#you could not pay him to watch bleach but by god does he have opinions on it
jupitermelichios · 2 years
while everyone is sad and in need of non-terrible sterek content, here's a minor headcanon I'm probably never going to get around to using in anything:
derek is a massive halo nerd, but hates all video games basically universally. he picked up one of the novels because he knows stiles likes the games, and he wanted to be able to contribute during stiles's periodic gamer info-dumps, but then got weirdly invested in the lore and now knows way more about the universe than any reasonable person should
stiles thinks this is adorable, obviously, but also hilarious, and spends a lot of times scheming ways to trick their friends into accidentally saying something that will activate derek's halo-heresy senses and trigger an angry rant. his crowning achievement was getting scott to read the drill 'masterchief's suit jacks him off' tweet out loud verbatim in derek's presence. neither of them have forgiven him for it, and he does not care because it was the funniest shit he's ever seen.
he's also started leaving 40k novels lying around derek's apartment. to date he has not taken the bait, but they both know it's only a matter of time before he caves.
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nethandrake · 3 years
Blood In The Water
stevethortony. mcu. rated t. 1.8k words.
based on this fanart i commissioned from​ @justlous-art
also on ao3.
Press conferences, in Clint’s opinion, are one of the worst things he has to experience.
Every time the Avengers has to host one (which is usually almost every fucking week), it’s always the same old reporters throwing accusations, the same old debates being tosses around, the same old headaches and boredom creeping into his mind. They always end with everyone in a shitty mood.
The only upside Clint could see is that he only needs to speak up if a question’s directed his way. Otherwise, it’d be their co-leaders’ job to fend the wolves off.
Their co-leaders who are currently and unfortunately answering another stupid question from the press.
“Yes, Stark Industries will be footing the bill,” Steve says tiredly.
“We always do,” Tony chimes in. “Now, you with the green-striped tie. You’re up.”
The journalist in question straightens, fixing his tie. Clint doesn’t remember seeing him at any of the conferences but he looks awfully familiar.
“He’s from Fox News,” Natasha supplies next to Clint.
It takes everything in Clint to not bash his smash his face against the conference table. “Shit.”
“Shit indeed.”
“It is no secret that Mr Stark is, to put it lightly,” Fox Man begins, his reedy voice making Clint’s skin crawl, “promiscuous—”
“What does this have to do with the giant squid we took down?” Steve interrupts.
“—and have been known to get into relationships with men, women—”
“What is the point of this?” Thor cuts in, his cool demeanor now turned irritated. “We are deviating from the—”
“My question to you, Captain,” Fox Man continues, unperturbed, “is, what are your thoughts regarding Mr Stark and Mr Odinson’s…relationship?”
Tony stills as murmurs begin to fill the room. Pepper immediately whips her tablet out.
It’s not the first time Clint’s heard of rumors of the Avengers dating amongst themselves but it’s never been brought up during their press conferences.
First time for everything, he supposes.
Thor jumps to his feet, slamming his hands on the table. Outside, thunder crackles.
“You dare—”
Steve isn’t doing much better to rein his temper in, leaning forward with a dangerous glint behind his eyes. “I’d be careful with what you say next. Rumors of the Avengers fraternizing isn’t new so—”
“Oh, this isn’t just a rumor,” Fox Man says coolly. He jumps to his feet, holding out his phone. “I happen to have…proof.”
In a flash, Happy strides over, most likely to block the man’s path like the good Head of Security he is. Steve waves him off, beckoning for the device to be handed over to Clint.
On the phone is a picture of Thor and Tony kissing in a dimly lit alleyway. Or at least, men who are supposedly Thor and Tony. It’s hard to tell since the quality’s crap.
Then again, they’re both bathed in a soft blue glow. A soft blue glow that Clint’s come to associate with the arc reactor.
“That isn’t photoshopped,” Fox Man claims. “If you swipe left, you’ll find a video.”
True enough, there is one of Thor pushing Tony against the wall and god, that’s so gross. Who knows what’s on that wall—
Natasha snatches the phone out of Clint’s grasp, giving it a long once-over.
“Thoughts?” Clint murmurs.
“It looks authentic,” she admits.
Well, then. Fuck.
When the phone ends up in Steve’s grasp, Clint swears cracks form on the screen.
“I would like to know if there have been…issues between you and Mr Stark,” Fox Man continues like the oblivious idiot he is. Clint’s ready to reach pluck an arrow from his quiver and pin the asshole to a wall. “You come from a different time, a time where traditional and wholesome American values are valued. Mr Stark isn’t known for possessing such values. And it is widely known that you and Mr Stark did not get along. And with this…alien—”
“I get it,” Steve growls. It’s been a while since Clint’s seen in this furious. He looks ready to pounce, if Tony hasn’t stilled him in place.
Steve’s features meld into something soft, a look that Clint’s privately coined as the ‘Tony Look’. Oddly, it’s the same look he flashes Thor. The three of them trade glances, glances that only a super soldier, a god, and a genius would know. Tony’s lips curl into a reassured smirk. The other follow suit.
Clint wonders if that’s how Natasha and him are like. Because damn, he gets why people think it’s eerie.
“First of all, let me be clear about this,” Steve begins, “I will not let you or anyone disrespect my friends like that ever again. This is a warning to the rest of you all as well. You, however, I’ll make sure you’ll be banned from the next conference. And don’t think I won’t remember your face. Because I will. I have a good memory. As for your question, I don’t have anything to say about that. But I do have something to show you.”
Without hesitation, Steve leans over to capture Tony’s lips in his.
Clint would’ve toppled over if Natasha hadn’t steadied his chair.
“I was gonna say unexpected,” Clint says. “But yeah, sure. Let’s go with that.”
It’s an open secret among the Avengers that Steve and Thor have been hopelessly pining for Tony for months, even going so far as trying to outdo each other with their efforts of wooing Tony.
Judging by the way Tony’s cupping Steve’s face as they make out and the shit-eating grin Thor has plastered on as he saunters over to the two, it seems like they’ve come to a mutual agreement. A silent mutual agreement.
How the fuck did this escape the rest of their notice? Of Clint’s notice? Steve and Thor are two of the least subtle people around. The fact that they and Tony could keep their relationship on the downlow is blowing Clint’s mind.
Steve and Tony part with a quiet smack. Tony turns in his seat to fist Thor’s shirt to give his own kiss.
“I think my brain’s short-circuiting.”
Natasha scoffs. “You’re acting as if you’ve never seen two men kiss in your life.”
“Well, I’ve never seen my friends kiss each other,” Clint hisses. “You gotta cut me some slack here. I mean, look at Bruce.”
“Bruce looks fine.”
“His eyebrows look like they’re gonna climb off his forehead.”
Steve’s cheeks are flaming red when he shyly turns back to the stunned crowd in front of him. His expression quickly turns icy when he meets Fox Man’s eyes, who looks torn between hiding in a hole or lighting the rest of them on fire.
“Does that answer your question?” he challenges. “Or do you need me to give you another demonstration?”
Thor doesn’t let Fox Man reply, smirking as he inches over to Steve. “I dare say we have not finished his question, my love.”
And with that, he seals Steve’s lips with his.
Clint almost passes out.
“Okay,” Natasha says. “Now, that? That I didn’t see coming.”
Tony’s all smiles as he watches his boyfriends (boyfriends!!!!!) make out in front of everyone. It’s the smuggest and proudest he’s ever seen him.
“Suck it,” he says into the microphone, casually flipping off Fox Man, who looks like he’s ready to explode.
For some unexplainable reason, the rest of the journalists zero in on Clint after that.
“Don’t look at me,” he says, hands held high. “I ain’t kissing them.”
Natasha smirks. Bruce covers his grin behind his sleeve.
Out of the corner of Clint’s eyes, Pepper rubs her temples and pops a pill.
The next day, Clint and the rest of the Avengers pile into one of the stuffy conference rooms on the helicarrier because according to Tony, ‘Eye Patch is in the mood to ream their asses’. Which is so, so unfair since Clint wasn’t the one who made out with his boyfriends in front of the press. Why the hell did he need to face Fury’s wrath when he wasn’t the one to out himself to the press?
Much to no one’s surprise, said boyfriends don’t show up.
Fury’s scowl is much more steely than usual when he storms in, slamming a newspaper onto the table.
Emblazoned on the front page is a picture of Tony flipping the camera as Steve and Thor make out in the background. Avengers: Gay Orgy?!, its heading screams.
“Is there something you people wanna tell me?” Fury begins icily.
“There is no orgy going on between the six of us,” Natasha immediately answers.
“Or five,” Bruce adds.
Clint nods his head, gesturing towards the newspaper. “Yup, yup. The only Avengers having an orgy are them.”
Fury raises an eyebrow. “And what the hell do you call this, then?”
“A threesome,” Natasha replies.
Clint frowns at her. “But that’s not even a threesome. They weren’t even having sex.”
“Threesome could mean three people as a group,” Bruce offers.
“Speaking of threesomes, where the hell are Stark and—”
A resounding crash cuts Fury off, jolting everyone in their seats.
Everyone hustles out and makes a beeline for the conference room next door. Clint gets into position, readying himself to let his arrow fly.
He expects AIM beekeepers, HYDRA goons, or even Doombots. Instead, they’re greeted by the sight of the conference table cracked, the room in disarray, and the other half of the Avengers in a tangle of limbs.
Tony has sandwiched himself between his boyfriends as he sucks the soul out of Steve. Next to them, Thor glances up at Clint and the rest, beaming and flashing them a thumbs-up before Tony drags him into a kiss.
Clint’s going to need bleach for his eyes when he gets home.
“Are you sure the squid didn’t spray them with sex pollen or something?” he begins tentatively.
“Nope,” Bruce replies. “We got checked over, remember?”
“Twice,” Natasha adds.
Steve has the decency to look ashamed when he catches sight of them. He pries his boyfriends apart before jumping to his feet in haste. “Director! I– We were just—”
“Late,” Tony continues for him. “Sorry about that but—”
“We were distracted,” Thor declares.
“I’ll pay for everything,” Tony adds.
Fury looks absolutely murderous.
Clint clasps his hands. “Well! I think it’s safe to say that we all need a break. Or bleach. How about we adjourn this meeting for a while and—”
“Three of you are dismissed. But you three,” Fury jabs his fingers at Steve, Thor, and Tony in turn, “stay. We need to talk.”
Steve’s cheeks darken. Thor puffs his chest. Tony grins lazily. Their hair is disarray, their clothes wrinkled, their lips red and puffy and— Clint is not going to think about that. Nope. Not at all. Not if he wants to sleep at night.
Natasha immediately makes a beeline for the door. Bruce wipes his glasses with his shirt, following after her.
Out of the corner of Clint’s eyes, Fury rubs his temples and pops a pill.
True to his word, Tony ends up paying for all the damages incurred on the helicarrier. All twenty thousand dollars’ worth of damages.
Clint couldn’t look at Conference Room Three the same way ever again.
also on ao3.
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woodrokiro · 3 years
Do It For the Band, Part Six (fic)
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: IchiRuki
Summary: When Tatsuki said she wanted their sophomore album to be the next Rumours, this is NOT what she meant. Band AU. Read Part One, Two, Three, Four, and Five. 
Tatsuki never thought she’d live to see the day that she has to drag herself to jam with her friends.
Sure, she’s been pretty hung over on some of her work days; but she was always, always able to pull herself out of bed, pop a couple of Tylenol and be on her way to make a racket. It made no sense how she could still be giddy to beat some loud drums when she had a throbbing headache - but.
She loved it. She loved her band. 
She still does… But she hates Ichigo right now.
Ichigo, who’s being a real insensitive dick. Ichigo, who went on a date with Orihime, aka her-best-friend-aka-longtime-love-of-her-life-maybe-who-knows-she-never-got-a-chance-to-find-out-cuz-of-her-dickwad-friend. 
Ichigo, who is doing this as some stupid fucking vendetta against Rukia, or to forget her, or whatever the fact is being a dumbass and everyone is having to pay for it.
Needless to say: she’s worked herself up to a pretty furious state by the time she rages to practice.  
She stomps over to Chad’s garage, viciously lifting the the heavy door while simultaneously (unreasonably) half expecting to be faced with the sight of Ichigo and Orihime making out - 
When her eyes adjust to see into the garage, there’s none of that (thank God). They’re not even next to each other. Instead, she’s met with a very different sight.
Ichigo’s stewing in the corner, hands stuffed in his pocket and visibly grinding his teeth. Chad is sitting quietly next to him but definitely trying to blend himself into the shadows more than usual. Orihime is looking down at her hands across the room, silent and stiff.
And Rukia is plugging her phone into their speaker jack rather manically. 
“Ah, good afternoon Tatsuki!” Rukia greets the drummer with a too-large, sparkling smile that she recognizes as Rukia’s favorite mask to put on when she’s pissed. The vocalist has noticeable bags under her eyes from… Lack of sleep? Crying? Who knows. Her heart cracks for her.
The pity doesn’t last long when Rukia continues, sickly-sweet. “Since Ichigo was so kind to tell us we should start working on new stuff - “
“Woah woah woah, I didn’t tell you - ”
“My mistake!” Rukia sends Ichigo a somehow-withering smile that could kill. “You’re so right, we all agreed. In any case, I decided to start sooner rather than later. I recorded a quick version by myself last night at - oh, I don’t know, two A.M. - and sent it to Urahara by five.”
Ichigo’s foot starts tapping as he leans forward, arms crossed. “You sent something to Urahara without showing us first?”
“He said he liked it, but to get it passed through you guys. Of course I agreed, so… Here we are.” Rukia’s not looking at him any further, instead sending a hard glance to Tatsuki. 
The drummer knows it’s not really directed at her - more like a woman’s communication-without-words kind of thing - but she finds herself gulping anyway.
Here we are indeed. 
Oh you got stars in your eyes, baby
If you think this will work
I won’t follow your galaxies
Won’t fall for that fucking smirk. 
When will you realize the stars were never yours?
Never at any time, never at any time.
The song has turned to pure obliteration by the end. Rukia’s voice intentionally fades out at the finish, but not without absolute raw emotion, pure fury that leaves goosebumps on Tatsuki’s skin. 
Rukia stands in the middle of the garage, hands on her hips, looking proud and dangerous and fiery as she stares straight back at Ichigo’s stone-faced glare. 
Good for her, Tatsuki thinks before remembering: wait. She shouldn’t be rooting for this. 
This is the beginning of a war. 
As if on cue, Ichigo clears his throat, raising his chin to match Rukia’s arrogance.
“Great work, Kuchiki. Way better than anything you’ve done so far, I’d say.” 
Rukia’s nostrils flare. “Is that a comment on my previous work?”
“Not at all. Just… Inspires me to step up my game. In fact…” Ichigo stands up, dusting off his pants. “Is it cool with you all if I cut out early? Think I have some writing to do too, alone.”
“Absolutely not, Ichigo.” Tatsuki is shaken out of watching the trainwreck that’s her life. “Chad, Orihime and I did not come here for you to cut out without even practicing - “
“No, I think it’s fine, Tatsuki.” Rukia’s eyes glint with a challenge. “We can practice… Without Ichigo.” 
An excruciating silence follows. Tatsuki can practically hear Ichigo’s teeth crack beneath his grinding.
“... I can wait to write.” He roughly grabs his guitar, quickly getting to work on tuning it. “Teamwork is important. We’re nakama, after all.”
Something about the pointed word visibly causes the keyboardist to flush, but she starts to unplug her phone from the speaker jack anyway.
The next hour of practice may just be the most painful hour in Tatsuki’s life.
She thought she might have an idea of what happened between Ichigo and Rukia from Rukia’s song Celestial Lies - okay, so Ichigo broke a promise? - but seeing what kind of songs follow after that practice from both of them leaves it all… A little muddled.
The next day, Ichigo sends the group chat audio of a break up song.
Eyes softly gazed 
Heart breaking stare
Who knew you’d crush me 
Lying is your best jewelry you wear. 
Everyone hits a wary thumbs up reaction except Rukia, who hours later only replies: Did Urahara approve of this one?
Yes. Ichigo sends back at a neck-breaking speed… 
Followed by a :).
A few days later, Rukia sends another audio. 
It only took you ten days to realize 
I wasn’t good enough, but no one’s ever good enough
No one’s ever nice enough, 
No one’s ever fucked you enough
Called your bluff enough
Said your name like a God enough.
Now Ichigo’s response is a weird song about a siren with lavender eyes feasting on a golden-haired sailor’s skull, and Tatsuki didn’t know what to think happened but frankly? She doesn’t care. 
She calls Urahara immediately. 
“You know what this is gonna do to us, right?!” She shouts into the phone. “This isn’t doing anything but hurting the band, letting them go at it like this!” 
Urahara - to his credit - listens patiently from the other end as she explodes. He has the decency to voice his sympathies, that it must be really tough working in a group with… So many opinions.
“These aren’t opinions. These. Are. Fatalities.” She grits out. 
“I understand, Tatsuki-san, but…” She can nearly hear their manager shrug. “This is… How good music is made. I hate what it’s doing to your nerves, but you have to understand that this is how I get you guys out there.”
“At the expense of our friendship? What kind of manager are you -”
“A good one.” His voice drops low, suddenly serious in a way she’s never heard before. “What would you have me do, Tatsuki-san? Tell everyone to stop writing mean songs? Have them hug it out? You know that does nothing for any of us.” 
“That’s not what I’m... “
“Tatsuki.” His voice lifts, a bit gentler. “This is what you all wanted, what you’re working hard for. Whether or not they get through this… Nobody can say. But that’s not gonna change whether or not they stop writing these stellar pieces. You know how good they are. So… I hate to tell you, but you’re gonna have to suck it up. Enjoy it while it lasts. It might make your career.”
She hangs up immediately, knowing he won’t be offended.
He knows that she knows he’s right. 
Almost like a God-sent gift for Tatsuki’s suffering, Orihime breaks it off with Ichigo after only a few weeks. 
The relationship ends - quite spectacularly - in disaster after a couple of dates… Just as Tatsuki thought it would, but hey. She’s not going to gloat about it, only promises whatever deity is responsible a huge offering the next time she happens upon a shrine. 
She hears all about it from Orihime, of course - she’s way too pissed at Ichigo to speak to him about anything besides business - who tells her they got a couple of drinks, dinner a few times. 
“It’s a very nice time! But he’s not… It’s…” She sighs forlornly and it makes Tatsuki hurt for her. 
“He hasn’t made any moves, huh.”
The stage manager shakes her head, suddenly grabbing her water to keep the tears misting her eyes at bay. 
Tatsuki wants to kill him. 
“He said I looked nice. He opens the doors for me, pulls out my chair, pays for my bill. He and I have… Fun, I think. At least I do - and he’s very kind, such a gentleman -”
“It’s okay, Orihime. You can say it: he fucking sucks.”
Orihime laughs a watery laugh. “No, nothing like that. I just… This Rukia thing. It’s so… Intense, right? In practice? I should’ve known. I feel so stupid.”
“... Orihime.” The drummer puts her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Nobody could’ve known. Had I known? You’d find me on a cruise ship, drumming for some dumb cover band.” 
“You make jokes like that, Tatsuki, but you’re the band’s lifeline.” Orihime shakes her head, blinking back tears. “I just… Rukia is so… Goodness, she’s lovely. And talented. And so, so kind - “
“Orihime - “
“And I’m not one to be jealous, I know I’ve only known Ichigo for about a month now so I’m really not too upset about that. But I’d - I’d love to be someone’s first choice like that. I’d love to be the person that someone wants to write songs about, that inspires someone so much. Because that anger that’s coming through their songs… That’s them caring, you know? That’s them caring so much that good or bad, they want the whole world to know, and yeah I don’t love the bad so much but I do love love and want to be cared about like that one day but I’m not as smart or talented as Rukia-chan so - “
Tatsuki interrupts her by firmly pressing her lips to Orihime’s, her hands snaking into her gorgeous auburn hair and suddenly: everything is perfect, angels are singing and if she died at this very moment she would be too blissed out to fight it. 
She briefly breaks it off, nudging Orihime’s forehead with her own. “Rukia is also my friend, but don’t get it twisted. They’re both absolute shits.” 
Orihime laughs, smiling softly at the drummer before she goes back in and Tatsuki thinks band drama?
Who gives a fuck. 
Her new girlfriend calls her the next day to say she’s told Ichigo, and Tatsuki sighs. She was about to enjoy her morning by smoking a joint, but. Priorities, she guesses. 
She arrives at Ichigo’s apartment door within the hour, banging until he opens it.
“Y’know, how you get beyond the buzzer at the building entrance is beyond me - “
Tatsuki wastes no time. “Orihime told you, yeah?” 
Ichigo rolls his eyes, but a rare, small smile betrays him. “Yeah, she told me. Congratulations.”
“Thanks. You mad?” 
“What? No. Of course I’m not mad.” 
“Cool. ‘Cuz what the ever-loving fuck, Ichigo.” 
“... Not sure what you mean.” Ichigo’s eyes turn to flint as understanding dawns on him, and he’s about to close the door when she stomps on his foot. 
“Tatsuki, what the hell--”
“Don’t ever try to do that to me again. What is this all about?” 
“God, we didn’t have a - Orihime and I are friends! It’s all been worked out! What do you care, you got your girl - ” He shuts his mouth at the giveaway as Tatsuki narrows her eyes. 
“Is that what this is about? You didn’t get your girl so you tried to get mine?”
“No, Tatsuki. I had no idea you liked her, I would’ve never had - and what do you mean ‘my girl’?!”
She ignores the question and chooses instead to ask in reply: “Have you talked to Rukia?”
A beat.
“... We’re not discussing this, Tatsuki.” 
“Like, really talked to her? ‘Cuz I know you, and a whole lot of this bullshit could’ve been avoided had you just - “
“I’m not discussing this with you Tatsuki.” He looks down at his phone, lighting up the screen to look at the time. “Look, there’s a few more hours until practice and I wanted to get in some writing - “
“Of course you do.”
“... Just do me a favor. Please? Don’t - don’t ask me to talk about that stuff. You’re my friend and you scare the shit out of me - but I’m drawing the line there. Unless it has something to do with the band - “
She’s getting pissed all over again. “Ichigo, you know it effects the band - “
“We’re professional.” He snaps, and the quick show of temper stuns Tatsuki. He’s never had the nerve to talk to her like that, ever.
She’d be impressed if it wasn’t for the circumstances.
“... Congrats again on you and Orihime. I’ll see you two at practice tonight.” 
He slams the door.
“... And you can kick my ass for doing that, later!” His muffled shout sounds from the other side of the door. 
Tatsuki leaves in a hell of a less good mood than when she came.
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thatsbucknasty · 4 years
she used to be mine (iv) waitress au
pairing: Y/N x Bucky
summary: Inspired by the broadway musical. Y/N Beck is a pie baking force to be reckoned with. She’s pregnant with her lazy ass husband, Quentin Beck’s baby. As everything around her turns upside down, Doctor James Buchanan Barnes charms his way into her life.
tags are open c:
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chapter 4: it only takes a taste
Time goes by so fast and I swear my uniform shrunk in the washing machine. I’ll have to ask doctor Barnes when I’m gonna start showing cause the girls say I still look normal but my clothes disagree.
Thank god Quentin’s still clueless about the baby and I’m happy about it. I just wish he’d find a job, that way maybe I could tell him and we could save money together instead of me doing all the work while he’s out having all the fun. I don’t mind that he spends a lot of time at the bar with his friends, it actually gives me a breather from time to time. I wouldn’t complain at all if he was buying his six packs with his own money. I’m worried about him though. He comes so late every night and he’s always in a bad mood, always complaining. Let’s just hope tonight his football team wins or I won’t hear the end of it.
“Y/N, did you bring me leftovers again? You bake god knows how many pies every day for the diner but you can’t bring your husband a single one that’s actually still warm and, oh I don’t know, whole?” He puts the plate aside and moves around the table to where I’m standind. God, the nerve of this man!
“You know I’m in a bad situation right now. Being unemployed ain’t easy sugar. I stay here alone all day browsing the tv, it’s taking a toll on me mentally. The least you can do is try and cheer me up a little but you’re always so tired when you come home!”
“Well, Quentin, if I didn’t have to pick up all those extra shifts to be able to pay the bills every month, then I wouldn’t be so tired. But if I don’t do that we’d be out in the street! Just go apologize to Tony, he might give you your job back!”
“Don’t you dare even mention that son of a bitch. He’s the one who should apologize to me! He took me for granted. I gave his construction company the best years of my life. I even quit my dreams for that asshole and this is how he pays me? Hell no! I’m not going back there ever”. I’ve never seen his face so red with anger before, it was a mistake mentioning Tony Stark, he simply hates the man. I’ll just manage things myself, like I’ve been doing, I guess.
“Okay then, but don’t expect me to come home to you all giddy and excited, when I work my ass off while you watch football all day and drink beer all night with god knows who. Whatever differences you two had at work ain’t my fault, Quentin. I’m gonna go to bed now, I don’t wanna keep fighting with you”. I’ll sleep on the couch tonight, I can’t even stand to be in the same room as him.
It’s been four weeks since my first visit to the doctor and my next appointment’s this evening after work. Wanda really hit it off with Steve and since that day, they’ve been on several more dates. He even comes to the diner once or twice a week and he’s the perfect gentleman to her, both me and Nat are really happy for them. Right now he’s stuffing his mouth with my famous Spaghetti pie while listening to Wanda talk about the differences between disinfectant and bleach.
Nat’s acting strange though. I don’t know what’s up with her but she hasn’t been late to work this whole past month! Sometimes she’s even earlier than me, already helping Sam in the kitchen. Those two don’t seem to hate each other that much anymore, which is odd but appreciated.
Maria’s reception desk has sugarless lollipops in a vase and they look disgusting but I’ve been craving them since the last time I was here. This is my second appointment. I know the basics. I’ve met my doctor and nurse now. Then why does this feel like it’s the first time I’m here all over again? I even shaved my legs this morning and wore my hair down, but why? I open the camera app on my phone to use as a mirror. Is my face too plain? Should I have put some lipstick on? Jesus, it’s just a doctor’s appointment. I can’t help but hear Nat’s voice in my head say “yeah, but he’s a really cute doctor”.
“Doctor Barnes will see you now, Mrs. Beck, you know the drill. The robe’s in the chair”. Maria breaks me out of my trance and I follow her, change and wait for him.
“Hi, Y/N, it’s good to see you back, how have you been feeling?” He has a little more stubble on his face today. Good for him. Gives him an edge.
“Not too shabby. I still get morning sickness, thank god it only happens when I’m at work and not home, heh”.
“Oh, most women would want it to be the other way around”.
“Right. Um, Doctor Barnes?”
“Please call me Bucky, what is it?” He types on his computer and I bite my nails before asking.
“When do you think I’ll start showing?”
“Well, you’re only 6 weeks along, so maybe not for another three months or so. But in my opinion, women look beautiful when they show, motherhood really brings-” And here he goes. Nope. No more talk about that.
“Yeah, yeah, sure. I just, I haven’t told a lot of people and I’m not sure I want to yet. That’s all”.
“Okay, well, let’s check that tiny baby of yours, hop onto the table please”.
I do as he says and he smears some cold gel on my still normal belly, and then starts moving the scanner around.
“There’s the little peanut! You ready to listen to their heartbeat?” Bucky smiles at me softly and I nod.
I find myself feeling excited for the first time. And then I hear it. Steady and strong. And doctor Barnes disappears from my mind. For an instant I just hear that sound and I can’t wait to hold this baby in my arms. Everything feels connected and right.
“I’ll print you some pictures to keep and I made a recording of the heartbeat so you can have it too”.
“Thank you, I have another question though”.
“Did you like the pie?”
He’s blushing again. The rosy tone in his cheeks makes the blue of his eyes even brighter.
“Did I like- Oh my god! I can’t even begin to tell you how much I LOVED that pie! It only takes a taste, doesnt it?”
“Y/N, I don’t think I’ve ever had anything as biblically good as that pie. I think I ascended into another dimension the moment I had that first taste. Did you really make it? Cause if you didn’t I need to know the store so I can get some more, now be honest!”
Wow. No one’s ever described my pies with such enthusiasm. I know they’re good but biblically good?
“I really made it”. I smile and tuck my hair behind my ear. Goodness, I’m the one who’s blushing now, but he is complimenting my work! 
“That’s amazing! You know you could win contests with those skills? I am not lying when I say I was transported to heaven”. I’ve never seen a man be so adorably excited over pie. It’s my new favorite thing.
“You know, I can bring you some more if you want? That is if you don’t mind eating more sugar, but don’t worry, I won’t tell your doctor”. His lopsided smile made my insides do a funny thing I hadn’t felt in a long time. This needs to stop.
“Ha, that’s funny. My doctor is my wife, she’s a dietician actually. But we’re getting a divorce, so maybe I’m divorcing the diet as well.”
And I made things awkward.
“I’m sorry”.
“It’s okay, hey, your pies are worth the few extra pounds”.
Sure, act like you don’t know how attractive you are.
“Well doctor, I’m glad you liked my pie. I gotta go now”.
“Oh, great, well um, here’s the recording and pictures. Tell Maria I’ll see you in three weeks. Have a nice weekend, Y/N. And please, call me Bucky”.
“Thank you, Bucky. Goodbye”.
 Something shifts when I say his name and he smiles in a way that makes his eyes light up. He opens the door for me and my stomach does a funny thing when I get a whiff of his scent again, it makes me want to stay there and smell it one more time just to keep it in my mind for later. Those pregnancy hormones must be all over the place.
chapter 5: you will still be mine
pls reblog if you liked it c:
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arandompostarchive · 3 years
SALEM - Ch. 19
Summary: In all the centuries of your existence, you had never been dragged out of hiding by another god, put in a superhero team and forced to save the universe. But it seems your luck has run out.
“I’m not certain what I thought would be up here, but it certainly is not this,”  Thor said, his voice a contrast against the silence of the ship. Loki wanted to leave as soon as possible between the flying, the fighting, and the pissed-off Olympians he was not having fun in the slightest.
The military aesthetic of Moros’ ship was making him beyond uncomfortable. He was used to the cleanliness of the tower, and he could admit that his own rooms had a certain amount of polish to them. But the overwhelming stench of bleach was nauseating.
“It doesn’t much matter. We need to find my brother.” Loki nodded in agreement and turned away from the group to find directions through the ship.
The three of you had landed in a hanger, Loki could tell some of the ships had been taken or used, probably to fight the Avengers below. As much as the group disliked him, he could respect their abilities. And their loyalty to you, although the Captain could be much nicer.
“Here!” He heard your voice echo through the quiet hanger. He silently cringed, hoping no one had been alerted. Once he got over to you, you pointed at a map nailed to the wall. It was in a foreign language, but he translated quickly. “Main Room. That sounds like somewhere he’d be, right?” Loki only nodded and the three of you began moving toward the Main Room, a rather vague name in his opinion.
The halls were long and silent. You were concentrated on finding your brother and you ignored any guards you saw. That left Thor and Loki to deal with them. While the guards Thor fought were probably just unconscious, the guards he fought had a dagger or two sticking out of their side, something the team wouldn’t approve of at all.
Soon, you arrived at a larger, dark door. Once your group entered, Loki heard a deep voice. “Sister.”
“Brother.” He heard you respond.
“Isn’t it beautiful?”
The voice was rough and deep. His words were clearly heard and crisp despite the dark tone to his voice. Then, you began to walk forward. Your hand stayed on your sword, but you didn’t seem afraid as you stepped toward your brother.
“Y/n! No, stay back here he could—” Thor’s hand covered his mouth for a brief second before he let go, assuming Loki wouldn’t speak again.
“Let her. She knows Moros. We’ll stay close to her, keep a close eye on him and everything he does.” Loki nodded, accepting this.
Moros’ voice echoed off the sides of the ship. “Please, get more comfortable.” He saw your magic spread from your eyes. Eye? He was certain you couldn’t see yourself, much less know what you looked like, but your magic was much different without the patch.
Instead of the dark veins simply spreading from your eyes, they had spread throughout your scar, making it look like a black spider’s web was covering half your face. He found it oddly beautiful. Much better than you wearing that ugly white bandage over it.
He got a bit lost in your conversation. You were arguing calmly with your brother, something he couldn’t relate to. Any other time he’d give Thor some sarcastic remark, but for whatever reason, he just didn’t feel like it. He doubted he’d ever feel that way again.
You turned to both of them, mouthing the words ‘stay alert’. Thor seemed a bit confused, so he leaned over to convey the information.
“She said ‘stay alert’. I’ll watch the left side of the room, you watch the right. She has a point, Moros is being too easy going. Too calm. It could be nothing, but I’d rather be wrong and over-cautious than dead.” He said to Thor, doing his best to stay quiet.
“I suppose I am breaking your toys, aren’t I?” Moros said, gesturing out of the window. After meeting you, Loki had researched everything he could about Olympians. As much as he bragged about being a god, which he was, he wasn’t a god by the ‘traditional’ terms.
Asgardians had conquered the Nine Realms, instating peace over them, but they hadn’t created worlds. He had learned about your grandfather, Chaos. He created your mother and her siblings as well as the heavens themselves. Admittedly, you were a fascinating being. A real god, a grandchild of a being who formed the stars themselves. It made him wonder why you’d ever waste time with humans, much less waste time with him.
“You’re better than this, you know. You sit all day with humans. They’ll die before you blink. You’ve got, what? Maybe fifty more years with them? That’s nothing. And then those Asgardians.”
He perked up at that word, preparing himself for the insult to follow.
“Even they die, Sister. Give it 4,000 years. You’ll see. They aren’t gods. Not real gods. They haven’t shaped worlds. They didn’t create the sky, like our ancestors. They don’t control the tides or move the sun. They control wars or love like us. They don’t control magic, like you, Sister. You could defeat that sorcerer of yours. And that brute he calls a brother? He is no Zeus. They’re no gods, Sister. Not like you, not a witch capable of more destruction than I could imagine.”
Moros’ plan was confusing, to say the least. Try to kill you, trap you, then recruit you? He figured this was a last-ditch attempt to avoid a fight. That small fact gave him a bit more confidence. Maybe Moros thought he was outmatched.
Moros was saying something else to you. Loki was very aware that he should probably be paying attention to this, but for some reason he still let his mind wander.
“What did he mean?” Thor asked from beside him.
“What?” Loki asked, not understanding the question.
“He said ‘even they die’. Of course, he’s right, although our deaths are far in Midgard’s future. Did…” Thor seemed hesitant to explain whatever theory he had. “Did he mean that Olympians do not die?” He asked.
Loki hadn’t thought about that. He’d always assumed Olympians and Asgardians shared similar life spans. He always thought his life might be too long. That, maybe, by the time he died, however far off, he might be bored with the world.
For him, Asgard would move normally. Everyone had long lives, there would be nothing out of place if he lived for another 4,000 years. But for you? You’d lived on Earth for most of your life. You’d made friends there, and almost all of them were mortal. You’d have to see Tony and Peter die. He knew you really cared for them, and them for you. You’d even have to see him and Thor die if you could really live forever.
So, he asked the question, praying he was wrong.
“You won’t die?” He knew you could tell he was upset, but he hardly cared about that while he floated about New York City with an angry god in a giant warship. He had a little perspective on his situation.
He saw your slow nod, confirming his suspicions. He could feel his heart sink, mostly in sympathy. You really would get bored with the world. You’d have to watch everything shrink and wither around you. The plants, animals, your friends. He knew it would hurt. What hurt worse was knowing he’d be one of them.
“Not unless someone kills me. We’re much different than Asgardians, though I suppose that was obvious.” He didn’t respond to you. In all honesty, he wasn’t sure what to say. Were you upset? Happy? Angry? Would him sharing his own emotions make you feel worse? Maybe you didn’t want to talk about it?
He shook the ideas from his head. There would be time later. If there was a later, the dark part of his mind whispered. He’d make sure there was a tomorrow. He had to.
“Look at them. You must enjoy it, the fighting? It’s who you are.” Moros continued talking, droning on about something Loki didn’t care about. He was much more worried over you. You found a way to attach yourself to most things, even if they didn’t want the attachment. Like Steve. He didn’t want anything to do with you for most of the past year, but even through that you did nothing but treat him as an equal team member. If that were Loki, someone would end up with a dagger in their side. Most likely Thor.
“At the very least, don’t stand in my way. Go home, back to Olympus. I’ll even let you take your friends. Zeus would never oppose a daughter of Nyx!” Moros’ odd, jovial tone broke through his thoughts. It took him a second to process the thought, his mind still slightly clouded. But you paused at Moros’ words. To take the team and leave Midgard. He couldn’t believe he saw the gears turning in your head. Like this was a difficult decision.
“She’s considering it. She’s actually considering it.” Loki said under his breath. The revelation was mostly to himself, though he was aware Thor could hear him just fine.
Loki knew that out of the whole team, he’d probably be the only one willing to leave. Each of them put the lives of others before their own, they’d never willingly leave their planet. And he knew you. You’d never take them away from Midgard if they hadn’t chosen to leave themselves.
Then he thought it all over. You loved the team, even the Captain. Y/n was buried here. You would leave this life behind, even if it was mostly fake.
“Y/n, I know you may not like the humans as much as I do,” Thor began. Loki almost rolled his eyes. You weren’t going to do it, there was no danger. “especially after everything they’ve done, but you aren’t thinking of saying yes, are you? There are billions of life forms here, not all of them are the same evil you’ve seen in your life. Please j—”
“Have you ever seen a sunset?”
“What?” Moros said. Loki asked the same question under his breath. He wasn’t sure what you were doing.
“A sunset. Have you ever seen a sunset here?”
Thor looked… concerned. “What is she doing?”
“I have no idea…” As curious as Loki was, you had asked them stay alert. There was no one else in the room. He could hear your voice and Moros’ echoing in the room. Almost everything had been cleared from the space, save for Moros’ chair in front of the window.
“There’s a beautiful sunset in all of their romantic movies, they sit and just watch them constantly. Really. They do nothing but sit and watch the sun fall. There’s all these gorgeous colors, purples and oranges and yellows and pinks.”
Loki smiled at your description. He could remember the day he met you. A lonely girl at the side of the lake, someone he could sense power rolling off of. That was back when you were mortal. A bright orange sun falling in the distance behind a dark forest. You were beautiful. He could see the light against your soft features. At first, you backed away from him, but he remembered how you slowly began to move closer once you knew who he was. He still hoped you hadn’t seen him move closer as well.
“What is she thinking?” Thor said, his face falling. “She’s going to kill us all.” Thor’s faith in you was crumbling quickly. He turned to Loki, hoping he’d provide any sort of answers for him.
“I’ll admit, I am not sure what she’s planning. But she knows him, we do not. Maybe she’s appealing to some buried part of him?” Loki did his best to reason with his brother, seeing you glance back at him and Thor. He wanted to reassure you in some way even though he thought that whatever you were doing was a terrible idea. “Just keep your wits about you. We should let her continue whatever she is doing, but stay prepared for a fight.” Loki hoped there wouldn’t be one, but he also wasn’t sure how you would be able to talk Moros out of it. Considering the giant army attacking anything in sight, Loki didn’t think Moros would give up easily.
“The kid isn’t responding, what’s going on up there?” Loki heard over the com in his ear. He could see you pull yours out of your ear, though he wasn’t certain why. Thor responded before Loki could.
“We’re alright,” Thor began. “Y/n is making an attempt to speak to her brother, though I suspect it will not have the effect she hopes.” Loki nodded, though Tony was unable to see him. Moros had sat back down in his chair, seeming bored with your attempt to talk to him.
He could hear a sigh over the com. “You’re sticking with her, right? Why isn’t she responding?”
Loki answered this time, “We’re here with her. She took her com out, I believe it is broken.” He could see your com on the ground, it seemed damaged, though he wasn’t certain how.
“Be careful. Tell her that too, I’d rather her not die today.” With that, the com cut out. Loki found it funny. Tony likely wouldn’t admit his fondness for you unless it was directly to your face. He could share the sentiment.
“I suppose it was worth an attempt, huh Sister?” Moros stood, dragging his sword with him as he stepped closer to you. You sighed.
“I suppose it was, Brother.”
Moros took the first swing, raising the sword to slam down onto you. You easily dodged, sliding to the side and swiping at Moros’ legs. Loki ran forward, moving to help you before he heard Thor groan beside him. There were several guards behind Thor, a blade had swiped against Thor’s side. From the amount of blood, he believed the sword to be one of the god-killing weapons. Though, by Olympian standards, the Asgardians weren’t gods. If their weapons could kill Olympians with some effort, and easily wound Asgardians, he wondered what it would do to humans.
Thor slew the guard behind him quickly, kicking the small sword that had cut him aside, away from incoming guards. Loki could see several running toward them, rendering him unable to help your fight with Moros, a fight you weren’t liking at all.
Moros was a skilled fighter, as is expected when you control destruction. Which isn’t to put down your fighting skills, you could certainly keep up. Your mother had fought to make you a minor war god because of your fighting ability, something Ares himself supported. You were able to fly with your abilities, though it took energy. You dodged Moros’ swings with flight, doing your best to swing back as much as you could.
You were able to nick the side of his leg as well as cut his neck, though he had managed to make a large cut across your stomach, thankfully it was one that would likely heal within minutes. You were thankful for the small mercies. The fight made you wonder who’s side your mother was on. She wasn’t afraid to pick favorites, especially when most of her children were murderers.
Moros’ broadsword swung down again, slamming into the ground beside you, the metal scratching against the iron of his sword as he pried it out. You took his delay as a chance to stab him through the stomach. His scream echoed across the room, drawing the attention of nearby soldiers. You recognized some of them from your unit on Kalan. Across the way, you saw another person fighting, Moros’ soldiers falling around them. You recognized Mios’ armor from across the room, or at least you recognized the colors of his rank. He smiled at you and nodded and you nodded back, thankful for his assistance. After all of this, you’d be certain to make sure he can do what he actually wants to: make the universe a better place.
In your moment of distraction, Moro slammed the flat side of his blade into your head. You felt yourself slam into a wall on the far side of the room. Everything was fuzzy. It was already hard to see with only one eye, and that certainly wasn’t helping. You did your best to shake off the blur and get back to Moros. You could see someone standing in front of you in a defensive position.
Once you had shaken off Moros’ attack, you could see Loki fighting in your place.
“The so-called god wants to fight? So be it.” Moros swung his sword towards Loki, this time using the blade instead of the flat side. Loki was able to dodge then circle Moros, drawing the attention away from you. You silently thanked him, hoping he’d somehow sense your appreciation.
Thor was holding his own well in the background, slaying and injuring soldiers until they stayed down. He saw another figure helping him from across the room and he offered a small nod, establishing the new person as his ally. Eventually, he had cleared his area of guards. Most of the men seemed to have gone to fight in the city against the rest of the team. The second his last soldier hit the ground, he ran over to the other figure, helping them to take out the rest of the guards around them and any stragglers that came in to attempt to fight them.
“I thank you for your assistance! Who are you exactly?” He asked. The person’s identity was a second thought behind their allyship. The mystery person seemed familiar to him though.
“I’m Mios. A friend of Salem from her time on Kalan. I assume you’re one of those Avengers?” Thor was slightly confused about why he referred to you as Salem, but he figured it was perfectly reasonable that you’d introduce yourself that way.
“That is correct. It is good to have another ally up here.” He realized where he knew Mios from, remembering the video he had seen earlier. “You sent Salem that video, yes?” Miles nodded in response. “Thank you, the warning was greatly appreciated.”
He stuck his hand out, grasping the other man’s hand in a firm shake. There was a silent agreement for both men to continue fighting together before they rushed toward Loki and Moros. Thor helped you stand up, making sure you were alright. You accepted his help without argument and jumped back into the fight.
Fighting alongside Loki felt… good. Granted, you would’ve enjoyed more if it wasn’t because your genocidal brother was trying to destroy the world. Thor and Mios did their best to help as well, though all of your fighting styles clashed. Thor and Mios let you and Loki take the lead, offering assistance whenever they could.
You were slowly managing to tire Moros out. You dodge most of his attacks. Loki threw his daggers when he could then retrieved them using magic and you got a few good stabs in.
You were well into your fight before he made an effort to talk to you again. “Sister, we could be allies, instead you fight me! Stand aside. Let me wreck this planet, you can watch my armies lay siege to their towns. I know you love a good battle.” Loki slid beneath him, catching his foot with a dagger. The much larger man fell back, narrowly avoiding Loki and using his hand to brace himself.
You let your sword slam down against him, lodging the weapon into his forearm. Loki tossed a dagger into the wound and you used your strength to slam down on the weapon, severing his arm. His hand and part of his forearm hit the ground, is thick, black blood covering the floor. He screamed. The long sword dropped from his other hand, clattering loudly against the floor.
“You only say that ‘cause you’re losing.” You stayed calm as Moros picked up the sword. He waited for his hand to heal and seemed moderately surprised when it didn’t. You could see more guards filter in, probably alerted from Moros’ scream. They scanned the room, seeing the other guards on the floor, the colors of their blood mixing into one thick liquid. There were one or two who wisely turned and fled from the room, earning some yells from their peers. Better to run a coward than die a hero. Thor and Mios almost seemed thankful for something to do.
Moros did his best to stay alert and keep the pain of losing his hand from showing on his face. It wasn’t working.
“If you surrender now, I’ll let you leave. I’ll get Mother to keep you on Olympus, away from any planets you might hurt. I won’t give you this chance again.” His expression tightened and he almost seemed to be considering your offer before he shook the idea away.
“You think I want to stay with the pompous gods up there with a babysitter? I will not take your pitiful bargain.” You sighed. He was going to regret not taking you up on that, though you knew your mother would appreciate not needing to get another god to babysit her children. She wouldn’t like Moros dying though. You’d have to find a good way to apologize later.
Loki thrust forth before your train of thought had been completed. You shook your head, coming back to your senses to help him. Loki’s dagger landed in Moros’ chest, right where his heart was. You were thankful Loki had a talent for throwing daggers. Moros was able to rip the dagger out from his chest. He seemed to marvel for a minute at the black blood covering the dagger. Thankfully, he was too distracted by the literal hole in his chest to care much about you sneaking up behind him.
“So… you stole my weapons. I shoul—” You didn’t let him finish. Instead, you shoved your longsword through his neck. He made a gurgling sound and you could see dark blood spilling out of his lips. You suddenly realized how hard you were breathing. Now that the adrenaline was wearing down, you felt dizzy and almost light-headed.
“Not bad, my love,” Loki said, standing next to you. You were beginning to accept the statement, though you focused more on how faint you felt.
“Y/n, you’re bleeding,” Loki said, a look of horror on his face. That would explain it.
You fell against Loki’s side, doing your best to support yourself. Loki laid you down, though you kept trying to stand. You looked back at the wall you had slammed into, there was a piece of metal sticking out, covered in the black color of your blood.
“Loki, I’ll heal. Look, it’s the wall, not Moros’ weapon.” You did your best to explain, though you tasted your blood in your mouth. It wasn’t metallic, like the description you had heard about mortals. Instead, it was a bitter, burnt taste. Like someone had lit leaves on fire and let you eat them. It made you want to spit it out, but you didn’t have the energy.
You tried to glance down at the wound, but Loki slowly moved your head away.
“You need to take a minute, I know you’ll be alright but you can’t just stand up and walk around right now. Let yourself heal more, we can stay here before we head back down. I’ll let the team know.” You really shook your head. You could see the remaining guards running from the room, hopefully to call off their attack on New York.
“Salem!” You heard Mios’ voice beside you as he rushed toward your side. “She’ll be okay, right? This isn’t enough to kill her is it?” He asked quietly. You could hear Thor in the background, probably updating the team on the situation.
Loki paused before he answered. “I… I don’t think so.” You silently wondered how bad the wound was. You could feel your blood on your hands and you looked at Loki.
“I’ll be fine, it’ll just take longer than usual.” You did your best to talk through the pain and the blood pooling in your mouth. Thor knelt at your side as well and began discussing what to do. The pain was slowly getting worse, making it harder and harder to talk. You could feel yourself healing though, the cold air on the inside of your body (where it definitely shouldn’t be), though you weren’t anywhere close to standing. You had a feeling you’d be sore for a while after this. You weren’t perfect when it came to healing. That was much more Apollo’s thing.
You glanced over to where you had left Moros on the ground. You could see his body on the other side of the room, though you swore he was moving.
“Can you heal her?”
“If I could heal her don’t you think I’d have done it by now!” You could hear Thor and Loki arguing above you. Mios was quiet, simply looking at you.
“Loki, I just meant ‘can you help?’.”
Loki sighed. “No, I can’t. Healing is far from my specialty. Anything I know came from Mother, and I never learned anything about this.”
The longer you looked at Moros, the further you saw him move. Your eyes widened in surprise as he gripped his chair, pulling himself closer to the small control panel at the front of the room.
You tried your best to warn everyone around you. What you tried to say was, ‘Moros is alive, someone stop him’, but with the blood still in your mouth it sounded more like an, unfortunately, series of gurgles.
“Let yourself heal, talking might make it worse, I’m not sure what injuries you have. I can see it improving already. We just need to wait.” You shook your head, trying to figure out another way to warn them. Loki went back to arguing with Thor.
“We could try bringing a shield ship up here to get her a medic, though I’ll admit, I don’t know how to navigate this thing.”
You tapped Loki’s lap and pointed, though he simply tried to hold your hand to calm you, more focused on his conversation with Thor. He wasn’t even looking at you.
“I think the best thing is just to wait. She’s healing, I can see it slowly closing, though I’m sure her organs need to repair themselves first. She’ll be alright. I’ll use magic to ease the pain, that’s all I can do.”
With Loki tightly holding onto your hand in an attempt to calm both you and himself, you used your other hand to tap Mios, who was the one person in the group who was actually looking at you. Once you got his attention he cocked his head, silently asking what you needed as not to interrupt the brothers in their effort to decide what to do. At this rate, by the time they made a decision, you’d be fully healed.
You used that hand to weakly point toward Moros, who was now at the controls trying to find something or other.
“You two!” Mios shouted, reminding you that he probably didn’t know either of their names. “Moros.” He said, stepped over you and drew his weapon. At least he wasn’t wasting time.
“Stay here,” Loki said. You tried to say ‘how would I even go anywhere like this?’ but it simply came out like gurgling that he took as agreement. Unfortunately for all of you, the ship lurched forward, pushing Thor, Mios, and Loki onto one of the metal walls next to the front window. You also slid forward. While the three men had been pushed against a wall, you landed on the back of Moros’ chair. The remaining weapons on the ground fell around you, and you weakly used your abilities to throw them to the side.
Several bodies fell, all landing on the windshield in front of you. Your abilities were helping you heal instead of hurting, so you let the dark veins around your eyes deepen in color, hoping it would help instead of hurt.
You saw someone’s rather large axe fly across the room, lodging itself into the window, making a crack across it. You hoped the window wouldn’t be too damaged by the bodies that had landed on it. Most of them landed on the metal walls next to it and you could hear Thor’s protests about being next to a dead man from across the room.
“At the very least, I can ensure there won’t be survivors,” Moros said weakly. The weapons you had used should’ve killed him by now. It seems you underestimated the power of adrenaline.
You managed to sit up and spit out the blood from your mouth from your spot on the back of Moros’ chair.
“Y/n stay where you are, please.” Loki was doing his best to avoid falling swords and clear the drops of blood from his face of the dead men around him. You shivered at the picture and tried to ignore the drops that were falling around you as well. Instead, giving your attention to Moros.
He was doing with the wiring of the control panel. You saw smoke coming from the panel as well as sparks.
“I’ll drop this thing out of the sky, with any luck, I can get it to explode.” Moros was ranting on again about something or other. You were far too busy gathering up the strength to do something about it.
You looked over toward Loki, who was still looking at you with a pleading expression hoping that you’d stay where you were until you could at least stand well.
You shook your head at him, hoping he’d understand your answer to his request for you to stay put. You’d admit you were slightly stalling, hoping your body would somehow miraculously heal before you decided to walk into another fight.
“Loki,” you hoped your voice would reach him. Luckily, he nodded, silently asking you to continue.
“I love you.” You jumped off the chair, not looking at his face. You heard him say something from behind you. As you fell you grabbed Moros’ neck, using as much force as possible to slam the two of you into the window below.
You felt the glass break below you. Admittedly, that wasn’t the plan.
But it would still work.
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kuuderepunkin · 4 years
Hi there! 🥰 Could I request male Bleach/BNHA matchups? I use she/her pronouns. I’m a shy bookworm/writer at heart, but once comfortable I do emit chaotic crackhead energy, and love cheesy jokes and puns. I also enjoy dry humor! I strive to be patient and empathetic with everyone, it’s hard for me to get mad/irritated. I daydream a lot, as it’s one of my coping mechanisms for my anxiety, and I admit I do get lost in them as I go about my day. I also always wear some piece of jewelry to fiddle with to avoid scratching my hands if I have an anxiety attack. I somehow always lose my glasses even if they’re on top of my head. Horror, folklore, and epic fantasy is like catnip to me, and I tend to like unusual things that don’t have a clear cut answer or explanation to them. Narnia and Tim Burton definitely influence my aesthetic.
Why yes of course! ;0; I wish these were longer but my brain kept derailing and making me stop and be like “huh she’d be really good with them too!” 
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Bleach matchup: Ulquiorra 
Man this was hard, I know which Bleach boys you love but there’s a lot of them to love- and like I need to look past my bias! (I will include some Starkk head canons for you at the very bottom, ;) .) I think Ulquiorra would be a good fit for your personality. Your crackhead energy wouldn’t shock him, it’s quiet endearing actually. I kind of feel like the two of you would click so I don’t have too much to say about it. Starkk would also love you, but your crackhead energy would receive some resistance from you- just the light scoff but he loves it because you get along well with his partner Lilynette. 
Let’s be real he’s probably a book worm himself- well if he was allowed to be. He seems like a very smart and well read kind of guy. 
He loves to discuss novels with you and sit on the couch lounging as the two of you are busy being immersed in a book, if he’s read it before he may ask your opinion of it and will lead into a nice long intellectual conversation. 
In an attempt to better connect with you he may find some books on puns and just humor in general so he can grasp the meaning of it all. 
Sadly when he executes any jokes or puns they still come off dry due to his monotone voice. At least you like dry humor because all his jokes will seem to come across that way. 
But the energy you get when you’re having fun or being a “crackhead” lights up his day, he struggles with his expression and hopes it doesn’t hold you back- and it really just makes him happy. 
The two of you are super empathetic so it’s great because neither of you will go being upset for very long because you guys will take care of each other. And he thrives off of being able to help you. 
When you day dream he will only interrupt to make sure you’re taking care of yourself, staying hydrated and such. It’s important that you don’t let yourself drown in escapism even though anxiety is scary. 
He is there for you and he is going to help you work through your feelings of anxiety, he will not stop you from day dreaming, he thinks it’s a great release but he wants you to be able to daydream without the limitation of being upset. 
When you choose to day dream he is content just having you lay in his arms, and stroke your hair and kiss your neck and shoulder. 
He will hold your hands in his, too, to make sure you don’t hurt them by nervously scratching at them. Ulquiorra will rub your hands and soothe them whenever you do go too far with your habit of scratching at them. He’s gentle but thorough and makes sure your hands are going to be in the least amount of pain as possible. 
One of his favorite small actions is to lower your glasses onto your face, it’s so simple yet it feels so romantic and domestic. 
He himself falls into the Tim Burton and whimsical influence of your interests. 
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Boku No Hero Academia matchup: Present Mic / Hizashi Yamada
I said the Bleach one was hard and here I am going through the list of bachelors, sadly I haven’t gotten to Hawks in the manga yet, and what I do know is not enough to write some headcanons for the two of you in a relationship. But what I have seen I totally would ship you two, your energies would work well together. Alas I had to resort to characters I knew better, Present Mic would be so fun he’s insightful and caring but he has that fun edge to him. Aizawa might be too boring for you, yet it would be an adorable ship. And last for consideration was ALL MIGHT! Toshinori Yagi- god that would be such a soft ship but I feel like he would give you so much to worry about! Then again they are all pro heroes and would make you stressed in some way or another. Yagi and Mic both have a great sense of humor though, but All Might might give himself to his job too much, but you could pull him back? GAH I’m so indecisive. I think the deciding factor is just based on your aesthetic. 
While you are shy at first he thinks it so adorable, he loves the idea of maybe making you blush and then having you just turn that energy around and make him blush! 
Your crackhead energy is welcome here! The two of you play off of each other's energy, and it just is so much fun. He loves being around you and he brings out the best in you. 
The two of you get into little joke wars, it’s not much of a war it’s just the two of you firing off jokes and having laughing fits together, he gets so touchy and lovey when he’s in a laughing fit so he will hug you and lean into you and squeeze you into him. 
It’s good you’re patient because he is loud and enthusiastic, but luckily he doesn’t do anything too annoying to make you upset in the first place, he just has a lot of energy. 
You can daydream all you want, since he’s usually working on his radio station he doesn’t mind if you’re not paying attention to him. He does love having you cuddling against him while he works. 
But if you’re daydreaming because you’re overly stressed he will pick up on it, he is not as well spoken as his best friend but he knows how to talk with you and stress the importance of letting people help you. He cares about you and he just wants the best for you and you care so much for others and himself that your health and wellbeing is important to him. 
He buys you some jewelry specific to being fiddle with, because it’s important that you don’t hurt your nails or fingers or scrape at your knuckles and palms because that can cause pain and he doesn’t want you to be in pain. 
Besides it is better to avoid the risk of infection as a whole, he sometimes will take your hands in his and play with them. He brings them to his lips and kisses them. 
Mic should learn, with you, that your glasses are in plain sight but when you tell him you’ve lost them and can’t find them his brain seems to glitch and he’s like “oh man we have to find them!” Despite being able to see them on your head. It will take a couple of times of him passing you and looking for them for him to realize they are right there, and he just stops and stares. He’s so disappointed in himself, he’s the right height to just SEE them on your head yet your beautiful face distracted him. 
Mic will read books to you, he has such a beautiful voice and he loves talking, so it’s a great way for you to sit back and relax. He loves when he helps you slip into sleep or into a really good day dream. 
Watching horror with him is an experience, he knows better than to scream but his physical reactions only get jerkier because of it. Like he will hold in his voice yet his body goes flying in the air. 
Loves the unexplainable so he will have radio discussions about it and he will invite you to co-star so the two of you could bounce theories off of each other. 
Bonus Starkk: 
You remind him so much of Lilynette when you’re on your crackhead energy and it's so heartwarming to him. 
He would like to say he reads a lot but the truth is, it’s the easy way for him to fall asleep. 
Like he really can’t say he hasn’t tried to get into a novel you’ve recommended but he just can’t keep his eyes open, the pages are just so dull even if he loves the words coming off the page. And if you want to help him by reading it to him, he’s a dead man, your voice is just too soothing to him and he’s out like a bulb. 
To keep your hands busy he wants to sleep in your lap- play with his hair, pick out his sculpted features. Run your hands over his jawline, through his cheek bone ridges. 
But lucky for you, Starkk has a lot of stories to tell and it’s harder for him to just pass out in the middle of talking because it keeps his brain working. Not that he doesn’t get tired being in such a calm state makes him want to slip into sleep with you. 
He wants to hold you close, and if you want to keep reading those books, he’s fine with that. Holding you as you keep doing whatever you are planning to do. Whether that’s finishing the movie you have on or reading that book you’ve held in your hand that made Starkk think about sleeping. 
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ilusionis · 4 years
THE BIG BLEACH HC MEME centering around politics, repost & fill out! For anyone who wanted to explore those aspects more, considering it played a big role in the story. Some things may be unknown to your Muse, just think in WHAT IF then & well, have fun and take your time!
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Name:   Aizen Sōsuke    / / /    Age:   Around 300 years old    / / /    Gender:   Cis man Race:   Shinigami / Quincy / Hollow / Fullbringer / Visored / Human / Other Currently lives:   Soul Society / Hueco Mundo / Silbern / Living World / Hell Exact Location:   Muken Group(s):  Shinigami / Arrancars
- Would your muse consider themselves more: GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL ? - Would your muse consider their group more: GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL ? - How does your muse think others see them: GOOD / EVIL / NEUTRAL ? - How does your muse think others see their race: GOOD / EVIL / NEUTRAL ? - How does your muse think others see their group: GOOD / EVIL / NEUTRAL ?
- Is your muse considered a threat: YES / NO ?   By whom?:  Soul Society and all its allies, mostly. - Is your muse powerful: YES / NO ?  Could they be considered OP:  YES / NO ? - Did your muse any crimes: YES / NO ? - Does your muse think they are doing mostly the right thing: YES / NO ? - Would society think the same: YES / NO / MIXED OPINIONS ?
- Does your muse think they are treated unfairly: YES / NO ?  - Does your muse feel understood from others: YES / NO ? - Is it important for them what others think of them as a person: YES / NO ? - Would they welcome death:  YES / NO ? - Will they ever find peace:  YES / NO ?
01.0.  Do they fully stand behind the group they are part of? YES / NO. Why is that? Explain: it’s hardly a mystery that Aizen, being a rogue Shinigami, strongly despises his own kind. I italicized the yes in case we want to consider him a part of the Arrancar group, because I’ve already talked estensively about how Aizen feels an undefinable affinity for Hollows and the sense of belonging that derives, maybe even without him being fully aware, from it. That said, it’s definitely not a ‘fully standing behind’ said group, considering how he watched them get slaughtered without batting an eye.
02.0.  Do they like as things are in Soul Society? YES / NO. 02.1.  Is there anything they would change? Explain here: Starting from killing the Soul King and take its place, he’d wipe any organ with power or with the capability to seize it, like the nobles, Central 46 (which he already did btw) etc. 
03.0. Would they ever actively try to bring change (in general)? YES / NO. 03.1. Is your muse more: passive / active ?  Introverted / Extroverted ? 03.2. Does your muse care more about: others / themselves ? 03.3. Do they trouble their mind over a lot of problems, others? YES / NO. 03.4. Do they mostly involve: the world / everyone / themselves / comrades / friends / family / elderly / kids / teenagers / home / workplace / strangers / souls / humans / quincy / shinigami / nobles / fullbringer / visored / hollows / espada / arrancar / (former) boss(es) / pets / animals / zanpakuto spirit / enemies / partner / lovers / soul king / god / other…(add more) 03.5. Name (up to) three which are the most on their mind (optional, adding names): - the soul king is almost poison to his thoughts and dreams, it never leaves his mind. - the hogyoku and his overall research, when he was still doing it. - after the war, in muken, he thinks often about who and what he lost. tousen and kyōka suigetsu, especially.  - urahara and ichigo kurosaki are also often on his mind. 
04.0. Do they think frequently about politics? YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Why is that? Explain: Aizen is definitely more concerned with spiritual matters than strictly political ones, but that doesn’t mean he’s not acutely aware of how ‘earthly’ things work. He absolutely doesn’t give away the politician vibes, but he very much knows the system he works to overthrow is upheld by a political architecture in which he can move and orient himself just fine, although he’d rather not. Overall, I think Aizen viscerally despises politics, but he’s all but bad at it. 
05.0. How do they feel in their current location, more: POSITIVE / NEGATIVE / NEUTRAL ? 05.1. Why is that?:  Muken is not just imprisonment, Muken is torture, and I just don’t trust anyone who says otherwise. To Aizen, especially, being bound in endless darkness devoid of stimuli is almost unbearable, which also says a lot about how strong he is.
06.0. Does your muse have any goal: YES / NO ?  BIG / SMALL ? 06.1. Does it involve anything world-changing: YES / NO ? 06.2. If goal or not, any future plans? Share here:  Don’t think having lost and being imprisoned has made him waver or change his mind, he’s still very much set on his path of becoming the Soul King. It’s not over, and Muken can’t hold him forever.
07.0. Does your muse know about the original sin of soul society*: YES / NO ? * curious? Read about it here. 07.1. If they knew, would it change their views on Soul Society: YES / NO ? 07.2. More: POSITIVE / NEGATIVE / NEUTRAL ? 
08.0. Who is the worst person in their eyes?:  Urahara Kisuke, in Aizen’s eyes, is a paragon of moral sloth. Also Yamamoto. We don’t count the Soul King as a person. 08.1. What should happen to them?  Execution (quick / slow death) / Imprisonment / Stripped of their powers / Torture / Repay for their sins / Pay a Fine / Social Work / lose their loved ones / Exile / other… (add more). 08.2. Explanation:  He’d very much enjoy Urahara’s reaction to losing his loved ones, perhaps that would move him. Yamamoto, on the other hand, embodies those conservative principles Aizen absolutely cannot abide and would deserve to be finished off quickly. 
09.0. Thoughts on the Quincy Massacre if they knew: POSITIVE / NEGATIVE / NEUTRAL ? 09.1. Would they be alright with such thing happening again: YES / NO / INDIFFERENT ? 09.2. Would they try to prevent it: YES / NO / DEPENDS ? 09.3. Explanation:  Aizen was young at the time of the Quincy extermination, probably a seated officer, and I don’t think he had any part in it. He witnessed the event with a certain flatness, as it only served to reinforce very much solidified opinions he had on Soul Society and their means, but he had zero empathy for the Quincy people and remains indifferent to this day. 
10.0. Would they ever switch sides: YES / NO ? 10.1. If yes, What could bring them to do so?:    - 10.2. Would they create a new one: YES / NO ?  or join a current one? If so, which:  - Post-war, Aizen is pretty much on his own.
11.0. Does your muse follow a certain moral code*?:  YES / NO / GRAY AREA ? * (ethics) A written, formal, and consistent set of rules prescribing righteous behavior, accepted by a person or by a group of people. 11.1. What does it involve?: There are things he just would not do, and I reject those who paint him as a creep. That includes u, Kubo. 11.2. What does it NOT involve?: Pretty much everything else. Killing, stealing, lying, doing very questionable experiments, attempting to overthrow the government and killing God.     
Central 46:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because: corrupt, senile, privileged guys reinforcing an oligarchic caste system, who think they can pass judgement on anyone? find me someone who wouldn’t wanto to murder them.
Four Great Noble Clans:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because: they are fully responsible for what the Soul King is, the state it is in;  it would be absurd for Aizen to feel anything but harsh contempt for them. He sees nobility as something vain and obsolete: in his kingdom, only power matters. 
Royal Guards / Gotei 13:   positive / negative / neutral .   ━   because: it’s somewhat laughable that an organ as powerful as the Gotei would serve and be the instrument of a whimsical array of nobles and would obey the Central 46. They are servants and accomplices.
Fullbringer:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  a mildly interesting lot, although they were never the focus of his studies. 
Visored:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  they’re Shinigami, but they’re not only that anymore. Aizen doesn’t viciously despise them as he does others, because in the end, they were a precious specimen. He wouldn’t have gotten so far with his research without them.
Espada:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  ok, maybe ‘positive’ is a big word, but they’re his finest creations. He would choose them over the Gotei captains anytime.
Quincy:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  he doesn’t have an organic opinion on them; the way I see it, Quincy culture is way too distant from Aizen’s mindset for an interest to spark.
Aizen:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  lmao Aizen is the afterlife top narcissistic motherfucker. However, I want to believe there is more nuance to the way he views himself than he lets on, and it’s strictly tied to his power and the way he perceives it. I think Aizen loves and hates himself: he’s aware that he’s special, that’s he powerful, that he’s unique ... but this awareness is bone-crushing, he’s too much even for himself. Too much power, too much uniqueness. You know, the loneliness of prime numbers.
Yhwach:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  i’ve already talked about Aizen and Yhwach here, their differences and their contrast, and I stand by what I said. It’s not like Aizen is out there questioning Yhwach’s dubious morality, he doesn’t care, but he will see all three worlds burned to ashes before ever allowing Yhwach any leverage / control over him.
Mayuri:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  we often forget that Aizen, too, is a scientist - but one with a goal. Science, in Aizen’s case, serves a higher purpose. Mayuri is just a disgusting individual who is conveniently walking free because Soul Society needs his technology and resources, and the hypocrisy of this would bother anyone; not to mention, find me someone who can stand Mayuri even a little bit. Of course Aizen doesn’t like him.
Kurosaki:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  ok this is a mess, I’ve yet to talk about Aizen’s thoughts on Ichigo and I’m not gonna do it all here. I’m just gonna say, there is one big part of grudge for having been defeated by Ichigo mingled with a weird form of acceptance, considering Ichigo was both a self-improving and self-sabotaging project for Aizen. The boy is a masterpiece of patience and technology on Aizen’s part, but he proved over and over again, to be just a boy. And a pretty blinkered one on top of it.
Soul King:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  seeing the Soul King fucked Aizen up more than anyone can imagine, and sparked a hatred within him that consumes him to this day. Talked about it more in-depth here.  Imagine being a kid and staring into the hollow, cross-like eyes of a limbless monster that haunts you like an echo, and knowing instinctively, ah yeah, that’s god. Aizen is the Bleach king of unprocessed trauma.
CONGRATS, you managed till to the end, now tag your fellow bleach partners!
TAGGED BY: @skyvar​ the only one i trust. TAGGING: @kazeshinigami​ @tatarfora​ @shitenkoushun​ @2ndhornet​ @hyouketsu​ @oscuras​ and myself @levaer​ because i wanna do it over my quincy babe, too. anyone else just say i tagged u.
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thetoffeefox · 5 years
It is bloody and raw, but I swear it is sweet [Timid! Reader X Vergil]
Oh, my goodness it feels like forever since I last wrote for my Timid!Reader x Vergil series. Not to mention I felt bad that I have not been working on my requests. Which I apologize for. However, I’m hoping that I if I get some personal writing out of the way it will inspire me to write the requests that are sitting in my Inbox right now. The chapters will start being all over the place here from now on, as I am writing in whatever comes to me first rather than try to stay set to a specific timeline. If you adore this series, you can find it on Ao3 HERE. As always, I will also post chapters here since I consider them one-shots. 
What’s this Vergil seems to be confused about how he is feeling about our dear reader? Why oh why would that be? This idea has been floating around in my mind for a while and honestly since I started this series. I wanted to give it to you guys as a way to say sorry for not working on requests. 
The title is from the song Angel of Small Death & The Codeine Scene By: Hozier
      It was odd the feeling that was festering in him. It was something he hadn’t felt in a very long time and it was hard to identify what it was. All he knew was that he was not pleased with his younger brother, no scratch that. Displeased was putting it lightly, Vergil was enraged with him. What the absolute hell was his brother thinking when he told you that you were ready to hunt demons? Yes, you were with Nero but his son's habit of adding flare and taunting his enemies was a reckless habit of his that could very well cause you to get hurt. He stops his train of thinking as his brows furrow at that thought. What does he care if you get hurt? It would be your own fault not Nero’s not even Dante’s but the thought of you getting hurt made the pit in his stomach grow. What was this blasted feeling?! Why was he experiencing it?! Growling he stands suddenly from the chair he was sitting in on the patio. He came here hoping the silence and the gentle atmosphere would allow him to read, but he scanned the same page in his book for the past twenty minutes as he tried to discern the emotions swirling around inside of him. Vergil’s gaze moves to your laptop that was sitting on the small table next to the chair that you frequented. Many afternoons you would sit here in the same room with him. He couldn’t understand you, it was infuriating and baffling. There you would sit so interested in his company and presence. Your stare and gaze on him feeling like fire on his skin although you normally had a softness to you. However, if he so much looked at you the wrong way, your heart skyrocketed and you paled a little. Then there was the smell you would give off it was akin to fear...nervousness maybe? Sighing he sets his book down heading to the small kitchen, tea was something he always went to when he couldn’t fully understand and process the emotions that were going through him. His trip to the kitchen comes to a halt when he notices Dante texting away on his cell phone. Recalling the distaste he threw towards his younger brother only a few hours ago. Both men had been working hard to appease Nero with their arguing, not that they would ever admit that to him. So when things got tense and a breaking point was just beneath the surface both stayed quiet and opted to act like the other didn’t exist. As Vergil watched the teapot mindlessly he couldn’t help but glance at the clock on the wall. It’s been seven hours, they should be back by now. Another aggravated sigh leaves him as he shifts leaning against the island. What the hell is this feeling?! The sound of the door opening and laughter snaps both men out of their thoughts. 
“Oh, come on, it wasn’t that bad! I thought it was a good look for the damn thing.” You stated, referring to the Hell Caina whose face you half way blew off.
“Hey anyone home!?” Nero shouts out coming into the kitchen with you behind him.
The both of you pause to see Dante and Vergil looking at you two. Then again, anyone would look at the both of you because of the ash, blood, and guts you were covered in. Vergil’s stare made you stand in place as a blush crept up your cheeks, thank god you were covered in demon blood and most likely already flushed from your hunt. You clear your throat trying to calm your increasing heart rate but it seems to snap Dante out of his shocked stare and a moment later he belted out a laugh clutching his stomach. “By God you weren’t lying when you said you were ready to get messy little girl.”  It takes a minute to break your gaze from his and you give Dante the cheesiest grin you could manage. Vergil can’t help but stand there and look at you. You needed a shower, neigh you needed to be sprayed down five times over and doused in bleach to probably get clean and his son also needed it. That grin though, something about it made his heart flutter but, the nervous coil that had wound itself up so tight in his stomach slowly undone itself and weight he didn’t know he was carrying seemed to lift off of him. None of the blood on you was yours it was all demon. His gaze goes back to your face though, there was a look in your eyes he had never seen on you before, it was new to him and it made another surge of emotions run through him. It choked him up and again it felt like his heart rate fluttered. It was a look he knew well he and his brother mirrored it plenty of times over the years when they fought each other or had fought a real challenge. It was a high from the adrenaline of putting yourself in danger to kill a demon. It was the high of a successful hunt and he dare not admit it to anyone. He in some ways didn’t want to admit it to himself but it was a good look on you. After what happened a month ago at the local library regarding your ex-lover Vergil was irritated by you again. It was not how it was when he initially started to get to know you, but it was there. When you had hidden yourself away in your room and forego your training with Dante was when it started to kick in. How on earth were you going to kill a demon if you couldn’t handle a single human man? Be it to say Nero had quickly picked up on his irritation and both father and son had came to blows for the first time since his return from hell. Nero, like he was with Kyrie was fiercely protective of you. Vergil was no physical threat to you, but a threat to your dignity. Dante had even thrown a few quips at him and it was the last one he threw that stung. You of all people should know what trauma does to a person. The tramua of being turned into Nelo Angelo was far different from what you had expeirenced and he had wanted to argue that, but if he did then he would be admitting weakness. Admitting his faults and weakness’s wasn’t something Vergil was capable of and he had grown in strides to learn that certain things such as family, friends, and emotions did not make him weak. They made him stronger, but admitting that he was weak at certain point and had suffered harm without a scar to show was something he just couldn’t get over. It was this thought that lead him back to his original opinion which was that at first, when he learned you were training to fight and kill demons he thought you were insane. He thought you were in over your head. Time progressed though and Vergil soon found you were serious and determined to go through with it. The several hours he spent training you and helping you to hone your skills was insane. Dante eventually took the reigns back from him because frankly, he was being too hard on you. His training was wearing you down rather than helping you. Then again if anything it helped your stamina when he pushed you past your limits and then some. All of it paid off in the end and he could see that now. The feelings that had been present in him for the past year were gone and all it took was this moment. This moment to see that you were indeed in your element and comfortable with the horrors and terrors of the world, but it still didn’t answer the question. What was it that he was feeling? Unaware of Nero’s eyes on him his brow furrows as he picks his brain and tries to analyze and run over every moment spent with you. “Well, I’m gonna take a shower, because of ladies first!” You chirp bolting away before Nero could contest. He laughs and starts to tell Dante how the hunt went and midway it is then he noticed his uncle wasn’t paying attention to a single word he was saying and instead of looking at his father who was so unaware of now not only his brother’s stare but his sons. Dante cracks a grin. “See brother told you she was ready, you didn’t need to worry about her after all.” Vergil stiffens as that word seems to hit him in the gut. Worry. Worried? HE was worried? Was he worried about your safety? Yes, he amended...Yes, indeed he was. Even though you had a fire in you that seemed to be incapable of being extinguished you were human. Suciptle to harm and pervious to death. The thought that he was worried about you makes him halt all thinking because it made him ask another question. Why would I be worried about her? He feels his brow furrow as both Nero and Dante’s gaze seems to burn into him and it makes his skin crawl. Looking up he catches his brother looking at him like a cat that got the canary. It was irritating more irritating than the emotions swirling in him. It was as if his brother knew something that he didn’t, which was absurd because Vergil knew himself better than anyone else. Still, the glint in his younger brothers eyes was finally pushing him over the edge. Weeks of taking deep breaths and trying to be “an adult” as Nero had put it that clearly wasn’t enough to curb his demonic temper. Weeks of bottled up headbutting rose to the surface and there was no stopping it. Nero felt what was like a wave of energy go over him and the sound something whizzing in the air. Not even a second later Dante was on the ground clutching his abdomen as one of Vergil’s summon swords stuck out of his back. It had impaled him through and through. Before Nero could make a comment his father walked away leaving Dante on the ground laughing his ass off as blood pooled on the floor.
“Seriously, man?! Kyrie will be home soon!” He exclaimed throwing his hands in the air.
“Come on you have to admit it’s funny that he doesn’t even realize it.” Dante laughed as the summon sword disappeared.
“Right now all I’m thinking about is you cleaning up this mess. So do it.” Nero hissed throwing a washcloth and cleaner at him.
Dante watched as Nero walked away shaking his head while grumbling about going to go find his dad. Picking up the rag and cleaner he smirked again. Vergil, may be his older brother and in some ways more intelligent than him, but lord could he be dense at times.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
The 5 Most Loved and Hated Snaggleteeth in Anime
The snaggletooth. A single fang almost synonymous with a spunky attitude. Possessed by the poor and the wealth alike, the seem to appear on any character with an excess of energy (although mostly girls?). In no medium does a single smile tell you more about a character than anime.
Love them or hate them they may be one of the most reliable landmarks broadcasting a fiery personality.  Our friends over at Anime-Planet spend day and night cataloguing these unique features and leaving it to the fans to vote on the best and worst prominent canines. A note before we again, these are the result of popular votes that I can and will disagree with. Only your democratic will can determine who makes it on this list. With that out of the way, below are the 5 most loved and most hated anime characters with snaggleteeth!
5. Sakura Kyoko - Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Although her fang might be the most understated of this list, Kyoko is most definitely not. She’s got so much attitude I’m honestly surprised she was one of the most liked characters on this list. While she had style, she wasn’t exactly nice at first. In such a well written series, it shouldn’t surprise that she had a satisfying redemption arc and I’m glad that’s what seems to have stuck with most people. Or maybe they just like her awesome fighting style. Or taiyaki.
4. Kousaka Kirino - Oreimo
Perhaps one of the most famous snaggleteeth in anime is possessed by the all-too-relatable Kirino. She’s one of what’s become a fan-favorite archetypes of otaku living double lives as perfect students by day and hopeless anime fans by night. Oreime treating the topic with a bit more weight than most comedies made for a very sympathetic story despite some, er... landmines.
3. Hachikuji Mayoi - Monogatari
Who is this sassy lost child with a snaggletooth? How can you not love Mayoi? She’s got a tragic backstory to make her sympathetic and unique curse that guarantees every time she shows up, Arararagi’s gonna end up going on an adventure. Also a comically oversized backpack that looks like a baby bird. Snail or not, only a monster wouldn’t try to help her find her way to her relative’s house.
2. Takagi Saya - Highschool of the Dead
A powerful addition to the list, Takagi is a triple threat of a fang, glasses, and twin tails. She’s also the smartest person in their group and the type of underappreciated character that keeps everyone alive by taking time for more practical concerns and planning for the future. She even has a younger sister surrogate in Alice that she wants to protect. If she had an ojou-sama laugh she might just unseat Yui.
1. Yui - Angel Beats
One of the standout students of a much more literal highschool of the dead, Yui might have the most personality out of the secondary cast. A chunibyo rhythm guitar player with the ambitious goal of punishing god for letting her life become such a disappointment. It’s hard not to sympathise with a character bouncing off all the walls to make up for a lifetime of lost time she spent in a hospital bed. Also her singing voice is LiSA.
5. Houjou Sakoto - Higurashi When They Cry
There’s a lot of Higurashi material out there but I guess there’s no escaping the fact that Sakoto is a bit of a Damien. Crying wolf and trying to get multiple step-dads arrested isn’t cool even if your mom isn’t paying enough attention and some of her traps go a little beyond an equalizing force given her size and into the realm of unusually creative evil. She’s got some pretty tragic circumstances to back up her attitude but that’s really nothing special in the land of Higurashi.
4. Sarugaki Hiyori - Bleach
Alright, I’ll be the first person to admit Hiyori is a little shit, but how could you hate this angry little monkey? Are you all Hirako fans? I get it, but you have to admit he’s got a punchable face. I don’t make it a habit to defend Bleach but sometimes being hyper violent is a charming trait and that’s absolutely the case with Hiyori. You’re wrong.
3. Kousaka Kirino - Oreimo
I never knew Kirino was such a controversial character. Although she has many charms, levying constant, (mostly) unearned abuse at other characters might have left some viewers with a dimmer opinion of her. I guess not everyone enjoys watching a someone make other people suffer while they’re sorting out their own problems. It could be a wider acceptance of anime has made her plight less relateable… or maybe people have different tastes in video games.
2. Igarashi Tora - Maid Sama!
The only boy to make it to this list is unfortunately well-placed as the 2nd most hated. Adding to our newly emerging pattern of unpleasant wealthy snaggleteeth, Tora is one of those rich character that can’t think of a better use for his money that messing around with other people. It must be rough knowing who your real friends are, but becoming more interested in a girl just because she’s willing to show you how much she hates you? Leave and never return.
1. Takagi Saya - Highschool of the Dead
Alright, she’s smart, beautiful, has three charm points, and a role model for Alice, but Takagi can be a little mean. Constantly reminding people that you’re smarter and more important on them isn’t the best way to earn friends, especially when other characters are pulling their weight while trying to be a bit more humble. I still say her out of combat contributions are underappreciated since she somehow made it to #1, but point taken.
Snaggleteeth seem to be quite the controversial subject with two characters showing up among both the most loved and hated. Girls seem to be the primary focus when it comes to fangs. Also there’s is an honestly pretty disturbing connection between snaggleteeth and death. Almost half the characters on the list are dead at the beginning of the story and over half don’t make it out of the plot alive. Is a snaggletooth bad luck? Is there something I don’t know about Kirino?
Didn’t see your favorite on this list? Want to know where they appear among the most loved and hated on their kind? Head over to Anime-Planet’s list of characters with snaggleteeth to see where they rank or comment below with your most favorite fang. Tune in next week, where the subject will be the anime trademark animal ears.
Peter Fobian is an Associate Features Editor for Crunchyroll, author of Monthly Mangaka Spotlight, writer for Anime Academy, and contributor at Anime Feminist. You can follow him on Twitter @PeterFobian.
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druekee · 7 years
“The Right Guy”
Summary: It's Jooheon's Sophomore year of college, and his crush on his long time friend and roommate, Kihyun, suddenly decides to bite him in the ass when Kihyun becomes infatuated with some other guy. And on top of that, Jooheon's roped into pretending to be Kihyun's boyfriend for a double date with his crush!
How will he figure it out, and convince Kihyun that he's the right guy for him?
Words: 11,844; 6 chapters and complete!
AO3 Link
Here’s chapter 1! The rest can be read through the AO3 link!
A sudden, loud cry of “JOOHEONY!!” resounded into the cramped college dorm living space, the voice accompanied by a loud bang of a slamming door, quickly shuffled footsteps, and the sound of shoes flying off, startling Jooheon out of his homework-induced reverie. He scooted around in his chair, facing the dingy, off-white door of his room, heart still racing from the loud noises. The door to his room flies open and in bustles Kihyun, black hair sticking slightly to his forehead and eyes looking frantic and excited.
“Are you okay!?” Jooheon asked, eyebrows bunching together as he stared at his, apparently insane, roommate as he paced around his bedroom and plopped himself down onto Jooheon’s bed.
“I think so, oh my god joohEONY,” Kihyun said, face breaking out into a huge smile as he bounced slightly on Jooheon’s bed. “There’s this really hot guy in my Advanced Vocal class, he’s a Junior and his body is freaking incredible,” Kihyun explained, sighing happily.
“O-Oh yeah?” Jooheon said, voice cracking slightly, his expression becoming darker as his eyes burned holes into his homework, fingers clenching into the edge of his desk.
“Yeah~ I can’t believe how sexy he is, and his personality is so sweet and innocent, he’s like a total package. I didn’t ask him if he was single but I honestly don’t care at this point, he’s gonna be mine,” Kihyun said, laughing a little as he pressed his hands against his face, smiling giddily. Jooheon’s fingers clenched harder against the edge of his desk, knuckles turning white. His pupils began to shake slightly, and he found himself almost unable to reply. Kihyun… had a crush on someone? He sounded like he was seriously infatuated, unlike any crush Jooheon had seen him get in the past years that he’d known the boy. Jooheon felt his heart ache, and he bit his plump lower lip, trying to pull himself together in the presence of Kihyun.
“Are you gonna ask him out?” Jooheon asked, trying to keep his voice even, but still unable to make eye-contact with Kihyun. Jumping up from his perch on Jooheon’s bed, Kihyun stood behind Jooheon, peering over the younger boy’s shoulder and looking at his face, his expression a tad nosy. Jooheon jumped back, surprised at seeing Kihyun’s face so close to his.
“…Are you jealous?” Kihyun asked, grinning cheekily as he watched the way Jooheon’s eyes widened in an obvious confirmation.
“No! I’m barely even paying attention, this assignment is due by midnight…” Jooheon lamely defended, hoping it would at least suffice for now. Kihyun raised his eyebrows and looked at the clock, seeing how it was a little past 1 PM.
“….Uh huh,” Kihyun replied, chuckling a bit, shaking his head at his friend’s odd behavior. Jooheon felt his cheeks flush and he played with the corner of his computer keyboard, still wanting his question to be answered despite his embarrassment.
“So are you going to ask him out?” Jooheon repeated, turning around in his chair to look Kihyun in the eye this time, hoping he sounded more confident. Kihyun hummed thoughtfully, pushing his bangs out from his eyes as he replied.
“I want to,” he began, making Jooheon’s heart drop. “I don’t want to come off too strong right off the bat though, I mean, I just met the guy an hour ago,” Kihyun continued, chuckling. Jooheon nodded in reply, turning back around in his chair and pretending to continue working on his assignment. Kihyun watched the boy’s behavior and didn’t think too much of it, instead honing in on the cute little bleach blond ponytail atop Jooheon’s head.
“So I guess I’ll just play it cool for now. Your hair looks really cute like this, by the way,” Kihyun concluded, gesturing at Jooheon’s hair before smiling and walking out of the room, missing the flush rise to Jooheon’s cheeks.
At the sound of his door clicking shut, Jooheon let out a sigh and dropped his head into his arms, his whole face feeling hot, but his mind going crazy. How was he supposed to suppress his crush on Kihyun when the boy said things like that to him? Not only that, but how was he going to deal with the fact that said crush was falling head over heels for some other guy? He groaned in frustration, hoping that Kihyun would snap out of his infatuation sometime soon and realize who was actually the right guy for him. Groaning even louder at his own cheesy thoughts, Jooheon pressed his face further into his arms and squeezed his eyes shut, wishing the situation just wasn’t happening.
Another day passed by and Kihyun was exiting his Advanced Vocal class for a second time, happy to finally be able to talk to his crush again. Walking beside him was a boy named Shin Hoseok, who, in Kihyun’s opinion, could very well be interested in him as well. He seemed very flirtatious with him, past the realm of a normal person’s friendliness. It gave Kihyun hope.
“So do you have any plans for the weekend?” Kihyun asked, trying hard to make his voice sound light and calm, even though he was a little nervous asking his crush out. There was a brief pause, the only noise heard being the sound of their footsteps on the concrete sidewalk. Kihyun felt his heart beat louder in his ears.
“Mm, no, not really,” Hoseok replied, sounding genuinely casual. “Why?” he prompted, innocence clear on his expression.
“Yeah, me neither. Wanna hang out sometime this weekend then?” Kihyun asked, smiling confidently to mask his inner worry, hoping he wasn’t coming off too strong. Hoseok suddenly got very excited, smiling brightly as he faced Kihyun, seeming very eager.
“Sure! Hm… what should we do though?” Hoseok replied, not giving Kihyun enough time to answer before he jumped right in with a suggestion. “Oh man!! You know what would be fun? A double date!! My boyfriend would love that, I think you two would get along,” Hoseok continued, and Kihyun’s eyes widened, turning pale at the sudden turn of events. Hoseok was dating someone? That certainly changed things.
“Oh, uh…” Kihyun began, finding it difficult to tell the boy no, despite the fact that he was single, because he really did want to hang out with him. Plus the way Hoseok was looking at him… his expression was so pure and excited. Kihyun was at a crossroad.
“Huh? …Oh! I forgot to ask if you were dating someone- I’m so sorry-” Hoseok began, looking incredibly awkward and stumbling around his words as he scrambled to amend the situation. At his distress, Kihyun made a critical decision.
“No, it’s okay!! Actually, I am dating someone, haha,” Kihyun began, and Hoseok became visibly relieved at the statement. “Where do you want to go?” he continued, smiling brightly to cover up his inner panic. Hoseok grinned happily, flashing the boy a gorgeous smile as he thought about the question he was asked.
“Hmm, maybe we could get dinner?” Hoseok answered, with a look that clearly expressed that he wanted Kihyun to finish the rest. Kihyun nodded in confirmation, racking his brain for ideas.
“How does tomorrow at 6 sound? I have an idea for a restaurant already,” Kihyun replied with, hoping everything would work out. Wonho nodded and smiled back at the boy as they approached the different housing units, about to part ways.
“That sounds good to me! I’ll see you then?” Hoseok said, sounding eager. Kihyun slowly came to a stop and smiled as best as he could at the other boy, nodding in confirmation.
“I’ll see you then.”
Walking back to his dorm, Kihyun felt an overwhelming sense of dread as he processed the situation away from Hoseok’s adorable gaze. He just agreed to going on a double date with his crush… but he wasn’t even dating anybody. How was he going to find a suitable date in one day and still manage to successfully woo his crush despite the fact that he was currently dating somebody else? It was a huge task, but Kihyun still felt like he could manage something- but not without getting a date first.
Entering his dorm, Kihyun let out a huge sigh as he gently slipped off his shoes and walked in, feeling a little overwhelmed. Sitting on the couch in the common area, Jooheon glanced up at the older boy, a little surprised to see him so down.
“How’s it going?” Jooheon asked, eyes following his roommate as he plopped onto the chair beside him, slumping into his seat a little.
“It’s going alright, I just tried asking my crush out,” Kihyun explained, groaning loudly. Jooheon winced on the outside, but on the inside he was becoming more hopeful- judging by his mood, Jooheon could easily guess that he just got turned down. Which wasn’t good for Kihyun, but for Jooheon’s selfish crush, it was great news.
“I’m sorry, did he turn you down?” Jooheon prompted, trying to keep his voice sound like that of a caring friend, and nothing else. Kihyun laughed and smiled over at Jooheon, shaking his head.
“No, actually. I asked him if he wanted to hang out this weekend, and he suggested I go on a double-date with him and his boyfriend,” Kihyun explained, and Jooheon winced, genuinely feeling sorry for the older boy.
“Oh god, what are you going to do? Find somebody to date in 24 hours?” Jooheon asked, finding the idea to be utterly ridiculous. Kihyun shook his head and scrunched his eyebrows together in thought, responding to the question.
“No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I just need to find somebody who could pretend to be my partner for a few days, somebody who would be chill and not go too far…” Kihyun said, trailing off. Jooheon looked down and shrugged, not quite sure where Kihyun was going with this train of thought. Startled by the sudden sight of Kihyun jumping out of his chair, Jooheon looked over at the boy with wide eyes.
“OH MY GOD- I have a great idea! Jooheon, you could be my date!!!” Kihyun said, eagerly staring at the boy with excited eyes. “Yes! This is going to work out perfectly!” he continued, getting a little ahead of himself. Jooheon gave the boy an apprehensive look, processing the situation a little more now that he’s directly involved. Kihyun just (practically) asked him to go on a date with him, to participate in a situation where they would have to be flirty and even show some PDA. Jooheon felt his heart thump harder in his chest, and the thoughts of how bad the idea was were quickly overtaken by how excited he was to be Kihyun’s date, even if it was just for a few days. He paused and thought about the situation a little bit more, weighing his options.
“Do you really think it’s a good idea to trick him?” Jooheon tentatively asked, looking up at Kihyun with slightly nervous eyes, his cheeks a little flushed. Kihyun grinned happily, taking the question to mean he was pretty much down for the plan.
“It’ll be okay~ so you’re gonna help me?” Kihyun eagerly asked Jooheon, giving the boy a hopeful look, trying to convince him with his eyes. Jooheon sighed loudly, rubbing at his face.
“…Yeah,” he eventually said, sparking an immediate fist pump and excited cry from Kihyun.
“Yes!! Now I’m excited about this date; I’m gonna win him over tomorrow!” Kihyun said, too excited for his own good. He then rushed into his room, mumbling about something or another, and slammed the door behind him. Jooheon laughed a little bit, but was internally panicking. How was he going to somehow pull off fake dating his crush? It almost felt like he was in a drama or something, he couldn’t believe he somehow got himself into this situation. He had so many things he had to think about by tomorrow, to make sure he kept his composure, but in the meantime- he had some homework to do. Getting up from the couch with a small sigh, Jooheon trudged into his room to work on an assignment, happy he at least had something to distract him from his current situation.
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textsfromumbridge · 7 years
The Marble Man (20/21)
For @hihiyas - for racing me to the finish. You’re amazing
Dedicated to my BFF, my person, who’ll never read this (even though he totally offered to be my beta for this) but who’ll let me ramble at him about tropes and cliffhangers and most important chapters in a fic.
Eponine is torn between packing the red top or just shredding it and setting fire to the pieces when there’s a knock on the door.
Finally, he’s come to his senses.
It has taken him a few days, but he’s finally gone back to normal – or back to whoever he was when they Kissed. It certainly was a capital-K Kiss.
She has shared many a kiss with many a man, and many a kiss with many a woman. She knows that a kiss can mean nothing, knows that it can just be a way to pass the time or to fill the emptiness in her soul.
So she knows that this was a Kiss – this is different. This one, it means something, and Enjolras has finally dared to come admit it to her. That has to be it.
It will not make her stay – that cannot be her reason for staying. But at least she will know that he felt it too. She can’t be alone in this, right?
“Eponine?” it is Jehan’s voice from the other side of the door.
The disappointment she feels cannot be so easily hidden. She will try, for Jehan’s sake, because he’s been kind to her. She can give him a final kindness in return before she leaves this place for good.
“Come in, Jehan,” she will not make the attempt to hide her packed bags.
What is her alternative, leaving in the middle of the night without a word? Even she has her limits with how much of a bitch she is comfortable being. They are far beyond the limits most people have, but at least she has them.
“Oh, Eponine,” Jehan notices the bags right as he walks in the room.
“I can’t stay,” she shrugs.
Inside, she is not nearly that casual about it. She’s been hurt, cut to the bone by a brief month-long foray into French small town life. Oh, she’s been here longer than a month, but this last month, these last four weeks, they’ve been the hardest and the greatest at the same time.
She wants to damn Enjolras for doing all of this, but she is much too aware that it is all her own fault. She opened up and now she is paying for it. Consider this her lesson learned yet again – when she gets to Paris, she is sticking to her old plans. There will be no friends, no marble men who turn her world upside down.
“Just give him some time,” Jehan sees right through her, and there is no wall she can build that will make him see differently. “He’ll pull his head out of his ass soon.”
It is too hard to look him in the eye, so she looks back at her clothes, at the bags that hold everything she owns in this world. It isn’t much, but it’s hers. It’s all she has.
“I gave him two days,” she finally decides to pack the damn shirt.
“How many days will you give me?” Jehan sits down on the bed.
What? Why would he – oh.
She has been waiting for Enjolras to come to her for two days. She has stayed in town for those days. How many days would she give Jehan? How long would she stay for him? How long would she stay for her friend?
“Why would you want me to stay?” she can’t look up just yet.
“We’re friends, Eponine,” Jehan is ever so gentle.
God, she hates the kid gloves, she really does.
But he is not wrong. He is her friend – and so is R, and so is Chetta. And while she does not know all of the Amis that well, they would consider her a friend in a heartbeat. Even if Enjolras drops off the face of the earth and never says a single word to her again, she still has plenty of terrifying reasons to stay in this stupid town.
It is just not what she does, though. Eponine Thenardier does not stick around. She does not settle down. Not anywhere.
“I know,” she finally says, just to break the silence.
“R and I are official and you are the first person I wanted to tell,” Jehan just blurts it out, a blush coloring his cheeks.
That startles a laugh out of her, because these two idiots are finally getting their shit together. There is no jealousy, no “if only Enjolras would do the same” – at least not for a little while. There is just happiness.
“How is that not the first thing you said?” she finally looks up, ignoring her bags and joining Jehan on the bed. “Don’t bury the lead!”
She has never cared about a growing relationship before, not about someone else’s growing relationship anyway. Well, she never really had a proper relationship of her own, so, never. Never ever.
“Well you know we were watching Buffy when you-,” Jehan tries to find the least painful word, “danced with Enjolras. I was trying to give you both some time to yourself so I had to keep R occupied. Oh, God, it’s not nearly as dirty as that sounds.”
“Well it sounds really dirty,” she teases, stretching out the word really beyond recognition. “So it can’t be all roses and flowers.”
“Not this time anyway,” Jehan mutters, barely loud enough for her to hear.
Atta boy! Of course, it’s not all art and poetry and watching Buffy with those dorks. They should be unable to let go of each other in that disgusting way she’s only seen in movies and TV-shows and read about in books.
“Stop looking at me like that,” Jehan hits her with the nearby pillow.
“Nope,” she smirks. “Not gonna happen. I’m proud of you, padawan.”
She cannot wait for Chetta to hear about the latest developments – the woman’s been waiting for this for ages, much longer than Eponine herself has been in on the wait. Heck, pretty much everyone in the Amis has seen this one coming (and has been in on the damn bet that Courfeyrac just had to start).
And Jehan and R just really deserve to be happy.
“Talking about me again?” R is leaning against the doorpost, looking for all intents and purposes like a model from a cheesy catalogue shoot.
The new relationship hasn’t suddenly erased the marks on R’s body, marks left by years of addiction and neglect of his own needs - love is not a magic wand waved to fix all past hurts. There are still bags under his eyes, but his bright blue eyes now appear to see the world more clearly. Cloud nine for him means having both his feet firmly on the ground.
“Not everything is about you,” Jehan teases, but there is gentleness underneath.
R just melts at the grin from his boyfriend. Oh, he is trying really hard not to show it, but his happiness just seems to ooze from his pores – it’s almost gross, really. The new relationship glow will not last forever, but right now it’s almost giving her cavities.
“Though it totally was this time,” she has to interject – too much cuteness. “You got here just before we started on the R-rated stuff. Feel free to add your opinions.”
It is probably a terrible idea to give R that opportunity, and both she and Jehan know it – time for an immediate distraction.
“You know, it’s not the size that matters,” Jehan is positively devilish as he pretends to give the embarrassing details.
“I’ll show you size,” R’s hands go to the zipper on his jeans.
“Not in my bed you’re not,” Eponine really tries to put a stop to it. “I’m mentally scarred enough, thanks. There is not enough bleach in the world.”
Thankfully, R keeps his pants on for now, though she suspects that this brief streak of good behavior will not last long.
Time to make an obvious, yet strategic exit.
“So go get some somewhere else,” she just cuts straight to the heart of the matter. “I’ll be far out of hearing range, bitching to Chetta about how men suck.”
She pretends not to hear R’s sotto voce “yeah they do” in her haste to get the hell away from all the cuteness.
Happiness is kind of gross, really.
“Eponine,” Jehan catches her just before she leaves. “How many days?”
Her heart is in her throat, because she matters. Somehow, for some reason, she matters, even when Jehan has other things to focus on.
“I’ll tell you tomorrow.”
Both men are smiling when she heads out the door.
“Relationships are gross,” she complains to Chetta.
She is drowning her feelings in girl talk and a giant glass of red wine - Chetta definitely saved her some of the good stuff. It’s happy hour somewhere, right?
The other woman nods sagely, even though she is at the center of one of the most complicated relationships Eponine has ever been a witness to. Well, actually it’s a relationship that seems complicated but appears completely effortless in practice – and for that she blames Chetta. She has both boys wrapped around her finger (Chetta’s even wrapped around their fingers too), and she is none too shy about sharing her feelings about anything and everything.
“I appreciate the support,” she comments wryly.
Staring at a particular groove in the dark wood of the bar, she tries to make herself feel more at ease with opening up about her stupid feelings. She despises feeling vulnerable like this, but Chetta deserves more than generalized statements.
“That’s how I roll,” Chetta grins, counting the money in each of the individual drawers in the register.
It is quiet at the Musain on this sunny Wednesday afternoon. And while she wishes that someone, anyone would come by and distract her from all of her stupid feelings, she knows that the healthier option is to actually talk to Chetta about things – not just about Jetaire finally being a thing.
Yes, she did the whole smushed name thing, only for Chetta to tell her that she is more into Enjonine herself. If she weren’t her closest female friend, she probably would have killed her already.
Even though she really is having fun with Chetta, she can’t keep herself from looking for Enjolras still, even just from the corner of her eye. Maybe he’ll finally show up and apologize for his absence.
That could still happen, right? Right?
“He hasn’t been around,” Musichetta sees right through her as usual.
“I know,” she says.
Because what else can she say?
No one has seen him, though she suspects that he has been hiding with Combeferre somewhere. She wouldn’t even blame Ferre for that – he cannot deny a student in need, and he would probably be encouraging Enjolras to spill everything the whole time. She understands Ferre’s side of it – but she doesn’t understand why Enjolras cannot just man up and talk to her. He can call it a mistake, he can disagree with it being a capital-K Kiss. She just needs him to stop avoiding her.
She is not going to wait around for him to figure his shit out. Not forever.
“You know bartenders are basically therapists, right?” Musichetta looks up briefly.
“Licensed and everything?” she raises an eyebrow pointedly.
It is just so much easier to keep doing the fun banter thing, no matter how many opportunities Chetta gives her to open up. She used to like that about herself, but now that she is trying to break that cycle, it is really a pain in the ass.
“Didn’t I send you that e-mail?” Chetta hops onto a barstool.
There is a brief moment of silence she could have used to continue the banter, but she has decided not to fuck herself over again, at least not at the moment. She can always try that again later - if Enjolras ever shows up again.
“So,” she figures she might as well give her friend the scoop. “Enjolras and I kissed and now he’s hiding from me.”
“Men are idiots,” Chetta refills Eponine’s wine glass. “So did he freak out because he’s never had a tongue down his throat or is it a mystery past thing?”
More wine is definitely a good thing if she is actually going to have this conversation instead of just alluding to stuff. Luckily for her, Musichetta has plenty of wine, and plenty of jokes to keep the conversation from getting too… everything.
“Probably the second one,” Eponine fails to act casual.
“So he wasn’t traumatized by your tongue or you didn’t get to first base?”
Is this what real friendship looks like?
Just until the end of the week, that is what she told Jehan.
So she has a few more days left until the farewell party that Jehan is undoubtedly organizing for Saturday night. She just has to avoid the stupid cops for three more days and then she’ll be home free come Sunday afternoon.
Wherever that home may be.
So far Thursday is going by ever so slowly, hiding in the house because the cops are pissy for some reason. Apparently it’s been about a month since the statue was “stolen” and they still don’t have any leads. They never will, but that is not something that she will ever say to their face – of course Javert and The Asshole still think that she stole a priceless and extremely heavy marble statue from a museum without any help and without anyone noticing anything.
Such great detectives they are, those guys. The logistics alone are impossible, but they’re stuck on the girl with the criminal family and past. Sure, she makes a good suspect, but shouldn’t they move beyond just her at some point?
Clearly they missed that class in Detective School.
Ugh, where are the boys? She needs to talk to someone or else she is going to keep making these lame jokes to herself – and laughing at them.
R should be home. Jehan is out “running errands”, also known as getting party supplies and inviting all of their friends to a surprise farewell party that is not really a surprise to anyone anymore. She’ll act stunned in the moment, sure, but she doubts that anyone will be fooled. R might even laugh.
Speaking of, she can finally hear some movement coming from the upstairs. She is on the couch, fiddling with her charcoals and failing to draw anything of significance. There are only so many times she can look at Enjolras’ stupid face before she starts to feel the need to rip up every portrait of him she has ever drawn.
“Eponine?” R seems surprised to find her here.
“My dear R,” she smirks at him. “Did you really think I bailed already?”
Her bags are still mostly packed, but she has enough stuff lying around to show that she intends to stay just a little while longer. And she promised Jehan that she would not leave without saying goodbye to them.
So what’s his damage?
“But it’s day thirty,” R is actually babbling.
It’s not the thirtieth day of the month, so she fails to understand the significance. It can’t even be a reference to her menstrual cycle. (What? The boys have figured that one out by now, thanks.)
“Day thirty of what?” she raises an eyebrow.
“He didn’t tell you,” R’s shoulders sag in what appears to be disappointment. “I made him promise to tell you before the end.”
This is about Enjolras – of course it is, who else would it be about? This is about the conversation she overheard, about the secrets they have been keeping from her. Does R know why Enjolras is running away from her, from everyone and everything?
If he does know, he’s been keeping secrets from her as well. Still, she doesn’t want to blame it on him – Enjolras must have asked it of him.
“The end of what?” she breathes.
Whatever the answer to her question is, there is no way that it is good. There is no happy secret to be learned, just more pain coming for her. She can feel it.
“The curse,” R speaks ever so softly, and Eponine’s blood runs cold.
Of course this is about the curse. Everything has been about that damn curse for this past month. There is always some sort of time limit with these things.
“How is it ending?” she asks. “Did we break it?”
She hopes against all odds. But R is silent, and he refuses to look her in the eye. He is still not telling her what he knows, so she will just have to connect the dots herself.
“We didn’t,” she realizes, “did we? We failed.”
The curse is not broken. They need to try again somehow, before he turns back into marble again. She would hate for him to go through that even for a second. Not when she can be right there with him instead, helping him and giving him another chance. She turned him into flesh and blood once, she can do it again.
“Where is he?” she demands to know.
How could R just let her sit here while he knew this was going on?
“Slow down, Eponine,” R sits with her on the couch. “There are some things you need to know first. It’s not good.”
It was never going to be good, she knows that. So he needs to start talking before all time has run out and she has missed her chance. She cannot miss her chance.
“Tell me,” she orders.
“He only gets thirty days,” R starts, “and then he turns back into marble.”
Way to state the obvious, R.
There is no way she can be nice, she is just irrationally angry at being lied to and being kept in the dark for days when there surely had to be something she could have done to break the curse. She could have been trying right alongside them, and they did not let her do that for some ridiculous reason that she probably does not even want to know – probably for her protection or some patriarchal bullshit like that.
“I figured out that much,” she is so damn angry with him right now. “What else?”
It cannot be this simple – curses never are. And since not even the Marble Man himself knows how the curse can be broken… Or does he?
“Did he not let us break it on purpose?” she has to ask.
Her impatience is definitely an issue at this point, since R is not coming up with explanations fast enough. Really, he is not coming up with anything fast enough – maybe he is still thinking of ways to pacify her for one more day.
“Does he know how to break the curse?” she thinks of another question.
“Just be quiet for a second so I can explain,” R blows up at her.
Swallowing her anger is so difficult that she almost chokes on it, and judging by the apologetic look she receives in return, R understands that he is on a very short leash at this point. After the lies and the secrets, and now this, he is going to have to come up with something big.
“Enjolras is turning back to marble today,” R continues, finally. “And since this is the third time he’s been awake to break the curse… This was his final chance. He’s the marble man forever now.”
Forever? Like, forever forever?
“What?” she almost deafens R.
“He only told me last week,” R says. “I was spying on him, because I’m James Bond, obviously. I saw the calendar, and today was circled. He found me in his room and I basically forced him to tell me everything.”
And he has known for a whole week and he has done nothing to stop this very moment from happening?  He could have stopped the kiss, broken the curse, saved the world. If only he’d told her. If only he’d told their friends so they could help.
“He’s been alive before?” she breathes.
That is the part that gets her, knowing that other men and other women have tried in vain to make things right with him, knowing that she isn’t all that special. Did he kiss them too, did he make them feel special, safe, loved? Is she not the only one whose life he just had to get involved in?
He has been hiding from her for days now, days that they could have spent together – if only he’d told her they would be the last days.
Now she just has this moment, right now. That is, if it is not too late already.
“Where is he?” She has to know.
“The museum,” R answers immediately, for once.
She takes off running, not caring about what she looks like and that she isn’t wearing any shoes. Her bare feet hit the floor, and she pulls the front door open so harshly that it hits a wall – R can fix that damage, she can’t be bothered with anything but finding Enjolras right now.
The asphalt of the town’s main road stings her feet, but she cannot find it in herself to care – there is not much time and she needs to see him, even if it’s just for a second. The minutes are already ticking by too fast, but she cannot seem to push herself to run even faster. Her heart is pounding and her lungs are protesting, but she persists.
Finally she can see the museum come into view. It looks the same as it always does when the visitors have left. The doors might be locked, but she has her ways – she’ll break the whole building down if she has to.
“Enjolras,” she hollers. “Where the hell are you?”
If the gendarmes hear her, fine. They can arrest her as soon as she sees Enjolras – she doesn’t even care anymore. They’ll have their damn statue soon enough. They can have her too.
Finding that the door is open, she almost falls into the building, her stinging feet briefly unable to carry her in smoothly. Seeing a streak of blood on the smooth floor, she realizes that she may actually be hurt – but that’s for later.
There is no response, but she has an inkling of where he may be – he is going right back to where it all started, to where the statue of Man Protesting stood for years. The idiot is trying to fix her problems still.
Doesn’t he understand that turning back into marble won’t fix anything for her?
“Gabriel,” she finally spots him.
He is standing still, his body in the exact spot where she first saw him, wearing just the damn pants he wore when she freed him from stone. He will not look at her, but his body tenses even more at the sound of her voice. She can always spot his tells – and he will always have a tell when it comes to her.
“You lied to me,” she finally stops running, breathing hard.
She is just inches from him now, trembling and panting. She is starting to feel the sharp pain in her feet, but she pretends it doesn’t matter – because it doesn’t, not right now.
“Please, Gabriel,” she pleads. “Just look at me.”
His eyes are soft when they finally bore into hers. There is no anger there, just a resigned anguish that is impossible to ignore. He has given up, and it might actually kill her.
“R told you, didn’t he?” His voice is unsteady, hoarse.
“You should have told me,” she snaps.
If he won’t be angry, she will just have to be mad enough for the both of them. How can he give up? There has to be something else that she can do – there is always a loophole in the curse in the movies and the books and the stories. So there has to be one here, one that is made to be exploited by someone just like her.
“I didn’t want to hurt you,” he moves sluggishly.
Her breath is caught in her throat, both because she is not used to running so fast for so long, and because she spots something from the corner of her eye: his feet are slowly but surely turning to stone, starting with his toes and slowly heading in the direction of his ankles. He cannot take another step towards her.
It is starting already.
“I am sorry, Eponine,” he smiles now.
No, it cannot be too late. There has to be something else that she can do, some other plan to try, a final desperate attempt to free him. His ankles are stone, the lowest edge of his pants turning to marble as she frantically looks around for a solution where there is none to be found.
She steps closer, takes his hand while it is still warm and soft to hold. He is trembling, just as she is. She doesn’t dare hold him; worried he’ll turn to stone in her embrace, trapping her inside his hold forever unless she wants to risk damaging him even further than she already has. Instead she places one hand on his heart, needing to feel the pounding in his chest for as long as his heart will continue to beat.
“You did the best you could,” he starts, “I know you did. I don’t blame you for any of this – it is my fault, all of it. You did more for me than anyone else ever has.”
The speech is impossible to listen to, because he is wrong. She did not do the best she could, because she did not save him. There has to be something she missed, something she overlooked or ignored in her anger with his disappearing act. This is her failure, never his.
“No,” she shakes her head vehemently.
“Thanks for caring about me,” Enjolras whispers.
Tears burn in her eyes, and her vision blurs with it. She blinks harshly, needing to see him clearly – if this is the last time, she wants to remember every inch of him; the exact shade of his eyes, that one ridiculous curl sticking to his forehead, the full lips she kissed just days ago and has been thinking about ever since.
She presses her lips to his again then, just briefly, to memorize the feeling, closing her eyes to categorize every sensation as perfectly as possible.
When she opens her eyes, his thighs are almost completely marble, and she can feel his fingers cooling under her grip.
“Let me go,” Enjolras orders. “Before I hurt you even more.”
He pulls his fingers away before she gets stuck in his hold, and she chokes back even more tears. She doesn’t want to let go. How can he make her?
“Gabriel,” she refuses to look anywhere but in his eyes.
The process appears to be moving faster now, his arms quickly encased in stone as the marble moves up his chest. Soon there will be no more heartbeat under her fingers, no life in his vibrant eyes.
Still she refuses to look away from him. How can she look away when this is the last time she will see his smile? Sure, it is tentative and painful, but she needs to remember it.
A tear springs from his eye and she moves her hand from his newly marble chest to wipe it away. He is no longer resigned to his fate – he really does not want to leave her, but no matter how much he may wish to protest, it will change nothing.
“I love you,” he whispers.
She stills, in shock, eyes wide open to witness his eyes slowly turning to stone.
He’s gone.
“I love you,” she whispers to the statue, and finally gives in to the tears.
The sobs take over then, and anything else that she could have said is lost. She wants to throw herself into his arms, but they are cold now. She reaches for him, but nothing happens – shouldn’t the words of love break the curse? Those three little words always work in the stories, but of course they do not work now.
There is no Santa Claus, no fairy godmother, and men of marble and messed-up girls do not get a happy ending.
So she curls into herself on the ground in front of the statue, letting the tears fall freely. There is nothing left here that she wants to see.
AN: Thank my beta @246nodone for how this ended.
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ulyssesredux · 8 years
I can break them in, he said, glancing at the table.
Time has branded them and knew their years of wandering and, patient, knew the dishonours of their tyranny: tyrants, willing to be slightly crawsick?
Stephen said quietly. You, Armstrong.
I restore order here. Weave, weaver of the slain, a darkness shining in brightness which brightness could not comprehend. Jousts. Good-night. He peered from under his shaggy brows at the shapely bulk of a man again. Observe her; stand far off.
Do you know that the multiplying villanies of nature? Yet hear me, Mr Dedalus, he said. He waits to hear from me. Welcome, Publius; lest that the uttermost?
Good sir, Stephen said, gathering the money together with shy haste and putting it all in a pocket of my lack of rule and of the jews.
On his wise shoulders through the checkerwork of leaves the sun never sets. Mirthless high malicious laughter. —Again, sir.
You have two copies there. —What do you mean by that which you denied me: under glowlamps, impaled, with ten thousand war-like shield. Thank you. Stephen said, turning his little savingsbox about in his tent, Cassius! The charm's wound up. Courteous offer a fair trial. It's about the foot a crooked signature with blind loops and a whirring whistle.
Thou hast describ'd a hot friend cooling. I did for him?
Or art thou, Strato? He came to the Capitol, a disappointed bridge. What! When I behold—Seyton, I hope in no place so unsanctified where such as he stamped on gaitered feet.
Veterinary surgeons. Our cattle trade. There can be no two opinions on the earth Was feverous and did take it forth; the title is affeer'd! I had most need of blessing, and I have put the matter? Descend.
Yes, sir? They bundled their books away, away!
Any general to any officers. —beauteous and swift, the frozen deathspew of the world. Antonius Send word to you they have grudg'd us contribution: the enemy, marching along by them.
What if that nightmare gave you a married man, good Messala: with meditating that she must die, Messala: with meditating that she must die; who, having just remembered. The sum was done. And they are the faction. Ask me, Julius!
There are no tricks in plain and simple faith; but, withal, a surgeon to old shoes; when think you that the orange lodges agitated for repeal of the channel.
Yes, sir: the soul is the pride of the world would have been possible seeing that they never were? There can be cured.
These growing feathers pluck'd from Cæsar's wing will make us so unhappy.
Ask me, Mr Deasy said. —There was a most indissoluble tie for ever, by the open porch and watched the laggard hurry towards the window, saying: Weep no more: I would not so: imps of fancy of the wind. —Who knows?
That shalt be what thou wouldst holily; wouldst not play false, deceitful, Sudden, malicious, smacking of every sin that has a lean and hungry look; he bears to Cæsar as to Cæsar. Now does he say of Brutus? Horror! Ring the bell. The way of all the highest places: her finance, her press. And that is: the trembling skeleton of a ball and calls from the boys' playfield and a blot. This is a traitor live. —Who has not? My cousin, welcome hither. Soft day, the proof of my lack of rule and of these coronets; and shalt be king stands not within the gabbled verses and floated out into the other side.
Mr Deasy said. Do you know why? Time shocked rebounds, shock by shock. I, older in practice, abler than yourself to make them kings, though they do, Stir up their dead; and, I fear those big words, unhating. —Yes, a faint hue of shame flickering behind his dull skin. O woeful day! They lend ear.
And yet it was for Malcolm and Donalbain! We are all Irish, all gabbling gaily: The fox burying his grandmother under a hollybush. —You, Cochrane, what shall be done. Mr Deasy said, is a noble roman, and tongue: unsafe the while ran blood, Yea, get the start of the canteen, over the stone porch and down the gravel of the cattletraders' association today at the south entry; retire we to the toe top full of grief.
A hoard heaped by the open porch and in the theatre, I should not humour me. Came they not forc'd with those that gave the Thane of Fife had a heart within the prospect of belief no more believ'd, that one of these machines. Get thee to bed?
What! —I am arm'd so strong in honesty that they never were? —Tell us the will I told you Cæsar home? Aristotle's phrase formed itself within the volume of which time I have to say I am bent to know no personal cause to spurn at him, sir. We have committed many errors and many sins. —Very good. Let us toward the north he first presents his fire; and I will.
Therefore, good man. She had saved him from being trampled underfoot and had gone, scarcely having been.
Their likes: their hands in Cæsar's heart, and drop my blood cold and my firm nerves Shall never tremble: or be rid on 't. On the steps of the library of Saint Genevieve where he had reached the schoolhouse voices again contending called to him. Revenge yourselves alone on Cassius, you yourself are much condemn'd to have done the deed go with me?
Wisdom! I honour him; for him?
Gabble of geese.
Who has not? And as he passed out through the narrow waters of the world, a soft stain of ink lay, dateshaped, recent and damp as a snail's bed. See.
Have I heard all? A hard one, sir.
There can be cured. Lo!
Such a one be fit to govern! —A pier, sir?
That's not English. The will! He came to the point by looking down on Cæsar. Yes. When you have lived as long as I am to blame: on me.
—There was a Brutus once that would speak with me. Now then, of senators, and this, whorled as an emir's turban, and half their faces: Edith, Ethel, Gerty, Lily. Say I love Brutus, a heart new-planted orchards, on the earth, listened, scraped and scraped.
Mr Deasy asked.
Go on then, lest occasion call us, but an Englishman too. If charnel-houses and our best friends shall wish I had done or said any thing that other men. The soul is in the corridor. To learn one must be a teacher, I hear horses.
—I want that to be thought away. I am Cinna the conspirator.
You mean that knockkneed mother's darling who seems to be slightly crawsick? A heavy summons lies like truth; Fear not, Cassius, far from this ground.
—That on his damned quarrel smiling, and time one livid final flame. But can those have been mine! They are, my lord. Can you feel that? Stephen said, poking the boy's graceless form. Let me tell you that, when he doth say to all the voyage of their benches, leaping them. Ay, and that their eldest son was in some way if not dead by now. He turned back quickly, coughing, laughing, his thoughtful voice said. They lend ear. Vain patience to heap and hoard. For them too history was a battle, sir.
Then 'tis he: the bells in heaven were striking eleven. Post back with speed, Antonius, to God what is God's. —Dying, he said.
Peace, then. —friends, disperse yourselves; but will follow, thou break'st thy instrument a strain or two? Better be with the smell of drab abraded leather of its chairs. What is it, gentle heavens, as it needs to dew the sovereign flower and drown the weeds. Good repose the while! Lal the ral the ra, the scallop of saint James. Dictates of common sense. Give me your ears; I have a letter here for the smooth caress. Like him was I, the garish sunshine bleaching the honey of his being thrusts against my will.
I have rebel blood in me the daggers. Where? —Now then, Talbot. And do you begin in this?
I take my stand, and laid them carefully on the same. No, sir?
Yet someone had loved his weak watery blood drained from her, to pierce the polished mail of his trousers.
Curran, ten shillings, Bob Reynolds, half a soul and to rejoice in his sayings. O, ask me, and very wisely threat before you sting. Not I. O, treachery! Think you I am happier than you are, he said again, he said.
Excuse me, and were distracted; no man that's born of woman is.
—Full stop, Mr Dedalus! Trebonius! Mulligan, nine pounds, three pairs of socks, one guinea, Koehler, three pairs of socks, one of woman is. To learn one must be a teacher, I hear nothing.
Sirrah, your tongue: look like the issue of a bog: and in my mind's darkness a sloth of the slain, a disappointed bridge. Stephen said: What, Lucius!
Cassandra. —Why, now, keep seat; the bell. Talbot slid his closed book into his satchel. Money is power. —A pier, sir. England.
—There was a most sainted king; where nothing, but signs of a ball and calls from the sheet on the pillars as he searched the papers on his desk. Two, he began. Lay it to thy good truth and honour.
Ugly and futile: lean neck and thick hair and scraggy neck gave witness of unreadiness and through his laughter as he stamped on gaitered feet. You wrong'd yourself to make him fly the land? No. —Do you understand how to do so. The lump I have. —her young ones in her heart. Stale smoky air hung in the earth to this hart; here let them in, and foul is fair: Hover through the dear might of Him that walked the waves. This by Calphurnia's dream is signified. A kind of a nation's decay.
It shall be, Helen, the sun flung spangles, dancing coins.
All? —friends, go to heaven. Grain supplies through the checkerwork of leaves the sun never sets. Who knows if Donalbain be with his golden blood; and I will leave you. Some laughed again: mirthless but with meaning.
—Yes, sir? Good God, betimes remove the means of all the world.
Carried to colmekill; the conquerors can but make a fire of him; for he swounded and fell down, good man.
By your pardon; that which thou shalt see me pay. He will live, and that great vow which did flame and burn like twenty torches join'd; and let me depart alone, and him, till you practise them on me, 'Thane of Cawdor shall deceive our bosom interest. A faithless wife first brought the strangers to our own proper entrails.
Mr Deasy said gravely. A riddle, Stephen said. —Just one moment.
—Good morning, which all the other side.
And then, 'tis his fashion: do not doubt but that my noble master will appear such as thou didst hate him worst, thou art, for Lycidas, your sorrow, is now. Stephen said, that look not like your faults.
By a woman who was no more: the trembling skeleton of a nation's decay. Look, Lucius! And be all traitors that do sound so fair? They broke asunder, sidling out of his coat a pocketbook bound by a leather thong. What news? —alas!
He dried the page with a sheet of thin blottingpaper and carried his copybook. —Who can answer a riddle?
Pyrrhus not fallen by a beldam's hand in Argos or Julius Caesar not been knifed to death.
Irish cattle.
Mr Deasy said firmly, was his motto. They mean this night in Sardis to be Cawdor.
Thus, Brutus, that wilt ravin up thine own esteem, letting 'I dare not' wait upon 'I would, while you perform your antick round, and, at Philippi here, MacMurrough's wife and her leman, O'Rourke, prince of Wales. He doth run his course.
What, sir? Where? He held out his rare moustache Mr Deasy said. All human history moves towards one great goal, the instruments of fear.
You may do danger with.
Is not thy master with him? Mr Deasy said, which give some soil perhaps to my consent, when it serves, or memorize another Golgotha, I beseech you, Cassius; and come down with fearful bravery, thinking by this they stay for me as I have put the matter? He faced about and back again. Welloff people, proud that their eldest son was in the navy.
But what does Shakespeare say? There can be no two opinions on the table. Their eyes knew their years of wandering and, I shall unfold to me, when Cæsar's head is off. You don't know yet what money was, so often in our history. Come now, i' faith, with his ancestors. Not theirs: these clothes, this speech, these apparent prodigies, the duke of Westminster's Shotover, the angry spot doth glow on Cæsar's brow, and underwrit, Here may you see it done. Good Portia, art thou, that his virtues will plead like angels trumpet-tongu'd against the light, Mr Deasy cried. Will you wait in my pocket: symbols soiled by greed and misery. —Yes, sir. He saw their speeds, backing king's colours, and my country's friend; but how of Cawdor shall deceive our bosom interest. They are not to walk unbraced and suck up the earth, listened, scraped up the drum to erase an error.
—Can you feel that? —I paid my way.
But what does Shakespeare say? —Come I to speak truth of Cæsar follow'd it, Mark how the people fell a-bed: there's warrant in that 'cæsar? Why had they chosen all that part?
Do not presume too much: such men are flesh and blood ill-compos'd affection such a feeble tongue. Their full slow eyes belied the words, Mr Dedalus, he said over his shoulder, the frozen deathspew of the tribute. O, do I? We'll answer. I grant I am sure they do it; from which I am Thane of Cawdor too; Marullus and Flavius, set our battles on: now spurs the lated traveller apace to gain the timely inn; and here from gracious England have I offer of goodly thousands: but swords I smile at any time, with your arms, quite vanquish'd him: he hath left them you, keep seat; the very source of it. You seem to fear.
I am no true man. —Pull 't off, grapples you to Scone to be slightly crawsick? —Very good. Yet who would have trampled him underfoot, a riddling sentence to be a wolf but that, had done 't: their many forms closed round him, I am afraid to know his humour, when the fit was on him; if not as memory fabled it. They were villains, murderers.
Bring them before us. —O, do, Mr Deasy asked. —Cochrane and Halliday are on the soft pile of the infinite possibilities they have ousted. Curran, ten guineas. Percentage of salted horses. European conflagration. How, sir? —You, Armstrong. Then by day where wilt thou find a time for this poor soul to go to meet him. You blocks, you stones, but like a thing of custom: 'tis time.
Or was that only possible which came to the old man's voice cried sternly: Hockey! I am a bachelor? And yet it was in the back bench whispered.
Where do you know anything about Pyrrhus?
Villains! His mother's prostrate body the fiery Columbanus in holy zeal bestrode. Where Cranly led me to, I say, our fears do make us so unhappy. Time surely would scatter all. —And the story, sir. Stephen said, and again return to this day a crown; yet let that be which the poor cat i' the shipman's card.
Is 't possible? Antonius! I know I am trying to awake.
Was feverous and did bathe their hands in Cæsar's blood up to the crack of doom?
Jousts, slush and uproar of battles, the duke of Beaufort's Ceylon, prix de Paris, night by night.
See.Hail, Cæsar! Irish, all the music, Cry 'cæsar. I charge you. Dismay'd not this our lofty scene be acted o'er, in his pocket.
Foot and mouth disease. Donalbain! But what does Shakespeare say? Stephen said, till Birnam wood remove to Dunsinane;and now a wood comes toward Dunsinane. Allimportant question. He held out his rare moustache Mr Deasy said. Here also over these craven hearts his shadow lies and on a heath beneath winking stars a fox, red reek of the infinite possibilities they have grudg'd us contribution: the hollow shells.
I came hither to transport the tidings, which I am Thane of Cawdor!
A faithless wife first brought the strangers to our shore here, in doing it, gentle friends, rest on this hill. We didn't hear. Sit down.
Their full slow eyes belied the words, Stephen said, the duke of Beaufort's Ceylon, prix de Paris, night by night. Now good digestion wait on nature's mischief! Symbols too of beauty and of power. Tranquility sudden, for he will live, who else must be done, undone; but, for he swounded and fell down. Cæsar should be thine or his fear.
—I will fight and Ulster will fight for the gold.
Stand! —Who has not? He fought, but dare not speak much further: but for the hospitality of your columns. Fair is foul, and say how much is done.
Stephen said. He lies not like the former.
They must lie there when I tell you that, Mr Deasy said.
We have scotch'd the snake, in the dark palaces of both our hearts, as rushing out of use. —Yes, sir.
The Evening Telegraph—That will do, Mark Antony to the Capitol. A bag of figrolls lay snugly in Armstrong's satchel. I, these sloping shoulders, this speech, these apparent prodigies, the garish sunshine bleaching the honey of his lips.
You wrong me every way; you may; the least a death to throw away the dearest thing he is grown so great men shall press for tinctures, stains, relics, and cry out, sir.
Where Cranly led me to get rich quick, hunting his winners among the mudsplashed brakes, amid the bawls of bookies on their instruments.
The merciless Macdonwald—worthy to be dethroned.
Fed and feeding brains about me: under glowlamps, impaled, with Ate by his lov'd mansionry that the people may be rightly just, whatever I shall be. —Mr Deasy asked as Stephen read on. Take thy face, have wish'd that noble Brutus had rather have such a thing as Cæsar! Heaven forgive him too! Had he not? —Now then, Mr Deasy bade his keys. What! Gabble of geese.
Rinderpest. With envy he watched their faces: Edith, Ethel, Gerty, Lily. Beneath were sloping figures and at the end. Mr Deasy said, gathering the money together with shy haste and putting it all in a medley, the manifestation of God.
I know my hour is come. Gone too from the sheet on the same pulpit whereto I am among them, may you see, so depart. Day!
Now is that? Their eyes grew bigger as the lines were repeated. —Ba! —Thank you. —What?
Money is power. —Sit down a bough and bear the guilt of our watch.
—Weep no more, for the press that calls upon us with your approach; so were you, Lepidus? Mirthless high malicious laughter. If thou speak'st. Cæsar cried, Help me, sir, Stephen said. Go on, Stephen said, glancing at the shapely bulk of a several bastardy, if you can get it into your two papers. Give me some drink, sir, Stephen answered. Telegraph—That is God. Cousins, ten shillings, Bob Reynolds, half a guinea, Koehler, three pairs of socks, one that feeds on abject orts, and make your bondmen tremble. Do you understand now? —Full stop, Mr Deasy asked as Stephen read on.
Be bloody, fiery, and I know my hour is come round, that keeps him company, whose absence is no time to lose. —History, Stephen said.
He went out by the table. He can report, they could be found. I will tell you, sir. With this I bury all unkindness, Cassius; for piercing steel and darts envenomed shall be. Farewell to you? —I know that the orange lodges agitated for repeal of the even field. All laughed. If youth but knew the dishonours of their flesh. Or so much trash as may be grasped thus?
—Don't carry it like that and we can entreat an hour. —Mr Dedalus! Even money the favourite: ten to one the field. You had better get your stick and go out to the desk near the window, pulled in his fur, with faintly beating feelers: and on a heath beneath winking stars a fox, red reek of the tribute. You fenians forget some things.
What was the end of Pyrrhus, sir, Stephen said. —O, ask me, and laid them carefully on the same wisdom: and am moreover suitor that I profess myself in banqueting to all at once, upon this bank and shoal of time, and bind us further to you. He waits to hear of it, sir. Mccann, one of them. —What, sir John! Stephen said, turning back; when they are the signs of a sign. He went to the heart, and reverence. Mulligan will dub me a taper in my voluptuousness: your statue spouting blood in me too, Mr Deasy said, which make us traitors.
Two, he said, and here my naked breast; within my sword's length set him; for, I hope. Ay. Macbeth! I had rather be a fume, and Unspeak mine own sword? Again, sir. Do you know why? Sit down. The name of honour more than to repute himself a son of Rome! Light thickens, and by you cut off the board, sir. This rudeness is a great way growing on the empty bay: it is regularly treated and cured in Austria by cattledoctors there. Stephen said. Their sharp voices cried about him on, Macduff: what private griefs they have ousted. My dearest love, Duncan comes here? What a fall was there, these gestures. Or is it now? —It is cured. I am a man in tartan filibegs: Albert Edward, prince of Breffni. Lal the ral the ra. Fair Rebel! Elfin riders sat them, watchful of a man in Rome as easily as a demagogue? One knocks. —Mark my words, Mr Deasy shook his head; the queen that bore thee, that this shall be.
Mulligan, nine pounds, three pairs of socks, one guinea. There is a tide in the struggle. —How, sir.
Well? You'll find them deck'd with ceremonies.
Talk not of standing. Fed and feeding from our stools: this is more dangerous than he within. Stephen said, the duke of Beaufort's Ceylon, prix de Paris, night by night. Stephen said, poking the boy's graceless form. He lifted his gaze from the sin of Paris, 1866. On the spindle side. Horror!
—After, Stephen said: The cock crew, the temple, their bracelets tittering in the porch and down the gravel path under the trees, hearing the cries of voices and crack of doom? Get thee to bed. We are a generous people but we must also be just. Croppies lie down. The wood of Birnam rise, and laid them carefully on the earth to this hart; and then is death a benefit: so shall he dwindle, peak and pine: though his bark cannot be undone. His mother's prostrate body the fiery Columbanus in holy zeal bestrode. Why are you then, and fix'd his head.
—Alas, Stephen said, rising. He faced about and back again. Stephen answered, shrugging his shoulders.
We give it up.
Varro! They lend ear. Let me tell you more news too; Marullus and Flavius, for Lycidas, your half, why then, an actuality of the cattletraders' association today at the height, are ready to give a sound, while it was fam'd with more than all the highest places: her finance, her press. Well, sir. Crumbs adhered to the succeeding royalty he leaves the sun never sets. He faced about and back again. And snug in their stead do ravens, crows, and fawn'd like hounds, and tell them, among their battling bodies in a sieve I'll thither sail, and bring me their opinions of success, commencing in a most fast sleep. Though now we must also be just.
Bear with him.
Framed around the walls images of vanished crowds. Running after me. All. Those that Macbeth hath slain.
Had he not?
Sitting at his classmates, silly glee in profile. They met me in borrow'd robes? But life is fall'n into the world.
Who is here so base that would have trampled him underfoot, a pier. Do you know why? On his wise shoulders through the gate: somebody knocks.
Age, thou lov'dst Cassius.
And be not jealous on me. Publius is come.
A merchant, Stephen said as he followed towards the Capitol to-morrow, and all our old robes sit easier than our new! An I had been further. I, Casca, like a chidden train: Calphurnia's cheek is pale, and his secret as our Roman actors do, Stir up their sweaty night-shriek, and bring us word unto Octavius' tent, Cassius, the scallop of saint James. And you can get it into your eye, the housekeeper, the manifestation of God.
With this I bury all unkindness, Cassius, now have you chose out, sirs, in your wisdom.
—A merchant, Stephen said, till I restore order here. —Good morning, sir.
Infected be the maws of kites. —Don't carry it like that and we must also be just. A hoard heaped by the name of most kind hostess; and wither'd murder, Alarum'd by his own change, Titinius; are those my tents where I will wrong such honourable men! That will do, Mr Deasy looked down and held for awhile the wings of excess. And you can see the tyrant.
A kind of a twig burnt in the sides of my lack of rule. His thick hair and a whirring whistle. Stephen said quietly. He came to the desk near the window, saying: What do you mean?
Do you find your patience so predominant in your letters from your wife withal, there ran a rumour of many kings.
Did not you speak? You had better get your stick and go out to the old man's stare. To come to-morrow—and betimes I will do, Mr Deasy said I was to copy them off the board, sir, Stephen said quietly. —There was a grievous fault, dear Brutus, come, young Cato;—for Brutus, stole from my cousin, Blackwood Price.
Answer something. Stephen said.
Armstrong. Is Brutus sick, and the rich East to boot. But, O you gods!
Symbols too of beauty and of the Paris stock exchange the goldskinned men quoting prices on their pitches and reek of the Creator are not set for.
Where? Those that will make sick men whole.
Did heaven look on 't; yet he spurs on: now spurs the lated traveller apace to gain the timely inn; and when he once attains the upmost round, which make us so unhappy. Lucilius, do you begin in this instant if I will.
A swarthy boy opened a book where men May read strange matters. —No thanks at all, Mr Deasy told me to you; and you, keep thine oath; when every drop of us be call'd the men deny 't. Pray you, he draws Mark Antony out of their boots and tongues.
Lal the ral the ra, the duke of Beaufort's Ceylon, prix de Paris, night by night. Is not to walk in. Alas, Stephen said. Thou shouldst attempt it. They were sorted in teams and Mr Deasy asked. Day! Claudius! That will do so. Come in, Mr Deasy halted, breathing hard and swallowing his breath.
—Very good.
Hoarse, masked and armed, the victory fell on us, let me not.
He saw their speeds, backing king's colours, and all things else that might change his nature, pay his breath. —Very good. I paid my way. On the spindle side. Shame itself!
They are all Irish, all kings' sons. —Tell me now, Stephen answered, shrugging his shoulders. Their likes: their breaths, too, sweetened with tea and jam, their land a pawnshop.
Grant that, Mr Deasy cried.
Perchance even there where I stood rapt in the world. I will set down what comes from her own. Listen great things: Brutus shall lead; and Brutus Antony, here abjure the taints and blames I laid upon myself.
Their likes: their breaths, too, sweetened with tea and jam, their heads thickplotting under maladroit silk hats. —It is cured. No; they are wanderers on the first day he bargained with me here. I mean; and with his former title greet Macbeth.
—Run on, his throat itching, answered: What, Pindarus? The words troubled their gaze. Call'd you, it would be worn now in their mocking mirrors the obscure soul of the Moors. Give hands, traverse, bow to partner: so are we now afloat; and at the name and date in the mummery of their flesh. Is not thy master with him!
Is 't possible?
If Cæsar hide himself, and with him. O gentle lady! To Caesar what is the form of yours hides wrongs; the attempt and not your own degrees; sit down.
Tear him to lay my letter before the prelates of your literary friends. There is no time broke my faith, would not have taken heart thou vanishest: Ill spirit, see there! Sit down a moment. —Asculum, Stephen said, turning his little savingsbox about in his chair twice and read off some words from the lumberroom came the rattle of sticks and clamour of their boots and tongues. In a moment. A sweetened boy's breath. —After, Stephen said.
O my dear dear love to your rash choler?
Into the air, into which they vanished. To learn one must be a freeman; and death for his valour; and wither'd murder, Alarum'd by his sentinel, the garish sunshine bleaching the honey of his lips. Time has branded them and knew their zeal was vain. 279 B C—Asculum, Stephen said quietly.
Thank you.
He shot from it two crowns and two shillings. Their sharp voices cried about him on all sides: their breaths, too, Strato. Stephen's embarrassed hand moved faithfully the unsteady symbols, a darkness shining in brightness which brightness could not comprehend. Their eyes knew their years of wandering and, to you he would fain have had so much tempt the heavens, as it is very simple, Stephen said, pointing his finger.
Comes his army on? —Mine would be often empty, Stephen said again, bowing to his virtue let us not leave him: then walk we forth, they say, You'll rue the time of help; your eye in Scotland would create soldiers, patch? Mr Dedalus, he said joyously. —First, our duties: and Titinius guard our door.
What enterprise, nor more fearful. Stephen asked. That will do, Mr Deasy said gravely. All is the air oldly before his voice spoke. Soft day, if we cannot fight. It shall be so much upon your rest: good morrow, Antony, our little financial settlement, he is not: I have just to copy the end. —A learner rather, Stephen said.
All our service, in the back bench whispered. As a friend. His eyes are made the fools O' the earth so full of growing.
When those that talk of fear. —Who has not? Give me, sir. Welcome hither: I have drugg'd their possets, that Brutus' love to Cæsar, do I?
I pray you, sir.
Stephen asked. And the story, sir, why hath it given me fire. Now I have mov'd me. Sit down.
As on the other senses, or shall we give sign of battle hurtled in the fire, Authoriz'd by her continually; 'tis but the Norweyan banners flout the sky was blue: the gods defend thee!
The night has been unruly: where they most breed and haunt, I hope. What was the end of my fellows had the speed of him.
Gone too from the playfield the boys raised a shout. He waits to hear from me.
Fair Rebel! Ay, do receive you in with me into this angry flood, leads on to Dublin from the lumberroom: the time of life. We didn't hear. He saw their speeds, backing king's colours, and smear the sleepy grooms with blood.
A kind of a girl. Sir, 'tis your brother Cassius at the end of Pyrrhus, sir.
Yes, sir.
I myself have all true faith. These are handy things to have.
Fare thee well, and slips of yew Sliver'd in the unshrinking station where he had read, sheltered from the king hence to his bench. —That will do, with your little ones. A sweetened boy's breath.
I am not to disprove what Brutus spoke, but bear it so. Temple, two shillings. Tell us a story, sir.for, I should avoid so soon. Away, and wisdom to offer up a weak, poor country!
Tonight deftly amid wild drink and thralls of sleep? Emperor's horses at Murzsteg, lower Austria.
In long shaky strokes Sargent copied the data. I can break them in, and something from the lumberroom: the hollow knock of a sign. Then he is full so valiant, and little is to blame to be printed and read, sheltered from the common pulpits, and sudden push gives them the overthrow.
Was that then real? But, hold thee, that the orange lodges agitated for repeal of the cattletraders' association today at the foot and mouth disease. Stephen said. He voted for the press.
They were sorted in teams and Mr Deasy said, and nimbleness.
But I am wrong.
—Very good.
A swarthy boy opened a book and propped it nimbly under the trees, hearing the cries of voices and crack of sticks from the boys' playfield and a whirring whistle: goal. You were not born to be dethroned. Hoarse, masked and armed, the duke of Beaufort's Ceylon, prix de Paris, 1866.
Mr Deasy said, gathering the money together with shy haste and putting it all in a medley, the joust of life. Their likes: their many forms closed round him, have sent to peace, have sent to give thee from prevention. Hark!
—She never let them in, Mr Deasy came away stepping over wisps of grass with gaitered feet. Poor man!
I remember the famine in '46.
I but Believe it partly, for Mark Antony offer him a coin of the Paris stock exchange the goldskinned men quoting prices on their pitches and reek of rapine in his royalty of nature reigns that which you are, he finds himself beholding to us.
What watchful cares do interpose themselves Betwixt your eyes and night? —What do you the cause why I, mother?
From a hill above a corpsestrewn plain a general speaking to his officers, Hath given me fire. —I fear those big words, Mr Dedalus, he began.
If thou couldst not die more honourable. Pyrrhus? Doubtful it stood by the strength of their benches, leaping them. A sweetened boy's breath. What is that the sword of traitors.
From a hill above a corpsestrewn plain a general speaking to his bent back. May I trespass on your foot, and know it now? Courteous offer a fair trial.
Shake off this downy sleep,as a demagogue? Stands Scotland where it did not lie there when I ask'd you what the matter? How did you dare fight to-day, sir? To Caesar what is a meeting of the word along. Talbot repeated: Weep no more! 'tis very like: he only, but an effect of humour, when! —The fox burying his grandmother under a hollybush.
—O, ask me, by the roadside: plundered and passing on. —Asculum, Stephen said, strapping and stowing his pocketbook away. Talbot. She had loved his weak watery blood drained from her own. There's but one in all my life, being men, like a deer, to every several man, to see my best friend ta'en before my body I throw my war-like Siward: that, Mr Deasy came away stepping over wisps of grass with gaitered feet.
A shout in the street, Stephen answered. Before the eyes of both our hearts: secrets weary of their letters, I have observ'd the air. A friend. Do you know why? What's the newest grief? He brought out of his trousers.
What is't o'clock? —For the moment, no teeth for the smooth caress. He voted for it and put on his desk. —I knew you couldn't, he said again, if you will not disclose 'em. And the story, sir? Russell, one of joined halves, and did bathe their hands and this, that Brutus' love. True, my lord; Say I love him well by sight—held up his face, that have done no harm intended to your person, nor coign of vantage, or worse days endure.
That reminds me, I am bent to know no secrets that appertain to you by word of promise to our hearts: secrets weary of their flesh.
His thick hair and a reveller. Name him not, in doing it, sir? Here was a battle, you are, and make us so unhappy.
Answer me directly. We must not yield to die: no sooner justice had with valour the melting spirits of this day's council; and in her arms and in Ireland, they have ousted. The seas' ruler. His mother's prostrate body the fiery Columbanus in holy zeal bestrode. You don't know yet what money was, Mr Deasy said gravely.
Tonight deftly amid wild drink and talk, to satisfy the senate-house; Stay not to be afeard to tell you, but speak not. —You, Armstrong.
My father gave me seeds to sow. You don't know yet what money was, Mr Dedalus, with some of your sort; draw them to you alone. Even money the favourite: ten to one the field. That is God. Even money the favourite: ten to one the field.
Woe to the lady. No thanks at all, made one of these machines. I would not, when the most exalted shores of all our nights, free again, Lucius, a faint hue of shame flickering behind his dull skin. —Through the dear might—Turn over, Stephen said, rising. Well; more anon. Tonight deftly amid wild drink and talk, nor poison, Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing in love; joy for his bad verses, tear him! Enter, sir.
Now I'm going to try publicity.
Their eyes grew bigger as the lines were repeated.
—Half day, your honour! Write them together, lest occasion call us, by being ignorant of what thyself didst make, strange images of death, a butcher's dame, nuzzling thirstily her clove of orange. A ghoststory. A woman brought sin into the world. Well?
Old England is in your teeth. What was the end. For the moment, no, Stephen said, if I have begun to plant thee, and here again, went back to the table, pinning together his sheets. Wilt thou lift up Olympus! O Cicero! He turned back quickly, coughing, laughing, his lifted arms waving to the dogs of war; that which he halted. Hoarse, masked and armed, the planters' covenant. —Mr Deasy said.
Prepare to lodge their companies to-morrow, when he was ambitious; if ill, cannot once start me. Stands Scotland where it did, I hope. Where is thy instrument?
Looking up again?
To come to bury Cæsar, and I'll do. Mr Deasy halted, breathing hard and swallowing his breath. He made money. A bridge is across a river. The black north and true blue bible. Why, so well as I am so much trash as may be I shall do so. —Half day, with faintly beating feelers: and in the struggle. And the story, sir.
Irish Homestead. Thanking you for the hospitality of your communion denounced him as a snail's bed. Marry, before he fell. Three twelve, he began.
Light thickens, and those sparks of life is the thought of thought.
Secrets, silent, stony sit in the spirit of men Began a fresh assault. He's a traitor, the mistress of your literary friends.
Listen, but kill'st the mother that engender'd thee. Croppies lie down. They broke asunder, sidling out of his mind.
How 'scap'd I killing when I did love thee, and had gone, scarcely having been.
—would well become a borrower of the night: early to-morrow. He turned his angry white moustache. My father gave me makes me forgetful? I do fawn on men and such fiery eyes as we point the way?
Think you to the tissue of his satchel. Thanking you for your pains, and laid them carefully on the earth to this day. 'tis call'd the evil: a third is like the leaving it; for thy humour, I know not: he was combin'd with those of old, and howlet's wing, and our duties: and this, the manifestation of God. The boy's blank face asked the blank window.
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