another kid that was crying and hugthem or give them his toys or food to make them feel better. He is alwaysattentive to the moods of the people around him and will do his best to makethem feel better. But it also works the other way around, a person’s negativeemotions affect him very easily and can very much ruin his day.
Ace | Disappearing.He grew up in an apartment that was hardly big enough for one person let alonetwo, with a brother that might smack your head or send a swig of cold wateryour way out of nowhere to test your instincts. He always found easy ways tohide himself or to minimize his presence, to make himself seem inconspicuous &imperceptible.
1. howdo they sit in a chair? 
 What a question, i love it, it’s one of these things you have never really thought about but somehow still know the aswer to cause your OCs just tell you.
Dependson the chair & setting.
Finn |Fairly regular on usual chairs, somewhat fidgety, shakes his leg almostconstantly, does not like to sit for long periods. On armchairs or sofas hetends to pull up his legs, despite his height he tends to make himself remarkablysmall, curled up in childlike comfort.
Asher |Well behaved. Sits straight, feet on the ground, would never put his elbows ona dining table.  Might slouch in privatesituations. In worse mental states, when he does not have to hide it, sitscompletely hunched over, shoulders high up, head hanging low, even hidden.
Teddy | Messy,at least one feet off the ground at all times, sometimes two, restless,unhealthy positions, all over the place.
Ace | Delinquent,sits on them the wrong way around or tipping the chair back, balancing on twolegs, clearly cool & chill. Manspreads.
3. whatis their ideal comfort day?
Finn | Aroundhis close friends, cooking for them, eating together, just talking & listeningto music till late in the night.
Asher | Somewhereout of reach of his father. That’s pretty much it. In another country, in amuseum or a good restaurant, escaping his life for a second or two.
Teddy | Anythingin nature, hiking, camping, picnicking with Zeke maybe sneaking a kiss or two.Alternatively time with his family in any capacity.
Ace | Lockinghimself in his room and working on music all day, alternatively chillingtogether with Ben or Ellie, not even talking just being together each doingtheir thing, no demands on him having to interact unless he feels like it.
5. whois the best at comforting them when down?
Finn | Shawn,always. No one can calm Finn down like he does. He does not really know why Shawnmakes him feel so safe, might have to do with them going through so much shittogether, it bonded them really damn hard. They are completely on onewavelength. Shawn has also seen Finn in some of his worse moments and haslearned to pick up on Finn’s insecurities, and how to make him come back toreality when he gets himself worked up over something, or nothing, before hestarts to spiral. Similar experiences let Shawn find the right words to makeFinn feel better. If he’s not being especially resistant to help, which doeshappen from time to time.
Asher | Asheris pretty much a hopeless case at being comforted, it just bounces right offhis pessimist paranoia, and if someone manages to make him feel better he justfeels guilty about bothering them, or allowing them to get closer, or even allowing himself to feel better…The only ones ever even trying to comfort him are Devin or May. Devin wins thefirst place by sheer perseverance. He will make Asher feel better, noalternates allowed! Asher is learning to let him.
Teddy | Hisbigger brother. Brad is the undying optimist in the family, and that sayssomething when you know Teddy. When Teddy loses hope, which happens rarely,Bradley can easily remind him of the things he should focus on. He is also oneof the very few people that know about the darker spots in Teddy’s past orpersonality, and therefore has the insight to figure out the real problems.
Ace | Ben.Dale might comfort him in some ways, but not by actively trying to, or at leastnot showing it. Ben on the other side takes the time to listen and observe andpoke till Ace opens up, but he practically has to be forced to, since he doesnot like showing emotions and even less his flaws. Another candidate, if youmight call it that, is quite simply his mother’s domain, the night. If he feelsdown he just lies in the moonlight for a while, staring at the sky, andstrangely feels better in no time.
4. arethey up-to-date on the internet fads?
Finn | Yes.If you’d told him two years ago he would not have believed you. Growing up athome his parents very much had the attitude that he should either be doingsomething ‘worthwhile’ or at least spend time in the fresh air. He did not growup watching a lot of tv or playing video games, or using the internet, withexceptions of when he was visiting his friends. In many ways he is just nowstarting to make up for the youth he spent on the street or taking care of hisalcoholic father. It is pretty much necessary for him to have a presence on allthe trendy platforms to further his career. What has really been sticking withhim is streaming video games, as a way of socializing in any situation fromanywhere in the world, and playing games while doing so, two birds with onestone.
Asher | Godno. He feels like an old man for not choosing to get involved with the internetvery much, aside from professional uses for his studies, browsing music andmaybe online shopping. Now he just feels it’s too much to catch up to, and he honestlydoes not really see the worth in many popular internet uses anyways, mundanestuff like that is mostly hard to relate to giving the issues he has to dealwith.
Teddy | Soso. He likes to play games or watch videos online, you might find him on ablogging platform, posting nature pictures and animals, (that reminds me i do have a blog for him lol [x] ) but he is not the typethat would get into every new trend that shows up. He might hear about them, beconfused by them, and ignore them just to stick to his little corner of theinternet.
Ace | Ohyeah, absolutely, he spends a lot of time online, blogging, trolling, general surfing,he likes to get into obscure new stuff. Actual memelord.
3. whatbenefits come with being their friend?
Finn |The most reliable person you can find. You can call Finn at 4 in the morningand ask him to drive to the next city if you really need him to be there, he isat all times willing to drop anything he is doing & put in any effort toaid a friend in distress.
Asher | Wellpeople certainly won’t notice since on their end it just seems like he’s beingan asshole but he’s very much destroying his own life to keep everyone aroundhim save, so that probably counts for something. You’ll also never ever have topay for anything ever again if he’s around, he would buy you a house or two andwouldn’t even miss or even notice the money he spent. If he’s your friend youcan certainly expect unending expensive gifts whenever he sees something thatyou’d enjoy, no occasion needed, not accepting them is not allowed. He feelsthat this is at least some way to make up for all the negatives. He also justreally likes to pamper people.
Teddy | Just…support I guess, in general. Lots of warmth and affection and reaffirmation,undying optimism and kindness. He’s like sunshine for the soul. Also they neverever have to worry about their plants dying again, though he’ll scold them ifthey are mistreated.
Ace |This one is kinda hard. You get the satisfaction of solving an impossibleriddle, and learning secrets nobody else will ever know. Think of a cat thatdoes not like anybody, letting you and only you pet it. Just a very exclusivefeeling. Also comes with undying loyalty.
5. whatparts of others do they envy?
Finn | Everythingthat exceeds his own abilities. Finn might seem confident and he often is, buthis ego crumbles very easily, like when someone else is good at something he isnot good at, or god forbid better at something he is proud of. This is moreaccurate for abilities than character traits or experiences.
Asher | Aregular life? He’d rather have grown up piss poor with a loving family than inhis current situation. Alternatively, sometimes he just wished he could havethe same lack of morals his father has, then at least he would not care aboutwhatever he is expected to do, it would certainly make his life easier.
Teddy | Heenvies confident, strong, charismatic people that are comfortable and competentin any situation. Also people that are comfortable arguing and venting theirproblems. He wants to be braver in every way.
Ace | Hewould not acknowledge it, but he envies sociable people, likeable people thathave no problem opening up and trusting others. He dislikes these things, butonly because he is bad at them.
2. howmany children do they want?
Finn | None!!Finn is terrified of history repeating and somehow ending up like his father. Hedoes not trust himself, looking at his mental instability and how irritable hecan be. He feels it is too easy to affect children in a negative way, even ifyou have the best intentions in mind. He also does not feel his genes are worthpassing on. Might be convinced to adopt a child in the future but that would bea very tough & long process and would require a partner that caneffectively sway his fears.
Asher | Atleast two but he cannot see that happening ever considering his baggage, andthat his situation would have to get better which he can’t imagine either.
Teddy | Three,probably because he enjoyed growing up with his two siblings, but he would alsowait for the right circumstances or not have children at all.
Ace | Idon’t think Ace has ever in his life even thought about whether he would liketo have children or not, it’s just not on his radar at all. He would probablygo for one, once more imitating his brother, but no children is way morelikely.
1. whatwould they never do?
Finn | Drugs,suicide. Biting into a raw tomato, he’s allergic, his body can’t handle thehistamines.
Asher | Physicallyharm other people, or negatively irreversibly changing another person’s life inother ways.
Teddy | Abandoninghis loved ones.  Detestable crimes. Littering.Eat meat.
Ace | Hecan probably bend his morals the most depending on what he deems necessary, butthere’s still lines he wouldn’t cross. (but ya know that counts for all ofthem, stuff like rape for example)
2. whathave they never done that they want to do?
Finn | Iactually can’t think of anything. There are probably some vacations he’d liketo have in some places he finds interesting, preferably with a s.o., but sincehe’s successful he has already fulfilled a lot of the things he’s neverimagined being able to do. Maybe drive a racecar, that’d be cool, maybe just aroadtrip across the US.
Asher | Withhis kind of money he can do whatever the hell he wants, so he has, except maybelive freely, does that count? Not following the superficial rules of societyand just doing his thing.
Teddy | Travel,everywhere, he wants to see the deserts, walk through a jungle, even see antarcticareas, just experience any kind of environment nature has to offer.
Ace | Toucha bearded vulture. Actually perform his music. Fight and beat every single oneof his teachers. Actually scratch all that, the only answer is beating hisbrother in a sword fight just once!
5.what’s your favorite thing about them?
Oh mygoddd this is so hard to put into words.
Finn | Ilike his duality. On one side he’s this shining, over-confident narcissist, andit’s not just a front either, but you just have to push the right button andhis ego will crumble in a second, and then he’s this self-deprecating self-loathingmess. I never planned for it but this duality is everywhere with him. He’sambidextrous, bisexual, bipolar… there is no limiting him. It’s also that he’ssuch an overeager caregiver that always has to make sure everyone is okay and satisfied,that he forgets to take care of himself.. though that’s probably more why I likeShawn so much, cause he’s so good at filling that position.
Asher | Hmmmhis capacity to care for others. He’s making his situation as terrible aspossible (meaning isolating himself on top of everything) because he can’t evenstand the thought of the possibilityof others getting hurt because of him. Also just generally making things sohard for himself when he could just obey his father and live a comfy life just occasionallytorturing and murdering people, he just CAN’T he couldn’t live with himself. Orjust leaving or even killing himself and pushing his little brother into thatproverbial knife. He’s a fucking saint even if he has to portray an asshole tobe so.
Teddy | Hmmhis moodiness I think? Cause a lot of him is that stereotypekilling-with-kindness, loving sunshine kid, but it’s not all just happy andagreeable, he can get pretty dark, it’s just that the sunshine side alwayswins.
Ace | Iwrote it in the masterpost, it’s that he is silly and tragic at the same time.He’s built such an impressive fake persona that even I forgot for a while whatactually lies at the core. And all that cooler-than-though fun tricksterpersonality is just as much part of him as the distrustful loner that’s tellinghimself he doesn’t need other people despite clinging to the ones that areclose like they are the air to breathe, regardless of them being good for himor not. Also the whole thing about him being unquestionably goodhearted without realizing it, or that he himself would have chosen an alternate version of himself that would have fought at the side of his brother.
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shesouttasight · 6 years
i’m talking openly abt the danny thing again but you can scroll past/not click read more obviously, it is your choice and i most likely will drop it after this, but i had it on my mind because i still see posts/comments about it ✌️
i’ll try not to bring it up again but i know i lost followers and maybe mutuals or people i wanted to be friends with ver the Danny Discourse,
so i’m just reminding you that just because i’ve accepted his apology and truly believe he has changed over the last three years to not be that person anymore, i will not be upset with you if you don’t want to interact with my danny art or even me at all. you are obviously allowed your own feelings and opinions, and this issue is not something cut and dry. islamaphobia/etc are serious issues. i understand.
full and maybe obvious disclosure if you follow my insta, i’m white. so i was raised, whether intentionally or not (my dad was not super/outwardly islamaphobic or racist, he listened to a lot of blues so i wasn’t raised at home with any negative feelings towards people of color thankfully, but he did have certain biases or prejudices ingrained in him that reflected that society as we knew it had trained into him. and in a lot of places, like Small Towns, like maybe a place starting with an M, it still does) with a faulty and tbh mean and uncaring belief system, even if i also did not express it the majority of the time. (this does not excuse me btw!) you may be lying to yourself to say that you have never had any thoughts that were not entirely nice and loving and accepting of people who were not your ethnicity or religion, especially if you are white and were raised in america. (i only say america because i have never been outside of my country, so i cannot speak for other places. also i was in first grade when 9/11 happened so you can imagine what sorts of things adults were telling me at the time.)
but people are capable of change. we can unlearn these things, like i was able to Really begin that process myself in the later years of high school (around the same grade/age group as Danny was if i’m remembering correctly) because people were being open with me and discussing these things and i saw people being called on their mean and really untrue or prejudiced comments and thoughts and actions, all around me.
I am so thankful that I was able to be open to change, but it can take some people longer. sometimes they have to get away from their small town or prejudiced family/whatever else first. this doesnt mean you can’t call them out/correct them though. that is really important. that is helpful for society as a whole.
but i dont know about going back multiple years in someone’s timeline just to find some dirt? but again! i dont know! this maybe wasnt meant as that! they may have not set out for that! i am not super versed in the whole situation, i’m not super steeped in the actual fan discussions/interactions. i dont even know if the person immediately went in to “oh my god drop him!!” mode or what, or if fandom just jumped on it right away. i have zero clue. i do not want to make assumptions.
would i have liked danny to have gotten to saying somehing quicker, obviously, but he did eventually. he could have worded it better i think too. probably had to talk it over with whoever their PR person is/manager? but i’m not sure. he may have just been freaked out and didn’t know how to phrase it. i do not know.
anyway. just try and remember that people can change their viewpoints. ESPECIALLY between being a kid/teen into being an adult. but also, do not let them slide if they say something currently that is shitty and hasn’t been apologized about. just try on your initial calling-out, to think critically about how you want to go about it. i totally get that passions can run high though. especially if you ARE the specific type of person who is being talked negatively about. (try and remember also that you shouldnt talk over the people the comments or actions are actually in reference to, if you are not a part of the group. like i went to a march for Mike Brown and various people of color were passing around a microphone before the march began, and someone who was not a part of the affected group took it to make an announcement that had nothing to do with what the march was about. do not do that. please. this being said if you are a part of the affected groups and you need to tell me something/correct me about anything i’ve said in this post, i would like to hear it.)
obviously this doesnt apply to like, rapists and pedophiles and shit like that. and depending on their age/level of aggression about their beliefs, maybe not even apply to being islamaphobic or racist etc. each situation is more than capable of being different. how they react to you calling them out can be a factor too. like people trying to blame their prejudices on like... medications etc/try to make people forgive them without any apology and commitment to change, because it “wasn’t really their fault, blank MADE them do it/they were just RAISED that way, so they cannot change and shouldnt be expected to!”
god this post is a mess but it’s like 2 am sorry.
basically, if you’re uncomfortable with my stance on the situation, obviously go ahead and unfollow/don’t interact with any of my danny-related posts, if you would not like to.
i respect your feelings. passion about seeing people changing for the good of all the world, is a good thing.
i hope you have a good day!! ✌️🌻💛
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madmaddy-life · 7 years
So, I did this Q&A about Saints Row (about the Boss, aka BossOC or whatever). It’s not that... Good. I mean, I was answering freely, and some questions are not even answered properly, because - I have no idea what to say about it. Some got detailed (and pretty long) answer. Some are a bit repetitive in information... At some points I got lazy, so... Yeah.  If some of you are interesten in a huge wall of text - feel free to read this monstrousity. (sorry about no cut - for some reason for me it’s broken, and doesn’t OPEN the post, but rather just links back to the post with still CLOSED “read more”... I dunno, wtf man...)
1. Where did your character come from? What do they think of Stilwater?   Ion lived in a nearby small town (who cares about names?). One day  (he was almost twenty) he got up in the middle of the night, packed  most of his stuff in a backpack, got out of the window in the kitchen  and left his parents's home. Then he took the night bus to Stilwater  (I don't like the idea of Stilwater being mostly islands, because -  there's so much islands in the world, it's not that realystic. I know  it's a game design choice, but, ech. Continents man, continents.). He slept whole night and when he woke up - there was Stilwater. In  its whole glory... At first he didn't really liked it, just because the city he used to  live in, was different. But then got used to it, and soon felt like  it's the place he belongs to. Like home. 2. What is your character’s gender and sexual orientation? Did either of  those factors have an impact on their relationship with any homies,  or on their role within the Saints?   Ion is a male, and he's actually a bisexual (with preference for  males). This doesn't really affect anything, since Ion doesn't brings  this up in any way or conversation. He keeps his sexuality to  himself, unless he crushes directly on someone of the homies\ members  of the Saints (which usually doesn't happens. Because most of the  time he's too busy doing something. Plus, there's a little rule - no  relationships "at work"). And the other Saints - among those who know, and there's not that  many who knows, only the leutenants and Gat - don't care about that.  Pierce felt awkward about it, at first, but then got used to the  thought. Plus Ion reassured him that he "wouldn't date his whiny  ass". (It was insulting, but fair.)
3. What tattoos does your character have? Are they related to their  experiences as a Saint?   He's actually afraid of needles. Scared shitless. So he was dreading getting any tattoos for a really long time. Yet  after the space events he finally got one (after forty years of his  life), and a huge one too. Go big or go home, right? It's a tattoo of two wings starting on shoulder blades and going on  the arms... Cheesy a bit, bit in theme of the saints.
4. Describe your character’s appearance. What are their prominent  features? What appearance options do they use from the character  creator?   The distinctive feature about him is his hair and his nose. Apart  from that he's average looking guy. His hair have these few strands which always stand up, no matter how  much hair gel he uses (he uses. sometimes). Only if his hair are  completely soaked, then they lay flat. Topknot always stays, no  matter what, though Ion had few haircuts (a mallet till 20-21 y.o, a  messy undercut after the coma, and a simple haircut after that.) and  two times had his head completely shaved. (first time his dad forced  him to shave his head, because "you look like a fag, some sissy, not  a man. We have to fix that asap." (obviously Ion hated it, and was so  angry at his dad, he didn't talk to him for months). Second time he  got his head shaved by medics, while in a coma. They had to remove a  metal shard out of his head...).
His nose was broken at least four times. When he was a kid, his nose  was straight until he got into a fight over a boy he had a crush on.  (his nose was straight, but he is not. lol). Second time his nose got  broken when he picked up a fight with classmates, who badmouthed his  mother (classmates got their teeth removed by a collision with fists  and a leg of a chair...). Third time was by Maero. And fourth time...  Fourth time was stupid, he just faced an open door in the middle of  the night (no pun intended. Well... maybe a little)... Literally. He  smashed his face into a door... it was dark, okay?
5. What are your character’s taunt and compliment options? Do they issue  a universal gang sign for the Saints?   Is flipping off people really a taunt? But he does that. Makes an eye  contact and then gives the finger. The menace factor of this has a  huge range, which depends on how serious\angry Ion is about it. It  can be like a joke, when he smiles and flipps you off, or when he's  giving you the death look and flipps off with both hands. That means  that people are gonna die, if they wont run as fast as possible.
The compliments usually given in the form of gestures, as thumbs up,  and somehing like "good job". He rarely says compliments infront of  everyone, it's more like, if someone scored at something - he'll come  up to this person and tell them directly, that they did good and he's  proud of them. Ion doesn't really force anything on people, except couple of rules  which is :
1. Respect the Boss. (if you don't respect - you get your ass  kicked.)
2. Family goes first. (loyalty and devotion to each other and the  saints. If you value something else more and betray your family in  any way - you're dead, motherfucker...)
3. No one speaks thy name. (No one. Mostly because few people know  his name actually, and those who know are allowed to say it only in  private conversations, IF and only IF they've beend told so.)
So, Saints can greet each other however they want, dress in whatever  they want, basically do whatever they want, if they don't break the  rules. (and don't act too cocky...)
6. What voice option(s) did your character use? Were there any VA lines  that affected how you meta’d your character?   It's first voice in the SRTT (and in the SRIV I guess?). He has deep  voice, when he whispers it gets a bit husky.
7. How did your character meet the Saints? How old were they, and why  did they join?   As in the canon. He was walking by, minding his own businnes, and  got caught up in the gang rivalry. Actually got really scrapped by  some ricoched bullets, but was okay with getting involved in whole  gang thing. He was pissed off at the whole world, his parents (dad,  mostly), people in general, just left his hometown, was broke and  hungry. Plus he had this strong thirst for revenge, so fucking up the  gangs who got him shot - was really necessary. Ion was 20 years old, when he met Saints. And he got nothing else to  do. Being by himself and alone didn't really worked out for him, so  he decided to stay close to those who seemed to care about him and  his well being.
8. What were your character’s impressions of Canonization?  Since he was a problematic teen from the start, had anger issues  and picked up on any fights he could... He was okay with beating up  his new found peers.
9. Did your character set out to climb the top of the Saints’ ladder? How did your character react to the way Stilwater changed after their  coma?  Ion didn't really set up any goals, after getting in the Saints he  just did what he's been told to do, and actually was a little shy at  first. This was like way above his head. An adulthood he didn't  expected. (One night, he was laying in bed, looking up at the  ceiling, and then sudden realisation hit him. In what shit he got  himself into. But it was too late... Then, the feeling of being in  charge of everything was pleasing enough. He liked it, and became a  bit greedy about it...) Then he got blown up at the fucking boat. When he got out of the jail he was slightly weirded out by the  changes. That's because he did not yet grasped on the fact of how  much time he spent in a coma. The more time passed, the more freaked  out he became... Freaked out and pissed off. Everything changed but  he stayed the same, back in his own time.
10. Did your character ever feel betrayed by any former Saints after  waking from their coma? What did they think of the Saints who dropped  their flags? He was pissed. He was pissed at everything and everyone. But mostly  at himself - if only he weren't in a coma, Saints wouldn't gone to  shit... He didn't really blame those who gave up. The army without  the leader - is not really an army. He knows that. But that doesn't  mean he wasn't annoyed by the fact that he had to build everything  from the scratch and he felt like everyone abandoned him (except for  Gat, of course).
11. How good of a Boss is your character? How do they run the Saints? (If  your character is not the Boss, would they be a good Boss?)  When it comes to strategy - he's not that good, but most of the  time he works alone, or with the leutenants. So it's not really an  issue. He's actually pretty smart, though most of the time it doesn't  seem so, but it's a good thing - people underestimate him and his  abilities, and it doesn't work in their favor.
12. How well does your character fit in with the gang? Do they have any  friendships and/or rivalries apart from the Saints LTs?   He's the heart of it, and a big dad to everyone (except for the  Gat, who is like, another dad, but all about explosions and killing).  He's a big goof and sometimes even his comrades don't take him  seriously, which is... a stupid thing to do, because Ion most of the  time is serious about EVERYTHING. Even if he's doing a ridiculous  thing, and talking about it in a joking maner. (Like, if he calls to  everyone to  get all the gang, in the middle of the night and go to a  disney land - he's serious. If he says he's about to break someone's  hands - he will do exactly that. He means business at any time. In  crimes and friendly spending times.) He likes to hang out with all his buddies, when he feels like it. If  you're in the "family" - you're a friend, and you worth spending time  with. Ion usually acts friendly if he likes people, but doesn't exactly  trusts anyone who is not in the "family" circle. That being said - he  doesn't have any friends outside the Saints Row. Rivalries - a lot. Most of the gangs\criminals\politics - do not like  him, and some of them actively want him dead. But with no luck.
13. How did your character react to teaming up with Ultor? What projects  did they endorse or get involved with as part of the Saints-Ultor  media group? Hmmm...
14. What were your character’s impressions of Steelport? How well did  they adjust to being away from home?  "What the fuck with the statue?.." (about Magarac monument) Ion felt that the Steelport is a bit smaller for him, and at first it  was weird being there. And again, he had to start from the beginning.  He was a stranger and he didn't like the feeling of it. But as the  time passed, and city's gangs fell one after another - he felt more  and more at home. Because, yeah, another "home"\city conquered.
15. How did your character react to the way their enemies (like Kiki and  Zinyak) reminded them of their past failures? Did their accusations  bother them?  He fucking hates it. It's like poking a fresh fleshwound with a  knife, and twisting it inside. Outwardly he stays relatively calm,  but boils inside with rage. It takes a lot of effort for him, to not  snap and kill a person who's talking about it. It really bothers   him, because he feels responsible for deaths of his friends, and some  of them really fucked him up mentally.  (He had a crush on Lin, though  it faded really fast, and her death wasn't really upsetting. Though  he was mad when she died, because of how stupid it was, being caught  while trying to save the girl, and then SHE saves him instead and  dies... Aisha's death weren't that infuriating for him too, though they were  on good terms. He was upset and angered by the fact that it was aimed  at Johnny, and seing him being broken over Aisha's death was too much  to take. Carlos's death fucked him up the most. That one got him bad. After  his death he actually changed. He was in apathy for almost a month,  mourning his "little brother" and trying to get back to normal life -  which didn't happen. Then, after Shaundi called him - the switch has  flipped. Ion got out of the apathy to get revenge, and didn't stop  until the whole town was theirs. Then he slipped back to depression, and actually had to take meds, to  keep himself going. He continues to take meds till the SRIV.  Sometimes when he feels okay, he makes breaks in treatment, but it  ends up bad...)
16. Did your character Save Shaundi or Kill Killbane? Why?  Saved Shaundi. Because family goes first. And he couldn't bear  another friend's death.  He got to Killbane later.
17. What was your character’s presidency like? How did they campaign?  Troublesome. He's not exactly a president material, doesn't like to  sit and talk  to all these politics, it annoys him beoynd any reason.  If it wasn't for his pals - King, Keith, Pierce and Kinzie - he'd be  done with being president really fast. After some time he actually  got so frustrated, he started to sneak out of the White Crib, under  the nose of his bodyguards (those people piss him off badly), and out  in the city, to wreak some havoc and chill out (as he understands  chilling). Asha had to chase him down, (with Matt's help), to put him  back where he belongs. Ion was so upset and offended by that, he  didn't talk to both of them for a week. His campain was set up by Kinzie and King. Ion isn't good at  politics, but trusts them both. He also makes sure that all the  promises they made - are fullfilled.
18. What was your character’s nightmare simulation like?  Pretty much the "Pleasantville" shit. Where everyone's normal, and  HE'S normal. And forced into acting like a complete douchebag.  (Douchebag being a straight, lawful person, with a wife, not  swearing, not breaking stuff, wearing stupid clothes etc...) For him  it's a nightmare to be like his dad. His nightmare started in the morning, waking up, doing a routine and  going off to boring office work, then coming back home, and seeing as  along the way, all his friends die in accidents. But he couldn't  break out and try to help them, because he's in a hell of being  lawful person, who just looks at everything, and waits for the police  to act...
19. What did your character do after they killed Zinyak and took over his  empire?  For a long time - nothing. Like, really, nothing at all. They all  were chilling for a while, celebrating and fooling around, because  this whole deal was exausting. After that almost every member of the  crew underwent a wave of depression and homesickness. It affected  Matt and Pierce very bad - first kept to himself while desperately  seeking a way to bring the Earth back, second started to search  remains of human culture and bringing stuff on the ship, everything  that could be scavenged across the space. While it was possible to get back in time, because they had a time  machine - time traveling was prohibited by Kinzie, since she didn't  wanted to risk and play with fire in the face of the time paradoxes.  Even though she admitted that she'd gladly used it, to get back  everyone (especially Oleg). Ion fell into the apathy again, and since he got off his meds - none  existed on the ship, and surprisingly Zin's analogs wouldn't help (if  he'd actually asked for them, which he didn't. He never told anyone  about meds.) - he sinked into depression pretty deep. Drowning in  guilt. That lasted for a while, until Matt almost got himself braindead in  the simulation (he was researching if it'd be possible to execute one  plan he had, so he was re-playing and re-playing one scenario in the  simulation, till the computer system overloaded and went berserk...  He succeded though, to find a loophole. Couple of them, actually.). The news cheered everyone up, and Ion agreed to Matthew's  shenanigans... That's the whole AU story.
20. What major canonical changes did you apply to your character? Which mission-based DLCs (i.e. How the Saints Saved Christmas) are  canon for your character?  Hmm, not that much, I think. (Or a lot probably? Idk. I have a lot  of backstories and headcanons, so... ech?) None of the DLC's are canon. That being said - I'm pretty much okay  with aliens and sci-fi stuff, but all this "magical bullshit", while  it is funny, doesn't please me as a storyteller. (cuz, you know, pies  can have that much ingridients, until they become weird tasting.  Like, you can blend sci-fi and drama, or you can add drama to a  fantasy. But fantasy AND sci-fi??? No. Just... No. Magic and space  science don't work really well together, imho. That's just my own  preference. Still enjoy the "spinoffs" though. Like, Christmas DLC  was hilarious. As GOOH was hilarious too. When they started to SING,  I cracked and lost my shit laughing. But still, for me the best storylines were in SR2. It was the  strongest game out the shole series.)  (Though, maybe, I can "allow" the SRTT DLC's - with Kwilanna-Jenny  and that dork in glasses, who cloned Gat. Cuz that is sci-fi related,  and I do like Jenny (So does Ion. After all they were dating, until  she got into acting and set a priority to her career, and Ion got  annoyed by that.)
21. How did you structure the series’ timeline for your character?  Come on. That's like... Evil question. SR's timeline is SO FUCKED  UP, you either have to build your own ignoring the canon, OR you have  to somehow make the canon timeline work... So, withought saying lots and lots of dates\years, let's just... try  this... I'm going to base the timeline of a few factors which are  relevant to my Boss, and fit in logically with my headcanons. First  of - Boss's love to 80's songs. Then - Carlos's age and year of death  (he's 26, when he dies in 2007), and Matt Miller's age and "assumed"  year of birth (16(SRTT)-22(SRIV) 1998). So, Ion was born somewhere around 80s, he's one year older than  Carlos. In the 1998 Matt is born, Ion is 18. At age 20 Ion runs away  from home, soon after meets Julius and gets into the Saints. The  events of SR1 happen within a year or so, then six years of coma.  It's 2007 (Ion is 27, Carlos is 26 and soon dies, Matt is a 9 year  old kid.), the events of SR2 happen again within a year. Then another  7 years pass, bringing us to the SRTT, which happen in a 2014 (Ion is  34 y.o., Matt - 16.) Then, in a course of 6 years Ion and the Saints  get into the White house, and after that the invasion happens, and in  2020 the Earth is blown to pieces. (Ion is 40 years old, Matt - 22.). The age of other members of the Saints is like... I'll have to sit  down and either figure that out, or come up with something. Later.
22. What is the most memorable, uplifting/positive moment your character  experienced?
 He has quite a few memories he's fond of.
Running away from home was memorable, and all in all positive for  him.
One evening in Stilwater, at the old open-air cinema, when he and  Carlos were chilling together, looking at the sunset. 
Getting into serious relationship (for real, he fell in love pretty  hard for the first time in his life, and weren't rejected or dumped.  Because his previous crushes ended up just like that.).
Oh, and getting to drive the tank for the first time... That was  like... Christmas.
23. What is the most memorable, depressing/negative moment your character  experienced? Also quite a few.
When he got beaten up by a boy he liked. (That was like in  kindergarten. He's still salty about it.)
Carlos's death. (obviously. Because in Ion's eyes Carlos was his  younger brother, his family. He never had any siblings, so this bond  was very dear to him.)
When Matt got kidnapped and almost killed. (He still sees nightmares  about it. Well, he sees nigtmares about his "family" members on a  daily basis, but this one bothers him a lot.)
24. What is the weirdest/most embarrassing/most shocking thing your  character has done?  Embarrassing story - One time in Steelport, Ion was at old crib  (Shaundi's ex's flat, abandoned by everyone, cuz - there's like a lot  of nice houses out there, big cribs and skyscrapers. But Ion likes  tiny flats actually, so he stays there often.) sleeping till noon.  Naked. That's just how he is, don't ask. Someone rings at the  doorbell, Ion wakes up and goes to open the door. There's no one  there, but a suspicious box on the doorstep. Ion's confused. And as a  dork, he picks it up, to check what is it. Luckily, the box is  ticking pretty loud and then starts to ding... Ion realises his mistake and quickly abandones the flat. Through the  window. BOOM. Box explodes, leaving this jackass butt-naked on the  street, with burning flat, and no phone to call someone for help. So  he had to get to a nearest crib to at least get some clothes on. Now, he has nothing to be embarrassed - he has it all. BUT, the fact  that he's been half asleep and acted like a fool, and now had to walk  around in the nude - that was embarrassing. He's glad that he didn't  met anyone who knew him (like Pierce of Shaundi.) He didn't wanted to  explain this one..
Weird story - Almost everything he does is weird, on some level. But  this one weirded out Matt at least (he's pretty new to Ion's quirks,  so...). One day Ion just dissappeared from the White House, for a whole day,  and no one could find him, for some reason. Everyone were loosing  their minds, worrying and trying to find him, but with no luck. The next day he shows up at Matt's doorstep, very-very sick. His  throat is sore, he can't talk and has temperature, but grins happily.  Turns out he hijacked a chopper, flew all the way to Stilwater and  spent the whole day on the little lake on the hill (you know one,  near the open-air cinema), swiming and munching ice-cream. He had  like five jars in a mini fridge, some beer and an inflatable mattress  with him. He probably weirded out the locals the most though...
Shocking story - What isn't shocking about Ion? }XD
25. Has your character ever felt uncomfortable or disgusted with  something that occurred in the series?  Not really. He's okay with pretty much everything or he's angry at  it. Ion has high tolerance to violence\gore\whatnot, unless it's  affecting his friends.
26. What does being a Saint mean to your character? Does that definition  ever change for them during the series?  He always questions that. He's not sure really. It's like, they're  the Saints, because everything started at the church, but none of  them really is a saint. And definetely not him - he knows that, and  thinks that it's ironic...
27. What would your character have done if they hadn’t joined the Saints?  After dropping the college, if his dad didn't kicked his ass out into some military school (he would run away from there for sure), he probably ended up working with animals. Like in a petshop.
28. What is your character’s family like? How would they react to your  character being part or associated with the Saints?  His mom is a small, chubby woman, very religious and kind. She makes the best potato pies, goes in church, likes country music, loves her husband and her kid. (Ion is a kid. Even when he's in his fourty.) His dad is this tall, stubborn gray-haired man, always frowning. Always quiet. Always judging. Brr. He likes to watch guessing TV-shows, work in the garage. He never drinks. Doesn't smoke. Doesn't smile. Both of them are pretty close-minded. Though Ion's mom is more forgiving and understanding, she's soft. His dad is like a stone goat...  Since Ion ran away, they didn't actually knew what happened to him, and his mom searched for him, and reported to the police about dissapearance of her child (20 year old die-hard goof-off, but, hey, what do we know...) untill one day they saw him on TV. They found out he was in a gang after the Saints became a big deal, and... His mom was just happy that he's alive and looking well - "And he's in a suit, with a tie! He grew up so much!" His dad was dissapointed of course, disapproving and harshly, silently judging... As always.
29. What are your character’s weapons of choice? Car of choice?  Well, Ion likes all kind of weaponry - the more the better (the bigger - the cooler). Usually he has at least one pistol on him (but prefers dual weapons - pistols or uzi's). RPG is always a "must have", though it's too big to pull around... but if he has a chance to get his hands on a huge gun - he'll take the opportunity, be that an RPG, a minigun, or a flamethrower. Ion is a sucker for a muscle cars... Nuff said.
30. What super powers did your character favor the most in the  Simulation? What super power not in their arsenal did they wish they  had? Super jump and ability to glide. Everything else is least favourite, but useful in a fight. He likes to jump around and "fly" from a point A to a point B, and land all superhero-like. Such a show-off.}X ) He wishes that he had an ability to be invisible, but Matt made fun of him because of that... Well, he didn't "made fun of him" but more like, sarcastically mocked, explaining that, no matter how transparent Ion will be in the simulation, Matt always will see him as at least the information bits running through the code. "So, it will be pretty pointless, you see... invisible man. Haha." (Ion frowns)
31. Does your character ever sustain any major injuries or scars from  their work with the Saints?  Yeah, he has some scars. First of all, he has a little scar on left arm, from a ricocheit, when he first met Saints. Then second, he has this scar on his head - you can't see it, since he has a nice fluffy hair, but, if he had a shaved head... There's a scar starting behind his right ear and going on the back of the head. That's where the metal shard got stuck. Then, he has a scar on his right side of the body, from bullets. One slided merely touching him, other went through. He got shot by the brotherhood, when he was at Carlos's workplace - covered Carlos. He has lots and lots of small scars all over his body, but they're tiny - from ricocheit bullets\glass and metall shards and whatnot... Oh, well, and his nose was broken, as I said.
32. What activities does your character do when they’re not doing Saints  business? He sleeps. Sleeps, sits in the shower, eats or watches TV. Everything normal and mundane he does at his "free time". When he's feeling okay - he rather spends time with someone, doing whatever the person wants to do (he once spend whole day shopping with Shaundi and Pierce, they couldn't stop him after. The other day he tried to get Kinzie out of her hideout and they ended up at one of those Hi-tech exibitions. She was happy. Ion fell asleep at the couch.). Or if they're okay with what he offers - which can be anything from simple movie night, to a heavy weapon shooting range session - they'll do that. When he feels mentally ill, he'll spend his time sitting at some isolated place, far-far away from people, spacing out. He likes to stay at high place (like a hill or rooftops) and watch the day pass by. Sometimes he stays in his small flat and watches TV-series. You know he's at the bad place, when he watches three seasons in a row...
33. What radio stations or songs from the series does your character  listen to? Are there any non-series songs you attribute to your  character?  Ion loves - LOVES - the Mix radio station. All the 80s. All the 80s songs, all the old stuff. He knows all the lyrics, though he's not that good at singing or getting in a rhytm, it doesn't stop him. He also low key listens to the K12 and Gen-X, and likes dubstep, but he won't admit it, ever.
34. What diversions did your character like to do in Steelport and  Stilwater? Which ones did they avoid?  Everything that includes mayhem and destruction. Watching things go BOOM and explode to pieces is a favourite thing. Insurance fraud also was "fun". (Though one time he got his leg broken for real, and noticed it only on a next day when it got all swallen. It was a closed fracture, isn't that bad, but he had to wear a cast for two weeks. Ion is tough, and heals very quickly - his coma was a rare case of not getting well fast - everything else has to be a severe injury, to make him lay in bed for a long time...) He doesn't like races, even though he likes cars. He's "bad" at driving, and doens't like how smug all the racers are... Ion also felt uncomfotable during escort missions. The sounds are weird, man.
35. Describe your character’s fashion sense. Which shops in Stilwater  and/or Steelport did your characters visit the most?  When sport meets classic... His style is more casual. He's a big guy and sometimes has problems with getting a fitting clothes. He's almost 6'3" feet tall, and likes to wear loose clothing, or something that fits well, and doesn't hamper the movement. Otherwise he'll just rip it real fast... (So, any shop where clothes are big...)
36. Which restaurants in Stilwater did your character visit a lot? What  did they usually order? Freckle bitch's. Oh man, this guy... He's like a garbo eating machine - all the fast-food you can imagine, he'll eat and probably still be hungry. He has high metabolysm, and burns all the calories very fast, so he can handle all this greasy food and lots and lots of sugar...
37. Which crib in Stilwater was your character’s favorite? Which crib in  Steelport? A little flat at the Red Lights, the one in the basement and Shaundi's ex's flat.
38. Name the top three Saints your character got along with the most. Gat, Shaundi and Pierce. Old buddies, best friends. They're time-proof, and he knows them for a long time now. Even though he's on a good terms with most of the Saint's, if he'd be in trouble they're the ones he'll call for help first.
39. Name the top three Saints your character got along with the least.  Angel, Troy, and... ??? He just doesn't get them. Either doesn't understand, or gets annoyed by them pretty fast.
40. What shenanigans do your character and their homies get involved in  together? Many things. I can't even...
41. Which homies did your character call up as followers on a regular  basis? Which homies did they call the least, or not at all? Usually Ion doesn't call anyone. He likes to work alone, and doesn't want to risk anyone's lives. But if it's not dangerous, he'll call somebody... (Usually Gat or Oleg. Then Pierce or\and Shaundie.) In Steelport Simulation he liked to tease Matt and called him a lot, for whatever reason (though he knew how Matt felt about simulation after being trapped in there).  He never called Kinzie. Ion was okay with her being at home, and helping him from a distance, that was suitable for both of them.
42. Describe your character’s relationship with (asker inserts name here;  eg. Johnny, Viola) Johnny - it's that kind of relationship, when one of them can call the other in the middle of the night, to ask to meet them at the pier with a pocket of marshmallows and a flamethrower, right the fuck now - and they'll be there. Without questioning the sanity of the caller. Ion will tear apart everyone for Johnny, and Johnny will do the same for Ion. Both of them are there for each other, to either beat in some sense into or to support in the insanity.  Shaundi - she's like a little sister for Ion, and everytime she  makes some serious decisions, or acts tough, he gets all emotional and thinks that it's adorable. (And Shaundi tries to punch him, just to not show that she's glad that he's happy and proud of her.) Ion for her is a big dorky brother, though she knows that when he's near - she's safe. So it's like two siblings, who sometimes get on eachothers nerves.  Pierce - is both a party-starter and a party-pooper. And Ion actually likes it about Pierce, since he can be happy-go-lucky, and serious and strategic when needed. They can tease eachother about everything, but both know when to stop and not hurt the feelings. Sometimes they meet up to bitch about something to eachother and drink beer. Pierce likes that Ion listens to him (even though he makes this "oh, no, here we go again"-face, he actually takes him seriously), and Ion knows that Pierce can give a good advice. Occasionally.  (Others - if someone will ask about it, then I’ll add\write it down.)
43. Who (if anyone) did your character romance? If they romanced someone  (or multiple people) how did they get together? Matt. He fell for him really bad, after a while. They actually have met before Matt showed up on Kinzie's monitors.  Matt went out to work through some things and be alone for a while, he was at the little park, near the water, dressed all casual to not draw any attention. He was minding his own business, when he heard gunshots, yelling and cars crushing. Then Ion shows up, pulling a huge crowd of morningstar gang members after him. They're pissed as hell, shooting at him. Matt tries to hide behind a stone fence, to not get shot, he's horrified. When Ion ends up hiding behind the same fence, Matt is in terror and panic, he can't even say a word. He knows WHO this asshole with a pistol and a red shirt is. Ion has no idea who Matt is, he shoots back at morningstars and jokingly asks Matt about the weather. Matt is in an awe, can't speak and just shrugs. Then Ion asks him whether he can swim or not. After that he just grabs him and jumps in water, hiding under a bridge in a huge pipe. Matt is  in shock, and stays quiet till morningstar leave, and Ion helps him to get out on the shore. Ion then apologises, hijacks a car parked nearby and asks Matt if he needs a drive to safety, (Matt actively refuses, shaking his head) then he drives away. Why, for what reason Ion tried to "help" Matt get out of there - no one knows... After a long time on the ship, after Ion got pissed off at Matt and punched him, they both tried to stay away from each other. Matt was a bit scared of Ion - he always was - and after a beating he stayed at the loading dock of the ship, working on stuff and trying to avoid Ion at all costs. Ion felt guilty right after Matt refused his hug - he saw the fear in his eyes. After that he felt weird and guilty about everything, and seeked a way to apologise... At night he sneaked in the dock, and right in time - Matt tried to carry a heavy box, and almost got crushed under it. Luckily, Ion helped him to carry it, and word for word... He apologised. Thereafter Ion searched for any opportunity to spend some time with a geeky kid, he wasn't sure exactly WHY. But after some events in the simulation, it hit him. Matt suspected it, but he refused the thought and his own sympathy to the utmost. When Ion resqued him from Killbane, he gave up... That's the whole AU story.
44. Which gangs did your character hate the most? Which gangs did they  fear the most? Brotherhood and Luchadores. Ion both hated them the most and was a  bit afraid of. Not for himself, but for his "family". Both these  gangs mean business, and though Luchadores were less threatening,  Killbane somehow reminded Ion of Maero... Ion hates Maero. Ion hates  Killbane. He wants them both DEAD. If he could - he'd kill Maero  twice, or even three times. Same goes for Killbane.
45. Name a fanfic and/or fanart of your character that you are fond of  the most.  Well, I'm not sure if somebody wrote or drew Ion, except for me, so... Feel free to do so, if you want, it'd be nice to see\read. I didn't write anything about him (except this fucking huge Q&A list, haha), but I drew him a lot, and made some short comics about him. I'm quite fond of him in general.
46. What non-SR stuff did you draw inspiration from for your character? Not sure... Maybe my own experience with the world, relationships  and some dreams and wishes, fears maybe.
47. Who would you cast as your character if someone decided to make an  IRL movie out of Saints Row?  Ha... haha. Don't know. I'm not into action movies, and have no idea about actors and whatnot (Jack Nicholson is pretty cool, but he's not really "Ion-like", and he's what, hundred years old? Joking ofcourse. He's cool.). But IF there was a cartoon - full lenght, hand-drawn or 3D movie about the Saints - I'd watch the heck out of it.
48. Do you have any alternate universes or crossovers involving your  character? Yees, I do. A huge AU, where they got Earth back using science and  loopholes.
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corrinassurveys · 8 years
Have you ever had a secret that you really just couldn’t tell?  No, not really. There is no big secret about me. I'm an open book. Has anything happened today that has upset you in any way?  Not really. Not just yet, anyway. But it is only 9:30am. Is there someone in your life you tell every little thing to?  No, but there is someone I share the majority of things with, for sure. Do most of your friends have a significant other? I don't even have any friends atm. If I say “psycho”, who is the first person that comes to your mind?  No one, really. Are there any stressful situations in your life right now? Not really, life is pretty good! Who has made the biggest sacrifice for you?  My mum. Would you rather live in the city, suburbs or the country?  I genuinely don't know. I would like to say the country as that would be somehing new for me, but I would get bored and I love shopping too much. I'd possibly say the city. Do you think you could handle a day in jail? I guess it depends which one. Not that I'd ever go to jail. How do you feel about middle-parted hair?  I don’t feel any kind of way about it. Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point, and isn’t around now?  Yes, definitely. Did the last person you kissed have piercings? Not anymore, no. Do you believe that your first true love can be your only love in life?  I reckon it has definitely happened a few times. It would just be extremely rare. Is anyone mad at you right now? I hope not. I'd like to think any issues have been resolved or forgotten about. Have you ever given up on someone? Absolutely. I got let down so much by someone that I had no choice but to let go. Have you ever kissed someone you weren’t dating? Yeah, a few times. Did you have any unread text messages this morning when you woke up? Nope. Who’s the biggest douchebag you know?  My ex boyfriend, of course. If your ex said they hated you, you’d say?  He already has said that to me, lol. I was just like "alright pal". Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a D?  Yeah, years ago now. Did you ever waste too much time on someone that treated you bad?  Absolutely. I should've walked away from my ex a lot earlier than I did. Who was the last girl you talked to? I talked to my mum this morning. Who was the last guy you talked to?  One of my bosses at work. Was it a boy or a girl to last text you?  It was more than likely my boyfriend yesterday. How do you feel right now? I am feeling good, just slightly tired. Have you ever dreamed about falling? I think I have once or twice, yes. Who is the most obnoxious person you know? My ex boyfriend, lol. What was the last thing you ‘liked’ on facebook? Something funny,more than likely. What was the last compliment you received?  Possibly on a picture on facebook. Do you cross your legs when you sit? Sometimes. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?  Nope. Someone calls you at 3:00 AM; who do you expect it to be?  Someone with bad news.. What brings out the worst in you?  When I am hungry, people at work. Do you think a lot of people think bad things about you?  I reckon there are a few peiple who do, definitely. In December, were you in a relationship?  I was, and still am. Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? Yes. Have you ever kissed under water?  Nope, I don't think so. Have you ever kissed a blonde haired, blue eyed person?  I haven't, no. Has anyone ever said they will never let you go? Yeah, and what a huge lie that was. Not that I'm arsed anymore. When’s the last time someone asked you to hang out, but you couldn't? No one ever asks me to hang out anymore. How do you feel about people not replying to you?  Indifferent. I get that some people are busy. I know the people I care about and who care about me will talk to me. Are you in a relationship? I am. Do you have self-respect?  I have a lot more now than I did this time last year. Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around? I do, yes. Do you know how many people your best friend has had sex with?  I don't ask questions like that.. Are your boobs real? What boobs? Lol, yes. What was the last thing that made you laugh? A post on facebook or something. Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other?  Yes. This question is silly. Is the last person you kissed mad at you?  He has no reason to be. Who was the last person you talked to in person? A customer at work. Who was the last to call you beautiful? My boyfriend. Are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? Yes, we have been together for iver 8 months now. Is there that one guy that you’ll always have feelings for no matter what?  Yes, absolutely. Are you losing feelings towards anyone?  No. I have already lost feelings for certain people. Everyone I have in my life right now, I love them dearly. Ever liked someone who treated you wrong? Definitely. The person you fell hardest for, do you still care about them?  No. Think of the last person who hurt you, do you forgive them?  Yes, I did. We all make mistakes. Has someone ever called you at midnight on your birthday?  No Would you ever be a stripper?  No. Do you ever wonder how other people see you? Not really, it's not really something that bothers me too much. Who did you last shoot a dirty look at? Possibly at a customer at work. Do you donate blood?  I haven't, but I have considered it. What was the last Youtube video you watched?  A vlog. Is there any accent that you find sexy? Not in particular, no. What did the last IM you sent say?  I haven't sent an IM in years. Is there anyone getting on your nerves right now?  Not really, no. Today isn't so bad to be honest. Do people underestimate you?  Sometimes, yeah. Would you take your ex-significant other back? Not a chance, lol. Are you 100% over the last person you kissed? No, because he is my boyfriend and I love him a hell of a lot. Who was the last baby you held?  I haven't held a baby in ages. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?  No, I can't say I do. Is it worth crying over a guy or a girl?  I’ve sure done it a lot. I think it is okay to cry but don't let it consume you. Crying does make you stronger. Are you a flirt? Not in the slightest. Has the last person you texted ever been mad at you before? Once, yeah. What was your worst mistake in your life?  You mean who... Would you fall apart if the last person you kissed walked out of your life?  It would absolutely kill me inside, definitely. Why did you last tell someone you hated them? I can't remember... Who has your heart right now?  My boyfriend. Have you ever felt so hurt you can’t move? Absolutely. Have your parents ever caught you kissing a guy? Caught me kissing? I'm not 12.. How many friends are on Facebook chat at the moment?  I have no idea. Which one of your exes hates you the most? Possibly my most recent ex. But its okay, the feeling is definitely mutual. Do you believe there’s two sides to every story? Absolutely. Do you think your last ex will eventually want to be with you again?  Can we stop talking about dickhead? I d9n't care weather he does or not, I will never go back there, ever. Did you talk to anyone you didn’t like today? Ohhhh yes. Are you talking to anyone right now?  Nope. Where did your last hug take place?  At hthe bus station, I think. Who was the last person that apologized to you? I don't know... Last shocking news you heard? I cab't think of anything right now. Are you named after anyone? No, I am named after a song though. Does your password have numbers? It does. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?  My boyfriend. Are you wearing any clothes that don’t belong to you? No. Have you ever had sex on the beach? Nope. What reminds you the most of your last relationship? I don't wanna talk about it anymore. Have you ever rejected someone but they still wouldn’t give up on you?  Nope. Who gave you a hug last?  My boyfriend, maybe. How do you feel about guys who smoke? I don’t like smoking at all. Is there anyone you would do anything for? Yeah. Have any of your friends died of an overdose? No. What woke you up this morning?  My alarm.
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