#you do not fucking destigmatise anything by trying to distance the community from the most marginalised members of it
enbycrip · 16 days
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Seriously, if your idea of ​​"destigmatising autism” is “it isn't an intellectual/learning disability", you are part of the fucking problem.
No, it isn't, but *many* autistic folks are intellectually/learning disabled due to co-occurring conditions and they are just as much a necessary, valuable and important part of the autistic community as any other autistic person. You do not "destigmatise" any disability by distancing it from a historically marginalised and Othered disability. That's just shifting *more* stigma to the most marginalised disability, throwing the *most* marginalised and abused people in the autistic community under the bus as you do so, and *that* is disableist as all hell.
We do *not* promote #AutisticAcceptance by buying into a disableist worldview that devalues ​​disabled people, especially those who have historically suffered the most abuse and the most marginalisation. We promote autistic acceptance by accepting and taking pride in the broad diversity of our autistic community, with all of our needs, our co-occurring conditions and how that intersects with our other marginalisations, and by working for disabled liberation, accessibility and the end of disableism.
(Sorry, but it’s been one *fuck* of a long April already, and we’re not even halfway through yet).
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