#cooccurring conditions
enbycrip · 16 days
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Seriously, if your idea of ​​"destigmatising autism” is “it isn't an intellectual/learning disability", you are part of the fucking problem.
No, it isn't, but *many* autistic folks are intellectually/learning disabled due to co-occurring conditions and they are just as much a necessary, valuable and important part of the autistic community as any other autistic person. You do not "destigmatise" any disability by distancing it from a historically marginalised and Othered disability. That's just shifting *more* stigma to the most marginalised disability, throwing the *most* marginalised and abused people in the autistic community under the bus as you do so, and *that* is disableist as all hell.
We do *not* promote #AutisticAcceptance by buying into a disableist worldview that devalues ​​disabled people, especially those who have historically suffered the most abuse and the most marginalisation. We promote autistic acceptance by accepting and taking pride in the broad diversity of our autistic community, with all of our needs, our co-occurring conditions and how that intersects with our other marginalisations, and by working for disabled liberation, accessibility and the end of disableism.
(Sorry, but it’s been one *fuck* of a long April already, and we’re not even halfway through yet).
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milksockets · 11 months
so there’s this one coworker at my job who i cannot fucking stand. the man is some sort of vaguely-licensed mental health “professional,” along with a chaplain. and he will not let you forget that bit.
i wouldn’t really have a problem with this aspect if he didn’t approach his case manager work like he’s saving the whole ass world. rather than helping his clients establish independence, he basically infantilizes them to the point of their becoming overly reliant on him, which is not exactly helpful in the long run but perhaps feeds his messiah complex. 
i get a major kick out of reading his subtly self-congratulatory progress notes, though. this week, for instance, he noted that he couldn’t give his client any cash for food, “but gave client the sandwich he’d ordered earlier for himself.” WHOA WATCH OUT, SANDWICH MARTYR OVER HERE. 
the other extremely irritating aspect is that although he cares so admirably much about his [all male] clients, he does not express the same so-called respect toward his [female] coworkers. 
there’s one client who i have done the most nursing-related care for, because he has a panoply of cooccurring medical conditions. it all started due to him having open wounds on his legs, and continued with weekly medication administration. over the course of several months, the client--who is somewhat intellectually disabled--started doing things like calling me multiple times in a row and threatening to throw away his medications when he felt “no one cared.” then, he offered me a few gifts, which of course we are not allowed to accept. however, i know that he is acting out of a mixture of profound loneliness + genuine gratitude. 
now, when i brought the situation up to my [male] supervisor--who is nonconfrontational to a fault--and this coworker (aka homeless outreach jesus), the latter starts talking about how this is all due to my being “uncomfortable.” i explained multiple times, both verbally and through email, that this is not a matter of me feeling “uncomfortable,” and, believe it or fucking not, actually stems from genuine concern that the dynamic between me and the client, at this point, seems it may be doing more harm than good for him. however, my coworker kept pushing his delicate-female-flower narrative despite my insistence otherwise. 
so in closing............ fuck off, Supreme Savior of the Soiled. 
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mycochaotix · 5 months
MCX Rants: Cloning
r/ContamFam mycopal asks: “Hey pal do you have any good tips or sources for info on moving mushroom tissue to agar?”
MCX Answers: The way I understand it is: you can do two types of transfers for cloning, considered most common and effective.
One is as you mentioned the splitting stipe and taking a transfer from inside the stipe. You want to ensure that your area, yourself, and your tools are cleaned with isopropyl alcohol 70% . You will tear from the base up towards the cap, with the exposed part of the STIPE, towards your laminar flow, or towards the back of your still airbox. you only need a rice size piece of transfer.
Often the inner flesh is very stringy and breaks away quite easily. I’ll personally just cut a rice size cut in a square shape from the inner part of the stipe and then gently poke that and pull it out and put it on a plate. Sometimes inner Mycelium flesh can pull away and you can put that on a plate. The mushroom fruit body is all mycelium. Everything about it is made from mycelium, and arguably all of its components, contain but also can, either: produce or generate, and proliferate mycelium from that fruit body.
The second way involves approaching the xfer from the topside of the cap, ‘dorsal’ and cutting open the center dorsal point and then take from inside the cap at the pileus-stipe junction… but from within the cap… its a little more technical and often can expose the xfer to contam from the flesh u open up before taking xfer if you arent careful in how you peel back the external flesh and when you push the knife into the cap it can push microbes down into the previously unexposed inner mycelial tissue).
The idea for these types of transfers is that contaminants in your environment that float in around you or fall off of you, if present, likely is on or near your external fruitbody. If you take from the inside of the fruitbody its arguable that its more clean and free of contaminant microbes as the primordia formation is assumedly on healthy uncontaminated mycelium and unless the flesh tears during maturation, the inner parts are fully protected from external contaminant sources while growing.
Sometimes these cooccurring microbes are harmless to your grow and to you, and can even be beneficial (like certain yeasts that are used in agar preparation) or even some naturally occurring bacteria in the substrate! I think of my tubs as a homeostatic localized microclimate - environment :)
Our tubs, and the fungi in them have similar homeostasis in the wild, and can be conceptually applied to community mycology cultivation!
I think of comparing potential “microcosm” cultivation much like the human body, external and internal… theres always gonna be contaminant microbes on our skin and around our mucosal membranes, but with proper hygiene and diet our body is its own microcosm of microbes that are fucking and fighting away under our literal noses xD —- its when one grouping of these microbes begins to advantage over the equalized body microcosm we have (think if you dont bathe you may develop yeast and bacterial infections more easily as surface conditions of your skin and within your creases, nooks and crannies will can be overpowered by something that spreads… )
and thats kind of the basic idea of germ theory I think… and I also think it applies to our grow environments if approach cultivation holistically :)
surely im missing technical nuance but I know my thoughts are in the spirit of the theory!
Hope my thoughts aid your mycojourney!
Related resources:
- Yoshi Cloning vid and result video
- PGT Cloning Vid
- Ashley/Boomer Shroomer Cloning vid
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procrastiposting · 6 months
Systematising brain
Today we are mad that systemitisation- the cognitive tendency to uncover the underlying rules and expalinations governing observable data- is literally only discussed in juxtaposition with "empathising"
This is fucking Simon Baron-Cohen bullshit, and more specifically, here is why I am mad:
I have a systematising brian. Systematising is a super legit thing that some people (Per SBC himself, Autistic people,which I about 3/4 agree with**) naturally do quite a lot. Anecdotally, I also know an abundance of people who absolutely could not give less of a shit about why things work or how they work- they simply care that they work, or more common still, they only notice when they stop working.
Anyways- I am fully willing to give my personal cognitive support (*for now*) (Essay pending) to the idea that some people systematise more easily or more intutively than others.
What I Will Not be lending any fucking support to, however, is the neurotrash nonsense idea that systeitisation is the opposite of empathy, and that this dissociation characterises differences in the "male brain" and "female brain". I hate this. You were doing so well and then you had to make it blue and pink and for what
Anyways Do I systematise because I am autistic or is it because both my parents were engineers? Or is it because both my parents were autistic engineers? [diagnoses pending /hj]
something something systemetysation and empathy are both very much destributed processes requiring overlapping areas of cortex
yaddah yaddah just because you think autistic brain are highly systematic and lower empathisisng doesn't mean that these things have anything to do with one another beyond drawing on a shared and limited pool of cognitive resources
boo hoo literally the prevalence of emotional hypervigilance and "hypersensitivity" within certain groups of autistic people* is literally testament to the fact that empathy and systemetysation can not only cooccur, but can covarry across populations.
(*incidentally mostly girls, but this doesn't prove anyone right)
I think this all has to do with more global frameworks in which cognitive resources are selectively hyper-concentrated on specific concepts- this is the special interest thing, this is the systemetisation of whatever is being attended, this is hypervigilance, this is social anxiety, this is high empathy, it's literally just amplified cognitive and cortical processing (hello oversaturation of white matter tracts) and what and however its focused, - both in terms of item selectivity and prefered handling method (systematising, reitterating, attenuating)
Basically, systematisation is the natural consequence of focused cognitive attention to specific information, for those whose brains got used to systematising.
brains think more or feel more depending on which processes they are focused on. This preference is modulated by Learning! Which is subject to social conditioning!
It's possible a preference for systemetising processes is due to excess cortical connectivity, and weakened limbic circuitry (ASD)
However! This doesn't really universally reflect a dichotomy between systematising and empathising?
unless we are looking to redefine the term based on neuro-reductivism (which I do love to do, but will refrain from here don't @ me) Empathy multiple components distributed across neocortical, paleocortical, and subcortical areas! Reduction in one does not deplete the others,- especially if they compensate with hyperconnectivity!
systemetisation can act on literally any representations/objects- including people, body language, feelings, relationships... probably most objects involved in "empathy" (albeit I would wonder how much of this may be modulated by social attention wich is observably depleted in autism relative to NT controls)
SO in conclusion can we please just talk more about systemetisation without making it a boy thing? We can make it an autistic thing* but we gotta stop using it to make autism a boy thing.
*I do find the discretisation here a bit tiring as well (future essay)
A systematising brain is not a Male Brain.
The autistic brain is not an Extreme Male Brain.
*dies imminently*
****Disclaimer time!: Lots of big takes in this rant that I have not cited because i am LAZY- I reserve the right to revisit, revise, redact, or retroactively source any of the above claims if I read something that makes me realise I'm a moron or I develop a spontaneous desire to elaborate on anything in a more formal or structured tone. Feel free to point out my mistakes or send me articles
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dirkxcaliborn · 1 year
hi there! I saw your tags in the DID post and I’d love to share some info if that’s okay! I have OSDD (similar to DID) and I also study dissociative disorders professionally.
currently in the research we generally see DID forming before the age of 10, up to around 13 in patients with cooccurring conditions that effect psychological growth, such as developmental disorders (like autism). The reason that DID generally doesn’t form after that time is because the actual “splitting” of the child’s sense of self has to happen before it, or their personality, fully forms into one “person” or “personality”. “Splitting” into multiple alters, or “developing DID”, is a coping mechanism that is only possible for young people who don’t yet have a fully coalesced “self”. I hope you don’t mind the mini essay lol!
Oh wow thank you so much for sharing that info! I didn’t think about how younger children don’t yet have a strong self of self, but that actually makes a lot of sense. 
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autisticeducator · 2 years
Idk. I (not the previous asker) went to the Seaver Autism Center site. One of their testimonials raised red flags as they referred to their daughter's autism as a "life-long battle", and in their Benefits of Genetic Testing In Autism video the FIRST THING that the guy mentioned as a "benefit" was "family planning" aka the subtext of eugenics via discouraging people with "undesirable" hereditary genes to not have biological children. Any time autism and genes and "causes" and "treatments" are mentioned, I advise my friends to steer clear of that organization. I'm personally the type that a lot of those fuckers target, as someone with definitely inherited autism - if this sort of genetic testing were around in a larger capacity when I was conceived, my dad would've been diagnosed autistic and my mom would've been labeled a "carrier" because of my uncle, and I would've been aborted because of my mom's ableism. Then my younger sister would've been aborted.
Sorry, got a little off track there. TL;DR, I don't know about the Seaver Autism Center's reputability in terms of not being ableist.
Ope! Just found a PDF as I'm typing: "Our mission is to prevent and cure autism [...]" Yep. Blacklisted.
Yale and UConn are the same way in the “want to cure” philosophy.
Genetics research is going to be iffy always. On the one hand, it’s always going to be used for eugenics.
On the other hand, knowing genetic cooccurring conditions after the person is diagnosed is incredibly important.
Are they going to keep trying to find a single genetic for autism? Yes. Will they? Highly doubt it.
There are too many cooccurring conditions with autism and we don’t know the relationships yet and not all of them are genetic (most types of EDS are genetic, MCAS is still be debated).
The cooccurrence rate between MCAS and Autism is around 75% and mast cells have been implicated in hundreds of conditions (wouldn’t be surprised if autism is one of them). Good luck trying to eugenics an entire section of someone’s immune system. Especially when MCAS can onset later in life. Funding and effort into diagnostic genetic testing for cooccurring conditions, in my opinion, would be worth it.
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switchcase · 3 years
hey, we just found your blog and wanna say it’s nice to hear from another system with POTS! have a great day/night :) -nina & courson
hi! :) POTS and DID do cooccur frequently enough that it is considered a sign of potential DID (among other conditions such as fibro) if that helps! you are far from alone. i hope you have a great day/night as well
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datasoong47 · 5 years
Okay, so suppose you have a language with sibilant harmony, a fairly simple system.  8 total sibilants - /s z t͡s d͡z ʃ ʒ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ/.  Sibilants harmonize by place of articulation, so /s z t͡s d͡z/ can co-occur with each other, and likewise /ʃ ʒ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ/, but the two sets cannot cooccur.  Fairly unremarkable system.  Thus, a suffix such as -/as/ would become -/aʃ/ if the root contains postalveolar sibilants
But then a sound change similar to what happened in Spanish occurs, /ʃ/ and /ʒ/ are backed to /x/ and /ɣ/, while /t͡ʃ/ and /d͡ʒ/ are unchanged.  Thus, the velar fricatives /x/ and /ɣ/ would pattern with /t͡ʃ/ and /d͡ʒ/, and you’d have morphophonemic alternations between /s ~ x/ an /z ~ ɣ/
How stable would this new pattern be?  Such alternations would be seemingly very unnatural, but would that tend to break down the harmony system?  Or would you continue to have alternations such as /as/ ~ /ax/ with rather odd conditioning factors
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sandyduncan813-blog · 5 years
Mental health treatment 3
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How To Find The Professional Mental Health Treatment Center
When a mental health problem is not addressed and treated in good time, this could pose greater dangers for the affected person in the future. It is in the light of this that proper assistance should be sought as possible. Even though the high number of the residential rehabilitation services providers may complicate your selection process, there are important hints that you should heed to so that you make the informed decision. This post is geared towards offering you the guidance in that direction. Also see inpatient psychiatric care michigan
Before you check into a particular mental treatment facility, you must be sure that the programs that they have been accredited. On the other hand, look for the residential rehabilitation center that is run by the people that possess the proper training as well as professional and academic credentials. In order to establish the suitability of the clinic, you can consider looking at the reviews and ratings from independent bodies such as the consumer protection as well as the better business bureau.
Look for the residential rehabilitation center that has the capacity and capability of treating a wide range of mental related issues. This includes the addiction to sex, PTSD, depression as well as the dependency of drugs among others. Due to the likely presence of the cooccurring health conditions, the facility must have a team of experienced professionals from different medical disciplines. View residential mental health treatment center michigan
When you are choosing the best residential rehabilitation clinic, you must find out the length of the program. As well, the visitation policy should be clarified to you so that your family and friends can know when they should come to see you. Look for the center that has an effective monitoring system for the patients around the clock as well as the therapies that give you the support that you need so that you can achieve the desired recovery.
It is important to find out the amount of the money that you are going to be charged for the services that you are going to receive at the mental health treatment center. Like you do in any important decision, it is in order to check the rates that are available from other facilities so that you get the best quotations. On top of this, find out about the after-care program that the residential rehabilitation clinic has put in place and its charges. This is important as it will help to ensure that the recovery that you have gained is not regressed.
View https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lj5o395Fto
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bawarementally · 5 years
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Who is affected by co-occuring conditions? Here are the stats. #cooccuring #comorbidities #comorbidity https://www.instagram.com/p/B1GfHWcg57E/?igshid=1dadrov2j4yls
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dark-mind-dark-soul · 6 years
https://page47721394.tumblr.com/post/174787547684 published this: Lil Peep handed on of your drug of painkiller and non distinctive alprazolam, as confirmed via the Pima usa workplace of the medical expert. The rapper’s stop was portrayed as cooccurring by suggests that of the therapeutic investigator. His blood tried effective for pot, crack and therefore the medicine Tramadol, rattling pee tried nice for those answers, and what is more tranquilizers, as Associate in Nursing example, hydrocodone, non specific Dilauded, oxycodone and oxymorphone. The healing investigator wouldn’t find alcohol in his form. Peep, in whose factual decision flipped into Gustav? unit of time, surpassed on multi month once more in urban center, Arizona, within which he have to be compelled to keep a show in facilitate of his creation deposition, communicate as long as you are Dry (part One). He reworked into twenty one. community authorities guessed that the conditions regarding the rapper’s passing nonheritable been “suspicious, ” anyhow on time the urban center police geographical point became below the belief his decline became as a result of a mix of alprazolam and diverse prescription medications. The specialists aforementioned they need been work text messages despatched with the assistance of a girl World Health Organization would exceeded with the assistance of Peep’s visit travel sooner than his driving. “GBC [Lil Peep] high af attributable to ME and my chum lol, ” browse one avowedly. another probable browse, “He exceeded the play my family documented to as and this i endeavored to spur him to kingdom bye-bye to my kin besides he wouldn’t rise. ” A quality for the rapper, World Health Organization emulsified hip-hop with guitar-driven keen, changed into starting previous due saved in prolonged seacoast, the massive apple, presenting music system and a assemblage. In a gathering with Pitchfork, the rapper aforementioned this individual by no suggests that had taken prescribed drugs for unhappiness anyways clean taking answers. “I essentially like smoking pot and something alternative pharmaceutical drug comes my heading, inches He aforementioned. “I don’t prefer to obtain [drugs]. we have a tendency to simply get a surrender out of the likelihood to induce them in pointless. “ Lil Peep Instrumental Type Beat, Download This Amazing Trap Beats http://syndicator.myimplace.com/lil-peep-instrumental-type-beat-download-this-amazing-trap-beats/ from this blog post https://uhyeahitsme.tumblr.com/post/174787708539
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sweetreena · 6 years
I found this Lil Peep handed on of your drug of painkiller and non distinctive alprazolam, as confirmed via the Pima usa workplace of the medical expert. The rapper’s stop was portrayed as cooccurring by suggests that of the therapeutic investigator. His blood tried effective for pot, crack and therefore the medicine Tramadol, rattling pee tried nice for those answers, and what is more tranquilizers, as Associate in Nursing example, hydrocodone, non specific Dilauded, oxycodone and oxymorphone. The healing investigator wouldn’t find alcohol in his form. Peep, in whose factual decision flipped into Gustav? unit of time, surpassed on multi month once more in urban center, Arizona, within which he have to be compelled to keep a show in facilitate of his creation deposition, communicate as long as you are Dry (part One). He reworked into twenty one. community authorities guessed that the conditions regarding the rapper’s passing nonheritable been “suspicious, ” anyhow on time the urban center police geographical point became below the belief his decline became as a result of a mix of alprazolam and diverse prescription medications. The specialists aforementioned they need been work text messages despatched with the assistance of a girl World Health Organization would exceeded with the assistance of Peep’s visit travel sooner than his driving. “GBC [Lil Peep] high af attributable to ME and my chum lol, ” browse one avowedly. another probable browse, “He exceeded the play my family documented to as and this i endeavored to spur him to kingdom bye-bye to my kin besides he wouldn’t rise. ” A quality for the rapper, World Health Organization emulsified hip-hop with guitar-driven keen, changed into starting previous due saved in prolonged seacoast, the massive apple, presenting music system and a assemblage. In a gathering with Pitchfork, the rapper aforementioned this individual by no suggests that had taken prescribed drugs for unhappiness anyways clean taking answers. “I essentially like smoking pot and something alternative pharmaceutical drug comes my heading, inches He aforementioned. “I don’t prefer to obtain [drugs]. we have a tendency to simply get a surrender out of the likelihood to induce them in pointless. “ from http://syndicator.myimplace.com/lil-peep-instrumental-type-beat-download-this-amazing-trap-beats/ right here: http://alejestfajnie.blogspot.com/2018/06/lil-peep-instrumental-type-beat.html
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kara-patili-kedi · 6 years
" Lil Peep handed on of your drug of painkiller and non distinctive alprazolam, as confirmed via the Pima usa workplace of the medical expert. The rapper’s stop was portrayed as cooccurring by suggests that of the therapeutic investigator. His blood tried effective for pot, crack and therefore the medicine Tramadol, rattling pee tried nice for those answers, and what is more tranquilizers, as Associate in Nursing example, hydrocodone, non specific Dilauded, oxycodone and oxymorphone. The healing investigator wouldn’t find alcohol in his form. Peep, in whose factual decision flipped into Gustav? unit of time, surpassed on multi month once more in urban center, Arizona, within which he have to be compelled to keep a show in facilitate of his creation deposition, communicate as long as you are Dry (part One). He reworked into twenty one. community authorities guessed that the conditions regarding the rapper’s passing nonheritable been “suspicious, ” anyhow on time the urban center police geographical point became below the belief his decline became as a result of a mix of alprazolam and diverse prescription medications. The specialists aforementioned they need been work text messages despatched with the assistance of a girl World Health Organization would exceeded with the assistance of Peep’s visit travel sooner than his driving. “GBC [Lil Peep] high af attributable to ME and my chum lol, ” browse one avowedly. another probable browse, “He exceeded the play my family documented to as and this i endeavored to spur him to kingdom bye-bye to my kin besides he wouldn’t rise. ” A quality for the rapper, World Health Organization emulsified hip-hop with guitar-driven keen, changed into starting previous due saved in prolonged seacoast, the massive apple, presenting music system and a assemblage. In a gathering with Pitchfork, the rapper aforementioned this individual by no suggests that had taken prescribed drugs for unhappiness anyways clean taking answers. “I essentially like smoking pot and something alternative pharmaceutical drug comes my heading, inches He aforementioned. “I don’t prefer to obtain [drugs]. we have a tendency to simply get a surrender out of the likelihood to induce them in pointless. “ " http://ytloverz.blogspot.com/2018/06/lil-peep-instrumental-type-beat.html
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https://page47721394.tumblr.com/post/174787547684 Lil Peep handed on of your drug of painkiller and non distinctive alprazolam, as confirmed via the Pima usa workplace of the medical expert. The rapper’s stop was portrayed as cooccurring by suggests that of the therapeutic investigator. His blood tried effective for pot, crack and therefore the medicine Tramadol, rattling pee tried nice for those answers, and what is more tranquilizers, as Associate in Nursing example, hydrocodone, non specific Dilauded, oxycodone and oxymorphone. The healing investigator wouldn’t find alcohol in his form. Peep, in whose factual decision flipped into Gustav? unit of time, surpassed on multi month once more in urban center, Arizona, within which he have to be compelled to keep a show in facilitate of his creation deposition, communicate as long as you are Dry (part One). He reworked into twenty one. community authorities guessed that the conditions regarding the rapper’s passing nonheritable been “suspicious, ” anyhow on time the urban center police geographical point became below the belief his decline became as a result of a mix of alprazolam and diverse prescription medications. The specialists aforementioned they need been work text messages despatched with the assistance of a girl World Health Organization would exceeded with the assistance of Peep’s visit travel sooner than his driving. “GBC [Lil Peep] high af attributable to ME and my chum lol, ” browse one avowedly. another probable browse, “He exceeded the play my family documented to as and this i endeavored to spur him to kingdom bye-bye to my kin besides he wouldn’t rise. ” A quality for the rapper, World Health Organization emulsified hip-hop with guitar-driven keen, changed into starting previous due saved in prolonged seacoast, the massive apple, presenting music system and a assemblage. In a gathering with Pitchfork, the rapper aforementioned this individual by no suggests that had taken prescribed drugs for unhappiness anyways clean taking answers. “I essentially like smoking pot and something alternative pharmaceutical drug comes my heading, inches He aforementioned. “I don’t prefer to obtain [drugs]. we have a tendency to simply get a surrender out of the likelihood to induce them in pointless. “ Lil Peep Instrumental Type Beat, Download This Amazing Trap Beats http://syndicator.myimplace.com/lil-peep-instrumental-type-beat-download-this-amazing-trap-beats/
0 notes
uberclanger · 6 years
Lil Peep handed on of your drug of painkiller and non distinctive alprazolam, as confirmed via the Pima usa workplace of the medical expert. The rapper’s stop was portrayed as cooccurring by suggests that of the therapeutic investigator. His blood tried effective for pot, crack and therefore the medicine Tramadol, rattling pee tried nice for those answers, and what is more tranquilizers, as Associate in Nursing example, hydrocodone, non specific Dilauded, oxycodone and oxymorphone. The healing investigator wouldn’t find alcohol in his form. Peep, in whose factual decision flipped into Gustav? unit of time, surpassed on multi month once more in urban center, Arizona, within which he have to be compelled to keep a show in facilitate of his creation deposition, communicate as long as you are Dry (part One). He reworked into twenty one. community authorities guessed that the conditions regarding the rapper’s passing nonheritable been “suspicious, ” anyhow on time the urban center police geographical point became below the belief his decline became as a result of a mix of alprazolam and diverse prescription medications. The specialists aforementioned they need been work text messages despatched with the assistance of a girl World Health Organization would exceeded with the assistance of Peep’s visit travel sooner than his driving. “GBC [Lil Peep] high af attributable to ME and my chum lol, ” browse one avowedly. another probable browse, “He exceeded the play my family documented to as and this i endeavored to spur him to kingdom bye-bye to my kin besides he wouldn’t rise. ” A quality for the rapper, World Health Organization emulsified hip-hop with guitar-driven keen, changed into starting previous due saved in prolonged seacoast, the massive apple, presenting music system and a assemblage. In a gathering with Pitchfork, the rapper aforementioned this individual by no suggests that had taken prescribed drugs for unhappiness anyways clean taking answers. “I essentially like smoking pot and something alternative pharmaceutical drug comes my heading, inches He aforementioned. “I don’t prefer to obtain [drugs]. we have a tendency to simply get a surrender out of the likelihood to induce them in pointless. “ Lil Peep Instrumental Type Beat, Download This Amazing Trap Beats via http://syndicator.myimplace.com/lil-peep-instrumental-type-beat-download-this-amazing-trap-beats/ approved by https://www.google.com
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Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness that can cause dramatic mood swings, lapses in judgment, and episodes of psychosis. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), over six million American adults are living with bipolar disorder, and many of them are not receiving adequate treatment for their symptoms.
Despite its prevalence, bipolar disorder still carries stigma, much of which can be attributed to early understandings of the condition, formerly known as “manic depression.” But advances in medical research and renewed efforts in building mental health awareness have revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment for bipolar disorder that’s available today.
The origin of the term “manic depression”
Bipolar disorder can trace its earliest roots to the first century, when ancient Greeks and Romans established the opposing terms “mania” and “melancholia” to describe the symptoms of mental illness. In modern English, these two words translate to “manic” and “depressive.”
However, the term “manic depression” wasn’t formally used until the early 20th century, when German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin used it to describe mental illness involving mood swings and emotional disturbance—periods of “mania” alternating with periods of depression. Kraepelin’s work on classifying mental disorders became the basis for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) that psychiatrists use to develop diagnoses today.
The shift to bipolar disorder
The term “bipolar disorder” was first introduced during the third revision of the DSM in 1980, when psychiatrists agreed to do away with the term “manic-depressive.” Using the word, “manic” often led patients to be described as “maniacs,” a label fraught with stigma and judgment.
Furthermore, by reclassifying the condition as bipolar disorder, mental health professionals were better able to distinguish discrete symptoms – not just those related to emotions or mood, but physical and cognitive ones, as well. This specificity allowed doctors to give patients a more accurate, clinical diagnosis for their condition.
Modern definitions of bipolar disorder
According to NAMI, there are four different types of bipolar disorder defined in the latest version of the DSM:
Bipolar I disorder
People with bipolar I disorder experience manic episodes that last for at least seven days or are so severe that they require hospitalization. Many people with bipolar I disorder also experience prolonged depressive episodes, lasting for two weeks or longer.
Bipolar II disorder
Bipolar II disorder is characterized by a pattern of interspersed manic and depressive episodes, but the symptoms are often much less severe than those of bipolar I disorder.
Cyclothymic disorder
Also known as cyclothymia, this rare disorder causes mood swings and shifts in emotional state, but they’re not as extreme as those associated with bipolar I or bipolar II disorders.
Unspecified bipolar disorder
When a person experiences clinically significant shifts in mood elevation, but they don’t meet the exact criteria for bipolar I, II or cyclothymia, they’re said to have an unspecified bipolar disorder.
Obtaining the right diagnosis for bipolar disorder can be difficult, particularly because the symptoms often mimic those of other types of bipolar disorder, or even different mental health conditions, such as depression or schizophrenia. Because an accurate diagnosis is crucial to receiving proper treatment, it’s important to see a trusted, experienced mental health professional for a full psychiatric evaluation.
Get help for bipolar disorder at Alvarado Parkway Institute
Alvarado Parkway Institute has been providing mental health services to the people of San Diego for over 35 years. We’re committed to the health and wellbeing of all our patients, offering comprehensive inpatient and outpatient treatment, including a partial hospitalization program and dual diagnosis treatment for those struggling with a cooccurring addictive disorder.
Don’t let fear or stigma prevent you from living your life to the fullest. Get help for bipolar disorder at Alvarado Parkway Institute. Call our 24-hour crisis line today at (619) 667-6125.
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