#you know what im gonna go have a hot bath and read some fanfiction and take my mind off homework i cant function like this
lockandkeyhyena · 1 year
so stressed about school i feel like im going to throw up but at least im not having another derealisation attack so theres that
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Okay, I found this blog and I found her request which I relate to so much constantly so I wanted to do it. Warnings, cussing, lots and lots of cussing and screaming and tears, maybe hint of really dark talk if you are triggered by that; I'm not sure how to describe it unless you actually read, reader has been mentally abused manipulated and taken advantage of her whole life and it takes tole, stress and exhaustion, mentally breaking, loathing life and your job, bitterness and hatred of people, a kind person growing tired and angry. Tom and reader's relationship is open for the reader to decide and please keep in mind whereas this has some realistic topics it is FANFICTION, not meant to offend or disrespect anyone
Can someone write me a fic, where the main character comes home pissed off at a coworker, stressed out. She's ready to beat her down and Tom Hiddleston calms her down @traceyaudette
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You had gotten off of work well over an hour ago after getting off nearly two hours late. When you first got off you were fuming, still talking at 20 miles a minute and Tom could barely understand every third word that passed through your lips. He had tried to speak with you but that seemed like it wasn't going to happen so now he sat and let you blow off some steam and stress from work. At this point you had calmed down a bit, sort of, he could understand you now at least. What you were saying now sounded like English anyway. This was actually a normal thing, almost daily. He hated it for you to say the least.
"I am just so tired of being screamed at! Im tired! I am so so tired of everyone yelling at me! They won't stop yelling! I'm a fuck up, I get that but damn it I am trying so fucking hard and I am doing my best! I'm sorry I am not perfect! Im trying! Im trying! I know I'm not good enough because Im co stantly told, I always have been! Daddy told me! Teachers! Momma! Teachers! Principals! Friends! Boyfriends! Girlfriends! Now my managers and coworkers! I try my fucking damdest to be nice but sometimes I think I am too nice! The only person who ever thought I was good enough was my aunt and I know I have let her down by now! The bad part is I didn't know I was tired and fucked up until a few years ago! And now I cant stop it! I know I am being mistreated and manipulated now and I can't stop it because Im scared! I am only allowed to smile, grit my teeth, apologize and bare it! He will never put more on you than you can take?! Bullshit! Look at me! I'm fucked up and fucked in the head! I am suposed to be grown and-Im so tired! When I do try to defend myself I either get in trouble or don't get taken seriously and Im always told I have a choice but I don't! As soon as I make the wrong choice it bites me in the ass! With the situation now what I don't understand is that if I am so horrible then get someone else! Oh wait, they cant because noone else will take what I do and it is a job noone else wants to do and that is what I am there for! I just want to go to school so I can get out! I want to be happy!! I don't want to quit anymore, I just want to die!" You scream while sobbing and your pain and anguish are obvious. Often times when you got off like this you and Tom would argue and most of the time the worst bits of your breakdowns occured coincedsntally when he was awaya nd you were alone. He knew it was bad but he never imagined this and it broke his heart.
"One day! One day mark my fucking words, I'm gonna get pissed and Ill make somebody listen to me!" You declare and he pushes himself off of his seat, walking over to you. He takes your face in his hands and tries to wipe some of the tears as away. You choke on a lump in your throat causing a sputtered cough and you sniffle all while trying to catch your breath.
"Everybody expects me to smile and bare it and that's all I am able to do but one day Ima' get mad. I will burn it all down. I am about to press faces to fryers."
"Breathe," he coaxes you sensing you begin to start hyperventalating at the verge of an anxiety attack. You swallow again trying to stop crying and it is silent for several moments as he waits for you to try and pull yourself together the best that you can. He uses his thumb to dry your face. "I don't have any tissues handy," he smiles a little, trying to urge you to laugh and it works, "thats it, breathe," he coaches you.
When you are finally only sniffleing and wiping your own face he kisses your head and pulls it to his chest, holding it there with his arms around you. "Alright, here is what is going to happen. Do you need to have a appoinment to be put on your meds again, perhaps a higher dosage?" You shake your head no. "Alright, then do you want therapy?" You shrug honestly, part of you did but the part of you didn't want to be basically called crazy again. "Okay, then I will help you go to school and do all we need to do to get you out of that job," he kisses the top of your head. "Just hang on a bit longer," he rubs your back. You nod against his chest, his heartbeat soothing you as well as the embrace and the words.
"For the moment, you are off for the evening and there is only me and you. You don't have to deal with customers, or managers, or coworkers any more this evening so let's try to relax and you can enjoy yourself and then get some rest. I will get you a nice hot bath, and then we can curl up on the sofa and watch a film, and then I will take you to sleep when I see you are ready to go to bed. How does that sound?"
"Perfect," you smile and hug his waist.
He smiles and walks to draw the bath for you then walks you to the bathroom as he rubs your shoulders, "I'll make snacks and choose a movie," he leaves you to have alone time but leaves the door open. You soak for a bit and when you come out after slipping into some soft comfy warm clothes including your cat sweater and some pajama pants you come out to the kitchen with the sleeves pulled over your hand and your hand by your mouth feeling like a tired and exhasted child with blood shot eyes blown large and innocent.
He smiles at you and walks to the sofa with you, he sits with a arm over you, bringing your head to his lap. He had snacks set out on the table and he turned the movie on. You fall asleep about halfway through the movie and he carries you to bed, kissing your forehead goodnight
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This Week in Gundam Wing 30 September - 06 October 2018
Here’s this week’s roundup!
Remember to give your content creators some love! And join in on the events at the bottom!
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
Tequila (Ch. 9) https://archiveofourown.org/works/15935852/chapters/37852445?view_adult=true
Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell, Long Meilan/Hilde Schbeiker, Catherine Bloom/Abdul Kurama
Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Heero Yuy, Hilde Schbeiker, Long Meilan, Chang Wufei, Catherine Bloom, Abdul Kurama, Rashid Kurama, Sister Helen, Solo, Maxwell Shinpu | Father Maxwell
Past Relationships, bad breakups, Tequila, Weddings, Car problems, love you so much I hate you, Military, Fights, hostage, injuries
It’s been four years since Trowa and Duo broke up, and now Trowa is back in town.
Battlefield (Ch. 1) https://archiveofourown.org/works/16208324/chapters/37882460
Solo, Lucrezia Noin, Zechs Merquise, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton, Quatre Winner, Relena Peacecraft, Dorothy Catalonia, Treize Khushrenada, Lady Une, Hilde Schbeiker, Doctor J, Howard, Professor G, Roushi O | Master O, Kyouju H | Instructor H, Maganacs, Doktor S
Solo is alive!, Gundams, Solo being alive changes shit, this is me we're talking about so you know there will be angst, Angst, always angst
Solo survived the L2 plague, though believed dead by the others, he was left behind. He was found on Death's doorstep by an OZ soldier.
Standstill (Ch. 8-9) https://archiveofourown.org/works/11998518/chapters/36576537
Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy
Heero isn’t really the type of guy a girl would take home to her mother, but when they’re invited them to spend Labor Day Weekend at her mother’s Hampton’s beach house, Relena must find a way to make it work.
The bath-time bitch sesh https://archiveofourown.org/works/16167650
Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei, Heero Yuy
Bath Time, no sexy times, just bitching times, Preventers Era, lots of swearing, and exaggeration
Wufei liked to enjoy a long, hot bath. Duo does not enjoy crappy missions.
Snippet Saturday https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/178803581441/preventers-headquarters-geneva-switzerland-31-may
Heero says goodbye to the Preventers
Duo and Solo as rendered in ‘Tequila’
Duo Maxwell
Standstill in its entirety as an e-book... >_> and pretty artwork.
The Gundam Boys as Cats
Head Canons:
Quatre Raberba Winner
Duo & Trowa
Quatre, Duo, Heero, Trowa, WuFei
WuFei & Duo
Heero & WuFei
Hilde & Duo
Heero, WuFei, Duo
WuFei & Duo
WuFei & Duo
Catherine & Quatre
Quatre, Heero, Duo
Zero!Quatre & Duo
Duo & Heero
Zechs & Relena
OC October:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 1
Day 3
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 2
Day 5
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, between 3 & 5 pm EST.
Here’s the prompt for Friday October 12th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/178788787622/acocktailmoment-love-potion-martini
Prompt Calendar https://gwoc-october.tumblr.com/post/178493762370/hoping-this-is-good-for-a-final-calendar-if-not
Come have fun and tell us about your OCs!
Spooky Shenanigans at @gw-horror
A potential Meet Up on the Discord Server for GW fans!
Pick a time frame and we’ll set what works best for a majority of people and host it then!
October 13-14, October 20-21, November 10-11, or November 17-18!
Please reply to the linked post!
Heero Yuy Month https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/177808907580/iso-more-heero-yuy-fanpeople
The Month of January (obviously, as it’s 01 *winks*)
Stay tuned for more news!
(Edit: Forgot to add in the OC October things, it’s been rectified!)
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arsenicolada · 7 years
I have seen that 'story' go around a lot and I still don't know what it is. WHAT is My Immortal??
Ok buddy get yourself comfortable cause this is gonna be a long one:
Let’s go all the way back to 2006, when the internet was just becoming a thing to young people. Back when a majority of the websites we know today were either just starting out or just starting to pick up in popularity, including fanfiction.net. A lot of fanfictions had already filled the archives, both bad and good, but one fanfiction in particular caught people’s attention almost immediately. And it was ‘My Immortal’ by “Tara Gilesbie”, or ‘XXXbloodyrists666XXX’ as was her username on the website. Supposedly taking place in the world of Harry Potter, this particular fanfic gets to a point where, had it not been for the actual characters’ names being present, you can’t really tell what it’s supposed to be referencing as it has very little acknowledgement of the source material’s canon. The story’s main focus is “Tara’s” self-insert OC, Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way. Also known as Enoby, Egogy, Evony, Ibony, or just Tara. To anyone who has only heard of ‘My Immortal’, it just sounds like your typical run of the mill “mary sue” fanfiction. But what made ‘My Immortal’ stand above the rest were three things: the butchered grammar, the author’s seemingly obsession with the gothic subculture, and the mary sue herself.
The grammar is terrible, there is just no other way to put it. “Tara” had a very distinct way of writing, which was better exemplified in her ‘author’s notes’, her little thoughts that she always puts at the very beginning of each chapter or sometimes at the end. And other times in the middle of her story, to either talk back to the ‘flamerz’, go on about how much she loves a band she mentioned, or point out a pun she made. And it all greatly resembles someone sending a text message:
“AN: STOP flaming! if u flam it menz ur a prep or a posr! Da only reson Dumbledeor swor is coz he had a hedache ok an on tup of dat he wuz mad at dem 4 having sexx! PS im nut updating umtil I get five good revoiws!”
That kind of style is present throughout the whole story. Granted the actual chapters have better spelling, but the way it’s put together is all the same. And it actually worsens the further it goes to the near point of illegibility. In fact, legend has it that the story’s grammar was apparently so bad that fanfiction.net deleted it due to the sudden drop of intelligence on the site. No one knows if that’s true, most likely not as that seems like quite a stretch. However, it was actually deleted, perhaps by Tara herself, though she later reposted it.
But the real kicker is exactly how the fanfic interprets the source material. Hogwarts is no longer a school of wizardry divided by bestowed houses, but is now a more high school-based setting where everyone is divided by cliques, though only three are present. Goths, preps, and posers:
•Goths are the good kids. They’re the only ones who understand this dark and depressing world better than anyone else, and shows their individuality by shopping at Hot Topic together and listening to the same exact bands. They’re also half vampires for some reason. And they’re all part of Slytherin even if they’re originally from another house in the actual story.
•Preps are the mean kids. They just like, totally don’t understand goths so they’re like so mean to them and call them scary and stuff. They’re all just bitchy and are like totally jealous of the goths and only shop at stores like American Eagle and only listen to crappy music like Hilary Duff. And all those stupid preps are in Gryffindor.
•Posers are just goth wannabes who listen to Avril Lavigne and probably don’t even know who Good Charlotte is. What houses are they even in, no one knows and no one gives a shit. They’re mostly there just to show the reader what being goth is really all about.
And above them all is the only true goth, the queen of Mary Sues herself, Ebony. Now the definition of what makes a “mary sue” has been drastically skewed over the years, and probably shouldn’t even be relevant anymore, but if you at the very least want a true-to-heart example, Ebony is the way to go. Tara’s obsession with being goth is greatly reflected in this character. She loves bands like My Chemical Romance, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, and Evanescence (who wrote the song ‘My Immortal’ which this fanfic is named after). She shops at Hot Topic and wears the type of clothing that any 13 year old goth wishes they could. In fact, Ebony’s outfits are always described in great detail and takes up to almost paragraphs in every chapter:
“For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow.”
And trust me when I say they only get longer. It isn’t just the outfit descriptions though, the whole entire story is written in Ebony’s favor. Like a Hot Topic being in Hogsmede despite it being a nonmagical store (not to mention being an american chain) and a club where Ebony’s favorite bands just happen to be playing concerts in despite being muggle bands. And how cutting, underage drinking, and smoking is glamorized as being “dark” and “beautiful” and has no repercussions whatsoever. And how there’s no uniforms so Ebony can show off her over the top wardrobe.
Since Ebony is the main character and this is a fanfiction, all of Tara’s favorite characters from the Harry Potter world are Ebony’s gothic friends and accompany her in Slytherin, even if they’re canonly in other houses as I’ve mentioned previously. And all of Tara’s hated characters are Ebony’s enemies, and are depicted as either nasty preps or a bunch of posers that belong in Gryffindor. It doesn’t stop there though, as all the male characters have a thing for Ebony because she is just so sexy and looks exactly like Amy Lee. But Ebony only focuses on her two main love interests, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter, who now goes by Vampire Potter because he likes the taste of human blood.
This is all just the very basics of the fanfiction, there are plenty of more absurdities you’ll stumble upon the further you read. Like Voldemort and the Death Eaters disguising themselves as My Chemical Romance, Snape video taping Ebony taking a bath, characters from different sources making cameos like Marty Mcfly, the list goes on.
But what truly, TRULY made ‘My Immortal’ such a phenomenon is that no one knew if it was legit. There were two sides to how people felt about it, those who thought it was a real story and Tara at the time was another young angsty teen who had just been introduced to the internet (which would explain the terrible grammar and botched sex scenes), and those who thought the story was one big joke written by a genius troll who made Tara up as a persona, which was extremely plausible since everything about the story was so wrong and completely blown out of proportion that there was no possible way someone could’ve come up with it and been completely serious. But people on the other side have argued that they’d have a very, VERY dedicated troll.
One of the biggest factors to their argument was Tara’s friend Raven, who not only had her own OC named Willow that was featured in the story, but also had a helping hand in writing it. She even had her own fanfiction.net account called ‘bloodytearz666’. Raven was Tara’s creative filter, as she was in charge of spelling and grammar and came up with some plot points in the story. At least until chapter 16 when the two apparently had a falling out and Tara killed off Willow, but later brought Willow back as an apology. So this troll would’ve had to not only make Tara, but also make Raven as a means to support their persona, unless Raven was created by a second troll. But both of those trolls would’ve had to write other stories pre and post ‘My Immortal’, as well as manage several social media accounts, which is a whole lot of effort just for the sake of making a joke.
Since the story was made, many people have come forward claiming they are the mysterious Tara, with promises of more material and continuations of the infamous story. So no one knew for sure who Tara is or her whereabouts. Until now.
After years and years of shrouded mystery, “Tara” has finally logged back into her more than decade old account and revealed herself to be Rose Christo. As it turns out, she co-wrote ‘My Immortal’ with Raven, who was actually a real person and her friend, during a very hard time in her life. And it wasn’t for a reason most might have thought. She revealed that she purposely made it as bad as possible so she could gain enough publicity to find her younger brother that she had been separated from.
She even wrote a memoir about it that is set to be published in 2018, which you can read about here.
You can also read the fanfiction itself if you’re interested here. Even if it did turn out to be a fake, it’s still a very humorous read, and very interesting since we now know its backstory.
EDIT: So as it turns out the whole thing with Rose was a hoax and the real Tara is still out there. Waiting, longing, in a dark alley with her hand stretched out so that I may one day shake it.
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omanu · 7 years
i have a few tags to do, so im gonna do them all in one post so i dont keep tagging the same ppl in multiple things idk. dont worry, you dont need to do them if u dont want to ♥
i was tagged by @nashira , the angel ♥
¤ nickname: well, irl is manu, but tbh my name is manu. i have another nickname my family uses, that is budi lol
¤ zodiac sign: sagittarius 
¤ height: the best scenario here is 167cm, idk how much that is in ft or whatever lmao
¤ orientation: ….. like everyone 
¤ favourite fruit: cantaloupe 
¤ favourite season: winter and fall
¤ favourite book: i dont think i have one, but like, the last book i read was fucking amazing everyone should read, it’s gay, it’s a series of three books, and it’s called when women were warriors.
¤ favourite flower: all of them? i love flowers in general
¤ favourite scent: RAIN, and ngl the scent of matches 
¤ favourite animal: dogs and cats
¤ favourite colour: light colors and also black and blue
¤ coffee, tea or hot cocoa: hot cocoa
¤ average sleep hours: well now i sleep a lot i would say 8-12 
¤ cat or dogs: BOTH
¤ n° of blankets: just one
¤ dream trip: ANY GOOD BEACH
¤ blog created: idr well, but 2015? or maybe late 2014. but ive been on tumblr since 2009/2010 lol
¤ favourite song: ……..dude idk rn is any song of bts, but on my last fm it’s probably a song by adam, the love of my life. and i love too many songs so i cant just write them all
Rules: Use the first letter of your name to answer each question. Real answers only. If the person who tagged you has the same initial, you must give different answers. You cannot use the same word twice. Once you enter your answers, tag 10 other people! i was tagged by @superunknwn​ , another angel ♥
Your name: Manu
A four letter word: mole *looks at nashira and sara* A boy’s name: … Manu An occupation: Musician Something you can wear: mittens  A place: McDonald's  A reason for being late: … idk … Moving? Medical matter? idk i used two words but they both begin with the letter m lol Something you shout: mYLES A movie title: Moana Something you drink: Martini An animal: Monkey A type of car: Mercedes  Song title: Ma City by bts lol i was just singing this
i was tagged by @bensun​ a looooong time ago sorry, but i too love doing these so why not. this one is similar to the first tag game, but im doing it anyway
Answer the questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better! —————– Name: Manu
Nicknames: budi. i want new nicknames tbh, cute ones.
Zodiac Sign: sagittarius
Height: 167cm 
Orientation: same, i like all genders but the s*x part is……. uh, idrl
Ethnicity: native brazilian (indigenous) (wow i just saw this on the internet and im using it), mixed with whi*te some time in the past. i would know better if whi*es hadnt done that
Favorite Fruit: Probably blueberries or just berries in general and I loooove smoothies …. with any fruit to be honest
Favorite Season: Fall and winter
Favorite Book: to mention another one im reading the third book of the vampire chronicles, i love the second one, i love lestat
Favorite Flowers: yeah i like flowers, but idrn their names, i just love it
Favorite Color: light colors, but also black and blue again
Favorite Animal: dogs and cats
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
Average Sleep Hours: 8-12 ay
Cat or Dog Person: BOTh
Favorite Fictional Character: MIDNIGHTER
Number of Blankets I sleep with: just one
Ideal trip: beach!!
Blog Created: 2015 ig 
dear @superunknwn​ tagged me on this a looooooooooooooong ass time ago, sorry ily (actually she didnt tagged me but i wanted to do this so i just saved on my drafts) 
1. go to this site: https://www.random.org/lists/ 2. Pick 15 of your favorite characters or favorite people from your fandoms and list them 3. Tag at least 5 people 4. Have fun with it! 
1. Mom/dad: Apollo!!!!!!!!!! yes!!!!! 2. Your sibling: jim halpert lmaoo thats fine 3. Your grandma/grandpa:  michael jackson 4. Haunts you: park seo joon 5. Your boyfriend/girlfriend: adam lambert (ok…. i would prefer jhope but ok) 6. Your ex: taystee hdsfkhfdksjh 7. Your best friend: MIDNIGHTER 8. Proposed to you: MYLES KENNEDY DHJKSHFDF 9. Your boss: slash….. thats not ideal but glad that i know him 10. The random person you met at the bar: lestat fdkslsd friend 11. Your rival: seo in guk NOOOOO he is my bf wtf 12. Gave you your first kiss: rothen skljkld 13. Drunk and singing karaoke with: lzzy hale my love 14. Played 7 minutes in heaven with:  JHOPE DFHKFSDJKSFHKJSD 15. Gave you your favorite dessert: chris traeger, my favorite dessert is not raisins
tbh im not gonna tag ppl anymore, ive already tagged everybody, yall just can do it
@lionesslindsey tagged me on this a looong time ago too, no surprise
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. (but that’s so many D: I’m too awkward for so many) (relatable lmao) Tagging: everyone i tagged on this long ass post Whoever wants to do this though, go ahead!
1. coke or pepsi: i dont drink soda heh 2. disney or dreamworks: I love them both, but my absolute fav movie is The Lion King. lindsey i just copied ur answer bc BITCH ME TOO, just addin Mulan here 3. coffee or tea: i dont like coffee and i never really wanted to try tea lmao 4. books or movies: Both!!!!! 5. windows or mac: only tried windows 6. dc or marvel: DC pls 7. xbox or playstation: even though i dont have and console, i like ps better 8. dragon age or mass effect: never played. dont have a console lmao 9. night owl or early riser: if those are video games…. never played i dont have a console 10. cards or chess: cards! 11. chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate 12. vans or converse: converse, never owned vans bc im poor af, so i would probably like both 13. lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: have no idea what those are 14. fluff or angst: fluff pls 15. beach or forest: beach!!!!!!! 16. dogs or cats: BOTH 17. clear skies or rain: BOTH 18. cooking or eating out: it depends on my mood tbh 19. Spicy food or mild food: both 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: what 21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too cold 22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: stop time 23. animation or live action: animations 24. paragon or renegade: what 25. baths or showers: baths, even though i dont own a bathtub 26. team cap or team ironman: Iron Man 27. fantasy or sci-fi: Fantasy 28. do you have three or four favourite quotes? not really 29. youtube or netflix: youtube 30. harry potter or percy jackson: hp, but pj was pretty awesome and diverse than hp.... actually I think I only like hp more bc of the movies, but pj... is very awesome too idk 31. when you feel accomplished: 6. dc or marvel: when i finish a drawing 32. star wars or star trek: star wars 33. paperback books or hardback books: as long as i have books 34. horror or rom-com: yikes rom-com 35. to live in a world without literature or music: death 36. pastel colours or dark colours: i love both!!!!!! 37. tv shows or movies: bitch everything is both here 38. city or countryside: city, but i too love contryside 39. if any other zodiac sign could describe you, what would it be: i have no idea 40. if you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life what would it be: dont ask me that omg 41. cinema or theatre: cinema 42. if you could be any fictional character’s best friend, who’d you be: midnigher’s 43. smiling or smirking: slut for both 44. are you an ‘all or nothing’ type or are you more consistent: i dont do anything so idk dude 45. playlists or your whole library on shuffle: shuffle 46. travelling or staying at home: traveling, but i would love staying at my own home 47. books or fanfiction: Both 48. If you could live in a fantasy world, what world would it be: huh, i had never thought about this, i cant answer now. but probably i would choose to live in one of my daydreaming shit 49. your favorite cartoon: idk i live irmão do jorel, a brazilian cartoon 50. name the weirdest five songs on your itunes, current or past: bruh im dont know 51. mountains or plains: both! 52. favorite anime (or tv show if you don’t watch anime): YURI ON ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 53. which social media platform are you most like yourself on: Tumblr AND youtube 54. What are some of your passions: music 56. If you have a pet, do they do anything interesting/weird (like a cat that plays fetch, a bird that can say funny things, etc)? : not really. my cat sleeps funny sometimes hsajkdhas
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clowngore · 8 years
Tagged by @kimqueenofhell tHank you many times Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. 1. Coke or Pepsi: I don’t drink soda but when i do 😎 mr pibb 2. Disney or Dreamworks: excuse you? how dare you? ask this question? 3. Coffee or Tea: man do i like iced black coffee with some sugar. i love it. live, for it. also japanese green tea is the thing i live for so the answer is no 4. Books or Movies: i have no energy for anything anymore so 5. Windows or Mac: i use windows but macs are pretty exciting because you can move the icons anywhere you want and not just in a grid 6. DC or Marvel: marvel 7. Xbox or Playstation: refer to question 4 8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: refer to question 7 9. Night Owl or Early Rise: night owl , i’m practically nocturnal but i have school so i cannot do that 10. Cards or Chess: i played go fish earlier today 11. Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate but i’m allergic to it 12. Vans or Converse: korean converse knock-offs with heels 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: im gonna say adaar even though i don’t know what this is i just like the sound of it 14. Fluff or Angst: uhh , i don’t read much fanfiction anymore but i used to read fluff 15. Beach or Forest: FUC K IN G FOR EST 16. Dogs or Cats: wow all of the above 17. Clear Skies or Rain: rain pls but no storming 18. Cooking or Eating Out: i like to not eat for 3 days and then drink a shamrock shake from mcdonalds 19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: i…….. guess mild because spicy food tends to have more flavors and be like, mushed food with lots of different foods in it and i just am not here for that 20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: halloween my friends,,, 21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too cold 22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? i would like to shapeshift. you can do literally anything. amazing. 23. Animation or Live Action: (squints) animation? 24. Paragon or Renegade: idk what that is 25. Baths or Showers: showers because baths are horribly quiet and any noise you make is bad 26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: my man steve 27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: aren’t they like the same thing? idk man. neither i guess 28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so, what are they: y'know i wish i had a good answer for this but i don’t 29. YouTube or Netflix: netflix 30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: i read the first book of percy jackson because of yumi 31. When You Feel Accomplished: i don’t even know what that word means at this point 32. Star Wars or Star Trek: star wars fight me 33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: psychcentral.com 34. Handwriting or Typing: typing but my handwriting is pretty cool 35. Velvet or Satin: sweaters 36. Video Games or Movies: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon? you can force people to do something with a dragon but you can’t force people to do something as a dragon 38. Sunrise or sunset: sunset 39. What’s your favourite song? probably vortex by the gazette rn 40. Horror Movies yes or no: ya 41. Long hair or short hair: i currently have short hair but if we’re talking about other people then it depends 42. Opera or Theatre: theatre 43. Assuming the multiverse theory is true and every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first? definitely supernatural because i just want to kill things without getting in trouble and then also die while doing it and be cool 44: If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life what would it be? salad because you can choose what kind of salad and fruit salad counts as a salad 45: Older guys or young guys? i have never liked a guy younger than me in my life 46: If you could have a night with any fictional character doing whatever you wanted … who? crowley and this is a bad question 47: Singing or dancing? i’m extremely uncoordinated but i love singing so 48: No internet for the rest of your life or your favourite show/book/game/whatever has an end so terrible it’s only aired once and never spoken of again? the latter because supernatural is shit now 49: Your favourite TV show gets cancelled before an actual end or the end is just totally crappy/horrible, and you’re distraught for the rest of your life? i want it to be cancelled right now 50: Which one is your Hogwarts House?
(shrug) 51: If you could timetravel - where would you go? the beginning of the school year tbh because i would give anything to befriend That Person Or, victorian england or the 80s lmao idfk
tagging: @yumikoflare @biitchbuoy @one-bad-apple @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @boxer-pup and anyone else who wants to do it u should tell me and i will tag you in all of the other tag memes •=• also sorry i can’t do the Read More thing i’m on mobile as always
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