#you don't have to match my length;;
tricksheart · 1 year
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Of all the members in the brigade, the esper in question made Akira to be more cautious of because of reasons. Sure, it's mainly how this Itsuki guy was alike Goro Akechi in so many ways that it wasn't merely a joking matter but because Akira had the feeling that this person didn't really want to be in the club. It was completely the opposite of Akira's reason, mainly that he was finally able to join a club without no one caring about his past unlike the school he was from in another world.
Hmm. Being a slider had it's difficulties but he really couldn't share them with the others in the group sans Haruhi least she finds out. But Akira had been in the camp of 'I think we should tell her someday' since the leader's godlike status was more tolerable than the others he had known back where he was from normally. Maybe that's why he could be upfront with the founder more than the others besides Kyon.
Although, Akira focuses on the chessboard that was placed in front of him and Itsuki who is across from him, a pleasant but somehow judging smile on his features. Ironic since this was bringing back memories of a certain fake detective that moonlit as a magical assassin. Although, the slider thinks he can trust Itsuki slightly more because the esper was forced to have powers set upon him that the guy probably didn't ask for. Like with Akira himself being a plaything for the god back in his own world. With Goro, he was linked in the game for humanity but that was it. The two were complete opposites whereas Akira could tell that this person probably wanted to have a normal life and not battle monsters in a closed space.
"Listen. I know that I seem suspicious but I'm just trying to live my life without anyone to support me. All that got left behind when Haruhi summoned me to this world. Not that I dislike it here. I love it since I don't have to fight in normal situations and the leader is a better god in a sense to me. However, being sent to a new place is scary and the main people that makes it seem like I am not alone here is the club members, you included".
Akira moves a black piece across the board, almost wanting to eat the other side's little figurines but knows Itsuki probably wouldn't get the meme reference.
"I'm the most grateful to Haruhi for letting me join the club. I was treated like the devil back in my home world just for standing out in the crowd. Everyone that knew me said that I looked lonely without a place to belong. I really do believe that to be the opposite here. This brigade, it's all I have".
@politesper liked for a starter.
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mad-hunts · 5 months
jokethur asked: ❝ that's not the worst thing i've ever heard but it's certainly up there. ❞
one might argue that the way barton huffed through his nostrils in a wry sense of disbelief at what he heard come out of the other's mouth, rather than at the terrible thing that was just said through his own lips without an ounce of shame, told you everything you needed to know about him; that he was a brutal and very unfeeling person. but honestly, even if those things were the least bit true, barton thought... he was only saying what everyone would be thinking in their heads if they knew what was really going on behind the scenes. they just wouldn't want to say it aloud for one reason or another, whether that was due to the fear of being ostracized by their peers, or frowned down upon by society as a whole. kind of like how he was currently by the man standing beside him.
barton took a long drag out of his cigarette and averted his gaze from one of the big, bright displays that decorated the skyline to meet the others eyes. the displays were showcasing what looked like the latest news: and that was what barton seemingly was making a comment on, as the death of a cop that was rather infamous for being a ' pinnacle of kindness and care to their community ' was the main headline for that day. except that man was everything but in reality. it was just so rich to be seeing him regarded as some fantastic guy, when barton knew for a fact that he was a sleazeball who he had seen hanging around his old boss, as he was secretly in their pocket and doing their dirty work. and if there was one person that barton held contempt for more than anything... it was the man who used to treat him like he was something less than human. or, less than dirt, actually.
but of course, barton would never tell the gcpd of his corruption because he knew that rainer (you have to put a face to the name for these people) would realize that it was him who'd sold him out. and besides... since when did he have faith in the gcpd, or even like the police? they were all a bunch of pigs to him. so, barton let him continue on with his little game of playing the role of the well-beloved police officer while he was helping people get killed on the side. he rolled his eyes then, ❝ well, if i had known that you were such a big fan of the police, then i likely wouldn't have said anything. but i rest my case: a lot of people do deserve to die, stranger, and he was one of them. so i don't feel sorry for him or his family at all. ❞
barton stated this all in a very matter-of-fact manner, blowing smoke out through his nose from his cigarette before he continued, ❝ i mean, where was this guy if he was so good whenever the city got flooded? i didn't see him among the people who were helping other's whenever everything went to shit. in fact, i bet he was probably sitting in some place really safe and warm whenever it happened, because i knew the real kind of person that he was. a total prick who certainly wasn't the golden boy that the news is trying to make him out to be, ❞ he flicked his cigarette down on the ground and smushed it underneath his boot, successfully putting out the fire on its other end. barton turned to face arthur completely with an unamused look in his eyes.
❝ now, are you done preaching to me about how wrong it is that i said that? you don't really know the first thing about the pig after all. but i do. though you didn't hear that from me, alright? ❞
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fiorserpen · 4 months
agatha doesn't have much faith in dating apps when it seems most are in it for hookups and not real relationships. still, her friends insisted she put herself back out there if she actually wanted to find someone to be with. they argued it was better and easier than being a hopeless romantic and waiting for the right person to simply come into her life one day. she is a hopeless romantic, though, but she wants to be little more hopeful about it instead. agatha has had a few successful and a handful of unsuccessful first dates, none of which went anywhere. it tempts her to delete the app from her phone, but... oh, just one more chance can't hurt, right?
with the shop empty at this current moment, agatha leans against the counter, looking through tinder while she has this little bit of free time. there were a lot of handsome guys and pretty women, of course, but none that strike her fancy until she comes upon one profile that stops her swiping all at once. cash forscythe, hm? she looks over his profile, scrolling through the little obligatory biography and his likes and interests and what he hopes for from someone. agatha scrolls back up to look through his pictures. he's really cute, isn't he? tall, handsome, and quite the dazzling grin. she takes the chance and swipes right on cash's profile before setting her phone aside to help a customer that came into the shop.
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once that was all over, she checked her phone to see cash had swiped right on her profile as well, blinking in surprise at the message he sent her. her features soon relax and a smile forms on her lips.
> well, hi to you, too! 😊 and i'm rarely deterred by appearances, especially when you're very handsome! > i suppose i might also be a bit surprised you swiped right on me, i wasn't sure i'd be your type
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lcngdays · 4 months
@bloodbared // plotted
Temperance wasn't sure what it was about him.
Richter had never made much of an impression on them before. But they'd sailed through high school without a care in the world. They hardly noticed anything or anyone. He'd probably been there, and they just hadn't been paying attention, and then they'd left town.
Unfortunate circumstances led them back home, but that didn't mean they were going to give up on the Youtube grind. It was what was paying off their student loans, of course, so there wasn't much choice either way. They were back and looking for new leads on anything paranormal and they found him.
Temp had sat through the interview easily. Asked all the right questions at all the right times. Responded appropriately. Laughed when they were meant to, all the great things an interviewer did, they did. Things had a tendency to come easy to them, after all. But they were more than just enjoying the interview, they were enraptured by it. By him.
Maybe it was wrong, or weird to be so attracted to a man telling them about all the spilled guts he'd seen but they couldn't help themself. There was just something about him. Maybe it was their similar interests? Maybe it was having someone so engaged in what they were doing and saying? They didn't know. By the time the interview was over, Temperance was practically squirming in their seat.
They smile at Richter, glancing back at their camera set up. They stand and move to turn it off. Normally they'd leave it on to catch some post production, maybe some b-roll, anything like that. But not tonight. Tonight, they were going to shoot their shot. And who knew? Maybe luck would be on their side.
"listen." Their voice is casual. "i'm not normally so bold..."
Not on things like this, anyway. They'd only ever had one partner sexually and that had been one of the most awkward and uncomfortable experiences of their life.
"but like... i think you're really hot. and that was an amazing interview. and as much as i'd love to get to work on post-production... maybe." They stroll over to him, lightly lay a hand on his shoulder. "maybe we could spend a little more time together tonight?"
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sookiestackhcuse · 5 months
Sookie used to beg Gran to take her out of public school and homeschool her, but they just didn't have the means to do that. Besides, Jason always stuck his nose where it didn't belong and told her that she just had to get through the last few years of high school and then she'd be free to do whatever she wanted to, even if that meant becoming a hermit living in isolation away from people and their endless thoughts. He was joking of course, like any older brother would do, except he was doing it with a telepath, an ability he didn't fully understand. Nobody did and that was the problem. Sookie was alone.
She tried not to call attention to herself in school but it was hard for her. They'd already tried diagnosing her with ADHD a few times and she didn't really blame them. It wasn't like she could tell them the reason she couldn't focus during school wasn't because she had a small attention span but it was because she couldn't stop hearing everyone's thoughts all day long. Every little bit of concentration she used to block them out meant not being able to concentrate on anything else, like schoolwork, but the teachers were always impressed that she aced her homework. Strange.
Shuffling hurriedly from the busy hallways of the high school, she was just trying to get away from the thoughts that felt particularly loud today. An exit door was in her line of sight, just needing some fresh air, and if she decided to skip her last class, would anyone really blame her? Would they even miss her? Right as she was about to reach out for the door herself, someone else was about to push it open, too.
Scott McCall, a familiar face. Well — of course she knew who he was considering they went to the same school together, but they'd briefly talked here and there. Nothing extensively. She doubted he'd even call her a friend, just some weird girl he knew from school if anything. Before they could run into each other trying to get the door, she laughed it off and said, ❝ Go ahead, you first. Heading to practice? ❞
✞ ───── @kindofuneven gets a starter !
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quietlyblooms · 1 month
open to mutuals | in which chiyo doesn't want them to leave <3
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" thank you, " softly chiyo mutters as laces are untied and shoes discarded, careful hands helping her beneath a comforter that feels heavenly against her skin. typically she'd never go to bed in street clothes, but the night calls for an exception; she's had just a tad too much to drink, feels much too tired to worry about dirty clothes. no, chiyo's more concerned with squeezing her pillow as tightly as she can ( the pressure against her chest soothes something that she can't name, doesn't want to name ).
she feels the bed shift as her companion stands, and eyes like melted chocolate stare up at them. belatedly chiyo realizes she's grabbed hold of their wrist but doesn't let go. belatedly she realizes she's allowed her pillow to fall to the ground, half-risen upon an elbow, though she doesn't care. she just doesn't want them to leave.
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" could you stay a while longer? " her voice sounds so small, fragile. " please? "
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austin-cartwright · 1 year
WHO: providencepeakstarters (4/3) CLOSED WHERE: Bonfire Bash
She'd been looking forward to the comfort of her own bed, the soft pillows and fluffy blanket, after spending a week camping in the jungle in Cambodia but it seemed like her hometown had other plans for her. Having completely forgotten about the End of Summer Bonfire, she'd shown up at her parents' house just as they were leaving to join the festivities. Sure, the Cartwrights weren't planning on spending the night but you'd be hard pressed to find a town event that didn't have the two Texas transplants in attendance. Even if it was only for the s'mores. So Austin tagged along, catching up with her mom and dad for a few hours before breaking off to set up her own tent before beginning to search for people she hadn't seen since she'd been home for the holidays.
However, what should have been a simple twenty minute task tops, had Austin cursing out loud as one of the poles for the tent she'd borrowed from her parents house snapped, a piece of flimsy metal going flying. "Heads up!" She called out, standing to her full 5'4" height as she spoke in hopes it made her words more clear, before flopping back onto the ground with a huff. If she wanted to sleep on the ground she'd have stayed in Cambodia. At least there her tent was reliable. "Well looks like I'm taking sleeping under the stars literally tonight." She grumbled, mostly to herself, as she opened a beer and took a long drink from the bottle.
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cigvrettedvet · 6 months
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"what do you think?" theo's smiling as she models the dress she's chosen to wear for her and johanna's special date. "i'm wearing your favorite color too." because theo made sure to remember the little details such as that. maybe it wasn't too ethical to be engaging in a secret relationship with your professor but it's not as though it was planned. it just happened and now theo was smitten with the older woman. even though she had been reminded time and time again that this was only mere fun, theo couldn't stop her mind from wondering about the possibility of her and johanna being together. it's a fantasy she wished could become reality. "thank you for taking me out," she then adds, pulling johanna in for a hug and brief kiss on the lips. "i really appreciate it." although she enjoyed spending time with johanna in either her apartment or theo's, it was nice to finally get out and go on a date. it made things feel that much more official, at least for theo. a girl was allowed to dream, wasn't she? // @thursdaygrl
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brutalmasks · 2 months
@bucketkicked asked: [ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 ] : sender is asking if they can touch receiver sexually. -Irene!!
fresh from a bath in the nearest river (hey, a girl's got to bathe somehow and getting plumbing in a cave? it was near to impossible), bunny mask entered her cave seemingly feeling at least twice as better than she did before. and the fact that irene was supposed to be coming over soon too? well, that honestly put her in an even more cheerier mood; for the other woman and her really seemed to connect the more they talked as well as spent time with one another. plus, the fact that irene is very attractive was just the icing on the cake for bunny mask, in all honesty. she'd hardly been able to hold herself back from asking her out the second or third time she saw her... and i say that because bunny had worried that perhaps she would be coming off too strong if she did that.
but after deciding to invite her to a covert date, bunny mask found out that irene seemed to return her affections in full. which was honestly both nerve-wracking and exciting in the same stretch. bunny felt like if she could blush, she would just thinking about irene right now, actually. she hugged the robe she was wearing closer to her as she entered her cave; sliding the two large barn-like doors that granted her some privacy from the rest of the world open, only to see that irene was here early. and she was only in a robe, bunny mask thought to herself, as her heart beat quickened. but in a good way. she let out a sound that bunny mask always tried to replicate but could never quite get right: a laugh.
❝ ahh, i am sorry i am not decent, irene. i did not anticipate you would be here when i returned — ❞ she had barely enough time to get those words out before irene was coming close to her, then asked her four fateful words with an undertone of arousal to them: 'can i touch you?' bunny mask could also see the desire in the other's eyes and it made a fire start to grow deep within her belly. she wanted to be touched by her, yes, so she slowly closed the distance between them and untied her robe; it immediately falling open a fair amount as bunny wrapped an arm around irene's neck. she was breathless already at the question, part of her breasts and pussy exposed to irene.
❝ yes. yes, please touch me. especially while you're looking at me like that, ❞ bunny took one of the other's hands and gently placed it on her breast. ❝ i trust you, and i honestly think i may be smitten with you, so you can touch me anywhere you'd like. ❞
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chronicparagon · 1 month
Continued from here: Link
The nightmare doesn't end. Harmony pinched herself many times when she had that brief moment of reprieve until Smasher discovered her again. Sure enough, whether she pinched once, twice, ten times, or more, they would not wake her up from this. This is not a bad dream, this is her reality and it's happening right now.
Another wave of horror and dread crashes onto her when he slams against her back with his elbow. The force shoves her on her stomach before him. The young woman coughs with a hand pressed over the tenderness forming over her midriff. Warmth drips from red lips and iron on her tongue. Harmony cries when she leans back, tearful eyes staring back at the very man laughing at her pain. Harmony took the dare, not that she had a choice. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. It was either accepting her execution or fighting. The sheer rage from his actions drove her to lash out, lunging at him before he struck.
Oh but her anger did not shrivel. It's still as strong as ever and just seeing him laugh. So damn prideful! Harmony can't let him win. She will fight or die facing him, not begging for any shred of mercy.
"Eat this!" Her arm stretches out towards Smasher, slender fingers straight out. Small, blinding purple lights flash from her fingertips. The glow running over her arms brighten in intensity. Those small lights extend to beams of plasma rays straight for his face. If they hit him, they could burn him, or at the very least, temporarily blind him. It would be the perfect opportunity to make her move!
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sea-of-flxmes · 6 months
// @lultimagoccia starter for you!
                       ✦• · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · •✦
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        Ah, the land of the dead. The Underground, as they called it in Shibuya.
A plane of existence in which Reapers possessed superhuman strength and stamina. Where eating and sleeping could be performed on a whim, or never at all. Where functional wings could take any Reaper to the furthest reaches of the city (sky's the limit, baby!).
But now, reincarnated as a regular human, Nywe could no longer enjoy those otherworldly privileges. She was stuck again in a body that needed food and rest to function. A conglomeration of muscles, organs and bones that demanded her constant attention, from the growling of her stomach to her racing thoughts, impulses and nightmares.
        Oh God, the nightmares.
The last Reaper's Game Nywe participated in had been a monumental disaster. One in every two nights she would wake up with a start, her mind reeling from the horrifying things she had witnessed during those endless seven Days. If adjusting to a new body wasn't tiring enough, there was also her hectic life as an exchange student in Shibuya. Soon, Nywe started to lag behind on her studies, unable to keep up no matter how hard she tried. Despair eventually took over, and during a particularly intense moment of crisis Nywe had a epiphany:
        She had to get the hell outta there, and pronto.
So she packed her things, filled all required forms to take a sabbatical year, and embarked on a journey to reconnect with herself. Nywe visited one location after another with no clear goal in mind, until her travels brought her to a pizzeria on the edge of a small town.
Besides its logo, something else drew Nywe's attention: on the front door, there was a ❝ HELP WANTED ❞ sign. Curiosity got the better of her, and she stepped inside without a second thought; maybe she could start a new life far away from a city that threatened to devour her whole. ❝ Hello? ❞ Nywe spoke in a somewhat meek tone. ❝ I would like to apply for a job here—if you're still hiring, that is. ❞
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radioiaci · 5 months
⧐ @alastors-mom-rp
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Sentiment is not often a word that Alastor considers to be in his vocabulary. Even when it is clearly something he still harbors somewhere in the muck and bile of his ever-tainted Soul. When memories trudge their way up and into the forefronts of his mind, he actively pushes them aside - they will do him no good, on most days. But sometimes, they are pervasive: the thoughts of an old friend lost, the grief given to missed opportunities, and the subtle reminders that he had once been human. Given life, given connection, given family.
His father now was of no consequence, divorced entirely from even the very concept of family and thought of as nothing more than a sickening display of humanity's worst. An example to be made. But his mother...? Another fact and figure entire.
Alastor had spent the better part of his childhood glued to her side, an ever present and doting son by any measure. Well behaved and proper, though he'd always had an issue with her insistence on pulling him into the musty old churches filled with proselytizing simpletons in an attempt to convince him to cement his Soul as one meant to eventually traverse past the pearly gates. He was certain she would be disappointed that he'd never bothered to follow the rites and rituals.
But she had other reasons to be disappointed in him. Since the taking of his own familial fate in his hands - the sharpened kitchen knife being thrust so artfully and purposefully into his father's rather pliant and aged flesh (ahh, such a sweet, uniquely heinous display) - she had grown so distant as to be nearly unrecognizable. Or maybe it was he himself who was unrecognizable.
That oh-so-blessed dance of Death that he began to fall into step with had all but eluded her until he was more than an adult - and thriving, to boot. It had only been his sloppy confidence that had resulted in her discovery of his acts at all.
And then she no longer looked at him. Did not call on him. No longer opened the door to him when he made attempts to see her. Continually, he lied to himself. Perhaps she would see reason eventually.
At least, he'd thought, she had not betrayed him to the authorities. Not that it mattered much when he took the bullet to the brain only a few months later. Her fate remained a mystery. Surely, she'd gone to Heaven. She'd always been religious. And so Alastor resigned himself to never being given the opportunity to apologize - to tell her the things he should have in their life together.
But, as he stood with umbrella in hand, unfocused gaze drifting somewhere vaguely upwards at some of the gaudier signs that decorating the buildings in the Pride ring's busier districts that continued to flicker despite the acid rain, he did not think that he would have been able to find the strength to apologize anyway. Or the introspection.
Alastor did not regret his kills. Not a single one. Whether innocent or otherwise. It had all been in pursuit of the craft. Justified, in his mind, because who among them had not Sinned? Not he, and certainly not any of the collective of bodies he'd masterfully subjected to his own machinations and eventual disposal among the murky waters of the Louisiana bayou. All to serve their purpose. A noble cause for any man or woman.
A foolish thought, he decided, to think that his mother would ever consider him any more than what he was.
Perhaps he'd always known.
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discoinfernos · 3 months
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Not that anyone asked, but Blitz has been staking out this building for exactly five days.
It had taken him a while to find out where Fizz was even staying. Satan knows, Blitz tried to get in to see him at the hospital — multiple times, in fact — but he'd been forced away every time. Told that Fizz didn't want to see him. Well, Blitz can't fault him that ; these days he can't even bear to be in his own company. Every single day, every single heartbeat is a reminder of what he's done, the death & destruction he has caused.
That's why. That's why he has to see Fizz. To look him in the eyes and own up to what he's done. But he could never make it around his father, the doctors, the nurses. He'd gotten caught trying to scale the side of the building with his arm still in a cast, half his face still swathed in bandages, and been told in no uncertain terms that he'd better fuck off if he knew what was good for him.
So he'd pulled away, backed off, and reassessed. He asked everyone who would still talk to him where Fizz was staying once he'd been discharged. Finally, he found the apartment building where most of the circus was staying while things were rebuilt, figured out which window led to his friend, and waited, watching, determining when he'd be alone. And if that makes Blitz a creep, then fuck it. He already calls himself far worse things in his own head.
That's how he finds himself breaking in through the fourth story window and stumbling ungracefully onto the floor. His right eye is still hidden beneath the patch he has to wear over the burn, his wrists still weak beneath bandages where the worst of it had been, and he's still adjusting to these drawbacks. Fizz has always been stubborn, determined, set on his trajectory. But Blitz is equally as stubborn ; the only one who could ever wear him down, and dammit, he's not going to give up now.
❝ Fizz ? ❞ Blitz calls, struggling to his feet, dusting off his clothes. ❝ Come on, Fizz we need to talk. Please, please just hear me out . . . ❞
He'll hear the hatred and rejection from Fizz's own mouth, and then he'll leave him alone for the rest of his life, if that's what Fizz wants. But Blitz will only believe it if he hears him say it.
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arkclipse · 1 month
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{ . starter for ; @innocence-impulse . }
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the days had been far too long — far too daunting. the circumstances of the current situation were indeed less that favorable, to say the least. having been on the run for what felt like eons, the bearer of crown clown wandered about without any true aim in mind ; there was only but one goal, and that was to survive. 
❝ damn it, cross... ❞ came a mumble, huffed from between palerose lips as a sharp pain scorched his left arm once more. apocryphos had been on the hunt, scouring the lands for a certain allen walker to no avail. alas, what could he do? the black order were his enemies, the church was his enemy, the noah were his enemies — allen walker — ... no, nea d. campbell, had no friends nor foes. the only one he had any confidence and faith in were rendered 'dead', for better or for worst, he was essentially alone right now. the 'old friend' had now since forgotten him. all he truly had left was his golden golem, timcanpy. 
gingerlycradling his left arm which ached due to a most unpleasant almost encounter with apocryphos, the noah could only walk aimlessly, trusty companion floating by his side. before he knew it, the young man would come across what seemed to be a place of respite — a cafe. it surely couldn't hurt. 
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opening the door, he stepped inside, immediately the beautiful aroma of baked goods and freshly brewed coffee filled his senses ; alongside, a tender droplet of nostalgia for a time long consumed by the claws of time. a place in time, wherein mana and he were bickering over who got to eat the butterscotch biscuits, as katerina laughed joyously as the two young boys fought over something so trivial... he hadn't realized how silly he must look, standing there with his eyes closed as he soaked in the cozy atmosphere. then, his mind shifted attention to the melodious tune of the piano being played. white lashes fluttered as his eyes opened once more, a curious gaze falling upon the piano, and the one who was playing it.
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united-as-one · 2 months
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closed starter for @dunkdazed !
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It was a long evening filled with high octane matches and skilled professional wrestling as the reigning women's champion of the promotion raised her belt into the air and waved goodbye to the cheering and clapping fans. Kairi was meant to be playing a villain, but she had gradually become a character that the crowd naturally got behind with her athletic ability and in-ring storytelling. She was a fighter, a true gritty survivor who had earned the respect of many and the potential to move onto greater heights with many promotions in the US wanting her name on a contract ready to sign her once her contract here had expired.
Reaching the backstage area, Kairi takes a towel and says her thanks to her managers, producers and showrunners before heading into her dressing room. While she wasn't in the main event, it also meant she could hang around to watch the show and as she turns on the TV a knock on the door was heard. "Come in!" She calls out, and once Kairi notices who enters the room, she immediately stands up from her chair and fixes her hair, a goofy and welcoming grin on her face as she bows.
"Some friends said you'd be here tonight, I wasn't expecting you to have a VIP pass and all! It's nice to finally meet you~ I'm a big fan of your work, Hyunbin!~"
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reliabledragon · 5 months
I think I'm up to ten people now where only after multiple dates and substantial investment do they reveal that they either lied on their profile or left out major red flags when we discussed dealbreakers. I'm feel like I ought to get a punchcard for a free meal at this point or something.
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