#you get him near haruka and hes suddenly like Does Everyone Else Feel The Need To Protect and Cherish This Lil Girl??
majimassqueaktoy · 1 year
I've been watching kenzan again and Kiryu's affection for Haruka has me so fucked up... he's really destined to be her dad throughout all of time and space 🥺
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sparklingichigo · 3 years
Human World Adventures
Part 4
Previously in Part 3
Satan: Sort off, but it'll be okay. You're here now^^
Beel: What-
Ichigo: Eh?
Asmo: EH?!
Ichigo: Well, I guess that's a good thing then. At least I can help to cheer you up^^
Satan: It does, much much thank you for that
Ichigo: No pro- [feels the hold getting tighter] ?? What's wrong hon?
Beel: It's fine.
Beel: Ah, the mark is fading [sees Ichigo's hickey starts to fade]
Ichigo: Well it's been days so I guess it did fade away slowly [nervous laugh]
Satan: Mark? What mark?
Ichigo: Oh it's nothing^^ well, Beel and I are getting drinks. Let's go, hon!
Beel: Yeah, let's go^^
Satan: can you get me some pineapple juice while you're at it?
Ichigo: Sure! My treat ^^
Satan: Thanks.
Once Ichigo and Beel leave, Asmo gets in and asks him about what happened.
Asmo: What was that?!
Satan: What was what?
Asmo: Are you seriously flirting with her? Of all people?
Satan: Me? Flirting? Absolutely not.
Asmo: Don't lie to me. Since when do you even like her?
Satan: I'm not! I don't like her like that, stop assuming things, Asmodeus!
Asmo: Heh, don't pull this game on me. I can smell love or lust from far away. Sure I understand your lust heightens because of her swimsuit, it even heightens Beel's, it's probably off-charts and they're probably banging but if I see you trying to steal her from Beel I won't standstill. Beel is our precious little brother, hurting him would mean you don't truly love him.
Satan: I'm not flirting with her!
Asmo: You better not. I'm watching you, Satan. [gets out of the pool] bEstIeS!! Wait for me!! [catches up with Ichigo and Beel]
Satan of course decides to just chill at the pool until he feels a presence of a suspicious sorcerer.
Solomon: I see you've taken a liking to her as well.
Satan: I'm not! Stop assuming I did!
Solomon: Hmm I see the way you look at her. It's as if you found your only one~
Satan: Tsk. Deal with your own business, Solomon!
Meanwhile, Asmo yet again witnesses the couple. Of course, he notices Beel is acting more possessive, it was quite obvious and this man isn't being subtle either.
Ichigo: Alright, so what do you want Asmo?
Asmo: Hmm, I'll just get the strawberry smoothie
Ichigo: As always huh, choosing everything pink^^
Asmo: Yeah, what about you, lil bro?
Beel: Oh, I've chosen my drink^^ I chose Melon juice
Asmo: Ooh, nice choice! What about you, darling? What did you choose?
Ichigo: Mango, as always^^
Ichigo: Oh, can you pack the pineapple one? We're taking those away [to the cashier]
Cashier: Of course^^
Ichigo: Thanks, miss!
Cashier: No problem. Are they your lovers? [randomly]
Ichigo: Uh well... [sweat drops] This one is my gay best friend and this one is my lover- ^^
Cashier: Ooh, no wonder he chose our pink drink. Here's your strawberry smoothie, sir. Melon juice for you and your mango juice, miss^^
Ichigo: Thank you. Here's the payment, have a nice day miss^^
With their drinks, they return to the pool. Suddenly they see Satan coming out of the pool looking unusually good. Ichigo blanks a bit because well damn, it's been a while since she gets such a view after Beel.
Beel: Sugar?
Ichigo: Y-yeah? ^^
Beel: You okay?
Ichigo: Absolutely! Hey Satan, here's your drink!!
Satan: Oh thanks, finally some good old pineapple juice!
Behind them, Asmo rolls his eyes in annoyance and so did Beel.
Asmo: Are you gonna do something against this?
Beel: Probably not anytime soon.
Asmo: Oh? You're unusually quiet today. Not that I'm surprised.
Beel: No one plans a murder out loud, Asmo.
Asmo: You're not killing him right?
Beel: Not literally at least.
Now back to Satan and Ichigo. The two end up talking about things. Satan told her that he succeeds in moving on which is good.
Ichigo: Well that's great then! You've finally moved on and things are going well for you, right?
Satan: It is. I probably have found my one.
Ichigo: Oh? After all this time you've finally found someone? That's great!
Satan: Yeah, I somehow find someone I truly love but unfortunately they're taken :(
Ichigo: Oh no...that's too bad :((
Satan: Yeah, it was unfortunate
Suddenly Ichigo feels Beel carrying her up causing her to squeal in shock.
Ichigo: Hon? What's wrong? Oh my goodness! My drink!
Asmo: I got you bestie- [holding her drink for her]
Ichigo: Thanks Asmo... But...Honey, where are we going?!
Beel: Somewhere.
Ichigo: Somewhere....? Oh my God! Beel no!! Can't we just wait for marriage before that!!
Beel: Oh not to worry, we're not doing that. I'm just getting you away from him.
Ichigo: What's wrong with him...?
Beel: He's suspicious.
Ichigo: Suspicious.... [glances at Satan confusedly] Is he one of the people you can't trust being around me?
Beel: Yeah, unfortunately not [finally lets Ichigo down on their bench]
Ichigo: Is it because I'm being nice to everyone?
Beel: I don't mind you being nice to everyone because you're always kind. It's just that, you need to remember that we're pure demons and sometimes... our desires can get ahead of us.
Ichigo: I see...
Beel: Being this kind and being this cute, no wonder many people want to steal you away from me [caresses her cheek]
Ichigo: You know I won't acknowledge them right? You know I only truly love you, right?
Beel: I know, but I doubt they'd give up, considering the third one happens to be Satan and he has an ace card against me.
Ichigo: Ace card?
Beel: Lucifer. He has Lucifer on his side.
Ichigo: Why would Lucifer be on his side? He knows we've been dating for almost 1 year and I'm sure he understands that Satan shouldn't steal me away from you.
Beel: I hope for that too.
Mammon: Hey you two! We're done with swimming, aren't you gonna change?
Ichigo: Oh? We're done?
Mammon: Yeah, we've been here for hours and it's almost lunch. Hurry up and change!
Ichigo: Got it!
So Ichigo changes out into her casual clothes and so did the others. Haruka of course is still confused as to why Satan is keeping a distance besides being always near her 90% of the time, now he's keeping a distance?
Haruka: Hey, Ichigo, do you have any idea why Satan keeps a distance from me?
Ichigo: I don't know. He did tell me he finally moved on though. You know how he gets when he dislikes someone or you're not that close to him.
Haruka: Ah back to Mr. ice prince huh? He's unusually friendly with you though.
Ichigo: Well, I think it's because we're friends^^
Haruka: That makes more sense. Did you bring your things? You're staying here tonight right?
Ichigo: Yeah, well I only brought pajamas dan more clothing, even toiletries. Other than that I don't see a reason I should bring one.
Haruka: True. Oh well, let's get lunch! [currently holding hands with Simeon]
Ichigo: You two seem to be happier than ever^^
Haruka: We are! He does make me happy
Simeon: Well, I'm sure you're happy with Beel as well^^
Ichigo: I am actually- [feels someone hold her from behind]
Simeon: Oh Beel! Didn't see you there^^
Ichigo: Aww hello honey^^ [pats Beel's head who's leaning on her shoulder] He's unusually clingy today, don't mind him^^
Simeon: considering your situation, I understand.
Beel: You notice as well?
Simeon: I do. Satan seems to change his target to her. I'm not sure how it happens but it just happened. I hope we're just seeing things.
Beel: I hope so too.
Suddenly they hear Michael and Lucifer calling for them.
Michael: Simeon! Come on, let's go!!
Simeon: Coming!!
Lucifer: Beel, everyone is already going! Let's go!
Beel: Right behind you! Let's go, Sugar^^
Ichigo: Yeah, let's go~
Finally, everyone has gathered to get their food. Throughout the ride, Ichigo is now in the most confusing situation in her whole life. Haruka is of course in the other car with the angels and some of the other brothers who can't fit. It was unfortunate for them to get separated but that's not why she's confused, it's because she's now between Satan and Beel.
Of course, Satan is busy with his e-book while Beel eats some kind of candy or gum to calm his hunger down. This leaves Ichigo in an awkward situation because she feels horrible tension. I'm sure you're wondering how this happens, don't you?
Diavolo: Well we have two cars because there are lots of us^^
Haruka: Wow! A van! Awesome! But how do we seat? Is there an arrangement for it?
Diavolo: I don't think there's an arrangement at least. Let's just divide the group into two. Eight people per car. Who's coming with me?
Barbatos: Of course, it goes without saying. I'll be by your side, M'lord.
Diavolo: Well we need six more.
Simeon: We'll go then. Haruka and I. Luke too!
Mammon: I'll go in your car then, Lord Diavolo!
Diavolo: We need two more, anyone else? ^^
Michael: Rosaria and Me ^^
Diavolo: Well, this leaves the others to be in Lucifer's van.
Lucifer: Hope you guys don't create chaos inside the car. I'm watching you. Especially you, Asmodeus.
Asmo: Me? Why me?
Lucifer: Who knows what you'd do in that car with Solomon. But oh well, everyone let's get in. Mammon, behave
Mammon: Of course, I will!
Now here we are back to Ichigo's awkward situation. She can feel the tension between Beel and Satan the moment she sat beside Beel then Satan joins in beside her.
Asmo: Oh wow, I feel so bad for Ichigo...
Solomon: Same... I'd never survived such an awkward situation like that.
Levi: Hey, Ichigo! Wanna borrow my switch? You seem really bored.
Ichigo: You're okay with that?
Levi: Yeah, I have my phone to game. Here^^
Ichigo: Aww thanks a lot, Levi^^
Now let's see how everything goes down in Diavolo's car. Since 90% of the members there are angels, it's all peaceful. Of course, Haruka is leaning peacefully to Simeon's shoulder as Simeon looks at the scenery.
Michael: So Diavolo, where are we going exactly?
Diavolo: Oh I'm actually thinking of going Japanese this time. What do you think of Sushi?
Michael: Ah sushi, what a coincidence! My wife loves them a lot^^
Haruka: Wait, we're getting sushi?!
Barbatos: We are^^ It's M'lord's decision to treat us sushi.
Haruka: Ooh! I love sushi!
Luke: Sushi...raw fish?
Simeon: What's wrong, Luke?
Luke: I don't know... I....just don't like it much
Rosaria: Aww not to worry, dear^^ There are sushis that are fried and some of the fish are cooked.
Luke: Ooh fried sushi sounds nice!
Haruka: They are! Especially the mentai one! Oh my God, I'm hungry now~ Simeooon what do we do~
Simeon: Just be patient okay. [pats Haruka] We're getting there soon, right?
Diavolo: We are^^ Probably around 15 minutes based on the GPS Barb set up for me
Haruka: Yay! it's been a while since I ate sushi!
Simeon: Well, today's your lucky day, little lamb^^
The same thing happens in Lucifer's car, everyone is asking where they're going to eat, considering they're following Diavolo's car.
Lucifer: Diavolo told me that he's going Japanese today, he didn't specify which food we're going for though.
Belphie: Sushi perhaps?
Asmo: Sushi? Ooh, you're quite lucky today, Belphie!
Belphie: Heh, it's been a while since I ate them despite it being my favorite food.
Ichigo: That's great then! You get to eat your favorite food
Satan: Sushi huh, quite a unique choice.
Ichigo: It's a common food in the human world. I'm sure Beel knows more since he has lots and lots of taste trips~
Beel: I do, I'm just not fond of it...
Ichigo: Oh, why so?
Beel: It's just not my taste but I'm fine with it^^
Belphie: It's actually good though. If you dislike raw fish you can get the cooked ones.
Beel: Oh yeah, I've tasted those as well. They do taste better.
Ichigo: Hey, Solomon, you're unusually quiet today~
Asmo: Sssh, he's asleep [laughs slightly]
Ichigo: Oooh, whoops- [tones down her voice]
Minutes later, they finally arrived at the sushi restaurant. Diavolo luckily already reserve the table for them so they don't need to wait in line.
Waitress: This way, sir
The waitress leads them to a VIP table with an awesome view. Everyone is impressed with the awesome view and enjoys the cool summer breeze coming from the open view.
Haruka: That is such a beautiful view!
Barbatos: M'lord does have a good taste in picking places.
Diavolo: Oh, Barb, you're just exaggerating!
Barbatos: Of course not, it was genuine.
Despite the place and the awesome view, Lucifer is now concern about Diavolo's wallet considering Beel is here and he has a big portion in eating but Diavolo, as if reading his mind calms him down.
Diavolo: It's okay, I can pay. I promise to treat you guys food so here we are^^
Lucifer: Are you sure, Diavolo?
Diavolo: Certainly, just choose what you like, I'm fine with anything.
Barbatos: Are you sure, M'lord?
Diavolo: Of course! Just choose what you like.
With that everyone chooses their sushi. Of course Haruka and Ichigo both discuss and they end up with Mentai sushi and lots and lots of other sushis. Of course, they also need to order the cooked sushi because Beel and Luke isn't that fond of raw fish.
Haruka: The tempura sushi looks good!
Luke: I think so too! Can we get that, Simeon?
Simeon: Of course, Luke!
Ichigo: Oh yeah, what about drinks?
Haruka: Perhaps settling with ocha? Since it's a sushi restaurant.
Luke: I'll settle with water...
Simeon: That's okay, Luke^^ You can have that.
With that everyone finally places their orders to the waitress. After a few minutes, the food finally arrived. There are lots of sushi but there's a catch, a certain stupid demon never learned his lesson.
Satan: What kind of crazy idea is this?
Mammon: What?
Levi: Are you seriously sipping milkshake....?
Haruka: [sigh] He'll never learn
Lucifer: Indeed.
Mammon: It's good, okay!!
Beel: I don't think that's wise....
Ichigo: Yeah... you're gonna puke again. Be careful.
Now that's not why we're here, we're here for some good ol romance. Haruka is trying to lovey-dovey with Simeon. She offers to feed Simeon but the angel rejects her.
Simeon: There's a lot of people though
Haruka: Ah...
Simeon: I'll feed you instead!
Haruka: O-oh! Okay!
Rosaria: Ah, young love~
Michael: Do you want me to do that as well?
Rosaria: Oh no no, it's fine. We're too old for this.
Michael: But I want to-
Rosaria: Just once^^
The others notice how sweet the two couples there. The singles are feeling more lonely.
Mammon: Man.... when am I gonna get a lover...
Levi: I have ruri... real people sucks.
Satan: Same, there are fictional girls from a book anyways-
Beel internally: Then why go for Ichigo??
Belphie: [chewing his sushi] ????
Ichigo: Here! The tempura sushi you ordered!
Beel: Yay! We finally got our sushi, Luke!
Luke: Finally;-; I almost finished my water.
Simeon: Don't worry, you brought your water bottle right?
Luke: Oh yeah!
Overall everyone is enjoying themselves during lunch until Ichigo feels someone staring at her. Ichigo looks back and sees Satan staring at her. Solomon and Asmo luckily come to rescue and just shields Ichigo away from him.
Solomon: Just focus on your sushi, don't mind him [turns Ichigo's head to the food]
Beel also notices this and sees what's happening. Asmo just gives him an "X" telling him not to do anything reckless. Lucky for him, Beel notices the code and decides to chew on more sushi. Ichigo really feels the tension, luckily Haruka helps her and ask for the waiter to come with a bell. Everyone's attention is back at Haruka who's ordering some sashimi for dessert.
Levi: You're ordering another one?
Haruka: Yeah^^
Mammon: I didn't notice we got a bell here-
Lucifer: That red button beside you
Mammon: Oh :o
Everyone: Mammon no!!
Too late everyone, Mammon presses the button to try it. Lucifer sigh as the waitress comes up to Mammon, asking what he needs.
Mammon: Uh... Can I see the menu?
Waitress: Of course, here you go^^
Mammon reads the menu and he seems to be too full so he ask the others if they want anything.
Beel: Are there any desserts?
Haruka: There's mochi and ice cream, which one do you want?
Mammon: Betting 50 Grimm for both.
Ichigo: 20 Grimm for him choosing one of them.
Lucifer: Can you not do bets in the middle of the table?!
The two of them quiet down until Satan decides to stupidly join in.
Satan: How about 30 Grimm that he chose both but with more portion.
Ichigo: That's oddly specific-
Beel: I'll take ice cream, sugar, do you want anything?
Ichigo: too full... no thanks
Beel: Well, get me one strawberry ice cream then^^
Mammon: Dang it-
Ichigo: Come on, you two~ 20 grimm~
The twins, yes Lucifer and Michael both facepalm at this. Wow, the audacity to do bets in the middle of lunch. Diavolo and Barbatos are enjoying every second of this. Rosaria just focuses on eating more sushi because it's been a while since she ate human food.
Rosaria: By the way, this is really odd-looking sushi.... What's this?
Haruka: ...who ordered that?
Levi: Don't look at me! I didn't order that!
Belphie: Me, that was supposed to be my sushi. But you can eat them if you want. It's octopus sushi ma'am, it's really good.
Rosaria: I see^^ well first time for everything
Her husband of course stares in confusion as Rosaria eats the octopus sushi with no problem.
Rosaria: You are right, Belphegor! It's really good!
Suddenly Luke asks for ice cream to Haruka causing confusion to her since Luke was this close to puke but here he is asking for ice cream.
Luke: Can I get ice cream too??
Beel: Which flavor do you want Luke? I'll order them for you.
Luke: Uh.... I don't know;-;
Ichigo: I think Vanilla works fine for you. The other flavors are too unique.
Luke: Oh! Okay then, order me the vanilla ice cream, Beel!!
Beel: Then I'll settle with the charcoal one, it seems interesting^^
Ichigo: Just don't forget to brush your teeth after^^
Beel: Of course I won't! :(
With that, the additional order finished and everyone enjoys the sashimi and their ice cream. Now it is time to go home, Ichigo instantly goes with Haruka without any of the demon brothers knowing. This causes havoc in the bus.
Lucifer: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.... Seven?!
Levi: ....Where did Ichigo go?
Beel: She told me she's going to the toilet...
Satan: Then why don't we just wait for her.
Belphie: Well yeah, no sht! We can't leave her here! Use your 200 IQ!
Suddenly Lucifer's phone starts to ring, turns out Michael is calling him. Of course, Lucifer answers him,
Lucifer: Yes?
Michael: Ichigo is in our van. She's okay, don't worry. If you can hear her at least, talking loudly as always.
Lucifer: Ah I see... she did inform me she's staying with you angels. Did she bring her stuff with her?
Michael: Oh she did, it's in Haruka's room actually.
Lucifer: I see, that's good to hear. Thanks for informing me, Michael.
As soon as Lucifer hangs up, the brothers are shocked.
Satan: Why didn't she told us?!
Lucifer: Why would she?
Beel: ...Not even me...
Lucifer: Knowing you, you'd drag her back to our mansion. No wonder.
Solomon: and bang her for running away.
Asmo: That's not what he meant!! Wait... is it?
Lucifer: [sigh] Let's just go home. It's getting late.
Suddenly Diavolo's Van comes passing by them with Luke opening the window and mocking them.
Luke: Byeeeeee!!! See yall tomorrow!!!
Mammon: Haha sucks to be you guys!!! Ichigo's here!! Hahaha!!
Lucifer: Mammooon!!!
Belphie: Wtf-
Solomon: Why?
Beel: Ooh! Have a safe trip, you guys!!
Asmo: Can't yall just shut up? So noisy....
Levi: normies... ckckckc
As soon as Satan finishes shouting, they all stare at him confusedly.
Lucifer: Why are you...so...worked up?
Levi: You good? Period?
Satan: I'm a male-
Belphie: Okay... I'm starting to get a hint. Goodluck, twin brother [pats Beel's shoulder]
Levi: wait wait wait- are you telling me- What?! Why?!
Satan: What do you mean why?!
Lucifer: ...Oh my Lord. Just get in!
Asmo: This is gonna be a long day
Solomon: Same.... you need to be more subtle before anyone finds out anytime soon.
Levi: Watch Mammon finding out and scolding the sht out of you.
Asmo: Nah, no need to go that far. Watch his dad finds out.
Lucifer: Let's just go home.
Back at the van, Mammon and Luke somehow high-fived at their mocking towards the other brothers.
Mammon: That was fun!
Luke: Right?! You gotta see their faces!
Mammon: Heh, riling up Satan does has its perks.
Luke: Hm? I thought we're just teasing them...?
Mammon: Oh child, you'll never know.
Simeon: Luke, don't listen to him. You know how demons are.
Mammon: Hey! :(
Simeon: Let's not do anything more reckless. Doing this can just cause more chaos, Mammon.
One the driver's seat, Diavolo and Barbatos hear this. Barbatos just smirks and nods, noting it in his head.
Barbatos: So my predictions are correct.
Diavolo: Hm? What are you talking about, Barb?
Barbatos: It's nothing, M'lord^^ Oh! We're getting near
Diavolo: Ah, you are correct. We're here, Angels!
Rosaria: Honey, wake up!! We're here!!
Michael: Oh? We are? [wakes up]
Diavolo: Yes we are^^
Michael: Oh... thanks a lot for the ride, Diavolo^^
Diavolo: Don't mention it. I'm just being a good friend.
So the angels, Haruka and Ichigo get down. As soon as they did, Diavolo's vans drive away as Mammon waves them goodbye. Of course, this goes without saying that Ichigo is staying with the angels.
Now let's watch what happened in the mansion. Diavolo and Barbatos entered the mansion normally but suddenly he feels the tension between Beel and Satan.
Diavolo: ....What's going on?
Lucifer: Good question, I've been asking that since we got home. [facepalms]
Asmo: They've been having that aura ever since we got home.
Solomon: Help ;-; I'm scared for lyfe- [clings to Asmo]
Asmo: Let's just go to our room and let them settle this-
Solomon: Yeah let's go-
Barbatos: [sigh] As I expected. It's about Ichigo, isn't it?
Lucifer: Ichigo?
Barbatos: Yes, your son seems to take a liking towards her.
Lucifer: w h a t?!
Diavolo: He does?
Barbatos: I've expected this ever since we land in the human world. It's true Satan did stare at Haruka most of the time, but his feelings start to actually blossom when Ichigo took care of him on his heartbreak.
Levi:... Is this an anime?! What even are you two doing?! Just break it up!!! [trying to separate them]
Satan: Shut up, Levi! Deal with your own business!!
Levi: Beel, come on! You're the most mature out of all of us besides Lucifer! Can you just let this go?!
Beel: He has gone too far!
Levi: What do you mean?!
Mammon: Okay you two! Break it up! Levi, hold Beel, I'll hold Satan back!
Levi: On it!
But despite Levi and Mammon holding them back, they're still arguing.
Beel: Can't you just back off?! Ichigo is mine and we've been dating for one year!
Satan: Well why don't you back off?! I'm pretty sure she prefers me anyway!!
Levi: Beel! Don't get triggered! He's just saying that, I'm sure he doesn't mean it!!
Mammon: Come on, you two! There's no need for this! Satan, can't you just love yourself or something?! Staying single ain't gonna kill ya!
Satan: Deal with your own business, Mammon!!
Mammon: I can't! You're my brother and your feelings for her are hindering our brotherhood!
Lucifer has finally had enough and decides to step in, it's so much he even turns into his demon form.
Lucifer: ENOUGH!!
The two of them quiet down and stares at Lucifer in shock.
Lucifer: Are you two seriously arguing over a girl?! Right now?! And you, Satan, what's happening to you? Since when are you this reckless? Think about it! You're about to steal someone who's dating your brother! You know how it feels to get your lover got stolen but here you are trying to steal someone else's lover!
Satan: Deal with your own business, Lucifer! You know well feelings are natural and can't be forced.
Lucifer: But you can resist it. Are you sure you want to risk your brother for your feelings for a girl?
Satan: ....
Lucifer: And you, Beel. Calm down, okay. I'm sure there's a way out. You don't need to use violence against everything. Do you want me to call Ichigo back here?
Beel: ....please....
Lucifer: Alright, I'll call her here or we'll go there. Levi, Mammon, you are in charge.
Mammon: Wait right now?
Lucifer: Yes. Come on, Beel.
Diavolo: So...all of this because of feelings for someone....
Barbatos: Indeed m'lord. Love can either be beautiful or dangerous. There's no in-between.
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tonohiyori · 6 years
In Defense of Hiyori Tono
DISCLAIMER: do not send me hate over this. The point of this post is to bring attention to a lot of subtle details the show has been offering us, yet have been ignored to feed into the “Hiyori is abusive and toxic” narrative. Do I think that Hiyori was wrong in things he has done and said? I absolutely do. Do I think Hiyori is evil? Absolutely not. This post isn’t necessarily to make everyone love Hiyori or even like him, but I am asking that we view his character critically and not with blind hatred because he has played a role in keeping Ikuya and Haruka apart. Again, if you disagree with this post, that’s fine. But if you send me hate over it, just know that it’ll be deleted and I can guarantee you that it won’t bother me in the slightest. Part of the fun of being in a fandom is being able to debate and bring attention to things you believe may be missed, and I won’t be made to feel like a bad person for that.
Now, buckle up. This is going to get long because people have been nitpicking and here are just my personal thoughts on Hiyori and why people hate him and why some of those reasons I find to be invalid (or I’d at least like to play devil’s advocate to them).
1. Hiyori is not manipulative
I honestly don’t know where the “Hiyori is manipulating Ikuya” thing came from, because we haven’t seen any proof of that. People are citing the fact that Hiyori kept Ikuya from knowing that Haruka was looking for him as manipulation, but let me paint you a picture here: you have a best friend. He tells you about a traumatic instance from his past involving people he thought he was friends with, who then abandoned him with not a word or warning. They never tried to find him or contact him or reach out. It was extremely hard, and wore on your friend a great deal. Suddenly, in university, these people who hurt your friend show up looking for him, claiming to be old pals. Why would you be in any hurry to reunite them? Say whatever you will about Hiyori not telling Ikuya initially that Haruka and the others were around, but Ikuya makes it clear when he does run into Haru that he wants nothing to do with him, without any interference from Hiyori. Hiyori does show up and then leave with Ikuya, but he believed he was offering moral support. When I’ve been out with a friend and saw an ex of theirs who I knew hurt them, I steer them away and direct their attention to something else to save their heart from hurting over seeing them. Maybe that makes me a bad person, but I understand Hiyori’s motivations there. Again, another factor a majority of the fandom is ignoring is that Hiyori then confesses to Ikuya what he said and did to Haru and the others, and Ikuya has no problem with it. He says that Hiyori was fine to do that. Ikuya didn’t say, “Oh, no! I’ve been missing them and want to reunite! Please don’t keep them away!” He says their friendship was in the past, and he doesn’t want to revisit it. How is Hiyori being manipulative if he told Ikuya the truth, effectively giving Ikuya the chance to tell him to back off, which Ikuya then deliberately chose not to take? I’ve also seen people insinuate that Hiyori is isolating Ikuya when we haven’t seen anything to indicate that. He’s kept Ikuya away from Haruka, but we haven’t seen Hiyori and Ikuya interacting with anyone else yet, only four episodes in. They could easily have other friends. That’s a huge accusation to make, and an extremely unfair one.
2. Hiyori truly cares about Ikuya
I’ve also seen people calling into question whether Hiyori’s care for Ikuya is genuine, and again - there’s so much evidence to say that it is. Aside from the domesticity that we see (Hiyori and Ikuya spend a lot of time together, both of them extending invitations, Hiyori cooks Ikuya dinner, etc.), we know for a fact that Natsuya asked Hiyori to watch over Ikuya. The fandom likes Natsuya, correct? So, answer me this: would Natsuya ever have entrusted his younger brother to the care of a toxic, abusive sociopath? I refuse to believe so. As well, Natsuya and Hiyori know Ikuya far better than Haruka does. Haruka and the others spent one year with Ikuya. Natsuya and Hiyori have been around for far longer. People become angered when Hiyori will defend Ikuya against not wanting to swim relay anymore, but I believe that’s because he knows that Ikuya doesn’t want to, and Ikuya is probably tired of answering the question over and over. Should he stop stepping in on Ikuya’s behalf? Maybe. Ikuya probably needs to learn to speak for himself, and Hiyori might be enabling him not to. However, his intentions there don’t seem to be bad, and when you have a strong/outspoken personality, you tend to do things like that without thinking because you care about the other person. Another example is we see that after Ikuya’s second oxygen deprivation incident, Hiyori visits Ikuya in the hospital many, many times. If all he cared about was using Ikuya, there’d be no point in visiting Ikuya when it wouldn’t even be acknowledged, or when Ikuya was of no use to him. Hiyori has seen Ikuya suffer trying to emulate Haruka. That’s not Haru’s fault and I would never say it was, but I can see how that would sour Hiyori’s view of Haru,
3. Hiyori is not evil
Yes, Hiyori was an asshole to Haruka. I would never contest that. As fans of the anime, we know that Haruka and the others are good people who care deeply for their friends. And yet, we’re not seeing this from Hiyori’s perspective. He doesn’t know that Haruka is a good person, he doesn’t know that Haruka’s regret is genuine. All he knows is that Haruka hurt Ikuya badly in the past, and is only now showing an interest in Ikuya in university after all these years that he could’ve tried to apologize. And if the way Ikuya is after running into Haruka is any indication, it was deeply upsetting to Ikuya. We see him stop smiling, he becomes more withdrawn, and has another near-drowning incident in the pool. That is all that Hiyori has seen. He probably thinks Haruka is dangerous for Ikuya, and bad for Ikuya’s emotional well-being. Is it his job to decide that? No. But it’s the fact that his motivation is coming from a place of care for Ikuya that I can forgive him for that, just like I forgave Rin way back in the day. Characters can be imperfect and make mistakes and say mean/hurtful things and not be bad - just like people in real life! Hiyori calls Haruka and the others “weaklings,” but he doesn’t mean weak as swimmers. He means weak as people. They abandoned a friend because it was easiest for them, and seemingly forgot all about Ikuya while it reached deep into Ikuya’s core and messed with him. Hiyori is angry at them, and believes that he’s protecting Ikuya, who has also made it exceedingly clear that he wants nothing to do with Haruka, regardless of what this fandom seems to think. Ikuya isn’t trying to get in touch with Haruka, isn’t trying to find him, isn’t trying to set the record straight. He deliberately makes it clear he doesn’t want someone who hurt him to come back into his life. Hiyori sees Haruka going against Ikuya’s wishes, and takes matters into his own hands. Should he have? No, he shouldn’t. But again: it’s the simple fact that he’s so desperately loyal to Ikuya that he does this, not out of a place of spite or cruelty.
To sum up: I’m just sort of tired of the fandom spinning their own story about Hiyori despite what we’ve been shown in the anime. I don’t think everyone needs to like him and I’m not saying that everything he’s done is justified or okay. But as someone who has been on the receiving end of being hurt by people I thought cared about me and who I considered friends, I get why Ikuya wants distance from Haruka, and why Hiyori is trying to help Ikuya attain that (while at times going about it in ways that he probably shouldn’t due to anger on Ikuya’s behalf). I noticed the hate for Hiyori spiked after episode 4, and I know it’s because he was cruel to Haru. Which, that’s fine - be upset with him for that, it was a horrible thing for him to say and do. But at least think rationally and critically about who Hiyori is as a character and why he might behave that way before deciding that regardless of how the rest of the season plays out, you’ll hate him forever. A good anime can change your perspective on a character and help you understand them, even when they’re wrong; please give Free! a chance to do that with Hiyori.
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natsuhikoshidou · 6 years
Chapter 1 Pt 2  |  Chapter 2 Pt 2
The next morning, Souhei woke like a mole crawling out of a hole, his aunt was still asleep as usual. He didn’t necessarily need to come in her room to check she was asleep, the fact that there was no sound of typing on a keyboard while the sliding doors were closed meant he didn’t have to.
He went to school on foot. Since there was a path that took no more than twenty minutes one way he could go by bike, but unfortunately he had no other the way to get there than by foot. Because of that Souhei had made a habit of leaving the house in a hurry. While eating his breakfast of rice topped with an egg, because he devoted himself to remembering the things his aunt asked him to buy last night, he was a little late to leave the house today. He remembered the milk, bread and cereal, but for some reason he forgot the bacon. He didn’t know what to say to his aunt when he gets home.
When he arrived at school, most of his classmates were already gathered in the classroom. As usual they were engaged in lively conversation about video-sharing sites and TV programs. From within them there wasn’t a single person who called out to Souhei who just barely appeared. Three male students gathered around Hijiri, sitting at the window. Someone over there held their stomach in laughter, "Hijirin, that’s so funny!"
Deep in his chest Souhei, who sat at his seat, wished that today and tomorrow would go by quietly.  The details of the hatred he was subject to for standing out differed day by day.  If he had a day that passed by peacefully, he’d then also have a day where it didn’t. They just act based on how they feel. But when a voice Souhei remembered reached his ears, his wish was interrupted.
Suddenly, a large shadow appeared in his line of sight, Souhei reflexively threw his head back.
Appearing before his eyes was a single girl. But she wasn't a classmate. That being said it wasn’t like he’d never seen her before.  He remembered seeing her somewhere
"...Ah, Hey! From yesterday-"
Her jewel-like eyes sparkled with fire.
"-Ma, Maki-chan?"
"That's right~. It's Maki~" The girl said, her grin swinging across left to right.
It was the strange girl he met at the secret shrine. For some reason, she was enrolled at this school and wearing the sailor uniform. But her gloves and ripped stockings remained the same.
Full of surprise, Souhei spoke from deep in his throat after a short while.
"...Huuh? Wh, what are you... doing here?"              
But before the girl answered another person interrupted.
The owner of the cold voice appeared behind Maki-chan. A female student and class organiser called Sawai from Grade 11 Class 5.
Sawai removed her short-lived gaze from Souhei, and smiled "Good morning, Tamagawa-san" at Maki-chan.
"Moorning, Sawachi"
Sawai, who has just been called a nickname, went very red and seemed incredibly happy. She’s a girl with a tight personality as far as you can tell, but now she reacted like a fan whose idol called her name out.
This Sawai then changed her facial expression in the blink of an eye, and looked down at Souhei with a blank stare again.
"-And? You were about to say, what?"
"Well..." The fact that this was Souhei’s first exchange of words with this girl bewildered him. But there wasn’t anybody else he felt he could pose the question to, so he had no choice but to ask. "...Um, is this girl from another class?"
When Souhei spoke, for a moment, Sawai made a face like she swallowed a watermelon.
"…Huh!? What did you say?"
"Eh, what...?" Souhei had no idea what was happening. Then he suddenly thought.
"Oh, is she a transfer student?"
Sawai hugged Maki, while she grinned like usual, like she was protecting a kitten drenched in rain.
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"I can’t believe you! She's already been here for 2 months, and you still don't remember your classmate? Especially Tamagawa-san?"
This force panicked Souhei. And since he couldn’t comprehend why Sawai had such a violently threatening attitude, it took him some time to grasp the meaning of her words. Tamagawa? She’s called Maki Tamagawa? Already 2 months?
"...Classmate?" Said Souhei
"I can't believe you. You're just the worst."
Sawai said with a spit and took the girl now known as Maki Tamagawa away from him. "See ya" Maki-chan waved.
Souhei watched her go, dumbfounded. Why did she act like that? Sawai was acting just like that girl joined school at the beginning of the year. Before he realised it, Souhei noticed all eyes in the class had gathered towards him. Hijiri also looked towards him with dubious eyes.  It was good timing that the teacher in charge appeared, so that situation came to a stop.
Maki Tamagawa sat at the middle seat on the window row.  Until yesterday the person that sat in that seat was a large boy, but for some reason now he sat diagonally behind Souhei – even though there wasn’t a desk there yesterday.
When homeroom was over, Souhei found the chance to pick up the attendance record on the front desk. In it, the names of boys and girls were lined up in alphabetical order.  He ran his hurried eyes over it, and the name "Maki Tamagawa" was stated firmly in it. The entry was also recorded right in the middle of the others. Just like it had been that way from the beginning.
Souhei put the attendance record down and returned to his seat. He didn’t understand anything. Even though 2 months hadn’t yet passed, memories of that unique girl had been engraved into his mind whether he liked it or not- or they were supposed to be. Souhei's head began to hurt.
---Maybe I hit my head somewhere?
 Maki Tamagawa's characteristics didn’t fit her behavior.
In first period, they all wrote up easy formulas until she arrived.  Souhei and his fellow students looked at her in shock with mouths agape from beginning to end, the excited salt-and-pepper haired teacher began to taking pictures of the blackboard with a digital camera he took from the staff room. According to him, as he muttered to himself, the formulas that Maki-chan enumerated could apparently be the answer to a famous unsolved equation. When the teacher snapped the shutter for the fourth time, the bell rang.
In music class in second period, she occupied the grand piano, and dexterously began to perform with flowing fingers. Souhei watched her in amazement, he thought the tune in which the sounds seemed to bounce and halt about might be a classic.
His young female teacher began to tremble like she was about to cry, she seemed overwhelmed by the songs that were being played one after another. After class, according to the veteran music teacher who appeared once he heard the nimble sounds, the tunes Maki-chan played all seemed to be songs by the old American pianist Bud Powell, who was honoured as “The Master of Modern Jazz Piano”. If Haruka were here she’d probably be full of joy.
In fourth period the gym was split in the middle with a net, the boys did gymnastics, the girls did basketball. During the match, holding the ball in one hand, Maki Tamagawa achieved three magnificent slam-dunks while other girls remained on the ground. No matter how big of an estimate you make, she probably wasn’t even 160cm tall. Though Souhei promised he’d no longer be surprised despite what she does, when he realized she jumped from the free throw lane, he went beyond surprise and could only feel some kind of terror.
Since she was such an alien existence, Maki Tamagawa became popular in class. No, that reputation went beyond the so-called classroom limit, even people from other classes were coming to meet her. In breaks between lessons and lunch time, surrounding her, there were so many people around her you couldn’t see her. So in class, Souhei quickly released that Maki Tamagawa, who started to become not just a student but also a teacher, was superior to him.
Gym finished and it turned to lunch break. After going to the ground floor cafeteria to buy some bread, without returning to the classroom, Souhei went to the school grounds. Today there was pleasant wind-less weather. There was nobody near the bench. The requirements for a comfortable lunch break were aligned. But today Souhei's head was dull and cloudy.
Why did Maki Tamagawa suddenly start coming here?
Souhei thought as he put the 100-yen greasy curry bread in his mouth. It was just like his other classmates thought her fame and her non-standard behaviour had always been a thing. It couldn’t be that they were all in cahoots and crafting a lie for only him.
-She’s here.
Maki Tamagawa hugged Souhei from behind. "Here you aaare. I was looking for youuu"
"...Ta, Tamagawa-san. You were looking... for me?"
"That's right. Hey, Souhei, how come don't you eat with everyone else in the classroom?"
"Wh, Why-- First of all... could you let go of me?"
Souhei looked at Maki Tamagawa’s eyes, who sat next to him. They sparkled like the eyes of a child who just received a present. They shined in a way so pure it was eerie, he swallowed without thinking.
"What on earth… are you?"
"Eh, Maki? Maki is Maki" she said with a puzzled expression.
"I'm not asking about your name. You weren’t in this class until today -right?"
"I was."
Having received an unexpectedly concise answer, Souhei's thoughts paused for a bit. "...Huh?"
"I was there, that’s the truth." she spoke like she was answering a normal question. "Anyway, Maki's waiting for Souhei to decide his wish y'know. So tell me as soon as you decide! I'll do my best!"
Maki Tamagawa made her hands into fists, he didn’t understand a single thing she said. Every single one of her bizarre words stood as robustly as an iceberg, he felt like they wouldn’t melt by any means possible, he couldn’t try to decipher them. When Souhei was finally able to open his mouth, he was interrupted. It was some girls from his class.
"Tamagawa-san, we brought the volleyball" Sawai said. Her gaze was only focussed towards girl sitting next to Souhei, it seemed just like they didn't realise a person was sitting next to her.
"Hey, thanks!" Maki-chan put her hands together. "Hey, Souhei should play too!"
The girls moved slightly so they could see Souhei. Don't worry. I don’t plan on doing that here.
"I'll pass"
He answered, getting up to walk towards the school building.
"Huuh, You should plaaay, Souhei"
But the other female students gently restrained Maki-chan as she invited him. "Let's leave that guy alone" the voice of Sawai reached him from behind.
By all means, please do, Souhei thought.
  Several days passed, Souhei was slowly becoming able to understand the girl’s wild and free nature. As soon as she left morning homeroom she would go completely unseen until just before lunch, today was a day where he wondered if she was even going to turn up. In any case, her actions didn’t show any consistency, she seemed like the kind of person that only does what she pleases.
That day, he hadn’t seen Maki Tamagawa since the morning. Just from the fact that she wasn’t there, Souhei wondered if he could spend a peaceful regular day, but that didn’t happen.
With the unfortunate rain, at lunch break, Souhei nibbled at his bread in his seat in the classroom. Outside the dark mouse-fur-like clouds continued forever, waterfall-like rain water went along the glass window. But his line of sight stayed on the top of his desk. His nylon pencil case with a ragged hole was there. The hole looked like it was stabbed open with a box cutter or something. The event happened when he quickly went to the toilet. The thing that he used since middle school became garbage in just a brief moment. It’s not like he was especially emotionally attached to it. He didn’t remember where he bought it from, but there was no doubt that it was cheap. However, since it was something he’d continued to use for several years, the reason he looked so miserable once he saw it after the short time he’d left his seat was because he was considerably shocked.
Since he couldn’t help looking at it, Souhei put it away in his desk. On the days where Maki Tamagawa wasn’t at school, the harassment towards Souhei tended to get much worse.
There were almost always several thumbtacks in his shoes in the shoe cupboard. The first time he saw them he tried to chuckle scornfully to himself, how old fashioned, I wonder if anybody would fall for this – but mentally the shock he received wasn’t small. Wet cloth was also thrown into his locker built at the back of the classroom. When he returned from an overnight class trip once, Souhei’s desk alone had been thrown out in the hallway like a sheep lost from the herd. Once Souhei tidied it up, returning it to how it was before, the same old giggles leaked out around him.
When Souhei finished eating the bread he bought, someone called out "Hey, Shima".
It was Hijiri. On the one hand Souhei thought to himself that it was kind of rare for Hijiri to be the one to talk to him, but then he thought absent-mindedly that he stopped calling him “Souhei” like he did a long time ago.
(* typically in Japanese, you only refer to someone with their first name if you’re good friends or if they’re younger than you, referring to someone with their last name shows formality or that you have an indifferent relationship with that person)
"Can I talk to you for a sec?"
Despite the way he phrased it, his tone was imperative. There were two others apart from him, the three surrounded Souhei's seat.
What on earth, Souhei had his guard up.
"Hey, I think you should knock it off with that attitude you’ve got with Tamagawa-san"
"Even though Tamagawa-san lets you talk to her, she told me you were acting cold"
"Well, even if she said that..."
"I didn’t wanna bring it up, but it’s bothering some people in our class. I’m telling you because I’m an old friend of yours.”
Hijiri met eyes with the other two, he looked back at Souhei again and smiled boldly.
"Also you should probably treat girls more gently when you talk to them."
As he said that one of the boys put his hand on Souhei's shoulder. It was a boy called Shiroyama from the soccer club.
"Hey, how come Tamagawa-san’s the only girl you’re into? Tell us."
Shiroyama said with a grin. This was the reason why the harassment accelerated these last few days. Because Maki Tamagawa, who’s attracted all the attention at school, is always following him around. What’s so special about him -- regardless of gender, their eyes always judged him with that. I want to ask the same question, he thought every time deep in his chest.
"Well... I don't know" He really didn't know.
Shiroyama tutted. "Well, whatever, don’t get so carried away for Tamagawa-san”
"...I don’t really-"
"Huh? What was that?"
When Shiroyama threatened him, Souhei closed his mouth like a wilted flower. That would be a bad fight to pick.
(言いがかり – iigakari means both ‘to pick a quarrel’ and ‘a false accusation’… not sure if Souhei referring to talking back to Shiroyama or the accusation that Shiroyama’s making is false.)
"Well that's that then" Hijiri said. "Take care"
His tone was just like he was acting from a sense of justice. But what does that mean? Souhei, however, didn't have the courage to ask that to his face. If he said that he would face new harassment - there's no doubt about that.
Unexpectedly, the classroom door opened. Maki Tamagawa appeared.
"Good mooorning"
The lights came on in the classroom. Everyone raised their heads, their gazes pouring towards her. Even though fifth period was beginning she’ll probably be let off the hook, that’s what everyone seemed to think.
Shiroyama tried to get close to her and greeted her with a bouncy voice "Morning, Tamagawa-san!".
"Moorning, Shiro-chan" Maki Tamagawa said. Shiroyama made a satisfied face. Next, she said "Souhei, good morning!"
"...Good morning."
Souhei spoke as hospitably as he could. As usual Shiroyama’s expression was like someone who just got out of a hot bath, but even though he couldn't make a smile, he thought it was good enough. Just then the English teacher appeared. As the scattered students took that as a sign to return to their seats, the Maki Tamagawa in question approached Souhei's ears and whispered.
"Maki’s gonna find out Souhei's wish no matter what."
Surprised, Souhei's body jumped back "...What?"
"Maki will do anything to find out."
After she said that, she quickly went back to her seat. Souhei had no time to ask her to repeat. What on earth does she mean by ‘wish’? She's been talking about it since I first met her.
But he realized thinking about it was useless. Souhei, who tried to concentrate on class and switched on his brain, opened the notes in his textbook, and took out a sharp pencil from his shredded-up pencil case.
 After school, Souhei went into the school’s northern building. He planned to stop by the convenience store and take out a book at the library, then go to Othello’s spot. When he thought that and tried to leave the classroom, the voice of a female student called Mizuguchi from his class called out to him.
The girl is the student that sits right behind Souhei, in her free time she's always making bead-accessories. Apparently, she's in the handicraft club.
"Mr Kashiwazaki called for you" she explained to Souhei briefly and then left.
Kashiwazaki is a middle aged male teacher in charge of science. In any case, it seems like he needs help preparing for an experiment next week. Souhei was sure he remembered being on weekly duty next week. But he wants me to go now… how big is he planning to make the experiment?
In this school there's a so-called preparation officer-system in each class. They’re assigned lesson chores outside of the classroom, someone else is responsible every week.
It can seem like a pain when you’re ordered to do something, but compared to being an executive committee member for events like the culture and sports festival, or for regular activities like health and library committee, Souhei preferred doing this, so he didn’t mind it.
The first floor which housed the special classrooms felt kind of creepy with today's horrible weather and the lack of people there. Souhei knocked on the science prep office's door but he didn't hear a response. According to Mizuguchi, Kashiwazaki should be waiting here. The door wasn’t locked.
The prep room wasn’t very big. He entered the room, Hijiri Aota, who sat on the windowsill, immediately met eyes with Souhei.
"Eh, Hijiri...?"
Souhei saw he was also surprised. His face looked taken aback.
"Oh? Why are you here?"
"…Because I'm the prep officer for this week. What about you?"
In the closed room, when the two came face to face, there seemed to be a different atmosphere than usual.
Hijiri seemed like he didn't want to talk and stayed quiet, but answered briefly after a moment.
"... School trip meeting."
"…Oh, you're in charge. You're meeting here?"
Hijiri is one of the excursion committee members. Many students have more important events in high school, they probably thought they could leave it to the most popular student in class.
"Kashiwazashi's in charge of the trip"
Souhei asked nervously. "...How come you're alone?"  There's another girl on the school travel committee.
"...It’s fine if it’s just me for today’s meeting. Anyway, stop asking about every little thing. Just shut up and wait."
Then they both closed their mouths. Souhei sat down in an empty chair.
What a weird story, Souhei thought. Kashiwazashi was planning to have a meeting with the excursion committee and for Grade 11 Class 5’s experiment preparation at the same time. He must be on a pretty tight schedule.
Looking out of the window behind Hijiri, the scenery was struck with rain. There was no sign of it stopping. The rain fell like waves, flapping in the wind ever so often. Each drop hit the window hard. The only sounds in the room were the sound of rain and the music department playing music in the distance.
As the silence continued, the hands on Hijiri’s wristwatch tick-tocked. Slowly. If Kashiwazashi is late, the other class' committee member won't appear at all. In the quiet and dimly lit room, it felt just like a cave in the mountains, like they were waiting to be rescued.
When the momentum of the rain outside became even stronger, Hijiri opened his mouth
"You got Haruka’s pictures right?"
"Eh... Yeah. I did."
It was a few days ago.
After saying just that Hijiri was quiet again. He didn’t understand the reason behind that, but Souhei didn't ask.
Even so, how long has it been since Hijiri and I talked to one another?
Another 20 or so minutes passed after that. The landscape outside became dark.
He realized he could try to make use of this time.  He was currently like this because of his falling-out with Hijiri due to what had happened — to be exact, the hatred from Hijiri was one-sided, his other classmates were probably just piggybacking on that relationship. Despite what Hijiri did or didn’t do until now, Souhei had nonetheless become a target for him to vent his stress onto. But he wasn’t sure that would change, even if his relationship with Hijiri would repair. He wasn’t sure if he’d end up in even more pain.
Hijiri spoke again.
"How many did she give you?"
"...Umm--" the suddenness surprised Souhei.
"--Around thirteen, I think."
"...Whatever, she said she gave them to you."
Hijiri was talking about Haruka. But something in those words sounded rather unpleasant to Souhei.
"She said that she didn’t really care about giving you those photos from two years ago. ‘Cause Haruka told me she thinks you’re in the wrong.” Hijiri spoke like he was doing a monologue again. It was a somewhat fitting way of speaking. Souhei felt a flashing sign of danger, like Hijiri was holding a knife behind his back.
"...What do you mean?"
Souhei couldn't hold it in and asked. He already sensed a discomfort, like his heart was being scraped with sandpaper.
"I told you to shut up-"
In that moment, Souhei knew he didn't want this light to go off.
It's fine if I don’t hear it. I have to close Hijiri's mouth by any means possible, he thought instinctively.
"--We're going out."
That’s what Hijiri said.
It was so quiet his ears hurt.
The rain he saw outside the window was still strong in momentum, it seemed like it would keep falling forever. However, he couldn’t hear the sound of rain. Souhei couldn't hear anything. Hijiri's words just spun around again and again in his head.
I must have misheard him. There's no way—something whispered to Souhei.  But Haruka’s been on my side until now. We promised to study at the library together.
-- But that's all.
"Guess you didn’t know then." Hijiri said. "Feel free to ask Haruka."
Souhei felt a huge melting feeling sinking in his stomach. Without any energy, his voice became a whisper.
"Are you surprised?" Hijiri asked.
"I am." Souhei agreed meekly.
The power came out from his body. Naturally he couldn’t even pretend to keep his cool with a fake smile. His heart and lungs just moved on their own accord, he became a speechless doll.
"Well, don't be too glum about it." As Hijiri said that he left the prep room "I'm going home. Have fun waiting."
"Why did Haruka---"
Hijiri's feet stopped outside the door "What?"
"Why did Haruka... care about someone like me? She always cared about me..."
There was a long pause. After that, Hijiri deliberately spoke with a sneering tone.
Souhei's head suddenly became hot. He realized his hands had been made into fists. But it was no use. I don’t have the right to get angry--- Souhei held it in. When he thought about how Hijiri spoke to him, he couldn’t put it into words, was it insulting or persecuting? In addition, what he said is probably true. After the three of them stopped being on good terms in middle school, he was the only one that felt left out. Haruka probably only cared about him because of that. It was nothing more than sympathy.
The anger I have for Hijiri is unreasonable. I have to endure it.
How long had it been like that? Suddenly, he realized Hijiri was already gone. The rain had weakened, though only a little.
I'm going home, he thought. But the same time he got up, the door to the room opened.
The science teacher Kashiwazashi flinched in shock when he saw Souhei in a room which should have been empty. "What are you doing here? This place is prohibited, authorized entry only."
He had a familiar sour look.
"I know" Souhei responded.
Part 2 -->
4 notes · View notes
natsuhikoshidou · 7 years
Invisible Ch. 4 - Lead Me (Summary)
we meet riina: the best character in the book. need i say anything else?
Read Ch. 3 | Read Ch. 5 p1
Souhei fell through the wall into a city he doesn’t know. The buildings look much older and worn out than his 20 year old apartment and he doesn’t recognize any of the residents. 
There were people walking around and people sitting down for drinks, it was the usual pedestrian traffic. Souhei was confused, he just came from an alleyway...
He looks at the wall behind him. There was a huge crack on it, like the one he just fell through. He's really confused and thinks it’s just a dream.
Souhei feels like he’s about to cry, like he wants to beg the person who is behind all of this to show their face so he can go back to earlier. Then, he starts feeling angry, and thinks about how there really aren’t any consequences to being invisible. He walks around the city selfishly, insolently, like he doesn’t care about the consequences for a little bit. Then, he returns to the wall and is about to try and leave when...
Thud. He suddenly feels a shock run from the top of his head to his feet, and he passes out immediately, like a scene changing in a movie.
When he wakes up, he’s lying on a futon and looking at an unknown ceiling. He can’t remember what happened, sits up quickly and is then stricken with pain. As he’s groaning in pain, he hears:
“I’m, sorry.”*
He turns around. There’s a girl sitting near him. He then realizes the reality of the situation, and asks if she can see him, to which she nods.
Overwhelmed, Souhei starts tearing up. She asks him why, and tells her that he thought he became an invisible person. 
He gets a good look at the room. If him turning invisible is just a dream, he has to try and understand why he’s in this place. It’s pretty empty, the floor’s made of wood, there’s a futon, a chair in the corner, a window, a naked light-bulb with an umbrella-shaped shade, but that’s it.
The girl tells him that he is invisible, and that invisible people can see and talk to one another. Souhei still doesn’t believe it, so she turns the light on and tells him to stand up and look at his feet. 
At first Souhei only notices that he’s barefoot (his shoes are by the chair in the corner), but she points out that he doesn’t have a shadow. He looks over and neither does she. Souhei then realizes that he didn’t check that detail when he was going to school and visiting home.
He looks out of the window and sees people walking around in the street. None of them have shadows despite the fact it’s midday, it’s really creepy. She tells him this place is called the Invisible City and it’s where invisible people live.
Souhei tries to leave, but when asked where he’s going, realizes that he can’t go home. He then asks about the girl, she says her name is Riina and that she lives here.
She leads him through an alleyway to get to the Invisible City. It’s cramped, dark, you have to bend over to fit in it, the floor is wet from condensation from the pipes above, something keeps hitting him but he doesn’t know what, and also the walls are filthy and peeling off. 
Souhei’s talking to Riina to try and keep his mind off it. He asks why she didn’t just leave him be, and she says that she’s the one who bumped into him and also that she’s sorry. 
Souhei then asks how he should refer to Riina (i.e. with her last name, out of politeness). Riina tells him that her first name is fine and that everybody calls her that. Souhei wants to ask why she doesn’t use her last name, but doesn’t.
Then an older person in a vest jumps out of somewhere and is standing in the break between the stairs. Souhei jumps in shock, but Riina tells him to keep going. When he goes past them, they stink of alchohol.
Finally they enter the outside from the alleyway. Souhei squints in the sunlight and feels the radiance of the sun, but Riina is standing still and staring at something.
It seems that people are crowding around a fight. Souhei and Riina walk towards the place. There’s no way around them.
It seems there’s a guy with tattoos down his arm and a chubby blond guy arguing in the middle. They seem to be the leaders of 2 separate groups crowding around them. When the tattooed guy throws the first punch, and the blond guy punches him back in the stomach. After that, it evolves into chaos with the two groups getting involved too.
Souhei is shaken up and notices a guy who is pushed onto the ground, straddled and is delivered a final blow. Though they look younger than Souhei, he couldn’t bring himself to stop it. There are people who are pushed onto the sidewalk, half conscious, covered in blood. 
As Souhei starts feeling anxious, wondering if it’s ok to just stand and stare, he hears a cool voice from behind him:
“Are you going to stop soon?”
Though the voice wasn’t that loud, immediately the fight began to calm down.
When the boy walked past Souhei and he got a glimpse of his face, he remembered him from somewhere. He couldn’t remember who he was at all though.
When the boy went over to the tattooed and the blond guy to ask for an explanation, they began arguing again. However, as soon as he told them to shut up, they were quiet. The blond boy says “...My bad, Seiji.” Souhei recalls hearing that name before as well.
Seiji asks them to apologize now, so they won’t fight again. When they apologize, he doesn’t believe them. While they’re conversing the guy who was knocked out on the floor from earlier is approaching Seiji from behind. He looks dubious and runs up to Seiji, about to hit him.
At that, Souhei tries to intervene and jumps out to Seiji. The guy punches Souhei instead. 
Though Souhei would usually be able to withstand a single punch, he hasn’t eaten in 2 days and he’s exhausted so he immediately falls to the ground and becomes unconscious. 
A shadow looks over him, saying that he shouldn’t have gotten involved. At that, Souhei loses his consciousness.
When Souhei wakes up, theres a boy with spikey hair sitting by him who goes and tells Seiji. It seems he’s in some kind of bar and he’s laying on a bench. The bar is full of people sat by long tables, some of them are playing cards. By the counter there’s about 10 round seats: Seiji is sat on one of them.
Seiji comes over to Souhei. He tells him that what just happened was unfortunate and that he heard from Riina that he just arrived here. Because Souhei had only just woken up, he didn’t quite understand what he was saying.
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He sees Riina sitting by a chair in the corner. She’s completely still, not interacting with anyone. 
Seiji says that he removed the bandages from his fight with Hijiri because his wounds seemed cured, and asks if his wounds from the fight just now are ok. Souhei touches his jaw; it’s hurts a little, but it’s nothing serious.
But now that Souhei’s head is cleared up, he finally realizes and asks:
"...You're Seiji from <<clouds>>, right?"
He remembers seeing him from the videos Haruka showed him. The bar turns completely silent, everyone’s staring at Souhei. Seiji smiles a little:
"So you know about <<clouds>>" "So you really are Seiji- Ah, Seiji-san...?" "You don't need to use the honorific. In any case, it would help if you told me your name" "Ah, Souhei- It's... Souhei Shima." "Souhei. You're right, I'm Seiji. Indeed I'm the lead singer from <<clouds>>. Because I'm addressed as such there, you can call me that too."
After that, Seiji asks Souhei how much Riina told him. Souhei says he’s only been an invisible person for a little while, so he doesn’t know much. Seiji offers to explain to him how the city works.
He explains that when people turn invisible, they are lead, almost unconsciously, down the hidden alleyway. He says the city is also similar to invisible people’s inconsistent existent (i.e. unable to be seen but can still be interacted with physically).
He then explains to Souhei the story of the Peach Blossom Spring by Tao Yuanming to show that places like the invisible city have existed for a long time. In short, the story tells of a fisherman that found a city hidden behind peach blossoms. There, the villagers were unaware of the outside world and lived happily in their own ecosystem.
He also tells Souhei about the story of “The Stray House” in Kunio Yanagita’s anthology “The Legends of Tono”. The story tells of a woman that found a beautiful lost mansion in a mountain. When she went inside, though she couldn’t see anyone, she felt like somebody was living in there too. Seiji believes this is proof of invisible people’s existence.
Seiji explains that everyone living in the invisible city now was once from the outside world. He also says that, almost unconsciously, they were drawn towards the city. (”[...] It was like my own legs became another person's. I felt like I was being carried to that alleyway. Didn't you?”)
Souhei mentions the cube. When Seiji seems shocked, Souhei tells him it’s nothing. 
After that, Souhei begins feeling bad again. He was mostly unconscious at this point. 
Seiji tells Souhei that he can live in this city, though if he wants to live somewhere else, he won’t stop him. 
"There is one thing I want though..." He was hesitant to ask for this at the first time meeting this person, but he was at his wit's end. If you compared a person's stamina to how much water you could hold in a bucket, Souhei wouldn't even have enough for a cup.
"What is it?" Seiji leaned in. "What can I do?" [...]
"I'd like something to eat."
Seiji brings Souhei over to the bar, where a bald guy with a beard cooks Souhei some donburi. Souhei eats it in the blink of an eye, which makes Seiji laugh
Afterwards Souhei apologizes as he forgot his wallet at home, but the chef laughs and tells him that they don’t use money in the city. Seiji tells him that there’s lots of things he’ll need to think about in the city.
After that, Seiji leads Souhei and Riina up to the rooftop which overlooks the city and they look at the city’s panorama. Souhei notices that it looks like the city is trapped by 4 walls in a square shape. 
Souhei asks who made the walls. Seiji says he doesn’t know, and that the walls are impossible to climb and look like they’re completely undamaged, apart from the big crack that people are lead through. He also says that the old people here believe a God’s living in the Invisible City, and that every time a building is built the wall gets higher.
Seiji elaborates that more buildings keep getting built on top of each other in the Invisible City which is why the alleyways are dark and difficult to navigate, like a maze. Seiji says some people get lost, which seems to worry Souhei.
Souhei asks if there’s only one main road (where the fight happened earlier). There are two cliffs either side of that path. Seiji says that there are 5 main roads and there’s also a path around the circumference of the wall, which takes about 10 minutes to walk end to end.
Then his attention turns to the clock tower nearby. Seiji says it’s like a lighthouse for invisible people: it can’t be seen by regular people and it helps guide invisible people in the outside world. Souhei has a lot of questions but he doesn’t know if it’s ok to ask them.
Then, he builds up the courage to ask if Seiji is the leader of the city. Seiji looks shocked, Souhei elaborates that earlier, as soon as they heard his voice, everybody stopped fighting. Seiji tells him that he’s not really a leader, but he feels like he has no choice to lead because there aren’t many adults that work in the city.
He elaborates that it seems like all the adults do is drink and gamble for alcohol. When he first came to the city, nobody did anything. 
Then Seiji tells Souhei that younger people in the city have to work in order to eat. He says the chef from earlier was called Jirou, and that there’s lots of jobs available. After a short pause, he asks Souhei to become a purveyor with Riina.
This means going out to the outside world and acquiring special items that you can’t get in the Invisible City. The Invisible City has most basic things though, there are farms, wind power stations, gas, etc. 
Seiji says Riina’s job is becoming unmanageable to do herself and that letting residents leave as they please is dangerous. He then notes that Souhei was in good form earlier in the fight, Souhei tells him that he used to be in the track and field club in middle school, which delights Seiji. He says ‘you’ll catch up with Riina’, which worries Souhei a little.
Lastly, Seiji explains that they don’t have laws in the city. There is one important rule that is installed to protect invisible people’s existence: 
"It's that the people from the outside world absolutely cannot learn about our existence. So that we can be completely protected." Seiji's voice was firm.
People from the outside world- When Souhei heard that, he felt like all the people he was involved with until now were on the opposite shore.
Obviously it was difficult to imagine the state of when those two existences [the Invisible City & invisible people] are found out. In Souhei's head, the words "Police" and "Mass media" popped up, but he couldn't imagine the way they would move. But it would be like the world suddenly turned upside down.
After that, Seiji turns to leave the rooftop. Souhei asks what he should do now, Seiji tells hims to “go slow” and “This is the Invisible City- A city where you can enjoy your freedom."
*I paraphrase a lot of the dialog, but I think it’s important to note Riina’s speech style. She talks slowly and concisely; this is represented by a frequent use of commas. For example, when she tells Souhei that using her first name is fine, she says 「みんな、そう呼ぶ、から」- “Because, everyone, calls me that.”
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