#you know? like i dont wanna use a mobility aid without being Disabled™️
oh ye children of lands that probably know more about this than i do
i humbly ask your opinion
so ive talked before abt how bad my knees are, right?
so i finally went to the doctor, he was really nice, said something something something its a problem with my plica, which are little folds in the lining of my knee left over from growing as a kid. and theres no treatment except for a really invasive and potentially useless surgery.
that doesnt stop me from being in near-constant pain!!!!!
and i have a velcro knee "brace" thing, but mostly what it does is make my knee sweaty and sometimes hurt more. and also both of my knees hurt, and i only got one brace.
all this to say, i'm going antiquing with my brother this weekend, and i know for a fact that a few of the antique stores we're plannin on goin to have one of those like buckets of just. antique canes.
do you see where i am going.
i have this thing in my head. that tells me that a cane might help. but then it tells me that it would make me look like im faking it to get a cool cane. (which the looking cool thing would only be a bonus tbh)
so i humbly ask of ye, oh cane users and really bad leg pain havers, what do i do? do i ignore my pain, potentially to the detriment of my knee lining, or do i get a cane and look like i'm faking?
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