#you put them in the same room for 30 seconds and they're throwing insults at each other like they're 5
originalartblog 2 years
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Little thing I did for @videogamelover99's Chuuya leaving the PM with Dazai AU!
Enjoy the boys during their 2 years in hiding, driving around Russia (and missing their stupid exit)
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folkdances 2 years
okay im locking merilance and roscobell in a room for 24 hours. if they can survive without insulting and/or killing each other then they win any prize of their choosing. at the 12 hour mark i introduce valerie to keep things fun. how does this play out
oh my god ok so for convenience's sake we are going to say this starts and ends at 8:00 am and this is how the day will break down:
8:00-9:00 - this is the period of time where if you get a new pet you have to let it get accustomed to the environment so they mostly just hang i think .. roscobell takes stock of the apartment and merilance alternates between sitting badly on the couch and bothering roscobell.
9:00-11:00 - things start getting funky. by this point merilance is definitely thinking about all the ways this endeavor is wasting her time and she's starting to get moody about it. roscobell has found a 2000 piece double-sided puzzle and has quietly spent the morning working on it.
11:00-12:00 - conversation time. they've both gotten bored enough that they can actually cancel out all of their layers of complexes and actually chit-chat with each other. 9/10 mostly pleasant.
12:00-1:00 - lunch time! there is a brief spat about which microwave lunch to prepare because merilance wants frozen pizza and roscobell wants frozen macaroni. in the end they put the macaroni on top of the pizza as a compromise.
1:00-1:30 - someone has to do the dishes and no one wants to take responsibility for it. this is where the seeds of discontent are planted.
1:30-2:30 - some sort of argument happens directly after the dishes have been cleaned and they have to both part ways for a half hour so they don't kill each other.
2:30-7:00 - they realize at mostly the same time that now they're lonely and bored so they get back together and the rest of this time period spends in largely amicable silence with only a few brief moments of terror (merilance wants to try her knife throwing skills; roscobell wants to see if she can knock the knives out of mid-air by growing lily of the vallies but Big. this constitutes the most life-threatening incident)
7:00-8:00 - really awkward time period of realizing they are actually chilling and enjoying each other's company; they both immediately put their layers of complexes and repression back on and spend the next hour much the same way they spent the second hour. roscobell breaks the puzzle and restarts it from the opposite side while merilance looks out the window mentally reciting the lyrics to high hopes by panic at the disco in-tune and backwards as a mental endurance test
8:00 - A NEW OPPONENT ENTERS THE RING - VALERIE WISHES TO CHALLENGE! well first they would have a strange awkward late dinner during which merilance is trying very hard to be polite and valerie is trying very hard to say something that'll make her do something funny. i'm placing this either shortly after or during the exile arc.
8:00-12:00 - things are not looking very good. valerie has gotten merilance and roscobell both to make facebook accounts and has now introduced them to the concept of vagueing which they will be very occupied with for a short period of time until someone says something and then everyone is mad at each other and at least one phone has been broken. there will also be at least one bitch session over what music to play in the background. we wrap up the early night hours with the decision to watch a movie.
12:00-2:00 - movies chosen by each party: roscobell wants to watch tom at the farm, merilance wants to watch the rock (1996), and valerie wants to watch zootopia. they do a dice-roll to see who wins; it is, according to the real-life dice roll i just did, valerie. merilance mistakes 'zooTOPIA' for 'zooLANDER'; valerie makes a "haha that's you" comment the second one of those jokers shows up on screen; merilance's kill switch is activated; merilance tries attacking valerie in a warrior-cat style; roscobell tries pulling them apart but in the process gets implicated in the fight; total injuries include one broken nose two black eyes and one cracked nail along with various scratches and bite marks. they have officially lost the contest 馃槩
some variables: if fenyan had been there, he would have made them all sit quietly and do biology-for-kids worksheets all day 10/10 very amicable everyone leaves happy. if adilene had been there, the contest would have been lost at about 9:10 am.
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shall-we-imagine 6 years
Lovely. (Sigurd Curtis脳Reader *AU*)
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Requested: 15. "If my day gets any worse, I'm asking hell if they're having an exchange program." + 22. "Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops." From the prompt list.
Genre: Fluff.
(Second Person Point of View)
"I'm telling you, Amelia! This psycho lady kept insisting I give her a cheese burger with no cheese! And when I tried to explain to her that this is basically just a burger not a cheeseburger, she went nuts!" You complain into the phone, as you struggle to open the door to your apartment without dropping your grocery at the same time.
"Like what even is this?! And when I finally gave up and told her I'll get her that cheese burger with no cheese.." you recite the customer's words in a tone of mockery, "She just still wasn't having it! She asked to speak to the manager who wasn't even there at the time! All my coworkers and even some customers had to intervene before she tries to kill me or something.."
You hear loud laughter from the other side of the phone. "I'm sorry; it's just-" your friend pauses to laugh even harder, "it's actually hilarious; I'm sorry."
"Amelia!" You whine dramatically, "Stop laughing at my sorrows!" Even though you let out a little laugh yourself, you were still willing to demand she doesn't laugh...just because.
After locking the door, you slip off your shoes, placing it near the door frame, then walk into the kitchen to put the items you bought in their correct places.
"At least it's over, though, right?"
"Well, that's not all. After waiting at the bus stop for like 15 minutes, I realized I had forgotten my purse in the changing room, so I had to go back to get my purse then walk to the bus stop again, and by now, I'd already missed the bus, of course. Therefore, I had to wait for 30 minutes for the next bus." You sigh, "And don't even get me started on that weird guy from the supermarket!"
"What happened?" Amelia giggles, still amused by your irritation.
"So, you know how I prefer buying groceries alone because it makes everything quicker and helps me focus better and not forget anything?" You begin placing items on shelves and in the fridge, not planning to stop the phone call before you're done ranting.
"Well, this random dude that I never even met before decided that my angry aura wasn't enough to keep him away, no! He decided to just walk up to me, for no reason at all, and make conversation. Now, this wouldn't be too bad if he didn't follow me throughout the entire time I was shopping. Even after I expressed my discomfort and annoyance, he just couldn't take a hint! And I was in no mood for being flirted with or being talked to at all actually." You huff.
"Woah, it's like the universe is just purposely pissing you off."
"Tell me about it! If my day gets any worse, I'm asking hell if they're having an exchange program."
Amelia laughs. "Just get some sleep; you'll be fine." She assures.
"Yeah, I'm really exhausted; I just want to pass out for a week!" You become more and more eager to drown in your own bed the closer you get to your room.
"Well, I'll let you nap for now, but don't forget the essay; we have to hand it over on Tuesday!" Knowing your habit of procrastination, Amelia never fails to remind you of the stuff you need to do. Multiple times.
"I know I know; I'll get started right after I wake up..and eat..and maybe watch an episode of-" She cuts off your already clear intentions of procrastinating.
"(Y/N)! Right after you wake up and eat! Don't make me come over there and supervise as you write!" She threatens.
You groan, "Fine; I'll do it."
After Amelia declares her temporary victory, you end the phone call and get comfortable in bed, ready to get some rest before you have to do your assignments. You set your alarm for an hour after the current time then place your phone on the nightstand.
The mattress and pillow partly engulf your body in heavenly softness, and you happily let the irritation from earlier float away.
However, life seemed to have more troubles to throw at you today.
The sound of drilling coming from the other side of the wall behind your bed startles you into full consciousness. Frowning, you wait a few minutes in hopes the drilling would stop, but, sadly, life still hated you and had no plans of having mercy on you. Trying to ignore the drilling was a hopeless case, too.
"Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with my neighbour?! It's been 25 minutes! What's up with all the noise?!" You complain to yourself, pushing your face into the pillow out of frustration.
You let out a huff. "I'll go talk to them. I'm not sacrificing my sleep for them to put up some decorations or whatever the fuck they're really doing."
Smoothing down your hair to make it look presentable, you contemplate whether you really need to change your pyjamas to go knock on your next door neighbours and ask them to keep it down. Nah.
You rub your eyes, still feeling sleepy and exhausted, as you wait for your oh-so-lovely neighbour to answer the door.
"Hello?" Greets a male about your age. Well..let's just say he certainly is really really really lovely. And suddenly, you regret not changing into something nicer than your my little pony print pyjamas.
He gave you a sweet smile as if he wasn't just chasing the sleep away from you with his drilling.
"Uh, hi." You shuffle your weight from leg to the other awkwardly. "Would you mind..um..not drilling into the wall right now? I've had a long day, and I'm trying to sleep.." You waited for a rude reaction, but the expected response never came.
Instead, the purple-haired male pokes his head back inside the apartment. "Vincent! Hey, Vincent!" He yells.
You hear a faint yeah? come from inside before the neighbour you never knew was so handsome shouts again, "I told you you're gonna bother our neighbours, but did you listen?! Nooo, you decided to try it anyway! Just stop drilling!"
"What neighbours? There's only one other apartment on our floor; don't make it sound like I'm bothering the entire buildi-" the other voice kept getting louder, indicating the person was walking closer to the door. When he finally reached the door and pulled it open, Vincent that was yelling from inside paused mid-sentence.
"Ooh, I see why you're so concerned about the noise." The redhead shoots a wink towards what you assumed was his flatmate before walking back inside, leaving good-looking neighbour flustered.
"Uh-um, never mind him. He just likes joking around; it's nothing, re-" His embarrassed rambling was cut off by a yell from inside.
"Shut up; you know you were calling her cute earlier, Sigurd!" Sigurd's panicked eyes meet yours, and you could practically feel the temperature rising in the hallway, due to the heat emitting from both your faces.
Despite how embarrassed you are, you were still absolutely flattered, which caused you to let out a small giggle, further increasing Sigurd's blushing.
"He's only joking; don't take him seriously. He just likes to embarass me." Sigurd tries to indirectly deny his flatmate's comment. You would be disappointed if it weren't so amusing and adorable watching him sheepishly sputter out excuses and defences.
"Are you saying you don't think she's cute then?" A blond pokes his head outside. You could tell he wasn't wearing a shirt, but he didn't seem to mind being seen like that.
Sigurd falls into another spiral of panicked, embarrassed babbling. "No!" He quickly turns to look at you, "I don't mean you're not cute! You're certainly cute- I mean if I were asked, I'd say you're cute- Like I wasn't just thinking about you being cute; not that I wouldn't think you're cute- oh my god, I'm sorry; just forget about this! Klaus, just go put a shirt on and leave me alone!"
By now, you were full on laughing hysterically at the interaction between Sigurd and his other flatmate.
"It's only fair, compared to how much you tease me." The shirtless male shrugs, walking back inside.
Sigurd sighs. "I'm sorry about Klaus and Vincent; they're practically family, so we tease each other all the time." He scratches the back of his head.
"It's okay." You smile. It was as if you'd completely forgotten you came here, ready to fight whoever disturbed your sleep. "Must be really fun living together like that, though."
"Yeah, I suppose." He nods. "Things sometimes get insane, but we're used to it by now. Insanity runs in my family. it practically gallops." He chuckles.
You let out a laugh, "Yeah, I totally know what you mean."
Seeming to have forgotten about being sleepy just a while ago, you allow yourself to have a full conversation with Sigurd. It may have lasted for a full hour, and you wouldn't even know.
"My goodness, just ask her out already!" Vincent yells from inside.
"Shut up!" Sigurd yells back.
"You really have no idea how to get the ladies, huh?" Klaus joins the yelling fest.
"Says the guy that thinks insulting the girl is a good way to encourage and motivate her!" It seemed like Sigurd had gotten comfortable around you, so he was no longer affected by their teasing; he was ready to talk back now. It somehow made you feel warm inside.
"I'm just being honest!" Klaus defends.
"You're just being mean!" Vincent argues.
"I'm not mean!" Before long, Vincent and Klaus had gotten in an argument in the backgroud, allowing you and Sigurd to retrieve your one-on-one conversation.
"Well, um, do you wanna go grab some coffee later?" Sigurd smiles. "You know..to prove them wrong?" He fakes an innocent smile.
"Yeah, I'm sure that's why." You giggle. "But, sure, why not?"
After deciding the time and day, you said your goodbyes, and you went back to your apartment.
At least now when Amelia calls again you can distract her with news about your date, so she doesn't have to scold you for not working on the essay until now.
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