#you insignificant fuck
staledirt87 · 1 year
Ultrakill takes itself very seriously.
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sweatandwoe · 2 years
this is now a gabriel from ultra kill simp account
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
I've talked about this before, but emotional dysregulation is such a mother fucker aspect of ADHD.
Like, sure, not being able to regulate my attention sucks, but it's genuinely fucking nothing compared to the absolute rollercoaster of emotions I just went on because someone said something in a shitty tone, and now I'm having to actively walk myself through DBT methods lest my idiot shit for brains 'shiny-can't-sit-still-disorder' drop the match on that particular bridge because the rejection sensitive dysphoria feels like my chest is burning and not being able to act on the hurt feels like I'm suffocating under the weight of emotions pushing down on me and lashing out in anger is quicker than taking the time to self soothe.
And the annoying fucking thing is I know it's me.
I've done enough therapy to know my emotional response to their shittiness is overblown and dysregulated. I know I'm taking it to heart more than they could ever imagine.
And I've got to fucking sit with that and process it because if I don't, I'll be the inconsiderate cunt in this interaction and hhnnggg--wailing, gnashing, biting my thumb at you in the marketplace, etc, etc.
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lazylittledragon · 6 months
i refuse to believe that boycotting is hard. my favourite thing in the world is ordering maccies after a late night at work/a concert/getting drunk. yes i do miss it sometimes. but the other night i ordered from a small place near my house instead and it was the most orgasmic burger i've ever had in my life. i very rarely say this but fucking suck it up people are DEAD
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asleep-kat · 5 months
A bird with clipped wings.
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A bird with clipped wings, When the scent of blood sinks, Nibbled at the strings, Until its akin to mangled things. Stretch your wings, Oh, your gleeful cries sings! When the snow falls on your feathers, Just know you're out of your tether. When your blade sinks into silver, With all and unending vigor, Just know, just know, On the blood-stained snow,
You are a bird with clipped wings, Yet so F R E E.
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idledearest · 3 months
wiggly: heh-heh-heh-HEH!! uh-oh, you’re a rot-ten litt-le ba-na-na. *insert more condescending baby talk*
blinky: oOooOh Blinky is sad now. You made Blinky crYyYyYyy. *also more condescending baby talk*
tinky: *goofy ahh laugh* im gonna putcha in my tOY BOX ya dumbfuck!! *still condescending baby talk*
nibbly: *drools* mMmMmm yUM-YUM *self explanatory bc he is head empty only food, but you’re obviously the prey here*
pokey: d̴̠̂́̏̚e̵̹̤̪̪̫͕̊͐́̃̉à̶̼̾̃̽̽̄t̸̪̩̬͊h̶̯̩̩̰̬͌̓͛̒͊̈́.̸̼̭̏̍̊͋̽́ ̸̧̣̄̀̔r̵̟̭̞͔̍̍̈́͌͝é̵̫͑̈̇̎͗b̸͕̘͓͔̋̀͝ȉ̷̘̀̈́͜r̴̛̲̣͚͇͎̘̈̀t̵̛͕̜̯̓̄̿̊͗h̷͉̠̲̰̼̔̈́͛̕̕͜.̸͎̙̑͛̾̑ ̷̲̭̖̺͒̈́
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crowcryptid · 1 year
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ok i figured out how to rip the animations and put them in blender
second one is really slow cause its long af and thats only half the animation lol I replaced it with a smaller one so its fast now
1) weapons arent included. not sure if i will be able to fix it, didnt try to, yet.
2) animations arent named in a way that you can tell who it belongs to. some are, but most of them have generic names.
I was trying to get his act II animations but i have no clue what theyre called :p
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poryphoria · 4 months
so @epaccu and i were discussing what the full antidissonance suit would've looked like, since all we ever see of it in m:pn is crackpot wearing the helmet and like, surely it wasn't JUST a helmet right?
borrowing inspiration from sheriffs armor set (since MERC designed it), i have devised... This. Behold.
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the main idea is to maximize reflectivity, to sorta bounce the harmful radiation from dissonance off of the wearer. the whole thing was absurdly clunky and probably because of this clunkiness, i imagine it was phased out slowly in parts, which is how cpot ended up with nothing but the helmet- the mind is the most important thing to protect, after all!! Haha! Ha! Ha!
some bonus doodles i did to show off the dinkiness of it
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bugs when you lift up a rock
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+ as an extra bonus, the model i used to make sure the armor actually fit on a nevadean LOL
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willosword · 23 days
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this is the craziest part of the whole fight for me. the psychological torture. the deflection of blame. the gaslighting
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butchniqabi · 1 year
im reading "supporting survivors of sexual abuse through pregnancy and childbirth" and never in my life have i wanted to be a doula more than in this moment oh my god. reading some of these stories about how these women were treated during their pregnancy/birth is sick and twisted, the medical field needs a rehaul right now
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
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quirrelfan · 10 months
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haha get it he probably died so his final resting place is the resting grou-
The foreshadowing throughout Quirrel's dialogue is so perfectly done that I just have to talk about it. (Below the cut. This is a long one.)
As seen in the above image and below quote, an instance of such foreshadowing.
"The city looks to be built into an enormous cavern, and the rain pours down from cracks in the stone above.
There must be a lot of water up there somewhere. I suppose, if the cave roof stayed strong this long, it should hold for us.
Before I leave this Kingdom, I'd like to see where all that water comes from. What a sight it must be!"
As we know, the rain comes from Blue Lake. And I must agree, what a sight it is!
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Circled location is Quirrel
It is also proved by a quote I obtained [here], where Ari Gibson himself states:
"The only area that I can think of that exists purely for narrative reasons is the Blue Lake, which is above the raining city. And it's only there because there's all this rain falling on the city, and I just couldn't bear the idea that we didn't explain where this rain was coming from. So we put this big lake above it."
Quirrel's final location he is seen at is Blue Lake, without Monomon's mask atop his head, sat down on the ground and gazing out over the gorgeous lake.
The final location before his implied death, his second and final departure of hallownest, fulfilling his wish to see the source of the rain before he leaves.
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"To persevere in this ruin, that old nail alone just won't be enough. Though that's no problem! One only has to look around.
Plenty have come before us and most have met their grisly end, many more equipped than you and I.
I'm sure they wouldn't mind were a fellow explorer to relieve them of their tools. It's a kindness really. The dead shouldn't be burdened with such things."
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Quirrel's death (although uncertain if he truly died as stated by one of the devs themselves, saying "we don't know," but that is a topic for another time), or rather, his nail in the ground, is foreshadowed by the above dialogue.
Quirrel believes that a weapon is a burden to oneself when dead, encouraging the Knight to pick up a stronger weapon they may find.
Upon the re-entry of Blue Lake after the Knight has spoken to Quirrel, they will discover that he seems to have left the area, the remaining evidence of his existence there being his nail, which looks intentionally stuck into the ground, tempting one to grab it and use it to its fullest potential. After all, Quirrel would not want to be burdened by his own weapon much like past explorers have been. Whether he drowned himself, withered away of old age, or had been killed by enemies, it must have been intentional due to his nail's placement.
Free from the burdens of his weapon. Of surviving. Of life. He had lived life to the fullest and had seen all that the world has offered him, his mind freed from the awful events in between.
"All tragedy erased. I see only wonders..."
That is not the end, by the way. Although it is the perfect quote to end on, I still have the random tidbits of info he remembers to cover.
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"What is this feeling?... So familiar. Drawn forward yet repelled.
And those shapes upon the door...To gaze directly at them turns my mind to fog."
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"That lake... a revered presence once slept deep within...
Did it? What would make me think such things?"
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"There is a city nearby, the old capital of Hallownest. I've heard a Nailsmith resides there. Seek the old bug out and you may find progress that much easier."
"...Who was it that told me of the Nailsmith? I can't even remember, yet I can almost picture the smith himself..."
For someone who is exploring Hallownest along a similar path to your own journey, he seems to know some pieces of knowledge in regards to the kingdom, whether he tells the Knight of the nailsmith, or the thought of Unn being locked within his mind.
The Knight later discovers that Quirrel has been in Hallownest before, although his memory of the place is mostly blank.
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"Did she call you too then? I realise it's no coincidence we arrive together.
Though much of my memory is blank, this place I recall."
Quirrel had taken part in the Teacher's sacrifice to become a seal upon the Black Egg Temple, although he cannot recall the event, thus showing he has lived in Hallownest once, but remembers nothing but small fragments of information, the tragedy of the infection blocked from his memory upon departure.
"Twice I've seen this world and though my service may have stripped the first experience from me, I'm thankful I could witness its beauty again."
ok NOW I will end with the line.
"To live an age, yet remember so little... Perhaps I should be thankful?
All tragedy erased. I see only wonders..."
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Ah, foreshadowing. A beautiful thing.
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absolutelyzoned · 3 months
L + ratio + may your woes be many + your days few
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oh fuck me i just gave myself severe emotional damage thinking about the effort jing yuan would put into making sure his soldiers who aren't on active fighting duty have something special on their birthday. whether it's a day off if he can squeeze it in or a lil extra pay or a cake at the end of the day or even a personal well wish if he runs into them,,, sir ur soldiers rank in the millions on a good day please
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dragons-library · 2 months
The cruel prince rants:
Damn right “your loyalty is to your family”
And Taryn saying “but she..”
But she what? You decided that proving yourself to a boy was more important than your sister.
She had every right to feel betrayed, to feel hurt, and Jude being Jude damn right she challenged you to a duel for her honor.
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mysticpenguincreation · 3 months
i LOVE Portia Featherington
not because she’s a good mother or a good person, she is certainly not.
i just don’t know. i don’t even want to justify her actions. not matter the justification it’s still weak. i just love her and the featheringtons just the way they are. not after they started being good to pen, not when portia did what she could to protect her family in a patriarchal society without a man (or with a gambling one who betrayed their trust) by her side.
i just love this woman just the way she is and always have. you can throw rocks at me, and i’ll still love her. i can’t explain or describe why.
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