#you just let me hang around tumblr talking about a chicken restaurant 🤦🏻‍♀️
thegirl20 · 2 years
Today’s KCFH thought I foisted upon @piratekane:
I was thinking about Tammy coming back to Worcester, reluctantly, maybe for some big birthday her sister is having or something. And she’s waiting for her outside a coffee shop or some kind of store and across the street she catches a glimpse of a familiar couple. She hides herself as best she can in the doorway and watches the two of them interact and it makes her sad to realise that she never saw Patty at her best, at her most free. She never heard her laugh like she’s currently laughing at something Allison has said. Whenever she and Patty held hands, it always felt like Patty was pulling away the whole time, but now her fingers are tangled in Allison’s like some complicated knot it would be impossible to unpick. She’s not even sure she saw her smile. Not properly. Not like she is right now as she looks at Allison.
And Tammy realises she was right. If it’s the right person, it should be easy.
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