#you have to at the very least recognize his sleazy charm and be like ''yeah i guess i could see why ppl are into him''
hooved · 2 years
i truly believe that you can’t properly capture quark’s essence in a drawing unless you wanna fuck him
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Carved in the Cradle Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Evan Huntington.
Thanks to Jessica’s connections, they were able to determine that while Arianna’s apartment had been bought under her name, it had been paid in full with cash by Evan Huntington. Having come from one of the most prominent New York old money families, he had received his inheritance upon graduating from Yale.
And after getting married.
Malcolm and Dani had gone to interview the man while Gil and JT went to collect statements from Arianna’s neighbours. Just outside of Huntington's office on Wall Street, they found a beleaguered woman with her blonde hair in a tight bun typing rapidly at her desk, dark blue nails ready to claw someone’s eyes out clicking with every word.
When the woman didn’t even bother to look up at them, Dani cleared her throat.
“Excuse me.”
“He’s in a meeting.” The blonde said, still not looking up.
“Detective Powell, NYPD.”
The receptionist finally looked up and sighed in exasperation.
“He’s in his office, though I warn you, he might not be dressed.” Both Dani and Malcolm raised an eyebrow at the woman. She huffed, “He’s usually in there banging an intern. Or two,” she added as an afterthought.
Malcolm’s eyes went wide as he exclaimed, “Or two?”
“He claims to get bored easily,” she added impatiently. “In any case, an intern just walked in there with a look on her face that I’m far too familiar with.”
“Good to know.” Dani wrinkled her nose in distaste as she walked up to the door and knocked, “Evan Huntington? NYPD. We’d like to ask you a few questions.”
The detective and the profiler heard fumbling and the sound of clothes being zipped up. They gave each other a weary, knowing look when they heard a man calling them in. Upon entering they saw Evan Huntington sitting a little too properly behind his desk and a blond woman making her way out of the office. Huntington ran a hand through his hair to smooth it out and gave them a charming yet somehow sleazy smile.
“How may I help the NYPD today?”
Dani held out a photo of their victim, “We’re here about Arianna Walters.”
He looked at the photo for a few moments, “I’m sorry, I’m afraid I don’t know who that is.”
“Then can you explain to us why her high-end apartment home was paid in cash by you?”
Huntington just stared at them. Dani resisted letting out an irritated huff, “We have multiple people who can confirm this. You might as well talk.”
The man just continued to stare at them before he finally blinked with a huff.
“Look, I gave her that apartment in order to get her to leave me alone.”
“Leave you alone?”
“The woman is crazy. She came to me like a year ago and said that she was having a baby,” He scoffed, “Got oddly offended when I asked if she was sure it’s mine. Flipped out when she found out I was married.”
Malcolm frowned at Huntington's flippant attitude. “So you bought the apartment in order for her to keep the child out of your life.”
“I can’t blame her for wanting to attach her kid to me. Having the Huntington name can really help someone get places. But I have an image to maintain.”
Dani raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “The image of cheating on your wife while at work?”
“I have needs and... my wife doesn’t meet them.”
Malcolm barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes and a quick glance at Dani showed her struggling to do the same.
“What’s this about?”
“Arianna was found dead in her apartment.”
“Oh God...” Huntington looked down for a moment, seemingly in shock before looking back up, “How... what happened?”
“She was most likely targeted by a serial killer we've been tracking for a while.” Malcolm told him.
Dani glanced at him curiously, wondering what Bright was doing, but decided to play along.
“We were just wondering if you might know anyone who would want to hurt her.”
Evan Huntington stayed quiet for a moment, “I... I wouldn’t know... I can’t imagine why anyone would want to hurt her.”
“I thought you said that she was crazy,” Dani replied stoically.
"I mean," Huntington ran a hand down his face, “I did have a... relationship with her. We met about two and a half years ago at a bar downtown. She had no idea who I was and I ended up liking it.”
“So you started a relationship with her.”
“We don’t run in the same circles. I always met with her on her side of town and I didn’t wear my ring when I was with her.”
“How did she find out you were married?”
“When she told me she was pregnant.” He shook his head ruefully, “I had to tell her why I couldn’t marry her… she told me she wanted nothing to do with me after that.”
“So you didn’t want that?”
“Of course not… but I had to respect her wishes. At the very least, I offered to get her a nice place in a good part of town. It’s hard enough raising a child on your own, let alone worrying about where to live.”
Malcolm narrowed his eyes, “So you wouldn’t want Arianna to have been hurt?”
“No!” Huntington exclaimed a little too quickly. He cleared his throat, “I-I just... you have to know that I would never want to see Arianna hurt.” Malcolm continued to study Huntington intently, noting every tick and expression. “Now, how else can I help you?”
About five minutes later, Dani and Malcolm left the office, about to go back to the precinct when Malcolm turned around and walked back to the receptionist’s desk.
“Oh, by the way, Miss...”
“Darshell. Rosemary Darshell,” the blonde responded.
“Forgive me for asking, but you seem to match similar characteristics to both the photo of his wife and the woman that was just in his office.”
She raised an unimpressed eyebrow, “Your point?”
“Has Evan Huntington ever attempted to start something with you?”
“ Bright .” Dani hissed as she came up behind him. Trust Bright to ask the inappropriate questions.
“Forgive the implication, but you were an intern here once. Correct?”
Rosemary was silent for a moment before saying; “Yes... and yes. He has attempted to have a sexual relationship with me.” Before Malcolm or Dani could say a word, she continued with; “ But . It never happened.”
“Why not?”
“Mr Huntington may be a lot of things, but he at least understands the word ‘no’. He came onto me during a holiday party two years ago but I made it clear that I wasn’t interested. He understood and hasn’t brought it up since. Even showed no objection to my becoming his secretary.” Rosemary glanced surreptitiously around her desk to see if anyone else was listening in, “But if you really want to talk to someone, you're better off talking to his wife Gwendolyn.”
Dani frowned. “You think she might be involved?”
“I can’t say for certain, but what I do know? She's fully aware of her husband’s infidelities. And she either doesn’t care or takes revenge in her own way.”
“Let’s just say I was a bit surprised when she came onto me after I turned her husband down.” Malcolm's eyes went wide as Dani's mouth hung open in bewilderment. Rosemary nodded, “And I might have taken her up on her offer too if I didn’t already have a girlfriend.”
“Well,” Dani nodded firmly as if shaking the mental image from her head, “Thank you for the information. If you remember anything else that could help, please let us know.”
Rosemary gave a polite smile before returning to her computer screen, “Of course.”
(~**~)              (~**~)              (~**~)              (~**~)
“So that was some interesting information we got.” Dani finally said once they had got inside her car.
"Well," Malcolm couldn’t help but laugh at the bluntness of her statement, “You’re not wrong there.”
“I don’t understand how a person can cheat on their partner.” Dani began, her lips pursed in a frown. Malcolm didn’t interrupt, curious about the faraway look in her eyes. “I mean even to a degree, I can understand that there would be a reason to kill. It’s rarely good, but there’s always a reason why. But there's no reason for cheating. I just can’t understand why anyone would think it's okay,” she finished with a huff.
“You’ve been holding that in for a while, huh?”
“Yeah...” Dani took a deep breath as she trailed off, “So what’s your profile on Huntington?” She shot Malcolm a knowing look before bringing her eyes back to the road. “Come on Bright, I know you have a profile of the guy in that mind of yours.”
Malcolm grinned, amused out how easily she could read him.
“Well I can’t promise you won’t be grossed out.”
"Please," Dani just smirked back at him, "you already know I’m not easily spooked.”
“Just checking.” He cleared his throat, “So, I thought I recognized the name Huntington and when I noticed the pictures on his desk, one was of him and his father, Edgar Huntington. I remember seeing him at some of the parties I was forced to go to as a kid.”
Dani wrinkled her nose. “Edgar and Evan. Very creative.”
Malcolm smirked, “I didn’t name ‘em.”
“And the other picture?”
“Wedding photo. He clearly wasn’t shy about the fact that he’s married. However if Arianna had never visited his office like he claimed, it’s possible she didn’t know.”
They drove in silence for a while when Dani spoke up, a curious expression on her face.
“So what made Arianna so different?”
“Well, judging by the women he was with in his office, most of the women he has his wandering eye on seem to be women he works with in the same building. So it's more than possible that most of his... dalliances knew of his marital status.” His brow furrowed in thought, “Maybe the fact that Arianna wasn’t like the women he usually spends time with was what made her different. Maybe she made him different.”
“You’re taking a while to get to the profile.”
“What we have is an unhappy married man who clearly is either emasculated or just feels like he has no control of his own life. He married young so maybe he feels he didn’t get the chance to really live his life and this is his way of getting back some of that control he feels he lacks.”
“And then there’s the fact that his wife also hit on Rosemary a short while after he struck out.”
“There’s that too.”
Dani raised an eyebrow, “And how does that relate to Arianna?”
“Not sure, but she obviously doesn't match the type of women he seems to go after.”
Dani's thoughts went back to the woman who had been in Huntington’s office with him. She was tall and willowy with hair perfectly pinned in a pristine updo. Her appearance starkly contrasted with Arianna’s short, curvy figure and fluffy dark curls. She immediately thought of the tiny baby Arianna had been forced to leave behind.
“And Isabella?” Malcolm turned his head to Dani as she parked her car, “Do you believe Evan Huntington’s the father?”
Malcolm nodded, “It’s the only thing that explains him buying Arianna the apartment and Isabella’s father being omitted from her birth certificate.” He let out a heavy sigh, “But I can’t imagine Isabella would be well off with him.”
“Other than being financially stable.”
“That might be true, but I like to think that there’s more to parenting than just paying for everything” He chuckled in amusement, “Obviously, no one can be a perfect parent, but--”
“Buying your children’s love isn’t going to get you anywhere.” Dani finished, turning her head to face him.
“Exactly.” Malcolm gave a tiny smile as he locked gazes with Dani, glass blue eyes focused all on her. “Dani, I--”
She looked at him expectantly. He tried to open his mouth, but no words would come out. He cleared his throat.
“I suppose I should call my mother.” He took off his seatbelt and reached to pull his phone out of his suit pocket, “Have her bring Isabella back. Hopefully she hasn’t caused too much damage in terms of her spending.”
Dani looked down and let out a tiny chuckle before meeting his eyes again.
“How much damage could she have done in less than three hours?”
“I haven’t told you about Ainsley’s fifteenth birthday party, have I?”
“I don’t think so.” Dani let out a laugh, her face lighting up. "It's up there with your great-uncle Douglas."
Malcolm dialed his mother’s number as he gave Dani a promising grin.
“Remind me to tell you later.”
(~**~)              (~**~)              (~**~)              (~**~)
About an hour later, Jessica arrived at the precinct, wearing a new blouse herself and having completely changed Isabella’s wardrobe as she carried the baby in her arms. A surprising move on her part.
Jessica walked in with many bags hanging off her arms as well and a huge smile on her face which only grew wider when she saw Malcolm with Dani.
“Malcolm. Detective Powell.”
Malcolm’s eyes were practically the size of dinner plates as Dani let out a slight chuckle.
“I see what you meant," she whispered to him. "And I thought you had spending problems.”
“I apologize for taking so long, but I was having the time of my life with this little darling. Right Isabella?” The little girl clapped her hands as she kept hold of her stuffed owl, “It took me a while to find something that would match her beloved owl here. She refused to let go of it the whole time. Reminds me of Malcolm and his favourite stuffed monkey. He used to bathe with it when he was a toddler.”
Malcolm pointedly cleared his throat while Dani smirked at this new piece of information.
Isabella’s eyes then fell to Malcolm and she immediately shot her arms out to him.
“Oh!” Jessica grinned, “Looks like the little angel missed you.”
Malcolm gave a tiny smile and took Isabella from his mother. The baby was quick to rest her head on his shoulder, gurgling as her tiny hand patted his tie.
“Mother, what is she wearing?” He noted the pink and white cotton velvet peplum romper with an all over logo print Isabella was wearing.
“Darling, who cares? It’s Armani.” She grinned as she stroked Isabella’s dimpled cheek, “And there’s an adorable little bow to match,” she added, gesturing to the headband on Isabella’s head.
Isabella kept her head against Malcolm’s shoulder, but reached out for Dani, letting out a tiny squeak. Dani let Isabella grab her finger as the little girl giggled and she couldn’t help but smile back at her.
“Did you have a fun day?”
“Oh, I should hope so,” Jessica cooed at Isabella as she placed the shopping bags on the ground. “We went to Fifth Avenue, then got lunch at Sushi Ginza Onodera and had the most fabulous sashimi.”
Malcolm’s eyes widened in dismay. “Mother, she’s eight months old.”
“Oh, calm down Malcolm. I didn’t give her anything she couldn’t eat.” Jessica scoffed airily, “You seem to forget that I am a mother. I’ve done this before.” Malcolm rolled his eyes as Jessica turned to smile at Dani. “Detective Powell. Would you be willing to take Isabella for a few minutes?”
“Uh, sure.” Dani gently took Isabella from Malcolm, “Come on Isabella. I think Uncle Bright’s in trouble...” She playfully scrunched her nose as she took Isabella to the conference room.
“Now... Malcolm.” Jessica's smile was as bright as a knife's edge, making it known to her son that she wanted something.
Malcolm looked at her warily. “Mother?”
“I would like to talk to you about the gala.”
Welp. I’m back! ...Again...
I’m trying to have more consistent updates you guys, I promise XD
BTW if you think the Huntingtons are bad now... oh ho, ho, ho, ho... just you wait... *Sings* Just yoooou wait...
Hope you guys enjoyed that and hope you caught the tiny Brightwell moments I snuck in there... I told you... it’s gonna be SLOWBURN!
Thank you to @s4karuna for helping me edit!
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dreamwritesimagines · 7 years
Face From The Past
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Request:  Hi! Could you write a DeanxReader in which the reader and the boys have known each other since they were kids and the reader has always loved Dean, but for some reason they lost touch and never saw each other again. However, one day they are hunting the same thing and the reader recognises Dean immediately, but he has no idea who she is? Sorry if it is too specific. I don't mind if it gets long :) Warnings: Swearing Word Count: 1213 A/N:Thank you for the amazing feedback on “How to Get A Guy To Like You”! This was my first request, I hope it was quite good, and friendly reminder, I love feedback! <3  Gif’s not mine! 
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There had to be someone who was messing with you on purpose because there was no way this could be happening right now.
You know something, universe? You thought as you stared at one and only Dean Winchester When I said I wanted my life to be like a fairy tale, I didn’t mean the most depressing part of Little fucking Mermaid.
20 Years Ago
“Dean!” You ran to him as he turned his head, his green eyes filled with guilt.
“Is that true what Sam said? Are you…?”
“Yeah.” He cut you off and turned his glances to the horizon. You gulped.
“When are you leaving?”
He shrugged, “Dad says tomorrow.”
“But why? I thought since the hunt went so well, and Mr Winchester and my dad are getting along well-“
“Dad doesn’t get along well with anyone.” The 10 year old shook his head “We’re supposed to pack up and be ready to leave tomorrow.”
You could feel the tears filling your eyes and you rubbed at your eye furiously.
“You will write me, right?”
Dean nodded fervently and you sniffled, making him hesitate for a second before he leaned in and kissed your cheek, then pulled back, blushing hard. Before you could say anything, he was already running back to the house.
And that right there was your first heartbreak, the one that had left a mark on you forever. You had an idea why both he and you were in the same sleazy bar of a small town, everything about him just screamed hunter.
Of course you had heard of the rumors. He and Sam had become legends and you didn’t even think they took simple cases anymore, such as the Vetala that you had come here to hunt. For a second, you wondered where Sam was but it wasn’t like you could go over there and ask him.
Judging by the fact that he had only eyed you up and down, then sipped his beer, keeping his eyes on the potential Vetala.
Hence the Little Mermaid situation. Seriously, not that you expected confetti and a parade, but it would be nice if he could at least recognize you.
“Fuck that fucker Prince Eric.” You mumbled, keeping an eye on Vetala as well while he talked to a girl by the bar, and took a big gulp of your beer.
Well, all things considered, you could go over there and introduce yourself, but what were you going to say? That you had waited for years for the letters that would never come? Pfft, as if. Way to be a hunter groupie, if that kind of thing existed.
Wait, did it exist? You were going to be so furious if you were missing out your chances to be civilian Brad Pitt and George Clooney lookalikes that were dying to give you their gratitude in form of mind blowing sex-
“Ohh, Christ on a cracker, where are you?” You snapped out of it as you realized the Vetala was nowhere to be seen and you put your beer to the counter, then made your way out of the bar, your hand automatically finding the silver knife in your leather jacket before you stopped under a street light, looking around in the alley.
“Okay, for any not monster who might happen to be listening for completely innocent reasons…” You called out, “I’m very huntable tonight, I mean look, I’m wearing a dress! It has stripes on it!”  
There was a silence and you rolled your eyes.
“I mean, not that I could ever do anything to a big, strong monster!” You called out again, looking around, “Oh wow me, no one will ever look for me! I’m completely vulnerable, and-“ You turned around fast with the knife ready at your hand when someone grabbed your shoulder, and your jaw dropped when you saw Dean, frowning at you.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked, but before he could say anything else, you heard a growl and two Vetalas jumped onto you both in a second. You pushed one of them away as the other one got in a fight with Dean.
“So um…” You dodged the Vetala, “Hi, do I look familiar to you for some reason?”
Dean shot you a look as the other one tried to strike, “What?!”
“You know, do I look like a face from your past?”
“What the hell- do you really wanna talk right now?!” Dean asked as he pushed the  other Vetala away from his face, then went to stab her with his knife but she only hissed and dodged his attack. You twirled the knife in your hand, you and the Vetala circling each other.
“Like, do I remind you of someone whose heart you broke? And made her never want to eat Skittles again? And now, never will be able to look at The Little Mermaid the same way again? So Prince Eric of you-“ you stuck your knife into the Vetala’s chest and twisted it as soon as he threw himself at you, and watched his body crumble apart and when you turned around, you saw Dean had also stabbed the other one and she dropped to the ground, leaving Dean to stare at you.
“Okay, I don’t know how many hunts you’ve been to,” He said as he tried to catch his breath, “But it’s usually not a great place to chit chat.”
“Okay, seriously, look at my face.” You motioned at his eyes, “Look at me. Look.”
Dean raised his brows and shot you a glare, “I’m looking.”
“Jesus, how can you not remember me, Dean?!”
Dean frowned, “How do you know my name?”
“Because you broke my heart when I was 8, asshole!” You exclaimed, throwing your hands up, “Seriously, I used to love Skittles before you ruined them for me!”
Dean only stared at you for a couple of seconds before it dawned on him and a shocked expression took over his face, “Y/N?!”
“Yeah! Finally, jackass!”
“What the hell are you doing here?!” He took a step to hug you but you took a step back, crossing your arms,
“Why did you never write me?” You demanded, “You said you would.”
He looked uncomfortable all of a sudden and shifted his weight, looking elsewhere. “Dad said it was for the best.”
“I’m gonna kill John.”
“Too late, already dead.”
“Wait what?!” You exclaimed, “When- how?!”
“Long story.” He shrugged and you pressed a hand over your chest.
“I’m sorry.” You muttered, “And um… where’s- where’s Sam?”
“Oh, he’s fine.” He waved a hand “He-um… we’re hunting separately for a while. He’s gonna freak though, when he hears about you.” He pulled you into a hug and held you tight as you closed your eyes and relaxed in his grip.
“I’m still pissed at you.” You muttered and he chuckled before pulling back.
“Can I make it up to you with beer?”
“Beer and a lot of stories of what you’ve been up to, Winchester.”
He nodded, “Deal.” He said and started walking to the bar. You licked your lips as you eyed his figure up and down, then smiled slightly before you followed him.
Maybe the 20th year would be the charm after all. Tag List AKA Too late, you’re my friends now :d 
@lavieenlex @wonderstruckbyfandoms @emmysthougts @fallen-castiel @theskytraveler @lovely-bagel
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vintagemichelle91 · 7 years
Someone Was Waiting (A Company Fic: Bobby x Reader)
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Authors Note: *fiddles with nails nervously* Well I have to say I’ve this idea for a very very long time and finally got the courage to write it. I’ve never written fanfic for a musical...and I LOVE Company so much that I thought it was time. This is for @larkistin!!! I hope you love it my dear!! And a big thank to my darling @rauliskafan for looking it over and giving me the confidence to post this!! 
           Dawn was just beginning to filter through the curtains.
           You didn’t know whether you wanted to cry or scream. The entire night you waited for him to come back. Maybe sending him out for champagne and baby oil was a bad idea. And yet, in the heat of the moment… in between those fiery kisses… you wanted to experience that blissful high to its full extent. His hands, oh those gorgeous hands that pressed against your curves, hiking up your dress past your thighs…
           No! You won’t fall under that spell again. He had abandoned you in a sleazy hotel and didn’t bother to come back….
           You couldn’t help but wonder if you did something wrong. Or said something wrong. More like the former because you hardly spoke once you had your hands on each other. Perhaps, it was all too much for him? He seemed so into it though…
           Groaning in frustration, you slipped back into your blush pink dress and mentally berated yourself for even being wanton enough to be naked by the time he came back with the requested essentials.
           “This is why you’re still single,” you whispered to yourself. At least the room had been paid for on his credit card and the night wasn’t on your dime. What did that matter? He left you and you had absolutely no idea why.
           Moving into the bathroom, completely drained, you realized that maybe this happened for a reason. He wasn’t meant for you.
And for some strange reason it hurt like hell.
“How was Miami?” Joanne asked as she took a long sip from her martini glass.
Robert glanced up from his bourbon and smiled. “Just great. The… weather was nice.”
Joanne arched her brow. “I didn’t mean the weather, Robbie.”
“Oh, you didn’t?”
She shook her head slowly, a smirk spreading across her crimson lips. At times his innocence was adorable, in other moments tiresome. No wonder dear ol’ Robbie was still an eligible bachelor. To corrupt him just a little would likely put him at the top of the mating game. Yet, therein lied his charm. He wasn’t like your average Joe who couldn’t get a woman. In fact, most girls fawned over him for his looks or his charm or the way he made anyone feel special with just his gaze.
“Didn’t you say you were attending a friend’s party?” Joanne was more curious than anything else, hoping to hear about some fleeting affair. Those were always the best. She recalled a few of her own while traveling through Europe.
“Yeah, yeah it was great… the food was superb.”
He was going around in circles and Joanne could see him struggling, and she laughed dryly.
“Just the food? Since when are you so dull, Robbie.”
Robert nodded nervously and took a swig from his glass. “Nothing else to say.”
He had to lie. There was no way he was going to tell Joanne what happened that night. She would only laugh at him and remind him again why he was single. Robert didn’t need that, not tonight, not when his thoughts these past few days were only about her. The way she smiled, the way her breathy laugh sent his heart racing against his chest, the movement of her dancing against him, her hands running through his thick dark hair, her lips against his…
“Well, then that was a wasted trip.”
“In more ways than one,” Robert grumbled and signaled the bartender to send another bourbon his way.
Another swanky party… another hopeless night.
You sighed as you glanced around the room and watched the guests continued to trickle in the grand penthouse that overlooked the entire city of New York, all smiles sparkling, some genuine and others fake. Joanne had mentioned how this wasn’t her usual crowd, but it was Larry’s birthday party and she at least wanted to appear to make some effort on his behalf.
She had promised that you were bound to meet the man of your dreams. But so far, every man that had approached you seemed incredibly ordinary, and you were bored out of your mind. All trying to impress you with their careers, their houses in the Hamptons, and their yachts. In truth, no one compared to that man from Miami. The one that you had shared an instant connection with… the one that you were going to completely give yourself over to without no question.
A part of you hated the fact that you were pining over someone who had abandoned you and made you feel like a complete fool. How could you still want someone like that? Did he even regret what he had done?
So many questions swirled around your head as you took a sip from your glass of champagne. If anything, the booze would be your preferred companion this night.
“Now, I can’t understand why with a room full of eligible bachelors you are here drowning your sorrows into a glass.” Joanne’s voice pulled you away from your insecure thoughts.
You scoffed and turned to face her. “None of them are to my liking.”
“Are you sure?”             
 “Quite sure.”
“You’re cruel,” Joanne remarked with a sly smile gracing her lips. She was never one to shy away from passing judgment. But that only made you trust her more, for telling it like it was with no sense of remorse and still making you laugh.
“No, more… realistic perhaps?” You gestured to yourself with a wink. Another beautiful little black dress adorned your body and you felt every inch of Holly Golightly tonight, traipsing amongst the crème de la crème of New York, hoping for a good time before you went home to your studio apartment to sleep it off and do it all over again the next night.
Oh no… you needed another drink. It was exhausting and sad to live this way.
“You’re still hung up on the Miami man,” Joanne pointed out. “That is not going to do you any good, my dear. Now, this is me being realistic.”
You raised your glass and took another swig. “Then call me a little buzzed.”
“Yeah, blame it on the booze.”
“I’m allowed am I not?” You fluttered your lashes and smirked, this time hoping to charm her away and reassure you were fine.
“This time, darling.” She grabbed another flute of champagne and sauntered off to greet the other guests. “Don’t get used to it.”
He was late. Truth be told, Robert was not looking forward to this night. But it was Larry’s birthday. Failing to appear was not an option; he was never one to bail on his friends.
“Well, look who decided to show up!” Joanne’s voice echoed from across the room, and Robert felt his face flush. He had hoped to sneak in unnoticed, grab a drink, and wish Larry many happy returns before ducking out again.
“Sorry; traffic was terrible.”
“Not your best excuse, Robbie,” Joanne replied as she led him towards the bar for his poison of choice. Gratefully, he accepted a fresh glass of bourbon.
“You got me. But I’m here now.”
“Finally! There’s someone I want you to meet.”
Not this again. He was in no mood to play forcefully polite to a sweet girl that would do nothing for him. No connection, no passion…. just an empty attraction. Because the Miami Miss was too much on his mind these days.
“Joanne, not tonight.”
“Think you’ll find this one more than meets your standards.”
“More like yours.”
“I only want the best for you.”
Smirking, Robert and glanced down at his glass, fiddling with the crystal and shooting her a smile. “You’re sweeter than you give yourself credit for.”
“Don’t ever describe me as sweet,” Joanne warned.
He couldn’t resist.
“Alright, let me just gather some liquid courage and then I’ll go meet this girl,” Robert reluctantly agreed.
“Be right back, Robbie.”
With that she left him alone at the bar, and suddenly he was in dire need of air. The balcony beckoned him on this sizzling summer night, and he took a step out without turning back.
The breeze was terribly warm for your taste, but it had nothing on the stuffiness swirling around the room. And it wasn’t just the guests.
You felt trapped. Going back to Miami crossed your mind, but then you chastised yourself for being so foolish. He probably didn’t even live there, and it irked you that you didn’t remember what your actual conversation had consisted of. Again, it was the booze and the heat of the moment, much like tonight.
And then his touch…
“Oh, I… I’m sorry. Didn’t know anyone was out here.”
At the sound of the voice interrupting your thoughts, you dropped your glass of champagne. The golden liquid splattered across your Prada pumps as you gasped in surprise.
The stranger rushed to your side with a napkin in hand to help you save your shoes. If only they were leather and not suede… just great.
“Thank you, but they’re already ruined,” you sighed, glancing up at the stranger that had dared intrude on you.
And then you gasped once again.
It was him, your Miami man, the one you shared an instant connection with. The one who had all but driven you over the edge with his kisses, and the one who walked out never to return.
“I’m really sorry that I…” His voice trailed off as he recognized you instantly. “It’s you.”
           You were stunned completely unable to move from the champagne puddle. Oh, his eyes were like emeralds; had they been this enchanting before?
           “You… you left me all alone in hotel room.” There was no way you were going to let him off easily, you wanted an explanation.
           “I know. I’m sorry…”
           Not another word.
         “Is that all you have to say?”
           He seemed taken aback. “I’m trying to apologize.”
           You managed to move away slightly to give yourself some distance. “It doesn’t remedy the fact that I have been going over it all my head for what I did wrong.”
           His eyes softened and you felt your knees go weak.
“You did nothing wrong. I… I kind of got lost…I drove around for hours and could not find my way back to you.”
           Seriously? That was all it was? He had gotten lost…. that was his excuse? Oh this was one for the books! Or those women magazines!
           “I don’t know if I believe that.” Joanne was right; you were cruel tonight.
           He nodded in understanding, turning his eyes away for a moment and looking back to the party where everyone seemed to be having a fabulous time. Except for you two.
           “It’s the total truth. And I haven’t stopped thinking about you for months.”
           Peering into his eyes once again, you sensed his sincerity.
           “Why?” You had to be sure if you were going to believe him.
           His sighed, “because I felt a connection with you that I haven’t felt with anyone in a very long time. Maybe ever.”
           Your heart fluttered as he took a step closer to you, sending the butterflies were swirling all around your belly. It was exactly like the first night you had met. A sudden sense of déjà vu passed over you as the air began to cool.
           “And I’ve compared you to every other girl I meet…” He continued with his enticing words, and his hand was on your arm, his touch so gentle and everything that you wanted to fall into.
           “And?” you whispered, suddenly parched again.
           “None of them can hold a candle to you.”
           Before you could respond, he swept you up into a knee-buckling kiss that sent you’re head spinning. His lips melded perfectly against yours, and his hands felt so right once again. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to you.
           It felt so right to be in his embrace, and all other questions left your mind. If he were lying he would have shown up with a date or probably be in a relationship. The fact that he was here alone and holding you like this spoke volumes.
           “So… you lost me.” You pulled back a bit to breathe again.
           “And now I found you.” His lips stole another kiss from yours. “I have no intention of letting you out of my sight this time.”
           “Then we better for get the baby oil and champagne together.” You winked at him as a breathy laugh escaped your lips.
           His smirk was irresistible.
         “I like the sound of that.”
           He had been indeed waiting for you, just like you had been waiting for him.
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squadleader3590 · 8 years
An Anniversary
Candice had just finished escorting Beth out of the office when she decided to put a clear end to this once and for all. She quickly grabbed her phone, and without so much as a greeting told her mother, “You’ve got to stop giving the girls Asilow’s card. He’s starting to get annoyed.”
There was a brief silence before her mother responded with, “You were the one who told me that filing papers was getting boring and that you wanted to see some excitement.”
Candice couldn’t deny she said that to her back when she started, “But that was months ago. And even still, you should’ve seen what Beth did to her neighbors, it was a complete mess!” she finally managed to reply.
“Oh, well Beth was always more of a troublemaker than the others. Especially whenever she suffered a nasty break up. Maybe I was wrong to give her a card after all...”
A few more moments of silence passed before Candice’s mother continued, “Okay then, I won’t be handing out any more cards. I just wish that man was a little more normal when it comes accepting gratitude. He steadfastly refuses payment and just about every other way I could think of showing thanks for all he’s done for us.”
“Yes, I know that. Though he did allow me to work for him, so that’s something, right? I’m starting to think it’s past time that we come to grips with his odd habits. Now I’d better get back to work before something happens, bye Mom!” And after a short ‘Goodbye’ from her mother, Candice hung up and put her phone away under her desk in the reception area of the office. As she turned back in her chair she was startled to see Asilow.
“H-how long were you there? Candice asked nervously.
“Long enough to rest easy that I won’t be having to deal with any more clients sent from your mother by proxy, which is a huge relief to know.” Asilow answered. “In any case, there’s something I wanted to give you, here.”
He then handed her a small white cardboard box. Candice opened it and was pleasantly surprised to find that inside was a chocolate cake with ‘Good first year of work!’ written in white frosting on top.
Candice stared at the cake in amazement, “I-I don’t know what to say, thank you. Thank you so much.” she finally managed to say, with the largest of smiles on her face.
“Don’t mention it, you’ve done an amazing job so far. If you hadn’t digitized most of my files, I’d be buried under paperwork. So this is the least I could do, really.” Asilow responded.
“Well, you could give me another raise if you’re feeling that gen--” Candice started to say, before being cut off.
“Don’t push your luck that much. Though we’ll discuss it in another week or so, okay?”
“Oh, alright.” Candice mock-pouted for a second, then went back to smiling and put aside the cake to save for later. “Again, thank you so much!”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ve got a little more work in the office to do, but you can head home now if you want. Call it another gift from me to you.”
Candice was elated to hear that, nearly jumping out of her chair to deliver a huge hug to Asilow before grabbing her things and heading out, beaming all the while.
“She’s a good kid, she definitely needs to smile more. Been through more than enough as it is.” Asilow said to himself as he went back to his inner office.
Years Ago
It was raining particularly heavy outside the Asilow Investigations building, but the woman frantically banging on the front door didn’t care about that at all. After some time, the door opened slightly. A man was standing on the other side, one hand on the door and the other rubbing his forehead.
“Do you have any idea what time it is? asked the man.
“I need your help, please!” The rain-soaked womans’ desperation was clear as she nearly forced her way inside, “You have to hear me out!”
“I don’t have to do anything as long as you’re trying to charm me into doing it. If you really need help, ask without trying to brainwash me first, alright?” said the voice, clearly annoyed.
The woman was caught off guard but took a moment to compose herself before responding, “I apologize for that but my daughter’s been kidnapped and I’m at my wits end. The police can’t help me, you’re my only hope of seeing her again safely. So please, will you help me?”
“Now that’s what you should’ve said from the beginning without the mind control business. I’ll get my coat!” The man exclaimed.
In another part of the city at an abandoned warehouse, two sleazy men were having an animated discussion about what to do with their young female prisoner.
“I’m tellin’ ya man, once the boss gets everything sorted, we’ll be set for life! So forget about this one when we can have so many more chicks later!” said one of the thugs, rubbing his bald head in agitation.
“And I’m telling you I don’t care about that, I want that one!” the other thug spat out. “I’ll talk to the boss about it if I see him, just keep an eye on her while I’m gone.” He said as he left.
The bald thug kept rubbing his head. “Goddamn idiot, if he keeps going like that he’ll ruin everything!” He then started pacing back and forth, stealing glances at times towards the young woman chained to a chair.
After a few minutes, the other thug came back looking completely drenched with rain. “So did you talk to the boss or what?” the bald thug demanded to know.
“What? Oh that? Yeah, all smoothed over.” replied the other thug as he leaned against a guardrail. “Hey, could you come here a second, I want to talk to you about somethin’ without her hearing.
The bald thug nodded and came close, and then got knocked over the guardrail by a wicked forearm shot by the other thug. The young woman saw that and started to scream, her voice muffled by one of the many restraints tying her to the chair.
“Oh right, this must be surprising. Give me a second.” then the thugs’ appearance suddenly changed, turning into another person that the young woman didn’t recognize. “My name’s Jon Asilow, I’ve been sent by your mother Dahlia to rescue you. You’re Candice right?”
The young woman nodded as best she could given her current situation, slightly calmer at the man’s mention of her mother.
“Now give me a few minutes, and I’ll have you out of there in no time.” Asilow started by removing the restraints around her mouth and neck. Then a few others in quick succession.
“W-wait, this last one’s a spirit lock, if you try to open it...” Candice weakly managed to say.
“Yeah, if I try to open it I’ll get hurt because I don’t have the magical signature needed to open it, but don’t worry I have a solution to that.” Asilow then took out a small black glove from his pocket and put it on his left hand. He muttered a few incantations then extended his gloved hand towards the final restraints.
The glow of magical energy was strong and what could only be described as steam started coming off of Asilow’s body.
“Just a few more... and there!” The final locked snapped open, and as the magical glow dissipated, Asilow looked worn out, falling to his knees in exhaustion. He was bleeding slightly from the nose and mouth and one of his eyes was bloodshot. “The lock-pick’s handy, but it sure takes a lot out of me.” Asilow explained as he struggled to catch his breath.
Candice was about to get out of the chair and thank her rescuer before gunshots rang out in the warehouse.
“I go through the trouble of taking this girl hostage and some other guy tries to take her from me?! No, not gonna happen!” screamed a voice from across the large room.
“Ah, Rico. I was wondering when you’d get here. I know you were planning to use this poor girl as a pawn to strong-arm her mother into doing business with you, but I’m here to tell you that deals not gonna happen after all.” Asilow said as he got back to his feet.
“And who the hell are you?!” Rico demanded to know, aiming his gun at Asilow.
.”The name’s Asilow. I’m sure your Uncle Dominico’s mentioned me once or twice.” Rico visibly winced at the mention of that name. “He’s very disappointed in you by the way, breaking long-held treaties with the Succubi to try and move up in the organization’s not a smart move on your part. You and your friends would’ve been dead men walking if it wasn’t for some quick thinking on my part, you should be thanking me!” Asilow calmly said as he moved towards Candice, reassuring her that she was going to be okay.
Rico was beginning to tremble, he already lowered his gun and had his free hand wipe a mix of sweat and rain off of his forehead.
“Y-you’re not tricking me you bas---” Rico was then cut off by a group of women, who rushed him, knocked him out and dragged him away.
The women also grabbed the bald thug from where he fell, then cleared a path for Dahlia to enter. Asilow had already escorted Candice safely down where mother and daughter happily reunited.
“I cannot thank you enough Mr. Asilow, though I can’t help but wonder what kind of pull you have with Dominico to get him to agree to this.” Dahlia said after a long embrace with Candice.
“I just called in some long-standing favors, if he said no then it would’ve been even worse for him. Besides it’s not like Rico and his friends are dead or anything, though he’ll likely never see them again. Just be sure not to overwork them too much or I can’t keep my promise to Dominico that they won’t be killed outright.”
“I’ll see what I can do about that,” responded Dahlia still gripping her daughter rather tightly. “I’ll do my best to restrain myself when it comes to them. Again, thank you very, very much Mr. Asilow.”
Candice also gave thanks, a weak smile on her tired face as they walked out of the warehouse.
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