#you'd think someone died today jeez
104thsquadfam · 1 year
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zimithrus1 · 1 year
For the Fanfiction Writing Asks... I'm kind of cheating due to low spoons, sorry:
80: please answer 1 to 5 of the other 79 questions, choosing the ones you'd rather talk about today? 😅
Asks List
Cheat all you need to with low spoons, I've been there am there 💚 But also thank you for the versatility~ This is a little long so I'll add a read more option. Let's see...
7. Post a snippet from a wip With Barnaby’s portions in hand, Kotetsu carefully steps out of the kitchen, walking into the living room with a soft smile on his face. He sets the bowl down against a small coffee table just a few feet away from the couch. (Also bought on one of Kotetsu’s mentions).
“Here you go, baby bunny.” He softly says as he sets the water down next to it.
A flush of red on Barnaby’s face from the extra sweet term of endearment. “Thank you.” He says in despite of that coyness.
“Of course.” Kotetsu smiles. “Here, let me…”
He trails off, but when Barnaby shifts ever so slightly, he’s already on the move to help him reposition himself. With how his partner had his leg clutched, he’s obviously in pain, and moving himself around too much makes it flare up worse. Though with someone to help, it eases the strain. (Coming soon to an ao3 account near you lol! 😂)
13. Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what have you been listening to recently? It varies, but more often than not I've got something playing to keep me from getting too distracted. I tend to put on songs without words, or songs that I've heard over and over and haven't gotten sick of yet. Lately when I've been writing, due to my faltering mentality, I've been listening to this and this to keep me both distracted and focused as possible. 🎧
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles? 95% percent of the time I come up with the tile before I even start writing. It's hard for me to start if I don't have a good title. I can think of an idea, flesh it out in my head, but until I come up with a title it stays there lol! I come up with titles from songs, not-so-common words, or smashing two words or things together. It varies depending on the idea.
34. How much personal/life experience do you include in your fics? A lot. Writing is usually how I process a lot of thoughts and feelings I don't normally allow myself to have or act on. Or its experiences I want to have, or things I was denied when I was younger that I can give myself through words now. Maybe even just to think 'wouldn't it be fucked up if this happened??' and going with it lol 😂
45. What genre/trope do you tend to write the most? My go-to trope is tied between hurt/comfort and fluff and my go-to trope is friends to lovers. Hurt/comfort has always been a good push and pull for me. I love writing how characters would react/act to bad/painful/stressful situations, and when the tension dies down, having something or someone warm, soft and comforting waiting to help pick them back up. And fluff is just, so sweet and fun to write. I've always had a knack for the cute, fun stuff in writing and art. Just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside hearing it. Ties in very well with hurt/comfort too, like an extra layer of glue. 👌 And friends to lovers has always been a thing I've gravitated towards even as a child. Mainly based on my own experiences. When watching movies, reading books and playing games I always thought 'how could someone just fall for someone they don't even know? I wish X went for their best friend, they've known each other for so long! It seems unfair!' (might've been the demi/ace in me too lol 🖤🤍💜) There's a connection between friends, especially friends that grew up together. They've seen the other through every stage of their life, shared secrets and late nights and pinkie promises, adventures and heartaches all the same - I always thought what's more intimate and special for a partner than that? 💗
Long rambles jeeze lol though I do love these little ask games, I get so eager to share 😆 Thank you very much for the ask, and sorry it took a little while to get to - I apparently had a lot I wanted to blab about 😂 Take care~ 💚
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spoontoof · 1 year
june 12th, 2023 6:34pm
a proud proudly presents
hi, sorry for being gone for three days. from this wednesday-next friday is finals week, and i haven't had enough time to write excessively long blog posts like this, as opposed to short little thoughts on my twitter. tho don't fret, i only have big scary tests for three days out of the 8 consecutive days of spooky tests. augh!
for the last few days, i've been obsessed with lemon demon's song "eighth wonder". originally released in 2009 as both a music video on neil's channel, and as one of the two only original songs on the compilation album "almanac 2009", eighth wonder was re-released in 2016 on lemon demon's latest album, "spirit phone". the song contains a series of quotes from the alleged paranormal event that occurred on the irving farm during the 1930s. supposedly, the farm was haunted by a talking mongoose named gef (pronounced "jeff") and he haunted the house for about 10 years before the irvings fucked off to another part of britain. the new owner of the farm allegedly killed gef by shooting him to death, tho when the irvings heard about this, they stated that the owner "killed the wrong mongoose" and that gef was immortal. then, over the years, the whole event was theorized to be a hoax, and i for one, believe that it was a hoax, and so does neil. for starters, neil says in his commentary for spirit phone that:
"it's the kind of story that a little kid would tell, not understanding that it's not a believable lie. but it's told in a believable way. so it has the effect of not just challenging what you think the rules of the universe are, but challenging that there are any rules, so letting yourself get drawn into the story is in a way creepier than a story that is quote unquote 'plausible'."
being someone who believes in the paranormal, this story is bullshit. cuz ghosts don't come back as mongooses (jeez, i always thought that mongoose plural was mongeese!) and when a mongoose dies, and becomes a ghost, it doesn't talk. cuz it's a mongoose. and i guess it could've been a demon, cuz demons can transform into animals such as mongooses, but if it were a talking mongoose demon, than it would either mostly stay quiet and do scary shit around the farm, or just straight up say scary shit! and gef's personality is described as being very goofy, and neil says, "this story stuck out to me because he's so childish, and quotable, and talkative for a ghost. he's cracking jokes, and he's insulting people and making outlandish claims, but he's totally hidden, an nobody can really see him." and, overall, it just seems like one of those totally fake creepypastas you'd read on the internet between 2013-2019. and the song is just basically about the life of gef, living in the walls, and how he's a freak of nature. gef reportedly said, "i am a freak. i have hands and i have feet and if you saw me you'd faint, you'd be petrified, mummified, turned into stone or a pillar of salt!" overall, i think that the story is fake, but yet, very interesting.
sometimes when i scroll through twitter, i see some of my mutuals saying, "oh, there's a [INSERT FUCKED UP ZOOPHILE/WHATEVER IS CONSIDERED FUCKED UP ON THE INTERNET TODAY] on my tl." and no, don't misinterpret what i said, and think that i support zoophiles. they're disgusting. what i'm satirizing is that the internet keeps on coming up with fetishes of the most fucked up shit that i think whenever i read them, "why would a human ever be thinking of this!? these kids need to go outside and touch some grass!!!"
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petitemingi · 4 years
─ ੈ༊ your customer is: yunho
vanilla bean latte
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The smell of the double chocolate chip cookies you'd just pulled out of the oven wafted through the kitchen of Sunrise Cafe.
The customers in the seated areas, spoke softly to one another: some laughing, most sipping away at their evening macchiatos and lattes
All seemed peaceful...
until seonghwa came storming into the kitchen
"___" his voice sounded stern and looking at him, he seemed annoyed, and almost offended
"what is it, hwa? frappe machine broken again?"
"no. remember that construction up the road?"
ah, now would be a great time to explain this.
over the past few weeks, construction had started but a few buildings away
there had been plenty of rumours speculating what it could be; a restaurant, a charity shop, maybe a take away joint
but judging from Seonghwa's expression, it wasn't any of those
"it's another god damn cafe! I can't believe someone would authorise that! is our sign not big enough??"
"oh my god, we could lose customers! When's it opening??"
you'd throw off your apron, leaving it in a heap on the floor of the kitchen, rushing towards the entrance door
and there it was, just down the road, a newly build building, no smaller than Sunrise Cafe, stood gleaming in the summer sunset.
"you've got to be kidding me"
soon caught up by Seonghwa, the two of you stand glaring at the building - it was much more modern than your cafe
the windows seemed larger, there was even a second floor!
"we're gonna be bankrupt by Christmas"
"nah, not Christma, hwa..."
the two of you look at each other
a sign was hung pristine over the front of the cafe, it read "Crescent Cafe" in a swirly font with colourful lights outlining the words
Seonghwa slouched his shoulders - the thought of it even taking his customers drained the energy from him
"well," you begin "who says this cafe won't be absolute crap? maybe they'll drive away more customers than they gain?"
"y'know if we lose customers, the cost for our cafe comes outta your wages?"
"we need to investigate... when did you say it opens?"
the both of you trail back to Sunrise, your shoulders slouched, head bowed and spirits low
being the only cafe in the area had made really good business; you'd had so many fun and unique customers, and everyone loved the atmosphere your cafe had
during the day, the cafe was at it busiest, so income was at it's highest, and produce was sold out quickest
having a rival cafe would take a lot of that away
pastries would go to waste, not to mention all the coffee that'd be left over
after Seonghwa had told the rest of the staff about the new cafe, everyone seemed to look a li'l depressed
you all worked hard to build up such a nice li'l cafe, and a great team - what if the new cafe tried to hire them??
what if the customers gave up on Sunrise Cafe?
what if everyone's thoughts on Sunrise were changed? buisness could plummet!
that's when the little bell over the door jingled quietly
the muttering exchanged between staff came to a stop as you walked towards the till
"hi there, welcome to sunrise cafe, what can I get you?"
looking up at the customer came as a shock to you, he was so tall!
his hair was a golden brown, covering the top of his eyes slightly
he wore a trench coat of a lighter colour with the colar popped slightly to keep himself warm, and his eyes seemed to match
"um... actually... I'm from the cafe over there, uh, Crescent Cafe... i-"
"then do us all a favour and get out-" Seonghwa hung his apron on his peg, folding his arms and walking into the staff room behind the counter
he still wasn't too happy about that cafe - it'd shaken him quite a bit
"s-sorry about him, he's just a little, how should I put this? upset? about y'know"
"me opening a cafe right next to yours? ah jeez, I'm sorry"
the Crescent Cafe owener folded his arms, an apologetic smile creeping onto his face
"if it's okay though, do you have any sugar I might be able to borrow for Monday? I don't know where to get a bag"
"oh, sure, I guess just don't tell Seonghwa - he'll throw a fit"
"I'm guessing that's the guy who just left?"
the owner laughed, shaking his head "but while I'm here, would it be okay if I got a vanilla bean latte? I... haven't actually tried one before"
"oh? well lemme tell you you're missing out" you'd reach behind you, grabbing a large mug, walking over to the latte machine.
it wouldn't take too long to make, just a few minutes
but in that time, the customer would've already sat down at a table, admiring the decorations of the cafe around him, probably mentally noting things down to use in his own cafe
placing the mug in front of him, the customer invited you to sit with him
"I actually have a few questions, y'know, about running a cafe of my own... i just figured that Seonghwa guy wouldn't wanna talk to me about it"
"sure, that's okay, I can answer a few questions for you... so long as they aren't about hiring me or the rest of my team"
he laughed, picking up the mug and taking a sip, a warm hum sounding out as he did so
"my name's Yunho, by the way" he seemed quite shy introducing himself, looking to his left towards the counter and taking another sip of his latte
you'd nod, smiling to yourself at his timidness
"well, if we're doing that, my name's _____"
yunho looked surprised when you announced your name, probably because he hadn't expected you to reply - after all, everyone else behind the counter seemed pretty sour towards him.
the two of you spoke for a few minutes about the misunderstanding of yunho's new cafe being right next to yours, different coffee recipes and menus
before long, 10pm came, and the atmosphere from earlier died down.
Yunho had made a list on his phone, compiled of useful tips and some pretty cool coffee recipies- all things he couldn't wait to try himself.
but with the time, Yunho found himself needing to leave.
"hey, ____" he'd start "w-would it be a problem if I asked you to help me out on Monday? j-just for an hour or two in the morning!"
you'd look behind you at Seonghwa, who had (and for quite a while now) been glaring at Yunho over the till.
facing Yunho again though, came the real challenge
"are you gonna pay me?"
"y-yeah, I can pay you"
he shrugged his shoulders slightly
"it's just that I haven't been able to hire anyone yet..."
you frowned at him, a scowl forming from the unsure smile you'd shown but seconds before
"you haven't hired staff yet? and you're opening doors in two days?"
"o-oh yeah I wasn't really-"
"what kind of crap is that?"
"____" Seonghwa's voice called from behind you, almost cold eyes meeting your own. he seemed to have emerged from the staff room "come here"
with that scowl now morphing into a frown, you'd make your way over to him, arms crossed and head looking at the floor in disgust
"hwa, he doesn't-"
"help him"
"help him" Seonghwa shrugged his shoulders, a slight smile creeping onto his face
you'd turn back to Yunho, watching him sip his coffee as he tried to avoid any direct eye contact.
"f i n e" you'd say "but I'm getting paid extra next week"
"or you could get on with it and you can leave an hour early on Tuesday?"
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Monday came, and your shift began at 10am, by which time a small line of curious people had formed.
walking inside you were greeted by Yunho, taken a back by the modern decoration of the cafe
the walls were brick, no wallpaper or paint hiding them away
and there was a huge mirror hung on the wall besides the counter
the aprons here were blue, not a warm maroon like the one you wore over at Sunrise, but the menu boards were pretty much the same
an array of drinks were displayed there; iced lattes, cappuccinos, hot chocolates, mochas
but the one that stood out was written in bright blue chalk
'today's special: Sunrise Vanilla Bean Latte'
that made you smile a little
"so, what do you want me to do?"
Yunho put his hand to his chin in thought, tapping lightly before mumbling something
"oh uh I... just do what you do over at Sunrise--"
for the rest of your 4 hour shift at Crescent Cafe that day, you helped plenty!
iced lattes and cappuccinos were the first to sell out, and the sitting areas were filled within 15 minutes
Crescent Cafe had become quite popular, as it would seem
Yunho could see the look of sadness creep onto your face
Sunrise had never been like this
you'd never sold out, or been filled up as dramatically as this
Seonghwa was right, sunrise would most likely go bankrupt by Christmas.
who'd want to go to your cafe when one like this existed
"hey, ____" Yunho called out to you from the other side of the counter "come here"
but seeing you refuse and continuing to serve customers at the till, he walked over himself, standing beside you
"___, I think I should talk to your Seonghwa about something"
"about what?"
"just... something"
so Yunho took off his apron, folded it neatly and placed it on a shelf under the counter and walked down the street to Sunrise Cafe
going inside, everything seemed unusually empty
whereas before, it would've been bustling with customers
Yunho was met with that familiarly cold stare, greeted with an equally icy tone
"you're back" Seonghwa stood at the counter, arms folded across his chest, eyebrows formed to scowl
"y-yeah, listen" Yunho began, his courage now a memory "i wanted to talk to you about the cafe"
"the cafe?" Seonghwa repeated "what about my cafe?"
"not your cafe, my cafe" Yunho mumbled just loud enough for Seonghwa to hear
"go on then"
the two of them sat at an empty table by the counter, with Yunho crossing his legs nervously
"i want to make an agreement" Yunho said "I want to make an agreement about opening times"
"so that you get your customers and I get mine" Yunho continued "what do you say to me opening over the weekend aaaaand Mondays?"
a patial silence flooded the room, only the occasional clink of mugs from behind the counter could be heard
Seonghwa looked to his right in thought, would this really be any help to either of their cafes? what'd happen in say a few years time, when neither of their cafes drew in customers? would it still be okay then?
a sigh escaped his lips
"Yunho," he'd begin "if it werent for your cafe, I'd have let you work here with us, ___ could use the help but..."
he folded his arms again, head shaking slightly
"but you seem to be kinda happy with your own cafe. you shouldn't let something like another cafe down the road get in the way of your own achievements. you don't have to make an agreement, just do what you want"
a small smile lifted the corners of Seonghwa's lips as he stood up, placing a hand on yunho's shoulder
"i'll let you decide, Yunho"
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closing time over at Crescent Cafe couldn't have come sooner - your arms hurt, your feet felt numb and you had pins and needles in your left leg
yunho leaned against the wall just behind the counter, quietly observing you as you waved goodbye to the last few customers to leave before letting out a light chuckle at your pained state
"tired, ___?"
"i swear to god i'd better be getting double what i get at Sunrise, that was brutal! you seriously need more staff"
yunho smiled softly. you took off your apron and hung it on a peg on the wall by yunho, before letting out a large sigh and pushing your hair back out of your face
"i spoke to seonghwa"
your ears pricked up at the mention of seonghwa - you hadn't really seen him since saturday
"and i've come to the decision that i'll open monday, thursday and on weekends - i think it's only fair considering how your cafe was here before mine and it's apparently the best cafe in the area sooo"
yunho's hand hovered over the back of his neck, a nervous laugh escaping his lips at what he had to say
you were more than happy to hear that - no shade on Crescent Cafe of course - but the feeling of guilt still lingered
"well..." you began "i guess i'll head back to start what's left if my shift over there... lemme know if you need anything"
and within minutes you'd grabbed your coat and had headed inside Sunrise cafe to continue your shift, noticeably happier there.
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"___! just dropping in cuz i ran outta sugar again... have any i could borrow?"
"god, order your own sugar! this is the third time this month - it's under the counter"
business at both cafes continued to blossom
Crescent Cafe's hours suited the staff, and it worked flexibly around the booming popularity of Sunrise Cafe - closing at 10pm every night it was open.
"thanks, ___! see you later ~"
seonghwa and yunho seemed to be getting on better too
maybe it was just another one of those peculiar experiences passing by at Sunrise Cafe ~
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Weekend Fun
Clare: smiled at Dakota and then glanced at Stacy when she spoke. She nodded. "Okay. That makes sense, I just think I'm the one who is getting to better end of the bargain." She didn't elaborate because Dakota already knew how miserable things were at home right now and she was trying to keep Stacey out of it. "It will be. There's no point in rocking the boat until it becomes necessary." She didn't know when that was going to be. Once she turned 18, her parents wouldn't be able to use the whole Dakota having custody of a child thing to keep them apart because Dakota would no longer be a minor either and they'd no longer have a stay so in who she dated anyway. Clare knew she couldn't wait that long to tell them though. She would only be turning 16 this year. "Dad won't be home." She promised. If she had to she could tell her parents an abridged version of why Josephine couldn't come over when he was there but it probably wouldn't be necessary to complicate things further. Clare smiled at Stacy and Dakota, and nodded in agreement. Then she looked at Dakota's mom curiously when she said she was going to adopt Josephine. From what his mom was saying it might be what was best for Josephine but who knew how Josephine really felt. Family matters were complicated. If Dakota considered Josephine his sister and his mom agreed, it changed things in her mind though. Her parents couldn't dispute whatever 'story' Clare told them. Adoption was actually something her parents advocated for and respected so Clare didn't forsee them asking nosey questions about that if it were true. Not that she should be thinking about herself right now. Josephine needed out of a bad situation. Clare shrugged to say that was fine when Dakota said she'd be sleeping in his room whenever she slept over. She doubted Dakota was ready for a physical relationship after everything she'd learned about him today and he knew she wasn't. It might be uncomfortable sharing a bed but they'd get used to it. Plus she wouldn't be staying the night often. At first she was confused when they started talking about a grandmother. She didn't know their grandmother lived with them. She got why having her there full time might not be great, Clare couldn't handle more than a few weeks at a time with her grandma. Then Clare got it, their grandmother died and they thought the room was haunted. Clare couldn't help laughing. "No, I don't need to be brave and go in there. I've seen Poltergeist a dozen times so the TV cutting on by itself is kind of creepy..." She playfully poked Dakota's shoulder. "How am I supposed to impress your grandmother if I sleep in your room though, she might come in there and throw a shoe at me." Her eyes widened when Emi talked about the deceased old lady giving her candy. If she wasn't actually haunting her own room she'd obviously left a lasting impression since her family was taking good care of the room and everything in it. Clare smiled sheepishly. "Right of course not, I should've thought of that. How do tourists find their way around? We might have a really hard time even with Emi's help and a Japanese dictionary app. Of course we should be able to use our phones to get directions in English. Hopefully." She looked at the paper. Clare knew the Japanese used symbols instead of words in their language. But she certainly hadn't known what it was called or how the symbols looked. "This is really cool Emi. I've never seen anything like it." Clare told her. "How does learning sounds work? Still, it was very clever of you to figure out how many strokes you needed. You're good at drawing." Clare didn't think she would be able to learn much Kanji. French was hard enough to learn and they had the same alphabet. "I believe it, I knew the languages they use in places like Japan and China was more complex than ours and the hardest to learn but jeeze." She exclaimed to Dakota. "I don't know how I feel about octopus. Have you tried it Emi? I might like it better than I would Sushi. I hate fish so raw fish doesn't really sound appetizing to me." She admitted. "Besides if it's grilled I know they at least took the eyes out. I'm not sure about the tentacles though. Food aside, it sounds like so much fun!" She grinned. "Good idea, I bet there's a lot more to do and I wanna dance with you." Clare said shyly. If she was going to have on pretty robes they shouldn't go to waste. "I can't wait. I hope I don't embarrass you too much, Emi, because I'm going to be taking lots of photos." She chuckled. "Okay fair point. What was Time Square like, were they filming anything? But the toy stores always looked really cool on Home Alone 2, were they like that?" No wonder he got lost. "I don't need pom-poms just clapping. Aww a banner would be nice, no one's ever done that for me before." Clare beamed at him. She was lucky to have a thoughtful boyfriend. "Do you like robots?" She asked Emi hopefully. Clare returned the chaste kiss before raising an eyebrow at Dakota. "But we weren't even dating until today, someone must've been pretty confident I would say yes." She teased him. Clare kissed him again. She hadn't even known he liked her and would never have dreamed of going on a date with him. Clare followed Dakota when he carried Emi out to the car. "Of course." She said quietly. "I know where the kitchen is now so I'll put them in the icebox." Clare buckled her seat belt and reached for Dakota's hand.
Kota: nodded at Clare's words as she spoke about Jos and her parents. "She won't throw a shoe at you. She's only ever hit Bren alive and dead." Dom stated. "Let's not talk about Bren until he passes." his mom said and they nodded. "You don't really need to make an impression on her. She doesn't leave her room. Never has, so if you don't go in there, you're fine." Kota stated honestly. "I never met her and I don't plan to. I also stay in Dallas' room a lot." Stacy assured. "Plus part of Grandma's always with us." Dom said honestly. "Not really, that part of her is always in my closet. Like I want Grandma with me when I use the bathroom." Kota stated. "Part of her is in my purse." Kelly shrugged. "Am I the only one that keeps part of her with me?" Ash asked and Kota looked around. "Apparently." Dom answered. Kota listened as Clare asked Emi questions and wondered if she could answer them, though he knew if she couldn't he would. "Um..." Emi trailed off looking for words. "You know how you learn the ABC's then the sounds the letter's make?" Emi asked. "We do something like that. We learn our alphabet and the sounds they make. The symbols change when you form words just like the sounds of the letters in the ABC's change." she tried explaining and wrote " す し" on a paper and showed it to Clare. "That's the sound for Sushi. The first symbol makes the shu sound." she said and took the paper back only to write "寿司" on a paper, then showed Clare again. "And that's sushi when it's written out. I memorized the symbols off a restaurant that way I'd know momma was getting sushi for dinner." she explained. "The sounds are easier and we learn them first. We don't fully learn how to write until we finish middle school since there are over a thousand symbols that take so long to learn." she huffed the last part and thanked Clare about her drawing. Hearing her ask if she had octopus she nodded. "I only had it fried. I watched someone try to eat it still living and it looked dangerous, they couldn't get the octopus out of their mouth." she explained. "I won't eat it at restaurants because they serve them whole and they dance when you put soy sauce on it. Momma got mad because I liked to make them dance so much and wouldn't eat them." she shrugged. "As for sushi, you need to try a California roll, no fish." Kota said looking at Clare. "It's rice, seaweed, fake crab, and avocado." he added and looked at Emi. "Everyone already takes a lot of photos so it's not embarrassing." she smiled at Clare. "Yea, they were just like they were on Home Alone 2, they weren't filming when I was there though." he explained. "Everything is huge in Time Square including the pizza." he added. "I haven't seen a robot. They were only in Tokyo." She stated honestly as she ate her food. "I was hoping you'd say yes." Kota smiled into the kiss. Once Emi was buckled in, Kota held Clare's hand the entire ride home. As soon as they got home, Kota smiled and unbuckled Emi and watched everyone get out of the van. "Um, can I carry Emi?" Stacy asked catching Kota off guard and to look at her. "The light in the house is on. I really don't want to deal with Bren." Stacy whined a bit causing Kota to get out of the car and look at Dallas when he stepped by them. "Is Bren home?" he asked curiously. "No, mom's inside and there's no yelling." Dallas assured causing him to sigh in relief. "Thank goodness he's not coming home." he said honestly. "I agree." Stacy sighed in relief as well as Kota lead Clare inside. He could immediately hear his mom fiddling with stuff in the kitchen and walked there holding Emi and Clare's hand still. "Bren got expelled." his mom said honestly. "I'm putting him in public school with Ash." She added and Kota looked behind him to see Ash. "I want videos. Lots of videos." he stated. "Anyway they didn't say when they're sending Bren home. Clare, if you're here feel free to hit Bren as much as you want want." His mom stated as she started to bake. "He was switched at birth." Kota stated. "Sadly he wasn't, I did a DNA test the moment you boys came up with that theory. Mom and I started to believe he really was switched at birth." Kelly said and Kota shifted Emi a bit. "I'll take her, thinking about Bren coming home is blowing my mood. Cuddling with Emi tonight will take my mind off it, just get me her pajamas." Kelly said to Kota and he let go of Clare's hand to get Emi's pajamas for his sister. Once he got back he handed Kelly the pajamas and took Clare's hand. "I'm done with worrying about Bren coming home. We have one day of peace left and I plan on spending it with Clare and Emi. I'll worry about what to do with him after he comes home." Kota stated and started to walk to his room with Clare, picking up the bag for her as they walked. Once they got to his room, he shut the door behind them and took off his slippers, then his shirt. "The bathroom's right here." he said opening a door that has a sign that has Japanese writing on it. "The sign says bathroom since Emi mistook the closet next to it for the bathroom since the doors are the same." he said honestly as he stepped inside and took out a small box. "There are tooth brushes in here, take your pick, we don't have pink though." he said knowing there were all the other colors but pink and a lot of styles and brands. "I'll be out here when you're done." he said and shut the door behind him as he left. While he was waiting for Clare to finish, he changed into his pajama bottoms and got a blanket for Clare, then laid on his bed and covered up in his black blanket.
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