#you have no idea how much of a giant THORN that bull has been for me on this cursed farm but he finally wasted his last few excuses
kihaku-gato · 6 months
I was given the best news I've had related to the cattle for this year this morning
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Grumpy the bull, hit his final 2 strikes this weekend; that prick of a bull is having his shipping/retirement this thursday!!!
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7 notes · View notes
theworstbob · 7 years
scattered thoughts about the ninth season of american ninja warrior
the stats used in this post are from the index of anw stats i’ve been keeping for three years, which was compiled with a combination of Sasukepedia and the notes i take watching each episode and was created because Sasukepedia has auto-play ads that make it load like garbage, and also because shit I was keeping stats anyway might as well share them with anyone who has the link. Now YOU can “well, actually...” every time the announcers say some bullshit about their history!
Los Angeles LAX1) Sean Bryan: CLEAR (5:07.22) LAX2) Adam Rayl: CLEAR (5:07.92) LAX3) Charlie Andrews: CLEAR (6:02.21) LAX4) Josh Levin: CLEAR (6:27.98) LAX5) Flip Rodriguez: Failed Elevator Climb LAX6) Gabe Hurtado: Failed Elevator Climb LAX7) Brian Wilczewski: Failed Stair Hopper LAX8) Kevin Bull: Failed Stair Hopper LAX9) Robin Pietschmann: Failed Stair Hopper LAX10) Jackson Meyer: Failed Stair Hopper LAX11) Kapu Gaison: Failed Swinging Peg Board LAX12) Steve Seiver: Failed Swinging Peg Board LAX13) Benjamin Humphrys: Failed Swinging Peg Board LAX14) Nick Hanson: Failed Swinging Peg Board LAX15) David Campbell: Failed Swinging Peg Board LAX16) Rebekah Bonilla: Failed Swinging Peg Board LAX17) Zhanique Lovett: Failed Warped Wall
~I was so bummed when Sean Bryan sniped the top time from Adam Rayl. I thought Adam Rayl was putting together a nice little narrative for himself, going from walk-on to stage two to what would likely hold up as the nation’s top finals time (still looking for that sub-5!), and then this relative no one hits the button seven-tenths of a second faster, and that’s just such a bummer. I mean, it’s not important, ANW dropped the “top finals time” thing after season four (and after both Drechsel and Flip flamed out in season six; it’s less hype when Jeremiah Morgan is the last man to run, innit), but man, that should’ve been Rayl’s. How dare Sean Bryan be slightly better.
~But dude, West Coast is suddenly nuts. Three years ago, zero people cleared the First Stage, and then last year they added Flip and Rayl and Levin and now LA is the city with the most finals course finishers and the most notable competitors. You have three of the dudes who cleared the First Stage last season, three more dudes with First Stage clears to their name, two first-timers to Vegas who are more than capable of clearing the First Stage, and one of the women capable of clearing the Warped Wall. (Rebekah Bonilla! Didn’t see that coming!) And that’s with Grant McCartney getting dropped by the Salmon Ladder! West Coast suddenly has a really strong set of ninjas, and while I’m bummed he’s out -- he’s not a serious threat for kanzenseiha, but he’s a fun watch -- I’m so stoked to see David Campbell get another chance.
~hahaha i didn’t even realize i only made two notes about the LA Finals hey guys guess which episode aired the earliest
San Antonio SAN1) Daniel Gil: CLEAR (5:50.65) SAN2) Thomas Stillings: Failed Elevator Climb SAN3) Nicholas Coolridge: Failed Elevator Climb SAN4) Brent Steffensen: Failed Elevator Climb SAN5) Karsten Williams: Failed Spinball Wizard SAN6) Andrew Lowes: Failed Spinball Wizard SAN7) Josh Salinas: Failed Hourglass Drop SAN8) Brian Burkhardt: Failed Hourglass Drop SAN9) Damir Okanovic: Failed Hourglass Drop SAN10) Matt Holt: Failed Hourglass Drop SAN11) Grant Clinton: Failed Hourglass Drop SAN12) Abel Gonzalez: Failed Hourglass Drop SAN13) Brandon Pannell: Failed Hourglass Drop SAN14) Cass Clawson: Failed Hourglass Drop SAN15) Jody Avila: Failed Hourglass Drop SAN16) Barclay Stockett: Failed Hourglass Drop SAN17) Kacy Catanzaro: Failed Warped Wall
~Daniel Gil’s freakin’ amazing. That dude’s so good and still so young that it’s actually infuriating, and he’s at a point in his ninja career where he’s on that top line of stars with Drechsel and Graff and Moravsky and all them, but he’s not the guy (and likely never will be unless Drew Drechsel’s legs are stolen by warlocks), so he gets to be the guy in San Antonio who delivers the clear at the last second but doesn’t have to be that same guy in Vegas, which is probably a pretty cool feeling.
~So is this gonna be like a thing, where every other year Brent Steffensen is trying to bounce back from some past failure? I think we might be at a point in ANW’s life where we can admit, yeah, Brent Steffensen did a really cool thing in season four, but that was five years ago, it was more a result of the circumstance than anything else, and we don’t have to consider this guy a real contender anymore. Like, if we’re montaging David Campbell, we’re at least considering the same for Brent Steffensen, right? I mean, hooray, he made the last Finals obstacle, that’s really cool and his best city finals result in years, but how long can we milk the comeback tour angle before it gets stale?
~Kacy Catanzaro is evidently retiring, and this seems like the best thing for both parties. I think it’ll be good for Catanzaro to try other ventures where she doesn’t have to put this incredible pressure on herself, and I think the show’s going to be better off not trying to ride the coattails of the season six run. Because the season six run was this crazy, once-in-a-lifetime thing, right? But the thing about once in a lifetime events is, they only happen once, as the last three seasons have proved. Kacy Catanzaro is crazy talented, but the show has evolved to this point where the Finals courses don’t cater to the particular talents Catanzaro has in the same way that ANW6 Dallas course did. I hope she does well in her next athletic endeavor.
~Andrew Lowes qualified for Vegas. Why is this notable? So in the six years ANW has done Vegas finals, two men have made it to Vegas all six years: Brian Arnold (MS3, DEN3, DEN3, KCT12, IND3, DEN11) Travis Rosen (SE3, MIA4, STL11, ORL6, ATL3, DAY5) And these are the 10 people who have made it to Vegas five of the six years: David Campbell (NW3, VEN4, VEN1, VEN3, dnq, LAX15) Kacy Catanzaro (dnp, VENWC, DAL7, HOUWC, OKCWC, SAN17) Drew Drechsel (SE2, MIA1, dnq, ORL4, ATL2, DAY1) Andrew Lowes (MW12, BAL6, STL13, dnq, OKC9, SAN6) James McGrath (NW1, VEN1, VEN3, ORL1, ATL1, dnq) Joe Moravsky (dnp, BAL2, STL1, PIT2, PHI2, CLE1) Jamie Rahn (dnq, BAL8, STL6, PIT3, PHI4, CLE2) Flip Rodriguez (SE1, MIA2, dnq, ORL3, LAX7, LAX5) Brent Steffensen (SW5, VENWC, dnq, HOU8, OKC10, SAN4) Ryan Stratis (dnq, MIA8, MIA3, SPD3, PHI9, DAY13) That is a hell of a list Lowes is on. The crazy thing is, he might’ve had six Vegas trips had he not been the victim of season seven’s Balance Obstacle From Hell. It’s remarkable consistency, especially considering he’s the only one on the list that hasn’t cleared a city finals course. It’s hard to appreciate consistency, especially when it gets montaged so often, but here’s a salute to Andrew Lowes.
~And also to Karsten Williams, who’s going to Vegas for the fourth consecutive year. Only eight other ninjas currently have Vegas streaks as long or longer: Arnold, Rosen, Catanzaro, Moravsky, Rahn, Stratis, Ian Dory, and Meagan Martin.
~I haven’t even mentioned Thomas Stillings, Nicholas Coolridge, or Abel Gonzalez! This field is hella loaded!
Daytona Beach DAY1) Drew Drechsel: CLEAR (7:34.60) DAY2) JJ Woods: Failed Elevator Climb DAY3) Sean Darling-Hammond: Failed Elevator Climb DAY4) Jessie Graff: Failed Elevator Climb DAY5) Travis Rosen: Failed Circuit Board DAY6) Casidy Marks: Failed Circut Board DAY7) Tyler Gillett: Failed Circuit Board DAY8) Kevin Carbone: Failed Circuit Board DAY9) Rigel Henry: Failed Giant Cubes DAY10) Nick Patel: Failed Giant Cubes DAY11) Lucas Gomes: Failed Giant Cubes DAY12) Reko Rivera: Failed Giant Cubes DAY13) Ryan Stratis: Failed Giant Cubes DAY14) Dustin Fishman: Failed Giant Cubes DAY15) Michael Johnson: Failed Giant Cubes DAY16) Lindsay Eskildsen: Failed Rolling Thunder
~Drew Drechsel and Jessie Graff are really, really good at this sport. This has been valuable analysis. I’m so stoked to see them in Vegas, as well as in Sasuke 34.
~Yo, shouts to Reko Rivera! That dude has been around since ANW4, and he’s finally getting his first shot at Vegas! I am completely baffled by rhe choice to not show the moment Rivera got in on the broadcast. That would have been such a cool moment for a dude who’s been on this show for six years, and he gets pushed to the wayside for Rigel Henry’s dudebro aesthetic? I don’t get it. This episode could have been much more memorable than it ended up being; Jessie Graff and Drew Drechsel compensated for a lot of same-y dudes failing the same obstacle. I dunno, would’ve been cool for the show to do right by its longtime competitors.
~Of course, this is the same show that accepted an obstacle submission from Kevin Carbone, then made him wait in the walk-on line to prove he deserved to run the course. I have no idea what editing room wizardry ANW pulled off to make it look like Kevin Carbone didn’t think that was some bullshit, but bravah to them. If I were Kevin Carbone, I wouldn’t have given them any usable footage. I gave these dudes Wingnuts, and they made me waste days of my life. Nah, dudes. Y’all can cut me from the broadcast.
Kansas City KCT1) Mitch Vedepo: Failed Elevator Climb KCT2) Tyler Yamauchi: Failed Iron Maiden KCT3) Hunter Guerard: Failed Floating Monkey Bars KCT4) Eric Middleton: Failed Floating Monkey Bars KCT5) Dave Cavanagh: Failed Floating Monkey Bars KCT6) Lance Pekus: Failed Floating Monkey Bars KCT7) Jeremiah Morgan: Failed Floating Monkey Bars KCT8) Jelani Allen: Failed Floating Monkey Bars KCT9) Alex Carson: Failed Floating Monkey Bars KCT10) Kyle Mendoza: Failed Salmon Ladder KCT11) Spencer Johnson: Failed Salmon Ladder KCT12) Brad Spine: Failed Salmon Ladder KCT13) Ben Baker: Failed Salmon Ladder KCT14) "Moose" Wright: Failed Salmon Ladder KCT15) Donovan Metoyer: Failed Bar Hop KCT16) Maggi Thorne: Failed Bar Hop KCT17) Sara Hessen: Failed Crank It Up
~BALANCE OBSTACLE FROM HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL So Adam Arnold would’ve been a notable name for the BOFH’s ever-expanding list no matter what; he cleared city finals courses the last two years, and regardless of his Vegas performances, anyone with that patch in their past is a threat to go far. But yo, balance obstacle went HAM in the finals. Dan Polizzi is only a big name in the context of the Midwest qualifiers, which, see the next note, but Brandon Mears and Ethan Swanson (especially Ethan Swanson) are dudes who never had to think about the balance obstacle in the past, and then there they were, in the drink. The balance obstacle, man. You never can tell which one, but every year, it hecks up one city completely.
~But it’s especially devastating for Kansas City, because this was one of the weaker fields in recent memory. A quick comparison: Ninja A: 4 City Finals course clears, 5 First Stage clears, 2 Stage Two clears Ninja B: 5 City Finals course clears, 4 First Stage clears, 1 Stage Two clear Ninja C: 4 City Finals course clears, 4 First Stage clears, 2 Stage Two clears Ninja A is Drew Drechsel; Ninja B is the entire Kansas City field. Ninja C is Joe Moravsky. There’s not a clear #1 in this bunch. Lance Pekus is a quality athlete but nowhere near Regional #1 material (not when other regions have Gils or Dorys or Levins), the show seems to have a weird thing against Jeremiah Morgan that may or may not be fair, and boy do I not need to hear Mears and Dan Polizzi shout ‘bro’ a million times every time they’re on screen. The fact I’m even bringing up Dan Polizzi and his two Vegas trips speaks to how enh this Kansas City field is. It’s not really a surprise that there were no finishers, though it is surprising the field was so decimated that it sent a dude to Vegas that didn’t even make it to the Warped Wall. The only other time that happened was Venice in season 7, and that only happened because the Hourglass Drop was so horribly designed. (It still sucks, tbh.) Donovan Metoyer is going to Vegas because the other 15 dudes got hecked. I wonder, if they do six cities next season, you’ll see fringey dudes from the San Antonio or Denver regions go a little out of their way to compete in the Midwest field; someone like, say, Jonathan Horton would be a cinch.
~Tyler Yamauchi came super close, though! That was such a fun run to watch, even if it ended with one of the more baffling decisions in recent Ninja history. (ONE PEG LOWER. YOU CAN SEE THE PEG. YOU ARE EYE LEVEL WITH THE PEG. WHY WOULD YOU NOT USE THAT PEG, TYLER. THEY HECKED UP THE DESIGN OF THE OBSTACLE TO GIVE YOU A FREE JUMP!) Mitch Vedepo earns the distinction (?) of being the #1 athlete out of the region, but Tyler Yamauchi is certainly #1 in our hearts. I hope that dude does well in Vegas; he got a hella hero edit, which suggests either Vegas success or the producers really needed Kansas City to not be completely unwatchable.
~Kyle Mendoza was also a fun run, even if it ended with him going “fuck it!” and trying for style points on the Salmon Ladder. He ran pretty early, but I think he could kinda tell the depth of the field and knew if he got to the Salmon Ladder super fast he’d be golden, and he was (probably?) the only one who cleared the KCT qualifying course in under two minutes. (I mean, we didn’t see Hunter Guerard’s run, and that dude seemed pretty speedy, but I’m sure if Guerard went faster we would’ve seen it.) I liked that guy.
Cleveland CLE1) Joe Moravsky: CLEAR (7:24:10) CLE2) Jamie Rahn: CLEAR (8:39.85) CLE3) Jon Alexis, Jr.: Failed Nail Clipper CLE4) Mike Meyers: Failed Nail Clipper CLE5) Judas Licciardello: Failed Nail Clipper CLE6) Michael Torres: Failed Nail Clipper CLE7) Dan Galiczynski: Failed Nail Clipper CLE8) Mike Bernardo: Failed Nail Clipper CLE9) Anthony DeFranco: Failed Nail Clipper CLE10) Chris DiGangi: Failed Nail Clipper CLE11) Matthew Ilgenfritz: Failed Nail Clipper CLE12) Tyler Cravens: Failed Nail Clipper CLE13) Najee Richardson: Failed Nail Clipper CLE14) Samer Delgado: Failed Nail Clipper CLE15) Jesse LaBreck: Failed Nail Clipper CLE16) Allyssa Beird: Failed Nail Clipper
~So I think it is overall a Good Thing that ANW is opening more Finals spots specifically for female competitors. But removing wild cards from the equation completely creates this weird bind where there’s so many talented women in the Northeast region vying for just two spots, and then you go to Kansas City with its set of randos what couldn’t make it to the Warped Wall. Like, it’s not fair that Michelle Warnky is one of six women to make it to the eighth obstacle of a city finals course, but won’t be one of the twelve women going to Vegas. Like, what, is she supposed to abandon this specific region she’s been competing in for five years to go to the Midwest and take advantage of Kansas City’s weak field? I mean, it’s awesome that there’s one region with that many women capable of getting that far on the course, but it’s a drag that Michelle Warnky won’t be able to run in Vegas despite doing something really cool.
~James McGrath :(. I’m sure he was hurt, but hoo boy, that was a tough run to watch, especially since he came so close to clearing the Nail Clipper, like, he’d be going to Vegas if he could have generated just a teensy bit more momentum. It’s one of those things where, he was gonna miss Vegas eventually, everyone has one Shocking Failure, and McGrath has had a rough go of things ever since looking so invincible in ANW5, but it’s still really shocking to see him go out so early, kinda stunning that there’s gonna be a Vegas Finals without him. Really hope he can recover.
~Najee Richardson got hella hero edit, too, despite finishing 13th among the Philly qualifiers, and I can’t tell if that’s because he’s going to do well in Vegas or because ANW wants to signal that they’re a fine home for former amateur athletes looking for an outlet for the skills they spent years honing. Like, I’m honestly stunned Tim Tebow hasn’t embraced destiny and submitted a tape.
Denver DEN1) Ian Dory: CLEAR (6:56.33) DEN2) Lorin Ball: Failed Ninjago Roll DEN3) Jesse Lucero: Failed Ninjago Roll DEN4) Karson Voiles: Failed The Wedge DEN5) Ryan Souter: Failed The Wedge DEN6) Dan Yager: Failed The Wedge DEN7) Craig Richard: Failed The Wedge DEN8) Bart Copeland: Failed The Wedge DEN9) Drew Knapp: Failed The Wedge DEN10) Ben Antoine: Failed The Wedge DEN11) Brian Arnold: Failed The Wedge DEN12) Yancey Quezada: Failed The Wedge DEN13) Luke Chambers: Failed The Wedge DEN14) Michael Silenzi: Failed The Wedge DEN15) Nick Kostreski: Failed The Wedge DEN16) Meagan Martin: Failed The Wedge DEN17) Jeri D'Aurelio: Failed Rail Runner
~Every single time a competitor got to the top of the Elevator Climb I was scared they were gonna slip off. Like, climbing up through the hole was fine with the Spider Climb and Invisible Ladder, but given how gross the Elevator Climb is, there’s gotta be a better way to finish the obstacle than to make exhausted people throw their legs up and hope for the best. Like, watching Ian Dory made me so nervous. Like, elevators have doors. Why not have them climb to a door?
~But yo: Ian Dory’s legit. One of five dudes with four finals course clears under his belt (Arnold, Drechsel, McGrath, Moravsky), and the only one to get all four of those clears in consecutive seasons. There’s some temptation to write Dory off as solely an upper-body guy, and while climbing obstacles are certainly his forte, you don’t notch four straight finisher patches (or two First Stage clears) without being an impressive athlete overall. You can see how much nonsense these courses can offer; you have Rolling Logs and Balance Obstacles From Hell and all these opportunities to make mental mistakes and the occasional bullshit obstacle like, say, The Wedge. That Ian Dory was able to deal with The Wedge should be more than enough to place him among the top-tier ninjas; honestly, of anyone not named Drew Drechsel, I think Ian Dory has the best shot at kanzenseiha.
~But speaking of streaks! We already referenced that Brian Arnold was one of the two men to make it to Vegas every season, but holy cats, Brian Arnold has made it to Vegas every season. That’s crazy. Brian Arnold and Travis Rosen are crazy. This definitely isn’t the way he wanted to qualify, being one of the 16 or 17 (RIP Matt Reeves, and everyone else from all the regions who got cut) people to reach The Wedge and letting that be enough, but all that matters is he got there and kept the streak alive.
~ninjago roll lol why not
~Lorin Ball, Denver #2. If I had made a thousand predictions for this season of ANW, I don’t think I would have made that one. If you had given me the opportunity to bet on a match between Lorin Ball and The Wedge, I would bet a thousand lifetimes of savings on The Wedge without asking any further questions. Lorin Ball getting to Vegas, yeah, absolutely, he qualified four of five seasons and can beast through at least the Salmon Ladder, but a #2? Damn, dude. Way to transcend all expectations. (This is also the second time Lorin Ball’s made it to the ninth obstacle in city finals in the three seasons since ANW enhanced the difficulty. That’s legit, especially given how nonsense The Wedge is.)
Vegas Preview
So in my notes, I refer to people by their qualifying positions because ANW doesn’t do the saddlecloth thing Sasuke does, and I like being able to reference Drew Drechsel in any given season as DAY1 or ATL2 in ANW and 96-33 in Sasuke. But! Since Jesse LaBreck and Jessie Graff qualified through the top 15, we actually have an even 100 people going to Vegas (90 qualifiers, 10 de facto wild cards), which means we can do a fun experiment with ANW SADDLECLOTHS!
Bolded names are finishers, asterisks denote if the competitor has reached Stage Two or the Third Stage. When building the list, I didn’t just put my eye on least-likely-to-clear to most-. I wanted the x0 and x1 slots to be a bit hype; everyone n2-n9 is sort of junked in there haphazardly until 61 or so, but I wanted to build it so that each 1-10 was sort of like a mini section, with 1 being a particularly hype runner (for example: Cass Clawson was a hair away from clearing the First Stage in ANW6, so he’s the pick to kick off the 11-20 section) and 10 being a particularly notable veteran (for example: Michael Silenzi’s been around since at least ANW4). I also wanted to put an emphasis on past accomplishment (which is why no runner with a Stage Two berth goes in the first half and why, say, LAX15 David Campbell is running in the 70s), but still make some room for less-decorated-but-nonetheless-notable dudes in the late goings (which is why CLE13 Najee Richardson runs in the 80s). This is a very stupid thing I have made and I am not a well person. 1) Reko Rivera (DAY12) 2) Donovan Metoyer (KCT15) 3) Nick Kostreski (DEN15) 4) Sara Hessen (KCT17) 5) Kapu Gaison (LAX11) 6) Michael Johnson (DAY15) 7) Jody Avila (SAN15) 8) Samer Delgado (CLE14) 9) Dustin Fishman (DAY14) 10) Michael Silenzi (DEN14) 11) Cass Clawson (SAN14) 12) Lindsay Eskildsen (DAY16) 13) Ben Baker (KCT13) 14) Benjamin Humphrys (LAX13) 15) Matt Holt (SAN10) 16) Luke Chambers (DEN13) 17) Brad Spine (KCT12) 18) Matthew Ilgenfritz (CLE11) 19) Nick Patel (DAY10) 20) Steve Seiver (LAX12) 21) Maggi Thorne (KCT16) 22) Brandon Pannell (SAN13) 23) Yancey Quezada (DEN12) 24) Jackson Meyer (LAX10) 25) Tyler Cravens (CLE12) 26) “Moose” Wright (KCT14)  27) Lucas Gomes (DAY11) 28) Zhanique Lovett (LAX17) 29) Robin Pietschmann (LAX9) 30) Chris DiGangi (CLE10) 31) Grant Clinton (SAN11) 32) Spencer Johnson (KCT11)  33) Rigel Henry (DAY9) 34) Ben Antoine (DEN10) 35) Kyle Mendoza (KCT10) 36) Damir Okanovic (SAN9) 37) Rebekah Bonilla (LAX16) 38) Jelani Allen (KCT8) 39) Bart Copeland (DEN8) 40) Nick Hanson (LAX14) 41) Drew Knapp (DEN9) 42) Kevin Carbone (DAY8) 43) Brian Burkhardt (SAN8) 44) Craig Richard (DEN7) 45) Tyler Gillett (DAY7) 46) Josh Salinas (SAN7) 47) Alex Carson (KCT9) 48) Anthony DeFranco (CLE9) 49) Jeri D’Aurelio (DEN17) 50) Jon Alexis, Jr. (CLE3) 51) Karson Voiles (DEN4)** 52) Dave Cavanagh (KCT5) 53) Mike Meyers (CLE4)** 54) Casidy Marks (DAY6) 55) Ryan Souter (DEN5) 56) Eric Middleton (KCT4) 57) Judas Licciardello (CLE5) 58) Barclay Stockett (SAN16) 59) Gabe Hurtado (LAX6) 60) Andrew Lowes (SAN6)** 61) Sean Darling-Hammond (DAY3) 62) Hunter Guerard (KCT3) 63) Dan Yager (DEN6)** 64) Brian Wilczewski (LAX7)** 65) Jesse Lucero (DEN3) 66) Karsten Williams (SAN5) 67) Dan Galiczynski (CLE7)** 68) Tyler Yamauchi (KCT2) 69) Michael Bernardo (CLE8)**   70) Charlie Andrews (LAX3) 71) Lorin Ball (DEN2)** 72) Kacy Catanzaro (SAN17) 73) David Campbell (LAX15)*** 74) Michael Torres (CLE6)** 75) Jeremiah Morgan (KCT7)*** 76) JJ Woods (DAY2)** 77) Allyssa Bierd (CLE16) 78) Abel Gonzalez (SAN12)*** 79) Brent Steffensen (SAN4)*** 80) Lance Pekus (KCT6)** 81) Mitch Vedepo (KCT1) 82) Najee Richardson (CLE13)** 83) Nicholas Coolridge (SAN5)** 84) Sean Bryan (LAX1) 85) Jesse LaBreck (CLE15) 86) Ryan Stratis (DAY13)*** 87) Kevin Bull (LAX8)*** 88) Jamie Rahn (CLE2)** 89) Thomas Stillings (SAN2)** 90) Adam Rayl (LAX2)** 91) Meagan Martin (DEN16) 92) Josh Levin (LAX4)** 93) Travis Rosen (DAY5)*** 94) Ian Dory (DEN1)*** 95) Flip Rodriguez (LAX5)** 96) Brian Arnold (DEN11)*** 97) Joe Moravsky (CLE1)*** 98) Daniel Gil (SAN1)*** 99) Jessie Graff (DAY4)** 100) Drew Drechsel (DAY1)***
0 notes