#you liked how I wrote your fave so you liked everything else I write 🥹
bakugosbratx · 1 year
Also, totally random, but am I the only one who doesn’t care if someone spam likes my fics? Like have at it, bb.
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illfoandillfie · 10 months
Hi sweetheart, i hope you are doing great! i think you are a beautiful person and an amazing writer, i’ve written lots of things already but i would like to hear some advice from you about writing so i can improve my skills, i really love writing 🫶🏻😩🥹🥰💌✨
lots of love from Argentina
oh gosh im 🤧🤧 thank you, thats so lovely of you to say!
First of all I keep a writing advice tag for any posts I come across with useful writing tips. Some of them are really general, some of them are about writing specific things (like kissing or children), so probably not everything in there will be useful but hopefully some of it is.
As for my own advice.... none of it is going to be groundbreaking stuff. I've never studied writing, I don't think too hard about how I write, and at the end of the day I just write silly fics about silly boys to keep myself entertained. But I'll put a few things under the cut. These are all more general sort of tips so if there are any specific parts of writing you want me to talk about let me know and I'll see what I can give you!
Number 1 is to just have fun with it. Don't get hung up worrying about if a concept is cringe or if its something no one else will like or if it sounds too much like something else you wrote. If it's an idea that interests you, then you're going to find it easier and probably more fun to write. And if you already love writing then you don't want writing to turn into a chore or something you don't enjoy.
Number 2 is to read real books. Reading fanfic is great and fun but it's very useful to read some books that have been professionally edited and published too. There is a craft to writing things that sound good and one of the fastest ways to learn what sounds good is to read books. You don't have to study them or analyse them, your brain will just pick up on patterns, on how sentences fit together, on what sounds good and what doesn't.
One of my fave examples of this is the way we describe things, at least in the English language. There is an unwritten formula for making a description sound good. opinion, size, age, shape, colour, origin, material, purpose. It's why saying "the silly little pink French book" sounds good but "the pink silly French little book" sounds very strange. No one is taught this formula, no one does it consciously. It's just that one sounds better than the other. And it's the sort of thing you subconsciously pick up from reading.
Number 3 is don't be afraid to do some research. No one knows everything. Sometimes you'll want to write about something that isn't super familiar to you. Whether that be because you're writing is set in a different country to where you are, or you're writing a smut scene with a kink/position you've never done in real life, or you're writing a character with a kid when you don't have kids. Research it! Go on google maps and find the place you want to write about so you can see how the streets look. Find a cosmo article or a youtube video that talks about the kink. Find a site that includes those little drawings of sexual positions (or heck, find some porn if thats more helpful) so you can see how it looks. Find a blog post from a parent and see how they talk about their kid. Listen or watch interviews if you're writing RPF to see how your person talks and what their mannerisms are. Not everything has so be 100% accurate and you're absolutely allowed to make some stuff up but if there's anything you feel unsure about, see if some research helps you.
Number 4 is to read everything you write out loud, but especially dialogue. Sometimes things can sound good while you're writing it but then when you read it back you realise it sounds clunky or it doesn't flow properly. Plus it helps you pick up on mistakes you might otherwise miss (like incorrect spelling or if you meant to delete a sentance but didn't). And I say especially for dialogue because when people talk they'll abbreviate words, they include slang, they use contractions. By reading things out loud to yourself you can hear where inflections are, you can hear if something sounds too formal, or wrong for the emotion you're trying to convey. When I write I make sure that I read it out loud to myself when I'm editing. You don't have to read it to someone else and you can whisper it under your breath so no one else will hear, but it is one of the best things you can do while editing or even if you get stuck while writing a conversation. Sometimes just hearing it out loud will help you identify why its not working.
Those are all the things I can think of off the top of my head but like i said if theres any areas of writing that I haven't mentioned that you'd like my take on let me know!
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wonusite · 11 months
uh hello are my eyes deceiving me or is that a new nalani fic on my dashboard?! omg i missed u so much🥹🥹
where do i even start with licentious… everything was so hot and perfect from start to finish🥵 the amount of detail you put in honestly made the fic feel infinite and i just didn’t want it to end. the fact that they kept going when i almost thought that they were done is so 😩😵‍💫 and the use of the “bunny” petname was so precious yet so dirty too 🫠
i loved every word of licentious but my favorite line that you wrote is definitely “daddy’s gonna mold your pretty pussy so no one else” 🫶
also that ending threw me off guard?!?! i was NOT expecting daddy gyu and daddy wonu exisiting in the same universe (even tho it makes perfect sense) but now the thought of both of them at the same time makes me 10x crazier… HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE OKAY WITH THIS
nalani, no one writes infidelity/age gap/daddy kink quite like you<3 licentious was absolutely amazing. i love uuuuu 🫢💗
you’re actually making me feel all mushy inside! 🤍
and this is what happens when i write while feral lmao. i’m glad you liked the filth i wrote. tbh being called bunny is like cute yet hot that i couldn’t resist adding it in. and stop that line is one of my faves bc it’s so possessive and dirty like i can see wonu saying that so easily.
also ofc those two deviants would be besties lmao. it just fit perfectly bc they would find each other in any universe (even the depraved ones i create lmao). pls feel free to keep going feral bc i definitely still am!
thank you for reading and sending this in it really means so much to me! i love you more bb 🥺💜
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