#you'd have to be a seperatist at that point
stargirl-writes · 11 months
[chapter two] the secret history of anakin skywalker
the arrangement
pairing : assasin! reader x anakin skywalker
word count : 2.8k
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you have only known one truth about this war, the republic and the seperatists are two sides of the same coin. but now, your master count dooku has disposed of you after your consequent failures. his betrayal fueled your thirst for revenge. and in the cruel twist of fate, you have found yourself with an arrangement with the enemy. general anakin skywalker is willing to do what it takes for the republic to win, even if it meant dealing with you, his nemesis.
chapter summary
after your old master has betrayed you, you were captured by the jedi general skywalker. stricken by the grief, you resigned to your faith.
on the way back to coruscant to face republic jurisdiction, a sniper has fired in open space. taking general obi-wan kenobi down.
in a fit of anger, anakin skywalker accuses you. but you have already made up your mind in taking revenge on your old master. and even though you are terrified, you struck up an arrangement to aid anakin's mission to find obi-wan kenobi's true killer.
warnings : involves spoilers for star war's 'the clone wars' season 4, episode 15. violence, mentions of symptoms of ptsd, imprisonment, and betrayal.
notes : honestly did not think so many will like an enemies-to-lovers trope with a.s. so thank you for supporting this little fic of mine !
likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated!
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Anakin Skywalker has taken you.
Even on the way back to Coruscant— He kept glancing back to peek towards the back of his ship, just to check whether he was only making it up. And every time, his gaze meets your hollowed eyes. This... rivalry between the two of you— started along the war. The valiant General, and you, the most prized assassin. You'd always slip out of his grasp— which made him assume that he always won, that arrogant bastard.
Now, he has captured you. And you wished you could wipe that expression of pride painted in his face. It was the bitter reminder of your doom.
You've done everything to keep your fire going.
Be smarter. Be more cunning. Offer yourself at the feet of a Master you didn't even entirely believe in. Give more, more, more... And because you have been so fueled, you have somehow allowed it to burn you too— leaving nothing but ashes of what little of you remains.
Your eyes land on your reflection. Warped, unrecognizable, full of dread. The shackles around your wrist glint— they were designed to restrain you from accessing the Force. A measure Skywalker ensured. You thought, at least he thinks you still have a fight left in you.
Without the Force, you felt your compartmentalized traumas resurface. And you feel yourself sinking into depths you can't reach. It all seemed like a cruel ending. Maybe— at this point, you thought, you deserved it too.
"Alright Snips, You head on to the Temple, I'll have to attend to some things first," You heard Skywalker tell his Padawan.
"Are you sure you don't need my help, Master?"
You peeked through the opening of the back window, the ship landed in Coruscant. 
"Nothing I can't handle"
You could almost make out that stupid grin on the Jedi.
Cocky bastard.
The divider opens, and you decided you were too exhausted to be annoyed. You didn't try to fight when Skywalker's hand clasps on your arm, leading you out.
You step down to the hangar. Your thoughts kept pouring in a wretched excess.
Let it all end.
There must be some mercy left for you—
Maker, make it easy.
Like falling asleep— not like this, a lifetime kept, left in the prisons of my own mind.
Your hands trembled— it felt so cold...
Coruscant had always been warm, you blinked, trying to see clearly through the fog in your mind. The restlesness, the guilt, the betrayal. The shock of it all was only setting now.
"You're late," Obi-Wan Kenobi stood along five clone soldiers by the hangar.
"What could possibly be more urgent than my precious cargo?"
You glared at Skywalker. He huffed a laugh, tilting his chin to look down on you.
You defiantly held his gaze, not giving him the satisfaction of thinking you feel defeated.
"I'll say— I was surprised by your news." Kenobi gets in between, "Hello, there,"
You let out a sigh, pressing your eyes close, not finding the energy to spite back. It'd be pointless anyway.
"Commander Cody will take the Wraith back now, we must head on to the Temple" The older Jedi instructs after noting your silence.
Skywalker's grip on you didn't falter. Kenobi's eyes narrow on his former Padawan's hesitation. "I was planning to take her myself," Skywalker declares, "Besides, she is good at escaping."
Kenobi's eyes remained on his old Padawan. "Come along now, Anakin, we're required, and you're already late as it is."
You saw Skywalker try to challenge his Master's command. If it had been Dooku, he wouldn't even be able to mutter a word again.His eyes land on yours, and you can't make out the expression on his face. "Alright," He recedes.
You felt the wind brush past the spot where Skywalker had let go of you. Maker— it was so cold, you kept your head low, trying to contain the way your lips were quivering.
A blaster shoots off— and you duck. Your eyes scan the direction where it came from.
Behind, beyond sight. You hear Skywalker curse, then another goes off and three lightsabers ignite. Your hand instinctively reaches for yours, but it was bound behind you and you're defenseless. The clone soldiers swarm your vision.
"Any idea where that came from?" You heard Kenobi speak.
Ahsoka Tano points to the direction you were looking at. The sniper fires, the clone in front of you falls. "Flank him to the right, Ahsoka cover the streets," The older Jedi decisively commands.
"Don't keep your eyes off of her!" Skywalker commands as he speeds past the clone in front of you.
The shots halted and all three Jedi were running. With all of them gone— An opportunity presents itself at your feet.
An escape.
'...I recall you seem to excel at' Skywalker's taunts slips in your mind.
There were only four clones left. Even without your saber, you can outmaneuver them— they share... a predictability. You only need a distraction. Your gaze lands on the blaster the clone was holding. You could set one off to fire— You focused on the trigger, centering your mind... just one distraction.
To your dismay, you realize you have forgotten that the cuffs in your hand are preventing you from wielding the force. So, at a loss of options, you headbutt the clone in front, then scrouching down aiming for the other clones' ankles. Two of them fall back, and you leap.
Your body paralyzes. You turn to find the fourth clone with a stun gun pointed at you and your vision gives up on you.
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You jolt awake, heart thudding, beads of sweat forming on your forehead, and your mind fogged.
An escape, almost...
An ache accumulated from the base of your skull, you ran your fingertips over it— trying to soothe the tension and recalling the events that transpired.Right, you were knocked out by a stun.
You surveyed your surroundings, surprised your hands were free, but to your dismay find that force-restraining cuffs were still wrapped around each wrist.
The room was bleak. Four white walls, illuminated by a window that had been too high. A table and a chair towards the far end, a bedside table, and a bed where you were laying.
This isn't a prison, you thought suspiciously. You straightened your back, sprawling your legs out of the bed.
The last you remembered— the three Jedi that have captured you, have sprinted to follow a sniper. A sniper that took down one of the clones, missing you.
Missed. A sniper would not miss unless, unless you weren't the target.
Your mind has somehow considered that maybe that sniper was someone aiming to  give you an allowance. An option to flee. You knew your Master—old master has hired many bounty hunters before.
Perhaps he wanted you to escape...
You blinked— not wanting to think furthermore, because then, you'll hope. He has disposed of you, that remains the only truth that mattered.
From the window, you could tell it was still day. You started at the door— locked, as you anticipated. Then you searched the table, then the underside of the mattress, then finally, the bedside table. You didn't exactly know what you were looking for— any indicator, or any material to defend yourself with.
The person keeping you was thorough. They ensured that your cuffs were impossible to crack, they wanted to make you powerless. So, you kept the thin scrap of metal you found behind the table as a measure— it would not be a good weapon, but you can't entirely let go of your instinct to have something.
Better than having nothing at all.
You sat down the edge of the table in defeat. Perhaps you were in a den of the undergrounds of Coruscant— this cell was too secured to have been just a normal one.
With nothing else to occupy your mind, the earlier thought resurfaced. A rescue...
From ordering your death to wanting to free you. Something is not adding up here. Besides, you knew your Master's extensive moves and countermoves to interpret these events simply.
If he was indeed disposing of you, he'd have done it himself. You think he'd deem you to deserve at least a fight. But he didn't. He must've made you believe he betrayed you to put you exactly where he wanted you to be.
A shudder ran down your spine. Because at the moment, you really had believed he'd gone on to just cut you off. And you still felt bitter that if this was all according to his grand plan, he'd let you stay in the dark. He allowed you to think it was real. Did he not trust you enough?
Must be part of a large scheme... you concluded.
The sound of the door sliding open makes you rise to your feet. Anakin Skywalker steps in your cell.
Your eyes narrow at the revelation. Half-expecting a Republic Officer to be in charge of you.
There was a new sharpness emanating from him, cold, dangerous, even his eyes were dark. You inch backward, slowly, aiming to get near that rod you found earlier without turning your back against him.
Skywalker doesn't speak and your shoulders tense. His glare burns your skin— it doesn't need sensing his Force signature to feel his anger. You didn't blink, bracing yourself, waiting, horrified that you were so defenseless.
"Obi-Wan's dead."
Your breath hitches— Kenobi? Taken down by a sniper? Has that been Dooku's plan along?
"You..." Your thoughts were halted by Skywalker's slurred voice.
"You did this." He accuses.
You try to swallow your fear but your throat closes. You have never seen Skywalker so— dismantled and you've no means to defend yourself when you'll inevitably be subjected to his rage.
"Skywalker," You step back once more. "I didn't do it."
"No... I knew when I caught you that you were up to something. You wouldn't just give yourself in. You... You killed him!" Skywalker's voice was booming with anger.
You didn't hesitate to scrouch down and grab the metal. Skywalker marches forward, your heart skips, what you're holding will not withstand a lightsaber. You scramble backwards, Skywalker ignites his weapon, casting a light of your perceivable future.
"Listen, I didn't kill Kenobi, you were with me the entire time!" You tried to implore some logic onto the jedi.
Skywalker remains unconvinced. Then, the realization hits you, this wasn't a prison— not by the Republic. Anakin Skywalker was the one keeping you, convinced that you were the one to kill his master. If you somehow died here, no one would even know. He'd kept you here to bring justice he thought the Republic would not pass to you.
Skywalker charges, you leap. You stumble backwards, making use of every space you could establish between you and his rage. He presses forward once more and you block his lightsaber. The rod melted in contact, your eyes widened at his strength.
"Skywalker, I didn't kill Kenobi— the reason you even got a hold of me was because Dooku tried to kill me." You struggle to fight off the weight of his saber.
Then, he pauses, the weapon still dangerously close to your neck. You saw his eyes flicker. A hesitation.
You could use that.
"He betrayed me, left me for dead. I don't know who killed Kenobi, but it was not me."
You can't hide the hurt covering your words— for despite it all, your Master has betrayed you.
Skywalker slowly brings his lightsaber down and you finally let go of the breath you didn't know you were holding. You looked down, quickly brushing away the tears that indicated how truly terrified you were.
You force yourself to look at the Jedi once more— half fearing that his anger would resurface.
He was blinded by rage— something you have never seen him display before.
"Dooku has abandoned you?" Skywalker's eyes narrowed suspiciously.
"Yes," You admitted, voice strained and covered with some sort of shame.
Your jaws clenched, eyes flicking up, wondering if her answer could merit a question. "I'm not in prison, aren't I?"
Skywalker's attention had been on your fingers, noticing the way it twitched. You balled it into fists behind you.
Skywalker's lightsaber foils back. "No, you aren't."
A shudder runs down your spine. So, he did intend to keep you here. Has the Jedi been involved with this? They'd never be so vindictive... Perhaps he was doing this entirely on his own. You can't decide which one is worse.
"I did not kill your Master."
In this light— you could see that it wasn't a Jedi that wanted vengeance, he was a boy grieving for his Master. You'd forget how young he was sometimes. He was no older than two years compared to you.
"But I know Dooku would've wanted to. If it had been a sniper, then he'd hire a bounty hunter, he's done it before." You lead on.
"I can help you,"
Skywalker's expression turns that of a mask, fiending his anger into a composed exterior "Why would you think I'd trust you?"
You stood straight, assuming that posture of a fighter, pushing down the fear. "You don't have to"
You threaded carefully on what you knew; he wanted to avenge his master, you can capitalize on that. "You've taken me here because you thought Republic jurisdiction isn't enough to avenge your master"
Skywalker purses his lips, you wait for him to deny his intentions but instead gets met by his hardened gaze.
"You want justice. As do I, it seems we have a common enemy." You declared.
You were standing very close, you could make out the tissues covering the scar on his face.
"And what will you get out of this?" Skywalker considers.
A way back. Something whispers from within.
"My freedom. I want a pardon. When I kill Dooku, I don't want to be part of this war anymore"
Skywalker apprehends you, you wished you could have some access to the Force to read him, but you could only wait...
"No." he shakes his head.
You fought the panic arising from deep within you. For a moment— you doubted yourself. The thought of having rot in Coruscant, an endless agony of being kept, slipping your mind. A moment.
He saw you
And you saw him see you.
"You can't expect me to believe you won't come running back to Dooku when you have the chance,"
His words stung.
Right... that had been your intention, and when he says it like that, it feels foolish. You were like a dog going back to its Master after he kicked it. Even the assumption of a grand plan, of your master wanting to rescue you... was only an assumption. He still left you.
"You haven't been betrayed before," You looked down— your initial hope twisting into something ravenous, a thirst for revenge.
You felt Skywalker's survey you. Like he had been calculating whether it was a risk he'd take. You could only hope his desire for revenge would suffice.
"Your freedom?" He speaks up after a while.
You thought it might have sounded futile— you didn't even consider wanting it until you've faced someone who can hand it to you. You didn't know if there is a life for you outside the war. It seemed as though Anakin Skywalker was buying your excuse, so you'd have to hold on to that.
"I have nothing to go back to." You answered. A truth. Truths have to be sacrificed to convince him of one lie.
Skywalker nods. You saw the faint color of his eyes— you thought, he might try to conceal how he feels but his eyes will always reveal him.
"When all of this is done, no one can know." He names his terms. You nod.
His eyes lingered on yours— you didn't falter.
Outside of what you know of him; you've never really taken notice of how ambiguous his methods are in pursuing his interests. It's quite... appalling. His Jedi Council will never allow it, you wonder how much he has done that he kept from them.
After a while, he straightens his posture— like he was trying to erase the conflict you saw.
"I'll come tomorrow," He says before stepping to the door, disappearing from your sight.
Your mind raced on the things you have somehow agreed to.
In a cruel twist of fate, you have found yourself shaking hands with your enemy.
You have survived, but you have not been spared.
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taglist : @etheriaaly @nyaaaaa008
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© to @cafekitsune for the borders
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