#you see its not that they have bloodlust or something. its just that blu does not have the consequence of death
emmetofthestars · 8 months
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i was thinking about how it would go if blu had to execute someone or something. achilles would always hope the targets pick sword over gun
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sparda3g · 7 years
Gintama Chapter 675 Review
After the fans practiced the feel of no Gintama for a week, we are back with a new chapter that thankfully didn’t give us a major brain damage. Instead, we got what we expected from our normal prediction with a few new twists that is best to say that we are going to be here for a long time. I’m not going to complain; more Gintama for us. Seriously, this chapter increases my interest with its setting and more questions that have me intrigued to follow.
There was a brief feeling of uncertainty in the first scene with some guy in a Mafia suit because well, I was scarred from Kanna’s reveal. It was building up to his reveal like he was going to be someone we believe we know who he is, only to troll us. Luckily, the man behind the suit is in fact Sougo, only now he has his own gang. The good news is Sougo is back. The bad news is Sougo is back.
Interestingly though maybe not surprising, he attacks Shinpachi and the kids like they’re his target, even though it is Katsura that they should target at. I got to credit Shinpachi for dodging those bullets swiftly as well as protecting Tamako. It’s worth noting that Kanna did her own saving, so the Yato bloodline is an amazing perk for kids. It’s great to see Sougo and of course, he didn’t die. That would have killed fans. His disappearance remains unanswered; at least until after the next scene.
The gag scene with an awful drawing of Takasugi is hilarious. This has to be a reference to One Piece gag scene; only this one has its own way to bring in the laughter. Gintoki either can’t draw a person accurately or he’s trolling hard, he does go around asking for help to find him. The best part is where he found a guy with the same look as the picture and yet, he bad mouths it like it’s not his business.
What’s funnier is his family has the same face but pay no mind that they’re identical. It made it better that it went casually and never really point out the obvious from anyone. I got a good laugh from that small scene. Eventually, Gintoki does find Takasugi in a feud with strangers. I would have thought he was going to show more sinister vibe of his to gives us more insight of his agenda. Nope. It wasn’t him.
I laughed so much at the reveal because it’s Takechi behind the disguise, yet I should have known better. The buildup was the guy bashing him about women being disappointed; somehow I missed that cue. The running gag never fails to make me laugh. Gintoki just pummel him like he is going to finish him off where the War failed to do so.
Once Matako shows up, I was back to focusing on the potential drama for we finally see Kiheitai in the scene again. I was ready for a serious talk with them since Gintoki did encounter Takasugi. But nope, Gintoki got another serious question in mind. He was very curious of Matako, but not actual her, rather her movie counterpart.
Apparently, there was “something” from her towards Shinpachi in the live-action, which is funny because I have the blu-ray copy and I haven’t seen it as of this time of writing. After what Gintoki said, I’m pretty curious now. There’s a good innuendo joke that thankfully the note was written to understand completely. The joke is just him being him but in a funny way. What a way to break the serious moment there.
The chapter shifts back to Shinpachi and his more or less battle against Sougo. He does pretty well for evading all of his attack, so that’s a good progress. He doesn’t fight back because that’s not his intention, which I respect that. Sougo does want to test out his strength after two years for entertainment purposes. Well, that’s one hell of a way to do so.
Perhaps the most interesting aspect is the new insight of the current world that really screams for this arc to be lengthy. Sougo’s “death” is only addressed as a metaphor because realistically, they felt cheated from this world. It’s revealed that the Mafia is practically Shinsengumi; even Saitou is there without a mask. It’s rather clever for Sorachi to somehow made Sougo as the leader without dealing with the ranking within Shinsengumi.
What compelled me is what Sougo said about why he left or “died.” The New Government has been controlling the new state of the world behind the scene and when you look over the past chapters, it really does feel like it’s all been a farce. I’m very impressed that Sorachi didn’t go with the typical route of war ending equals happy ending. Tell me, when was the last time the war aftermath doesn’t result to all peace, no problem?
I find this direction very appealing because not only it is going to be on a personal level than the War portion, but it went with a realistic route of not everything would result happiness. Utsuro wasn’t wrong when he said that life will have many hardship and suffering even without him. This revelation made his words truthful; making a villain credible is worth admiring. Now I really want to know how this would be resolved. This also could connect to the last part of this chapter.
It is funny that despite some truthful words about the lies and conspiracy from the New Government, Sougo has created a new organization that surely doesn’t scream evil. If anything, without the law of Shinsengumi, let alone in general, he is now free to be as sinister as he wants to be. Hell, he’s looking more like the main final villain of the arc; that’s how much darkness he’s showing. There must be more to his agenda behind this Mafia thingy, but right now, he’s a savage beast that wants to kill.
Maybe it’s because of the design, but Kanna is adorable here yet she was being rather thoughtful and taunting in a way towards Sougo. She didn’t feel any bloodlust from him at all, so she didn’t get what’s dangerous about that. Wow, that is some fighting words you’re spouting. Sougo swings his sword at her, but she’s taunting him further while standing on his sword. Sorachi knows how to make a kickass child.
For what it’s worth, the action is pretty neat for what it is. The artwork is solid with choreograph of evasive maneuvers. Kanna was easily dodging his move and even called him a disappointment. She must have motivated him to fight at his best for being reminded of Kagura. Another interesting piece is Sougo dropping another mystery by mentioning “other.” It appears that Katsura won’t be the only target and whoever other is it could be a sign of a real focus coming in play. I’m really absorbed with this new plot.
It’s an appealing approach to have two focuses going at once and it does feel like both are slowly tying-in together. It ends with Gintoki being sincere and somewhat protective for Takasugi. I do like the connection from the last arc with Kiheitai never dissolved; only gone away for a moment. I do hope they reunite to shed the light on why Takasugi left. It’s a bit eerie for Gintoki to not call him living.
The most touching scene is when Gintoki defends Takasugi and it’s not only because of his defense. Despite the hidden feelings behind Takasugi’s action, Gintoki understands his motive or at least has the best idea on why he split up and tries to attract no one’s interest. It’s obvious that he’s trying his way to cleanse his past; it’s just hard to understand his action and why that path.
What really stuck me is not only Gintoki was defending him in a way; he’s actually speaking from his heart because he can relate to him. By that, I mean splitting up from his family. When he reminds himself from his farewell to Yorozuya, there’s that sense of possible regret or action that he must take care of without others to be involved. It’s a past that they feel that the present should not intervene for it is their own personal demon they must cleanse for good.
I seriously love where this is going. We have Shinpachi who is struggling to move forward to a new path while Gintoki is struggling to move forward from his past. That subtle expression of him believing their loved ones stopping them would be the best option speaks volume of his feelings. Two years and they got no real progress in their life. At least Kagura got a child. But seriously, it’s only matter of time for her coming in to bring the balance and hopefully, the payoff will be the best that any series could offer me right now.
The ending is interesting because Gintoki is under attack. Honestly, I thought it was just a one-time moment with Hijikata’s men, but this surprised me that he’s really being targeted. The only question is who. I am grasping the feeling that the New Government may want to wipe him out because maybe we are back to the period before Amanto’s Invasion.
This was a pretty compelling chapter to read with a good amount of comedy moments. It’s good to see Sougo back in action, despite being even more devilish. The art is clean and the comedy is well delivered. The buildup for this arc is getting really interesting. The personal scene with Gintoki is touching and sincere.  I feel that this is going to be a real personal arc and honestly, that’s the best option to end the series with.
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emmetofthestars · 8 months
Yes please!! A summary would be greatly appreciated!! An thanku for the helpful tag,, will be looking forward to a tag for yer blu team if you make one!
ive gone ahead and tagged (most) of my blu art under #emmetsis blu!
i also totally forgot that i have a carrd for my blu team and for two extra ocs... but because its rather empty it makes more sense i write something new. the carrd does have pronouns though.
to be more general first, blu team are my blu merc ocs and they are all clones of red team. along the way of cloning and growing they gained their unique personalities. so while they are clones, they are by now completely different people. as a result of respawn machines being a thing in my story, they all generally do not take death seriously as there are no real consequences to it, aswell as the existance of their medic. i think this is a bit of an important thing to add.
jay is the teams scout. not loud and brash at all, unlike red scout. shes not very enthusiastic about the war and she sees no use in it all. shes a close friend with crawford, and they both hang out and skip out on work. the two of them rarely go places without eachother. she likes lemon soda and sour tastes in general :3
carl is the soldier. unlike his red counterpart he is not confident or headstrong. he fears alot of things from small animals to the outside, aswell as people. he keeps his helmet on desperately as light hurts his eyes to the point of headaches. he always gets alot of scrutiny from charon. while there are sufficient bedrooms at blu base, he instead lives in a windowless storage room, in a sort of pillow-blanket fort.
gary is the pyro. bearing no lick of red pyros bloodlust and arsonist nature, gary does not fight. though they know how to fight back, they do not like seeing people in pain and will never attack first. while they arent an arsonist, they love water to almost a similar destructive degree. they would flood their bedroom to the brim with water, if they could. they like to sit at the bottom of lakes.
achilles is the demo. she does not dabble in explosives, but rather swords. he has a fascination with books in general and books about mythology of all sorts, peculiarly achilles of greek mythology, which they named themselves after. also has a particular fascination with cutting peoples heads off, but not out of malice, just out of pure love to his sword and shield, his half-zatoichi and splendid screen. she thinks shes pretty awesome.
daisy is the heavy. he has the same protective nature over people, and though he looks like a big softie he will not hesitate to strike if he recognizes a threat. but when somebody he trusts hurts him, its hard for him to let go. tries to learn how to knit and anything adjacent. when not, just likes to talk to people or take walks. he does not carry a minigun, he sticks to his shotgun and melee.
minnie is the engie. minnie is minnie. minnie builds mini sentries. sometimes teleporters. rarely dispensers. but mostly mini sentries. minnie can say four words: mini, sentry, teleporter, and dispenser. anything else? tough luck. even then, minnie does not speak enough times for anyone to remember what it sounds like.
charon is the medic. whatever inner issues red medic had manifest strangely in charon. not a very good medic- they dont respond to their teammates cries, charging into battle on their own with secondary and melee. they are extremely (hypo)critical and aggressive, and they get physical fast. however, when they are done screaming about whatever it is that their team has done wrong THIS time, they regret what they did, silently berating themselves. and the very next day, they would scream again, and regret it again. the day after that, and after that. they dont talk to anyone at length, not even achilles. they dont apologize, as they have no faith left in themself.
crawford is the sniper. (ill most often refer to him as crow.) unknowingly a drunkard- she doesnt actually know what alcohol is, just finds it tasty. he is as loving of the outdoors as his red counterpart, particularly of heights. she will climb any high building or abandoned pylon, with no regard to safety or her own life, just to feel the wind in her face. would also eat most foods if hes curious, even something such as pure raw meat- he is not aware that meat needs to be cooked. also a literal night owl. she sleeps at day and is wide awake at night.
iris is the spy. though she does her job as best she can, he is in no way as tenacious as red spy. he rarely disguises, and resorts instead to cloaking with the cloak & dagger. the pressure of their job gets to them, they are hardly energetic and often cant even find the energy to hold long conversations with people, or even say anything - the most she will do is approach people to ask them a technical question, then leave. and as a result of an "incident" with the red medic... its only worsened since then.
wow this was a long one..... i love infodumping.... :) some of this is POSSIBLY bound to change but in general their roles are pretty set in stone. i am still actively writing them though.
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