#you think it’s funny to end your story with a cliffhanger mpreg surprise
simmersofia · 5 months
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Kale: Woah! What happened to your hair??!!
Johnny: I shaved it all off in a panic spiral.
K: I thought you were gonna pee on a stick.
K: Just do it, you’ll feel better once we know. And since you refuse to go to a doctor, this is the best we can do in this situation.
J: It’s positive, K.
K: Oh my—
J: My life is over. I’m a freak of nature. They’re gonna wanna do all sorts of freaky tests on me, Caleb! I can’t deal with puking, what if there’s puking involved?? How is this thing coming OUT??! I wanted to travel to Tomarang sometime, what if I never get to go there now? People say you can travel with a baby, but they are all lying!
K: Hey, baby, calm down.
J: I’m not ready to be a dad, Kale.
K: We’re gonna be parents, Johnny. Together.
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