#badger rants
sniffanimal · 10 months
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When will the ableism end for us hoes
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jammy-badger · 7 months
i think whats so frustrating to me about the voice bullshit is that all the 'no' campaigners had to do was lie
there's no amount of education and campaigning the 'yes' side could have done that could counteract the seeds of doubt sown by a heavily-funded misinformation campaign whose entire plan was based on voters not doing their research. they never needed to convince anyone onto their side - they just had to make people doubt the other
yes, the voice to parliament is not nearly enough to combat the impacts of colonialism in this country, and yes, we need a treaty and we need clear guidelines and so much more that sadly the voice to parliament was unable to provide, but we had an opportunity to at least take a step toward fulfilling the statement from the heart and we blew it.
all because its easier to prey on doubt and xenophobia than it is to educate and inform
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badgerthethirteenth · 7 months
Love how a lot of people try to figure out why a lot of religions have similar events happening or monstrous figures running around by tracing it back to like ancient aliens or some other nonsense, when it could just as easily be groups of people having very similar ideas like "what if there was a really big guy", "what if there was a giant lizard", or "what if a lot of water happened wouldn't that be fucked up or what".
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sniffanimal · 4 months
I've been living with what I've dubbed "laundry debt" for years now, where there's a full hamper in my closet of dirty clothes I haven't worn in ages because I adhd'd the laundry so long that I've just been wearing and washing a whole separate hamper and the idea of doing laundry just for that old hamper has felt like trying to solve world peace by myself. but not anymore! I realized laundry debt is like money debt: hard to pay off all at once, easier to pay off in small parts and not make it bigger. so every time I do a load of laundry from my Current Hamper, I take 3-4 clothes out of my old one and wash them. when I fold my laundry if it doesn't fit anymore or I won't wear it anymore I'll donate it. you can probably apply this to other "debts", like dishes debts: wash a cup or plate that's been sitting out for too long with every batch of dishes you do wash, etc. this has been your ADHD tip of the day.
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sniffanimal · 10 months
Rosharan carnivals that use fabrials to power the rides. Is that anything. Levitation paired fabrials to make stuff go up and spin around and stuff. Infused stones for colored lights. Chouta that costs an arm and a
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sniffanimal · 30 days
"I wish Demetrius was romanceable :( too bad he's married" "I wanna be with Robin and wreck their home" wrong. I want Robin and Demetrius to see me across Gus's saloon and tell me they've heard a lot of good things about me, farmer. Heard about my times in the mines and how I'm... adventurous. I tell them it's getting late and I gotta be home, and they offer to walk me back to my quiet cabin. I invite them in to try some of my mead I've been working on. Robin tries on some of my hats, then puts one on my head. She takes it's floppy brim in either hand on the side of my head and pulls me closer and Demetrius comes up behind her and puts his arms around his wife's waist. sorry what was I posting about
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sniffanimal · 2 months
Dont count baby teeth unless they're just permanently in your mouth and havent been removed. Don't count implants, bridges, or dentures, veneers are on thin fucking ice. Half/chipped/cracked teeth still count as long as there's some tooth where it goes. If anyone's wondering I have 23 lol my wisdom teeth wrecked my other teeth on the way in.
This is obviously no moral judgement on dental hygiene, orthodontics, age, or anything (as I'm someone missing a lot of teeth). I'm mostly just curious at how common a mouth like mine is! There's many causes for tooth loss, and none of them are more Noble or Valid than another.
edit: hell i messed up the numbers but Whatever i meant for 28 to be in the category above it but its fine just vote for what the categories say lol just dont @ me for having bad math
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sniffanimal · 7 months
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sniffanimal · 1 month
HRT that turns you into a leopard gecko:
immediate results: start to feel colder all the time
2-4 weeks: skin itches a lot, vegetables start to churn your stomach, mucous membranes like your eyes and mouth feel drier
3-6 months: skin starts to flake off in noticeable dandruff-like patches all over your body. you should start using an oil based moisturizer since the water based ones just dont do the trick anymore. You should also start transitioning your diet to insectivore. your coccyx hurts when you sit for too long.
6-9 months: a nub of a cartilage tail starts to work it's way out of your lower back. the skin it creates is smooth and doesn't look like scarring at all. it even has some spots on it. you've started noticing freckles here and there. Your eyes are also looking different, rounder and muted color.
12 months: your doctor offers genetic testing to approximate what morph you will be, since human phenotypes aren't a 100% accurate at predicting it. You decline, you want to be surprised. You've reached a point where you can't hide it anymore if you wanted to. Your hair is falling out all over now. Your skin peels off in patches like a sunburn, and every new layer is yellow or orange and some have spots. Your teeth sit weird in your mouth and feel smaller. Your tail is about a foot long now, it has a long way to grow. You mostly cook with cricket flour or eat premixed meals since you're not fully on board with eating half your weight in straight up bugs yet, but you're relieved roaches don't freak you out anymore. They just make you hungry.
18 months: your eyes are visibly spaced further apart, and your nose is starting to flatten out. you know your face won't look 100% like you want it to, the hormones can only do so much, but you already look positively reptilian. you shaved your head to help the hair finish up, and are surprised you don't miss it. your fingers feel less nimble now, and you have to wear braces to get anything done during the day. your claws take nail polish just fine. You pick up a new space heater at the store even though it's only August.
2 years: Your skin has evened out and mostly sheds all at once now. You think you're a tangerine carrot tail, judging by how yellow and spotted your body is, but orange and white your tail is. You're comfortably at a point where people stop asking "so what are you? a lizard?" as soon as they see how fat your tail is. your dating profile pics have a little too much tongue in them.
6 years+: some surgery helped fix some of the last little snags, tucking all your bottom bits into a neat vent, and finishing the shaping on your face. You don't even scar from them either, a win-win. Your partner is now used to running you a steaming shower whenever they see you rubbing your back on the corner of a wall. They're also good at judging your diet a bit too closely thanks to your squishy fat tail. When your work got too busy for a month and you lived off tea and handfuls of grasshopper granola, they could tell you weren't yourself as your tail thinned and drooped. They scheduled some time off so the two of you could go to the desert. It's so warm, even at night, this time of year, and you can see all the stars. They didn't want to kiss you after you ate a scorpion off the floor, but it was all worth it because you felt recharged, refreshed, and at home in your gecko body again.
just in case I never get around to drawing this I wanted to at least write it lol
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sniffanimal · 10 months
how do you turn a croque monsieur into a croque madame?
you crack her egg
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sniffanimal · 7 months
if you like long-watch explainer videos about various bits of ordinary daily technology (rice cookers, VCRs, car turn indicators, lava lamps, pinball machines, dishwashers, the list goes on!) i highly recommend the youtube channel Technology Connections. Also if you like extremely dry midwestern humor (i sure do)
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sniffanimal · 11 months
People already talk about the benefits of the Libby app for free ebook reading (and audiobooks) through your local library but I gotta say, it has a lot of font and type space and size options. I've been reading with the open dyslexic font and wide line spacing and it works really well for me and makes reading soooo much easier than the default publisher styles. So if you've had problems reading ebooks before maybe try the accessibility settings out!
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sniffanimal · 1 month
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Custom Self-Care Reminder commission for @ squidcrusher on cohost! It matches my Draculara and Frankie I already did :)
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sniffanimal · 20 days
why does metropolis even have this device
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sniffanimal · 7 months
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I would die for you
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sniffanimal · 11 months
The Murderbot Diaries asks the bold question of "what if you told a horse girl movie from the point of view of the horse?"
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