#you can tell the demographic of the site is ageing past college bc adhd tips that circulate
sniffanimal · 4 months
I've been living with what I've dubbed "laundry debt" for years now, where there's a full hamper in my closet of dirty clothes I haven't worn in ages because I adhd'd the laundry so long that I've just been wearing and washing a whole separate hamper and the idea of doing laundry just for that old hamper has felt like trying to solve world peace by myself. but not anymore! I realized laundry debt is like money debt: hard to pay off all at once, easier to pay off in small parts and not make it bigger. so every time I do a load of laundry from my Current Hamper, I take 3-4 clothes out of my old one and wash them. when I fold my laundry if it doesn't fit anymore or I won't wear it anymore I'll donate it. you can probably apply this to other "debts", like dishes debts: wash a cup or plate that's been sitting out for too long with every batch of dishes you do wash, etc. this has been your ADHD tip of the day.
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