#you know the assignment were supposed to be doing instead of drawing naughty pictures
bong-bing-bongus · 1 year
Sent myself a nsfw reference picture on telegram so I could open it on my computer and look at it while drawing. Was paranoid I'd send it to the wrong chat and expose myself so I double checked again and again to confirm I sent it to myself. AND THEN. Within TWO SECONDS of me sending the naughty picture I GOT A MESSAGE FROM SOMEONE do you KNOW how TERRIFYING that was I NEARLY PEED MYSELF
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Rock/Queentober 2020, Oct. 7th: Candle
Randomly assigned lad for this day: Freddie
Thus far, this is the only one I ended up having to completely rewrite. I didn’t dislike the first or second version I had, but those plot ideas were far too ambitious for this challenge lol. I might yet finish and post the first and second versions of this prompt at a later date though!
Also, am I still pissy about the power outage that took out some of my work equipment a few days back, hence why I keep writing about power outages? ....yeah I am lol. 
Synopsis: Poly!Queen with a personal dash of my fave poly!Queen headcanon, that in some version of it John is bi and splits his time between the lads and Veronica and his kids. Set in the early days of Queen. Their shared flat once again has no power, but they’ll manage just fine.
And hopefully also manage not to set anything on fire. 
TW for all the dick jokes. Why did this turn into that...
I don’t have a good explanation, aside from me being very tired and silly as I write this prompt for the third time now. 
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
“Here you go,” Freddie said as Brian walked into the front door of their shared flat. “Everyone gets one, until the lights come back.” 
“Not again,” Brian sighed, taking the lit candle carefully from Freddie. “How long has it been out?” 
“You know how you left for your teaching job at about half past seven?” Freddie asked.
Brian nodded. 
“Five minutes after that, give or take a few,” Freddie said. “You lucky sod. Getting ready with something other than candlelight to light your bath, your wardrobe...” 
“Not nearly lighting the wardrobe on fire...” Roger added with a teasing grin.
“Hush,” Freddie said. “It was fine, only a bit of wax on a shirt. Nothing actually got lit up.” 
“Someone’s looking over us, obviously,” John said. “Because otherwise it’s pure luck we haven’t burnt anything, wandering around with these.” 
“I keep saying we need a candelabra,” Freddie sighed. “But it’s always, ‘no Freddie, what would we even do with it? When would we use it?’ Well, don’t you see those answers now!” 
“Do we have anything to set them in?” Brian asked, moving the candle as wax dripped down, nearly hitting his hand. 
“We have one candle holder,” Roger said, and plunked it from out of the end table drawer onto the coffee table. 
“That looks like a...” Brian cleared his throat. 
“Big fat dick?” Roger, Freddie, and John completed his thought in one voice. 
“I made it as a kid,” Roger said. “Mum insisted I take it with me wherever I go.” 
“I can’t possibly guess why,” Brian remarked dryly. 
“I was an inspired young artiste,” Roger sniffed.
“Inspired by something,” Freddie giggled, and set his candle on it, wincing as a bit of wax hit his hand before he could fully set it down. “Is there a set of clay milk jugs with nipples you made as well?” 
“Laugh it up,” Roger said, and stuck his tongue out at Freddie, then blushed. “Well...Mum did mention some that she couldn’t put out...oh...” 
“Aww,” John teased. “Picture of a young artist, hand down his pants-” 
“And with a strong memory of being breastfed, apparently,” Freddie interjected, as Roger blushed harder and dropped his head to the coffee table. “Oh, don’t be like that. It’s cute, you were only little.” 
“God I don’t want to know what else I made,” Roger muttered. “Why didn’t anyone stop me?” 
“I mean...it is a good dick,” Brian admitted as he carefully set down his things, moving the candle from hand to hand as he did. “Anatomically correct, for a little kid.” 
“That’s not a good thing!” Roger cried as he lifted his head from the table.
“I’m sure you probably saw a picture in a textbook or something,” Freddie said. “Or maybe...I mean, children are curious about those things, right? That’s what my mum says, or bemoans, rather.” 
Roger snickered. “Somewhere there’s a set of phallus obsessed drawings from Baby Fred?” 
“I could draw you that now, if you truly wanted,” Freddie replied with a wink. “But no, nothing like that. I think I just...asked a lot of questions.” 
“Every kid does,” John said. “All perfectly normal.” 
“And if you have kids that ask all about that?” Brian asked. “What’ll you tell them?” 
John blushed. “Christ, I don’t know. I’ll need some prep time. All the time before they can talk, to prepare for that.” 
Brian stepped into the kitchen to grab some small plates to use as extra candle holders, and called out to John. “What if their first word is dick?” 
“Oh, there’s a pickle,” Roger said. “Literally.” 
“How did we end up here?” John groaned with a laugh. 
“All thanks to me,” Roger grinned, and held up the candle holder. 
“I don’t know, I guess,” John said. “I...would maybe record their second word in the baby book instead?” 
“Got it,” Freddie said. “Make sure any kids you have learn the word dick first, then tits second. We can do that.” 
“Thank you,” John replied sarcastically, taking a plate from Brian as he handed them out and joined them on the floor of the sitting room. “You’ll all be wonderful uncles to any kids I have.” 
“Yes, we will,” Brian said. “Does it help if I’ll teach them maths?” 
“They can’t learn maths from you,” John scoffed. “They need to learn that from me.” 
“Think school usually handles maths,” Freddie added. “In my experience. Don’t think either of you have to worry about it too much.” 
“Supplemental maths learning,” Brian said. “And it’s the principle of the thing.” 
John nodded.
Freddie shook his head. “Supplemental maths...what fun Saturdays those will be.” 
“I’ll make up for it,” Roger said. “They spend the mornings teaching these poor kids maths, and then I’ll bring clay over and they can sculpt all the weirdly cock-like things they want!” 
“I was going to ask if this was the best use of our time,” John sighed. “But with the lights out...could be worse. And I’m invested now, for the sake of any future children.” 
“Ah, we’re all kidding,” Roger said. “Mostly, at least. You’ll have well-behaved kids anyways.” 
“We don’t know that,” John said. “Might be troublemakers like you. Sneaking sci-fi books into their anatomy classes...” 
Roger blushed. He’d been caught doing that exactly once, but they simply couldn’t let him live down how his lecturer had fully scolded him like a naughty child sneaking biscuits before dinner. 
“That’s good trouble,” Freddie said, to cover for Roger. “I think if I was the type for kids, I’d be happy with kids like that. There’s so much worse they could do, you know?” 
“Like nearly light their own hair on fire?” Brian asked, and moved around the table to jump behind Freddie and pull his hair away from one of the candles. 
It was Freddie’s turn to blush. “Yes, like that, I suppose. I didn’t notice...” 
“I know,” Brian said, and snagged the hair tie he kept on his own wrist for the rare occasions he wanted his curls pulled out of the way, and pulled Freddie’s hair gently into a low ponytail. “There. Now at least we can keep you from going up.” 
“Thank you,” Freddie said, a hand lingering over his hair as Brian moved back to his original seat on the other side of the coffee table. “What now?” 
“We could make dinner, if we could see better,” Roger sighed. “But that seems dangerous, and frankly, I’m not hungry enough to attempt it right now.” 
Nods all around. 
“Place bets on if we’ll run out of candles?” John asked. 
“You say that like these are the only ones we have left,” Brian giggled, then frowned. “Oh no.” 
Freddie nodded with a wince. “We’ve had a lot of outages lately...” 
“And after these are gone, what’s our plan?” Brian asked.
“I have about fifteen lighters, not all used up,” Roger grinned. 
“That helps,” Brian smiled. “But, a very serious question about them...” 
Roger nodded. 
“...How many look like cocks?” 
They all broke into laughter, and though the lights weren’t any more likely to come back on, the flat seemed lighter for it all the same. 
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subconfessions · 4 years
Day 5
Yesterday was another fun and eventful day. Full of lots of fun tasks I had to get done. I woke up early, and because daddy let my go to sleep without finishing my work the night before, I got right on working on finishing my lines. It made me happy to tell daddy that I was being a good girl after he’d let me skip over my tasks to sleep.
Those lines took forever. My hand felt like it was gonna fall off, and I couldn’t even believe that another person in our group had to write 1000 lines once, I think I would’ve preferred any other punishment. But man did I learn my lesson on communicating.
I was also supposed to finish my edges from the day before, plus work on the 100 edges I had to finish to get my weed back, write a blog post and try to start on a special art project daddy gave me. In addition, daddy also ended up adding a few more tasks, I was supposed to talk with the other dom about how to make a tack bra, and I was given my more introspective blog post.
As I was starting to finish up my lines, thankfully daddy cut out the edges minus the weed ones, because I felt like I was starting to drown in edges every day. My pussy just absolutely dripping and swollen in desperation by the end of them all.
Finally I finished my lines. I’m determined to never have to do them again. 🙃 they took so long to finish and just the same thing over and over and over naughty naughty girl.
After that I started messaging with the other dom to figure out how to best make my tack bra. She told me to take out the inserts and that once you stick the pins through them, they can be easily used in any bra. After a little back and forth I ended up with 32 tacks covering each side, a grand total of 64. Now I’m not gonna lie I was very intimidated by the thought of wearing this, I could only hope that since there were so many, that it would allow for the equal distribution of weight so it wouldn’t hurt so bad, and thankfully, once trying them on for the first time, they not that bad at all. At first.
I was to wear them till I got my weed back. 100 edges and before I could get to my edges I had to help out some family with other tasks. Having the tack bra on just around them was a turn on but as time went on it slowly got more and more uncomfy, till I was finally able to retreat to my room and finish my edges. Barely six or eight in though daddy chimed in to let me know that every ten edges I’d be giving a nice squeeze to my tits. Ouch. But thankfully with my large plug in my edges went relatively quickly 😋 daddy of course watching on Skype while he worked, making sure to check in every ten on the squeeze.
As much as the tack bra hurt, I can’t deny that I loved wearing it. And I think my favorite part was taking it off to see all the little red marks all over my breasts (which still hadn’t faded the next day). I showed them off for daddy and the group chat 😋
After my edges (all 100 plus an extra 20 so I could smoke the weed I got back) and the tack bra was done I was finally able to go smoke my bowls 😁 daddy was nice enough to make me a 3 for 2 kind of deal and I got to smoke 3 bowls instead of the two I usually get for 20 edges.
After landing on the moon I retreated back to my room and got working on the scary daddy picture daddy assigned for me. It was a lot of fun being able to put that into a picture hehe at first I felt a little bad drawing daddy so mean and scary but after showing him part way through and seeing how much he loved it, I was even more excited to finish it and show it off.
We agreed that scary daddy was going to go in the box with Toothless, and Toothless doesn’t like scary daddy so he took a nice big chomp out of the corner of the drawing 😂 and even this morning singed the edges. What a naughty dragon.
With scary daddy drawing done, all I had left to do was my more introspective blog post, I wrote it out, making sure to be careful and really put some thought into it, I had already been thinking all day about what I’d mention. And in the end I was really happy with how it turned out and was super excited to share it with daddy 😁 he told me how much he liked it, which made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Then I did my goodnight tasks, put Toothless back in the box with scary daddy and went to bed ☺️
Another fun day playing with daddy
Till next time 😋
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