#you probably wanted hitoshi and nemoto interacting
number1villainstan · 1 year
Hey if you’re up to it can you give us your headcannons on Shinso and Nemoto being related?
(Ik I already know some of it but I want more >:3)
get ready bitches and bastards i'm about to become an unskippable cutscene
Okay. So. Here's the thing: if we want to see the full picture of how I think Hitoshi and Shin are related, we have to go a bit back in time, past Hitoshi, past Shin, all the way back to Hitoshi's great aunt (who I still need a name for) and her situation. As a teenager, she makes some bad decisions and ends up pregnant and ends up so scared of her parents' reaction that she runs away to raise young Shinsou Yuuma on her own. It goes as well as it can, given that she's an unprepared single teenage mother who just ran away from her support system--
--up until young Yuuma gets kidnapped at ten years old.
Of course, she freaks out. She searches for weeks. She tries to involve the police, but they're incredibly unhelpful; she asks neighbors about it; she even approaches a local hero; but all of her efforts to recover her son are unsuccessful. Financially broke and broken by grief, she returns to her family after eleven years; they welcome her back with weeping and open arms, just glad to have their daughter/sister/aunt/cousin back. Her final effort to find her son is to ask her family; although the Shinsous are poor, they are many, and they have connections in places the police and heroes don't; in the world of vigilantes, of gangs, of petty crime. But it's too late; although they find and pursue the few leads they do find, they can't find young Yuuma. And that's how the family legend starts of the lost Shinsou with the Confession Quirk, a long-held Quirk that had been passed down through the Shinsou lines from the early days of Quirks. And of course Hitoshi knows about this legend; he is, after all, a Shinsou.
But. Back to Yuuma. After he's kidnapped, he's shipped around Japan; he manages to escape, and attempts to get back to his mother, but he's so lost and he has no money and he can barely survive. And it's like that for years, as he keeps getting kidnapped, trafficked, and pressed into gangs, often for his useful Quirk; he jumps from place to place, uses and discards new names, dyes and bleaches and styles his hair differently every time to keep himself from being tracked down. He tries to look out for the younger children until he's so jaded he can't anymore. Around young adulthood he realizes that he can pull cons and scams, and that becomes his main source of income. But the gangs are still after him, and he can't settle down. He keeps switching names and appearances. And then, one disastrous night, the latest gang he's been pressed into forces him to use Confession on their prisoners for hours, and he ends up collapsing into a Quirk-overuse narcoleptic coma for days. When he wakes up he's been robbed blind and dumped on the street. It's the lowest point of his life, so when a strange man comes to offer him shelter and food he says yes, because he has nothing to lose anymore.
The name he gives to one Chisaki Kai is Nemoto Shin.
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