#you're not safe until it's cut again X3
nemesisvortex · 1 year
new favorite thing unlocked
Male Character going Beast Mode/Losing Control and his hair becomes very long to reflect this, bonus his magic also appears as marks crawling up his body.
Ex. Tomoe from Kamisama Kiss and Ignis von Fatuus from Caught by The Villain
bonus bonus they go a wee bit feral because of their powers being unleashed, great stuff
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no-m4gic · 2 years
Wow yandere sure are cool
can I request the yandere alphabet for Mukuro Ikusaba?
quick a/n ;; i'm probably not going to be active for the next 3 or 4 days... so requests will be closed... at least until i clear my inbox (which will take awhile)
i had shit loads of fun writing for izuru (even though yandere izuru is so fuckin' tough to write for)
hopefully i have as much fun with mukuro as i did with izuru
also i disagree yandere are scary as especially men yandere
this is a GN S/O btw!
rushed this, remade it, rushed it again. imagination juices running out. for some reason i have motivation to write when i'm about to go to sleep... ah fuck.
thanks for requesting!
prompt ;; yandere alphabet
prompt list ;; here x3
warnings ;; mentions of stockholm syndrome, murder, cutting off s/o's uuh hand
creds ;; i got help from mod willow for C,T, W and Z! we have a shared blog you can find here. thanks willlow <33
~ mod sitaya
Mukuro Yandere Alphabet
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i don't have a header for mukuro yet... 😭
A - Affection - How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
mukuro could and will definitely get pretty intense with her physical affection. she just wants to show you she loves you for real... so why do you keep pushing her and her efforts away?
B - Blood - How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
very veeryyy messy. mukuro would do anything to keep you safe and hers. anybody unfortunate to be considered a rival would be eliminated the first day the talk to you. "s/o, they were useless, don't cry over spilled milk,".
★ C - Cruelty - How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
when you first wake up tied to the bed, mukuro wouldn't walk in and personally explain it to your face. instead, you'll find a piece of paper with everything scribbled onto it. and the first few weeks ikusaba would try to make everything more... comfortable, and enjoyable for you. however, once it's been awhile with her, she'll start to be more strict. she'll only mock you if you make an attempt to escape, but other than that she won't say anything negative about you.
D - Darling - Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
no, unless once you've developed stockholm and consent to anything else, mukuro's keeping her hands to herself.
E- Earnest, Are they intense?
when you first get abducted, no. she would listen to your every command, leaving you alone whenever you requested and answer almost all your questions. but if you ever attempted to escape, she would get more strict and intense. never keeping her eyes off you for even a second (even when you're sleeping), almost always having some sort of physical contact and so on.
F- Fight - How would they feel if their darling fought back?
most of the time she finds it cute. "aww, is s/o trying to tire themselves out?". this would also be a time when she would mock you, intentionally or unintentionally.
G- Game - Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
yes and no. she loves seeing you think she wasn't watching and explore the house, attempting to pick locks or open windows. her real goal is really to just have a life with you. in her eyes kidnapping you was taking you with her to start a brand new, fresh life, bringing nothing from her past but you.
H- Hell - What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
during a punishment. specifically one after you tried to escape. "i'm sorry s/o you made me do this, i can't have you running away and leaving me," mukuro would calmly say before the cleaver she clenched in her hand came rushing down. you squeezed your eyes shut, tears still streaming down her face as you felt warm blood splatter everywhere. and worse of all, it was yours.
I- Ideals - What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
like in letter G, all mukuro wants to do is start a fresh new life with you with nothing in her or your way. she doesn't understand why you still resist and want to leave. sometimes she'd even consider reaching out to junko for advice.
J- Jet - How fast would it happen for them to go yandere?
pretty darn quickly. you were the only person who hadn't treated her indifferently or like a servant. how could she not fall for you? you were so innocent, and all you wanted to do was befriend her and give her hope and light.
K- Kisses - How do they act around or with their darling?
something like how she acts around junko. whenever you tried to hit her or fought back, she'd just say "oh s/o is trying to kill me with their bare hands... how much i would enjoy that despair..." or mock you. she'll also listen to everything you say, but not believe every lie you make. if you were hungry, she'd get you your favorite food(s), if you were tired, she'd bring in a white noise machine, lower the temperature of the room and tuck you into bed before leaving you be.
L-Lonely - How much loneliness would they feel if you two were apart?
she wouldn't be apart from you. if you two were required to be apart, she'd refuse, and probably lie about being your guardian or something, just so she could stand by your side and hold your hand. what if somebody hit on you? she couldn't do anything to protect you if you two were apart!
M- Might - How aggressive would they be towards you?
not aggressive at all in general. in fact she'd be pretty submissive. however she wouldn't always do your exact request, just to show you can't take advantage of her.
N- Naughty - How would they punish their darling?
the severity of the punishment depends on what you did. the worse being attempting to escape, of course. if it was something minor like you ignoring her, she'll lock you up in a dark room for an hour or less before letting you out. the worse for when you attempted to escape, you can find at the letter H.
O- Oppression - How many rights would they take away from their darling?
only the necessary ones... such as you never having privacy and never being able to leave the house unless she trusts you to the max. you'll start off with barely any rights, so you'll have to earn them as time passes.
R- Rain - Would they keep you trapped inside forever?
not forever, just most of the time, especially your first months alone with her. once you start behaving, whether you've developed stockholm or you're just pretending, there would be those rare days where she'd drive you around the city and even get you something from a store, with you still in the car obviously.
S- Stalker - Would they stalk you? How intense would it go?
before she abducted you, pretty intense. she needs to make sure her dear s/o is safe and not in need of rescuing!
★ T- Tears - How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
she feels like absolute shit, especially with the knowledge that the reason you're doing it was because of her. during one of these periods, she'd go easy easy on you. heck she'll even let you roam around the house freely for that day and leave you alone, give you privacy and all that good stuff.
U- Unique - Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
she'd sometimes give you false hope, saying someday she'll allow you to wander freely outside for a specific amount of time, with many rules, of course.
V- Vice - What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
you could pretend to develop stockholm syndrome, day by day. she'd be very gullible around her darling, believing mostly everything they say. once you've proven yourself, mukuro will allow you some outside time. the first time, you'll still be under a strict eye. however, as time passes, eventually, you'll be alone outside, and hopefully during your treacherous, you've formed a plan, since mukuro's not letting go ever.
★ W-Wild Card - a random yandere headcanon.
usually after a punishment, mukuro would kiss your wounds after that before rubbing cleaning alcohol onto it and bandaging it. not only that, whenever you screamed at her to leave you alone, she'll actually leave you alone for an hour or less. still watching you from a distance, of course.
★ Z - Zenith - Would they ever break their darling?
never. if you ever do lose your sanity, it would most likely be during a punishment or one of those periods where she neglects you. and once you do, she'll do anything and everything to get you back to normal. she would even drive you around in her car, with the doors and windows locked, of course. sometimes though, she'll give you false hope by saying "oh s/o, you've been so good lately, perhaps i'll let you see your family again someday," it makes her feel euphoric whenever she saw your face light up and whenever you'd ask her when "someday" was.
hi! i'm back, this request was almost done, so i quickly wrapped it up in a library during my break. hope it isn't too obviously rushed and bad!
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allmightluver · 3 years
So, what is your take on the EM relationship? Who was the one to fall first and confess? Please support your speculations/opinions with canonical evident, if you'd like 😏 (BECAUSE YOU'RE SO DAMN GOOD AT IT ❤️) Thank you for your time 🙏
Oh goodness
You really want me to go all out huh Kunshi 😏
Well, I’ll try to summarize this as best I can ***(This may have some spoilers so be warned)**
The relationship between All Might and Eraserhead has been quite the journey. You can say, frenemies to “hey you’re not so bad”. They’ve known of each other for years, before the present timeline. Here in Vigilante’s, Eraserhead tells Tsukauchi that the situation they’re in is so dire, they need the Number 1. Aizawa acknowledges how powerful All Might is, despite disapproving of how handles media and fame.
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But they didn’t really know each other until All Might started at UA. 
Aizawa believed Yagi to be reckless, irresponsible, and foolish in taking a job he has no training for. Not to mention the obvious favoritism. Yagi believed Aizawa to be too harsh and cold hearted on the children. Though as the two got to know each other, and went through traumatic events together (USJ and Kamino), they started to warm up more to each other, actually taking the time to get to know one another. 
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All Might rushes to an injured Aizawa’s side, and the sight of how broken, bloodied and damaged his co-worker is visibly upsets him. The way Toshinori’s voice softens as he apologizes to Aizawa, unclear if it’s out loud or in his mind. Toshinori probably feels terrible whenever anyone’s been injured, but he seems particularly held up over Aizawa, most likely because he himself couldn’t be there when it happened. He was of being a hero all morning, and wasted all his time in his muscle form, so he wasn’t there with them like he should have been. Which meant Aizawa and (Thirteen) had to fight to protect the students, even if they were clearly unmatched. They were both badly injured in the process, all because Toshinori wasn’t there.
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Then after the fight, Toshinori cuts his friend, Tsukauchi, off and asks how Aizawa, wait, Eraserhead, is doing. Oh and Thirteen too. He was relieved to find he they were alright.
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When Kamino hit we see how intently Aizawa watches the news, watches All Might, watches Toshinori. He was clearly concerned, and in seeing AFO summon his many quirks in order to eliminate All Might once and for all, Aizawa’s concern only grows. And for good reason.
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As an after effect, the students needed to move into dorms. Aizawa and Toshinori are paired together to speak to 1A’s students. It’s in the car that Aizawa, awkwardly, offers to buy Toshinori a drink. To which Toshinori politely declines, as he can’t drink. (*face palm*) 
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However, after dealing with Bakugo’s...different family, Toshinori nudges Aizawa with an elbow his injured arm no less, and whispers that he now owes Aizawa a drink. 
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Dunno about you, but I’d have to be pretty comfortable with someone before I’m close enough to nudge them and whisper secrets. And Toshinori is always seeking to know Aizawa better, be closer, impress him.
They even go out on a date to get a drink together.  Toshinori’s inner dialogue is the most interesting, from “I’m going to be even better friends with Aizawa-kun...!” to “All Might, you just gotta push past the walls of Aizawa-kun’s heart!” ...uh huh. To which Mic and Midnight totally crash their “Secret Dinner Outing” and invite themselves to stay, much to Toshinori’s (”Or on second thought...probably not then.”) and Aizawa’s despair (”Go home!” x3). Get outta here, you’re ruining our date!  And after Toshinori takes his leave, Aizawa chases him down outside to say....? “Thank you very much. I’m drunk right now so I probably wouldn’t say this if I wasn’t. But because you fought at Kamino and took down AFO for us, I’ll do my part and look after the students as much as I can. That’s why I want to thank you for everything.” To which after a silence, Toshinori responds with, “Aizawa-kun, let’s watch over the students from here on out together.” ...to which Aizawa mentions he won’t remember any of this and to never bring it up ever again.  (*repeat face palm*)
This only proves they’re becoming much, much, closer. They’ve gone beyond plus ultra frenemies and onto true friends. They take each other’s words and thoughts into account in a serious manner, like how Yagi managed to convince Aizawa to let him go to Bakugo and Midoriya when they snuck out, as well as going easy on punishment for them.
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Aizawa’s also shown growing concern for Toshinori after his retirement. Firstly from seeing Toshinori out and about so soon after Kamino while he was still recovering from his injuries. And on the occasion a falling rock nearly connects to Toshinori’s head, you can see how quickly Aizawa reacts. The way you can almost see a flashback of his childhood friend’s unfortunate death running through his head as he tries to save Toshinori from the same fate. Once Midoriya saves Toshinori, Aizawa still reaches out to him, like he’s worried the man may get hurt, break, as he tells him that it’s not safe in this environment, and that Toshinori should leave, go where it’s safe.
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When Aizawa couldn’t attend Bakugo and Todoroki’s extra classes, he asks Toshinori to go in his place, and even makes Present Mic go along as a body guard. He’s clearly concerned for the former hero’s safety and well-being. Toshinori now often fills in for Aizawa if he can’t make it to his own class.
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When Midoriya’s new quirk is discovered, Aizawa takes Toshinori’s anxiety about the situation seriously, and they immediately go to put a stop to the training battle. 
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But once Midoriya’s quirk settles down, Aizawa decides to let this play out, and calms Toshinori, saying he’ll put a stop to it if the situation happens again.
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He later describes Toshinori as a genius, naturally talented, when explaining to Shinsou how he doesn’t expect the kid to be on the same level with the others in the hero course right off the bat. Aizawa has extreme respect for Toshinori.
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The biggest moment between the two is late on a snowy night, when Toshinori sits outside in the cold, alone, contemplating...well, his life honestly. Aizawa find’s him, “there you are,” apparently looking for the taller man. Toshinori at first automatically deflects any questions about himself, and asks about the children. He then offers to help Aizawa with training Eri, in which the underground hero gladly accepts (something that Aizawa would not have done in the past, as he hated even speaking to the older man before). But Aizawa can see through the façade, and asks what’s wrong. Aizawa is one of, if not the only, person Toshinori confides in so deeply.  Horkioshi confirmed recently that of everyone (adults, I assume), pro heroes included, Toshinori is the closest to Aizawa. Toshinori decides he can trust Aizawa with his mental weights. He’s decided to live, but feels useless staying alive, powerless, unable to help anyone, or at least how the children need him to. 
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Aizawa’s initially unnerved at the fact that Toshinori decided to live, as if the contemplation of otherwise was there. But he listens quietly, intently, to what Toshinori says. Finally, he tries to reason with the older man that being a workaholic, and never having time to rest, isn’t good either, points out that after holding up the country for decades, suddenly not having it has left an addiction. Toshinori doesn’t know what to do if he’s not running himself ragged. But also tells him that he is helping the students--by being alive, and by being here for them. There are a lot of people (Aizawa included?) that gain strength, just by Toshinori being there, alive. And he asks him to please keep on living and acting like his normal self. Toshinori’s overcome with emotion at his words.
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For a relationship between the two, I’m sure they both would have had feelings for quite some time before ever admitting to it. Knowing their personalities, Aizawa would feel his feelings were illogical and deceptive. Toshinori is just a tad older than him, has met probably thousands more people than Aizawa ever will, and he was the number one hero. Falling for a guy like that just seemed too predictable and annoying. But Aizawa soon learns the differences between All Might and Toshinori, and while the latter still rubs him the wrong way at times, the tall, willowy man has managed to capture his heart. He feels compelled to care for the other, make sure he’s taking proper care of himself. And yet he tells himself it’s too invasive of the other man’s privacy; none of his business. When Mic and Midnight drag him to the bar and question him why his mood was off, he’d give no answer save for a shrug, and down another beer.
Toshinori would have feelings rather early, but most likely not realize they were more than just finally getting the grouchy Aizawa-kun to tolerate him. As weeks go by, he would catch his heart racing at Aizawa’s presence, blushing when the scruffy man would make tea for him after a coughing fit, and way too elated when Aizawa accepted the invitation for a drink together, alone. One night it would hit him just exactly how he feels for the younger man, and his heart would clench. Surely Aizawa couldn’t feel the same way, especially for a man as old, sickly, and awkward as himself. Even if it were possible, his own death is due to come within the next year, and he couldn’t do that to Aizawa-kun. He’d spend several nights fighting and eventually failing to quietly let his tears fall into the pillow below him as he tries to sleep, alone.
The two would cautiously work together, stepping around their own feelings to keep things normal between them. All the while Aizawa’s brain would fight against his heart, and Toshinori’s chest would tighten until a bloody cough was produced.
Finally, finally, after Mic and Midnight pry it out of Aizawa like a game of Operation, they force him to ask Toshinori out. It takes a week, but Aizawa finally finds the right moment to ask the former hero out for a drink and bar food. Glamorous as always, especially for a first date. But Toshinori gladly accepts, and spends the rest of the day convincing himself it’s just a friendly supper, between friends, not a date.
That night the two have a lovely evening of greasy bar food (which Toshinori politely only orders a small plate of fries, as there’s nothing blander on the menu) and beer (Toshinori also drinks a plain water). Aizawa apologizes for not taking Toshinori’s diet into account when picking where they met, and says he’ll let Toshinori pick the restaurant next time. Toshinori freezes at his wording. Aizawa’s quick to try and resolve, but Toshinori stops him. Asks him what exactly this is. A friendly dinner? Or something more? Aizawa buries into his scarf, and answers with a question in return; what do you want it to be? It’s then Toshinori sets his glass down, takes a moment to breathe, before spilling that he’d hoped it was a date. He’s bright red as he explains how he believes he’s developed...feelings over the months working together. That he wanted to go out again, but that he hadn’t wanted to force his feelings on Aizawa. Who would want someone like him?
These two have so much chemistry. They’ve been through so much together already: disagreements, near deaths, critical injuries, awkward moments of a budding friendship, talking each other off the ledge. In all the ships of the series, EraserMight has one of the most obvious connections and chemistries.
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