#you think it makes you special to mock every minor typo
devilat-thedoor · 1 year
leave that baby alone
i don’t care if he repeats the verse 60 times, i will still love it and i will shower him with praise and affection because he is the reason that we get to have greta van fleet.
now go sit in the corner and think about what you did.
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btshogwartsfics · 6 years
Roses and Butterscotch
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Summary: You and Taehyung had always been best friends, that was nothing new. Neither was the endless doubts and questions from your classmates, asking if you two were together. However, after a short conversation with Jimin and Namjoon, the feelings for him that you suddenly can’t control are definitely new... Right?
Pairing: Taehyung x Gryffindor!Reader
Word Count: 8.9k
A/N: Okay, so I finally finished it!! I’ve been really busy this past week and I’ll be very busy this week as well with my exams -I swear I nEVER get a break- but here it is!! One reason it took me so long was because I’ve been working on this alongside my new collab (see post if you don’t know) and because I had planned for it to be around the same length as my Yoongi drabbles... as you can tell once I started actually writing it, things didn’t quite go that way. But I hope the anon who requested this enjoys it as well as anyone else who happens to read it!! I will start on the second request as soon as possible- probably tomorrow. But for now, I will rest. Please ignore any typos or erros, I’m tired but I will (hopefully) edit this and fix them tomorrow!! I’m sorry again that this took so long!
*Alternately titled: Five Times Everyone Thought Taehyung Was Your Boyfriend and One Time He Was*
Something your parents tend to forget is that Hogwarts is a school. Granted it's a bit different from those in the muggle-world, but it's still a school all the same. Hogwarts is a place where educated adults teach adolescents in the hopes of making them great. 
Hogwarts itself is full of hormonal teens and preteens with a few professors here and there. And if you know anything, it's that one thing always follows teenagers; drama. Unfortunately for you, your best friends just so happen to be a rag-tag group of fifteen to seventeen-year-old boys. 
For years, you've wondered how exactly this came to be, but truthfully you don't have an answer. As much as you'd like one, it was just never necessary. Even if you want to throw each and every one of them into the black lake on occasion, you love those idiots to death. You'd never tell them but you wouldn't even trade them for a perfect score on your OWLs. 
However, most people can't seem to get it into their head that you really are just friends. Especially when it comes to your best friend, Taehyung. Admittedly, the two of you are rather close. You'd met him in Diagon Alley a week after receiving your first Hogwarts letter. You were barely eleven then and Taehyung had been all wild bangs and overgrown limbs he hadn't quite gotten used to yet. He was your first friend you'd made in the wizarding world and so there was a certain special type of bond between you. He may have been sorted into Ravenclaw and you Gryffindor, but something you had in common was your thirst for adventure. 
While Taehyung was witty and clever in the oddest (read best) of ways, you tended to be rather spontaneous and impulsive. From the second you'd stepped foot in the castle you formed some sort of dynamic duo. The two of you were constantly running off to places you're not supposed to be to do things you're not supposed to do. The times you spend with Taehyung doing whatever you so please are invariably your favorites. 
Still, with him being a member of the opposite sex, those around you always seem to take it the wrong way. You can hardly smile at the guy without being accused of secretly dating, let alone run off to pull all the pranks you've yet to complete. 
Take yesterday, for example… 
“No, Tae, no.” You huffed as your best friend pouted sullenly, still refusing to use the newt spleen in your potion. “I’m telling you, it’s fine. Professor Slughorn wouldn’t give it to us to use if it was expired.”
Setting the ingredient to his left, out of your reach, he crosses his arms defiantly, peering down at you. “I think I know what I’m talking about, Y/N. It’s not hard to tell when something’s expired.”
“Tae, it looks perfectly fine to me.” You reason, chin up, meeting his stare head on.
Taehyung goes to poke you in the side, knowing full well it’s your tickle spot. You gasp, surprised, and try not to shriek. Really though, you should have known. Taehyung’s always been just a touchy friend.
The taller boy smiles triumphantly and shakes his head knowingly. “You’ve barely even glanced at it, so how would you know?”
You swat his hand away and point an accusatory finger at his chest. Your best friend’s grin simply broadens and you wish you weren’t trying to hide one yourself. “I don’t have to. I doubt our professor would allow us to use expired materials.”
This only seems to fuel more fire to Taehyung’s flame and he doesn’t back down. His dark brown irises are sparkling with a playful mirth and you’re sure that yours mirror them.
“Not unless he doesn’t know.” He smirks, proud of himself. He’s mocking you and you know it, it’s a game you two are always playing. But, of course, he knows you love playing it.
Scoffing, your hands go to your hips. You can’t fight the smile now, but at this point, you don’t really care. “Tae, how on earth would Professor Slughorn not know the quality of his ingredients?”
The boy shrugs lazily, his smile just as lazy. “I don’t know, maybe he just didn’t get around to it when taking inventory, that’s not my problem. I still say that the spleen is expired, though. I mean, have you seen it-”
“Tae, it looks just like the rest of them, I-”
“No it doesn’t and if you looked at it, you would see that-”
“Kim Taehyung, I swear to God I-”
“Woah, woah, woah. What’s going on over here?” Slughorn booms as he crosses the room to stand in front of your little desk. His tired eyes dance across your faces, looking from you to Taehyung. “Is this some sort of lovers’ quarrel? Should I not have allowed you two to be partners?”
You spluttered, your mouth falling open. From your peripheral vision, you could see Taehyung do the same. For a moment Slughorn just stared at you both, a confused expression on his face. Immediately a string of protests leave your lips and Taehyung is quick to follow.
Slughorn just laughs at the two of you, waving off your protests. Your mouths fall closed and he arches an eyebrow. “I’m kidding. So, what was the real reason you two were over here bickering like an old married couple?”
“What? We don’t bicker like an old married couple!” You protest, trying hard not to stomp your feet like a child. Now you’re the one pouting, not completely sure why the assumption bothers you so much.
“Professor, Y/N and I are not together.” The words leave his mouth in a rush as if he couldn’t get them out soon enough. “There is absolutely no way we’re a couple.”
You take a second to properly glare at your friend, to which he shrugs and looks back to your professor.
You lick your lips and try not to sound condescending. “He's right professor, we’re just friends.”
“Either or, the two of you shouldn't have been arguing anyway.” Slughorn sighs, going to rub at his temple. “So, what was the problem?”
“Professor,” Taehyung starts, plastering on a brilliant smile that displays perfectly his set of pearly white teeth. “can you please tell Y/N that this jar of newt spleen is expired. I don't want to die because my partner can't tell the difference.”
Taehyung slides the jar over to him carefully for emphasis, crossing his arms again matter-of-factly. You huff, turning on your heels to set the facts straight. No way was Taehyung right about this, how would he even know the difference, anyway?
“Professor Slughorn, can you please tell Taehyung that the jar is perfectly fine as you’d never allow us to use materials that have gone bad in such an… explosive class.”
Slughorn goes to examine the jar, turning it around in his hands. He brings it up close to his face, inspecting it meticulously. After a minute or so, he walks over and sets the jar on a shelf near his desk.
You frown, confused, unsure as to why he would go all the way to put it there. Why hadn't he just given it back to you? But then you hear Taehyung snicker from beside you and you furrow your brows.
When Slughorn comes back around to your table, you jump to question him about the jar. “Uh, professor, is there something wrong?”
“Actually, I’m afraid there is.” Without pretense, he goes over to the ingredient shelf and grabs another jar, identical to the one he’d just discarded. He sets in onto your table softly.
“Here is a new jar of newt spleen. It appears, Miss Y/L/N, that Mister Kim was right. That jar was expired and I am sorry for the inconvenience. If it weren’t for Mister Kim’s extensive knowledge of this subject, a lot of things could have gone wrong.” You watch in minor disbelief as Slughorn regards Taehyung carefully, his mouth lifting slightly, proudly, at the end. “Ten points to Ravenclaw.”
With that, your professor walks away, sitting back down at his desk in silence. As you blink repeatedly, you tell yourself that this didn’t happen. However, Taehyung doesn’t allow you this as he instantly peers down at you with a smug grin painting his lips. You reluctantly swallow your pride and meet his eyes.
The chocolatey brown things beam at you from above, easing the sting of being wrong just a bit. You’re not truly angry, it was just a little hit to your pride. Besides, how could you be when he looks at you like that? His grin is boxy and his brown bangs are falling flat against his forehead in the messiest of ways, yet all of it’s endearing.
“I don’t wanna say I told you so, but-”
“Fine, fine, I admit; I was wrong.” You groan, but a smile tugs at your face.
He reaches a hand out to ruffle your hair and you glare at how he messes it up. Thankfully though, he does tug a few strands behind your ear to get it out of your face. You just stand there, grinning at each other like the oddballs you are for a few more seconds until you go back to brewing your potion.
To no one’s surprise, you two manage to brew the potion perfectly, though you did almost have to restart when Taehyung tripped and dropped a few of the spleens. Still, nobody had to know…
Just as you and Taehyung were packing your things up for your next classes, Slughorn made his way over to your table again. His face looked slightly apologetic and you wondered what he had to say.
“Miss Y/L/N, Mister Kim, I hope you won’t take my earlier comment so seriously,” Slughorn says, his eyes and tired face showing his sincerity. “I had meant for it to be a compliment.”
You and Taehyung shake your heads simultaneously, both ushering out a series of rebuttals.
“It’s okay, Professor,” Taehyung assures the older man gently. Taehyung’s always liked Slughorn and you have too. He may be a bit absent-minded at times, but he’s kind. “It’s a common mistake actually, so no harm done.”
Taehyung smiles and Slughorn frowns. “People mistake you two for being married?”
Despite your efforts, a laugh bubbles from your throat, eliciting smiles from the two males beside you. “Not quite. They do mistake us for being a couple, though.”
“Ah, I see.” Slughorn nods in understanding and offers you a wave. “I can see why. You two look rather nice together. Well, you better be off, don’t want to be late for your next classes.”
He turns and leaves you and Taehyung, open-mouthed and wide-eyed at your desk, your cauldron still bubbling.
It was only a matter of time before this happened again; two months to be exact… 
This was not how you pictured your Quidditch game going…
You ransacked your bag for the millionth time, scanning over the already seen (and destroyed) set of clothes. You were dressed from head to toe in your Quidditch robes, the waterproof ones because of course, it was raining today. In your haze though, you’re honestly surprised you remembered you had them.
Your mind ran rampant, thoughts of yesterday and the day before all the way back to three weeks ago flood your head. It was slowly driving you insane; wondering where the hell it could be and how in the world you had misplaced it? Throwing aside your other robes and dress tie you’d abandoned after classes finished, you tried again to look through your belongings, hoping against hope you just somehow missed it. For the seventy-fifth time…
“Y/N? What are you doing?” A voice from the hall sounds, male but soft and light, distinct. Jimin. “The match is starting soon, did you lose something?”
Pushing out a reply, you stumble over to see him, wondering if maybe he could help you.
“Jimin, please tell me you’ve seen my pins.” You plead with him as you near, praying to every God you know that he has. The pins, one gold and one a lovely bronze, are the most sentimental and prized gifts you’ve ever received. You had gotten one from your grandmother before she passed away and the other, the bronze one, was a gift exchange with Taehyung and they’re both your lucky charms. You’ve worn them every game since you received them and you’d be damned if you stop now.
Jimin, knowing first hand how much those mean to you, widened his eyes, shock taking over his soft features. “No, I’m sorry, Y/N. I haven’t seen them anywhere.”
You curse, running a hand through your hair worriedly. Taking a deep breath, you can feel yourself becoming more restless by the second. Minute by minute your thoughts are slowly fading into hysteria. You’ve never gone a single game without them and now you have no idea what you’re supposed to do.
In fact, your head was in such disarray that you didn’t even notice when Jimin left. You didn’t see when he came back, accompanied by a taller figure. It was only when a deep voice rang out in your head, seeming to echo off the walls, did you finally stop your erratic breathing.
“Y/N?” His low timbre called out, already coming to stand in front of you. You look up at Taehyung immediately and his eyes soften as he sees the worry in yours. He lifts his arms up to hold you steadily in place. “Are you okay?”
Staring at him at this moment, concern flashing down at you from inside his chocolate orbs, you are only able to shake your head silently. Taehyung licks his lips, a nervous habit, and takes you into his arms. Instantly you go to bury your head into the crook of his neck where it meets his shoulder. Having shared many hugs over the years you’ve known each other, you’re not surprised when your body folds and fits perfectly against his.
“I can’t find them, Tae.” You whimper, your voice muffled by his heavy raincoat. Your arms, which are wound around his waist, tighten as you speak. “The pins are gone, Tae. They’re just gone.”
Taehyung just nods calmly and pulls away from your embrace to cup your cheeks with his large palms. When you drag your gaze to meet his, he smiles gently, a genuine fondness seeping through. Without a word, Taehyung reaches into his coat and removes his own pin. Unlike yours, which is bronze and in the shape of a rose, his is silver and looks more like a star.
You frown, not quite understanding until he carefully pries open your palm and presses the pin into it. By now Jimin has left, sparing you some privacy and you stare, dazed, at the pin he had just given you.
Your friend rolls his eyes at your confused state, but not without offering you a kind smile. “Take it, Y/N.” He probes sweetly, urging you to wear it. “At least until you find yours.”
You look down at the pin and then back to Taehyung. He’s still grinning, completely content with just handing you something he’s kept close to him for almost five years now.
You shake your head, handing the pin back to him. “Tae, I can’t. It’s yours, you should keep it.”
He scoffs, going to push it back into your hands, but then decides against it. Instead, he reaches out to pin it on the front of your robes. “Nonsense.” He refutes, jutting his lower lip in a faux pout. “You’re the one who gave it to me in the first place, so it’s only fair.”
You want to refuse again. You want to remove it from your robes and insist he take it back. This pin means as much to Taehyung as yours do to you. He’s never allowed anyone to even touch it before. Many of his friends and housemates have admired it and asked to hold it or look at it more closely, but Taehyung refuses every time. He says that they’d ruin it or lose it and doesn’t even give them the chance. To think that now he’s allowing you to wear it, on the Quidditch pitch no less, is pretty shocking to you.
But definitely very sweet.
The silver pin shines proudly on your chest, reflecting nicely off the sunlight streaming in through the flap of the Quidditch tent. It looks nicer on Taehyung, but you suppose it’s not too bad. Thinking you should probably say something, you look up to find that your friend is shining brighter than the pin. That’s not too surprising, though, he always had a knack for that.
Clearing your throat, you look back up at the Ravenclaw, but your words fall short. You wrack your brain for the right thing to say, but nothing comes to mind. Taehyung’s looking at you expectantly now, and so you say all that you can.
“Thank you.”
He seems to sense the sincerity behind those two words -of course, he would- because he just nods, going in for another quick hug. It’s as you release each other that Jimin peeps back into the tent.
“Hey, uh, the match is starting, Y/N.” He mutters, unsure if everything has been resolved yet. “You ready to go?”
Taehyung grins and nods and you mimic the motion. “Yeah, I’m good. Thanks, Jimin.”
Taehyung wishes you both luck and quickly leaves the tent and you join the rest of your team out on the pitch. They all begin to clap as you and Jimin near and a swell of pride blossoms in your chest. Instantly your mood is lifted, though in large part to Taehyung, seeing them so supportive of you definitely helps.
You and Jimin fit yourselves into the little huddle, bending down to rest your hands on your knees. But being you, of course, your luck wouldn’t be that great…
“...so then we come from behind Hufflepuff and-”
“-is that Taehyung’s pin?”
You look down to where your teammate, Jungyeon, was staring directly at the silver pin strapped to your chest. The rest of your housemates follow suit, zeroing in on the object in question. A chorus of gasps and whispers sound around your team circle, making you sigh. You were supposed to be getting ready for a Quidditch match, not gossiping about you and Taehyung.
“Oh my God, it is!” Lisa remarks, earning a nod from Jungyeon.
“How did you get that?”
“Did he give that to you? Really?”
“Wow, he never lets anybody touch that thing!”
“I knew it! You guys are dating, aren’t you!”
That particular comment makes you stop and you groan, rubbing at your temples. Of course, their immediate thought would be that you’re dating your best friend. You should have known, really, it happens all the time.
“No, we’re not dating, but that isn’t even important right now!” You conclude, your voice firm. “Right now we need to be getting ready for this match. We can talk about anything you guys want after, but not now.”
You didn’t mean it, of course, the last thing you’d want to do is repeat over and over that you and Taehyung are not dating. You do it regularly anyway, so you’d rather not do it if you didn’t have to. You only said that to satisfy them enough to get them to focus.
That seems to do the trick because they all nod before allowing Jimin to continue explaining their plays. Finally, after what feels like forever, you get on your brooms and lift off into the air. With Taehyung’s pin, you feel a little more confident than you thought you would, and you hope it helps you win this match.
It does. After your seeker, Chanyeol, catches the snitch, Gryffindor wins by fifty points. Hoseok took the defeat well, even going as far as to give you a congratulatory hug, but that was to be expected. That boy’s heart is softer than cotton and you’re glad that he’s your friend.
It’s not until you see Taehyung in the crowd, adorned head to toe in blue, that you feel a rush of joy and appreciation. You excuse yourself from your teammates and Hoseok, beelining straight for the taller boy.
He sees you approaching and he beams, big and wide. Suddenly you can’t get there fast enough and your stride breaks out into a run. You had left your broom in the capable hands of Jimin, so you don’t have to worry about dropping it in the slushy mud when you round on Taehyung, reaching over the stand to wrap your arms around his neck.
Laughter slips off from your lips easily and you can hear Taehyung chuckle, himself. It rings in your ears and reverberates inside your head, the honeyed melody a tune you’ll never forget. As you continue to hug him, you can hear the hardly masked whispers of people trying to poke themselves into your love life. Whispers of rumors and dates and even a few “i-told-you-so”’s but you could care less.
Taehyung was the best best friend in the world. You just wanted to make sure he knew that.
You rested your head on your hand, blinking rapidly to keep yourself from falling asleep. McGonagall sits at her desk, probably trying to finish her mountain of paperwork, while the class seems to be under a silencing charm. No one says a word, the only sound that can be heard is the scratching of quills against parchment.
You stare at your blank parchment resentfully, not at all feeling up to finishing the assignment the class had been given. That is until it was no longer blank.
whatcha doing??
You rolled your eyes, looking back over your shoulder to Taehyung who was simply grinning at you expectantly.
well i'm trying to do my work
You stop, choosing your next words carefully.
and i would appreciate it if you didn’t use our journal to bother me
You can practically feel the wave of judgment coming from Taehyung behind you. You don’t need to look to see that he is scoffing.
The item that the two of you had dubbed ‘Your Journal’ was two separate journals which you had enchanted to copy any written words down directly into the other. You kept it on you at all times seeing as cell phones were only allowed after class hours and on the weekends. Of course, that doesn’t keep some from trying to sneak them in every so often but you wouldn’t risk McGonagall’s wrath.
liar, he writes, you and i both know that you were just staring out the window you're not doing anything
not true, i was daydreaming
pfft, either way you weren't doing your work. period.
okay so maybe i wasn't but what was so important that you had to interrupt said daydreaming??
oh yeah, guess what i heard jin hyung say while he tried flirting with elise today??
oh dear god pls tell me he didn't use one of those stupid puns
can't say that Y/N
what did he say this time??
you think you’re ready??
yes i'm pretty sure
if you were a dementor i’d become a criminal just to get your kiss
…he didn't
oh but he did
that's pathetic he needs to stop!! i'm embarrassed
i don't know about that i thought it was pretty funny
...yeah okay i guess you're right
…hey Y/N guess what??
your smile is like expelliarmus, simple but disarming
You look up to make sure McGonagall isn’t paying any attention to you before you turn to glare at Taehyung. However, it becomes clear to you that doing so is moot when all you see in return is his blindingly square smile. He looks almost proud of himself, his grin soon turning into a smirk and something he knows you can’t refuse; a challenge. You narrow your eyes, he goes back to the journal.
bet you can't beat that
really?? you're seriously challenging me right now??
you think i won't do it??
nope cause you're a coward
You bristle to yourself, trying hard to reign in your pride. Taehyung knows you wouldn’t be able to resist if he made it personal. He knew attacking your pride would set you off, but you refuse to let him win…
you can have the portkey to my heart
Taehyung cleared his throat behind you, more than likely covering for those giggles he has when he gets his way. You don’t even have to turn around to know that he’s looking very smug right now.
did you make me your horcrux? because my heart stopped when I met you
are you a snitch? cause you're the finest catch here
did you survive avada kedavra? cause you're drop dead gorgeous
do you play quidditch? cause you're definitely a keeper
i don't need the mirror of erised to know that you're everything i desire
did you use relashio? cause there’s sparks between us
It’s hard to hold back your laughter. The sheer and utter stupidity of your contest dawns on you like bricks, but what weighs even heavier on your mind is the fact you don't even care. Taehyung distracted you from your boring classwork and really, you were thankful for that. You needed it.
You peek a glance over to your best friend, finding that his body is wracked with barely contained giggles and laughter. If you could see yourself, you were sure you mirrored him.
“Mister Kim, Miss Y/L/N, mind sharing what exactly is so funny with the rest of the class?”
The loud, familiar voice of your Head of House boomed from her new position at the front of the room. Internally, you facepalm, knowing better than to be out right giggling about anything in class. You look up slowly, McGonagall’s piercing stare looking back at you, waiting to be answered. Sparing at glance back over at Taehyung, you see that he’s just as caught off guard.
The both of you shake your heads, letting out a simultaneous, “No, Professor,”
“Well, I don’t really think you have a choice,” She insists, gesturing to her side. “Come up here, please, and bring those journals with you.”
The two of you shuffle over to the front of the class, your heads down and hanging with shame. When you reach your professor, she holds her hand out for one of the journals. Being closest, you place yours in her palm and she adjusts her spectacles so read it.
She clears her throat, a single eyebrow arching up. “So, Miss Y/L/N, Mister Kim has the, as you so eloquently put it, portkey to your heart?” You cringe, already hearing the whispers start to spread as your classmates gossip amongst themselves, but McGonagall does not stop there. “And Mister Kim, not needing to have the Mirror of Erised to know that Miss Y/L/N is everything you desire is quite poetic...”
By now, almost every student is beaming with satisfaction, having heard all of this first-hand. You have no doubts that rumors -are they really rumors if they’re true- of this whole debacle will have spread to every house by lunch. Hell, rumors about you and Taehyung have been spread for much less than this. You will never be able to live this down.
McGonagall takes ten points from Gryffindor and Ravenclaw and then gives you both detention after school today. However, one measly detention and a few house points aren’t what you’re worried about. If it was you’d have given up adventure a long time ago. You’re more concerned with the new rumors about you and your best friend.
Though, if you’re being entirely honest, what concerns you the most is why they don’t seem to bother you as much as they did before, especially when he smiles at you like that. 
When you woke up this morning, you expected to go to Hogsmeade, have a great time with your friends and roommate, Yeri, and then cram your last few pieces of unfinished homework in at midnight before Monday.
You certainly weren’t expecting to land yourself in the Hospital Wing.
Things just hadn’t gone to plan. You and Hoseok were just supposed to trudge ahead to grab a table at The Three Broomsticks while everyone else remained behind to finish their shopping. You weren’t supposed to run into the infamous Hogwarts pureblood supremacist, Declan Coil. You hadn’t meant to get into an argument with him, and really, you hadn’t meant to hit him with Expulso, but you also hadn’t expected to be targeted with two stunning spells by his friends nearby.
All in all, it really wasn’t supposed to go that way. Hoseok disarmed the remainder of his friends and then fled to get your professors once the rest of your friends returned. You definitely hadn’t planned on getting an earful from McGonagall any time soon, either.
“Just what were you thinking? Engaging in a duel in the middle of Hogsmeade,” Your professor reprimanded her hands on her hips. “You know that doing so is strictly forbidden! You’re very lucky, Miss Y/L/N, that he only suffered minor injuries or else your impending punishment would be much more severe.”
Your short temper was bubbling, rising with every muttered word of hers. You knew it would be best for you to stay silent, to take the words you knew you deserved, but you just couldn’t sit there and allow yourself to be belittled.
“I’m sorry, professor, truly, I am, but I couldn’t just stand there and let him get away with the things he was saying,” You interrupted with a start, shocking even Madam Pomfrey who had been adjusting your pillows. “Maybe I shouldn’t have attacked him, and for that, I apologize, but I refuse to let him mock and poke fun at people who have just as much right to be here as he does.”
It’s silent, neither of the grown women next to you saying a single word. Madam Pomfrey dismisses herself to tend to Declan himself, while McGonagall stares at you pensively, her worry lines prominent. You wait a moment, your mind running rampant before she speaks.
“Detention for two weeks and five points from Gryffindor,” She says with finalty, her eyes never leaving you.
However, you perk your head up, a small smile tugging at your lips. She notices this and offers one of her own. ‘While I still do not, under any circumstance, your actions from today, I can see that your heart was in the right place.” The older Gryffindor points a slender finger in your direction, her expression somehow serious and teasing. “Next time just make sure your wand is also in the right place, Miss Y/L/N.”
“Yes, professor,” You nod, feeling as if a weight had been lifted off your chest.
McGonagall makes her leave and not even seconds later all of your friends are bombarding you with questions. You smile as Hoseok apologizes for not acting sooner, while Jin commends you on your gusto, and Yeri promising to bring you your favorite blanket to sleep with over the course of the next week.
In the midst of it all, you see Taehyung in the back, grinning at you with that mischievous glint in his beautiful brown eyes. He looks proud and accepting and you smile back at him with earnest, your thoughts racing a mile a minute as they wonder; why is your heart beating just as fast?
The Hospital Wing is quietly in the late afternoon, the warm hues of sunlight filtering in through the glass windows. Aside from you, every resident is asleep, napping in hopes to rid themselves of their boredom. Being in a large white room for hours on end tends to drive a person insane. Thankfully, you have your friends.
As of now, you have company in the form of Taehyung, who himself lies asleep against the end of your cot. His Care of Magical Creatures textbook is left open, the rarely assigned homework forgotten in the pages. His brown bangs fall just above his eyes, falling flat against his forehead as he sleeps. Every so often his long eyelashes flutter, trembling against his cheekbone.
You smile, thankful that he had come at all, even if he fell asleep while trying to finish his homework. He had left the Hospital Wing later last night than usual, having raved on about Transfiguration class longer than he’d intended. Therefore, he hadn’t been able to finish it, so he spread it out on your cot the second walked in today, claiming that he would not tolerate any distractions until it was complete.
It’s Friday now, two days until you’re due to finally leave the monochromatic wing. If it wasn’t for Taehyung visiting you every day while you were here, you’re sure your stay would have been absolutely unbearable. Of course, the rest of your friends had come to see you as often as often as they could, but Taehyung had made it a point to come every day.
“You’re staring,” A voice says to your right.
You whip around to see Jimin and Namjoon making your way over to you and Taehyung, the latter struggling to carry four books at a time while the former wiggles his eyebrows with a smirk. You roll your eyes at your fellow lion, but ultimately decide to hold your finger up to your lips in the universal hush gesture, not wanting them to wake Taehyung.
The two boys peek to see the sleeping beauty and silently concede, tiptoeing the rest of their walk over. They pull up stools to sit around you, being careful not to disturb the Ravenclaw boy. They say nothing and you’re about to return to your own Potions homework when Jimin pipes up.
“You’re drooling, Y/N,” He jests, grinning when you gift him a sneer.
“Am not, shut up,”
“Y/N, it’s okay,” Jimin laughs lightly, still trying to keep his voice down. “It’s not like it was much of a secret that you love him. He’s probably the only person who doesn’t know.”
He was only whispering, but you heard it as loud as if he’d screamed it. “Wh-what? No, I don’t!” You argue, the protest sounding weak and confused even to your own ears. “Th-that’s crazy.”
Jimin’s brow arches and he opens his mouth to retort, but it’s not him who answers. “No, it’s not,” Namjoon declares quietly so as not to wake up his friend.
You blanch for a second, surprised that Namjoon would say such a thing, especially considering he usually likes to stay out of these sort of things. “What do you mean? Yes, it is,”
Namjoon puts his book down and pushes his glasses back up his nose. “No, Y/N, it’s not,” He pushes, his tone anything but kidding. “Don’t tell me you’ve never thought about Taehyung as more than a friend, we all see the way you look at him.”
“And how is that?”
“The same way he looks at you.”
Your mouth falls closed, words seeming to fail you. You try to snark back, but there’s nothing you can say. As much as you hate to admit it, even to yourself, he’s right. You don’t deny as many rumors as you do without wondering every so often what it would be like if they were true. You also hate that, suddenly, the thought doesn’t seem so bad.
You avert your gaze and Namjoon and Jimin grin victoriously. “So I assume I’m right?” Namjoon gloats good-naturedly.
“No,” You lie, but you all know that it’s entirely unconvincing. You hold tight onto your small shred of dignity, even if you know it’s a losing battle and one that you wouldn’t mind losing.
“Are you sure?” Jimin presses all too knowingly.
They nod as if understanding and each goes back to their own activities. Namjoon opens his book back up and Jimin turns his attention to his Defense homework. They leave you alone with your thoughts and you sneak a glance at Taehyung’s still sleeping form. Your heart flutters and your mind reels.
Were you really in love with Taehyung?
Your laugh shook your entire core and you collapse into Taehyung’s body as you open the door to The Three Broomsticks.
The warmth immediately envelops you and you take in a deep breath of the familiar scent. The Three Broomsticks has always been something of a safe haven, at least in spirit. So much drama happens here that you and Taehyung could do anything and still not be anyone’s top priority.
You and Taehyung grabbed one of the only tables left available, which just so happened to be directly in the middle of the establishment, right where you wanted to be.
You two made sure to say hello to any and all staff and students you came across. You played nice with anyone who tried to make conversation and ordered butterbeer, but most importantly, you made sure you were seen.
“...no way,” You shook your head, refusing to believe what he was saying.
Taehyung nodded a smile on his face which contradicts his ‘serious’ claim. “I’m telling you, Flitwick was so mad. He even took fifteen points from Slytherin.”
You stuck your nose up with a laugh. “Serves him right,” You play. “I bet his housemates weren’t happy about that. I know Yoongi and Jungkook certainly wouldn’t be.”
Taehyung grins. “They weren’t.”
The two of you just sit there for a moment, smiling at each other like morons. You bow your head, your cheeks becoming hot. Ever since that incident in the Hospital Wing with Namjoon and Jimin last month, you’ve found yourself blushing a lot more around Taehyung than you ever have before. The words that they said resonate in your head like light bouncing off a mirror and you can’t seem to get rid of them.
Out of nowhere, Taehyung reaches his hand out and gently tucks some hair back behind your air. His hand lingers there for a moment and your eyes seem unable to stray from his.
It’s at this moment Jungkook and Jimin nonchalantly breeze through the door, their eyes immediately finding yours and they make their way over. They don’t spare anyone a look as they pull up two more chairs to sit around you. Jungkook levels you with an easy stare.
“It’s done,” He grins, to which all three of your faces proceed to match. “We did it.”
“You did?” Taehyung asks, excited. “It’s all done?”
Jimin nods proudly. “Professor Bang didn’t even know it was coming.”
The four of you share a look and giggle to yourselves. It’s then that chaos comes. The door bursts open and your Defense professor storms through it, looking for two specific faces. His gaze sweeps the room until it lands on you and Taehyung. He stomps his way over to your table which now occupies four, but he doesn’t pay Jimin and Jungkook any mind.
Instead, he stops in front of you two, nearly slamming his fist down on the table. “How did you do it?” He seethes, almost getting spit in your face.
You make a show of wiping it off before giving him your best confused expression. “What?”
“You know what I mean, Miss Y/L/N,” He replies, his frustration evident. He points to Taehyung, who offers him a similar distressed look. “So do you, Mister Kim!”
By now people had begun to watch things unfold, wondering what on earth their professor could be babbling on about, and why it was so important to come all the way out to Hogwarts to confront you about it.
“Professor,” Taehyung licks his lips, feigning hesitance and uncertainty. “We have no idea what you’re talking about?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about, Kim!” He shouts, enraged, but this only gains giggles from the four of you. “The pixies! How did you get them in my office?”
You tilt your head, the picture of confusion. “What do you mean, professor? There are pixies in your office?”
“Yes there are and you and Mister Kim put them there, don’t even try to deny it! It has your signature pranks written all over it!”
“Professor, I-”
“Professor Bang,” An older Hufflepuff taps his shoulder, grimacing when he turns around startlingly close to her face.
“What?” He snaps, not liking having been interrupted.
“Y/N and Taehyung didn’t do it,” She stresses kindly, looking at you two for a moment before looking back. “They were here in Hogsmeade the whole time on their date.”
“Our what?” You and Taehyung say together, unintended. You spare a glance at each other, but seeing as this isn’t the first time this has happened and most definitely not the last, you shrug it off and look back to the Hufflepuff.
“What?” Bang questions, not convinced. “They were here?”
The Hufflepuff nods. “Yes, they’ve been right here, professor, for hours.”
“Then who could have released the pixies into my office?” The Hufflepuff shrugs but goes back to her seat. Bang looks around but settles his glare onto Jimin and Jungkook. “Was it you two?”
The boys shake their heads, looking offended. “We just got out of the detention you gave us, professor. Even if we wanted to we wouldn’t have the time.” Jungkook, the words rolling off his tongue effortlessly.
With an angered frown, he turns on his heel and leaves the pub, buying Jungkook’s excuse without a second thought. You all grin to yourselves, triumphant.
“Thank God that worked,” Jimin sighed once he was gone, but his smirk never left him. “I would’ve never done you two another favor ever again if he caught us.” You wave him off, ignoring his dramatics.
“Pay up,” Jungkook orders, never one to beat around the bush. “I did my part, those pixies are fucking brutal.”
You sigh, but you and Taehyung proceed to give Jungkook and Jimin their promised reward. However, as you go to hand Jungkook his galleons, Taehyung stops you, giving him a large bag of candy from Honeydukes. You frown and Jungkook takes this as a gesture to explain.
“I kinda, maybe, sorta got banned from Honeydukes for the rest of the year,” He shrugs, rubbing the back of his neck with an awkward laugh. “So instead of the money, I asked for some candy.”
“How did you- nevermind. I don’t want to know,” You say, knowing by now that it’s best to just nod along. “Just keep it away from me.”
“You don’t like sweets?” Jimin inquires with a gasp as if you’d said something horrid or gruesome.
You sigh, shaking your head. “No, I just prefer the muggle sweets. They’re much less…” You scrunch your nose. “...lively.”
Jungkook scoffs in disgust. “That’s boring, I bet they taste so bland.”
“They do not!” You deny, flicking his forehead and earning a glare from the Slytherin boy. “They taste just fine.”
“Oh yeah?” Jungkook pesters, knowing that it’ll just rile you up.
“Butterscotch.” Taehyung answers for you, pointing a finger to your two empty glasses. “That’s why she likes butterbeer so much. Haven’t you noticed that she drinks it all the time?”
Jungkook and Jimin are quiet as they look from you, Taehyung, to the glasses on your table. They shake their heads, and Taehyung rolls his eyes, as if disappointed, but continues to mess around with them anyway.
You find yourself trying with all your might to stop your fickle heart from soaring. It wasn’t a surprise that Taehyung knew your favorite candy, hell you’re pretty sure you’d told him exactly that before. Taehyung’s perceptive and never forgets little details, it’s one of the reasons he’s able to stay on top of all his classes despite falling asleep in half of them. However the fact that he remembered your favorite candy and that you preferred muggle sweets is causing your heart to skip a beat.
You realize that you’ve zoned out and you tune back in just in time to hear Jungkook mutter about how butterscotch is stupid and wizarding candy is still ‘funner’. You waste no time in giving his forehead another flick. 
It was Valentine’s Day.
All around Hogwarts there were high spirits. There were bouquets of flowers and boxes filled with chocolate. Everywhere you looked spirits were high and smiles were bright. You couldn’t even turn a corner without witnessing some confession or another. The hope and high expectations were practically in the air around you and it was almost sickeningly sweet.
And you hate it.
Usually, you’re not one to hate Valentine’s Day at all. Usually, you and Taehyung, along with anyone else who decides to tag along, take this opportunity to play pranks. While all the professors are distracted by the lovesick students (and the students with each other), it’s the prime time to pull ‘practical jokes’ without being detected. Unfortunately for you, Taehyung is nowhere to be seen.
You hadn’t seen him at breakfast today, nor did you see him in the halls. You asked Namjoon if he was still in his dorm or his common room, but he was strangely tight-lipped. According to others, no one else had seen him yet today either, it was as if he had disappeared. He wasn’t on the train to Hogsmeade or Hogsmeade at all. He hadn’t said a single word to you since yesterday and to say you were angry was an understatement.
The day has gone by faster than you remember. You had just eaten dinner with Jungkook and Yoongi, seeing as everyone else had a date- or had yet to be heard from, and now you’re simply sitting alone in the owlery, sending off your latest letter to your parents.
Even if you and Taehyung were just friends, something you've been doubting these past few months, the two of you always made sure you never spent a time like Valentine's Day alone. He's never gone silent on you before, not once. Even on the very few occasions you two had been on the outs, he always made sure to talk to about the problem. Taehyung was never one for the silent treatment, something you'd been thankful for. But for the first time since you met him, he's nowhere to be found and you can't help but wonder if there was something you did to cause this.
You're aware that there are other people in his life and other things that could have set him off, but immediately your mind wanders to the worst case scenario. You wonder if something you'd done recently had made him angry or upset, but nothing unusual came up. The only thing that was different from normal was that he’d been a bit fidgety lately. Taehyung was just naturally restless though, so you hadn't paid it any mind. Now you wonder if you should've.
Currently, your owl, Casper, coos at you, his snowy feathers ruffling. You swear it’s almost as if he smiles at you and if nothing else, you take comfort from that. It makes you sad to send him off now, knowing that he was probably the best company you’ve had all day.
It’s then, as you wave goodbye to Casper, that you hear footsteps. They sound rushed and frequent as if whoever it is were running your way. You listen until they get closer and closer until they’re right outside the owlery. Your brows furrow, but you press yourself against the wall, waiting to see who would be joining you.
The footsteps stop for a moment and you almost think that they left, but then a tall figure steps through the archway; a familiar figure.
“Tae?” You ask, to which your friend turns around, eyes wide and startled.
He laughs nervously. “Oh, hi Y/N.”
Taehyung smiles awkwardly and shifts his weight from one foot to the other. Your temper snaps.
“Where have you been?” You shout, being unable to hold your tongue. Taehyung flinches, but he doesn’t seem very surprised. “I’ve been looking for and trying to get a hold of you all day! We always spend Valentine’s together, but Tae you literally just vanished! What the hell happened?”
Maybe you were overreacting, maybe you were taking it a bit too far. In all reality, there’s probably a very reasonable explanation for it all and even if there isn’t, what does it matter to you? It’s not like you’re his girlfriend…
But maybe you want to be.
Taehyung nods, more to himself than you, and takes a deep breath. Your normally high curiosity is just climbing the more you fum, your anger and frustration driving it. Your chest rises and falls as he seems to pick and choose his words carefully, impatiently awaiting whatever excuse he has for ditching you out of nowhere for the first time in five years.
Without any pretense, he lifts his hands up into your line of sight and your breath catches in your throat.
You don’t know how you hadn’t seen it before, maybe you were going blind, but it’s unmistakable now. There, clasped tightly in his shaking hands, is a beautiful set of red roses and a golden covered box.
You just stare at them, dumbfounded, as Taehyung begins to sweat in his spot. After a minute or so without any movement, he clears his throat, stealing your attention back to his handsome face.
His lips lift upward uncomfortably, anxiously, and he refrains from rubbing the back of his neck. “I, uh- I didn’t know what your favorite flowers were, but I saw these and they reminded me of your rose pin. Plus they were red and I knew you’d appreciate that so I-”
“They’re beautiful,” You reply, effectively cutting off his ramblings. His eyes snap up to yours, soft and warm and calming; relieved. He smiles and you can’t help but do the same.
“Really?” He asks, hopeful but uncertain, and absolutely adorable. You giggle and nod, unable to express yourself with words, they wouldn’t do your joy justice now, anyway. His whole body seems to sag with relief. “Oh thank God, I thought I’d have to end up giving them to Jin hyung to use for whichever girl he wants to impress this time. I thought you’d hate them-”
You shake your head, closing the small distance between you two so you can grab the hand wrapped around the roses. His mouth snaps shut and a blush rises to both your cheeks. Happiness and joy flood your chest and you swear it’s the most you’ve ever felt at once. You look down, eyeing the golden box.
“What’s in the box?”
For a second the Ravenclaw looks confused before he seems to remember himself and he holds the roses out for you to take. You grab them, heeding his mumbled warning about the thorns and quickly settling your fingers in a clear spot on the stems.
His eyes flick up to you, the ginormous grin on his face almost seems painted on, like it will never fade away. Gripping the lid, he removes the top and you release a gasp, your free hand coming on instinct to cover your mouth.
“Butterscotch!” You exclaim, immediately digging into the box to grab a candy, popping one into your mouth. The buttery sweet taste instantly flared on your taste buds. “How did you get them? I’ve been looking for years, but they don’t sell them in Hogsmeade.”
Taehyung grins, proud and confident. “Turns out McGonagall has quite the liking for them, too.”
You stare at him, your heart in your chest swelling with love and admiration for the boy in front of you. His cheeks and nose are pink from the cold, the snow falling in clumps around you both, and you shiver, but not from the snow. Without a second thought, you lunge forward and wrap your hands around his neck, careful not to shuffle the roses too much.
Taehyung stumbles back slightly, frozen in place before his arms snake around your waist, hugging you to him tightly. You’ve had many hugs over the years, but you have to say this one is the best by far. He nuzzles his nose into your hair while you nuzzle yours into his neck. He’s warm and strong and in his arms, you feel protected, like nothing else in the world matters.
You pull back just enough to place on tender kiss on his lips. It’s short and sweet, but perfect in every way.
He blinks, dazed, but his face breaks out into another grin and you’re positive that it’s the best thing you’ve ever seen.
“Y/N?” He whispers, his breath coming out as a puff on condensation in the cold weather. You hum, your hands wrapping around the collar of his coat. “Will you be my Valentine?”
You cock your head to the side, pretending to contemplate your answer. “I think I have a better idea.”
His eyebrow raises, a smirk taking the place of his boxy grin. “Oh yeah? And what’s that?”
“I could be your girlfriend,” You murmur, your lips just barely grazing his, confidence coming off of you in waves.
Your best friend kisses you again, just a peck, but it was enough to make your heart melt. Since when did you become one of those lovesick fools? “I think that’s the best idea you’ve ever had.”
Oh yeah, since you met your best friend.
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