#you were mythtaken ( memes. )
starkrevolution · 7 years
Holiday Fanfiction
So, @must-be-mythtaken, I promised you a holiday fic. I’ve been fighting and struggling with words for days on end... but this is what I’ve got.
“Mm, my feet are cold,” The statement resonated with surprising ease throughout the Avengers’ compound common room. It was followed by a long whine as Tony Stark inelegantly stretched himself out on the sectional sofa and looked around to see if any of his fellow team mates were around to notice. The only present witness – James Rhodes – cocked an eyebrow from the kitchen.
“You want some cheese with that whine, Tony?” Rhodey asked dryly as he dropped a few mini marshmallows into a cup of hot chocolate.
“You want to use a joke from this century?” Stark countered, propping himself up on one elbow. “And bring me a mug of that?”
Rhodes rolled his eyes as he strolled over to the couch and gestured for Tony to move. “You’ve got two legs and a heartbeat. Get it yourself.”
“No. Get it for me.” He grinned and prodded at the taller man’s leg with his foot. “That’s what you’d do if you loved me.”
“Good thing I think you suck, then.” Came the simple reply as Rhodey took a nice, long sip of his hot chocolate, kicked his feet up on the coffee table, and admired the Christmas Tree across the room. “You got any plans for Christmas?”
“You’d think so, but nah. I have to attend a charity gala, but other than that…” Stark trailed off and rolled onto his side, propping his head on the arm rest. “Everyone’s got plans. Family, friends, you know.”
“So? Come with me this year. Mom hasn’t seen you in ages. She asks about you all the time, you know. You’re doing a terrible job being the adopted rich white son she never had.”
Tony rubbed his face, laughing slightly. “Yeah, but here’s the thing. Somebody once told me: Hands off my macaroni. Milwaukee pasta bandit found dead. He was picking up his gun with his finger and his thumb raising up pointed straight at his forehead.”
That goddamn meme is stuck in my head and I’m like five seconds away from blowing my brains out because I started six different fics and I still couldn’t get anywhere. Why? Because IT KEEPS HAPPENING.
I love you but I get a -10 at Christmas apparently.
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angrydragon90 · 7 years
30 Questions Tag Meme
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 30 people ! I was tagged by @fivefootxo
1. Nickname: Paigey, Petri Paige (I was conceived in a petri dish, you’re welcome), Princess Purple Paige 2. Gender: Female 3. Star sign: Aquarius (I can’t do the cool symbol for it) 4. Height: 5′4 5. Time: 11:21am 6. Birthday: January 29th  7. Favorite bands: I’m not sure I can answer. I love way too many bands and artists. I’m currently listening to Delta Rae, Dorothy, Ghost B.C., Diemonds, and Hailee Steinfeld a lot so yeah very eclectic.  8. Favorite solo artists: See above lol 9. Song stuck in my head: Most Girls by Hailee Steinfeld 10. Last movie i watched: Miss India America 11. Last show i watched: Lucha Underground 12. When did i create my blog: I’m pretty sure some time in 2009, but I didn’t use it right away. 13. What do i post: Fucking everything that sparks my interest. I go through phases of posting a bunch of time subject for a while then move to another then come back and so on. 14. Last thing i googled: How to spell Hailee Steinfeld... 15. Do you have other blogs: I have one made where I want to try to post fanfiction on, but haven’t posted anything yet. 16. Do you get asks: Not really, no. 17. Why did you choose this blog name? I love dragons and the name just sounded good to me. 18. Blogs you are following:240 19. Followers: 560 20. Favorite colours: Purple, blue, and green 21. Average hours of sleep: I probably average about 6-8hrs a night. 22. During the school year lucky number: I haven’t been in school in years. 23. Instruments: I sing though not trained, and I can still sort of play bass guitar. 24. What am I wearing: Black yoga pants, sneakers, and my navy blue work polo.  25. How many blankets I sleep with: Depends on the time of year, 1 during the summer and 2 during the winter 26. Dream job: I honestly have no idea anymore. 27. Dream trip: Greece! 28. Favorite food: Sushi (Fucking addicted to that shit) 29. Nationality: American trash lol 30. Favorite song now: Heavy - Linkin Park & Kiiara (RIP Chester)
30 people to tag is damn, but I’ll try: @fivefingers-through-fire @crookedmoonsaultpunk @captainzetterbeard @victoriaaaaamart @queerchubbyvegan @crinklecutfry @iamsuchaleo @iamthewolff @pinkyhuxy @justaworminsearchoffreewifi @gilliansxisland @impossiblyluckyvxi @everyusernameistakensoyeah @jasondenners @janlikestosleep @romanempressfics @icameas-roman @secret-life-of-a-defenseman @christophermcgeownwriting @havesomemercy @typhonicbunny @nerdingrandomly @fallenfromfirmament @demdimpleskhudobin @plussizepepsimodel @withloveandbakersjoy @punch-the-future @well-you-were-mythtaken @thisacelovesheadcanons @ihockeyprincesslove
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