#like he wants her trust and im not sure he even realizes he accidentally embraced the papa role
majimassqueaktoy · 1 year
I've been watching kenzan again and Kiryu's affection for Haruka has me so fucked up... he's really destined to be her dad throughout all of time and space 🥺
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shsl-fluff · 4 years
yo Im back 😔✌️ lmao I loved the way you did my fem baker so request! thanks for that! I know I'm quick to ask again already but you said you were willing to take requests for writing, right? lol could I do the v3 boys this time with a male s/o (or fem if you ain't comfortable with that) who's a reserve course student/is talentless? bonus if s/o is insecure about it like hajime was? 👉🏻👈🏻😳😣💞💞
Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta didn't understand why you seemed a little upset whenever he hung out with his classmates with you.
You were insecure. There were a lot of kind students in his class who were way more talented than you, and even though you trusted Gonta, you were still a little afraid that he would fall for one of the other boys
(Or girls of course. Gonta was pansexual, and all the girls in his class seemed pretty and nice too)
You, Gonta, and a few of his friends (Oma, Saihara, Hoshi, and Shinguji) went out to eat one night together at a little diner 
You were honestly getting anxious as they all talked about things oriented around their talents
Ryoma had gotten back into tennis after his long break, Shuichi had a new case he was working on, which Kokichi seemed to know way too much about, and Korekiyo had just gotten back from a trip. 
As they all chatted about what they were amazing at, you were just silent
What did you really have to talk about that was just as cool as their misadventures?
So you stared at the floor until Gonta suddenly tapped your shoulder. Ryoma had gone out for a smoke break, Shuichi was absorbed in his notes, Korekiyo was in the bathroom, and Kokichi was Lord knows where
"(Y/N)? You look upset… did I do something wrong?" He looked at you with his big puppy dog eyes. 
"You didn't do anything wrong… I just… don't feel like my topics are interesting? You're all ultimates and I'm just… me…"
"You are just you!" Gonta said joyfully "and Gonta just Gonta, and Ryoma is just Ryoma, and Kokichi is just Kokichi and-"
You cut him off. "No, that's not what I mean. I mean… I'm not special. You and your friends have so much status and skill and-"
"But that doesn't matter, Love bug"
It always made you bashful when he called you by that nickname
He nodded and kissed your forehead. 
When the others came back, Gonta brought you into the conversation and got you talking
At first you were nervous, yet your worries melted as you got more involved in the conversation.
You just became one of the guys. Whether or not they were ultimates didn't matter. 
When you all started to leave after eating, you overheard Saihara talking to his friend over the phone
"Yeah, I met Gontas' boyfriend. He really seems like a good fit for him, but I'm not great at romance… Either way, it's clear Gonta loves him."
That made you feel a lot more confident. That an ultimate thought you and Gonta were a good pair
Then again, Gonta was right. It didn't matter if they were ultimates or not. 
Kiibo (K1-B0)
One of his friends, Miu, had been hanging around recently. She was the ultimate inventor, and was working on a big upgrade for Kiibo
You were starting to feel jealous about all the time he spent with her and not you. 
You didn't think he would cheat or anything, it was just lonely without him. 
But Kiibo couldn't tell. He was sort of oblivious to human emotions. It wasn't his fault, but that didn't make it hurt any less.
Miu had set up a makeshift workshop in your room, because "Kiibos charging port was in there anyway"
Schoolwork was piling up, too. You found yourself working until you fell asleep on the couch. 
You were lonely, stressed, and, to be honest, starting to get paranoid that Miu really had stolen your lover's metallic heart.
One day during studying you just cracked. 
You broke down in tears, shaking.
You couldn't help it. You choked out Kiibos name.
"(Y/N?)" You heard him call.
"Wait I'm still working!" Miu called. He got up anyway and went to your side. 
He put a cold hand on your back, accidentally causing a jolt of electricity. 
"Sorry… Miu was working and wasn't fully done but I wanted to make sure you were-"
"I wish I could be like Miu," you said suddenly. 
He went quiet in confusion. 
"Like you or Miu or your classmates… ultimate robot, ultimate inventor, ultimate detective, ultimate magician… ultimate, ultimate, ultimate" you sobbed
"All I'm good at is being painfully average" 
"That's not true!" Kiibo said quickly. "You're very special, to me at least…"
"I feel so lonely"
He went quiet. "Oh…" 
Every time he touched you it shocked you. "Miu needs to fix that… it happened when she was working on the upgrades."
"How much longer?"
"Tomorrow, hopefully… I would hug you but I don't want to shock you…" 
You managed a weak smile. "Thank you"
You heard him walking off, and then silence.
You managed to fall asleep after a while, and when you woke up, you were in bed.
Kiibo was holding you close in his arms, radiating a warm heat. 
"You're up? Morning" Kiibo responded. "Miu finished with her updates… I hope you don't mind, but my side of the bed is a charging port now… So we can sleep in the same bed together" he was going red. 
"Really? You did those updates for me?"
He nodded slowly
You started to cry as he rubbed your back and started to radiate more heat. 
"I love you"
"I love you, too"
Kaito Momota
You would never say it, but you were definitely jealous of the luminary of the stars
Even if only a little bit
You knew about what he had done to become an ultimate, and it made the jealousy increase
It normally was something you could keep under control. It must have taken a lot of talent to fool such a strict system, so he deserved getting in anyway, right?
One day he was ranting about his schoolwork and something in you just broke. 
"Just… Stop… I know that you're an ultimate, Kaito. Please just stop talking about it" you muttered
He went. It was shocking for him to see you so upset all the sudden. 
You started to cry suddenly. "I'm sorry… I'm being so mean" you whimpered. 
"Don't be sorry." He said softly, putting a hand on your back. 
He really cared about you, and didn't realize he had brought you over the edge. 
"Hey, hey. It's getting dark out, how about we stargaze?"
You smiled and nodded. 
Kokichi Ouma
Like with everyone else, Ouma would tease you a lot
Often, he would tease you about being a reserve course student. 
You often would throw back a snarky reply to please him. 
He didn't actually realize it hurt you.
One day after a particularly tiring shift at work, he threw a remark towards you. 
"Hey, hey hey! How was your job?" Kokichi was hanging upside down on the couch. "Why can't you parents just pay for you, like how they paid for Hope's Peak for you?"
Normally, you would ignore it, but today you just couldn't. 
You went uncomfortably quiet, clenching your fists and holding in tears as you marched into your room and closed the door
You flopped on the bed as the tears started to spill. 
The door opened quietly. 
"(Y/N)? The stuff I said about you… that was just a lie, ya know?"
You sobbed and shook your head.
"But you're right… I'm only here because of my stupid parents and their stupid money. That's the only reason I'm in Hopes Peak"
You didn't listen as you kept talking.
"I'm just a useless, talentless, reserve course student. I'm never going to get anywhere in life…"
"I'm just a dumb, privileged teen boy. I'm so stupid I'm so-" 
"(Y/N)!" He pulled you into a tight embrace and kissed you as you cried.
"Hey, hey… you aren't just a nobody, (Y/N)"
"that's just a-"
"It's not a lie" his voice was so genuine.
You believed him this time. 
"You know I love you, right? My boyfriend, my partner in crime, my best friend…"
He cupped your cheek as you nodded shakily. 
"You know, you're my second in command for a reason. Because you're so smart. A lot smarter than a lot of the other ultimates."
You cuddled in silence for a while, until your boyfriend had to go. 
Before leaving, he turned back to you with a stupid smirk
"Talentless reserve course student"
You stuck your tongue out at him
"Airhead ultimate"
Korekiyo Shinguji
A lot of reserve course students were victims of bullying, and you were one of them.
You knocked on your lovers door after school, sniffling. You knew he was home, ultimates could skip classes without much repercussions. 
"Who is it?" You heard your lover ask from the other side of the door. 
You sniffled softly and choked out a response. "Kiyo… it's me, (Y/N)."
He paused for a moment "oh, one moment" he sounded surprised to hear your cries. 
He opened the door and wrapped his arms around you. 
He wasn't big on hugs, so it definitely meant a lot. 
"What's troubling you, my (Y/N)?"
You told him how some of the ultimates were harassing you, before you started sobbing so hard you couldn't speak
"Come here, sit down" he ushered you to the dining table and started to make you macha tea. 
He set it down in front of you, sitting down across from you with a teacup of his own. 
"How about I tell you another story, my love? Would that make you feel better?"
You nodded "I like your voice,…" you said between tears "it's comforting."
Heat rushed to his cheeks at the comment, but started to tell you about different Yokai, and what they reflected in society. 
You listened as you drank your tea
"Kiyo?" You asked shakily as he finished talking about the futakuchi-onna.
"Can we cuddle? I-im sorry I know I'm being clingy but-"
"You aren't, dear. Let's go to my room" 
He took your hand and guided you to his bed.
He wrapped you both up in blankets and pulled you on his lap. 
"Can I-"
"You can play with my hair" he said before you could finish.
You smiled and ran your hands through his hair slowly. It was so soft and silky
It calmed you. 
"You're so beautiful" he whispered in your ear. 
"But… I'm not an ultimate" you mumbled
"And? Why would that make you any less beautiful?"
"I don't know but…"
He pulled down his mask and kissed you softly. 
"You're an amazing boyfriend, (Y/N). Don't fret." 
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro didn't remember his talent, so why would it matter to him if you were a reserve course student?
He knew it made you uncomfortable, so decided to simply not bring it up. 
He would often have to leave for long periods of time, searching for his sisters. 
When he did, he would bring you and his other friends tons of gifts
It felt like they often got similar things each time, linking back to their talents. 
But you got an eclectic amount of gifts.
It felt nice that he thought if things you like that weren't just based on a title
"I found this owl shaped horn, and it reminded me of you" he said as you raised an eyebrow.
"I mean, it's interesting and cool! Isn't it?"
"Yeah, it is" you smiled and blew into it. 
It made an owl like hoot. 
He grinned at you, and you grinned back. 
He suddenly pulled you into a hug
"I missed you, (Y/N)"
"Even though I'm not an ultimate like your friends?"
He frowned and kissed you softly. 
"Of course."
Ryoma Hoshi
Ryoma was honestly jealous of you.
A lot of his problems started because of his ultimate. 
He wished he could have been a normal guy like you, especially back  in middle school...
But he would never tell you that
Not because he didn't trust you, but because he didn't want to remember her. 
One day, you were both sitting on the couch, watching whatever stupid reality show that was on the TV.
You noticed something. All the people had their carriers or a defining part of their life under their name. 
'Doctor, Mother, Soldier'
And then…
'Ex-student from Hope's Peak'
"I wish I could be an ultimate" you mumbled absently. "Once you're admitted to that school, you're set for life, huh? Fame, money, job opportunities…" 
Ryoma suddenly grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. 
"I wish I could stop being an ultimate" he muttered. He wasn't mad, not at all. Just crying to stop himself from crying. 
"I'm sorry, Ryoma" you said softly. You knew when to stop. 
"Can I… tell you about what happened?"
You always knew something happened. You knew your boyfriend was on death row at one point, but that his legal team had fought endlessly for him to be released on parole. 
"Yeah, if it'd make you feel better, Ryoma"
He said everything, the tennis matches, the spell of anger before defeating his final appointment. The fear. Hiding. When she was found.
He broke down in tears. He couldn't help it, it was just too much to go back to. 
You pulled him into a kind embrace and rubbed his back. 
"I love you, (Y/N)" he sobbed softly. "You're a wonderful boyfriend. You're so great" he hiccuped. 
It was rare for him to let his emotions out like this, and it was clear he had so much bundled up. 
You held him close and kept comforting him.
It really meant the world to him. 
Shuichi Saihara
You and Shuichi didn't talk much about him being an ultimate. 
But it was definitely always on your mind
He had to work for hours on end on the most difficult cases due to his title as the Ultimate detective. 
He'd work until he fell asleep at his desk. And then go right back to working.
It made you feel lonely. 
It was like his title mattered more than his boyfriend. 
One day when he was working, you wrapped your arms around him. "Shuichi? Could you please take a day off?" You mumbled softly in his ear.
He went red. "I would,  but I'm-"
"So close to finishing that case, I know… but if you took a break and looked at it from a new perspective, I'm sure you'd get out of this rut"
He hesitated slightly. 
"And I miss spending time with you"
That convinced him. 
You both cuddled on the couch and put on a cheesy movie. 
It was nice for him to take a day with his lover. He really needed that break
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mononyann · 4 years
a while back people requested that i share some of my headcanons for certain bnha characters, so here's some of the characters that i did
Shota Aizawa
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- he absolutely has at LEAST 3 cats, he spoils the heck out of them too. that's why he's always eating those gel packs... he spends too much on his cats.
- he really does love his class. and we all know honey??? u haven't expelled any of them. ur soft for them ok.
- he likes to sleep with his cats bc he gets lonely at night... he will not admit it, but he likes having someone/something there :)
- he has reuccuring nightmares about the usj attack and how he could have failed to save his students
- has a very low alcohol tolerance and often ends up getting dragged back to his apartment by mic or midnight when they go out whilst he rambles and whines the entire time
- he hates crying and tries his best to keep his emotions held in, he's only cried in front of a select few people
- he tries not to let others opinions on him rule his life and tends to block it out if someone hates him
- he doesn't know it, but he is the entirety of class 1-a's dad.
- he really likes tea, and dislikes sweets
- as you would expect, he takes his coffee black
Hanta Sero
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- he really likes kpop! he stans multiple groups and really wants to attend a concert
- though he seems really chill on the outside, he's actually quite sensitive and has some self confidence issues
- he loves being around people and finds that he gets his energy from being around those he loves
- definitely into e-boy fashion, and he is open about it
- pierced his own ears at 3 am and called kaminari crying about how he screwed it up
- he actually likes to draw a lot in his free time, it's very relaxing. he puts on some nice low-fi music and draws for hours
- he hasn't had many crushes in his life and doesn't find romance to be a big issue currently, but he's open to anything
- accidentally taped his hamster to the ceiling in 2nd grade, he didn't mean to and cried for hours (the hamster was ok)
Nemuri Kayama
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- she is a BRO, she likes to crack a cold one open with the boys on the weekends
- she is bisexual and thinks everyone is beautiful in their own unique ways
- most likely talks shit about her coworkers to her classes
- she thinks children are adorable and loves them, often scaring them with her enthusiasm
- very touchy, she loves hugs and will probably not pass up a chance to use you as an armrest if she has the chance
- she secretly worries about aizawa a lot and is scared that he lets the past effect him too much
- did you guys know she has a cat?!
- i like to think she and mic are like... EPIC bros, she loves to paint his nails and do his hair while gossiping with him (aizawa would NEVER let her do this to him lmao)
- she isn't a mom, but finds the idea of having her own children very nice, for now having a cat will suffice
- she enjoys trying to make all might flustered, she thinks his reactions to things are always very cute and funny (it's all in good fun!)
- she's the mom friend! though she may seem very sexual, which she undoubtedly is, she is also very caring and has a very nuturing motherly personality, she's a lot more than just fanservice !!!!!
Todoroki Shoto
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- completely oblivious when it comes to love... he doesn't even understand his own crushes
- "of course you can borrow my credit card uraraka" *pulls out endeavors card which he sneakily took*
- would be the person to tell a child that their pet guinea pig didn't go to heaven and be confused when they start sobbing... like "what... don't be honest?"
- allows his friends to huddle up to his warm side when they are cold
- is confused when people show him copious amounts of love and affection
- he would beat up anyone if they tried to do ANYTHING bad to midoriya
- he wants more friends. he really is enjoying meeting new people and having some new friends at ua!
- he gives really good hugs, he doesn't try to hug you too tight, but he doesn't half ass it either, very nice and warm
- he hates his scar. like. a lot. he wants to cover it up so bad but it just doesn't work. he's afraid it'll make other people scared of him.
Shinsou Hitoshi
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- loves patd! and fall out boy, a brendon urie STAN
- loves to kiss his kitties on the forehead but dreads human interaction
- he loves to squish his cats' toebeans... he takes pictures of them and posts them to his secret cat social media acc
- he is gay but doesn't know how to feel about it and/or come out, he's really nervous and doesn't trust people to accept him
- he doesn't smile often but when he does it's the cutest thing ever
- he secretly really likes deku and kaminari and is hesitant about accepting their friendship, but appreciates the gestures a lot
- he suffers with social anxiety and doesn't really know how to make friends very well??? like, in middle school people were total dickbags to him so he kinda just closed himself off and decided he was gonna like... not make friends, but now that there's nice people around him he just kind of- doesn't know how
- this is actually canon! but he feels guilty about having to manipulate people when he uses his quirk, during the 4th school briefs book he feels guilty when he overhears midoriya and ojiro talking about him using his quirk during the sports festival, and he's like "i wish ojiro would say something rude about me to show he's angry so i wouldn't have to feel so guilty about this" since ojiro showed no ill feelings towards him
Izuku Midoriya
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- "hold on I'll go get a blanket!" *opens closet* *thousands of all might figurines tumble out*
- watches cat vine compilations until 2 am, than freaks out when he realizes it is 2 am
- very good with children!
- used to be very self conscious about his freckles bc of bakugou insulting them; hid them with concealer for a while until someone told him they were beautiful
- loves his momma so muchhh he would do anything for her, he likes to surprise her with small favors to see her happy
- does not understand the concept of letting people handle their own problems
- stays after to class to offer his teachers help
- he has a lot of self doubts and is still struggling to this day to come to terms with the fact that he is worthy of having one for all
- he wants to learn how to cook for his mom and friends
Kyoka Jirou
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- she is a lesbian!!!!! she has a crush on momo but is completely convinced that it's unrequited
- struggled with judgmental kids in middle school because of her sexual identity and style
- gets very easily flustered by anyone complimenting her
- that one person sitting at the back of the bus with their earbuds blasting full volume
- was a GOD at guitar hero
- acts like she's fed up with kaminari's (which she can be sometimes), but truly he's one of the people she can trust the most. she secretly appreciates the way he hypes up her talents and how he really helps her through the day sometimes!
- she loves heroes so much... when she was a little girl and didn't know what to do she'd ask herself "what would my favorite heroes do!?"
- she also secretly buys hero merch but hides it in fear of her being seen as sappy
Amajiki Tamaki
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- would have trouble standing up for himself but if he sees ANYONE messing with mirio he WILL throw hands
- likes to watch bob ross videos when hes feeling anxious
- he once went to a butterfly museum with his parents and cried out of joy when one landed on his nose
- leaves food out for strays in his neighborhood, ends up attracting an entire hoard of animals.
- he can paint very nicely, he began to paint after he discovered bob ross
- mirio then saw his paintings and showed the entire class to tamaki's dismay, but everyone absolutely LOVED them!!!
- every day he becomes more and more capable and sure of himself, he is still very anxious, but he's learning to open up and embrace his talents <3
- he really loves to listen to music and any time he's not around others he'll probably have earbuds in, gently swaying back and forth to whatever he has on
- nejire loves to try out new hairstyles on him, and strangely enough, tamaki lets her, he loves it when people play with his hair
Shirakumo Oboro
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- shares one collective braincell with mic
- that one person that brings EVERYONE valentine treats on valentines day at school
- most likely plays ding dong ditch
- *draws stick figure* "ah yes. just like van goh" (he cannot draw)
- hates to see his friends (and even random strangers upset) and will go out of his way to do dumb things to make them smile
- probably played soccer
- he's a massive flirt and likes to believe he will become a stereotypical anime protagonist with a massive harem
- he really wants to see aizawa come out of his shell more and tries his best to encourage him to see the best in everything
- he has most likely worn a schoolgirl uniform to class once
- he's very affectionate and loves to hug his friends (even if they don't want hugs), it's his way of showing he likes people
Hizashi Yamada
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- he lives off of caffeine. he is a teacher, pro hero, and radio show host, im honestly not sure how he does it
- gives out stickers when students get the correct answer in class and has class parties when they are well behaved for the semester
- just like everyone else, he has his own turmoil as well, he likes to stay busy because it prevents him from having a lot of time to dwell on the past
- he gives really good hugs, and loves to feel the touch of others, it's very comforting to him
- was probably pretty troublesome when he was very young while he learned to get control of his quirk
- overall a really happy and excitable guy, he loves being the center of attention and if he can make people happy by being what he is, that's awesome!
- he shows his appreciation for people in odd ways, but he always means good, even if his wild antics can be a bit stressful lol
- he likes to sing a lot and does it a bunch when he's alone, he can also play a lot of instruments
- he can be very serious if needed, he does often put on a persona when he's present mic
- when he's hizashi (out of hero persona) he's even more of a dork than usual, very goofy, awkward and pouty. a manchild.
OK so I reached my image limit, if u guys wanna see the rest I might post some more later PLUS feel free to request some in my asks, I don't really know how all that stuff works bc I'm kinda new to Tumblr but ILL FIGURE IT OUT
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chazzfox · 5 years
SO many thoughts on Frozen 2
So I've been doing a lot of thinking on Frozen 2 after reading a lot of other fan ideas, reviews, etc, and rewatching the first movie and basically obsessing myself into an interesting state of mind. I HAVE A LOT TO SAY. I accidentally wrote out a long, long, LONG post so uh, congrats if you read it. SPOILERS AHEAD FOR SURE.
1. My biggest thought by far is in regards to people saying that Elsa found herself in the first movie, and why must she struggle through who she is again? Well...because you don't stop finding yourself, and especially at a young age. I'm 33. I think I got past hurdles in expressing myself and accepting who I am, everything from what were weird interests (to me) and even my own sexuality, three of four damn times. It was annoying. And fascinating. And each time there were deep emotions and investment in it.
Elsa found in the first movie she's not a dangerous monster and that she could exist with and love her sister. That's huge, don't get me wrong! But the anxiety was still there and we still see traces of it in the second movie. It didn't up and vanish no matter how many snow toys she might make children or how many times she skated with Anna. And with that kind of high anxiety, and after years and years and YEARS of locking herself away, she was just at the start of things I'd say by the time the first Frozen ended.
It's totally reasonable, imo, that down the road after finding some acceptance in herself and Anna, she would be wondering WHY she is what she is, where she came from, as there's so much mystery in her life. Her parents left her feeling guilty, lonely, ironically powerless, locked up, and with no damn answers for herself. She needs to find herself.
Arguably, so does Anna. Again, I can make similar arguments for her, lonely in the first movie, not much contact with others, striving so hard to be close to her sister. She achieved the latter admirably, and so her journey to find who she is with access to more of the world is a big deal. She always wants to open a door. And she wants to go through each one with Elsa, which is something that had to be handled at least a little.
Again, you never really stop growing, discovering, and questioning. Elsa may have found a huge, huge part of herself, found why she is there and who she is, but I'm sure she will still struggle a little with her new place in the world. This brings me to another subject -
2. Elsa and Anna now separated. There seems to be a lot of division on this topic, and I get it. I didn't really want them apart either. They really do belong in each other's company. And a note, I don't ship Elsa and Anna, so maybe I've lost some of you here ahaha (I don't really ship anyone though). I love their close cuddly sister relationship a lot and felt they were absolutely robbed of it for so long which is probably WHY they often hug, hold hands, touch each other, are somehow right with each other.
However...at least for the time being I think it's also important for their growth as characters. Elsa and Anna both care for Arendelle, but Elsa didn't feel she was 'meant' to be there, so to force herself there for her sister could be damaging when understandably, she would want to understand more about the spirits and the forest that gifted her mother with her. She is a part of the forest, of the Ahtohallan. And to force herself into a role she isn't dedicated to wouldn't be in Arendelle's best interest, so she wouldn't want that either. Elsa has shown she needs that understanding of her role, needs to be where she feels right, somewhere that speaks to her, and for now that is in the forest with the Northuldra people.
Anna loves Arendelle, loves the people, and to ask her to stay in a place where she doesn't belong wouldn't be right either. Sure, part of probably just nodded and said yes because Elsa proposed the split, but Anna also learned that she can do what can be done without her sister. Thinking her sister was dead, she still put on foot in front of the other and achieved her goal of destroying the dam. I do believe for now just the knowledge of knowing Elsa is alive and thriving is enough for her to feel happy.
They also see each other. That much is left clear to us and it's not a long journey for Elsa lol. Probably not for Anna either when Elsa can guide wind, earth and water to help. ...Fire too but yea lol.
They are apart just enough. Elsa can still drop in and have Anna cuddle her to sleep while Kristoff does...idk...talks with Sven. For as many cuddle nights as I imagine those two have had, Kristoff is a pretty chill dude.
3. The parents. Hooboy the parents. A very valid criticism is that Elsa and Anna's parents treated Elsa totally mcfreaking WRONG and yet so much centers around them, and then suddenly Elsa is dueting with her momma in Ahtohallan and crying.
Yea there's some confusing emotions going on there.
The girls loved their parents a lot regardless of if they really messed up. I am sure Elsa didn't know how to feel but didn't want to lose them as she already felt alone and hidden. The topic has come up that her dad knew the forest, her mom was FROM THE FREAKIN PLACE, so how did they mishandle so badly?
Panic, I think. I view it as a lot of panic, for many reasons. Anna being hurt was the primary one, but I wondered if they thought it could indeed lead to the forest waking up and causing trouble. They didn't expect magic outside the forest, didn't know what impact it could have and Iduna never exactly counted on having Elsa as she was.
I don't think they were bad people. Just unprepared and I kind of think this is how it went down with Ahtohallan as well. I posted about this before but I feel like...her parents weren't able to cross, not even her mom, because of how they squandered their gift. They took something wonderful and locked her away, made her conceal and hide from the spirits that wanted to connect with her. So when they decided to sail off and find answers and leave the girls alone, the spirits said "nope, you messed up, you don't get to come in here" and down went their ship.
But to complete Elsa there had to be something, they had to connect her with her mother's heritage and tie her to her meaning in the world. So, Ahtohallan showed her Iduna. Her parents loved her and if there's one major theme in these movies and characters it is the power of love along with self acceptance. Love is what brought Elsa as she was into the world! And that strong emotion and realization resonated, so we see Iduna as a large key.
Whoosh, Im getting tired, and I'm pretty sure I have more to say...but I'll craft that more later.
Some of my leftover thoughts right now are pretty short...I feel Elsa was displayed as ace, but that really depends on the viewer anyway. As much as I would love to see Honeymaren and Elsa, the brief snippets in the movie don't do it for me, but I am sort of relieved to see Elsa having a friend. She deserves a friend that isn't her sister or her sister's fiance or a...snowman. I'm not sure she really tried to bond with anyone in Arendelle, being that she was still sorting her life out after the events of the first movie.
But maybe there will be some more releases of official material, and we'll see. I just hope some of the absolute hate for Kristoff and Anna stops. I'm not overly into it, it's just kind of a boring dynamic to me right now, but not every romantic relationship is super exciting and stuff. They fit well and we see that Kristoff's first words to her after being lost in the woods are "I'm here. What do you need?" He's a good guy, stop hatin' on him.
Oh! That brings me to another thought though - I read a couple of posts where others felt he interrupted Elsa and Anna's moment at the end of the movie. I couldn't disagree more! Elsa didn't display any negative emotion toward it. I think she was happy for her sister, wanting her as happy as she could be in that moment, and the proposal added right in. Anna had felt alone and at her rope's end in the cave, then she got her sister back and after running off on him sort of, Kristoff proposing. Elsa saw her sister elated. And Anna got to have her sister as part of that momentous life event!
Besides, Kristoff is one of those Elsa counts as everyone she's ever loved within those walls. When they met again she embraced him too. I think Elsa was happy to have family again, have it fuller and to know someone she trusts will be there with Anna as she rules. Kristoff's a silly character and it's hard not to write him off when he's alongside such bright stars as Elsa and Anna, but he has a good, solid role. He belongs and so did that part of the moment.
Ugh, and I thought I was tired before...
Guess this is where I wrap this up!
Please, if any of you want to talk about this, even to disagree, don't hesitate to drop an ask or message. I don't want anyone to think I'm actively crapping on their interpretation - this is how it came across to me and after my third viewing I was finally able to get this written. If you didn't like the ending, that's okay, and if you ship Elsa and Anna, Kristoff and Ryder, Elsa and Honeymaren, Olaf and Gale, you do you and follow your shippy heart.
As for me I'mma hit post and get some cake.
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jawllines · 5 years
Hi!! Just wondering if you ever had a chance to write that fake gf blurb!!! I know that was ages ago tho ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Three solid weeks after their cabin expenditure, Harry was still stupidly head over heels for his fake girlfriend.
Y/N doesn’t leave like he had feared she would once they finished up and she’d bid him his favor. He’d expected that they would have gone home, she would throw in the towel and they’d become but passing friends again while Harry conjured up some story about their breakup. Figured that he might bump into her in another science lab and have to mute the twinge his heart gives at the sight of her soft features, lips pulling up into that smile he’d grown so fond over. Or even worse, he’d not see her at all, and while that would be good on his heart in time, the immediate thought of it sounds dreadful and abhorrent and just downright upsetting.
Yet none of those things happen. After that first night home, when she’d knocked on his door and told him she wasn’t ready to leave yet, offering up a cuddle and a horror film their fates had been set in stone. They see each other so frequently and go out and about either by themselves or with the others so often, that they might as well still be playing a couple. Hell, even when they’re at one of their flats without anyone else around they fall into calling each other pet names, climbing all over into each other’s laps, and -- if Y/N’s had a few bevvies in her -- will kiss pretty, splotchy purpled love bites to mottle the skin at his throat (but never would she venture to his mouth). It was easy as breathing for them. . .like they’d been together for as long as Harry had told his friends in the first place; maybe even longer.  
Neither of them speaks on it or seal the deal though. Harry’s not even sure if Y/N likes him back or not, because while he could twist and turn her actions into loving embraces, longing glances, and passion behind those hickeys -- he knows she’s just a touchy-feely, lovie dovie type of person. Maybe it’s selfish of him to soak in all of these gestures and pretend that they meant more than they were, but that doesn’t stop him from doing it. It keeps him sane, to some degree, because it went from liking Piper and her being his top tier, biggest all-time crush, to Y/N being his whole world it felt like.
And it’s not even like he can chat with anyone about it! He’d gone and lied to all of his friends about being with her already, so he’d look like a right tosser to tell them the truth. They would all be so pissed at him -- brows set in deep furrows frowns dragging the corner of their mouths down. Would they even talk to him after? He’d started with the lie in the first place so that he could spend time wallowing in his own self-pity and laziness, so how could he very well explain that without seeming like an absolute dick for not just letting them know?
The worst of it though? When he can’t talk to his friends about something, he would instead tell Y/N but this time that just wasn’t an option. “Hey, so remember how we lied and said we were dating? Turns out I actually really fucking like you and can’t go a goddamn minute of my free time not daydreaming about kissing you, so what should we do about that? Try it out or am I just a friend? Jus’ lemme know for my own sanity’s sake ‘cos I’m proper stressed about this yeah?”
The thought of it makes him shiver from embarrassment.
All of it weighs heavily on him, as he sits beside her on the couch, watching her mouth curl and shape around her words as she tells him the intricacies of her shopping experience today. She’d gone with a few of her friends to the mall and they had all decided on a select few places to go, all of which Y/N had a weird feeling about, and all of which something odd had occurred. And he was listening to each of her points -- how the cashiers in the Helzberg Diamonds nearly got into a proper fist fight, when they were in Victoria’s Secret she’s fairly sure she saw a polyamorous relationship of at the very least seven, or even when she went to go purchase him a soft looking sweater she’d figure he would like (because his AC unit makes his flat the absolute zero and he loved it, actually, he's cozied up into it as soon as she’d handed it to him), a woman tried to fight her friend for a size medium when there were several other mediums. And he realizes, as he soaks in every word and revels in the way she speaks with her hands, blinks harder and shakes her head when she’s confounded by something -- he really is in love with her.
He can feel it, from the depths of his chest, worming around his heart and hugging it tightly. There’s something he just can’t explain about it; such an immense warmth that overcomes him and the ever-present need to reach out and touch her was heavy and persistent at the forefront of his mind. He wanted to bring her to his chest and hold her close; tell her again and again that she was incredible and how much he liked her and how much he wanted to ravish her in sweet kisses that would leave the both of them feeling gooey and warm. How was he meant to focus on anything else in his life when all he could think about was cocooning Y/N in a fort of blankets and keep her all to himself?
Harry doesn’t realize he’s leaning forward until Y/N’s words have slowed to a stop and her eyes go wide some, looking from his mouth to his eyes and back before between each pupil like she could find the answer of what he was planning there, “Harry?” Her voice is inquisitive, yet soft -- gentle as a stroke of a feather, “Are we about to -- are we about to kiss?”
Had anyone else said something like that, it would’ve torn him from the moment and he would have drawn back and been at least a little pissy that they couldn’t have done it like a movie. However, it was Y/N who was looking at him with these big eyes, both trusting and wanting to some degree, and his heart hammered in his chest. Like two sticks at a tympani, it rumbled and rustled as he kept his gaze held to hers, “If you’d like to,” he had murmured carefully although his voice trembled just slightly around the corner of his words, “If you’d like to, I would really like to.”
If Toddy or Niall had seen this, they would’ve surely taken the piss. They’d always thought Harry to be some smooth talking lady killer but he would figure that’s the last thing he was. Maybe he’s got non-purposeful flirty eyes and he watches people’s mouths as they speak which has led one too many people on accidentally, but if he really likes someone. . .well, it isn’t as easy as complimenting their shirt. It’s something he mulls over so for days, weeks, months, and instead of being suave and calculated with how he pursued it he does it in a spur of the moment. He leans in as they tell a story because he’s so overcome with that feeling that it feels like he may burst.
“I want to,” she tells him and a wave of not only relief but sheer joy flutters through his body, “I’ve wanted to but I thought you liked Piper?”
“Liked, yeah but a sweet fake girlfriend of mine kind of pushed her way into my heart and planted her feet in my atria,” his lips quirk in a smile as her own do, “I -- one of the last night’s we had stayed there, Piper had come to our room. She wanted to hook up with me and. . .and well, hell, that had been my dream for how long? I used to get so upset that she’d never shown interest in me and then there she was, showing interest but I just -- God, all I could think about was you.” He scooted a little closer, his hand floating up to cradle her cheek and he sighed softly, “Then you came in all drunk and wanting a cuddle and it only cemented the fact that I like you far too much than someone should like their fake girlfriend.”
The smile that is stretching her cheeks, Harry only gets to see for a few moments, because after a second or two she’s leaned forward and smeared their lips together. It startles a squeak from his throat and a huffed laugh from his nose as he reciprocates the meshing of their mouths. Her hands skate against his forearm, gripping onto his bicep like she might be steadying herself before practically crawling her way into his lap and Harry accepts her more than willingly. He works with her, maneuvering his arms so that she was astride his thighs and he had one hand cradling her face as the other held onto the round of her hip tugging her impossibly closer to him.
It’s good -- fulfilling in a way he doesn’t exactly know how to describe apart from craving something for so long and finally having it. Her lips are warm and soft; they taste vaguely of the chocolate turtles she’d been eating earlier when she’d come over in the first place and he can’t help the way he suckles it into his mouth and nips at the plush skin. Their noses knock together and he can feel a puff of air warm his upper lip from her but she makes no move to part from him. If anything, she kisses deeper, using the tip of her tongue to gently flick at the seam of his mouth.
Harry parts his lips easily for her and Y/N wastes no time sliding her tongue against his own. He moans and it very clearly encourages her, her movements becoming even more confident than they had been previously. It’s in the way she moves so ardently that suggests to him that she has wanted to and as her hands reach to gently hold the side of his face with a few fingers splaying out across the skin of his throat, he wonders when it may have happened. Was it when they had first cuddled and he’d carried her up the stairs to their bedroom? Or was it when he’d given her that very first hickey? What if it even dated back to when they had met?
He knows when he’d wanted to kiss her the first time, though he doesn’t think past him knew at the moment. He would dare date it back as early as when she’d made him pancakes but that he’d often attributed to wanting to smooch her since she was acting so well. No, the first time he thinks he could have planted one on her and not felt one regret about it would be when she had bought those candles for him. Had gone out of her way to show genuine regard for him -- to do something so nice, just because he couldn’t sleep -- if he could have kissed her then, he’s sure he would have. He probably should have.
But that doesn’t matter, because here she’s sat, their tongues dancing and twirling around one another, heads tilting and the tips of their noses stroking together. It was playful and flirty and something Harry knows he’s going to think about long after they’d parted.
No matter how much he didn’t want to part, his lungs burned with the need to breathe and he eventually breaks away with a soft smack of their lips detaching. They’re both breathless, chests heaving, and when he looks down some he sees that her nipples had pebbled through the thin material of her shirt that beckons an interested twitch from his cock. Though the filthy thought that tries to slither into his brain is quickly muted by the way Y/N wraps her arms around him, hugging him close to her and nestling her face into the side of his neck, “I liked that.” She murmured, “Was getting tired of satiating my want to kiss you by giving you drunk hickies.”
Harry chuckles, moving his arms around her waist and stroking her back in soft, slow movements, “I hope those stay too though, I rather like them,” he admits and she giggles. Harry appreciates the comforting weight of her atop of him and he’s fairly sure he could nap like this, but he has to ask something before he can. Wouldn’t forgive himself if he didn’t take this moment to do so. “Y/N?” She hums in response, her face hidden still, “Would you do me the honors of being my real girlfriend? Not fake?”
She doesn’t miss a beat in her response.
“Of course I will, Dummy.”  
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decorativedust · 5 years
HNK chapter 80 thoughts + analysis
I’ve been marinating on this chapter for a few days, and I have some things in mind for it that I’d like to talk about. 
This is just my take on things, and how I’ve interpreted them: mostly phos, aechmea, cairngorm, a tad bit of dia, and my thoughts on the fate of the series. 
Warning for: talk of suicide, spoilers. 
so I have a few very specific things I want to cover: Phos, Aechmea, Cairngorm, Dia, and the fate of the series. 
We’ll start with Phos. 
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Personally, one of the biggest draws and attachments for hnk was phos’s transition from a sweet, naive gem to a depressed, anxious, horrifically warped individual. There’s not a lot of series out there where you can actually see a character become changed so drastically in such an intricate manner. I find character development, as a whole, to be extremely interesting. 
Phos’s transition has been building up for the entire series. They kept growing stronger, learned more- but continued to fail over and over again. They tried to make an encyclopedia, and failed. They tried to find a job for shinsa, and failed. They tried to help bring Ventricosus home and got betrayed and lost their legs. They tried to save antarc, and failed. Ghost was abducted trying to save them. They lost nearly all of their body. They couldn’t bring back the ground up gems. Their night raid was a failure and might’ve killed padpa. 
They’ve had a few triumphs- becoming stronger (although I’m ultimately not sure how much good this led to), giving the gems on the moon potentially happier lives (?), and help uncover more of the truth of their world. The gem abductions have seemed to stop entirely. And cinnabar seems to have finally reintegrated back into gem society through their efforts. 
Ultimately though, phos’s life has become full of constant efforts sustained on hope and bravery that almost always end in failure. At the end of the day, how could you not snap? How could you not become a self-doubting, depressed mess? In a world where everyone has given up on you in your efforts to stop the cycle of suffering, how could you not become the despair-filled person that Phos now is? 
I hope they get a satisfying ending. Phos has been fucked over from the beginning. They’re far from perfect, but I believe the things that ultimately drive them are kindness and a desire to end this cycle of pain for everyone- and I think that’s important to keep in mind. 
Now let’s go to Aechmea. 
This man really is an absolute lying bastard, huh? 
There’s no doubt about it- Aechmea straight up lied to EVERYONE about the fate of the other two societies (admirabilis and gems). Honestly, I’m not even sure the lunarians knew about it. I don’t think they did- he genuinely ran lunarian society on the operation that the gems and admirabilis would be around after they disappeared. 
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Aechmea gives no indication that the fact that adamant will pray away all remnants of humanity is new information. It serves in Aechmea’s favor that he doesn’t tell anyone, either. While there’s certainly a few gems who likely don’t mind this fate (yellow), i imagine the bulk of admirabilis and gems wouldn’t desire such a fate. And how would the lunarians feel, if they found out the gems and the admirabilis would go with them, especially now that gems and admirabilis have all been on the moon for at least several hundred years at this point? 
Aechmea didn’t care if they took all the gem dust on the moon and tried to reform the gems. Aechmea didn’t harm any of the gems on the moon. He stopped abducting gems. He listened to their demands. Because ultimately, it didn’t matter! None of it mattered, because they’d all die alongside the lunarians anyways! 
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I suppose I can find sympathy in their reasons for wanting to cross over to the nothingness. But at the cost of two entire other species? At the cost of killing so many other living things who likely don’t want to die- who don’t even know the fate they’re getting? Is there really nothing else that can be done? You got any lunarian therapy up there? 
Its a hard thing to discuss. Obviously I’ll never know the feeling of being given the ability to live for eternity. Could they have not chosen to build some sort of positive relationship with the admirabilis and the gems, rather than terrorize and use both of them for their own purposes? 
It feels so selfish. I suppose that’s not surprising, given how selfishness is just part of being human- or the personality and essence of humanity, at least. While selflessness is good, we all need a little selfishness sometimes. We need to take time to ourselves and do things for our own goods, rather than contribute ourselves 100% to others and completely burn ourselves out. It seems lunarians (or at least Aechmea) have selfishness in spades, to the point of being utterly apathetic to the fate of gems and admirabilis. 
Now onto Cairngorm. 
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They look terrified and horrified the entire chapter. 
Cairngorm is certainly no stranger to the concept of death. They had suicidal thoughts during phos’s first 200 year coma (right after they’d lost their head), they brushed by death when their outer shell (Ghost) was ripped away from their body. They’ve outwardly expressed before how they want to go with Aechmea into the nothingness, and yet- here they are. Not excited, not happy, not anything near positive. 
There’s a giant difference between saying “i will die with you/i want to die” and actually, genuinely embracing death. Its so easy to say something, but so much harder to actually do it, and I think this is when cairngorm is actually, fully realizing this. 
I don’t know whether or not they’re suicidal anymore, but I imagine not. This is probably the happiest they have been in their entire life. Imagine finally overcoming the desire to die, to find a place that makes you so happy - and then to realize that you’re about to lose it all and become nothing. 
If there was ever a time for cairngorm to go against aechmea, its now. If we ever have a moment where cairngorm realizes aechmea lied to them, where cairngorm is finally going to become their own person without being under the rule and command of anyone else, it is now. 
Personally, I’m hoping they’ll somehow attempt to interfere and try and stop Phos, but I’ll cover this more when I talk about the fate of the series. 
Now onto Dia! This is probably the most lighthearted part of the whole chapter. 
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They’ve finally shined under their own light. 
This is going back waaaaaaay far into the manga (like chapter 3), but we’re finally seeing some sort of resolution to Dia’s desire to become good at their own thing, without always being second best to Bort. 
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I feel like Dia and Phos, at this point, had very similar feelings. Both felt insignificant and useless as a result of not being as good as a fighter as their societal expectations hold them to- leading to feelings of self doubt, and the desire to become better. 
A lot of people have called Dia selfish, for wanting to go somewhere where there is no Bort. Perhaps, a little bit. However, I don’t think Bort was purposefully trying to ‘show off’ and show how much better than Dia they are. They seemed to just be doing it out of the desire to protect Dia. But ultimately, Dia still felt very second-best to them, despite the fact that Dia should’ve been one of the best themselves. Yet their partnership was suffocating for Dia, constantly under the shadow of Bort. It just simply wasn’t healthy. 
But now Dia has found a thing where they’re able to shine under their own light- an idol!!! They seem really happy doing it. They have a whole crowd of adoring fans, too. (blows a kiss to the moon) this is for u dia u fuckin get em 
Finally, onto the last point: The fate of houseki no kuni. 
This really feels like we’re so close to the end, doesn’t it? But how close to that end are we?  As most of us are aware, chapter 80 is just the first chapter in volume 10. So, I find it very hard to believe that Phos is going to be successful in this particular attempt to get sensei to pray. A maximum of 21 minutes is certainly not enough time to tie up all the loose plotlines. What happened to Yellow? To Padpa? How are the earth gems? What about all the stuff that was happening between Cinnabar and Phos? What about the professor? etc etc im probably missing a few things, but you get my point. 
Personally, I think there’s either going to be a gem that wanders out and sees phos going apeshit, and manages to stop them. Or, we’re going to get interference from Cairngorm. Right now Cairngorm seems the most likely candidate, despite the fact that they aren’t physically there. (Boy, if they do that though, I’m afraid to see how aechmea will react.) But I don’t really find it hard to believe that one of the earth gems will wander out, unable or unwilling to sleep. 
Phos, obviously, won’t stop. They haven’t stopped trying for hundreds of years, why would they stop now, unless somehow they also bypassed whatever was preventing sensei from telling them “hey, you’re gonna kill everyone so maybe chill out”. I find it unlikely Sensei would do anything, however. He’s seemed extremely passive towards the gems lately (the most violent he’s ever been towards them was when he yelled at original goshe and morganite and accidentally shattered phos in like.. chapter 1) and aechmea said it himself- he doesn’t seem to be resisting. 
Ending it here feels so.. messy. I like to have a little bit more faith in Ichikawa as a writer. I’ve decided to trust her because she’s written a lot of other things extremely well. Maybe I’ll be putting on my clown wig in a few chapters, but we’ll see. 
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Sister Grimborn~Hiccup x Reader for aryaarathornson~
Hello! Im very new to the ask about HTTYD thing but I was wondering if you have seen the series Race to the Edge? Because id very like a sister of Ryker and Viggo x Hiccup If you want to if course Good Day 😘
Your name: submit What is this?
Trying to sneak around the Grimborn brothers was hard enough. Especially when they were your brothers. And even more so when the reason you were sneaking around was so that you could be romantically involved with their most recent arch nemesis, Hiccup Haddock. If that wasn’t bad enough, Hiccup also had to manage to sneak away from the rest of the Dragon Riders to come see you. This made for very short meetings and a lot of pretending to fight each other whenever one group attacked the other. The only person you two could trust with this secret was Heather. In the short time she spent with you and your brothers, she learned that you were not like them at all. You admired dragons, were fascinated by them. You never wanted to see anything bad happen to them and had gotten in a lot of trouble with your brothers for “accidentally” releasing a few of the more rare dragons from their cages.
That’s part of the reason Hiccup became interested in you. He couldn’t believe someone as kindhearted and loving could have such awful siblings. He hadn’t trusted you at first but something in him changed when you helped him escape your brothers and save his dragon. He had asked Heather about you while on patrol with her. She told him how you longed to get away from your brothers and how you’d never harm a dragon. Hiccup knew then that he wanted to help you and the two of you had eventually fallen for each other.
It had been a few weeks since you had last seen Hiccup. You knew your brothers were planning another attack on the Riders’ base and you needed to warn Hiccup. You’d seen the plans and you knew all the strategies. Viggo insisted that you start joining in on his battle planning meetings. “It’s necessary, dear sister. While Ryker has more of the physical strength, you and I share the brains in the family. It’s important that we don’t allow brute strength to control the operation. Things would get more messy than they need to be.” He’d said. His words sounded like he was complimenting you, but the tone of his voice told you that this was also a warning. Viggo was putting his trust in you and although you were his little sister, he wouldn’t take too kindly to being betrayed.
That’s why you’d come up with a cover for your sneaking off. You’d started to take nightly swims in the small lake a ways outside the camp. You knew Viggo would send men after you to make sure you weren’t doing anything suspicious. But after about a month of doing this, he’d stopped having you followed. You still made sure each time but felt relieved when you were certain he trusted you.
You’d managed to send a Terror Mail to Hiccup, the message written in the code you two made just for yourselves. You told him of the attack but the full plan was too detailed to put into a message and it had to be sent quickly. You sat near the edge of the lake and waited for Hiccup to arrive. It took about five minutes before a small rock landed next to you. You grinned, as that was the signal Hiccup had arrived. You looked around one last time before tossing the rock back across the lake where it had come from, letting Hiccup know it was safe. You giggled as a Night Fury head shot up out of the bushes, a wide, open-mouthed, toothless smile on his face. Hiccup’s head emerged shortly after and the two of them exited the hedge they were hiding in. Toothless easily jumped across the lake, landing next to you. You quickly hugged the dragon as he nuzzled his giant head against you. “I missed you too, Toothless.” You laughed. Hiccup smiled as he slid off the Toothless’s back. He opened his arms wide and gave you a look of fake hurt. “What about me?” He pouted. You rolled your eyes and threw yourself into his open arms. “Oh yeah, almost forgot about you.” You teased, burying your face in his chest. He laughed and cupped your face in his hands. You hummed happily as he lowered his head to kiss you. The kiss was entirely too short, but you only had so much time and this wasn’t supposed to be a romantic meeting.
“Where do the Riders think you are?” You asked, pulling back but keeping your arms around his neck. “Late night patrolling. Heather is circling a nearby island so it didn’t look like I was going alone.” He answered. You smiled at the mention of Heather. Without her, you didn’t think you and Hiccup would able to pull this off. Hiccup looked into your eyes sadly. “They’re starting to get suspicious, Y/N. Especially Astrid. I can tell she’s starting to think something’s up.” You bit your lip nervously. “I mean something kinda is.” You muttered. Hiccup scratched back of his neck but didn’t respond. He handed you charcoal and some paper that you’d asked him to bring. He watched you as you quickly drew out the plans Viggo had shown you and Ryker. “They attack the morning after next, early. But I’d be prepared just in case they attack sooner than that. You never know with my brothers.” Hiccup took the plans from you and pulled you to him to kiss you. “Thank you, Y/N.” He murmured. You nodded silently and looked down. Hiccup tilted his head to the side, concern on his face. “What is it?”
You looked back at Hiccup and sighed. “I’m tired of this sneaking around Hiccup. I don’t like having to hide from my brothers. It’s too dangerous, for you especially. If they caught us, they’d probably kill me and they’d definitely kill you.” Toothless let out a growl at your words and Hiccup placed a calming hand on his head. “I know, bud.” He turned back to you and took your hands in his. “Just come back with me, Y/N. Come to the Edge. We can keep you safe from Viggo and Ryker.” You shook your head and looked down at your feet again. “I admire your boldness Hiccup, but what would the team think? I’m not exactly the most trusted person in the Archipelago.“ “But I trust you! Heather trusts you, even Toothless trusts you! Astrid didn’t trust Heather when she showed up, now they’re best friends.” “Heather isn’t a Grimborn, Hiccup!”
Silence hung in the air as the reality of the truth set in. That last name would follow you wherever you went. Your brothers were two of the most feared men in the Archipelago. You carried that name too. The fear and hatred associated with the Grimborn name followed you. People either cowered away from you or stood firm, giving you looks of pure anger and disgust. Hiccup and Heather were the only ones, aside from your brothers, to not look at you like you were some monster. “They don’t trust me as far as they can throw me, Hiccup.” You said, finally. Tears began to sting your eyes. “I’m not like them. I’d never hurt any dragons. But no one will ever see that. They think I’m just like my brothers and no one will believe that I’m not.” Your tears fell down your face as Hiccup pulled you into a tight embrace. “I believe you, Y/N. I know who you are. I know you’d never hurt a dragon. Heather knows it too. We can get the rest of the team to believe it.” “I just want to get away from Viggo and Ryker. I just want to be safe with you.” You sniffled. Hiccup held you out away from him so he could look you in the eyes. “We can help you. I can take you away from here. You’ll never have to be with them again.” Hiccup promised. You wiped your eyes and sniffled again, unsure of what to say. “We’ll even get you your own dragon. I’ll teach you how to ride it and train it. You’ll be a Dragon Rider in no time.” Your eyes quickly glanced up to meet Hiccup’s excited face. “Really? You’d teach me how to ride a dragon?” You asked, shocked. You were thrilled at the idea but you weren’t sure the other Riders would be okay with that.
Hiccup nodded excitedly, holding your hands tightly in his. “Of course I will. We can practice with Toothless first if you want. Right, bud?” He turned to Toothless who gave an enthusiastic warbling noise. You wiped your eyes and let out a choked laugh. “I’d really like that. Thank you, Hiccup.” You said, smiling. Hiccup kissed your cheek and hugged you. “It’ll be okay, I promise.” He spoke softly into your hair. You nodded against his chest and hugged him tighter. “I suppose we should go now. They’ll come looking for me soon and Viggo will be pretty pissed when he realizes I’m gone.” Hiccup nodded in agreement and climbed onto Toothless. He reached his hand out and pulled you up behind him. “Let’s get out of here quickly, then. Hold on tight to me.” He told you. You wrapped your arms around him tight and prepared yourself. “Let’s go, bud.” Hiccup said. Toothless lifted off the ground and shot towards the Edge. You were nervous for the reception back on the base, but whatever happened, it was much better than what you were leaving behind.
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yourkittywilde · 5 years
what hurts the most
TAGGING  → @yourkittywilde​ & @sammynolanh​
TIME FRAME  → 9th may (??) I think. 
LOCATION  → Sammy & Kitty’s apartment, LA. 
WARNINGS  → infertility, pregnancy
NOTES  → just a whole bunch of feelings tbh. the start of the break.  
Kitty wasn't ready to go home, but at this point she wasn't sure if she'd ever feel ready so she might as well get it over with. Besides, as hard as it might be to be around Sammy right now and talk about the entire situation, he clearly needed her, and she loved him too much to not try and be there for him. She lingers outside their apartment door for a few minutes and pulls herself together. She wasn't hiding her feelings exactly, but she also didn't know what state the male would be in and wanted to attempt to be prepared.  Her heart beats from her chest when she opens the door, and it's suddenly like she never left the other night. "Hello?" She calls out, swallowing and smiling sadly down at Dude when he emerged. "Where's your dad?" And as soon as the last word left her lips she realized this was going to be even harder than she'd anticipated.
Sammy had been getting a glass of water from the kitchen when he heard the door open and shut, Kitty's voice filing his ears, a breath of relief left his mouth as he set the glass down and went out to meet Kitty in the living room. His eyes were puffy and rimmed red, his nose also red from all the sniffling. He was worried, he was scared, he was upset but when he saw Kitty all he wanted was to have her close. "Kitty." He whispered as if he was relieved  to see it was actually her standing there. Sammy didn't say another thing before he rushed up to her and engulfed her in his arms, hugging her tightly against his body and not letting her go.
“Hey.” She speaks quietly and before she can say anything else Sammy’s arms are wrapped tightly around her. The apartment might not feel like home right now, but Sammy’s embrace always would. She pulls away — somewhat reluctantly — from him and runs her hand through her currently unkept hair. He didn’t look great, in fact he looked worse than she’d seen him... possibly ever. “You need a shower.” She mumbles a little, not really sure what to say. Dude was hovering between the two of them, but she feels the need to detach herself from him to stop it hurting so much. But judging from the pang in her chest, it wasn’t working. “So... how’s it?”
Sammy shook his head, wanting to hold on to her a little longer or perhaps forever.  "So do you." He responds. He doesn't really know what more to say. He didn't know what was on her mind and the conversation she was bringing up was casual and short and it confused Sammy. He tilted his head to the side and pouted. "We missed you." He told her sincerely as he bent down to pick up the puppy and bring dude up to her face. The excited puppy trying to get in a few licks. "We should talk, but we don't have to right now if you don't want to." Sammy offered
Kitty pats the pup a couple of times before taking a step back to move away from him. “Yeah.” She had missed them too, of course she had, but not knowing what was happening with their relationship meant she wasn’t going to say it out loud. Kitty nods. “We should.” She looks down at the work clothes she was still wearing from two days ago and frowns. Thankfully shed called in to work since their talk, knowing she couldn’t deal with her boss while feeling like her heart and been ripped from her chest. “I need to get changed first.” She comments moving towards the bedroom . “You said you needed me right now though. Was it to talk or?”
Sammys heart ached as she pulled away. He placed the dog back down and focused his attention back on the girl and follows her back to the bedroom, where the bed remained unmade and messy.  "Okay." He replied and sat on the bed as he waited for the girl to change into a more casual set of clothes. He didn't know where to start because of all the emotions he was feeling. He had been so angry and upset a few minutes ago but then when he saw her, everything had just melted away and he was happy she was home and glad she was there. Almost as if his emotions were playing tricks on him.  He crossed his legs on the bed and looked down to play withe strings attached to the waistband of his sweat pants. He thought for a few moments, trying to gather up his thoughts "I don't think you trust me." He began, his number one concern coming out, everything seemed to come back to that. Trust... or faith or whatever anyone wanted to call it.
Kitty doesn’t pay much attention to what she’s getting changed into until she looks down and realises she’s automatically put on Sammy’s shirt. It was too late to change again now, and honestly Kitty didn’t have the energy. She sits on the edge of the bed, her feet dangling down the side and fidgets with the hem of her fiancé’s shirt as he talks. I guess we’re talking now. “I trust you.” Kitty replies with a small sigh. “I just... i don’t trust the situation? I mean, you’re so sure it’s not going to change us-“ but it already was. “And you’re so sure you aren’t going to move back to New York. I don’t know, it just seems a little soon to know these things.”
Sammy listened and sighed. “It doesn’t seem like you do. The only person changing things is you. Which I understand, I get that it’s scary and new. I mean I’m fucking terrified. But I know what I want. And I know that I want my life with you. I know I want to be a part of Lexi’s life but I also know that it’s going to be hard and maybe involve a lot of traveling back and forth but Im not moving back to the city. Peyton doesn’t even know how involved she even wants me to be which is also totally understandable...” he reaches his hand out to set it on Kitty’s leg, massaging her leg lightly. “We don’t have to make this harder on ourselves than it already is. We shouldn’t make it harder. We should trust each other, cause that’s the only way this is going to work. Honesty and trust, babe. Also, like communication instead of storming off would be cool from both of us but we can work on that.” He gave her a small smile. “I want to be here for you and I want you to be able to tell me how you’re feeling, especially when your sad. I mean if there someone that understands sad it this guy right here...”
Kitty knew she was being selfish. She knew she needed to be more supportive, but... none of it felt fair. It seemed as though at the end of the day she was the one God was punishing. Sammy got a daughter (kitty knew him well enough to know he was going to do anything for her), and kitty got an absent fiancé and a painful daily reminder of what she couldn’t give him... or anyone. “I just... I don’t know how to be around you.” She says honestly . “I know you’re scared, and I know this is a huge deal for you, and you deserve to enjoy it.. and be happy.” kitty swallows down the lump in her throat which she’s not been able to get rid of in two days. It was annoying. ”But I can’t be happy for you. I can’t be that person. I can’t-“ she pauses to remind her lungs how to breathe. “Right now it doesn’t feel like it’ll ever stop hurting.” She says quietly, looking at the hand on her leg and then back ahead. “You understand sad?” Kitty huffs under her breath. “The only time I ever see you sad is because of me.”
Sammy’s heart broke for her when he head how hurt she was. He gets closer to her, sitting right next to her and wraps his arm around her. “Can you help me understand what’s hurting you so much? I -I don’t think I fully grasp the reason why you’re so upset?” He spoke gently. “Maybe I’m the one who needs to be more understanding.” He realized as she spoke. He didn’t exactly know why she felt this way. He thought things between them were good before this, but maybe he was the one who needed to do some growing.  He took her hand and brought it to his lips “What hurts, babe? Is it not being have to have a kid?”
Kitty doesn’t object when Sammy gets closer, she doesn’t look at him, but she doesn’t object. “This isn’t exactly a side of me I’m proud of.” She comments, wiping her eyes. “I don’t cry... let alone cry over something I can’t control... in front of someone. It’s pathetic.” She pushes her hair behind her ear and takes a deep breath. “I guess... I don’t know. I never thought I would get married or have a family, y’know? and then you came along and everything changed. We got engaged... admittedly sort of quickly, and yeah, I questioned it, but I never regretted it. And dude-“ her voice breaks saying his name and she pauses to swallow back her emotions, before deciding to skip talking about him all together. “I so thought I was okay with not having kids, but then an 18 year old girl got pregnant accidentally and I basically accused her of being an attention seeking baby trapper... and her father of being an alcoholic— it wasn’t my finest moment.” Kitty admits. “I was jealous. She got pregnant accidentally... and i won’t get pregnant at all. And then, of course there’s Moriah.” She shakes her head. “My body is broken, Sammy. God created women to literally create life... I can’t do that. I mean, I know it’s 2019 and times change. So maybe it’s my upbringing, but it doesn’t make me feel any less broken as a woman.” Kitty hasn’t told anyone this much about herself... ever, and she’s trying not to think about the fact she’s letting someone in enough to hurt her. But then again, she’s already hurt, this can’t make it any worse. “Now... there’s this girl out there that looks exactly like you... and someone else is falling in love with your eyes and your smile and your hair... and that should be me.” Her voice is staring to crack and she needs to pull self away from Sammy if she wants to continue.She stands up from the bed and crosses her arms in front of her. “I should get to look at your face in a child.... you’re were my fiancé. And I know adoption is a thing, but it’s not the same. How could it possibly be the same? Especially now. You have a daughter that that legit shares your DNA, that’s...” Kitty wipes her eyes again. “It’s not fair. And I don’t know if I can feel like this for the rest of my life every time I look at you now. Like... I’m this failure of a woman, and like anything that I can possibly give you is going to be second best to your new family. The family that shares your genetics...”
Sammy shakes his head. “Its not pathetic, honey. It’s okay.” He tells her. Sammy nodded, understanding why she was upset. “You’re right, it’s not fair. I’m really sorry, babe.” He looks up at her and wraps his arms around himself feeling sad that Kitty was sad. “But you’re not a failure, Kitty. I know it all feels hard and it is hard but you’re such a fucking powerhouse of a woman.  I mean that’s why I fell in love with you.” Sammy spoke as he stood to possibly comfort the girl if she let him.  “You don’t have my DNA and I love you more than i could possibly romantically love any other being. And you’re not second best to me. But I do understand how you’re feeling... and I want what’s best for you. I love you and I just want you to be happy.” He speaks, beginning to get a bit more emotional.  He takes her hands again. “What do you want to do? Is this something you need to talk to a professional about? Because whether it’s me or somebody else, this unfortunately is your reality and you can’t change this situation. I can’t either. I would if I could, Kitty. I’m sure you know that... Having a family with you is something I would love to have, but DNA doesn’t dictate how much love I can offer or have space for. I mean look how much you’ve grown, with dude? I mean I remember when you didn’t even want to touch him. And now he’s basically your child... “ he sighs and digresses. “I want to help you in anyway I can. I want you to be okay.”
“No, I don’t need to talk to a professional about it.” Kitty’s eyebrows furrow. “I’m dealing with it.... in my own way.” Despite what people say, she doesn’t feel any better after talking about it. She looks up at Sammy, her lips twisting into a frown. She doesn’t want to be comforted, and nothing he’s saying changes anything. “I don’t want to storm out on you again. And I don’t want you to be alone... but I don’t think i can be here. You should take some time to figure out being a dad. And I will take some time to figure out not being a mom.”
Sammy scrunched his brows in confusion. This sounded a lot like a break up. His lip started quivering “I-I don’t understand. I thought you didn’t want to break up...” Sammy spoke quietly, trying to hold back tears, unsuccessfully . He sniffles and wipes his eyes quickly trying to compose himself. “Is that what you really want?”
She shakes her head. "No."  Kitty replies, feeling her heart break even more as tears fill Sammy's eyes. She didn't even realize her heart could break further. "But I'm trying to be honest with you... You deserve that..." She swallows. "I don't want to hold you back from having a relationship with your daughter. Because while I might not always show it in the right way, all I want is for you to be happy...And as long as I can't be there for you during this huge part of your life, as long as I can't breathe when I think about it all, you're not going to be happy." Kitty shrugs sadly.
Sammy shook his head. “I-I don’t want to break up.” He told her as he pulled on her hand gently, bringing them closer. His lips pressed to her forehead. “I know you want me to be happy. I am happy with you. I want to be happy with you.” He sighed sadly. “I don’t want to break up.” He repeated. “I don’t want to see anyone else. I don’t want to kiss anyone else. I haven’t even laid eyes on anyone else since I’ve met you. I-I just want you. Just being around you makes me happy. Seeing you makes me happy... I-“ this wasn’t about him. “But you need a break from me... I understand. I fucking hate it, but I understand.” He says softly. “Maybe this doesn’t have to be a break up? Just a small halt? While we get our shit together? “ He suggested.
Kitty’s eyes close as his lips press against her, and she listens quietly to what he’s saying. “You don’t look happy.” She comments eventually, stepping back from him a little while still clutching at his hands. She loved him, she couldn’t say it right now, but she did, and it killed her he was so sad. “You actually look miserable, and this should be a happy - ish -  time for you.” She shrugs and looks up at his puffy red eyes. “Weird and confusing sure, but you shouldn’t be this sad because your fiancé is going through... not your problem.” But she didn’t want to break up either. Sammy was the love of her life... whether they ended up together or not. “A halt?” kitty nods, pressing her lips together and thinking for a second. “Just a break. We can do that.”
Sammy let out a small sad laugh. “I mean of course I’m not happy right now. You were just telling me we should break up.” He shrugged. “That’s the last thing I wanted to hear...” he explained. “I-I don’t know how I feel about having a kid? I just know the right thing to do is be there for her. I’m just so young and I had already gotten used to the idea that we would probably never had kids and I was content with that.  So I’m freaking out, Kitty.  There’s also the whole keeping the media away thing. They need their privacy.” He told her and he caressed her hands. “Of course I’m sad because you’re sad. I love you more than anything and seeing you hurt... it breaks my fucking heart.”  He sighed quietly and squeezed her hands. God, he wishes he could just kiss her and take her pain away. “Just a break.” He repeated.
Of course he was freaking out. This was life changing for Sammy, and obviously Kitty wasn’t an expert in kids, but she really should at least try and ease some of confusion for her fiancé... assuming he was still that. “Since we’re doing this whole honest thing still... I know you better than anyone, and you are like, the best person ever. You go on about trust so trust yourself. And it’s gonna sound super cliche and I’ll probs hate myself for speaking it out loud the moment I do, but just follow your heart. Cause that’s sort of why I fell for you.” Kitty laughs sadly and let’s go of his hand to wipe the remaining tears from her cheeks. “That and your butt, obviously.” She says, attempting to make the situation feel a little... lighter? “I’m okay.” She lies before remembering they’re doing honesty. “Okay, I’m not, but I will find a way to be... it’s what I do.” She tells him. “Break.” Kitty repeats again with a nod. “Can I stay in like... the spare room tonight?”
Sammy let out a shaken breath. “That really, really means a lot to me, coming from you.” He nods and let’s put another small laugh at the mention of his butt. He brings his hand up to push her hair out of her face and caress her cheek. “I’m not really okay either. But we’ll figure it out.” He paused and sighed once more. “C’mere.” He said as he pulled her into another tight hug. Surrounding the small girl with his body. “I’d rather you stay here, with me. But I understand if you don’t want that.” He whispered. “Just know I’m always here for you. No matter what.” He said as he kissed her head.
Kitty’s arms wrap around his waist and she rests her head against his chest. Life didn’t feel so complicated when they were like this. “It’s okay, I’ll just take your shirt with me... same thing.” She says quietly. The girl sighs under her breath. “I’m here for you.” Kitty replies, honestly. At least she would always try to be for him. “Um..” she pulls away and looks down at her hand, fiddling with the ring on her finger. “Do you... want this back?” She asks, pulling it off and holding it out to him. This was new, she wasn’t sure how breaks and engagements are supposed to work.
Pulling away felt like the hardest thing he’d ever have to do. He wished she’d say yes. “You don’t want to start our break tomorrow?” He asked nervously. Then the ring was off and he looked away, it was too painful. “No. I- this is just a break, not a break up... just a small time apart, space... unless you’ve decided you don’t want to marry me anymore...” Sammy spoke quietly, scared to even raise his voice, knowing it would sound broken.
“I-i don’t think that’s a good idea.” She says, shaking her head. Sammy couldn’t hold her all night, and she knew as soon as it got quiet she’d start thinking again and being around him would hurt. “I’ll stay in the spare room tonight.” The look on Sammy’s face tells her that taking off the ring was a bad idea. “No, I still want to...” It didn’t seem like it was possible right now, but she didn’t want to give up on the idea completely. She slides the ring back on her finger, and looks at him. “I wasn’t sure.”
Sammy nods. “Okay. You’re probably right.” He says quietly. “I’m here if you change your mind... but take Dude with you. He’ll keep you company.” He offered. He took the ring from her hand and placed it back on her finger, holding her hand in his. “I love you. We’ll get through this, okay?”
“Um..” Kitty chews lightly at the inside of her lower lip. It wasn’t Dude’s fault, he didn’t choose to be caught up in all of this... but she couldn’t shake the feeling that if Sammy was to disappear, so would their dog. It was his dog at the end of the day, and his new daughter’s mother was already in Dude’s life. She hated that. Kitty shook her head. “No. You keep him.” She looks down at their hands, and the engagement ring smiling sadly, wishing she could go back in time when they were stupidly happy. They were meant to have a freaking wedding date... not this. “Okay.” She says simply. “So... I guess I’m gonna go now.”
Sammy couldn’t deny that not hearing her say it back hurt but he knew that she loved him too. “Dude doesn’t let me sleep. I think he really wants to see his mom... he’s missed you.” Sammy insisted.  He sighed. “Yeah, I guess I should shower. I’ll probably watch a movie after if you want to join me.” He offered . He didn’t really know how this worked.
“It doesn’t matter anyway... Dude does what dude wants to do.” Kitty says about the free spirited pup. “Showering is a good idea.” She should probably do that at some stage, honestly. “Thanks... but I think I just want to be alone.” The situation hadn’t changed, the only thing different was now they were on the same page... or at least in the same book. She squeezes his hand gently before letting go. “I’ll come and get some things in the morning so I’ll see you then...if you’re here obviously. If you’re not,  I’ll see you, soon? I guess.” She says softly before turning to head to the guest bedroom. “Goodnight, Sammy•
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