#you know at the end of R:B when Kokujouji tries to tell them to knock it off
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Highschool au: Student Council President Munakata only started being around Mikoto becuase he wanted to try and turn the delinquent into a good student. The two didn't get along well at first but soon they got close although they'd deny it. The teachers started noticing that too and was worried Munakata would be dragged down by hanging out with a delinquent so they advice him to stay away from Mikoto for his own good. Mikoto was also separately told the same thing. How would the two respond?
I just imagine a teacher telling Mikoto to stay away from Munakata and he’s like ‘I’ve been trying to do that since we met, tell this to that guy instead.’ Mikoto has of course been Munakata’s ‘pet project’ since he started high school, imagine Munakata transfers in and almost immediately stages an inadvertent coup in the student council and becomes the youngest student council president ever. He feels that it is his duty to foster an environment of peace and learning amongst his fellow students and that includes even the delinquents. Naturally he finds himself at odds with the school’s biggest delinquent, Suoh Mikoto, a guy who sleeps through his classes and gets into fights all the time. The teachers all tell Munakata not to mind Mikoto, there’s no reason for someone as talented as Munakata to waste his time with someone who won’t amount to anything, but Munakata personally sees this as a challenge, to set this poor delinquent on the right path (he comes out of his first meeting with Mikoto with the desire to set Mikoto on the right path and also to punch him very hard in the face).
At first Munakata’s only focus is to get Mikoto to become a good student but soon they develop an odd sort of rivalry/rapport, they’re constantly at odds but at the same time Munakata feels his heart pounding whenever he has a moment to talk with Suoh. Mikoto for his part complains about the uptight guy who won’t leave him alone but he always gets this feral grin whenever Munakata shows up to lecture him, he’s enjoying watching Munakata’s perfect persona get ruffled for once. The teachers are initially cautiously optimistic that Munakata may actually be able to turn Mikoto around but quickly it becomes clear that this won’t be happening, in fact Munakata’s perfect student veneer constantly gets challenged whenever he and Mikoto are together.
At some point a teacher pulls Munakata aside, wanting to give him some advice. They let Munakata know that hanging around a delinquent like this can’t be good for him or for the school, for the sake of his own goals Munakata should cease having any contact with Suoh Mikoto. At the same time another teacher scolds Mikoto, telling him that it’s fine if he never amounts to anything but he’s dragging an exemplary student like Munakata down and they won’t let that happen, he’s forbidden from speaking with Munakata again. Both Munakata and Mikoto listen to these lectures, Munakata with a calm smile and Mikoto with a bored face, and then leave the room.
They run into each other in the hall and Munakata informs Mikoto that smoking is not allowed on school grounds. Mikoto tosses the lit cigarette at Munakata and says aren’t you supposed to not talk to me anymore, thought you were a good little student. Munakata scoffs and says of course he endeavors to listen to his elders but in some things he cannot bend, clearly without his guidance Mikoto would stray even further into the path of the delinquent. Mikoto chuckles like aren’t you limiting your prospects hanging out with a delinquent, Munakata says on the contrary, it will be an excellent point for his college applications that he tamed a wild beast. Mikoto thinks that’s pretty optimistic isn’t it, when Munakata hasn’t managed to do a thing to ‘curb Mikoto’s ways’ yet, and Munakata just smiles widely back as he says even so, he does hate to back down when faced with a challenge, he will have to regretfully spurn the advice of his teachers in this one area. 
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